  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


    Online Dating Magic

    Secrets to Attracting a New Love


    Nadine Brown

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic



    Copyright Info



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    About the Author

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


    Copyright Info

    Copyright 2010, 2011 by Nadine Brown

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof ay not be reprod!"ed or !sed in

    any anner whatsoever witho!t the e#press written perission of the p!blisher e#"ept

    for the !se of brief $!otations in a book review.

    %rinted in the &nited 'tates of Aeri"a

    (irst %rinting, 2010

    'avor the )o!rney **C

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic



    The inforation "ontained in Online Dating Magicand its several "opleentary g!ides, is

    intended to serve as a "oprehensive "olle"tion of tie+tested and proven strategies eant for

    online dating.

    '!aries, strategies, tips and tri"ks are only re"oendations by the a!thor, and reading this

    eBook does not g!arantee that ones res!lts will e#a"tly irror her own res!lts. The a!thor of

    Online Dating Magichas ade all reasonable efforts to provide "!rrent and a""!rate

    inforation for the readers of this eBook. The a!thor will not be held liable for any

    !nintentional errors or oissions that ay be fo!nd.

    The aterial in Online Dating Magicay in"l!de inforation, prod!"ts, or servi"es by third

    parties. Third %arty aterials "oprise of the prod!"ts and opinions e#pressed by their owners.

    As s!"h, the a!thor of this g!ide does not ass!e responsibility or liability for any Third %arty

    -aterial or opinions.

    The p!bli"ation of s!"h Third %arty aterials does not "onstit!te the a!thors g!arantee of any

    inforation, instr!"tion, opinion, prod!"ts or servi"e "ontained within the Third %arty -aterial.

    &se of re"oended Third %arty -aterial does not g!arantee that yo!r res!lts, with Online

    Dating Magicwill irror her own. %!bli"ation of s!"h Third %arty -aterial is siply a

    re"oendation and e#pression of the a!thors own opinion of that aterial.

    hether be"a!se of the general evol!tion of the /nternet, or the !nforeseen "hanges in

    "opany poli"y and editorial s!bission g!idelines, what is stated as fa"t at the tie of this

    writing, ay be"oe o!tdated or siply inappli"able at a later date. This ay apply to the

    Online Dating Magicas well as the vario!s siilar "opanies that have been referen"ed in this

    eBook. reat effort has been e#erted to safeg!ard the a""!ra"y of this writing.

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


    No part of this p!bli"ation shall be reprod!"ed, transitted or resold in whole or in part in any

    for, witho!t the prior written "onsent of the a!thor. All tradearks and registered tradearks

    appearing in Online Dating Magicare the property of their respe"tive owners.

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Online Dating

    Dating is not only a wonderful time of life, but also a context for enormous spiritual and

    personal growth. You learn so much about yourself, others, God, love, spirituality, and

    life through dating. Done well, it can be fulfilling in and of itself. Done well, it can be

    one of the most fun and rewarding aspects of your life. Done well, it can lead to a good

    marriage.- Henry Cloud

    (ew e#perien"es "opare to the e#"iteent, ystery and roan"e of going o!t on a first date.

    et in o!r fast+pa"ed world, it sees ore diffi"!lt than ever to eet that spe"ial soeone. /f

    yo! are l!"ky, a friend ight introd!"e yo! to soeone or yo! ight eet soeone at a party,

    b!t sadly, this is not the reality for ost people. -any people end !p lonely and fr!strated that

    they 3!st "annot see to eet the right person.

    'in"e the internet gained pop!larity in the id+1440s, eeting people online has be"oe a

    "oon way for people to "onne"t with other likeinded individ!als in"l!ding finding soeone

    they wo!ld like to date.

    n"e "onsidered an alternative for desperate people, today online dating has be"oe a pop!lar

    way for people fro all walks of life to find a s!itable ate. 5owever, navigating online dating

    sites and getting onto the dating s"ene is not always as straightforward as one wo!ld hope.

