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A bottom-up approach to cell mechanicsThe mechanical stability and integrity of biological cells is provided by the cytoskeleton, a semidilute meshwork of

biopolymers. Recent research has underscored its role as a dynamic, multifunctional muscle, whose passive and

active mechanical performance is highly heterogeneous in space and time and intimately linked to many biological

functions, such that it may serve as a sensitive indicator for the health or developmental state of the cell. In vitro

reconstitution of ‘functional modules’ of the cytoskeleton is now seen as a way of balancing the mutually conflicting

demands for simplicity, which is required for systematic and quantitative studies, and for a sufficient degree of

complexity that allows a faithful representation of biological functions. This bottom-up strategy, aimed at unravelling

biological complexity from its physical basis, builds on the latest advances in technology, experimental design and

theoretical modelling, which are reviewed in this progress report.

A. R. BAUSCH1* AND K. KROY2,3*1E22-Biophysics, Technische Universitat Munchen, James FranckStraße, 85748 Garching, Germany2Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitat Leipzig,Augustusplatz 10/11, 04109 Leipzig, Germany3Hahn-Meitner Institut, Glienicker Straße 100, 14109 Berlin,Germany

*e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

A crawling cell pushing its way through pores andobstacles, while constantly changing its shape andelasticity to adapt to a complex environment, is afascinating demonstration of biological versatility.Underlying such remarkable active and passivemechanical performance is the cell’s ability to controlprecisely and reorganize quickly the local structuraland mechanical properties of its cytoskeleton — aprotein fibre network spanning any eukaryotic celland linked to the fluid lipid membrane that acts as itsskin. It is composed mainly of three classes of proteinfibres of very different stiffness: actin, microtubulesand intermediate filaments, which are organized intohigher-order assemblies by a myriad of ‘helper’proteins known as crosslinkers, bundlers, cappingand severing proteins, and so on, which bind to thescaffolding elements. The regulation of the on–offkinetics of these binding proteins, thepolymerization–depolymerization dynamics of thepolymers and the action of molecular motors is whatturns the cytoskeleton from a merely static carcassinto a multifunctional protean muscle.

Over the years, genetic, immuno-cytochemicaland biochemical studies have identified manydifferent players involved in the regulation of the

cytoskeleton. Physical studies concentrating on themechanical properties of cells or in vitro cytoskeletalmodel systems have been helpful in elucidating thecomplex synergies and redundancies of genericphysical and specific biological mechanisms inestablishing the overall mechanical performance ofbiological tissue. Unexpectedly, such studies haverevealed a remarkable universality in the viscoelasticresponse functions of reconstituted networks and ofwhole cells of different types over a wide range oftimescales, which is reminiscent of glassymaterials1–3. At the same time, the overall cellstiffness has been demonstrated to be very sensitiveto cytoskeletal dysfunction, a connection that lendsitself to an extremely efficient and reliable automateddetection (and may possibly also be the cause) ofsome diseases4.

To gain a detailed understanding of how thesehighly universal and specific mechanical propertiesof cells originate from the molecular structure of thecytoskeleton, it is essential to probe cell mechanicson multiple scales. A growing arsenal ofmicrorheological methods (Box 1), developed toresolve the local viscoelastic properties in vitro andin vivo, has helped to gather compelling evidencethat the structure and elasticity of the cytoskeleton ofliving cells is generally much more localized andheterogeneous, and the relation betweenmicrostructure and overall cell mechanics is muchless straightforward than simple idealized modelspretend. Fascinating demonstrations of functionallyrelevant heterogeneities are provided by theformation of filopodia (finger-like extensions of thecytoplasm sent out by the cell in motion), in which

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Box 1: Microrheology

In general, the mechanical properties of homogeneous materials are determined by applying stresses andmeasuring the resultant strains (or vice versa). In the regime of linear response, the ratios between stressesand strains — the viscoelastic moduli (or compliances) — are material properties that may show somefrequency dependence. They may alternatively be determined from the spectrum of thermal fluctuations.Macroscopic rheological methods are widely used across many disciplines, but the softness of cytoskeletalnetworks, their limited availability, and the need to resolve the mechanical properties of their localheterogeneities have motivated the development of microrheological methods.

