Download - 67 Pest Control

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Session Objectives
By the end of this session you will be able to
Differentiate between various types of pests
Understand the importance of the pest control
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Any organism, that is judged as a threat to humans Or a living organism which causes damage or illness to human being
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Rat and mice
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Moths are a danger as they feed on fibers of animal origin e.g. wool and not on fibers of vegetable origin and synthetics
Care must be taken to store blankets particularly, they should be stored in a plastic bag
Naphthalene balls or naphthalene spray can be used to detract moths
Naphthalene balls can be placed on the drain covers to deter most pests
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Prevention procedure
Carpet beetles
Carpet beetle controls include eliminating the beetles by cleaning or destroying infested items (clothing, food products, etc)
Often, the source may be difficult to find or there may not be a single source
prevention and control is thorough vacuum cleaning to prevent the accumulation of lint, hair, and other carpet beetle food materials
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Prevention procedure
Carpet beetles
The vacuum cleaner is one of the best pest management tool, Pay close attention to areas where lint accumulates (corners, baseboards, shelves) etc
Be sure to dispose of the contents of the vacuum cleaner bag after you clean
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Wood boring beetles
Preventing a wood-boring beetle infestation is not always possible because of the hidden feeding activities of the larvae
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Wood boring beetles
Sealing exposed wood surfaces with a protective layer polyurethane, varnish, or paint will also prevent the egg-laying activities Reducing moisture levels in structural wood also helps prevent wood-boring beetle infestations
Good ventilation, in addition to consistent heating and cooling will maintain wood moisture levels below that required for growth and development of beetle larvae
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Fleas and other insect pest
Eucalyptus leaves can be used to get rid of fleas as fleas don't like the smell of it
Borax is great for fleas.
Putting cedar chips will keep the fleas away
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Rat and mice
Methods of control include poisons, snap traps, glue boards, electrocution and live traps
Rodenticide is a poison bait which rodents eat
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Wood rot- Dry rot
Way to prevent dry rot damage is to reduce and/or eliminate excess moisture
This may be as simple as repairing a leaky pipe or as complicated as stopping water infiltration through a basement foundation
A common cause of dry rot and termite damage is wood in contact with soil which occurs with a failed house foundation.
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Wood rot- Dry rot
If moisture cannot be controlled then wood should be treated to inhibit fungal growth
Boric acid, or borate, is an excellent fungicide against the dry rot fungus as well as preventing insect damage
Boric acid treatments generally are not useful, where liquid water is present such as outdoors
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Wood rot- Wet rot
Before repairing damage caused by wood rot the conditions that caused it must be corrected or it will return
This means drying up the source of water
The most common sources of water that feeds wood rot come from plumbing leaks, roof/siding/trim leaks, poor drainage or condensation
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Keep Pests Out By
Fencing and netting
Keeping windows and doors closed
Weather-stripping doors
Inspecting items for pests before bringing them onto the property
Placing grates or screens on drains and vents
Keep grass, weeds and other plants from growing against buildings
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Keep Pests Out By
Don’t let trash, stacks of boards, or other materials where pests can hide accumulate
Avoid outdoor lights that attract insects to your doorways
Keep food in pest proof containers
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Keep Pests Out By
Create proper water drainage
Keep trash cans away from the house
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Keep Pests Out By
Keep food in pest-proof containers
Rotate your stock of food so that the oldest food is eaten first
Practice good sanitation by cleaning up and disposing of all food scraps after meals
Sweep, mop, and/or clean with the vacuum often
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Keep Pests Out By
Knock down any spider webs
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Physical control of pest
To capture pests indoors use fly paper, glue boards, light traps, funnel traps, and snap traps
To capture vertebrate pests outdoors, use live traps
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All pesticides are potentially dangerous to some form of life
You should be aware that pesticides also represent a potential risk to groundwater, the environment, wildlife and our health
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How the risk can be reduced
Proper pesticide use involves a combination of knowledge, common sense and ability to follow label directions
Use only the amount of pesticide needed for the job in accordance with the label
Transport, store, and dispose of pesticides properly
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Waste disposal
The hygienic way of discarding waste from collection, transport, processing or disposal of waste materials, usually ones produced by human activity, in an effort to reduce their effect on human health or local amenity.
The waste can de divided into
Wet Waste
Dry Waste
Remnants of Fruits, Vegetables
Hair, nails
Differentiate between various types of pests
Understand the importance of the pest control

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