  • 8/17/2019 98197374556d55e982b5c2attachmentshmdps6mb2


     Question Bank Module I- Electrochemistry and Battery Technology

    1. Defne single electrode potential and standard electrode potential.2. Defne em.!. Defne cell potential.". Deri#e an e$pression or single electrode potential %&'( Deri#e )ernst

    e*uation.+. ,ith e$amples mention dierent types o electrode.. ,hat is metal /metal salt ion electrode0 i#e e$ample.. Defne metal-metal ion electrode 3ith e$ample.4. ,hat are ion selecti#e electrodes0 i#e e$ample.5. Distinguish 6et3een gal#anic cell and electrolytic cell.17.,hat are reerence electrodes0 Mention the limitations o primary reerence

    electrodes and ad#antages o secondary reerence electrodes.11.8o3 do you construct a calomel electrode0 ,rite its hal cell reactions and

    mention its ad#antages % &'( Descri6e the construction and 3orking o

    calomel electrode.

    12.,rite a note on 9g:9g;l electrode %&'( E$plain the construction and 3orkingo 9g:9g;l electrode and mention its uses.

    1!.8o3 is electrode potential e$perimentally determined0 &' E$plain the

    measurement o standard electrode potential using saturated calomel

    electrode or reerence electrode illustrate 3ith an e$ample.1".Discuss the construction and 3orking o glass electrode and mention its

    ad#antages and disad#antages.1+.,hat is glass electrode0 i#e the principle in#ol#ed in the determination o

    p8 using glass electrode and e$plain the method o determining p8 using

    glass electrode.1.E$plain the construction and 3orking o electrolyte concentration cell.

    1.E$plain the construction and 3orking o metal electrode concentration cell.14.Distinguish a gal#anic cell rom a concentration cell.15.Defne concentration cell.27.;onstruct a concentration cell 6y taking same electrolyte and e$plain its

    3orking.21.'epresent the cell ormed 6y coupling o t3o

  • 8/17/2019 98197374556d55e982b5c2attachmentshmdps6mb2


     Question Bank Module I- Electrochemistry and Battery Technology

    2.i#e the classifcation o 6atteries 3ith e$ample.2.Distinguish 6et3een primary? secondary and reser#e 6atteries 3ith e$ample.24.E$plain the characteristics o 6attery.25.E$plain the ollo3ing characteristics o 6attery

    a( ;ell potential or #oltage 6( ;apacity c( @hel lie d( ;ycle lie!7.Descri6e the construction and 3orking o inc / 9ir 6attery. Mention its

    applications.!1.,hy secondary 6atteries are considered as storage 6atteries0 E$plain the

    construction and 3orking o )i-M8 6attery. i#e the reactions in#ol#ed during

    charging and discharging modes.!2.,hy Cithium is used as anodic acti#e material? support your ans3er.!!. E$plain the construction and 3orking o Ci /Mn&2 cell. Mention its uses.!".Descri6e the construction and 3orking o Ci-ion 6attery. Mention its uses.!+.,hat are reser#e 6atteries0!.i#e the classifcation o uel cell on the 6asis o temperature? uel and

    electrolyte.!.8o3 does a uel cell dier rom a 6attery0 E$plain the construction and

    3orking o Methanol-o$ygen uel cell 3ith 82@&" as electrolyte. Indicate the

    ad#antages o 82@&" as electrolyte o#er alkali electrolyte.!4. Dierentiate con#entional cell and uel cell.!5.Cist the limitations and ad#antages o uel cell."7.,hat are uel cells0

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