In the case of active microrheology, magnetic forces are applied and from the resulting displacements(in and out of phase) of magnetic particles in the system, the frequency-dependent suceptibilities aredetermined60,61. These may be transformed into ‘local moduli’ for a more direct comparison with themacroscopically measured moduli. Typically, forces applied are at the piconewton scale: only special setupsallow the application of higher forces, up to a few nanonewtons7.

Observing the induced motions of suspended non-magnetic beads yields the deformation field, andthus enables a more-detailed investigation of local heterogeneities and stress propagation62. This method(pictured), which is based on a combination of ‘active’ field-driven particles and passive tracer particles,was more recently developed into a purely passive technique, now widely known under the name oftwo-point microrheology63. The thermal motion of single particles is determined by either videomicroscopy or high-speed interferometric detection. Assuming a generalized Stokes–Einstein relation, thefrequency-dependent moduli can be extracted34,64. Depending on the bead radius and detection limit,moduli from 10−3 to 102 Pa are measurable.

When microrheological techniques were introduced, discrepancies between the measured networkelasticity and macroscopically determined moduli were poorly understood. But it has since been shownthat the local compliances depend on the size ratio of the colloidal particle and on some characteristiclength scale of the network or of its constituents39,65. Paradoxically, a detailed theory of themicrorheometry for such heterogeneous networks seems to require a complete understanding of thenetwork mechanics that are to be studied by this method.

the local activation of different actin-bindingproteins enables the dynamic generation of highlylocalized meso-structures5,6 (Fig. 1). Yet, the sheerbiological complexity of living cells makesmicroscopic approaches to cell mechanics adifficult task2,7–9.

The isolation and study of purified subunits,which might be called ‘functional modules’, seem apromising way out of this dilemma10. Such anapproach is not necessarily as unnatural as it may atfirst sound. In fact, a substantial specialization of thevarious constituents of the cytoskeleton seems to beinstrumental for fulfilling all of its tasks. Whereasmicrotubules are mainly involved in transport andthe process of cell division, actin and intermediatefilaments are the main determinants of cellviscoelasticity. In cell motility, even the most

complex orchestrated interplay of many differentconstituents of the actin cytoskeleton worksindependently of the nucleus and most organelles ofcells — as dramatically demonstrated bychopped-off lamellipodia (sheet-like extensions ofthe cell) retaining their motility, and by bacteria andviruses exploiting parts of this cellular machinery fortheir own propulsion. Hence, functional modules ofincreasing complexity seem natural intermediates ina bottom-up reassembly of living matter. The physicsof the simplest functional subunits, reconstituted invitro, has over the last ten years attracted muchinterest from experimental and theoretical physicists.One of the current goals is, for instance, to achieve aphysical understanding of well-defined compositenetworks confined by encapsulating lipidmembranes. More-ambitious reconstructions

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could include more energetic subunits, suchas lamellipodia.

A related direction of research aims at what isoften called in silico reconstitution of functionalmodules — the coarse-grained but faithfulrepresentation of parts of the cytoskeletal machineryon supercomputers. Among the favourite objects ofstudy are filopodia11 and the parasitic propulsionmechanisms of bacteria12. Such ‘virtual labs’complement in vitro experiments in providing aunique testing ground for higher-level theoreticalmodels aimed at identifying the generic features andmechanisms that physicists (and other reductionists)associate with ‘understanding’.

In order of increasing complexity, and withoutthe pretence of being comprehensive, we nowsummarize some of the major steps that have beentaken in recent years to better understand andcontrol the physics of functional modules of thecytoskeleton. After reviewing the currentunderstanding of in vitro model systems, with anemphasis on the very recent literature, we focus onsome emerging developments that might lead uscloser to creating an ‘assembly line’ for biologicalcells and tissues.

