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Warsaw UniversityWarszawa, Poland

Electroencephalography is a domain concerning recordingand interpretation of the electroencephalogram. Electro-encephalogram (EEG) is a record of the electric signalgenerated by the cooperative action of brain cells, or moreprecisely, the time course of extracellular field potentialsgenerated by their synchronous action. Electroencephalo-gram derives from the Greek words enkephalo (brain) andgraphein (to write). EEG can be measured by means ofelectrodes placed on the scalp or directly on the cortex. Inthe latter case, it is sometimes called electrocorticogram(ECoG). Electric fields measured intracortically werenamed Local Fields Potentials (LFP). EEG recorded inthe absence of an external stimulus is called spontaneousEEG; EEG generated as a response to external or internalstimulus is called an event-related potential (ERP). Theamplitude of EEG of a normal subject in the awake staterecorded with the scalp electrodes is 10–100 mV. In case ofepilepsy, the EEG amplitudes may increase by almost anorder of magnitude. In the cortex, amplitudes are in therange 500–1500mV.


The following rhythms have been distinguished in EEG(Fig. 1): delta (0.5–4Hz), theta (4–8Hz), alpha (8–13Hz),beta (13–30Hz), and gamma (above 30Hz). Gamma com-ponents are difficult to record by scalp electrodes and theirfrequency does not exceed 45Hz; in ECoG components, upto 100 Hz, or even higher, may be registered. The con-tribution of different rhythms to the EEG depends on theage and behavioral state of the subject, mainly the level ofalertness. Considerable intersubject differences in EEGcharacteristics also exist. EEG pattern is influenced byneuro-pathological conditions, metabolic disorders, anddrug action (1).

* Delta rhythm is a predominant feature in EEGsrecorded during deep sleep. In this stage, delta wavesusually have large amplitudes (75–200 mV) and showstrong coherence all over the scalp.

* Theta rhythms rarely occur in adult humans. How-ever, they are predominant in rodents; in this case,the frequency range is broader (4–12Hz) and waveshave a high amplitude and characteristic sawtoothshape. It is hypothesized that theta rhythms inrodents serve as a gating mechanism in the informa-tion transfer between the brain structures (2). Inhumans, activity in the theta band may occur inemotional or some cognitive states; it can be alsoconnected with the slowing of alpha rhythms causedby pathology.

* Alpha rhythms are predominant during wakefulnessand are most pronounced in the posterior regions ofthe head. They are best observed when the eyes areclosed and the subject is in a relaxed state. They areblocked or attenuated by attention (especially visual)and by mental effort. Mu rhythms have a frequencyband similar to alpha, but their topography andphysiological significance are different. They arerelated to the function of motor cortex and are pre-valent in the central part of the head. Mu rhythmsare blocked by motor functions.

* Beta activity is characteristic for the states of in-creased alertness and focused attention, as wasshown in several animal and human studies.

* Gamma activity is connected with information pro-cessing (e.g., recognition of sensory stimuli) (3) andthe onset of voluntary movements. In general, it canbe summarized that the slowest cortical rhythms arerelated to an idle brain and the fastest to informationprocessing.

The EEG is observed in all mammals, the character-istics of primate EEG being closest to the human. Cat, dog,and rodent EEGs also resemble human EEGs, but havedifferent spectral content. In lower vertebrates, electricbrain activity is also observed, but it lacks the rhythmicalbehavior found in higher vertebrate recordings.


Richard Caton (1842–1926) is regarded as the first scien-tist to investigate brain potentials. He worked on theexposed brains of cats and rabbits, measuring electriccurrents by means of a galvanometer, where a beam oflight reflected from its mirror was projected onto a scaleplaced on a nearby wall. The results (presented in 1875)showed that ‘‘feeble currents of varying directions passthrough the multiplier when the electrodes are placed attwo points of the external surface, or one electrode on thegray matter and one on the surface of skull.’’ This ob-servation can be regarded as a discovery of electroence-phalographic activity.

Adolf Beck (1863–1939) also investigated spontaneousactivity of the brains of rabbits and dogs. He was the firstto discover (in 1890) the rhythmical oscillations of brainelectrical activity. He also observed the disappearance ofthese oscillations when the eyes were stimulated withlight, which was the first discovery of so-called ‘‘alphablocking.’’ Later, his co-worker Napoleon Cybulski (1854–1919) presented the electroencephalogram in a graphicalform by applying a galvanometer with a photographicattachment and was the first to observe epileptic EEGactivity in a dog elicited by an electric stimulation (4). In1929, the first electroencephalogram was recorded fromthe surface of the human scalp by Hans Berger (5).

1935 witnessed birth of the major fields of today’sclinical electroencephalography. F. Gibbs and H. Davisshowed association of 3/sec spike-wave complexes in EEGwith epileptic absences and A. L. Loomis et al. studiedhuman sleep patterns. Also in 1935, the first electroence-


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phalograph (Grass Model I) started the era of contempor-ary EEG recording. More information about the history ofelectroencephalography may be found in (1) and (4).


In the brain, two main classes of cells exist: nervous cells,called neurons (Fig. 2), and glial cells. In both, the restingpotential is approximately � 80mV, with the inside ofcells being negative. The difference of potentials across acell membrane comes from the difference of concentrationof cations: Kþ , Naþ , anions Cl� , and large organicanions. Caþ þ ions are less abundant, but they have animportant regulatory role. The potential difference ismaintained by the active transport of cations Kþ to theinside of the cell and Naþ to the outside, using the energysupplied through metabolic processes.

Electric activity of neurons is manifested by generationof action potentials and postsynaptic potentials (PSP).Action potentials occur when the electrical excitation ofthe membrane exceeds a threshold. Postsynaptic poten-tials are subthreshold phenomena. The generation ofaction potentials is connected with rapid increase ofpermeability for Naþ ions. Their influx in the cell causesa rapid increase of the potential inside the cell and the

change of polarity of the inside of the neuron fromnegative to positive (about þ 30 mV). A subsequent in-crease of membrane permeability to Kþ ions (leading totheir outflow from the cell), and a decrease of permeabilityfor Naþ ions makes the inside of the cell negative againwith respect to the surrounding medium. In this way,action potential of characteristic spike-like shape (dura-tion about 1 ms) is created. It obeys the ‘‘all or nothing’’rule: for supra-threshold stimuli, a pulse of a constantamplitude is generated; for subthreshold excitation, theneuron doesn’t fire.

