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8° Meeting Comenius Training for Life Liceo Classico Carducci 19-23 February Cassino, Italy

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What do you mean for

Relationship?We could say as a general

definition that Relationship is

building connections.

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Since we are born we establish bounds with people around us.

The first person the baby relates with is his mother.

This is the first example of affective relationship, which involves physical or emotional intimacy.

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When he grows up and starts school, the child learns other ‘roles’, such as the teacher and his classmates, with whom he must behave in different ways.

For the first time, he has a kind of hierarchial relationship, based on the teacher’s authority over the students and together he begins his social life with his classmates, interacting with other children and making new friends.

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During the teenage years, we create connections with many various people. We begin to have love affairs…

… and we also start to give more and more importance to our friends, their lives and their ideas.

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Every good relationship, exspecially friendship and love relationships, is based on trust, open communication, mutual respect and loyalty.

Thank to these values, a person

can built longlasting relationships and overcome every


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During our lives, we always need to relate with other people in peace.

At workplace there are istitutional/heirarchical relationships, but it’s very important team work. Activities are made through collaboration, so good communication is essential.

There’s no need of shouting or being a rude person! What people really need to work efficiently is respect, co-operation and some gratification.

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There are also the Multicultural relationships, established among different countries and societies, which are probably the most instructive.

Projects like the ‘Comenius’ can make you think that the world is beautiful because it’s colourful and it could also make you discover a bunch of colours the existence of which you probably aren’t aware of.

Not all of the relationships we establish during our lives with other human beings are ment to be lasting, but we learn from them, we grow as they come.

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During this project, we understood the value of communication,

the value of diversity.

The same is with the experiences we all go through, because we learn from them how to

behave, we grow, and we become more and more aware of the colourfulness of the world.

We understood that human life is built on this.

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Nothing is more valuable than time.

What is time? Today it is a fantastic, evanescent thing, that stands for the area in which we measure our actions

during the day.

People’s Values

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Plato considered time the mobile picture of eternity.

St. Agostine thought that Time was born with God, but he wasn’t

able to define it. He said” if someone doesn’t ask me what

time is, I know it; but if they do, I don’t.”

Seneca Said : “it’s not true that we don’t have enough time, the

thruth is that we waste it so much”.

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Like men, time has developed during centuries and it had been interpreted in many ways.

In ancient Rome, for example, we would have found two different ways of using

time : otium and negotium.

Otium wasn’t accepted by Roman

people because, according to them,

it was related to laziness. When

someone didn’t take part to policy, it was considered ‘otium’.

Negotium was appreciated by Romans because they spent their time by doing

something useful for the city, like

fighting to defend it.

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Time is a personal thing. Everyone is free to use his time in the way he prefers, but are we sure that people spend their time wisely? Are

we sure that we are living completely?Or are we skipping something important?

We live in a difficult world. Everyone of us is lost into his

responsabilities, we run everyday like we’re going to

catch a train.

People think that run and spend the day doing what

they ‘have’ to is living , but it’s not always like

that. Actually people are only using their time, but

not living it.

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The Italian poet Ugo Foscolo described time as the power of changing everything, a power that can give you eternity.

The Latin writer Oratio underlined the importance of time in life.

Life is brief, time is limited, so we have to spend it in the best way,

living our lives fully. His motto was

Carpe Diem.‘seize the day’

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Leadership Styles

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During our English lesson we have analyzed various behaviors that a leader can take. We have seen six leader’s modus operandi : comanding,

visionary, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting and coaching.But sometimes a leader can be fickle and take different styles when he is

booking with others to encourage them and to stimulate them to work well.

For example, in a class where students respect

one another, their leader, the teacher, could

be democratic asking their opinion.

But, in a class where rudeness reigns, the

teacher must be authoritarian to impart

the right rules. This would be a commanding leader.

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A coach must use rules to command, but he also has to be a pacesetting to

encourage his players.

«Do what I tell you!»

«Try this!»

«Do as I do, now.»

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A real leader is electic, versatile, but first of all he must be able to mix efficiently all these

‘leadership styles’, to make them useful in every circumstance and to lead his team to


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Realized byAntonella SerraLaura Zanon

Laura TurchettaGiulia Proia

IV D Liceo Classico Giosuè Carducci, Cassino, Italy

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