ULTIMATE SIMPLICITY: PREVAILING THEORETICAL MODELSIn an effort to disentangle the complex reality,theorists like to distinguish entangled (‘physical’)polymer solutions, chemically crosslinked networks,and active gels. The last of these comprisebiopolymer solutions and networks containingactive, energy-consuming elements such as filamentsundergoing treadmilling polymerization (‘livingpolymers’) or molecular motors. For each of theseidealized systems, they have a minimal model thatestablishes a baseline against which to judge themuch more complex reality. Although these minimalmodels are constructed in analogy with classicaltheories for flexible polymers, there are some subtledifferences, which originate from the fact that mostbiopolymers resemble stiff rods rather than flexiblecoils. In contrast to flexible polymers, their localfluctuations and responses are highly anisotropic(Box 2), and it therefore becomes a difficult issue todecide to which deformation mode (longitudinal ortransverse to the major axis) the surroundingnetwork predominantly couples.

For entangled solutions, the minimal modelfollows the blob model for semidilute flexiblepolymer solutions13. The basic idea is that stiffpolymers in semidilute solutions are confined totube-like cages that suppress their thermalundulations of wavelengths longer than a length Le,called the collision length or entanglement length.The confinement free-energy density fcorresponding to this mutual entanglement is thusestimated as one unit of thermal energy, kBT , perentanglement volume, or f ∼ kBTca/Le, where c isthe monomer concentration and a is the monomer(or backbone) diameter. The relation between Le andc is established through the intuitive tube picture(Box 2), leading to f ∼ kBTc7/5. Although additionalassumptions are required14,15 to relate f to

a b


Figure 1 Biologicalcomplexity — the structuralbasis of cell motility. It is amajor challenge to rebuild invitro such complexheterogeneous andout-of-equilibriumstructures as the filopodia,emerging at the leadingedge of crawling melanomacells, as shown in theseelectron microscopyimages. a, A tight bundle ofactin filaments, splayingapart at its root, becomesan integral part of thesurrounding dendriticnetwork of thelamellipodium. b, Fusedfilopodia, each having asplayed root.c, Enlargement of the boxedregion in b at the root of thefilopodium; branches atwhich filopodia originate arecircled. Scale bars 0.2 μm.Reproduced from ref. 5 bycopyright permission of TheRockefeller University Press.

mechanical properties such as the shear modulus ofthe solution, it is quite plausible and there issubstantial experimental evidence that they areclosely related16,17.

In contrast, the minimal model for chemicallycrosslinked semiflexible polymer networks isconstructed quite differently, in analogy withclassical rubber elasticity18. In this approach, theorigin of the mechanical response is assumed to liewithin the affine stretching of single polymer strandsof a certain length La. As a consequence of the muchlower compliance of stiff polymers along their axiscompared with the transverse direction, thechemically crosslinked networks are presumablymuch stiffer than entangled solutions, their elasticmodulus being of the order of kBTca�2/L3

a , where �is the persistence length of the polymers (Box 2). Alldepends crucially on the choice of the scale La, ofcourse, which separates the low single-polymereigenmodes that follow the externally applied strainfield affinely, from the stiff higher modes that remainessentially undisturbed. Rephrased in the language ofsolid-state physics, the problem is the choice of aproper (effective) unit cell. It is common practice toidentify La with one of the entanglement length Le,the mesh size ξ (Box 2) or an independent averagecrosslinker distance19. The inclusion of the variouschemical on–off rates and compliances of commonmolecular crosslinkers into the description remains amajor task for future modelling efforts.