PSPs are connected with the phenomena occurring onthe postsynaptic membrane. When action potential ar-rives at the synapse, it secretes a chemical substance,called mediator or transmitter, which causes a change inthe permeability of the postsynaptic membrane of the nextneuron. As a result, ions traverse the membrane and adifference in potentials across the membrane is created.When the negativity inside the neuron is decreased (e.g.,by the influx of Naþ ions), the possibility offiring is higherand an excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) is gener-ated. An inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) is cre-ated when the negativity inside the neuron is increasedand the neuron becomes hyperpolarized. Unlike the actionpotential, the PSPs are graded potentials, their ampli-

1 5 10 15 s−50



1 5 10 15 s −50



1 5 10 15 s −50



1 5 10 15 s −50



1 5 10 15 s −500






Figure 1. Characteristic EEG rhythms, from the top: d (0.5–4Hz), y (4–8Hz), a (8–13Hz), b (13–30Hz). The lowest trace–EEG during epileptic seizure, note that the amplitude scale is an order ofmagnitude bigger.


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tudes are proportional to the amount of secreted mediator,which depends on the excitation of the input neuron.Postsynaptic potentials typically have amplitudes of 5–10mV and a time span 10–50msec. In order to obtainsupra-threshold excitation, the amplitudes of many post-synaptic potentials have to be superimposed in the soma ofa neuron. A neuron can have very abundant arborizations,making up to 10,000 synaptic junctions with other neu-rons (in the human brain, about 1011 neurons exist).

The electrical activity of neurons generates currentsalong the cell membrane in the intra- and extracellularspaces, producing an electric field conforming approxi-mately to that of a dipole. Macroscopic observation ofthis electric field requires the synchronization of electricalactivity of a large number of dipoles oriented in parallel(6). Indeed, pyramidal cells of the cortex are, to a largedegree, parallel and, moreover, they are synchronized byvirtue of common feeding by thalamocortical connections(2). The condition of synchrony is fulfilled by the PSPs,which are relatively long in duration. The contributionfrom action potentials to the electric field measured ex-tracranially is negligible. EEG comes from the summationof synchronously generated postsynaptic potentials. The

contribution to the electric field of neurons acting syn-chronously is approximately proportional to their number,and, for those firing nonsynchronously, as a square root oftheir number. For example, if the electrode records actionof 108neurons (which is typical for scalp electrode) and 1%of them are acting synchronously, their contribution willbe 100 times bigger than the contribution of neuronsacting asynchronously, because 106/sqrt(108)¼ 100.

The problem of the origins of EEG rhythmical activityhas been approached by electrophysiological studies onbrain nerve cells and by the modeling of electrical activityof the neural populations (2,3). The question emergeswhether the rhythms are caused by single cells withpacemaker properties or by the oscillating neural net-works. It has been shown that some thalamic neuronsdisplay oscillatory behavior, even in the absence of synap-tic input (7). Evidence exists that the intrinsic oscillatoryproperties of some neurons contribute to the shaping ofthe rhythmic behavior of networks to which they belong.However, these properties may not be sufficient to accountfor the network rhythmic behavior (2). It is generallyaccepted that cooperative properties of networks consist-ing of excitatory and inhibitory neurons connected byfeedback loops play the crucial role in establishing EEGrhythms. The frequency of oscillation depends on theintrinsic membrane properties, on the membrane poten-tial of the individual neurons, and on the strength of thesynaptic interactions.

In the past, the role of EEG in information processinghas not been fully recognized. However, strong evidenceexists that coherent oscillations in the beta range in apopulation of neurons might be the basic mechanism infeature binding of the visual system (8). It seems that thisobservation is not limited to the visual system and thatsynchronized oscillatory activity provides an efficient wayto switch the brain system between different behavioralstates and to cause a qualitative transition between modesof information processing. In this way, neuronal groupswith a similar dynamic functional state can be formed,subserving perceptual processes. It has also been postu-lated that the role of synchronized oscillatory EEG activ-ity in the alpha and theta range is to serve as a gatingmechanism to the flow of the information through thenetwork. Bursts of oscillatory activity may constitute amechanism by which the brain can regulate changes ofstate in selected neuronal networks and change the routeof information (2).


EEG is usually registered by means of electrodes placedon the scalp. They can be secured by an adhesive (likecollodion) or embedded in a special snug cap. The resis-tance of the connection should be less than 5KOhms, sothe recording site is first cleaned with diluted alcohol, andconductive electrode paste applied to the electrode cup.

Knowledge of exact positions of electrodes is veryimportant for both interpretation of a single recording aswell as comparison of results, hence the need for standar-dization. The traditional 10–20 electrode system (9) states

Figure 2. From the top: neuron, synapse, postsynaptic potential.


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positions of 19 EEG electrodes (and two electrodes placedon earlobes A1/A2) related to specific anatomic landmarks,such that 10–20% of the distance between them is used asthe electrode interval (Fig. 3). The first part of derivation’sname indexes the array’s row—from the front of head: Fp,F, C, P, and O. The second part is formed from numberseven on the left and odd on the right side, in the center ‘‘z’’or ‘‘0’’. Progress in topographic representation of EEGrecordings brought demand for a larger amount of deriva-tions. Electrode sites halfway between those defined bythe standard 10–20 system were introduced in the ex-tended 10–20 system (10).