    There are any "onsiderations to take into a""o!nt fro prote"ting yo!r priva"y to knowing

    what yo! want in a relationship.

    This book is a step+by+step g!ide to the online dating pro"ess. /n it, yo! will learn the ost

    iportant fa"tors yo! need to know abo!t setting on this still relatively new way of finding a

    date whether it be for finding yo!r tr!e love or finding a new friendship.

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    (or the !ninitiated, it bears defining this thing we are referring to as online dating. Also known

    as internet dating, online dating is siply when people 6whether individ!als, "o!ples or gro!ps7

    intera"t on the internet with the sole p!rpose of developing soe sort of relationship whether

    roanti" or otherwise.

    hile any and aybe even the a3ority of, people are sear"hing for a signifi"ant other or 3!st

    a rop in the hay, there are soe people who are only interested in eeting new friends.

    nline dating servi"es serve to help these people find one another, th!s aking the pro"ess

    !"h easier by providing servi"es s!"h as "op!ter "hats and private essaging.

    Basi" ebers of online dating sites get liited a""ess, b!t yo! "an !pgrade at any tie to get

    !nliited a""ess. &nliited a""ess eans that yo! will be able to see other peoples personal

    profiles and be given the ability to be able to "onta"t the, if yo! wo!ld like to p!rs!e soe

    type of relationship. %ersonal inforation s!"h as age, gender, interests, lo"ation and siilar

    inforation is given to the site when yo! want to 3oin, b!t is not a""essible with free a""o!nts.

    &pgraded ebership, however, allows yo! a""ess to this inforation as well.

    Another thing of note is that there is a at"haking option that the site provides whi"h at"h

    yo!r likes and interests to another person online and it will s!ggest that yo! both sho!ld be

    talking to one another. 'o with that in ind, yo! sho!ld, at first, be "riti"al of what sites yo!

    want to 3oin in. 8esear"h their servi"es, what they additionally do to help yo! find yo!r perfe"t

    ate and what standards they abide to. Also, nothing happens overnight so be patient, good

    things "oe to those who wait.

    *ooking for rep!table sites aybe what yo! sho!ld first prioriti9e. As we all know, there are now

    a lot of online dating sites that "ontain fake profiles for one reason or another. 'o be pr!dent

    before 3!ping onto the online dating wagon. After browsing aro!nd and finding o!t that they

    have positive reviews, then that is the tie that yo! sho!ld "onsider their paid servi"es. At that

    point, yo! sho!ld hopef!lly have a glipse of soe people yo! wo!ld like to know ore details


  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


    *astly, when doing yo!r own profile, be s!re to add ore than 3!st yo!r nae and address. Add

    soe photos, if the site allows for !ltiple ones, p!t yo!r interest and dislikes on yo!r :abo!t

    e; se"tion, and be honest. 'ay only what yo! want in person, b!t dont e#aggerate. /f yo! keep

    a"tively !pdating yo!r profile and be"oe part of the "o!nity, soeone will noti"e yo! and

    soon yo! will be going o!t on yo!r first date with soeone yo! have et online.

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


    Chapter "

    Choosing an Online Dating Service

    I've been dating since I was fifteen. I'm exhausted. Where is he- Kristin Davis

    o! ight be asking yo!rself, why the he"k are yo! stillnot getting noti"ed in yo!r online

    dating profile when a lot of yo!r b!ddies now have partners to show off. o! see, the proble

    ay be that yo! are posting on the wrong site. There are a lot of online dating sites nowadays

    and if yo!re not thoro!gh eno!gh, then yo!ll end !p posting yo!r profile to a "rappy site with

    no "han"e of s!""ess finding a s!itable partner.

    (irst thing yo! sho!ld "onsider is deleting yo!r profile fro any site that is proving to be 3!st a

    waste of tie. Ne#t, start to resear"h alternative online dating sites. This is not so hard to do

    a"t!ally. &se sear"h engines and sear"h for

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


    has the siilar interests. o! "an invite hi@her to 3oin yo! in a private "hat, whi"h yo!r website

    sho!ld be able to provide, and in there yo! "an e#"hange other inforation and talk a bit before

    yo! de"ide to eet !p or not.