All current theoretical modelling of the elasticityof both entangled and crosslinked networks is thusbased on more or less plausible assumptions abouthow, and on which scale, the macroscopic strain fieldtranslates to the highly anisotropic individual

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Box 2: The physics of stiff polymers

The minimal mathematical description of a stiff or semiflexible polymer is provided by the ‘wormlike chain’(WLC) model. Compared with the common bead–spring models used to represent flexible polymers, itprovides a more-faithful representation of a polymer in terms of an inextensible, continuous space curve,rs, parameterized by arc length s. The equilibrium conformation is determined by the bending hamiltonian

H = 1


∫ L



assigning an energy penalty of about kBT�/L to a curved conformation of contour length L (the term inparenthesis is simply the curvature of the contour). Here l is the persistence length, and kBT is thethermal energy.

For the relatively massive biopolymers, the product kBT� is often thought of as a constant materialparameter characterizing the bending stiffness in the same manner as, for example, that for a chopstick. Inthe limit of a stiff polymer with L � �, the equilibrium conformation (for fixed r⊥

s′ ) exhibits simplepower-law correlations of the transverse fluctuations (r⊥

s′ ) around the straight ground state,


s′+s − r⊥s′ )

2⟩ ∝ s3


which play an analogous role as the better-known self-similar correlations for flexible chains.

Lad Le


The longitudinal fluctuations of the contour are smaller than the transverse fluctuations by a factor s/�.Accordingly, the response of stiff polymers to external forces is highly anisotropic too. The transverse springconstant is of the order of kBT�/L3, a result already known from slender rod mechanics; the longitudinalspring constant is kBT�2/L4. Because an inextensible rigid rod has vanishing longitudinal compliance, thelongitudinal compliance of stiff polymers arises solely from their thermal undulations and is therefore ofentropic origin — in contrast to their transverse compliance, which is purely mechanical.

Owing to the almost rod-like conformations, stiff solutions of polymer concentration n (oftenrephrased as 3/ξ2L, which defines the mesh size ξ) have an extremely low overlap concentration 1/L3,corresponding to a polymer volume fraction (a/L)2, where a denotes the backbone diameter. For actin,L/a is typically of the order of 103. According to Onsager’s theory for the nematic transition, thethermodynamic properties should remain that of a dilute solution far beyond the overlap concentration upto polymer volume fractions of about a/L. As familiar from flexible polymers, entanglement effects modifythis picture substantially as soon as the tube-like regions — that are, according to equation (1), required bythe thermal undulations to fluctuate freely — start to overlap. The mutual steric hindrance of transverseundulations of wavelength longer than a certain length Le, called the entanglement length, provides aneffective backbone diameter d ≈ L3/2

e /�1/2 � a, called the tube diameter, which adjusts such that thevolume fraction nd2L = 3d2/ξ2 of the tubes remains close to d/Le.

In this so-called tube representation (pictured, left), the imaginary tubes are not able to fill the availablespace due to the steric constraints, but otherwise try to maximize their volume. It is believed that genericexternal deformations tend to make the overall tube arrangement less favourable, thus leading to a linearincrease in confinement free-energy, which leads to the formula for the modulus quoted in the main text.The prefactor is sensitive to model assumptions concerning the coupling of the macroscopic strain field tothe tubes14–16.

For crosslinked stiff polymer networks, the prevailing picture is completely different18 (pictured, right).One neglects the entanglement effects that govern the collective response of solutions, and assumes that theindividual polymer strands are stretched affinely down to a so far unknown affinity scale La. Thecorresponding elastic modulus of a crosslinked network is then simply given by the longitudinal springconstant of the polymer strands of length La multiplied by a geometric factor L2

a and their number density.For very high frequencies of the applied deformation, the polymers will be tightly coupled to thesurrounding solvent, so that La will drop below Le, and the polymers will behave as if they were mutuallyindependent on the relevant time scale35–37.

