Page 1: 76.111 .3t1,al - International Labour Organization(119% griA 5.9 Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page "1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried person employed permanently

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Proclamation No. 907/2015

Public Servants'Pension (Amendment) Proclamation .Page 8286




WHEREAS, it has become necessary to

amend the Public Servants' Pension Proclamation No.


NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with

Article 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal

Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby

proclaimed as follows:

1. Short title

This Proclamation may be cited as the "Public

Servants' Pension (amendment) Proclamation


2. Amendment

The Public Servants' Pension Proclamation No.

714/2011 is hereby amended as follows:

1/ sub-articles (1) and (14) of Article 2 of the

Proclamation are deleted and replaced by the

following new sub-article (1) and (14):

:nun 7.'1.4', ii71?.; Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001

Page 2: 76.111 .3t1,al - International Labour Organization(119% griA 5.9 Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page "1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried person employed permanently

(119% griA 5.9° Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page

"1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried

person employed permanently or for

definite period or piece of work in a

public office, public enterprise or project or

program carried out by government, and

includes government appointees, members

of parliament, members of the defense force

and the police;

14/ 'benefit' means retirement pension,

invalidity pension, incapacity pension

or survivors pension and includes


2/ the following new sub-article (19) is added

after sub-article (18) of Article 2 of the

Proclamation and the existing sub-articles

(19), (20), (21) and (22) are re-numbered as

sub-articles (20), (21), (22) and (23),


"19/`definite period or piece of work' means

a work in a public office, public

enterprises or project or program

undertaken by government on the bases

of temporary or piece of work

employment for not less than 45 days

and it does not include a work to be

performed by daily laborer, a work for

cotton collection, sugar cane cutting

and such other similar works regularly

repeated in the course of the year;"


(1.1• S'Au7:1•

riaresin naztiz.v: TcYli:1-

a)Y,T) TC:14.1" n*" Z',1• aiy,51" A-Isany,

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Kanoril NP-1-116.Am• ?fluty,• Am- eur)

?avtilti.e ?7•Ail


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?"7.11ristun• N•1 "O.A N'Hqi*

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(N)7" (POT (No) hfi' (P)


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Page 3: 76.111 .3t1,al - International Labour Organization(119% griA 5.9 Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page "1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried person employed permanently

11. 4g4-A ,9 4vrC (WA. r IVA 1.9- Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10th July, 2015 page 8288

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h14)R:i. (X4)1 (1) NC (X%)


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?"`Id.A"/(1-1-1 ifloPtm. WY/

(D•AT .9'1R41 ?tro3°111•

?Awl÷ cu,e,r 11441• la.

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ganani tirt•tidal(14. +TA° liAm• (DC

roDYanG.? Wilk/

11114.a13667, cuA.e: anal" ani141•

t1°7.,4•t1•11 mA.e• xc h9°ti:1-

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ern/h.-PA•+ h-q.11 10•t) h")+R:i. (`) ?IS

(%) -1.r.ia.9°4w- 5(14• 10•1 h14'N (%)

10-A ?'H'R' (X) WC' 411.97i1A1-

"Vntim WPg. mg,41' flalA

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MA1/1-4• (n.f.91' ?m,S 7.j? /44/4-

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0:1,e9° ?"/A /PG•K N1K7c

IPG-K`14. ?-1-4,m4 0),er

e•c/0.U] htric ernAK(D•1 14414.

co AO 7n. IIKL7 P11.0 WP h14.1k-

1041 h1.1,5• (r) N3ktmf14. WS"

?4' 1°w• h7Aitt-P

3/ the following new sub-article (14) is added

after sub-article (13) of Article 12 of the

Proclamation and the existing sub-articles

(14), (15) and (16) are re-numbered as sub-

articles (15), (16) and (17), respectively:

"14/ If the public enterprise or self-

financing public office fails to pay

pension contribution collected

pursuant to sub article (2) of this

Article within 30 days, it shall be

liable to pay interest with the bank

deposit interest rate and in addition

5% penalty for the unpaid pension

contribution calculated from the first

day of the month following the last

day of the month in which payment of

salary has been effected."

