Page 1: a 4 · 2015. 8. 24. · 1 4 THE AMERI CAN ISRAELITE. T ~~ ! i.„ i 7^ H7^7fu7 'Tim Hriidnntlan and Ordination of the


T ~~ ! i.„ i 7^ H7^7fu7 'Tim Hriidnntlan and Ordination of the While th» entire development of Tal- was granted to a student of college to¦ ¦ •«*».**;'<.«« ^rf *ttr»ftTf> able : he belon g8 P roV*ly araonl? stl" more extraordinary proof of tfw ™\«™dffiH , KsT jicobson, mudical and ftabbinicar Judaism is officiate befpre^havJng;:been-0rdflned '4&1U*»UaU MftilVIU** the ieDroue patients of the Orient, excellent sentiments which the Or- Tobias Schanfarber and Samuel founded upon the great changes which regularly in .a congregation as rabbi.fe , p , , . tu„j „, ru.„n „„t 0,t«in inmarH the Freuder. June 25th, In have taken place in consequence of that At . the end of his term he was again :.- to be spurned by every honest man. thodox Clergy entertain toward tne

tne Be'ieTeshurnii great'event-the. destruction of the sec- unanimously 'ejected at Toledo, and hag •_HH * * Jews, has yet to be related. At Temple. oni temple arid downfall of the Jewish •accepted the same, where hei ' wij ] residej « . l, « May 20th was 225 years' that the c*nAia. the Tewieh tabulation, now , ¦ ¦ - hierarchy. Modern ^Judaism, with all ne^year;. ^.j ^^- ;¦.;. - >¦! :j .,- ,

BlOCh Publ 8h ng and Pr nthfl CO. " "iu wub y Oanaia tne Jewisn popuiauon , now ordination of Rabble its so-called reformmovements, is a; nat-

^diuui ruHiioi i H B — -firslrnewspaper-in^the Polish Ian- numbering about 200 souls, has for **>e tmra orainauon oi xhmil>» utal consequence of the great revblutiolhs. by - birth- among the" graduates. *H^ >4Publishers and Proprietors , appeared in the city of War- twentv yearB been without any spir- from-among the graduates of the wb|ch, slnce tlie ;begmDin^of. thi8 .:cen-: wM^,ia;: D^a^;i^e.tmwy^igh^;«Aa in. 47 4» 51 58 55 McFarland. rri~ a „ „,,.„ n«i^.0^^ u . , Jr J *aiD «"»« t- it h Union Colleae took place tury, have made encb formidableinroads yeara ago; and was prepared from: ¦ airKNos. 45,47, 4», 5l,68, oo aiefanana. Baw The day was celebrated by Uual guide owing to poverty . They iieorew union uoiiege wva f »

ia ^edomamBofectence, theology, phi- eaily age for ¦ the mlnWi 'VHe studild ^OWce, Cor . Plum and SloFarland the typographical fraternity. - are therefore nlaced under the im- last Friday evening in tne Bene i0fi0phy, and even the social .condition of t the Uniyerait^ or Berlin^ and jpnr- ^Htn below Fourth St. -¦¦' ¦ ¦ •-• '¦¦ j - . * 4 - i, „f +u« a rnh Yeshurun Temple, Cincinnati, in the civilized nations of the globe. \When B

,ueU;'hlB;, theolpgic,

id\ 'studies:--4t:the'- ;Eab-' :Sts., below *©uriii si. Kaufman 's Frankfort- on-the- medmte Protection of the Arch- ^esnurun *%/' '. • ,; ' ¦ ,the: cloud-whichieo gloomily hung over bin oal Semmary of .theraame city i>j a ?


