


Charles Tilly

The University of Michigan

JuPy,. 1974

CRSO Working Paper a109 Copies available through: Center for Research on

Social Organization U of M 330 Packard Street Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104




Charles T&lly

University of Michigan

July 1974

This is the draft bibliography of Charles Tilly, ed., Historical Studies of Changing Fertility, prepared for publication in the Mathematical Social Science Board/' Princeton University Press Studies in Quantitative History. It draws on the references to articles by Richard Easterlin, E. A. Wrigley, Lutz Berkner, Franklin Mendels, Ronald Lee, Etienne van de Walle, Maris Vinovskis and Rudolf Braun as well as on my own work. I am grateful to Chantal Bancilhon, Judy Davidson, Pam Hume, Karen Metrick and Kit Tilly for help in assembling khe bibliography.


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1. I + . This is a provisional bibliography for the entire book, not just for the introductory article. It includes every publication mentioned in the book, plus a few items illustrating the various types of analysis discussed in the introduction, and a few more items used for background but not cited.

Irma Adelman

1963 "An econometric analysis of population growth," American Economic Review (June): 314-339.

Kurt Agren, David Gaunt, Ingrid Erikssen, John Rogers, Andus Norberg and Sune Akerman

1973 Aristocrats, Farmers, Proletarians. Essays in Swedish Demographic History. Uppsala: Scandinavian University Books. Studie Historica Upsaliensia.47.

Adolphe dlAngeville

1969 Essai sur la statistique de la population francaise. Reedit ion, with an introduction by ~mmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. ParisjThe ~ague: Mouton.

\ Philippe Aries

1954 \

"Deux contributions a l'histoire des pratique contra- ceptives. 11. Chaucer et Mme. de ~&vi~n&." Population 9 (October-December) : 692-698. . ..

1971 Histoire des populations franjaises et de leurs attitudes devant la vie depuis le XVIIIe sikcle. Paris: Le Seuil; 2nd edition.

Max Baer

1926 Medizinisch-statistische Ergebnisse aus zuricherischen Kirchenbkhern des 17. und 18. Jahrunderts. Zurich.

J. A. Banks

1954 Prosperity and Parenthood. London: Routledge

K. G. Basavarajappa

1971 "The influence of fluctuations in economic conditions on fertility and marriage rates, Australia, 1920-21 to 1937- 38 and 1946-47 to 1966-67," Population Studies 25 (March): 39-53.


Wendall H. Bash

1963 "Changing birth rates in developing America: New York state, 1840-1875." Nilbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 41 (April): 161- 182.

Gary S. Becker

1960 "An economic analysis of fertility." Pp. 269-213 in Universities-National Sureau Committee for Economic Research, Demographic and Economic Change in Developed Countries. Princeton: Princeton University Pr.ess.

1965 "A theory of the allocation of time." Economic Journal 75 (September) : 493-517.

Gary S. Becker and H. Gregg Lewis

1973 "On the interaction between the quantity and the quality of children," Journal of Political Economy 81 (March-April): 279-288.

S. J. Behrman, Leslie Corsa and Ronald Freedman

1969 eds., Fertility and Family Planning. A World View. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Yoram Ben-Porath

1973 "Parental effects on fertility: some preliminary findings." .. %

Unpublished paper.

Yoram Ben-Porath and Finis Welch

1972 Uncertain Quality: Sex of Children and Family Size. Santa Monica: The Rand Corporation. (R-1117-NIHIRF).

Bernard Berelson

1966 "KAP studies on fertility." Pp. 655-668 in Bernard Berelson (ed.), Family Planning and Population Programs. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1969 "Beyond family planning. " Science 163 (February) : 533-54.3.

\ f Helene Bergues, Philippe Aries, Etienne Helin, Louis Henry, R. P. Michel Piquet, Alfred Sauvy, and Jean Sutter

/ 1960 La prevention des naissances dans la famille. Ses origines

dans les temps modernes. I.N.E.D. Travaux et Documents, Cahier no. 35. Paris: P.U.F.


Lutz K. Berkner

1972a "Rural family organization in Europe: a problem in comparative history. " Peasant Studies Newsletter 1 (October) : 145-155.