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elements. Theoretical attempts to get a firmer gripon this crucial question are so far limited to idealizedrandom fibre networks20,21. Establishing a closer linkbetween these artificial structures generated on thecomputer and the experimentally (or evenbiologically) relevant biopolymer networks is thesubject of ongoing research, but the emergingbottom line seems to be that multiple elasticbehaviours are possible within each model20–23, andthat competing explanations can account for theobserved network response3,24. As relating modelparameters to microstructure is still a challengingtask in theoretical physics, it does limit the successfulapplication of the models to biologically relevantquestions — but it does not impair it. For example,extensions of the simple stiff-polymerrubber-elasticity model have been successful inrationalizing the nonlinear elastic and viscoelasticresponse of a broad selection of biopolymer gels andbundle networks19,25,26.

Finally, active gels introduce a new level ofcomplexity into the discussion. Not only do theyinherit mechanical properties from both idealizedequilibrium models (solutions and gels) and involvemicrostructure formation in an essential way, butalso the permanent supply of mechanical energykeeps them far from equilibrium. To model activegels at a level that resolves single polymers, one hasto decide how the active elements (representing themolecular motors or the polymerization–depolymerization kinetics) enter this game.

The most popular approaches27,28 at the momenttry to circumvent the substantial difficulties29 bymodelling the gels at a coarse-grained hydrodynamiclevel, which allows all of the intricate detailsto be subsumed into a set of phenomenologicalcoefficients. This approach is routed in thehydrodynamics of flocking self-propelled particles30,and it may help to classify the general scenariosof dynamic structure formation to be expectedin such out-of-equilibrium systems. Its universalapplicability relies on a strong coarse-graining, and itis not yet clear that cells exhibit a sufficiently strongscale separation to allow such a purely macroscopichydrodynamic description. Even more thanfor the simple equilibrium models, it is necessarythat the a priori comparatively complex models fornon-equilibrium cellular dynamics are tested againstin vitro or in silico reconstituted model systems toenable a reliable calibration of the model parameters.

SIMPLICITY TO COMPLEXITY: IN VITROMODEL SYSTEMSIn concert with theorists, many experimentalists havein recent years concentrated on the reconstitution ofpurely entangled actin solutions as close toequilibrium as possible. When physicists started toget interested in such in vitro actin solutions as anidealized paradigm for the more-complexbiopolymer networks found inside living cells, thepurification and maintenance of the purest actinsolutions were already posing major difficulties31.

Actin is a single-chain polypeptide (43kilodaltons in molecular weight), which assemblesinto an asymmetric double-helical filament by a



Figure 2 Physical simplicity — structural phase transitions. a, The addition of actin-bindingproteins to polymerized actin solutions may induce various static and dynamic networkheterogeneities. Depending on the specific type of crosslinker proteins (red), differentmicrostructures are predicted and observed: microgels have been observed for actin networkscrosslinked by α-actinin; bundles embedded in a continuous isotropic background network appearon addition of filamin; and depletion forces result in a direct transition from an isotropic solution intoa purely bundled phase. It is possible that equilibrium phase diagrams could help to understandbiological complexity. b,c, Electron micrographs of an entangled actin network (b) and a crosslinkedcomposite network (c) in which bundles are embedded in an isotropic entangled backgroundnetwork. Scale bars 0.5 μm.

treadmilling-polymerization mechanism. Thephysics of actin polymer solutions and networks isdetermined by the long persistence length � of about16 μm, which is more than three orders of magnitudelarger than the backbone diameter and comparableto, or even larger than, the typical contour length32.Yet, thermal undulations are not negligible but play acrucial role in endowing pure in vitro actin solutionswith an appreciable rubber-like elastic response atvolume fractions as low as 1%, which could neitherbe achieved with much stiffer nor with much moreflexible molecules. This property is well explained bythe ‘tube’ model for the confinement free-energy inentangled solutions, and it would be interesting tomeasure the osmotic compressibility of the solutionas a function of concentration directly to establish

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this connection more firmly. This would, moreover,serve the recently revived interest in the biologicalrelevance of the longitudinal (osmotic compression)modes as opposed to the transverse (or shear) modesof the cytoplasm33.