• -• ' . ' ¦ . - . . " „ v ' ^fJS! ! bishop, who bestows the same care the presence of a congregation of no

^uf pe6p)e for ^md8ttelghteeh;hundred ; 1883 became tonicity highly: recoup <1ISAAO M. WISE, • •• - • - Editor. M ftm * appeared Dr. Jacob lagers . .*->

, „ ,.¦ -- rin *v,fi less than twelve hundred persons years was atlast lifted , ¦then dawned the rnended to ^

W"M Divan of Abraham Ibh Ezra , with and benevolent attention pn tne . «. . , , o ,.*. ;n. rtft „„rf,„ great idea of bur sayiag^'' On the day

, him'uhder'h is protecting^care^and%at -'LEO WISE, - Manager. "n a n ™ * ™Z?rZV«S* » Ti the Jews as he does onhis own flock, coming from the different oongrega- ^Rt JerUBalem wJs e

«troyed tKe^s- ^i^ihanV l^^w^^eMBV.fS^===== his allegory, Hai ben Mekiz. It np(uiflr« w Kft traverse tions ofCincinnati ,and from abroad, Biau was boro ," in its Hue ' light 'lipon niahed ; him--the meana J to :pursue, his i:, . « .. t , o 'i«.« is printed from a MS. in the Ber- T™ Jevmh peddlers who traverse them also a delegation from our people. It was but natural* that the studies. ^graduated last; year

hoa%Cincinnati , 0., July 2, 188tt. v flir(11,c,h <?r Pin the mountains in summer and win- among them also a aeiegauon iroio f f Eabbinic-l Judaism had to be the Macon Univmity, at Macon, Ga" ¦

-_-=—-_- lm L b,ra7' whl<ih' tnrou«h SLtelP ter in order to earn a livirjg for Toledo, O , consisting of Messrs. widene(i. with the title of B. A. He ofnciated at .:I^TrOT,nM PP,n» pchneidcr 's exertion , was bought in »r , in oruer w »» u B Bloeh Eonstein and Cohn : thepar- The speaker said too much blame was Rochester, N. Y., to which place he willBUBScaiPTiON PHioa

Yemen after it had been for centu- them8elvea and famlUe8' are m the . j -. ^^rouB DOtiABS A YEAB. Yemen , atter it baa oeen lor centu BDendin e th ei r S abbaths in ents and sister of Mr. Schanfarber. th e d6ptorab|e condition of the Israelites wa hova in aAA >n *u a au ^mm deborah 16 00 ries considered lost. nabit ot spenmng meir saDoains m

cleveIandi 0.; Rabbi David in religious matters. The ancient fahbis We have to add to the above re- jw!& sabbath raiTOR. ... boo „ the monasteries, where they are re- '™ m ^ lBV e,»» • " • * had just as gmt arid even greater differ- port trial- Rabbi Samuel . FreuderP^^T^oT^RYaL4,DBBORA° !.S / The difficulties of Dr. Sonne- ceived with open arms, and where Phih pson, from ^^r9> Md ricese^ ^=================== schei,n of St. Louis, and a par t of every facility i, given them to ob- «d a number of distmgU.shed -^^nmes^res^pvm- ^lleg^3_84> &nd^a J i|

•»& «¦.-«

¦* k B some decisive event ere tbiP, and the not surprising, therefore, to hear .. f B .„ ,„ . . __ reDorted ¦SflghtllghtB;ffitta.MBetrn°<ithi ' M*rrla8e*' BItUl", Dea »i oo mist is raised which covers that that there is not a Jew in Crete who . *tt». of Saturday morning reported for^ ftn/the worka of Leeser, Einhorri. "¦¦tfi^k^fi| h : s^OTdio*- -^-4he^la*i-=^':?BUT 'of m^AoverH(me^adek

nownoD whole affil ir. We had nothing lo does not love and vetierate ft clergy

solemn occasion m the follow- ¦

¦Jj^^Jg^Jg;5|g^. "gi^i^v^^^^^^.¦ • •*pp., ca ° ' aay on this subject, because we which so frequently manifests the in



Btorm brolce forth in all frir riothin??: The reriowned meriyourco«LiMKNTABY and memorial rwo.ution.'of knew nothing about it. Whatever nobility of its sentiments toward the Us . urt before' the

raPpoin\ed time " ^^ r j Sisi has been foa -

'&$'&*¦ : '&$ a: graduate :of:the;;!»ny natW wnatsoever are pubiuhed tn the wis written in the St. JJouis paper sons of Israel. for the begmqingaof th e ordination exer- tgred thus far by men of European edu- University; althougn he had ^ade- ^ame«c« i.B«LrtK oniy a. paid matter, at a and republished in others is of no . — ' ' ¦ ¦¦ , , . ' ^^afflrffi%P52Sl 2l 'f ^ i L '^^he