EEG is a measure of potential difference; in the refer-ential (or unipolar) setup, it is measured relative to thesame electrode for all derivations. This reference electrodeis usually placed on the earlobe, nose, mastoid, chin, neck,or scalp center. No universal consent exists regarding thebest position of the reference electrode, because currentscoming from bioelectric activity of muscles, heart, or brainpropagate all over the human body. In the bipolar setup(montage), each channel registers the potential differencebetween two particular scalp electrodes. Data recorded ina referential setup can be transformed into any bipolarmontage, for the sake of display or further processing. Thecommon ‘‘average reference’’ montage can be obtained bysubtracting from each channel the average activity fromall the remaining derivations. The Hjorth transform re-ferences each electrode to the four closest neighbors,which is an approximation of the Laplace transform(LT). LT is calculated as a second spatial derivative of asignal, offering information about vertical current density.For best performance, it needs an adequate spatial sam-pling-interelectrode distance around 20mm (e.g., 128electrodes on the scalp). The estimates obtained by meansof LT for the electrodes lying at the scalp periphery arebiased and have to be excluded.

Contrary to the open question of the reference, thenecessity of artifact rejection is universally acknowledged.The main problem lies in the lack of a working definitionfor an EEG artifact—it can stem from muscle or heartactivity (EMG, ECG), eye movement (EOG), externalelectromagnetic field, poor electrode contact, subject’s

movement, etc. Corresponding signals (EMG, EOG,ECG, and body movements) registered simultaneouslywith EEG are helpful in the visual rejection of artifact-contaminated epochs.

EEG is usually digitized by a 12-bit ADC (analog-digital conversion) with the sampling frequency rangingfrom 100 Hz for spontaneous EEG and several hundredHz for ERP to several kHz for recording short latency far-field ERP. A black diagram of a recording setup is shownin Fig. 4. Prior to sampling, low-pass anti-aliasing filtersare used; high-pass filters are applied in order to eliminateartifacts of lowest frequencies.


EEG evolves with age and achieves its final character at30 years, when it stabilizes and then starts to changeagain in the old age. The rate of change is correlatedwith mental health. EEG development in infancy andadolescence is characterized by a shift of the EEG rhythmtoward higher frequencies. In newborns, slow deltarhythms predominate, then the basic frequency shiftstoward theta at the age of 12 months. The posterior slowactivity characteristic in young children constantly di-minishes during adolescence. Alpha rhythm appears atthe age of 10 years (1). In young adults (21–30 years), theEEG still shows mild signs of immaturity including con-tribution of 1.5–3Hz and 4–7Hz waves during awakestate, normally not seen past the age of 30.

Physiologically, the maturation process is connectedwith the development of dendritic trees and myelination.Myelin layers produced by glial cells cover the axons ofneurons and act as an insulator of electrically conductivecells. The propagation of electrical activity is faster andless energy-consuming in myelinated fibers.


Sleep EEG reveals a characteristic alternating pattern.The classic description of sleep involves division intostages originally defined by Rechtschaffen and Kales

Figure 3. Electrodes placement in 10–20 system.


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(R&K) (11): stage 1 (drowsiness), stage 2 (light sleep),stage 3 (deep sleep), stage 4 (very deep sleep), and REM(dreaming period accompanied by rapid eye movements).The differentiation of the sleep stages involves measure-ment of several signals. Their recording, called a poly-somnogram, includes not only EEG, but alsoelectrooculogram (EOG), electromyogram (muscular ac-tivity), and respiration. It may also include measurementof blood flow, electrocardiogram (ECG), and oxygen levelin blood. EOG is recorded by means of the electrodesplaced at the canthi of the eyes. As a result of thecornoretinal standing potential (the cornea is positiverelative to the fundus), the eye movements producechanges in the potential between electrodes. The EOGand EMG help to distinguish REM state. The sequence ofsleep stages is usually illustrated in the form of thehypnogram (Fig. 5). Recognition of stages is based on thecontribution of the different rhythms and the occurrenceof characteristic signal transients absent in wake EEG,namely sleep spindles, vertex waves, and K complexes.Sleep spindles are rhythmic waves of frequency 11–15Hzand duration longer than 0.5s; characteristic increase andthen gradual decrease of amplitude is not always ob-served. They are most prominent in the central deriva-tions; low-frequency spindles (11–12.5Hz) are morepronounced in the frontal and high-frequency spindles(12.5–15Hz) in more posterior derivations (12). Vertexwave is a compound potential: a small spike discharge ofpositive polarity preceding a large spike and followed by anegative wave of latency around 100ms and often anothersmall positive spike. Vertex waves are a kind of auditory-evoked response (AER), as can be judged from their shapeand place of occurrence. The K complex consists of aninitial sharp component, followed by a slow componentthat fuses with a superimposed fast component. The sharpcomponent may be biphasic or multiphasic. Sometimes theK complex is described only as having slow and fastcomponents; the initiating sharp component is equatedwith a vertex wave (1).

Sleep stages may be briefly characterized as follows.

* Stage 1 (drowsiness) is associated with a decrease ofalpha rhythm, rhythms in 2–7Hz frequency band

and low-amplitude rhythms of 15–25Hz band. Dee-pening of drowsiness is connected with enhancementof slow activity and occurrence of vertex waves andslow rolling eye movements. According to R&K, thestage 1 is scored when less than 20% of the epochcontains any alpha activity and EEG consists ofmedium amplitude mixed frequency (mainly theta)activity, sometimes with vertex sharp waves.

* Stage 2 is characterized by appearance of sleepspindles, which are usually considered as a signal ofsleep onset. Slow frequencies ranging from 0.75Hz to4Hz are usually predominant in stage 2 of sleep;however, fast frequencies (15–30Hz) may be presenttoo. Summarizing, stage 2 is characterized by spin-dles and K complexes, less than 20% of the epoch maycontain delta waves.

* Stage 3 is associated with preponderant slow rhythmin the delta frequency (0.75–3Hz) range; activity oflower amplitude in 5–9Hz range is also quite com-mon. In a sizeable number of healthy subjects, alphaactivity (7–11Hz) may be intermingled with deltarhythm, and, in this alternating pattern, certainperiodicities may occur. K complexes are still presentin sleep stage 3; spindles are less abundant than instage 2. Stage 3 is scored when 20–50% of the epochcontains delta waves of 0.5–2.5Hz frequency and of75 mV or greater peak-to-peak amplitude.