1972b "The stem family and tbe develbpmental cycle of the peasant household : an eighteehth-century Austrian example." American Historical Review 77 (April): 398-418.

1973 "Family, social structure, and rural industry: a compar- ison of the Waldviertel and the Pays de Caux in the eigh- teenth century. " Unpublished thesis, Harvard University.

19 74 "The use and misue of census data for the historical analysis of family structure," forthcoming in The Journal of Inter- disciplinary History.

A. Bertillon

1897 \ /

Le probleme de la depopulation. Paris.

John G. C. Blacker ... -

1957a "Social ambitions in the bourgeoisie in eighteenth cen- tury France, and their relation to family limitation." Population Studies 11 (July): 46-63.

1957b "The social and economic causes of the decline in the French birth rate at the end of the eighteenth century." Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of London.

Judith Blake

1967 "Reproductive ideals and educhtional attainment among white Americans, 1943-1960." Population Studies 21 (September) : 159-174.

1968 "Are babies consumer durables? A critique of the economic theory of reproductive motivation," Population Studies 22 (March) : 5-25.

Karlheinz Blaschke

1967 Bevolkerungsgeschichte von Sachsen bis zur Industriellen Revolution. Weimar: Bahlaus.

Peter Blau

1969 "Objectives of sociology." Pp. 51-52 in Robert Bierstedt (ed.), A Design for Sociology: Scope, Objectives, and Methods. Philadelphia: The American Academy of Political and Social Science.


Yves Blayo and Louis Henry I eq ' I

# .?4,

1967 "~onnges demographiques sur la Bretagne et 1'Anjou de 1740 \a 1829. " Annales de demographie historique : 91-171.

Susan E. Bloomberg, Mary Frank Fox, Robert M. Warner, Sam Bass Warner, Jr.

1971 "A census probe into nineteenth-century family history: southern Michigan, 1850-1880." Journal of Social History 5 (Fall) : 26-45.

W. Bodmer

1960 Schweizerische ~ndustri~~eschicht~ . Zurich.

Donald Bogue

1969 Principles of Demography. New York: Wiley.

Donald Bogue and James A. Palmore

1964 "Some empirical and analytical relations among demo- graphic fertility measures, with regression models for fertility estimation." Demography 1 ( 1 : 316-338.

! W. D. Borrie

1970 The Growth and Control of World Population. London: Weidenfeld and Nieslson.

Ester Boserup

1965 The Conditions of Agricultural Growth. The Economics of Agrarian Change under Population Pressure. Chicago: Aldine .

Pierre Bourdieu

I /

1962 "Celibat et condition paysanne." Etudes rurales 5/6: 32- 135.

1972 1 \

"Les strategies matrimoniales dans le systeme de reproduction." Annales 27 (July-October): 1105-1127.

Jean Bourgeois-Pichat

1965 / i /

"Les facteurs de la fecondite non dirigee." Population 20 (May-June) : 383-424.

1967a "Relation between foetal-infant mortality and fertility." Pp. 68-72, Proceedings of the World Population Confer- ence: 1965. Vol. 11. United Nations.


1967b "Social arid biological determinants of human fertility in non-industrial societies." Proceedings of the American

. Philosophical Society 3 (June): 160-163.

U. Bragger

1945 Leben und Schriften des amen Mannes im Toggenburg. Samuel Voellmy (ed.) Basel.

Alexandre de Brandt

1901 Droit et coutumes des populations rurales de la France \ / en matiere successorale. Paris: Librarie de la ~ocihte

du Recueil g4nkral des lois et arrctsi.

Rudolf Braun

1960 Industrialisierung und Volksleben: die Verxnderungen der Lebensformen in einem lxndlichen Indistriegebiet vor 1800 (Zuricher Oberland). Zurich: Eugen Rentsch.

1965 Sozializer und kultureller Wandel in einem landlichen ~ndustriegebiet im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Zurich und Stuttgart: Erlenbach.

1967 "The rise of a rural class of industrial entrepreneurs." Journal of World History 10 ( ) :

H. Brunner and A. Senti

1937 "Ansteckende krankheiten in Zurich." Sonderdruck aus den Zuricher Statistichen Nachrichten. Heft 3: 6f.