^d $zl, tEey ,:ha^

^^ tii^iud^^^^^—^^^; we areo^d;. eon^ation to us ; it is thelan- Ahistocka^ic Enjnd » con: XS^^^MM &^&^ S SSm Mdm*M»vk mcake thtsohargeto keep unimpoTtant taatter of , ofhatred, with -a Meshumed oeryative, of course ; the aristocracy preceded ^e^

^Prog^me, meri| who imbibed^ too; freely itL the Cincinnati > "Havini deceived ' a ; - ^this kind from occupying an undue amount of ° ,fn, \, J . Wfl hflVfi nn all over Europe is conservative, were concluded , and .the coneregauon brea8ta 0f German Bible critic^ have



° .fl^ &^^'T^ v11 -, =- ¦¦ ¦ bebma tne scene., we nave no ,„ . ¦ - .• ¦¦ :..\ ,.v .,- was amply repaid for bravin? their eler -^..j .:„i{-nf.i,>pf hv inprinBlflerftt * v awa charse at Columbus. Ga.;. he reff . column.., „ , . ; . : &_


y StiUr if hypocritical organs, hke : the ln,B, ^LmSch as

th. , ¦ ¦ ¦ . . - .. ^ - . , i ,. ... V \. Tinndnn .7«h^/i O/ironicZe boasts the first to the lasW were of the most im- tKrt Vfin^i„ an,wenn)r .anT of ttoe adver- exclamationP, accusation?, letters or ^ntton- veiowfl xw-Oiwcte, . poasw < re88ivevcharacte£ It ^a8 generally KhSeriBraK fo^rE at Macbn, finished his studies therei ^" .}^&^ ^ ^ J SS^--mimn genuine. We know ^: the - ^on


of . Lord ^^.;t,»

v«^fe? gS-tto 0bS'

r?™^^^liVertUer., f"- I^fff^^ISi.*/ too well how nariers of that calibre Rothschild in that seriPe of the term, ordination,^ these young rabis were he ° .This » Dr^Wolfenstein el ueritly

gW?. - J - a^° ™1

^tne ::¦tatin r rtjat tber i the Bdvertue- too wen now papers oi man catinre /• ¦ , ,;. , .. t^-^^^ tw„

¦ ¦¦ „ .ii j most

aolemb, appropriate ana interesting phnpladed " will be vour task arid vbur title of Bi A. Accepting a charge :;y^

In t^e aAeiucj as imhaei.. lie if it b3nefit8 them. AlPtbose >Y wh1Ch ^n Judaism the so^¦- ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦• '¦- • - - •¦¦ -• ¦- ¦' -• ¦¦ ¦ ' • " - bushwhackine organs subsist on or^odox and; reformer are : distm- i Thepulpitwas abovferofBweet-scented hop^ s set hi you| work Iri unity and in ^" ^^° 'v ;^' ^^^ . . ' . , ¦ .- , ¦ . . . ¦ , ¦¦¦¦¦ ¦:: „¦¦¦ - ¦ -D uanwaaoKing . orga»B. buikubi on .

o1jnnD,.B11 ¦ ....j flowers and luxuriant plante. , Before ""j -° fnr th/ hnW ftafca of Israel Be thevHebrew Union Colleger granted , ;¦ Hew York office , 38 w«« t'oar- mftli^riiis fftlflifif stionn hpnpfl wa guisheq, it IP altogether too absurd. tKo^BtiPfii Hriftk in a ^uee wreath of peace tor tne nqiy paKe or israei. bb -. ; . - . , : ,-. .. , ¦;,..., . • . . i* , ".. ^J , ' , ;ieeutb street, jniax Kaufman, Man- malicious iaismcacionp, nence we o ¦ .

