  • 8/8/2019 A Bubble Text Effect


    a bubble text effect

    Marius On June - 17 - 2010

    Hi there. Here you can learn to create a vector bubble and a bubble text effect. First, you need theEllipse, Rectangle, Rectangular Grid and Twirl tools plus some basic effects. Later, for the text

    effect youll only need the Type Tool and some of the Symbol Tools.

    Difficulty: Intermediate-Advanced

    Estimated Completion Time: 1 hour

    Number of Steps: 14

    This is what youll be creating:

    Step 01

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    Create a 700by300px document and start with the background. Select the Rectangle Tool(M),

    create a 700by300px shape and fill it with the linear gradient shown below. Lock this shape.

    Step 02

    Now, lets create the bubble. Select the Ellipse Tool(L), create a 200by200px shape and name it

    Bubble. Fill it with R=242 G=242 B=242, lower its opacity to 25% then add the Inner Glow

    (Effect > Stylize > Inner Glow) and the Outer Glow (Effect > Stylize > Outer Glow) effectsshown below.

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  • 8/8/2019 A Bubble Text Effect


    Step 03

    Duplicate Bubble. Select this copy, erase the Inner Glow and the Outer Glow effects thenincrease the opacity to 70%. Fill this shape with the radial gradient shown below then add theFeather effect (Effects > Stylize > Feather).

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    Step 04

    Reselect the Ellipse Tool(L). First, create a 70 by 70px shape and place it as shown in image #1.Fill this circle with R=242 G=242 B=242 lower its opacity to 60% the add a 25 px Gaussian Blureffect (Effect > Blur > Gaussian Blur). Next, create a 25 by 25px shape and place it like in image

    #2. Fill it with the same color, lower its opacity to 80% then add a 20px Gaussian Blur.

    Step 05

    Pick the Rectangle Tool and create a 40 by 20px shape. Fill it with white and add a 10px

    Rounded Corners effect (Effect > Stylize > Rounded Corners). Next, add the Arc effect (Effect >

    Warp > Arc) shown below then go to Object > Expand Appearance.

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    Step 06

    Select the shape made in the previous step, rotate it and place it as shown in image #1. Lower itsopacity to 35% then add a 10px Gaussian Blur effect. Duplicate this shape. Resize this copy,

    rotate it and place it like in image #2. Lower the opacity of this shape to 30% then add a 5px

    Gaussian Blur. Next, pick the Ellipse Tool(L), create a shape like the one shown in image #3, fillit with white, lower its opacity to 20% then add a 25px Gaussian Blur effect.

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    Step 07

    Create a copy of Bubble. Select this copy, erase all the effect, raise the opacity back to 100%then fill it with none. Name this shape Mask. Select Mask, go to Object > Path > OffsetPath, enter 10 in the Offset: box then click OK. Name the resulting shape Crop (I filled it

    with a discrete tint of red so that you can distinguish it easier). Lock Mask then double click on

    the Rectangular Grid Tool in your toolbar. A dialog box should pop up. Enter 0 for the number

    of horizontal dividers and 6 for the number of vertical dividers. First, turn on the Smart Guides

    (to ease your work) then use the Rectangular Grid Tool to create a grid like the one shown in

    image #3. Select this grid along with Crop and click on the Divide button from the Pathfinder

    panel. Keep only the shapes shown in image #4 (delete the rest). Fill these shapes with thecolours shown below then group them (Ctrl+G).

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  • 8/8/2019 A Bubble Text Effect


    Step 08

    Select the group of colored shapes, then use the Twirl Tool (double click on this tool and use a210px width and height) to distort the shapes like in image #1. Reselect this group and add a20px Gaussian Blur. Finally you can add a discrete Twist effect. Its not very important but you

    can try it and use it if you like it.

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    Step 09

    Unlock mask Mask, select it and bring it to front. Select this circle and the group of coloredshapes then go to Object > Clipping Mask > Make. Now, your group should look like in image#2. Send it in the bottom of the Layers pallete, just above the background shape. Lower its

    opacity to 15% then change the blending mode to Overlay.

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  • 8/8/2019 A Bubble Text Effect


    Step 12

    Select the symbols sprayed in the previous step then pick the Symbol Sizer Tool (double click on

    the tool to change its behaviour). Use this tool to increse the size for some of these bubbles as

    shown in the following image.

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    Step 13

    Reselect the Symbol Sprayer Tool and add some random bubbles aroud the text (image #1).Reselect the Symbol Sizer Tool to resize some of these symbols (image #2).

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    Step 14

    Once again select the Symbol Sprayer Tool and add a few bubbles aroud the text (image #1).Pick the Symbol Sizer Tool to increase the size for some of these symbols. Make them a little

    bigger in comparison with the others (image #2). Finally, you can use the Symbol Spinner Tool

    to randomly rotate some of these large bubbles (image #3).

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  • 8/8/2019 A Bubble Text Effect



    Now your work is done. Here is how it should look like.

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