4/ sub-article (6) of Article 17 of the

Proclamation is deleted and the following

new sub-articles (6) and (7) are added and

the existing sub-article (7) is renumbered as

sub-article (8):

"6/ Where a person who has received

gratuity payment pursuant to this

Proclamation or the Private

Organization Employees' Pension

Proclamation is re-employed or

assigned as a public servant, his former

service shall, without prejudice to sub-

article (3) of Article 16 of this

Proclamation, be counted along with

the new service; provided, however,

that the gratuity he received shall be

paid back.

Page 4: 76.111 .3t1,al - International Labour Organization(119% griA 5.9 Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page "1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried person employed permanently

17; 1'1'if kr.4•A '1,94÷ +Tr: T6 (119"A. 1.9° Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10th July. 2015 .page 828k)

MY?: OM" 11/A K.C:e..-1:4-

0-11.•rlq- 4m-L;J• &P apip44-

vaiing he P' haDm-am:

GDP Cm' -I- autI*6 -f-gC1/14- 004 AN-

le.7S 11901,(14- tP4•1•;'4 4-• 4-1-1.m4

my,7° 4-1-ringfl IOW S' Mete-M.1

S' at- cog' Cm' 013117i hfilh ?GYM

4han611, OVIg- 1.69°C ernA0 7fL hK47

?ILO h`PY- h1.1'W XX 10•1 h3.1'W (i:)

g'1,91, it'5"

6/ ? hPg. h1.1.SC' .1.1) 10-11 .1-ACII

Irlthrt•VD- hith 10-6 h1.1iN

"e7 ( • ew) riAlA

At) arMe hog11-1-

1,11A-Y- 6)1',4° 1111.1)

iltPk if-l.m.P6.4. (•ai. fin

rYo.e1- h1Ag7A0-7- tivan anj,

Ncrk 1110.I'X' 14 3041 N's-M (6)

11•1-Ve11a)• opit,41- crn•e,;J• ana.bMi.


MIA hltf1 6.e.-alt All. slu.AT•::"

hhq'g- h"),PR• 'H)-A (PTA"

(aZt1.1•11a)• /•t) 'sari h"),I'X' (0)

7/ A person to whom reimbursement of

pension contribution has been made

pursuant to this Proclamation or the

Private Organization Employees'

Pension Proclamation, before the

coming in to force of this amendment

Proclamation, is re-employed or

assigned as a public servant, his former

service shall, without prejudice to

Article 16(3) of this Proclamation, be

counted along with the new service;

provided, however, that the reimbursed

contribution shall be paid back with

interest calculated at bank deposit

interest rate."

5/ sub-article (2) of Article 19 of the

Proclamation is deleted and replaced by the

following new sub-article (2):

"2/ A public servant who has completed at

least 10 years and separates from the

service by voluntary resignation or for

any other cause other than those

provided for in this Proclamation,

commencing from the date of coming

into force of this amendment

Proclamation, shall receive retirement

pension for life upon attaining

retirement age pursuant to sub-article

(1) of Article 18 of this Proclamation."

6/ the following new sub-article (4) is added

after sub-article (3) of Article 20 of the


Page 5: 76.111 .3t1,al - International Labour Organization(119% griA 5.9 Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page "1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried person employed permanently

are 4,g4•A Y.94÷ 211."/ 41'PC thrA. L .1'1 PL:4 5.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 1011' July. 2015 .page 8290

"0/ (1u.0 10•11 ill+R• (6) NC (g)

t'+AY11a)- ILircr (11A .e:Ck+

(n.1111 A•6.5con hlA"itto+ Chen(,

?Konani h,P,P11 0"1A (:-cn- too-4-1% m•4;). h93k .h'PC

h1+N iit 10.(1 WH'R' (g)

?•,t511m- fl+a0 44,e, +6.Ra

IIATX h14.1k* n;,4 +ACV n°1.h-feta)•

h141V ÷÷htA:-

11%.1'at•L aloPel• talvai

?orplali)+ h1Aitto4-

(1°7511 (n-9° yuh,,e4- n.*e-r anti ) l," -1.01 171 X.eRZ15"1::"