The frequency-dependence of the viscoelasticshear response of actin solutions, although of a quitecommon generic shape, has turned out to be quitedifficult to understand. At the highest frequencies itis thought to originate from the longitudinal modesof effectively independent individual polymers34–37,but the biologically more relevant crossover regimeto the rubber plateau at around 0.5–2 Hz is stillunder investigation. The combination ofcomplementary measurement techniques such asmicro- and macrorheology (Box 1) andspecial-purpose designs38 promise to provide moredetailed insights into these puzzling questions.

A detailed comparison of micro- andmacrorheological methods shows that classicalone-point rheology is relatively insensitive to thepolymer length, in contrast to the macroscopic strainfield measured by the two-point techniques atintermediate frequencies. Yet, the results from bothmethods seem to converge at low frequencies withvalues obtained macroscopically17,39. This may implythat the different techniques measure the sameplateau modulus at low frequencies, but coupledifferently to the polymers and to the surroundingsolvent, and therefore probe different properties, athigher frequencies. This issue is complicated by thefact that polymers and solvent do not in generalmove coherently, so that beyond the much-debatedquestion on which scale the network elasticitybecomes homogeneous, it is also an open questionon which scales and at which frequencies suchperistaltic modes occur. Alternative explanations forthe discrepancies in terms of a hypothetical depletionlayer around the spheres are also discussed14,40.

Experimentally, the next step ofcomplication — adding chemical or biologicalcrosslinks — is accomplished by addition of purifiedspecific binding proteins. In general, this results in acomplex (micro-) structure formation, with theoccurrence of bundles or clusters, stronglydepending on the molecular structure andconcentration of the specific binding protein used(Fig. 2). Most experimental studies so far haveconcentrated on the effect of one single type ofcrosslinker at a time, but living cells use a largenumber of different binding proteins, which mayinteract and compete with each other. Despiteattempts to quantify the concerted action of theactin-binding proteins fascin and α-actinin41, ormolecular crowding effects42,43, we are admittedlystill far from understanding the complicatedstructure formation observed in living cells (Fig. 1).

It is an ambitious — but unproven — physicist’sconjecture that equilibrium phase diagrams thatcapture the generic physical mechanisms (such asspinodal decomposition, isotropic–nematictransitions and microphase separation) behind suchstructural rearrangements would help us tounderstand living structures and how they generatetheir local microstructures. Various structural phase

transitions have been experimentally observed andschematically modelled44–47, but detailed quantitativemicroscopic structural information is often elusive,owing to the difficulty or lack of adequateexperimental techniques. Although it may soundrather straightforward, reliably extractingquantitative distributions of mesh sizes or bundlethicknesses with decent precision is a challenging andvery laborious experimental task — especially in themost interesting, highly heterogeneous networks48.

This is all the more frustrating, as themacroscopic and the local elastic properties areexpected to depend strongly on the inducedmicrostructures. Even if the network structure couldbe fully resolved, the mechanical properties of theindividual constituents — such as the stiffness orinternal friction of the bundles, or the compliance ofindividual crosslinkers — pose serious modellingchallenges. For example, from classical elasticitytheory, the bending stiffness of a tightly boundbundle increases with the fourth power of the bundlediameter, in sharp contrast to the quadratic increaseexpected for a loose assembly. With increasingthickness, thermal forces therefore become quicklyirrelevant for a tight bundle, which suggests that, forexample, the maximum force a filopodium canpossibly withstand cannot exceed the critical Eulerforce for mechanical buckling of its stress fibres. Acorresponding ideal behaviour of the bundle stiffnesshas been observed for actin filaments bundled by theprotein scruin11,49. However, for stereocilia (themechano-sensitive components of hair cells, such asthose found in the ear), where mainly an isoform ofplastin is bundling the filaments, only a quadraticrelation of stiffness and diameter wasobserved — possibly suggesting some slip betweenthe filaments50.