Larry L. Bumpass

1973 "Is low fertility here to stay?" Family Planning Per- spectives 5 (Spring): 67-69.

Larry L. Bumpass and Charles F. Westoff

p 1970 "The 'perfect contraceptive' population." Science 169 (September) : 1177-1182.

Edwin Burmeister and Rodney Dobell

1970 Mathematical Theories of Economic Growth. New York: Macmillan Company.

Glen G. Cain

1971 "Issues in the economics of a population policy for the United States." American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings 61 (May): 408-417.


Gien G. Cain and Adriana Weininger

1967 - "Economic determinants of fertility: preliminary results from cross-sectional, aggregative data." Unpublished paper.

* ".... .

John C. Caldwell

1968 ~o~ulation Growth and Family Change in America. New York: Humanities Press.

1965 The Pattern of Human Concerns. New Brunswick:, Rutgers University Press.

G8sta Carlsson

1966 "The decline of fertility: innovation or adjustment p.rocess." Population Studies 20 (November): 149-174.

, ..- .. . 1970 "Nineteenth century fertility oscillations." Popula-

tion Studies 24 (PTovember) : 413-422.

A. M. Carr-Saunders

1925 Population. London: Oxford University Press.

1965a "Population changes in a provincial town: Nottingham 1700-1800." Pp. 308-353 in D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley (eds.), Population in History. Chicago: Aldine; London: Edward Arnold.

1965b "The rural domestic industries during the period of transi- tion to the factory system with special reference to the Midland Counties of England," Second International Con- ference of Economic History, Aix-en-Provence, 1962. Paris: Mouton, 11: 429-555.

/ Antoinette Chamoux and Cecile Dauphin

1969 "La.contraception avant la Revolution fran5aise: example de ~h$tillon-sur-seine. " Annales E. S . C . 24 (March-April) : 662-684.

Hubert Charbonneau

1970 Tourouvre-au-Perche au XVIIe et XVIIIe ~i,.\ecle. I .N .E .D . documents, Cahier no. 55. Paris: P.U;F.


/ / 1973

/ ed., la populaticn du Quebec, etudes retrospectives . Montreal: Editions des org gal Express

Robert Chasles

1959 Les illustres Fran3oises. Vol. I and 11. Critical edition by Fr. Deloffre. Paris: Les Belles Lettres.

Pierre Chaunu

1973 / /

"Reflexions sur la demographie normande . " ~Llan~es , , publie/s en l'honneur de. Marcel Reinhard. Paris: Societe de ~Lmo~ra~hie Historique .

A. V. Chayanov

1966 The Theory of Peasant Economy. Homewood, Illinois: Richard C. Irwin.

Colin Clark

1967 Population ~rowth and Land Use. New York: St. Martin's Press.

Victor S. Clark i

1929 History of Manufactures in the United States. 3 Volumes. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Ansley J. Coale

1967 "Factors associated with the development of low ferti- lity: an historic summary." Pp. 205-209 in Proceedings of the World Population Conference: 1965. Vol 11. United Nations.

1969 "The decline of fertility in Europe from the French Revo- lution to World War 11." Pp. 3-24 in S . J. Behrman, et . . al. (eds.), Fertility and Family Planning: A World View. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

19 70 "The use of fourier analysis to express the relation between time variation in fertility and the time sequence of births in a closed human population." Demography 7 (February): 93-120.

1971 "Age patterns of marriage." Population Studies 25 (July): 19 3-214.

1973 "The demographic transition." Paper presented at the plenary session of the International Union for the Scientific Study,of Population.meeting. (August 27- September I), Liege.


Ansley J. Coale and Paul Demeny

19:66 ~e~ional Model Life Tables and Stable Populations. Prince- ton: Princeton University Press.

Ansley J.. Coale, Lloyd A. Fallers, Marion J. Levy, Jr., David M. ~chneider and Silvan S. Tomkins

1965 Aspects of the Analysis of Family Structure. Princetoh: Princeton University Press.

John W. Cole

1971 "Estate inheritance in the Italian Alps." Research Reports No. 10. Departdent of Anthropology, University of Massachusetts. Amherst: University of Massachusetts.

James S. Coleman 1

1968 "Modernization: political aspects." Pp. 395-402 in In- ternational Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Vol. 10. New York: Macmillan Company.