X/110) 204'R" "jr! 30•11 (g)

lo•A h1.110i. (i:) XS (0) h'3K+K9°

10•(1 hl+RT (0) Ns"

nap -1-71.1IPPPAI

flPITX ill•JR• 96 7130•A (g) 4"Pltu

?mth•ltai• hALA 10.A hl+R•


"r/ ea7or1/.-9' ms anst-tr) hTk ,wpc %-klygii.g 111+6 P hS ?rim hl+R•

10•A ill+O (o) (g) 11S1.4" Am7t)114-9' aLS" on.e.-01

?"1"/Afle1•1 awn"

MA 4,e, ++16 Am7tH11•9! tn.6'

an (•U"3 trTr:-

"4/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub

article (1) and (2) of this Article, Article

19(2) of Private Organization Employees'

Pension (amendment) Proclamation No.

908/2015 shall be similarly applicable for

the service rendered in private


7/Article 27 of the Proclamation is deleted and

replaced by the following new Article 27:

"27.Non-Reimbursement of Pension


If the employment contract of a public

servant is terminated due to any reason,

the pension contribution may not be


8/ sub-article (2) of Article 49 of the Proclamation

is deleted and the existing sub-articles (3) and

(4) are re-numbered as sub-articles (2) and (3);

9/ the following new sub- article (3) is added after

sub-article (2) of Article 51 of the


"3/ Notwithstanding the provision of Article

9 of Social Health Insurance Proclamation

No. 690/2010 and sub article (1) and (2)

of this Article, a contribution for social

health insurance shall be deducted

monthly from pension benefit and

transferred to social health insurance

fund. However:

Page 6: 76.111 .3t1,al - International Labour Organization(119% griA 5.9 Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page "1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried person employed permanently

X?ifitifi 4g4.A 4vrC Sh dim. I! •.1 CU 5.r Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10"' July, 2015 pap 8291

0) mCq hflA fla04311A 11,e,

PA fieta0•11• 110,4•PYI/•• flamPmC.

Aelnar11 ?°7.,(171 htfl 4mS

90KlY) apTob Palcrin•


(a) if the beneficiary who receives

monthly pension benefit also receives

salary from employment, a

contribution for social health

insurance shall be deducted only

from his monthly salary;

A) MA flaml'OA /Le PA

(lAcip•114- MA

P°i. e'l htr 1, ?mg an .e.1)1

antPc" r'144,5 Am- (11,41•

ti°Z.rria)- Pm./.:J- MA .11Y

X/ l'iltPX tg 'SO-A ill4qt* (o) -1-eicif

hlo•A N'pppc* (g) M.A

10•A h').1-- (6) NS -1-613.911 40)-

V1C::13 "0.A h14'R:1- (k)T (i:)1 (0) ?IC

V;) NIK•hgr 10.A

(r)T (0)1 (6) NS (`) 01(n-

"6/ MA flamPflA

(1A90414- apf-Gy


yA.K4e1 Inn h4.6. h1A,A04- 11.1,g913

h1A1(t-1: .9C 4..e. 913C ,e;J.A.11A:•A:1

g/ ?Kt) Alt/qv 10•1 N14;R• (fi)

11.5T9° 1K 1S ?,4-e1fla)• MA

h+ .e."1"(1)- MA .e56 ?q,Kloa).1

MA tula1'i:1- a•il+ ,e5r1.93A:: trrr

0).g. HavaDAA 11.1•d-Row

h1A1A°4• Mtid.A MA a),er

?m•e.;). worchu h,eTCY"::"

(b) if the beneficiary who receives

pension benefit also receives

survivors' pension benefit, the

contribution for social health

insurance shall be deducted only

from the pension benefit he gets by

his own."

10/ sub-article (1) of Article 52 of the

Proclamation is deleted and the

following new sub-articles (1) and (2)

are added before sub-article (2) and the

existing sub-articles (2), (3), (4) and (5)

are renumbered as sub-articles(3), (4),

(5) and (6) respectively:

"1/ If a beneficiary who receives

retirement benefit is employed by a

public office as a public servant

and has not reached the retirement

age, his new service year shall

be counted in addition to hi-

previous service.