Once the properties of the mesoscaleconstituents, such as the bundle thicknesses andconcentrations are determined, modelling of thenetwork of bundles can be based on the rubberelasticity model18, at least if the crosslinks are tightand essentially permanent, as is the case forscruin19,25. Whether such approaches are alsosuccessful for networks crosslinked by differentmolecules, such as α-actinin or filamin, where anadditional compliance is added to the network,remains to be seen.

Another way to approach more-realisticconditions is to consider geometric confinementeffects: as most actin filaments inside cells havelengths of a few micrometres, and the cell height of alamellipodium is of the order of 0.1 μm, geometricalconfinement of the cytoskeletal networks by theplasma membrane will have severe effects on themechanics and micro-structure formation incytoskeletal networks. Thus the encapsulation ofcrosslinked actin networks into lipid vesicles51 orother suitable cavities52 is a next logical step inapproaching a realistic biomimetic system.

TOWARDS ULTIMATE COMPLEXITY: ACTIVE GELSNotwithstanding the difficulties discussed above,even-more-complex model systems are gradually

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emerging, in which not only are more biologicallyrelevant functionalities added to the systems but alsonon-equilibrium effects are deliberately introduced.From the point of view of classical polymer science,cytoskeletal networks including active elements suchas the molecular motor Mysoin II, or ‘livingpolymers’ such as actin or microtubules, represent avery unusual class of polymeric systems withamazing transient and non-equilibriumproperties11,12,53–56. Concerning their elasticproperties, it has been shown that a motor-forcedballistic reptation is responsible for lowering theelastic moduli of such active gels53. So far, allexperimental studies with such added activity arefacing the major difficulty of obtaining highlypurified motor preparations (with no rigor headspresent) — clearly a case where faithful in silicomodels will be helpful.

The promise and success of the in vitroreconstitution strategy may be exemplified by therecent realization of propulsion driven purely byactin polymerization, observed in a minimal motilitymedium containing only an activated Arp2/3complex for enhanced nucleation, actindepolymerizing factors (ADF, or cofilin), cappingproteins (gelsolin), monomer-binding proteins(profilin), and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) as theenergy source57,58. This opens the way for controlledquantitative study of such ‘active modules’.

On the other hand, the current limitations andthe comparatively primitive state of most in vitro andin silico systems is strikingly revealed by a closer lookat the fascinating phenomenon of filopodiaself-assembly from existing lamellipodia withinliving cells (Fig. 1). Cells clearly construct thesenetwork structures far from equilibrium: bundles areinitiated by a filopodial tip complex; single actinfilaments with individual lengths of a couple ofmicrometres are crosslinked by fascin, and actinbundles are formed by the convergence of filamentswithin a dendritic network with a strong localselection of actin-binding proteins5. Clearly, theimpressive recent in vitro reconstitution of similarfilopodia-like structures59 is but the first step on theway to attaining full quantitative control over suchstartling complexity.

In summary, although the controlled design ofbiomechanical functions on a micro-assembly linemay remain a distant goal for the foreseeable future,the concrete steps towards its realization in the laband their theoretical modelling, though major tasks,are being addressed now. Tests in vitro and(increasingly) simulations will enable thequantitative study of functional modules withreduced and well-defined complexity. But ourunderstanding of the physical principles underlyingcomplex and delocalized biological functions willalways rely on identifying the governing physicalmechanisms, with the help of coarse-grainedanalytical theoretical models. The closer synthesisand convergence of the classical fields of theoreticaland experimental physics, detailed numericalmodelling, cell biology and biochemistry suggestsitself as a natural condition for future progress.


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AcknowledgementsWe thank T. M. Svitkina for providing Fig. 1. We also thank Oliver Lieleg andRainer Tharmann for providing figures and schematics. The work of ARB issupported by SFB413, also the support of the “Fonds der Chemischen Industrie”is gratefully acknowledged.Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to A.B. or K.K.

Competing financial interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing financial interests.

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