* Stage 4 is dominated by slow-wave activity of highamplitude; K complexes may appear. Stage 4 isscored when more than 50% of the epoch containsdelta activity conforming to the criteria definedabove.

* REM is characterized by a decrease of EEG ampli-tude, occurrence of faster rhythms, rapid eye move-ments, and loss of muscular activity. Spectralcharacteristics in REM is polyrhythmic and, on thebasis of EEG only, it is difficult to distinguish REMfrom stage 1.

The evolution of slow-wave activity and spindles duringovernight sleep is shown in Fig. 5.

Evidence exists that when the sleep becomes deeper,the sources that drive EEG activity move from the poster-




Amplifier Paperrecordings




Figure 4. Block diagram of recording of a single EEG channel. Differential amplifier measurespotential between two electrodes (one of them is treated as the reference). Analog filters andadjustable; amplifier prepares the signal for analog-digital conversion (ADC) and storage (lowerpath). Before the proliferation of digital media, EEG was stored on folded paper (upper path).


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ior regions of the head (prevalent during awake state witheyes closed) to the centro-frontal regions (13).

During the night, nonREM (NREM) and REM periodsoccur in cycles. Slow-wave sleep is concentrated in the firstone-third of the night and is predominant in childhood.The sleep pattern changes very much during childhoodand adolescence. For newborn babies, REM takes most ofthe sleep time, and in young children, only REM andnonREM stages can be distinguished. Diminuition of deepslow-wave sleep and increase in wakefulness continuesthrough entire life span after the age of 1 year. In old age,the contribution of stages 3 and 4 decreases markedly andthe first REM stage appears later at night. The changes ofthe sleep pattern may be caused not only by a normalaging, but also by degenerative diseases. An atypicalpolysomnogram may be observed in a variety of situations(e.g., sleep deprivation, abnormal sleep habits, drug anddrug withdrawal effects, sleep pathologies). Dissociated orotherwise atypical sleep patterns may be manifested by

intrusion of the alpha rhythm on the slow waves in stages3 and 4 or the appearance of sleep spindles in REM. Also,normal ultradian NREM/REM cyclicity may be altered orlost. The normal REM onset in adults appears after aboutone hour or later. Early (about 10 minutes) onset of REMsleep, called SOREM, may be an effect of previous REMdeprivation, alcoholism, drug withdrawal, irregular sleephabits, severe depression, or narcolepxy-catalepsy. In thelatest case, a poor REM cyclicity is observed.

From the clinical point of view, not only sleep macro-structure described by hypnogram, but also its micro-structure, is important. Transient arousals associatedwith unstable sleep conditions are reflected in the EEG.A set of guidelines for arousal scoring has been proposedby the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (14). An EEGarousal is defined as an abrupt shift in EEG frequency,which may include theta, alpha, or frequencies greaterthan 16Hz, but not spindles. A set of additional conditionsis given in Guilleminault et al. (14). A certain number of

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



w m

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70





/ ep


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 70






.of s



/ epo


time [h]


Figure 5. Time evolution of the overnight sleep (horizontal scale in hours). Top: – Hypnogram (byhuman expert; bottom: SWA and sleep spindles detected automatically from matching pursuitparameterization of the EEG signal: % SWA denotes the percentage of epoch occupied bywaveforms classified as SWA. Continuous description of the slow-wave sleep is compatible withthe III/IV stages delineation defined R&K (11), as indicated by the 20% an 50% lines. Artifacts notremoved from analysis.


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spontaneous arousals seems to be an intrinsic componentof physiological sleep, but their frequent occurrence maybe connected with respiratory sleep disorders, nocturnalmyoclonus, and other clinical conditions.


EEG is affected by the CNS disorders (e.g., cerebralanoxia, cerebral inflammatory processes, cerebral palsy,Creutzfeld–Jacob disease, and metabolic and degenerativenervous system disorders such as senile and preseniledementias). It is influenced by brain tumors and cranio-cerebral traumas; in the second case, it can serve as ameasure of patient recovery. EEG is also an important testin psychiatric diseases, sleep disorders, and developmen-tal disorders. In particular, analysis of evoked potentials isvery helpful in diagnosing dyslexia and differentiationbetween psychogenic and neurogenic disorders. The char-acter of EEG changes dramatically in epileptic conditionand its analysis is a basic tool in this case (1).


An epileptic seizure is caused by the massive synchroniza-tion of neuronal electrical activity. During the seizure,groups of neurons discharge synchronously, creating alarge amplitude signal and leading to uncontrollableoscillations. Tumors, infections, trauma, or metabolicand toxic disorders may be responsible for the synchro-nized discharges. Epilepsy is the second most commonneurological disease (15). Its clinical symptoms may in-volve the loss of awareness, drop attacks, facial musclesand eye movements, aggressive outbursts, prolonged con-fusional states, and flexor spasms of a whole body.

Seizure types can be divided into three main categories(15):

1. Local—the synchronized electrical activity starts ina well localized part of the brain. The seizure,lasting a few seconds, is accompanied by jerking orspasms, as well as by a loss of consciousness.

2. Generalized—the EEG patterns are bilaterally sym-metrical and roughly synchronous; the epilepticactivity is spread over wide areas of both hemi-spheres simultaneously from the onset of attack.

3. Unclassifiable—different from those described in (1)and (2).

In epileptic discharges, the membrane potential ofcortical and deeper located neurons changes in a dramaticway, which leads to massive bursts of action potentialsand large fluctuations of intra- and extracellular fields.The seizure initiation is probably connected with thebreakdown of the local inhibitory mechanisms. The crucialfactor in generation of epileptic activity is the synchroni-zation of neural pools. Mechanisms of this synchronizationare probably connected with recurrent excitation operat-ing through positive feedback loops.

An important diagnostic problem is localization of theepileptic focus, which, in severe cases, can be possiblyremoved by surgical intervention. Intracranial electrodesare usually placed in the suspected region, found from thescalp EEG, in order to better localize the focus. Testsinvolving measurement of ERP are performed in order tocheck if the removal of a given part of the brain will notimpair some vital brain functions. The epileptic focus maynot necessarily be detected by imaging techniques such astomography, so the information contained in EEG isessential for localization of epileptic foci.