Andrew 0.. Collver

1965 Birth Rates in Latin America: New Estimates of Histori- cal rends and Fluctuations,. Institute of Lnternational Studies Research Series No. 7. Berkeley: University of California.

Gretchen A. Condran

1973 "Taste formation variables and the economics of fertility." Unpublished dissertation, IJniversity of Pennsylvania.

L. R. Connor

1926 "Fertility of marriage and population growth." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 89 ( ) : 553-566.

Carlo A. Corsini

1971 "Ricerche di demografia storica nel territorio di Firenze," Quanderni storici 17 (Maggio-Agosto): 371-378.

Donald Olen Cowgill

1956 "The theory of population growth cycles." Pp. 125-134 in Joseph J. Spengler and Otis Dudley Duncan (eds.), Population Theory and Policy. Glencoe: The Free Press.


Charles Creighton

1965 A History of Epidemics in Britain 11. Cambridge: Univer- sity Press. London: Cass. (l?f om 1894 editiod

Phillips -Cutright

1972 . "The teenage sexual revolution and the myth of an abstinent past." Family Planning Perspectives 4 (January): 24-31.

Kingsley Davis

1963 The rheorydchange and response in modern demographic history. " Population 1ndex 29 (October) : 345-366.

1967 "Population policy: will current programs succeed?" Science 158 (November): 730-739.

Kingsley Davis and Judith Blake

1956 "Social structure and fertility." Economic Development and Cultural Change 4 (April): 211-235.

Phyllis Deane and W. A. Cole

1969 British Economic Growth 1688-1959; Trends and Structure. Cambridge: University Press.

Paul Demeny

1968 "Early fertility decline in Austria-Hungary: a lesson in demographic transition. " Daedalus 97 (Spring) : 502- 522.

John Demos

19 70 A Little Commonwealth: Family Life in Plymouth Colony. ~ e w York : Oxford University Press.

Raymond Deniel and Louis Henry

1965 "La population d'un village du Nord de la France, Sainghin- en-~Llantois , de 1665 3 1851. " Population 20 (July-August] : 563-602.

Paul Depnez

1965 "The demographic development of Flanders in the Eighteenth century," in D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley, eds., Popu- lation in History (London : Edward Arnold) .


Mic heie . Dion-Saletot

\ / 1971 "Endogamie et systeme: economique dans un village francais."

Sociologia ruralis 11 ( ) : 1-18. 2

Michael Drake

1969a Population in Industrialization. London: Mkthuen.

1969b Population and Society in Norway, 1735-1865.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

N. R. Draper and H. Smith

1966 Applied Regression Analysis. New York: John Wiley and Sons.

/ Rene J. Dubos

1966 "Problems in bi~climatolo~~. " Pp . 289-300 in Jack Bresler (ed.), Human Ecology. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley.

A Jacques Dupaquier

1968 "Sur la population franiaise au XVlle et au XVllle si\ecle," Revue historique 23 (January-March): 43-79.

A Jacques Dupaquier and Marcel Lachiver

1969 "Sur les ddbuts de la contraception en France, ou les deux malthusianismes." Annales E. S. C. 24 (September- 0ctobe.r) 1391-1406.

John D. Durand

1967 11 Demographic t,ransitlon." Pp. 32-45 in the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population, Proceedings of the Sydney Conference. (August 21-25, 1967). Canberra: National University Press.

Bennett Dyke and Jean Walters MacCluer

1973 eds.,Ccmplter-Sbikion in Human Population Studies. New York: Academic Press.

Richard A. Easterlin

1968a "Economic growth: an overview." Pp. 395-408 in Inter- national Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Vol.. 4. New York: Macmillan Company.

1968b Population, Labor Force, and Long Swings tn Economic Growth: The American Experience. New York: Columbia University Press.


1969 "Towards a socio-economic theory of fertility: a survey of recent research on economic factors in American ferti- lity." Pp. 127-156 in S. J. Behrman, Leslie Corsa, and Ronald Freedman (eds.), Fertility and Family Planning: A World View. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press..

1970 "An,approach to fertility analysis for LDC's." Paper prepared for a meeting (June 29-July 3, 1970) of the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee of Experts on Programs in Demographic Aspects of Economic Development, New York.

