Page 1: A Brief Overview of Jivamukti Yoga
Page 2: A Brief Overview of Jivamukti Yoga

Jivamukti yoga, a form of the flowing, vigorous vinyasa style, puts emphasis on incorporating traditional Sanskrit spiritual elements into daily practice, using chanting and instruction in a series of ethical precepts. Jivamukti blends practices from Ashtanga, another vinyasa form, with readings, meditation sessions, positive affirmations, and musical accompaniment. A Jivamukti studio can offer several types of classes.

Page 3: A Brief Overview of Jivamukti Yoga

Open classes focus on Jivamukti yoga’s five spiritual tenets and offer individually paced guidance. A basic class offers four weeks of instruction, with a different concentration each time. Those just starting out learn basic postures, or asanas, that can be performed while standing, then move into bending exercises, done in combination with chanting. Students can also learn the basics of the general vinyasa style, coordinating breathing and spiritual concentration with the physical moves.

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Spiritual Warrior classes are short, fast-paced, and intense. They are tailored to the needs of busy men and women whose daily routines may offer them little time to work out. Students may additionally enter a Jivamukti studio for a class focused specifically on meditation.

Started in the mid-1980s in New York City by David Life and Sharon Gannon, Jivamukti yoga is based on the teachings of their gurus, who include Swami Nirmalananda, Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati, and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

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