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Page 1: 95 Theses: Part4

Getting a sense of humor does not mean putting some jokes on the corporate web site. Rather, it requires big values, a little humility, straight talk, and a genuine point of view.

Sense of humor is not limited to making someone laugh especially if we are talking about companies having that humor side.

The humor is all about companies being less strict; less formal; and more honest, true, and real.

Customers appreciate companies who live up to their word, values customer, and gives importance to providing quality in products and services.

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Companies attempting to “position” themselves need to take a position. Optimally, it should relate to something their market actually cars about.

Positioning increase the chance of the company having large market share and so companies really give a lot of focus, money, and effort unto.

Companies forgot that in order for their positioning to become successful; it needs the element of markets being able to acknowledge the title of a certain company.

The logic here is that when a company offers really good stuffs, no one needs to say anything to or to direct markets at all to which they will give the title of this; markets will automatically be the one who will make the positioning.

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Bombastic boasts – “We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ” – do not constitute a position.

  Companies who claim that they got position on something or that they have ruled the market are dreaming themselves of and are too bigheaded.

They need to understand the fact that markets are the only one who has the license to do positioning.

Companies should slow down with this kind of proclaiming, that they own the number one spot; for once they should not assume or make things up or worst self-serve.

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Companies need to come down from their Ivory Towers and talk to the people with whom they hope to create relationships.

Those companies who does not want to come down from there thrown is either afraid that people might reject them if ever they try to create the relationship or is just hiding something which they do not want the public to know.

Companies need to consider that in order for them to know and understand more the market, they need to reach out and step down a little.

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Public Relations does not relate to the public. Companies are deeply afraid of their markets.

Public relation is companies listening to what the markets will have to say; it is about filling the gap between the both of them and solving problems and issues customer have with their products and services.

The only public relations they have and they consider it public relations are when they appear on ads and talking of nonsense and promoting their products or coming up in events and they speech about their position in the market.

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By speaking in language that is distant, uninviting, arrogant, they build walls to keep markets at bay.

They think that it is alright to have that not-so-good image or superior image when speaking to the market.

The truth is markets like any other person; dislike a company who has the attitude. Attitude is simply being overconfident, snobbish to markets, and feeling like you are the most important company in the whole world.

They need to quickly figure out that the result of this attitude of theirs is that markets are slowly turning their backs on them and are starting to find companies who are a bit more down to earth perhaps.

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Most marketing programs are based on the fear that the market might see what’s really going on inside the company.

The real purpose of marketing programs is for markets to be aware and knowledgeable about a company’s products and services that are offered.

Unfortunately, there are companies who have their marketing programs created for just the intention of covering up what is really happening in their company.

They use those marketing to get-over the rumors or bad publicity thrown at them when actually it is all true.

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