2/ Without prejudice to sub-article (1)

of this Article, if the amount of

retirement pension calculated based

on the accumulated service is less

than the previous one, the

beneficiary shall have the right to

receive the previous pension

benefit; provided, however, that

there may not be any payment of

benefit or contribution re-

imbursement for the service

Page 7: 76.111 .3t1,al - International Labour Organization(119% griA 5.9 Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page "1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried person employed permanently

Vic ;ifisylf •v•c T?i .119"A. r: •', fn."; 1.9° Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 101h July. 2015 ...panic s -292

X6/ t1h,P74: Alti,w '30.t) hl+• (X)

+T ►. ?v'.() 2,11.1,se•

(%)Y (X)i (u) ?lc (1)

?hpg 30.n h'3-lqv (6)

NIK•1•entltir trr

htrk chic


anii"GY flaDTM:i" ?A1̀7 :t.

(lan'Sit):1. 11`111ZY:

TCYYPI• WM° Tr.'14•9°

7.11, 111terin (1'),A A'ci. WC" SLO Wre:

Oar/AS(1i. 4'1 PG- AR, nalLfcc

t7a.(0•1 appc► , ntig.n

Lpef-r-fi ?ILO WP: g),92


fp/ ?mu N.H.A. (6) .V.•3•./7,

(L';' 9° q'gr A.A 1'au,(7A4-


MIA .•m,► "17.

'1A° (11'

5a0:1- (min) V1

:11(1' nitv1:,4•

vm.4.4. MA ar•l.i:1 fa)

Pwrirify krk haf;(11-

rendered by re- employment ."

11/ the following new sub-articles (7), (8).

(9) and (10) are added after sub-article

(6) of Article 59 of the Proclamation:

"7/ Without prejudice to sub-article (5)

of Article 17, the provisions of this

Proclamation shall apply to public

servant who have been employed

temporarily in a public office,

public enterprise or project or

program carried out by government

before the coming into force of

Proclamation No. 345/2003 and

become permanent: provided.

however, that he shall be serving as

public servant on the date of

coming into force of this

Proclamation and pays the due


8/ Without prejudice to sub-article (4)

of Article 19 and sub-article (1) of

Article 59 of the Proclamation, sub-

article (3) of Article 19 of the

Proclamation shall be applicable to

public servant who have completed

at least 25 years of service and

separates from service on different

grounds before the effective date of

this amendment Proclamation.

9/ Without prejudice to sub-article (1)

of this Article, a public servant or

beneficiary who lost his right to have

retirement pension benefit due to

criminal punishment for not less

than three years rigorous

imprisonment, shall have right to

receive pension benefit after the

Page 8: 76.111 .3t1,al - International Labour Organization(119% griA 5.9 Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10" July, 2015 page "1/ 'public servant' means monthly salaried person employed permanently

19i grigyir 4./44•A .tvrc dirA, 1.9° Federal Negarit Gazette No. 61 10th July, 2015 page 8293

?AIM- awilti: MA '.t!.i.i.i,9°C

?tn.l.). MA Cm1"Ii:1-

an,(14. AS'493 A::

X/ Au WP Oxv11-

(DAP' (1A1 AtiVI'mC

Pan3"9•4. (111,t)

'3041 A7+R• (P) (1•1•1A); 4`111y4-

,PA.1..ellA4- MA,A°4-

MAltv•l: .7C -hM°C


i. htrx ratasn÷ VL

,e,u tithrtl... 6 gi't CC% 9.r :e:9°C ?OS

gat'S A::

effective date of this Proclamation;

provided, however, he cannot claim

arrear payments.

10/A period of service not counted for

the reason mentioned in sub-article

(9) of this Article shall be added to

the new services of the public

servant who is engaged on or after

the effective date of this


3. Effective date

This Proclamation shall enter into force as of the 8th

day of July, 2015.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 10th day of July, 2015.

MLA kind thrtb r +7 in.%

RIC aD.441 +Van

Ph.414 frf S.RGalde GT4Itth





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