    This is the plain, siple and easy way to find the best and ost s!itable online dating site for

    yo!. There are lots of those sites nowadays so yo! "an afford to be pi"ky *ook aro!nd and

    yo!ll be aa9ed at how any options yo! "an find and yo!ll be one step "loser to the partner

    yo!ve always wanted.


    / have been st!dying the online dating s"ene for a very long tie. /n y travels / have "oe

    a"ross what / feel are the best online dating sites for beginners and e#perien"ed !sers alike.

    These sites provide great val!e, are very easy to !se, and have a ton of options that will ake

    yo!r "han"es of eeting a great new ate even easier.

    'igning !p for these sites is dead siple. )!st enter yo!r nae, eail, and lo"ation. No "redit

    "ard n!ber, no overly personal details. /t does not get easier than this.

    %emem&er' the more (ating sites yo) sign )p to the &etter the chance yo) ha*e of meeting

    the +oman of yo)r (reams,

    a"h site has its own pool of !sers and ea"h one attra"ts different types of people.

    /deally, sign !p to all of these so yo! "an get the ost benefit fro this book.

    't!dies have shown that signing !p for !ltiple dating sites in"reases yo!r "han"e of eeting

    and going on a date with soeone by 2011

    They are as follows

    Flirt Cro+(

    This is probably the best online dating site if yo! are looking to get yo!r feet wet in the

    online dating world. A very siple to !se site that will get yo! !p and r!nning alost


    There are also a ton of responsive woen on this site. =efinitely the best pla"e to start.

    -o) can Sign .p F%EE here$Flirt Cro+( Sign .p
  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic



    -at"haker prides itself on being the longest r!nning online dating site on the web.

    &nlike (lirt Crowd, this site "aters to a ore at!re a!dien"e that is ainly looking for

    re looking for ore of a eat arket type site, then at"haker is probably not

    for yo!. 5owever, if yo! really want a serio!s relationship, then definitely sign !p here.

    -o) can learn more an( sign )p F%EE here$ Matchma/er

    %eal Mat)re Singles

    This is another site that is perfe"t for people who are si"k and tired of the dating game

    and are ready for a serio!s, stable, f!lfilling, and loving long+ter relationship. The

    woen on this site are very !"h geared towards settling down and developing

    soething long ter and stable.

    / really re"oend 8eal -at!re 'ingles, if yo! are looking for soething a bit ore

    serio!s. /f yo!>re not, it>s also a great idea to sign !p and see what soe of the ore

    pop!lar en and woen on this site are doing with their profiles. This site probably has

    soe of the best profiles / have ever seen. o! "an definitely learn fro this.

    -o) can learn more an( sign )p F%EE here$ %eal Mat)re Singles


    &nlike a lot of other dating sites, C!pid."o feels that !sing what they "all

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic



    5as been aro!nd for over ten years and has a very solid rep!tation. ith

    appro#iately H illion registered en and woen aro!nd the world, they

    "lai that they have 2E0,000 new ebers 3oining onthly.

    Their pop!larity stes fro their innovation? their site offers a lot of feat!res

    and options that ebers "an a""ess freely. They also e#pe"t a lot of f!t!re

    advan"es thro!gh (a"eBook appli"ations and ore.

    A solid sear"hing syste allowing yo! to sear"h by lo"ation, age, feat!res and so

    forth to be as broad or as narrow as yo! like is its priary feat!re, giving yo!

    "ontrol over what yo! are looking for.

    -o) can learn more an( sign )p for F%EE here$ Date,com

    Specialty Sites

    /f yo! are looking for soething a bit different fro ainstrea dating sites, here are three that

    are very pop!lar.

    *et>s start it off wholesoe

    Christian Matchma/er

    (or a lot of en and woen, finding "ore religio!s beliefs are a !st in their

    relationships. Christian -at"haker addresses this very need.

    hat / fo!nd ipressive is that the site is not intended to e#"l!de any parti"!lar

    gro!p. Non+observant, !naffiliated, reek rthodo# and other religio!s singles are

    invited to 3oin.

