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Palace of Culture gone

Lemnaru Ana–Maria & Zavate Maria


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Gaura Neagră

2020, one year before Iasi could become Cultural Capital of Europe. But how can this happen while a terrifying discovery was made public by the researchers in this very week?

Over time monuments, buildings and important symbols of the city have disappeared: statues, trees living for centuries, historical buildings, churches and now the most unexpected disappearance by far: the Palace of Culture. There have been a lot of speculations and research but the authorities have always given to us ambiguous verdicts finding guilty thieves, gypsies, invaders or even simple citizens.

The next examples are proofs of one scary, disturbing conclusion. Finally we have an explanation for all these weird phenomena: a black hole. The phenomena manifests simple and quickly.

The black hole appears, absorbs and disappears. It is not known the origin, the reason why it’s acting here or the motivation of the choices made.

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The disappearances multiply and we don’t know how to stop them. The most recent ones happened this very week: The Palace of Culture, The Mitropolitan Curch, The National Theatre, The Central University Librar and 3 statues of bronze from Copou Park representing: Nicolae Gane, Ciprian Porumbescu and Brabu Stefan Delavrancea. Tha last ones disappeared in 2013 as well but they were replced and now they are gone...again.

The civilians started to fuzz around. Which is the next target? Should we fear for our hospital, for our beloved University of Cuza, first university in the country, for the remained parks? What is this BLACK HOLE?

Is it a mean of transport for aliens? Is it an advanced technology of the enemy? Is it a joke of te Universe? Why Iași? Why does it happen to us? Is it maybe because we are so special and unique?

OTHER SYMBOLS GONE:Mihaileanu Academy - Dancu Monastery - St. Friday Monastery - The travertine on Ion Creanga’s statue from Eternitatea Cemetery - The Red Army Monument - St. Ilie Monastery - More than 70 lindens from Stephen the Grate Avenue etc.

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Gaura NeagrăGaura Neagră

These pages are a pamphlet and represent an alarm signal from the civilians to the autorities. We are what we inherit. Our culture and our history matter. Preserve and strengthen your symbols.

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Căruntu Maria, Puiu Nicoleta

‘I don’t care how other people dress!’

Moda stradală în Iași Street Fashion in Iaşi


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Moda stradală în Iași

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Căruntu Maria, Puiu Nicoleta

‘Wear it different.Wear it your way!’

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Moda stradală în Iași

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Gadei Mihai & Cucu Ioana

Casa din copaciHome tree


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Casa din copaci

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Petean Bogdan & Istrate Mihai Adrian

Zestrea Heritage


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Ştirbu Sabina Nicoleta & Gurin Victoria

Păstrează curățeniaKeep it clean


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Păstrează curățenia

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Ştirbu Sabina Nicoleta & Gurin Victoria

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Păstrează curățenia

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Răileanu Diana

De la vizibil la...From invisible to...


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De la vizibil la...

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Sibiescu Bogdan, Georgiu Raida

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Prietenii Iașului

Prietenii Iașului Friends of Iasi

Proiectul de față caută să evidențieze legăturile dintre orașul Iași și alte orașe importante din Europa. Proiectul dorește să scoată la lumină caracterul internațional dobândit acum o sută de ani. Scopul acestor postere este acela de a aduce la cunoștință detalii importante îngropate de istorie, detalii ce au menirea de a sădi speranța într-un oraș actualizat, într-o forță de regenerare culturală și socială capabilă să acopere zeci de ani de stagnare.


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Ciobica Radu & Zahariuc David

Vinurile IaşiluiThe wines of Iasi


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Vinurile IaşiluiThe wines of Iasi

Vinurile Iaşilui

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Descoperă orașulDiscover your city

Șos. Păcurari

Șos. Bucium

Strada Eternitate

Bîrzu Alexandra, Albu Cristian, Harabagiu Dimitrescu Dan



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20 MIN

90 MIN

120 MIN

13 MIN

35 MIN

110 MIN

10 MIN

30 MIN

50 MIN

Descoperă orașul


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Metelescu Bogdana, Micu Ana & Smintinica Beatrice

Noul nu e o solutie New it’s not a solution


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Considering the building’s advanced state of decay we decided to create an awareness campaign, to show the possibility of complete destruction of the Braunstein Palace.