^ „n„noa f u dt T rt; P<itKp the chBncei Ms M u?e wwa^. 01 men of pure character and. unstained in- him permission to complete his the--,nKer. ' ¦:* : , invariably suspect every statement Pre m ght puppose that Lord Koths- evergreens and- smilax .s-t m the diinti- tegrity. Be girded by honest conviction . ^K^f oi,^-^ i ,,u 'i j :+^:-nfMvl;ra

yif tL thing is true whv olild lays^pAjKii evrry day,.Weps- f**', .^, OI tneirs. n tne tning is xrue wny , . - ,,. . ., ters,"H. TJ. .C," emblematic .of the Alrv hna Vinm nlno^d in vour handa—this nrenare for the final pxarrtirintinn -^iTis certainly not true tblt Rabbi is ifc 8aid- ln that paper? i8 our rule up hiB,ownJft^au :

to pray thTee ^

Alma Mater, Seated ina

semi- ttS^wl l'Sned IS^irf tSs- C ^Joseph KrauskopfXof Kansas X3ity bf Bkeplicism, We'hav^ np. cause :$ȣ a

^;»: vts cbmpany, eat s

^^^^^8tentffl !S:

|jg^i?ftS^ S?d^^^^rl&^. as one;of . the cal papers; reported, to believe anything against ; the in- sher only, keeps .conscie^usiy,


vf0re of the pulp^were mp ;of ^fe^^S^^S.h SS^alKf^ S^proposed in a sermon to displace the teeritv and manhood of Dr. Sonne- observances : like a ^^

Pope's Sunday. This falsehood has therefore we say nothing about the Bothschild, like .m any other: aris, of the^Facultyof the Hebrew


00 5° ^e eS

dnducte1rr^ baa iv even ^Bhed ^0gMPji

^.bee^ repe^tedfeo man^in7all parts of the country that aQd we 8ee:cWmust be known as a falsehood wher- ;;: . ¦; —^-^- ¦ • ¦;¦-¦¦ : in hiB home ; and society. Lord S=° S&SioS ^r^?*ever it appears. ;No Rabbi in this :; In the Amiuake :des Archives 1 Rothschild is an. eminent /Jew;id: p^StendedblfiCba^^oa^ iffin^^e^KlSfeoV r^ -? ^

im°°mIfl :¦ *?I

AD?erlCan i ;

or any other country will propose raelites ah interesting chapter is" de- feeHngs and convictions, and, like nothing unns^alvvwas,«« . Wo^-. f f cip'rocate this Iove with: all ;the ardor of^ 5S^^^-';^^^J: ^ ">.^^>-:;;^' .v '-^.;lf:such :a change,k:nbwing, a9he must, v^^^

that1 if consummated it would ex- and the Jews." Beri-Mosche points station in society, his education and awrtorgo forth ani preach the doctnues B0^Tobias ^hSber and 'Samuel ^ple. : The pre8idmg; be- ^cludehim^om the Jewistpulpitas a out in the sixteenth century

Jew-: bis' paanhood require, exactlyi: aa glgSKSSi ™ S^^oifecol&re k

f ° * ^^f^ ^^ ' nae «np nWtt ish Duke in the person of, Joseph all those do whoare caUed-reformers. occasion oontributed not a little , to ward jj f '.gg yere

y8atiBfl that such ^

8:ff™--i '^»^^';:tP.-;??? MoBeBV5

.. ¦- . ' . ' ""' ¦ ¦- .. . ; ;- Nassi, Duke: of Naxos,: and .^bat Lord Rothschild is 110 hypberite, it^Srew^n^^leeeXd rent' «e <lone.^Ea^:ProfeaMraro8a ind

iri.a. ordaining, Joshua >by;Diyine ;com- I;Last Saturday the Rev. Dr. Sale, Portugal had in the Middle Ages a but the man of the J ewif a Chronicle forth prior to . last , night two> classes of SRev^Schwab