EEG is very sensitive to the action of a wide range ofpharmacological substances, especially psychotropicdrugs, anaesthetics, and anticonvulsants. It is also af-fected by some drugs targeted to organs other than thecentral nervous system (CNS), such as antihistamines andantihypertensives. Influence of drugs on EEG primarilyinclude changes in its spectral content and topographiccharacteristics. Effects of psychoactive drugs on EEGcould be used to assess their action on the CNS. Aparticular effect of a drug on EEG may be used as anindication for its potential therapeutic efficiency.


Event-related potentials (ERPs) are the changes of spon-taneous EEG activity related to a specific event. ERPstriggered by particular stimuli, visual (VEP), auditory(AEP), or somatosensory (SEP), are called evoked poten-tials (EP). It is assumed that ERPs are generated byactivation of specific neural populations, time-locked tothe stimulus, or that they occur as the result of reorgani-zation of ongoing EEG activity. The basic problem inanalysis of ERPs is their detection within the largerEEG activity. ERP amplitudes are an order of magnitudesmaller than that of the ongoing EEG. Averaging is acommon technique in ERP analysis; it makes possible thereduction of background EEG noise. However, assump-tions underlying the averaging procedure, namely (1) thebackground noise is a random process, (2) the ERP isdeterministic and repeatable, and (3) EEG and ERP areindependent, are not well justified.

The ERP pattern depends on the nature of the stimula-tion, placement of the recording electrode, and the actualstate of the brain. ERPs are usually described in terms ofthe amplitudes and latencies of their characteristic waves(Fig. 6). The components occurring at different times aredifferent in nature; they are named early and late ERP.The early ERPs of latency below 10–12ms (called some-times ‘‘far fields’’) are connected with the response of thereceptors and peripheral nervous system; late ERPs(‘‘near-field’’ potentials) are generated in the brain. Inlate ERPs, exogenous components (primarily dependenton characteristics of the external stimulus) and endogen-ous components (which are dependent on internal cogni-tive processes) can be distinguished. Endogenouscomponents of latencies above 100–200ms are influenced


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by the attention to the stimulus. The later componentsaround 300 ms (P300) reflect recognition and discrimina-tion between stimuli. P300 amplitude is considered as amanifestation of CNS activation that reflects attention toincoming stimulus, when memory representations areupdated. P300 latency is dependent on the stimulusclassification speed (it is smaller for known stimuli) andthe latency is connected with individual cognitive cap-ability.

ERPs are widely used in clinical practice as tests of theintegrity of the sensory pathways or their different dys-functions. They are also helpful in the diagnosis of diffusedbrain diseases (e.g., multiple sclerosis or psychiatric dis-orders).

ERPs need not to be time-locked to the stimuli, they canoccur without the fixed phase to the trigger. ERPs causedby continuous stimuli (e.g., wave-modulated light or am-plitude-modulated tone) or those that are not time-lockedto the stimulus are preferably analyzed in the frequencydomain. As an example, ERPs can serve preceding volun-tary actions such as speech or movements. They areusually accompanied by the change in the spectral contentof the signals. Specifically, before the movement onset andduring the movement, a decrease of activity occurs in thealpha and beta band in cortical regions connected withsensorimotor cortex (Fig. 7). This phenomenon is calledevent-related desynchronization (16). After the move-ment, an increased synchronization in both these bandsoccurs. During the action, an increase of activity in thehigh frequencies (gamma band) takes place. It is notalways present in scalp recordings, but it is well visiblein electrocorticogram.


The traditional method of EEG analysis is visual inspec-tion of the signals plotted on paper. Modern computeranalysis can extend electroencephalographer’s capabil-ities by supplying information not directly availablefrom the raw data. However, visual analysis is still awidespread technique, especially for detection of transientfeatures of signal. In most cases, the agreement of anautomatic method with visual analysis is a basic criterionfor its acceptance.

Figure 6. Schematic representations of average auditory ERP(upper picture) and visual ERP (lower picture) in logarithmictime scale, showing the commonly recognized components. Letter‘‘N’’ denotes negative polarity, ‘‘P’’ positive polarity, usually fol-lowed by the number denoting latency in ms. The components ofauditory potentials marked by roman numbers are the brainstem-evoked responses (BAEP). They are followed by mid-latencyexogenous components (MAEP) in the frequency range 10–100ms. The first peak in exogenous visual ERP comes fromERG (electroretinogram). Exogenous ERP exhibit modality–spe-cific features; endogenous ERP are similar in both modalities.




EEG power distribution in time and frequency, electrode C1,right hand finger movement



Frequency (Hz)


e (s


10 15 20 25 30−5



Figure 7. EEG power distribution in time and frequency duringvoluntary finger movement (movement onset at time 0) forelectrode placed above sensorimotor cortex. The desynchroniza-tion (decrease of amplitude) is visible for alpha and beta bandbefore the movement and their synchronization may be observedafter the movement. (EEG filtered in 0.5–100Hz frequency range.The power was divided by 1/f in order to suppress the frequency-dependent background.)


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As a result of its complexity, the EEG time series can betreated as a realization of a stochastic process, and thestatistical properties can be evaluated by typical methodsbased on the theory of stochastic signals. These methodsinclude probability distributions and their moments(means, variances, higher-order moments), correlationfunctions, and spectra. Estimation of these observablesis usually based on the assumption of stationarity, whichmeans that the statistical properties of the signal do notchange during the observation time. Although the EEGsignals are ever changing, they can be subdivided intoquasi-stationary epochs when recorded under constantbehavioral conditions. On the basis of empirical observa-tions and statistical analysis performed by severalauthors, quasi-stationarity can be assumed for EEGepochs of approximately 10 seconds in length, measuredunder constant behavioral conditions (1).

EEG signals can be analyzed in the time or frequencydomain, and one or several channels can be analyzed at atime. The applied methods involve spectral analysis byFourier Transform (FT), autoregressive (AR) or autore-gressive-moving average (ARMA) parametric models, Kal-man filters, and time-frequency and time-scale methods(Wigner distributions, wavelets, matching pursuit). Themost common methods used for postprocessing includecluster analysis, discriminant analysis, or artificial neuralnetworks (ANN).