1972 "The American population." Pp. 121-183 in Lance E. Davis, Richard A. Easterlin, and William N. Parker (eds.), American Economic Growth: An's History of the United States. New York: ~ a r ~ & r and Row.

1973 "Relative economic status and the American fertility swing." In Eleanor B. Sheldon (ed.), Social Structure, Family:,Life Styles, and Economic Behavior. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott for Institute of Life Insurance.

Thomas J. Espenshade

1971 "A new method for estimating the level of natural ferti- lity in populations practicing birth control." Demo- graphy 8 (November): 526-536.

1972 "The price of children and socio-economic theories of fertility.'' Population Studies 26 (July): 207-221.

D. E. C. Eversley

1965 "A survey of population in an area of Worcestershire from 1660-1850 on the basis of parish registers." Pp. 394-419 in.D. V. Glass and D. E. C . ~verkle~ (eds .) , Population in History. Chicago : Aldine ; on don : Edward Arnold.

1967 "The home market and economic growth in England, 1750- 1780." Pp. 206-259 in E. L. Jones and G. E. Mingay (eds.), Land, Labour and Population in the Industrial Revolution. London: Edward Arnold.

Rosamund J. Faith

1966 "Peasant families and inheritance customs in medieval England." Agricultural History Review 14 ( 1 : 77-95.

William Fischer

1973 I I Rural industrialization and population change." Compara- tive Studies in Society and Hlstory 15 ofarch): 158-170.


Albert Fishlow

1968 "The American common school revival: fact or fancy?" Pp. 40-67 in Henry Rosovsky (ed.), Industrialization in Two Systems: Essays in Honor of Alexander Gershenkron. New York: John Wiley and Sons. . es

George S. F i s W n

1969 Spectral Methods in Econometrics. Cambridge, Massachu- setts: Harvard University Press.

Marcel Fleury and' Louis Henry

1958 "Pour connaitre la population de la France depuis Louis XIV. Plan de travaux par sondage." Population 13 (October-December) 663-686.

1965 Nouveau manuel de ddpouillement et dl-exploitation de l'gtat civil ancien. Paris: INED

M. W. Flinn

1970 British Population Growth, 1700-1850. London: Macmillan Company.

Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman

19 74 Time on the Cross. Boston: Little, Brown; 2 vols.

Robert Forster

1960 The Nobility of Toulouse in the Eighteenth Century: A Social and Economic Study. The Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.

Deborah S. Freedman

-- "Consumption aspirations as economic incentives in a developing economy--~aiwan." Unpublished paper.

-- "Consumption of modem goods and services and their relation to fertility: a study in Taiwan." Unpub- lished paper.

1970 "The role of modem durables in economic development." Economic De,velopment and Cultural Change 19 (October): 25-48.

Ronald Freedman . .

1961-62 "The sociology of human fertility." Current Soctology 10/11 ( ) : 35-68.


1963 "Norms for family size in underdeveloped countries." Proceedings of the Royal Society, B. 159 ( 1 : 220-245.

1965 he transition from high to low fertility: challenge to demographers." Population Index 31 (October): 417- 444.

Ronald Freedman, Lolagene C. Coombs, and Larry Bumpass

1965 "Stability and change in expectations about family size: a longitudinal study." Demography 2 ( ' - ):250-275.

~onald Freedman, Lolagene C . Coonibs , and M5ng-Chen Chang 1972 "Trends in family size preferences and practice of

family planning: Taiwan, 1965-1970." Studies in Family Planning 3 (December): 281-296.

Ronald Freeman and J. Y. Takeshita

1969 Family Planning in Taiwan: An Experiment in Social Change. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Ronald Freedman, Pascal K. Whelpton and Arthur A. Campbell

1959 Family planning, Sterility, aid ~o~ulation Growth. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Dov Friedlander

1969 "Demographic responses and population change." Demography 6 (November) 359-381.

1970 "The spread of urbanization in England and Wales, 1851- 1951," Population Studies 24 (November): 423-443.

1973 "Demographic patterns and socioeconomic characteristics of the coal-mining population in England and Wales in the Nineteenth Century." Economic Development and Cultural Change 22 (October): 39-51.