1^ SrJoS'S" man ' laying his ; hand URP ;Wb : Sof .Chicago, preached in the Bene Jewish Don, the famous Abravanel, certainly: is, for he knows all that^



gfuKril!oM aVthe c01101"11 thisj )prUon of the programmie. -disciple fTherefore this act is called •;Yeshurun and the Kev. Dr. Schwab, who was1 at one^ime^ihance Min- and^ is 'himself no more of; an ortho- Eof influential congregations iri -va- - ^Pihe

; 'Vi H: the S i t ' fifth ^&$wchcti) ;mi then; explains:;:nof St.; Joseph, in the pene Israel later. The author,; has evidently dox ^ew than^ anybody^' flise^ ahd rio^sectona^ftheoourUry^oLaBt


i>8P j ra, and then the^Eov- M.P. J^son i10^ ^Ws remained" the pustom in :f |Temple,;Gincinnati ,: to very numer- beenrat some pains to obtain a list still talks orthodoxy i incessant! , th^iiZ&oS. instUu^ri^ich?5 Bpcke ei^uently atoU^purFire(^«at:h- Israel, ]:: , that / every ; rabbi :was; >' or- .'|ous cotigregatiohs .and with great df JewJs^

8uccess.:Dr. Sclrwab is an old .prac- The first Jew ennobled in modem: Those little big metti who' lick the xaSlev^Si£i" Beniairiiri - M A. ' "*




t^era^'ttoy; LeraeVeothat there -is Buppbsedto : ',;|Uicianin the pulpit, and/so his:el6- ;timeg, ia ^^^quence. andfluehcy surprised none. Barbn Liefmahn Calmer, who lived: tocracy, beliestheir^opporient^ahd !Snn P^a


oub vriledictb^byBeviTpbias Scbahfarr up iq Moses,and^oebua. -;Thenihe

^Dr. Sale, however,; being a young dliring the last century^and .whose: lionize thdr bread-winners - are; tod of Governors," Rabbi BeDJamiriiirivoked J^ S?1^^


111^^ P &*m members ; of, the: Faculty;-;man of thirfcy^two years of age, was curibus historyvhas been published despicable a class of human beings a&*: 58§f nr^r^foladmuiister ^Bi Bettmann, Esq , aa ihe head rif the ^whether the; candidates-^A^Ri: Cv ;:;;more of a surprise to his audience, byM. Isidore Lbeb. Coming to the for us to condescend to. notice; their considSe wholesome advice'upbn his SfaScKd^thlri . V^^i^a^itotl^yprep^. nd;many of whom had known : him iiat: 0f jewish noblemen, we nhd at perpetual bowling against Ame* young colleagues^v ~. ¦.: - , ; ' ¦ rabbiB were entitled . to

the distinction *0?*J»y. to be ordained as teachers in ^when a boy in Louisville, where he the head one Marquis, viz.;. Count ican Judaism and Amerioa^nien; andiliKeSateo^fio^w^le&v- &* ^*<**™*^*Vwas-born: and raised; . Those; were/ Edouard Cahen d'Anv'ers, who some Long ago-we stopped all connection^ ered by the Rev;.j)r. S. Wolfensteiniof *£&$ ^ech? Si SS h™ affif^ative .vh e: addresses .the^cah- ; ;•most astonished at the fluency, elq- time back became Marquis de Torre with London Jewishpapere; because SS^u^HnfeSf to

5S! ^r^-^^t^^

- '-^^h^ '$&***» < briefly, ;and iebnieravon ; ;|quence and sound logic of theyoung Alfina , in Italy. There are three fam-, they were too viW for us, whenever Orphan Asylum located in that city, The;;w