We wanted to make people aware of how important the building is for our history and that it should be reabilitated. Braunstein Palace is an architectural

monument, built in the second half of the nineteenth century, in Iaşi. The building houses the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists on the ground floor having flats at the first floor. Currently, the building is in an advanced state of decay, with seismic risk level 0.

Noul nu e o solutie

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Troscolan Florin & Chelaru Petru

Chelaru Petru Troscolan FlorinCultivând cultura devremeCultivating culture early


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Cultivând cultura devreme

Motivele. Motivele noastre sunt simple, vrem să cultivăm cultura în noile valuri de tineri care au fost influențate de media. Trebuie să evoluăm ca inviduali ca să putem înainta ca o comunitate.

Spațiul de lucru. Am ieșit afară pe străzi să intervievăm tineri, studenți și muziceni. Ne-am interesat ce stiluri de muzică ascultă, cât de des au fost la o simfonie și ce ar vrea sa vadă defapt în Filarmonica Iași. Acestea sunt întrebările.

În timp ce făceam acest studiu am găsit că media de vârstă care merge la Filarmonica este de 15 - 30 de ani si asta a fost o surpriză plăcută. Am descoperit deasemenea cât am lucrat pe teren faptul că nu am văzut nici un poster de la filarmonică decât cele din fața cladirii.

Soluție. Realiziarea unei campanii prin care o orchestra ar canta in afara filarmonicii pentru a incuraja tineretul in a merge la filarmonica

COSMINRock 60% Jazz 3o% Hip hop 10%aprecieaza dar nu este pentru el, clasica (culta) romaneasca medievala, Idei proaspete

BOOZASoft rock 20% Rock 60% Rap 20%aprecieaza dar nu ii place textul, opera nu, gustari si bauturi

ANDREIRap 60% Indie 30%Nu-disco 10%Music=life , te dezvolta ca persoana, opera da, filarmonica anul trecut

DARIASimfonic 40% Electro 20% Hip hop 40% merge des la filarmonica, ar merge mi des daca ar veni dirijori faimosi

EMILIALongue 30%Jazz 40%other 30%1-2 ori pe an daca ar incadra elemente de teatru,

ROXANARock 20% Longue 50%Pop 30% ar merge daca ar fi pe gratis, nu merge

ALEXHeavy metal 50%Underground rap 20% Simfonic 30% concert de opera 1-2 ori pe an, curiozitate

ROBERTAlternative 30% Under rap 20%Simfonic 50% 2 ori pe an, lume cunoscuta

1. Genul lor preferat de muzică pe o scară de la 1 la 10;

2. Când a fost ultima oară când au fost la o simfonie;

3. Ce ar vrea să vadă la Filarmonica Iași și să meargă

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Railean Mihaela, Larisa Marian

Iași în 3 cuvinteIasi in 3 words

These postcards are showing two word combinations of different people.

Aceste cărţi poștale reprezintă două combinaţii de cuvinte alese de oameni diferiţi.


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Iași în 3 cuvinte

capitala oldovem icul urat

mon mente isto ceu ricultural

primitoro en sm o

boempo zieero t smman i

cu turalbiser ciiu ver itani s te

st dentiugro ip


cultur laboem



fru smoi tere ann s t

locu vechiri

te truaminu a en ti

f umusetr e

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During an entire week students from the graphic design department of the university ‘George Enescu’ in Iași, explored their city from different perspectives. The students developed themes and concepts referring to their city, based on social issues, personal experiences and its visual language. Design thinking and design skills were used as an approach and method to explore, analyze, visualize and re(act) on the city life and its inhabitants.

The students, sensitized to their social and cultural environment, were encouraged to take an active and responsible role towards a complex urban environment. The outcome of this week’s project is a vivid and dynamic interpretation of contemporary urban life. Next to the magazine the participants presented and discussed the results with the local audience.

Iași is one of the largest cities and a municipality in Romania. Located in the Moldavia region, Iași has traditionally been one of the leading centres of romanian social, cultural, academic and artistic life. Iași itself has a population of 263,410 (the fourth most populous romanian city) and accommodates over 75,000 students.

The publication is the outcome of a workshop conducted by andrews:degen (, a graphic design studio based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This project was made possible thanks to the support of the Deutsches Kulturzentrumin Iași and the Universitatea de Arte ‘George Enescu’ Iaşi.

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