Estimation of power spectra is one of the most fre-quently used methods of EEG analysis. It provides infor-mation about the basic rhythms present in the signal andcan be easily and rapidly calculated by means of the FastFourier Transform (FFT). Maximum entropy power spec-trum may be obtained by means of the autoregressivemodel, which can be recommended for the EEG analysis.The AR model represents a filter with a white noise at theinput and the EEG series at the output; it is compatiblewith a physiological model of the alpha rhythm generation(17), but this link is neither specific nor essential. The ARmodel provides a parametric description of the signal andmakes possible its segmentation into stationary epochs. Italso offers the possibility of detecting nonstationarities bymeans of the inverse filtering (1).

Autoregressive or autoregressive-moving average mod-els (ARMA), sometimes used for EEG analysis, belong tothe class of linear models. Some authors use nonlinearmethods for EEG analysis, based on estimators derivedfrom chaos theory, such as attractor dimension or Lyapu-nov coefficients. However, these parameters have a verylimited value for EEG, because this signal has a characterof colored noise and reveals chaotic character only in someepochs of epileptic seizures, as was shown by surrogatedata tests (18,19) and linear forecasting (20). Moreover,the above-mentioned chaotic estimators require long sta-tionary data epochs, are subject to systematic errors, andare very sensitive to noise.

The representation of EEG activity for a completeensemble of channels records from scalp electrodes isusually performed by mapping. The features of EEG canbe extracted from multivariate statistics, so, in this re-spect, graphic representation in the form of maps isneither necessary nor sufficient. However, it is more

effective for a human observer to look at a map than at atable of numbers. A map may help to make a directcomparison between the topographic distribution of EEGfeatures and an anatomic image given, for example, by thetomographic brain scan. Three types of features are mostcommonly mapped for clinical applications (1) direct vari-able such as amplitude, (2) transformed variable such astotal spectral power or relative spectral power in fre-quency band, and (3) the result of statistical test appliedto given EEG feature.

The appearance of a map depends very much on theelectrode reference system. The recommended representa-tion involves surface Laplacians, because this approachapproximates source current density and cancels a com-mon component caused by volume conduction (6,21).However, a reliable computation of surface Laplacianrequires at least 64 electrodes and adequate spatialsampling is obtained for 128 electrodes. Therefore, quitefrequently an approximation of the Laplacian operator byHjorth transform (22) is applied [e.g., it was used as apreprocessing method improving spatial resolution forestimation of synchronization and desynchronisation ofEEG activity (16)]. Results obtained by application ofLaplacian operator may be further ameliorated by deblur-ring; that is, using a mathematical model of volumeconduction through the skull and scalp to downwardlyproject scalp-recorded potentials, which provides a com-putational estimate of the electrical potentials, that wouldbe recorded near the superficial cortical surface (23).

Interdependence between two EEG signals can befound by a cross-correlation function or its analogue inthe frequency domain—coherence. Cross-correlation canbe used for comparison of EEGs from homologous deriva-tions on the scalp. A certain degree of difference betweenthese EEGs may be connected with functional differencesbetween brain hemispheres, but a low value of cross-correlation may also indicate a pathology. The cross-covariance functions have been extensively used in theanalysis of event-related potentials for the study of theelectrophysiological correlates of cognitive functions (24).Inter-relationships between EEG time series recorded atdifferent sites can also be quantified by information mea-sures (25) and coherences (26). Usually, an ordinarycoherence calculated pair-wise between two signals isused. However, for the ensemble of channels taken fromdifferent derivations, the relationship between two signalsmay come from the common driving from another site;therefore, partial and multiple coherences should be takeninto account as well (27).

If the signals are modeled as a linear mixture ofstatistically independent ‘‘sources,’’ their activities canbe found by means of the Independent Component Analy-sis (ICA) (28). This class of algorithms, usually based onthe neural networks scheme, is used in general for the‘‘blind source separation’’ problems (BSS). ICA can be seenas an extension to the principal component analysis andfactor analysis.

In order to find intrinsic relationships between signalsfrom different locations, multivariate autoregressivemodel (MVAR) may be applied simultaneously to thewhole set of EEG channels. From the MVAR coefficients,


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partial, multiple, and ordinary (bivariate) coherences canbe found as well as the transfer function of the system.Elements of the transfer matrix of the MVAR model havethe meaning of Granger causality (19). It relies on predic-tion of the future of one channel from the past of the otherchannels, which allows for the determination of the activ-ity propagation. Normalized Granger causality is equiva-lent to the directed transfer function (30), which was used,for example, for the determination of the direction of thepropagation of EEG activity during overnight sleep (13),during epileptic seizure (31), and for the assessment ofinformation flow between brain structures of behavinganimals (32). For the set of mutually dependent signals, asis the case for most of the recorded EEG signals, allinvolved channels have to be processed simultaneously.Bivariate estimates of Granger causality or DTF can bringquite misleading results (33). Recently, short-time direc-ted transfer function (Fig. 8) was introduced, which makespossible calculation of EEG flows not only as a function offrequency, but also of time when multiple repetitions ofexperiments are available (29,34,35).

The assessment of the time evolution of EEG and ERPis crucial for understanding the information processing bythe brain. Detection of transient EEG features is impor-tant in diagnosis as well; therefore, time-frequency meth-ods operating in a short time scale are needed. The firstmethod aiming at dynamic analysis is the windowedFourier transform with a sliding window. Substantial

progress was also achieved by introduction of waveletanalysis.