^5gTfe^SoSvu^Sch1er th^m the degree of Rabbi, each:;sep'-;^preacher. We were neither sur. iii6B possessing the title of Count, they Notice American aflairs,; be, "fe? [hltom f ^&ae^Zl W a to the graduatea, he said that; they, had arately: :as^^prised nor astonished, for we have; viz., the Cainondos, Cahen d'Anve>s cause we hate all hypocrisy and few thoughts of a practicalvnature of in- ofihe^ateorfoflhliSfe " - the; :"d^oin»B/ vki88es;every;;?. Known both these gentlemen; for a and d'Avigdbrs. The Barons are, of ^alsehoodi and w.e know that their S^^^^«^hS

eA^Kn^ ttey present , looked: forward to one^and Salutes; them: asf brothers ;::;:number of years, and have often oour8e. ihe most humerous, and in influence iri America is below zero. ''ffffi^&quirefnentB of a Jewish SSK ; !; fil^i

an^^o-Iabprers in^the^ holy work' of ;;jessed proofs of their prominent addition to the Rothschilds of Lon-^ / ,; . . . : !,; .n m ™™£ ^Slf " flSt ^,S SffirSreSt ^S A

lmS teaching the word

of :Gqd: to the^ablhtieB- . don, Paris, Vienna and Frankfort, A Conflrma tion Beside a Coffln.

SsT'%«ui£Ss;SS %M„ t»„*4 «,» ' 1 „.ii A n ^enty8ix namea a1re giv«n- The one of the most touching incidents, J ^S^ h^h^1 '- «ercisea it£ a brief arid fltu'bgAddresB ness; anU ;v/isddm^ ,ft ir the/ sim-: :JMr. Brtmamj s, also called Dr. Jewieh Barons are to be found in amobg the many observed al the burial ^Sio^Justus, the author of the Judenspi e- Alexandria( Amsterdam/ Brussels, of the late beloved Rabbi Jamea K. puPil8.*ith the charge, "Beof tbe dis^ n| S -feKa^K^^ solemnity,

of" the imomelit 'which ;&gel, the^teacher of Prof. Ruling, the Floret,ce, Frankfort, London, Mar- G^heim, at New Orleans, was the sad gH^^^^SilowSea^^ ever beeQ drd^M ibh^S^7 make .that deep Impressibp^ y, . •#man who raised tte blood accusa- Bei]leB> Parig> Rouie> St. Pet9rfiburgt and impressive c^firmatjon ceremony •

Q KnowlS" In The Graduate.. • ¦ Like thaonfirma^oh^tiori against the Jews, was first a Trieste Turin and Vienna Of Performed at the b;er of that noble man, order to fill your place at the head of a Moses P. JacobEoh has had most of bis buottf'Day, so is tnis mode of o ;;:Jew, then a Protestant, then a Cath- P„flhJ(llBrfl nra fw „ ^,ina p* a. „ bv *° *<"• .L' " Leucht. During the congregation with xlignity and useful- education

^conferred upori:in :thi£ ci-y, dihatiotv- new and ^tnerican, or ¦::;;, . . . . , • * e iL rasnas there are two, Julias fasha , •¦ lifetime- of the decsased , he esteemed riessyou must be above all and every- although he was born in Fort Wayne, -ot^o^^ohc priest, then an inmate of the the SaltaQ,8 0culist and Blum the privileg, 0f confirming the children ^7^ <3T*J

%^ "nenitentiarv m Vienna, then a Mus* r> v .,, 1 ¦ ;• ¦ r j ¦ o . * n. t. 1 - i. t * *• , in the storms and tempests of life, your loss of his father , and when be was i"»s • 8f.- .•» uqaiam in America lasts. : ,,P , • .; p " ' , v Pasha, the Egyptian Under Secre- one of the most.pleasant of duties , and congregants must look up to you as mes- seven years old he entered the orphan With the confirmation of the young .;fisuiman in uonstanunopie, ana t of Finance- jn Egypt and always looked forward to the Feast of eengers of Heaven. You will have to asylum at Cleveland, where he remained on Shabuoth^ Dayr*: gbbd many - :'finally he came to Rome to become rnnrVatr thoro ara oowurnl Potto on A Shebuoth with a feeling of pride and pacify disturbed winds , pacify.them with until June, 1878. He began his tuition parents arid other nenole are re- ; ¦ •

succeed, it appears. He was not —^ « inB the ceremony referred to, when the Every prayer and every blessing ends High School four years later. Pursuing fathers. With this- ordination of >Kuermitted even to occunv a chair in Amoxo thn mnnv ohan<r&n whi^Vi children were anxiously looking forward with peace. The first word that an is- his secular education apace with his rabbis many souls are captivated ;i:!;permiuea even 10 occupy a cna(r m Among the many changes which to the time when they could receive his raelite utters inmeeting a fellow-man are religious training, he passed out of the and won. to honor and respect God's ¦:: 3the Vatican Library. So he came time and the happy inroads of Eu- blessing, grim death wrapped his dark '' FT% heT°l° '