Stanley Friedlander and Morris Silver

1967 11 A quantttat2ve study of the determinants of ferti- l*ty behavior." DemograpPly 4 ( ) : 30-70.

Jean Ganiage

1963 Trois villages de 1'Ile de France. I.N.E.D. Travaux et documents. Cahier no. 40. Paris: P.U.F.


Jean Lucien Gay

/ 1953 Les effets pecuniaires du mariage en Nivernais du

XXVe au XVIIIe sibcles . paris : p om at-Montchrest Aen.

Etienne Gautier and Louis Henry

1958 "La population de Crulai, paroisse normande. Etude historique." Travaux et documents. Cahier no. 33. Paris: P.U.F.

Clifford Geertz

1963 Agricultural Involution: The Process of Ecological Change in Indonesia. Berkeleyand Los Angeles: Univer- sity of California Press.

-Murray Gendell

1967 "Fertility and development in Brazil." Demography 4 ( ) : 143-157.

Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen

1970 "The economics of production." American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedbgs 60 @kcember) : 1-9.

Elizabeth Gilboy

1934 Wages in Eighteenth Century England. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

1936 "The cost of living and real wages in eighteenth century England." Review of Economics and Statistics 18 (August): 134-143.

David V. Glass

1962 "Family limitation in Europe: a survey of recent studies." Pp. 231-261 in Clyde V. Kiser (ed.), Research in Family Planning. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

1965 "Gregory King's estimate of the population of England and Wales." Pp. 159-220 D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley (eds.), Population in History. Chicago: Aldine; London: Edward Arnold.


David V. Glass and Roger Ravelle ,,:i '

1972 eds. , Population and Social chbnge. London: Edward Arnold.

David Goldberg and Clyde H. Coombs

1962 "Some applications of unfolding theory to fertility analysis." Pp. 105-129 in Emerging Techniques in Population Research Analysis. New York: Milbank Memorial Fund.

Calvin Goldscheider

1971 Population, Modernization, and Social Structure. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

J. Goody

1973 "Strategies of heirship." Comparative Studies in Society and History 15 (March): 3-20.

L. M. Goreux

1956 "Les migrations agricoles en France de uis un sihcle et leur relation avec certains facteurs 2' conomiques." 11

Pierre Goubert

1960 Beauvaisis et le Beauvaisis de 1600 \a 1730. Paris: SEWEN.

P. R. Gould

1963 "Man against his environment: a game theoretic frame- work." Annals of the Association of American Geographers

! 53 (September): 290-297.

Wilson H. Grabill and Lee Jay Cho

1965 "Methodology for the measurement of current fertfltty from populatton data on young ch51dren." Demography 2 ( ) : 50-73.

Wilson H. Grabill, Clyde V. Kiser and Pascal K. Whelpton

1958 The Fertility of American Women. Few York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Philip J. Greven, Jr.

1967 "Hi;storical demography and colonial America." William and Mary Quarterly. Series 3. 24 (July): 439-459.


1970 Four Generat ions, Land and Family in=~olonial Andover, Massachusetts. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

Pierre Guillaume and Jean Pierre Poussou

/ 19 70 Demographie historique. Paris: A. Colin, Collection "U."

Robert Gutman

1956 "The accuracy of vital statistics in Massachusetts, 1842- 1901." Unpublished Ph.D. thesis, Columbia University.

John Habakkuk

1955 "Family structure and economic change in nineteenth- century Europe. " Journal of Economic His tory 15 ( ) : 1-12.

1963 I I Population problems and European economic development

in the late eighteenth century." 1 The American Economic Review 53 (May): 607-618.

1965a "The economic history of modern Britain." Pp. 147-158 in D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley (eds.), Population in History. Chicago: Aldine; London: Edward Arnold.

1965b "English population in the eighteenth century." Pp. 269-284 in D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley (eds.), Population in History. Chicago: Aldine; London: Edward Arnold.

1965c 11 Historical experience of economic development."

Pp. 112-138 in E. A. G. Robinson (ed. 2 , Problems of Economic Development. New York: St. Martin's; London: -Macmillan Company.

