
7. MEKTEPSKI MATERIJAL 14. i 21. februar, 2016. (druga, starija, grupa)


Daybreak (Revealed in Makkah, 5 ayat) Interesting facts: We seek protection with the Lord of the

Daybreak from the mischief of created things. We seek protection from the darkness of anything bad.

We ask Allah to save us from the evils of

witchcraft - black magic and envy - jealousy of envious – jealous people.

This is the twin Surah of Surah an-Nas or

the People. The Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam - may Allah honor him and grant him peace, recommended us to recite these two Surahs both after each of five daily prayers and before sleeping.

1. Memorize the Surah

2. Read the meaning and facts

3. Fill in the blanks



Watch on You Tube: The Beauty of Surah Al-Falaq Kinetic Typography by N. A. Khan. What kind of

protection does this Surah provide us with? Amazed by the Qur’an?


1. Read the texts

2. Work in pair or in group

to answer the questions


*Let us analytically and critically

think of the best deed in Islam after belief in Allah

THE PRAYER / AS-SALAT We know We understand We do

More than eighty times in the Qur’an, Allah The Mighty, orders

performing prayer and giving charity. For example: “And perform As-Salat and give Zakat, and whatever of good send forth for yourselves before you, you will find it with Allah. Certainly,

Allah is All-Seer of what you do.”

*What does number eighty tell us? *Why does Allah command

prayer and charity together?

The Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, says in a hadith: "The first matter that man will be

brought to account for on the Day of Judgment is the prayer. If it is sound,

then the rest of his deeds will be sound. And if it is bad, then the rest

of his deeds will be bad."

*What would be a sound prayer? *What is a connection between the prayer and the rest of our deeds?

Benefits As-Salat, or prayer, is the second and most important pillar of Islam. It is the practical proof of our faith in

Allah and Islam. As-Salat offers us the opportunity to communicate with

God directly at any time and place. As-Salat reminds us of Allah and provides a means of

submission, allowing human being to carry out the purpose for which they were created.

Praying five times every day keeps our Iman strong and makes us more conscious of Allah.

As-Salat strengthens the Islamic community and teaches punctuality, cooperation, organization,

leadership and discipline.

*It is your turn now to ask a question regarding the benefits of the prayer.

*Explain how are these benefits tied up with prayer?

When do we pray Al-Fajr (sabah)? How many and what rak’ats does Al-Fajr (sabah) have?

How to pray Al-Fajr(sabah)?

Nawaytu an usalli-ya lillaahi ta’alaa

salaata sunnatil fajri/

fardil fajri adaaen

mustaqbil al-qiblati, Allahu akbar.

Use Appendix Steps of Salah

(additionial given materials)


Let us memorize Qunut du’a. Read both English and Bosnian

translations and make sure you understand it.


Allaahumma 'innaa nasta'eenuka, wa nastaghfiruka,

wa nastahdeeka, wa nu'minu bika, wa natuubu ilayke,

wa natawakkalu ‘alayke, wa nuthnee 'alaykal-khayra kullahuu,

nashkuruka wa laa nakfuruka, wa nakhla'u wa natruku man yafjuruka.

Allaahumma 'iyyaaka na'budu, wa laka nusallee

wa nasjudu, wa 'ilayka nas'aa wa nahfidu, narjoo rahmataka,

wa nakhshaa 'athaabaka, 'inna 'athaabaka bilkuffaari mulhiq.

O Allah! We seek your help and beg forgiveness of You and ask your

guidance and believe in You and repent to you and rely on You and

glorify You with all good and we are thankful to You and are not

ungrateful to You and we alienate and forsake those who disobey You.

O Allah! You alone do we worship and for You do we pray and prostrate

and we make effort to please You and present ourselves for the service

in Your cause and we hope for Your mercy and fear Your punishment.

Undoubtedly, Your punishment is going to overtake unbelievers.