Wavelet transform (WT) describes signals in terms ofcoefficients representing their energy content in specifiedtime-frequency region. This representation is constructedby means of decomposition of the signal over a set offunctions generated by translating and scaling one func-tion called mother wavelet. The basics of wavelet analysiscan be found in Mallat (36). Some of the applications ofWT involve ERP component separation and measurement,time-varying filtering for denoising single trial ERPs,isolation of specific ERP and EEG rhythms, hearingthreshold estimation via auditory brain stem-evoked re-sponse measurements, scale-specific topographic analysis,and data compression [referred in (37)]. WT is especiallyuseful for evaluation of time-locked phenomena and theirdistinction from the non time-locked events. As the ex-amples may indicate, distinction of both kinds of compo-nents in AEP (38) and reconstruction of a single AEPbased on discrimination between background and evokedactivity parameterized by means of WT (39). Multiresolu-tion analysis, offered by WT, provides the measure of EEGenergy at each decomposition scale. This property wasused to achieve spatial enhancement of ERP to bring outtopographic features that might not be seen withoutprocessing (40). The assessment of complexity of theenergy distribution in different frequency subbands maybe evaluated in terms of wavelet entropy (41). Thismeasure was used, for example, to follow EEG evolutionafter hypoxic-ischemic injury (42). WT was also used forautomatic detection of arousals during sleep (43). A widerange of biomedical applications of wavelets together withbasic theory are described, for example, in (44).

Time and frequency resolution in WTs are subject tocertain restrictions that lead to poor frequency resolutionat high frequencies. The representation depends also onthe setting of the time window, which makes WT mostlysuitable to the evaluation of time-locked signals such asEP, but less appropriate for detecting structures appear-ing more or less randomly in the signal. This problem hasbeen approached by application of time-shift and fre-quency-shift invariant time-frequency distributions fromthe Cohen class. However, significant cross terms arepresent in these distributions, and sophisticated mathe-matics has to be applied to diminish their contribution.Another drawback for EEG applications may stem fromthe fact that, as continuous functions of time and fre-quency, those distributions do not provide direct parame-terization of signal structures.

These drawbacks are absent in the adaptive time-frequency approximations, which decompose the signalinto waveforms of well-defined frequency, time occurrence,time span, and amplitude. Such an iterative algorithm—matching pursuit (MP)—was introduced by Mallat andZhang in 1993 (45). In Fig. 9 time-frequency energydistribution of an epileptic EEG signal, obtained by meansof the MP algorithm, is presented. MP parameterizationmakes possible statistical evaluation of EEG features andautomatic detection of desired signal structures (46).Application of MP to the detection and parameterizationof sleep spindles and slow waves is shown in Fig. 5, where

Figure 8. Determination of the EEG propagation by means ofthe SDTF. The arrows represent increase of EEG activity flows inthe beta band in the 1–2 seconds after voluntary movement of theright index finger. (Flows calculated as: SDTF functions inte-grated in the beta band and time 1–2 s after movement in respectto SDTF in beta band in reference period before movement.)Based on the results described in (33). Dynamic propagation ofEEG activity in time in the form of movie is available fromInternet at


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certain features of these structures are presented in timetogether with hypnogram.

Parameterization by means of time-frequency featuresmay serve also as an input to the artificial neural net-works (ANN), usually with the aim of classification, dis-crimination, or feature extraction. ANN are constructedfrom artificial neurons (or units), which produce the out-put depending on the sum of weighted inputs from otherunits. Weights are modified in the process of learning. Themost popular type of ANN applied for post-processing ofthe EEG signals are networks with one or more hiddenlayers of neurons (a hidden layer is a layer between inputand output layer) and the supervised learning based on‘‘back-propagation of errors’’ (47). This type of networkwas used, for example, for sleep stage scoring (48). Per-formance of ANN depends heavily on the input para-meters, which was demonstrated in many papers. Forexample, in Trejo and Shensa (49), it was found thatprediction of human performance from EGG parameter-ized by means WT coefficients gives better results thanapplication as input parameters to ANN raw data orcomponents found by PCA. The training of the above-mentioned ANN with back propagation is based on ‘‘su-pervised learning,’’ which means that the desired output isknown. The unsupervised networks are based on competi-tion between units. The procedures of unsupervised learn-ing minimize the sum of two factors: the cost of code andthe cost of reconstruction (50). Learning vector quantizer(51) belongs to this type of network. Its version, improvedin respect to enhancing informative features, by updatingweights in each step was used, for example, for EEGclassification during externally-paced hand movements(52).


The determination of geometry and orientation of corticalsources of EEG is a complex problem. Electrical activitypropagates along neuronal tracts and by volume conduc-tion. Potentials measured by scalp electrodes are attenu-ated by media of different conductivity and complicatedgeometry (cerebrospinal fluid, skull, skin), which resultsin a decrease of their amplitude by over an order ofmagnitude. However, the major problem in localizationof the sources of EEG activity stems from the fact thatdifferent configurations of sources can generate the samedistribution of potentials on the scalp. Therefore, a uniquesolution of the EEG inverse problem can be obtained onlyby introducing extra a priori assumptions. Usually, one orseveral dipole sources are assumed and their positions andorientation are estimated by an iterative fit to the mea-sured field [e.g., (53)]. The number of dipole sources is anopen question; therefore, linear solutions based on dis-tributed source models become more popular. However, inthis case additional constrains on the solution are alsoneeded, like, for example, Laplacian-weighted minimumnorm of the solution [LORETA (54)]. In any of these cases,the solution space is usually a priori restricted to physio-logically plausible locations. As a result of the nonunique-ness and high sensitivity to noise of the solution, resultsmust be interpreted with care. For a recent review, see, forexample, (55).


For particular medical applications, specific methods ofEEG analysis were designed. An example may be theassessment of ‘‘drug profiles.’’ The method relies on esti-mation of spectral power in basic frequency bands before

Figure 9. Time-frequency representations ofEEG energy density during an epileptic sei-zure, obtained by means of MP method. Upperplot in 3-D, lower—the same in 2-D, below—EEG trace (scale in seconds).


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and after drug application and finding the significance ofchanges by means of statistical tests. A drug profile isconstructed by plotting the results of a test (commonly inform of t-value of Student test) for frequency bands d, y, a1,a2, b1, and b2. The method is based on observation thatdrugs of similar profile give similar effects. More recently,nonparametric tests came into use and the shifts ofspectral peaks are considered as well (56). An interestingapproach is the combination of pharmaco-EEG with phar-macokinetics, by finding a relation between EEG featuresand pharmacodynamical models (57).

