  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • 7
  • Slide 3
  • Instructions
  • Slide 4
  • Which System works with the Muscular system?
  • Slide 5
  • Whoops! Try Again! Try Again!
  • Slide 6
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  • Slide 7
  • How Does Improper eating Affect our body?
  • Slide 8
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  • Slide 9
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  • Slide 10
  • Which of these belong to the Immune System?
  • Slide 11
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  • Slide 12
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  • Slide 13
  • How does the nutrients get moved around your body?
  • Slide 14
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  • Slide 15
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  • Slide 16
  • Which one of these organs belong to the digestive system?
  • Slide 17
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  • Slide 18
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  • Slide 19
  • Lungs: Where does the blood go now?
  • Slide 20
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  • Slide 21
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  • Slide 22
  • What system does the skin belong in?
  • Slide 23
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  • Slide 24
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  • Slide 25
  • What process moves boluses from the mouth to the stomach?
  • Slide 26
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  • Slide 27
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  • Slide 28
  • What substance is added to food after it is in the stomach?
  • Slide 29
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  • Slide 30
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  • Slide 31
  • Where in the Digestive System does it absorb the nutrients? (There are two answers!)
  • Slide 32
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  • Slide 33
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  • Slide 34
  • What lines the inside of the small intestines?
  • Slide 35
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  • Slide 36
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  • Slide 37
  • What is usually a sure sign that you have caught a cold?
  • Slide 38
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  • Slide 39
  • Hooray! Next Question! Next Question! You Are Here
  • Slide 40
  • How does Osmosis and Diffusion Affect our Body? This is the hardest question in this quiz. Get it right and you can continue, get it wrong and you will have to go back to the beginning!
  • Slide 41
  • Sorry, but that was the wrong answer! Back to the Title Page Back to the Title Page
  • Slide 42
  • Yay! You got it right! To Your Certificate! To Your Certificate!
  • Slide 43
  • Congratulations! You got the hardest question right! Good going! You understand the brain, the most complex organ in the entire human body! Back to Title Page!

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