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6 Easy Website Design Tips For Lead Generation

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Whether you are considering redesigning your current website or even starting a new one for the first time, website design is crucial in lead

generation. The ability to capture more customers through well thought-out website design means more money in your pocket.

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Check out our compilation of 10 easy website design tips below if generating more business is

a high priority for you

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Now before we start on our website design tips, you will want to make sure your

website follows the four basics:

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1. It is managed by a CMS (content management system). This way making changes to your website is fast and flexible.

And even more important, you this evades having to pay extra money from your pocket for a web designer. Examples

of easy-to-use CMS's are WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla.

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2. It contains frequently updated and fresh content. This is important for many reasons and needs to be followed before moving to website design tips. Here are a couple of those reasons:

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Fresh content means more frequent indexing. The more you update your websites with content, the more

frequently a search engine will visit it. This means more opportunity to achieve higher rankings

More content allows for more keywords. The more content that you post to your website, the more opportunities your site has to contain additional

keywords. This is extremely important for ranking and making your site more visible to potential customers, or


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3. The top of your website has easy-to-use navigation through your website. The value of pleasant user experience is astronomical in generating leads. The more friction you

have for a potential customer, the less likely they will continue on your site or

even make a purchase.

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4. There are social media icons incorporated into your website linking to your social media pages. Not only is this a useful

way of getting your leads to check out your awesome social media pages and feed them more valuable information, it

builds credibility as well. Credibility is crucial in lead generation and important within most website design tips.

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Now that the basics are taken care of, lets move onto the easy website

design tips!

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1. Make a contact number easy to find.We strongly suggest that you include this in the main navigation menu, so it is particularly easy

to find.

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In today’s world where everything is becoming digital, including a contact number seems contradictive, but still shows to be important. It builds customer trust, knowing

that if any problems arise, that they can access you in mere seconds.

This does not actually guarantee that customers will call, but the peace-of-mind knowing that they can reach you

easily makes all the difference in leads.Check out how many times Source Approach naturally

incorporated casual suggestions to call or email.

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2. Incorporate lead-capture forms on every page.

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Without this form, lead generation may not even be possible. Because of its importance in

website design tips, make sure that it is not only on every page, but also the main focus of your

landing page. This is crucial for potential customers to fill out for further marketing, so don’t skimp on this one of the easy website

design tips!

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3. Add photos and testimonials for greater credibility

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There’s a big difference here between testimonials and reviews. Mainly being

that testimonials are hosted on your website, making them a fantastic

marketing tool.

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Don’t you feel more confident buying a new phone case online when there are testimonials

attesting to the cases’ awesome features? You’re not alone, and this is why making them available is crucial to your product or service’s credibility.

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Try to add photos to your testimonials. This makes them more eye-catching

and credible to a lead. It makes words on a page appear more personable

and relatable.

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Do you think that because nobody has publically vouched for your product that you don’t have any

testimonials? Think again. Revert back to any correspondence you have had with previous customers

and pull positive mentions from there.Just be careful not to quote out of context. Stay truthful

throughout this process, and make sure that appropriate permission is given to post them

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What is a trust seal? You’ve most likely run into them on other e-commerce sites. A trust seal is granted to a

website verifying to visitors that it is legitimate.Trust seals establish credibility and reassurance, and a lack

of one can even hinder a customer from continuing through your site. Various studies reveal that the majority

of individuals not only recognize a trust seal, but they understand it as well. This makes them so important to incorporate into your website. And with a quick online

search, they are not hard to acquire either.

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5. Use action verbiage when describing your deal.

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Using good copy is a huge part of our website design tips. And in this case to create lead

generation you want to use action verbs. Using active voice helps customers to visualize

themselves taking action. If customers are taking the actions you persuade them to take, you have

more leads and a higher conversion rate!

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6. Test everything!

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None of the changes that you make to your website are any good unless you test your results! Customer demographics are

vastly differing amongst products and services. There is no cookie cutter website design which appeals to everyone. This is

why knowing your customers and testing what you do is imperative for lead generation! Everything you change or

rearrange must be quantifiable, otherwise you’ll have no idea if those changes are beneficial or killing your conversion rate. So

test, test, test!

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But being easy and fairly quick to incorporate will have a colossal impact on your lead

generation. More leads equals more prospective customers, which equals the potential of more

money in your pocket!

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If this seems to hard or time consuming for you, ask for some help with your website design.

Check out Source Approach, a one-stop-shop for help like this.

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