    / highly re"oend this site to anyone looking to ake a deeper "onne"tion with

    other singles. /t 3!st ay be the issing link in yo!r "!rrent relationships.

    -o) can learn more an( sign )p for F%EE here$Christian Matchma/er

    /f yo!>re over H0, then thisElite Mateight be of interest to yo!.
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    /f yo!>re tired of the sae old dating s"ene and are looking for a relationship with

    soeone who is in the sae stage of life as yo!, then this is the pla"e to be.

    =ivor"edI 'ingle parentI idowedI Then "he"k this site o!t to find people who will

    !nderstand yo!r !ni$!e sit!ation along with all its diffi"!lties, tie+"onstraints and


    / wo!ld re"oend this site for anyone who still loves to have f!n like they did in

    their twenties, b!t isn>t $!ite old eno!gh for a otori9ed wheel"hair.

    -o) can learn more an( sign )p for F%EE here$Elite Mate

    Now if yo!>re looking for soething a bit na!ghty, "he"k o!t0oo/)p,

    / was wondering whether or not to in"l!de this site, b!t at the end of the day, /

    reali9ed that not every person is looking for a lasting relationship. That>s where

    5ook!p "oes in.

    o!>ve probably already heard of Ad!lt (riend (inder. /f yo! haven>t it>s a site that

    "lais to offer a pla"e for no strings atta"hed f!n. very an>s drea rightI

    &nfort!nately Ad!lt (riend (inder has been fo!nd to have a lot of fake and

    s"aing profiles.

    Now iagine Ad!lt (riend (inder witho!t the fake profiles and woen looking for

    oney for web"a shows. nter 5ook!p. ith soe G -illion ebers, it is now

    thepla"e to be for "as!al relationships of all types.

    /f yo! are looking for a fling, se#y flirting, or going all the way ... yo! need to be here.

    -o) can learn more an( sign )p for F%EE here$0oo/)p

    / wo!ld spend the ne#t "o!ple of in!tes signing !p for these sites. 8eeber, it>s a n!bers

    gae. The ore pla"es yo! p!t yo!rself o!t there, the greater "han"e of s!""ess and finding

    the an or woan yo! want and deserve
  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic



    Your Date-Winning Profile

    You can't stop loving or wanting to love because when it!s right it's the best thing in the

    world. When you're in a relationship and its good, even if nothing else in your life is

    right, you feel li"e your whole world is complete.- Keith Sweat

    Being !ns!""essf!l in finding a date does not ean that yo! are hopeless, it 3!st eans that yo!

    havent yet fo!nd the right way to attra"t a s!itable partner. *et e introd!"e yo! to the online

    dating world, where people eet to find friends, find partners or 3!st hook !p with gals and g!ys

    aro!nd yo!r area 6or aro!nd the world as well7. (irst thingfirst is yo! need to find a good site

    where yo! "an :advertise< yo!rself. /fyo! have already done that ba"k in Chapter 2, then we

    sho!ld ove on to the ne#t phase of o!r "apaign. /f not, then go ba"k and pi"k a few sites to

    sign !p to before oving on.

    n"e yo! are all signed !p, the ne#t step is to beef !p yo!r profile. %eople will be ore

    interested in yo! if yo! have taken the tie to elaborate a bit abo!t yo!rself. o! yo!rself

    wo!ld probably rather look !p soeone who is ind!strio!s eno!gh to take "are with developing

    an interesting profile than soeone who didn>t even take the tie to p!t their best foot

    forward, rightI

    =ont be shy to add in spe"ifi"ally what yo! want or what yo!re looking for in a person as well.