The analysis of overnight sleep is a very tedious andtime-consuming procedure; therefore, many attemptswere made to automate the procedure of hypnogramconstruction [listed, for example, in (58)] as well as theautomatic identification of arousals, for example, (43).Some authors (48) reported quite good performance oftheir systems [e.g., the system of sleep scoring based onassessment of EEG spectral power in frequency bands,their ratios and parameters derived from EMG and EOGsignals, followed by classification with the use of ANN(multilayer perceptron) achieved an average agreementrate of 82%, whereas the interexpert agreement was87.5%]. The current tendencies in sleep EEG analysisare directed toward more continuous description of sleepgoing beyond R&K rules and assessment of sleep micro-structure. Major progress may be achieved via incorporat-ing recognition of transient structures into analysis, suchas sleep spindles and K complexes, and consideration ofwave amplitude and wave incidence separately, not only interms of spectral power (59). The approach that offerspossibilities of description of phasic and tonic features ofEEG in the framework of one formalism is matchingpursuit (46).

The analysis of epileptic activity serves for localizationof epileptic focus, monitoring of interictal activity, predic-tion of seizure, and characterization of epileptic dis-charges. The analysis of seizures evolution is used fortheir classification, which offers the possibility of anapplication of appropriate treatment [e.g., (60)]. An exam-ple of the evolution of seizure is shown in Fig. 9. Forlocalization of the epileptic focus on the basis of EEG, theinverse problem has to be solved. Taking into account itsnonuniqueness and other limitations mentioned above,when the removal of the part of brain is considered, thelocalization requires confirmation by means of imagingtechniques, such as CAT or MRI, and verification byanalysis of EEG from subdural and implanted electrodes(60). A variety of methods for detection of epileptiformactivity in the EEG have been implemented by means ofexpert systems [e.g., (61,62)], some of which are availablecommercially (63). A growing interest in the forecasting ofepileptic seizures also exists. Seizure prediction timesfrom minutes to hours have been reported [for a recentreview, see (64)]. However, some of the claimed resultshave been severely challenged by appropriate statisticalanalysis (65,66).


Computer-assisted diagnosis usually consists of two steps:feature extraction and classification. As a primary featurein the amplitude domain mean, variance and higher-ordermoments can be used; in the frequency domain, spectralintensities in different frequency bands and their ratiosare mostly applied.

One of the first automatic diagnostic methods (67) wasbased on the observation that an increased amount of slowpathological EEG activity might be analogous to the slowactivity seen in the immature EEG. For each electrode,maturity calculated on the basis of spectral features wascompared with the actual maturity. A significant discre-pancy was considered an abnormality. In another diag-nostic system (1), the ratio of slow and fast EEG activity aswell as the degree of asymmetry between homologousderivations were taken into account.

The most extended diagnostic system, called Neuro-metrics (68), is based on standardized data acquisitiontechniques and EEG and ERP feature extraction. Aneurometric test battery includes spontaneous EEG spec-tral intensities in frequency bands and their ratios andsimilarity of signals from homologous derivations. ERPare quantified in terms of amplitudes and latencies or bymeans of application of principal component analysis. Inthe last approach, the signals from different derivationsare represented as linear combinations of some basicwaveforms multiplied by weighting factors. In Neuro-metrics, each parameter is subjected to a transformation,such that the difference between individual index and thegroup mean value is divided by the standard deviation ofthe whole sample. In this way, the metric is createdreflecting the relative probability of finding the givenvalue within a normal reference group. The next steps ofdiagnostic procedure involve application of multivariatestatistical methods such as factor analysis, cluster analy-sis, and discriminant analysis. Profiles of neurometricfeatures that deviate from age-matched normals havebeen obtained for patients suffering from cognitive dis-orders, psychiatric illnesses, and neurological dysfunc-tions.

The computerized EEG monitoring in the intensivecare neurological units involves measurement and assess-ment of several signals apart from EEG (e.g., ERP, ECG,heart rate variability, respiration, intracranial pression,and others depending on the injury). Physiological signalanalysis can be combined with other diagnostic techniques[e.g., ultrasound (69)]. Advances in computerized EEGmonitoring in neurological intensive care unit are de-scribed in (70).

Design of contemporary computer-assisted diagnosis(CAD) systems is usually based on computation of spectralparameters followed by artificial intelligence methods. In(71), the frequency components of EEG were convertedinto pseudo-linguistic facts via fuzzification. The EEGfeatures were extracted by expert systems applying sym-bolic rules formulated by neurologist. The results werepresented as linguistic terms, numerical values, and mapsof temporal extent. In (72), the procedures involved in thediagnosis consisted of the following steps: (1) real-time


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processing and compression of EEG and VEP, (2) brainmapping of spectral powers, (3) classifier design, (4) auto-matic detection of morphologies through ANN, (5) signalanalysis through fuzzy modeling, and (6) a knowledge-based approach to classifier design. In the automaticsystem for classification of adult EEG (73), single epochsof EEG were classified by ANN. Time and space correla-tions of outputs from ANN were evaluated by an expertsystem, which generated a final report in the form of amedical diagnosis.


EEG, for many years, has been an important diagnostictool, and more recent investigations have proven itssignificance for the understanding of information proces-sing by the functional brain. At present, the topographicaltechniques, such as positon emission tomography (PET) orfunctional nuclear magnetic resonance (fMRI), are widelyused for the diagnosis of pathologic neurological statesand in brain research. However, these methods giveinformation about the absorption of certain substancesin specific structures or about the metabolism rate orglucose consumption, not directly about the brain electri-cal activity. Although their spatial localization propertiesare good, their time resolution is much lower than EEG.Moreover, in the information processing by brain, EEGrhythms have a different specific role, which cannot bedistinguished by imaging techniques. The highest infor-mation content is usually connected with high-frequencyrhythms (especially gamma) generated by small neuronpools, which makes the information carried by them evenless accessible to the imaging techniques. Therefore, thesetechniques are not likely to replace EEG, which is a totallynoninvasive and low-cost technique capable of providinginformation about relationships between cortical sites andthe time evolution of brain processes.


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