
Patrick Llewellyn, CEO



99designs - how did we get there?

Every 2 secs a design is uploaded

2,836 open design contests today

$115M+ designer earnings

350,000 happy customers

Our designers, a global creative workforce

A diverse crowd of 1,039,000 creative minds, that shares a love of design.

A broad design spectrum Logo & Identity

Web & App design

Business & Advertising

Clothing & Merchandise

Packaging & Label

Art & Illustration

Book & Magazine


Our top selling categories for design contests

What you get created at 99designs

Discover great design:

115 colleagues on 5 continents manage 99designs

•  24/7 customer support •  4 offices •  1 gazillion video conferences ;)

How did we get there?

Design by Feeder, active since Jan 2009  

It all started with some…

… friendly competition. Design by Anak_alam, active since Feb 2012  

Initially, bootstrapped growth by word of mouth.

These 5 factors, gave us traction!

1. Built the community & engaged with

influencers early

2. Focused on the product

3. Built trust through customer support & 100% money back guarantee

4. Initial customers were tech savvy early adopters

5. Invested in PR & built profile

Moved HQ: Into the US and Silicon Valley

The US and CA markets alone offer access to 350M+ people !  Very open for innovation !  Online savvy !  Vibrant start-up scenes 2010  

Raised $35M from Accel in 2011 To ramp marketing and go further international

Our learnings about Silicon Valley

and VC money

Design by AccorDesigns, active since Sept 2012  

Going international with a MVP approach

Acquired 12designer, Berlin and LogoChef, Rio 99designs platform now offers 7 languages and supports 12 currencies.



Buy, Before Building

Design by AccorDesigns, active since Sept 2012  

Use managers as mini startups – MVP is the key word here

Next step Asia: Launch Japan

Just raised series B from Recruit to step into Asia.


Questions, comments?

[email protected]

Design by Feeder, active since Jan 2009  

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