    /f yo! want soeone to be friendly with yo!r pets, then add that in there. o! dont want to

    end !p with a girl who "ant even stand yo!r h!sky, rightI /f yo! are religio!s and yo! want

    soeone that has the sae beliefs as yo!, then ake s!re to in"l!de that as well. o! sho!ld

    find soeone who fits yo!r des"ription, so dont worry that it will alienate yo! fro -r. 8ight.

    nlinedating sites have !ni$!e tools that allow the to weed o!t individ!als that do not at"h

    yo!r "riteria. /t>s aa9ing what these online dating sites "an a""oplish for sear"hing "o!ples

    An iportant thing to do, when "hatting or even when filling o!t yo!r profile, is to be honest. /f

    yo! wear glasses and think they ake yo! look geeky, then tell that to yo!r online people yo!

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    are interested in. /fyo!re a bit "h!bby or have a lip, then ention that as well. They will find

    o!t when yo! eet the in person anyway, so no need to ake the feel like yo! were leading

    the into soething !ndesirable by avoiding the iss!e. %!t !p yo!r real photo, ake s!re it is

    "!rrent, and try to find the ost flattering one yo! have that way yo!ll attra"t a lot ore

    people on yo!r profile. A pi"t!re "an really be worth a tho!sand words in online dating sites.

    -ake yo!r profile !ni$!e. =on>t "opy soeone else>s profile and 3!st p!t yo!r s"reen nae on

    it. -ake it tell the viewer soething spe"ifi" abo!t yo!. (or instan"e, if yo! en3oy reading horror

    books, yo! ight say that yo! en3oy 'teven Jing novels or that yo!re a fan of =ean Joont9. /f

    yo! have a pet, yo! ight want to say soething abo!t yo!r pet. They say "!te dogs are great

    date agnets ive yo!r viewer eno!gh interesting st!ff to read so they stay on yo!r profile

    page long eno!gh to read it.

    Coplete yo!r profile and be tr!e to whatever yo! p!t on yo!r profile, post yo!r osthandsoe or bea!tif!l pi"t!re in and yo! will be flooded with lots of people wanting to talk to

    yo! online. Thekey to a finding a s!""essf!l date online is in yo!r hands and it>s really $!ite

    easy. 'o spend soe tie being inventive and original when filling o!t o!r profile and yo!>ll be

    handsoely rewarded.

  • 8/12/2019 61924746 Online Dating Magic


    Chapter 2

    Getting to Know People on Online Dating Sites:

    a!ing the "irst ove

    One of the strengths of Internet dating is that it's anonymously impersonal, which helps

    take the sting out of rejection If you're interested in someone who notices your profile

    or you're intrigued !y a computer"generated match, let the e"mail !egin If you're not

    interested, delete the e"mail with a!out the same level of remorse you'd feel from

    dumping jellyfish over!oard. + )!dsen C!lbreth

    B!ilding yo!r online profile on those dating sites yo! signed !p to is very iportant.

    /nforation abo!t yo!rself sho!ld in"l!de yo!r age, lo"ation, arital stat!s,

    interests and what yo!>re looking for on those online dating sites 6friendship,

    relationship, "oitent, et".7. -any online dating sites have a whole pro"ess for

    filling o!t a profile. /n fa"t, it>s the first step they>ll take yo! thro!gh !pon 3oining the


    nline dating sites offer yo! any ways of advertising yo!rself to others, starting with

    yo!r profile. o!r profile, whi"h will in"l!de inforation abo!t yo!rself, ay in"l!de

    photos, voi"e "lips, videos or any designs yo! wish. o! "an ention what it is yo!>re

    looking for on the site, whether it>s dating, friendship, lifelong partner, potential

    arriage or whatever. 5ow !"h or how little yo! p!t on yo!r profile is !p to yo!. The

    online dating site will !s!ally have a profile teplate to assist yo! in providing yo!r


    Now after those are done, dont forget to "onstantly and "onsistently review yo!r

    profile. The istake any ebers ake is p!tting !p a profile and then forgetting all

    abo!t it. (or the first week or so, they sit aro!nd waiting for interested people to

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    "onta"t the. hen that doesn>t happen, they ove on to other things. hat this

    res!lts in 6besides little s!""ess in eeting soeone7 is yo!r profile is being p!shed to

    the botto of the pile be"a!se of ina"tivity. o! ay also want to login to the site to

    !pdate it as well so it wont get stagnant. The ore yo! login to a site, the ore it will

    show yo! as an a"tive parti"ipant so yo!>ll stay on top and get ore views.