But as Uie proph- Cincinnati University with the diatinc- la* aud its fexpbunders, and the re- ;^finally to the Chief Rabbi of Rome ropean culture have wrought in the mantleT around their beloved teacher <*of °U said : -There is a clamor for ion of -B. A. on the 17th of June, and cipient of the aMoloma^mll<^aE- ' !5.. . , , j .. . - n . i l . Z. manue *ar0ljnu lUBir u«wvea teacner neace and peace where no peace can be." last night crowned all with the degree ¦ .i *v> ¦ * 11," o uimuiiiaB wm noi eat ,;:as a penitent, ana askea to be re Mst, there are none more signifi- and snatched his venerable form from To keep peace does not mean to let every- of Babbi. The Rev.Jacobson wasiborn ily forget, the solemn moment when ;¦instated in Judaism. The Chief cant than the cordial attitude which th*em. How can they ever forget the im- thing take its own courae, side with every- on August 25, 18B4. You can easily they were confirmed as teachB^s in .JRabbi^fter consultation with the the Clergy of the Orthodox Greek P-sive circumstances under whi ch

^^Z^^S^S^A Co! t^sraSS acotffT S&^S^S^'-'

'regents of the congregation, told Church now assumes toward the ,tb<* ww! reCe'?d .Q** 3*™* quarrel. No! While peace is one of the' at a liberal ealary. The terjn conLenaes ^M - J ^^ hnMif ^Mr Brimanus aavf, the ff avnm that Tpwo F™n in Pnoaio A™1™ an A faitb? As their guidgand friend lay there pillars upon which society rests, it must , in September next. . "- . . . messengers ot the Most High toMr Brimanus, says the ilayom, that Jews. Kven in Russia, during and Hfeie88) his noble face, upturned , greeted be preceded by and Combined with Tobias Schanfarber was born at Oleve- weeping humanity. These are newJudaism commands us to extend .since the 'latest persecutions, the their gaze with an expression of resijt- truth and justice. Never sacrifice truth land, 0., on December 20, 1862. He at- and affecting ceremonies1 : they de-the hand of fellowship to the peni- Jews found proctors in many a nation mingled with pain. He heard ^c^fnKE^m^isT^tent after he has convinced us of his Popa ahd even higher ecclesiastical not the voice of their pastor recite the be a man of unblemished character, of Israel Congregation, Dr. Hahn, Babbi of ¦ ' . 'sincerity. Brimanus was then told dignitaries. But the most striking 8^mah with that eloquent, feeling tone unstained integrity. Not merely his the congregation: at'that time, asked his ' ¦' "". ¦ - ' : . , : ¦:¦ ,at. 1 1 1- - ~r u- - L i . . . , 1 , - wnicn never tailed to reach the hearts of words, but by far more his deeds, must father to have him continue his atudv Hnhr nw TTn inn rniia»» Pvominniinnsthat as a token of his sincerity he instances of good feeling come to us those who heard him. His eyes saw teach and preach the religion whose ex- ihHebrew^iorl His consent was gW College Examtnatlpns.