1971 Population ,Growth and Economic Development Since 1750. Leicester: Leicester University Press.

J. Hajnal

1965 "European marriage patterns in perspective." Pp. 101- 146 in D. V. Glass and D. E. C. Eversley (eds.), Popula- tion in History. Chicago : ~lbin4; London : Edward Arnold.


Gerhard Hanke

1969 "Zur sozidstruktur der- laridlicken Siedlungen Altbayerns im.17. und 18. Jahrhundert," inGesellschaft urdHerrshft 'Forschungen zur sozial- und landes geschichtlldwn problemen Vornehmlich in Boyern. Eine : estga e fk Karl B8sl z m . 60 Geburtstag. Munich: Beck.


Geoffrey Hawthorn >

1970 The Sociology of Fertility. London: Collier-Macmillan.

William L. Hays

1963 Statistics. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Blanche Evans Hazzard

1921 The Organization of the Boot and Shoe Industry in Massachusetts before 1875. Vol. 23 of Harvard Economic Studies. Cambridge, ,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

David M. Heer

1966 "Economic development and fertility." ~emography 3 ( ) : 423-444.

1968 "Economic development and the fertility transition." Daedalus (Spring): 447-462.

1969 "Educationaladvance and fertility change." Paper presented at the International union for the Scientific Study of Population (September), London..

David M. Heer and John W. Boynton

1970 "A multivariate regression analysis of differences in fertility of United States counties." Soc2al Biology 17 (September): 180-194.

David M. Heer and D. 0. Smith

1968 "Mortality level, desired family size and population increase." Demography 5 ( ) : 104-121.

David M. Heer and Elsa S. Turner

1965 "Areal differences in Latin Aplerican fertility. " Population Studies 18 (March): 27,9-292.

1954 /

La population canadienne au debut du XVIIIe sizcle: nuptialid, f dconditec mortalie': infantile. Paris : Presses universitaires de France.

Louis Henry

1956 "Anciennes familles genevoises." I.N.E.D. Travaw et documents. Cahier no. 26. Paris: P.U.F.


/ / / 1961a "La f econdith naturelle : observations-theorie-resultats ."

Population 16 (October-December): 625-636.

1961b "Some data on natural fertility." Eugenics Quarterly 8 (June) : 81-91.

1963 "French statistical research in natural fert51ity." Pp. 333-350 in M. C. Sheps and J.. C. Ridley (eds.), Public Health and ~o~ulation Change. Pittsburgh.: University of Pittsburgh Press.

1967 Manvel de demographie historique. Geneva: Droz.

1968 "Historical demography." Daedalus (Spring): 385-396.

David Herlihy

1969 "Vieillir \a Florence au Quattrocehto. " Annixes E.S.C. 24 (September-October): 1338-1352.

Russell C. Hill and Frank P. Stafford

1971 "The allocation of time to children and educational opportunity. " Discussion pap&r No. 32. Institute of Public Policy Studies, University of Michigan.

Norman E. Himes

1963 Medical History of Contraception. (Reedition of 1936 original.) New York: Gamut Press Inc.

Joh. Hirzel

1816 Rede Uber den physischen, dkonomlschen und sittlich- religidsen Zustand der dstlichen Berggemeinden des Kanton Zurich. (Synodalrede 1816) Zurich.

1 I

J. C. Hirzel

1792 "Beantwortung der Frage: ist die Handelschaft, wie solche bey uns beschaffen, underem Lande sch!idlich, oder nUtzlich, in Absicht auf den Feldbau und die Sitten des Volkes?" Zurich.

T. H. Hollingsworth

1969a "Sources of history: studies in the uses of histori- cal evidence." In T. H. Hollingsworth (ed.), Histori- cal Demography. Tthaca, New York: Cornell University Press.

1969b Historical Demography. London: The Sources of History.


Edgar M. Hoover

1971 "Basic Approaches to the Study of Demographic Aspects of Economic Development: Economic-Demographic Models," Population Index 37 (April-June): 66-75.

Jacques Houdaille ,

1967 . "La population de Boulay (Moselle) avant 1850." Popula- tion 22 (November-December): 1055-1084.

1971 I I Analyse demographique de deux oyvrage: de g&&logie

sur les descendants de Mme. de Sevigne, Bussy Rabutin et Jean Racine. " Population 26 (September-October) : 953-955.

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