    /t ay see obvio!s, b!t the ain goal of the !sers of online dating sites is to go on a

    s!""essf!l date. 'o dont be shy to take the initiative and "onta"t soeone yo! are

    interested in. /f yo!>re a woan, reeber that gone are the days where only en are

    allowed to take the first step. o! ay not think there is anything wrong with sitting

    ba"k waiting for others to "onta"t yo!, b!t what if tho!sands of others are doing the

    saeI o! get the point.

    ne of the great things abo!t online dating sites is that it will show when yo! and

    others are online. This eans that if yo! send a essage to soeone, yo! won>t have to

    wait for days to see if yo! got an answer. /n ost "ases, yo!>ll get an answer alost

    instantly 6!nless the person is not in front of their "op!ter7. This will give yo! an

    opport!nity to "hat with others or essage ba"k and forth. =on>t liit yo!rself to only

    one or two people, even if it sees like yo!>ve fo!nd e#a"tly what yo!>ve been looking

    for. Talk to as any people as possible so yo! have any "hoi"es available to yo!. After

    all, yo! signed !p for the site to eet new people, so ake every effort to eet as

    any people as possible.

    ne of the things that ake online dating sites so effe"tive is their ability to at"h yo!

    with soeone who has siilar interests and desires to yo!r own. This is the reason why

    good profiles are so iportant. /f yo! spe"ifi"ally stated yo! were looking for a arriage

    partner, the site wo!ldn>t at"h yo! with profiles of people looking for "as!al se#. They

    have very sophisti"ated tools that "an weed o!t those that do not eet yo!rspe"ifi"ations. hile they>re not perfe"t and "an>t ake g!arantees, they offer yo! an

    e#"ellent opport!nity to eet any new and interesting people.

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    Chapter 3

    #he "irst Date

    If you "iss on the first date and it's not right, then there will be no second date.

    #ometimes it's better to hold out and not "iss for a long time. I am a strong believer in

    "issing being very intimate, and the minute you "iss, the floodgates open for everything

    else.- Jennifer Lopez

    =ating for the first tie is not easy, it "an be both stressf!l and deanding, ifyo! dont know

    how to handle yo!rself. /ts s!"h a shae that there are no books available to tea"h dating skills

    b!t read on and well give yo! soe tips on how to s!rvive and even en3oy yo!r first date.

    o!r first date is and sho!ld be a f!n and spe"ial o""asion. Being prepared entally will help yo!

    en3oy the whole dating pro"ess. /f yo! think positively abo!t it, then ost often it will t!rn o!t

    positively as well.

    o Alone

    The first r!le that / wo!ld like to stress is that, no atter how s"ared or !ns!re yo! are abo!t

    yo!r first date :dont; ever bring a friend along for the ride. *et e repeat ++ = NT B8/N A

    (8/N= A*N /t will be a "oplete t!rn off and yo! dont want that to happen. o!r date

    sho!ld be spent by the both of yo! knowing ea"h other, not looking to yo!r friend to break the

    i"e or give his or her approval.

    4eep -o)r Min( Sharp

    Another thing avoid on yo!r first date is drinking too !"h. /f yo! get dr!nk, "han"es are yo!

    will end !p doing soething st!pid or saying soething ridi"!lo!s, whi"h will throw away any

    "han"e that yo! have of getting a se"ond date. orse is if yo! go on blabbering abo!t soe

    !ninteresting topi" be"a!se yo! "o!ld not "ontrol yo!rself.A relationship that ay have

    developed into soething very spe"ial "an easily be r!ined on the first date by

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    Be #atient an( Sho+ %espect

    /f a woan takes yo! !p on yo!r offer to go o!t on a date, dont r!sh things. ive her tie to

    get !sed to the idea of going o!t on a date with yo! and let yo! know what date works best for

    her s"hed!le. Three days is !s!ally s!ffi"ient for her to ake a de"ision.'how her that yo!