must firs t publish in the public or- from the island of Crete. Some not. his lips moved not. Midst the pounder he is to be. Your life must and for five years he; was under Dr! a w ™i . »J»Li ™. t ' ^e^.¦(i,»f mW0™f i,0 *fn t<. n.nn iJ » 'n • -i. j 1- *. awful stillness of death they promised preach; your example must teach. 0/ Habn 's tuition . His embarkation into . A. Dusy ana eyeatful weeK a&sgaus that whatever he wrote or said weeks ago Caaea was visited by the allegiance to the God of Israel and to .what avail are the most eloqrient ser- the rabbinical boat"a tirattribStab& Just passed bv witKin the walls of ¦against Jews and Judaism was a Greek Bishop of Cheronisso [in the laitb. of their forefathers. mons when the life oi the preacher does to him, and to him will heever be thank- the Hebrew: Union College, a weekco^g^merationofwillfulfalsehoods;


province of Candia], ahd during «o^M^2^ £?? S £^%S*- ctS^ t S it ^tSW ^!^itwhich he herewith revokes and de- his stay he exchanged two visits' lovingly called them), the opening and kind. Teaching your congregations the Septlmber/of8!the Same year 'left hi° tf th°\Bt^'T °

f ^^¥% \ 'Clares to be false. Brimanus has with the Grand Rabbi. At one of ^WOT8 would.hav« delivered essence of

allreligions, " love thy neigh^ home for Cincinnati and enrolled aa a naYe . ^W. ^eBBedthe-^- .t a » tit- u j Li ., - . x*a""> ' -ttb OUB ol by the following pupils; who, by oJose bor as thyself," von must yourselves be student in the H TJ Colletm and th« eroises. The ' eleventh scholasticnot done so yet We have no doubt these interviews the Bjshop ex- attention to duty, fully merited the hon- models of true charity andUevolence? TjEsityif hunger troubles him he will do pressed a desire to attend Sabbath ^

Wi?lcb ba- „ ? J7Ld Tn them Pe,rforD1 y°,u.r dutieB not merely for the from the Jatrerinstitution in 1886 with the been brbueht ;tb a Joiose by a mostaUo tM., but it wUr onl, bo a new m„r„i.B ,™ ., the synagogaa. K^SP°^^^^^he added to the many he has said The satisfaction with which the Jew- ^y- The presentation address was to the ministry you will be called upon to holidays at GalHpoliB, O. Detroit Mich ln*uoni Permi^ue ,to forestall theand written. Such a Jewish, Prot- ish congregation received the an- H«rnfiht?m de!lvered by Ma8ter 0hafl> e?Pre8.8 yo«r/iewa and take sides with and for the past two consecutive years at sUmmarV of bur report by sayingestant, Catholic and Mussulmanio wJ^J^Sfc . Se class cons^d of

the follow- SS 3: =

1 ffK'fi S KS han *£ 3 fflrenegade, who served a term in the tion was immense, and the utmost %U&^*$^ wX^^penitentiary as a forger, and is so honor was paid to him when he, Brunette Haas, Sarah kohlman, Ida rather a peculiar one. The Erian" ™Zt"he Sd oom?fiffltf oouM^f ^d the vastly increased claims putentirely bare of all principles of together with the clergy and the &?«"' S" S JflMKlrn' who after a hundred years ehall have study at the University, the Hebrew to this house of. learning.h««and rectitude that h.raieed ^layad^trato,. JLchuroh, *8&&iJSZ. SSftS : tST&SilSt SiS'XSSS %3£S * &^&ff & TES&t&f tf tTZtSagairat bu on kiu the blood aocu- dislinguishod members of the Greek S°i kMllMS8 ^T'u K»ry., Was cento™, .A be lorced to compare it Jlaco. He did n,, uid1 wSEiJSoS 1 VSS ^'iil M&" .b« A at ¦aation faiamed boot, and paa.agaa community, arrived .. the ayna- ¦ S^EM M^t

S£& TStStSSrA S^&ttri f f i& ^&&*of books to defend his. position- gogue, where he remained during Lisso, Joseph I^b.Herinan Meyer,Chas. withstanding the great difference in at the same time performing «S1 duties *be noon's meal, the entire time -

such a calprit,we maintain, iB incur- the greater part of the service. A Suifweil 8CK°M8 8cbwwtE» *h«

f . ™\nT™} f 0?PAoa oi ^olvfag upon him at the College Csfroni 9 a. m. till ' 5 p. M. Was daily6 f oorvi^. a u)uis weu , Josepn weie. l^ur people now and as it then was. is the first instance in which permission devoted to this trying labor ol m-

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