Allahu! Mi samo od Tebe pomoć traž imo, od Tebe oprosta traž imo i od Tebe

uputu traž imo! Mi u Tebe vjerujemo, Tebi se sa pokajanjem obrać amo, u

Tebe se pouzdajemo! Tebe hvalimo svakim dobrom, zahvaljujemo ti na

Tvojim blagodatima a nismo prema Tebi nezahvalni! Mi odbacujemo i

ostavljamo onoga ko griješ i prema Tebi. Allahu! Mi samo Tebe obož avamo,

Tebi namaz klanjamo i Tebi na sedž du padamo! Tebi ž urimo, za Tobom ž udimo

i Tebi služ imo! Nadamo se Tvojoj milosti, a bojimo se Tvoje kazne!

Tvoja ć e kazna zaista stić i nevjernike!

The Qunut is a special du’a that is recited during the Witr (completing Isha-jacija prayer). Qunut literally means “being obedient” or “the act of standing” in Arabic.

The word is usually used in reference to special supplica-tions made in certain prayers while in the standing pos-

ture. For example, it is sunnah (the Prophet’s tradition) to supplicate (pray humbly) with qunut in the Witr prayer.


1. Practice

examples with


Assignment: Shadda indicates that the letter is doubled. As such the sound of

the letter is made stronger.



Pročitaj priču i podvuci u njoj:

pet subjekata (S), četiri predikata (P),

tri objekta (O), dva atributa (A) i

jednu prilošku odredbu

za mjesto, vrijeme i način (PO). Ime i prezime učenika: Potpis roditelja: Komentar i potpis imama:

Jednog dana, krenuo je Nasrudin hodža u čaršiju, jašući magarca, a njegov sin je išao za njim pješice. Kad ih ljudi ugledaše tako, optužiše Nasrudin hodžu da nema milosti prema svome sinu i da je gruba srca. Nasrudin

hodža na to uze sina i stavi ga iza sebe, na magarca. Na putu naiđoše na neke ljude koji, kad ih vidješe, optužiše da su nemilosrdni prema jadnoj životinji, jer nema smisla da njih dvojica jašu na jednom magarcu.

Tako Nasrudin hodža odmah siđe s magarca, ostavljajući sina samog da jaše. Ljudi povikaše kako je njegov sin nevaspitan; jaše, a njegov babo, umoran, ide za njim pješice i optužiše Nasrudin hodžu da ne umije vaspitati svoje dijete. Spusti Nasrudin hodža sina i tako njih dvojica krenuše dalje, idući za magarcem. Kad ih ljudi

vidješe, počeše im se rugati i govoriti im da su glupi i ludi; idu za magarcem, a on je od Boga dat da se jaše. I ne nađe Nasrudin hodža načina da zadovolji ljude, već zaveza magarca i ponese ga na svojim leđima.

Tada Nasrudin hodža reče: "Nije se rodio ko je svim ljudima ugodio, zato, dragi sine, vjeruj u Allaha, dželle šanuhu,

čini dobra djela i nastoj da On bude zadovoljan s tobom, a ljudi će kako bude."

Rečenica je misao izražena riječima. Rečenica je sastavljena od više vrsta riječi ili dijelova: 1. SUBJEKAT je dio rečenice koji pokazuje ko nešto radi ili dio o kojem se govori. Na primjer: Elvina uči Kur'an. Mekteb je u nedjelju. (Elvina i mekteb su subjekti u rečenici) 2. PREDIKAT je dio rečenice koji kazuje šta subjekt radi. U službi predikata najčešće stoji glagol. Na primjer: Sandin uči Kur'an. Chicago Bulls igraju večeras. (uči i igraju su predikati u rečenici) 3. OBJEKAT je dio rečenice koji stoji uz glagole i određuje predmet ili 'trpi' glagolsku radnju. Na primjer: Amanda uči Kur'an. Inas klanja namaz. (Kur'an i namaz su objekti u rečenici) 4. ATRIBUT je dio rečenice koji pokazuje kakvoću, pripadanje i druga svojstva imenice. Na primjer: Pametni Aldin uči Kur'an. Primili su prvu pomoć. (pametni i prvu su atributi u rečenici) 5. PRILOŠKA ODREDBA ZA MJESTO, VRIJEME I NAČIN je dio rečenice koji pobliže označava okolnosti pod kojima se zbiva predikatni sadržaj; gdje, kada, kako i zašto? Na primjer: Dalila klanja sabah namaz u svojoj kući svakog jutra polahko. (u svojoj kući je priloška odredba za mjesto, svakog jutra za vrijeme i polahko za način)

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