    "are eno!gh abo!t this first date to plan o!t the o""asion. =o not show !p at her door

    with no idea of what yo!>re going to do. Anti"ipation tends to ake things better, so

    on"e she tells yo! the best day for her, let her know soe of the a"tivities yo! had in

    ind and let her tell yo! what she>s !p for

    At the tie of the date, don>t be late /f she allows yo!, pi"k her !p at her pla"e. /f for soe

    reason yo!>re r!nning behind s"hed!le, give her a "o!rtesy "all to let her know. oen ight

    keep yo! waiting, b!t they s!re as he"k don>t like to be kept waiting, so try to a""oodate.

    Open -o)r 6allet

    =on>t be stingy. 'pending oney on a date is 3!st the pri"e of doing b!siness. et "ofortable

    with it and s!"k it !p. That doesn>t ean yo! sho!ld pretend to be a tr!st+f!nd baby. /t 3!st

    eans that no woan wants to date a "heapskate even if she>s a "heapskate herself. &nless she

    really protests and gets angry, don>t e#pe"t the woan to pay for the ovie, dinner or whatever

    it is yo! end !p doing. This is yo!r treat. *et her know how spe"ial she is.

    That said, =N>T e#pe"t se# fro her 3!st be"a!se yo! paid /f that>s what yo! want, then yo!

    sho!ldn>t be reading this g!ide, yo! need a prostit!te B!t prostit!tion isn>t "overed in this

    book, so yo!>ll have to find another book for that.

    'till there are soe woen who tr!ly don>t like en to pay for the ++ any ties be"a!se

    en e#pe"t se# in ret!rn. /f that>s the "ase with yo!r date, then "onsider allowing her to "over

    the tip at dinner or to pay for dessert, "offee or a ovie afterwards. /t shows a respe"t for her

    ve ever heard of the saying :fake it !ntil

    yo! ake it;, this is one s"enario where it is "ertainly tr!e. /f e#hibiting "onfiden"e is not

    yo!r strong s!it, then learn to fake it. Try it o!t with friends and in new sit!ations before

    the date !ntil it be"oes se"ond nat!re. Challenge yo!rself.

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    8eeber, yo!r role here is to ake herfeel spe"ial. /f she spends the whole date

    "atering to yo!r inse"!rities, then yo!r relationship will start off on the wrong foot.

    Jeep in ind, however, that there is a h!ge differen"e between having "onfiden"e and

    being arrogant or "on"eited. A an "an show his "onfiden"e in any ways s!"h as

    sharing ideas and opinions witho!t being arg!entative. A "onfident and se"!re an

    does not need to prove he is right all the tie.

    oen also find an affe"tionate and kind an to be very appealing. This doesn>t ean

    yo! sho!ld be a!ling her in p!bli" or be a p!sh over. )!st being kind, affe"tionate and

    tho!ghtf!l is ore than eno!gh. /f yo! ea"h have different ideas of what yo! want to do

    on a date, "oproise and ai to ake her happy first. o! "an do what yo! wanted to

    do on yo!r own tie or on yo!r ne#t date. 'he>ll appre"iate the effort yo!r doing to

    ake her happy and probably think highly of yo! as a res!lt.

    *astly, dont forget to tell yo!r date that yo! really appre"iate the tie she gave yo!. /f yo!

    think she looks "!te, tell her /t will war her heart. /f yo! think that things did not go well or

    siply fo!nd her !nattra"tive in person, 3!st thank her for a ni"e tie, b!t dont string her along

    by proising to "all. n the other hand, if yo! feel yo! wo!ld like to p!rs!e her, ask for

    perission to "all for another date. 'he ight not say

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    Don5t Be Afrai( to Set Bo)n(aries

    All too often, woen are afraid of letting theselves be bold or e#press their opinions on first

    dates. They ight feel that their dates want a ore s!bservient or tiid type of woan. hile

    that is "ertainly tr!e for soe en, ost odern en that are worth yo!r tie want a woan

    with who they "an "onverse with in intelligent "onversation. 'o don>t be afraid to talk politi"s,

    sports, global waring or any other topi" that ight lead to a debate.

    o!r ai here is not to be "onfrontational, b!t engaging. The sooner yo! "an let yo!r new bea!

    re"ogni9e yo!r intelligen"e, the less likely yo! will be to find yo!rself in a relationship with

    soeone who is not "apable of honoring yo!r desires to be ore than 3!st a pretty fa"e.

    Let 0im Be a Man

    hile soe en "o!ld "are less abo!t proving their as"!linity, there are still any en thathave a need to "are for a woan. /f yo!r date is opening doors for yo!, p!lling o!t "hairs or

    offers to pay for yo!r eal then let hi. /n ost "ases, he is 3!st trying to be a gentlean and

    show yo! that he was not raised by wolves.

    There are, however, soe instan"es where a an e#pe"ts to be rewarded for b!ying dinner by

    getting invited ba"k to yo!r bedroo. &nless yo! intend to sleep with hi anyway, it is yo!r 3ob

    to let hi know that 3!st be"a!se he is paying for the eal, does not ean yo! are a p!sh over.

    ays that yo! "an divert this are to offer to pay the tip and soe other a"tivity yo! have

    planned for afterwards or to pi"k !p the tab on yo!r ne#t date 6if yo! think there will be one7.

    -ost en will get it that yo!r re"ipro"ation for the free dinner is by paying for soething else

    on the date, not soe totally !nrelated a"tivity like se#. 5owever, if yo! think that ight be too

    s!btle, yo! ight have to tell hi 6even if 3okingly7 that yo!>re not that kind of girl before the

    waiter "oes to "olle"t the oney. And if he>s really, really thi"k, yo! ay 3!st have to be bl!nt

    and tell hi that paying for dinner does not entitle hi to a rop in the hay with yo!. 8esist the

    teptation to tell hi he is "ra9y for e#pe"ting any a"tivities between the sheets 3!st be"a!se he

    bo!ght yo! dinner. /nstead sti"k to the fa"ts and there sho!ld be no roo for arg!ent.

    Don5t #lay ames

    This is a istake / see woen ake ore often than not and it always leads to a failed

    relationship. /f yo! like the g!y, 3!st tell hi. /f yo! want to see hi when he "alls yo! for a date,

    yo! "an take tie to refle"t, b!t don>t leave hi hanging. /f he keeps taking yo! o!t and b!ying

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    yo! dinner and yo! a"t "old or standoffish, he will lose interest. o! wo!ldn>t appre"iate being

    treated that way and neither will he.

    -ost en are $!ite dire"t and are not interested in wasting tie with a woan who p!lls

    s"hoolgirl pranks. /f yo!>ve already established d!ring yo!r previo!s online "hats and phone

    "onversations that yo! are both looking for a serio!s relationship, then a"t like it when yo!

    a"t!ally start dating. /f yo! find after the first date or two that he is not the kind of g!y yo! are

    looking for, then politely end the relationship instead of leading hi on. therwise it is a waste

    of tie for both of yo!.

    This doesn>t ean to be overly eager and pester hi for dates every "han"e yo! get. -en don>t

    like overly needy woen either. /f yo! want to "all hi, feel free to do so, b!t if he doesn>t show

    interest by not ret!rning yo!r "alls or "onveniently forgetting abo!t yo!r f!t!re dates, then

    ove on. o! deserve a an who is interested in p!rs!ing yo! and sho!ld not settle for

    anything less.

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    A&o)t the A)thor

    $adine %rown

    Nadine Brown is a freelan"e writer and a!thor of several eBooks available a"ross the

    web. 'he has e#tensive e#perien"e in helping any people find their tr!e love !sing

    online dating sites. Nadine "!rrently resides in New )ersey, &'A with her h!sband and

    two "hildren.

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