  • 7/26/2019 A China Escape (Serial Novel)


  • 7/26/2019 A China Escape (Serial Novel)


    Copyright 2015. Torch Legacy Publications. All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or

    transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,

    recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owner,

    except for brief quotations included in a review of the book. This is a work of

    fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the

    authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events

    or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  • 7/26/2019 A China Escape (Serial Novel)


    Chapter 1

    Thirteen year old Lillian Hill, called Lilly by her family and

    friends, awoke to the sound of raindrops falling outside her window.

    She immediately threw open her pink and yellow curtains, smiled,

    and thanked God for the rain. The delicious smell wafting into her

    room and the noise coming from downstairs prompted Lilly to hurry

    and get dressed. Racing against the clock, she attempted to tame the

    unruly curls which hung like a lions mane around her face and neck.

    She used her brush to untangle the curls on the right side, then on

    the left, only to watch them suiggle back up.

    !ell, thats all the attention you guys are getting from me right

    now," Lilly muttered gi#ing her hair one final tug. $The day has

    already started and % cant spend another moment of it on you."

    Gi#ing a confident nod to her reflection in the mirror, Lilly bounded

    down the steps of their San &iego home two at a time and made her

    way into the kitchen.

    Good morning, 'omma, &ad, 'arco," she said greeting each

    member of her family.

    'orning, sweetie," 'rs. Hill replied rushing a stack of plates to

    the dining room table.

    Theres my Lily flower," 'r. Hill said gi#ing Lilly a hug and

    dropping a kiss on her forehead.

    Lilly grinned. $(ou say that e#ery morning," she said.

    Thats because you go to sleep e#ery night," 'r. Hill replied.

    !ell, %m glad to see you still in your )*s. % take it youll be

    staying home with us today."

    'r. Hill nodded. $(ou got that right. %#e got three months to

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    prepare for battle."

    (ou mean prepare another case before you go to court,


    (es, yes," 'r. Hill chuckled, $and you know where % do my

    best work. %n my home office surrounded by my three noisy


    % know youre not calling me a musketeer," 'rs. Hill said o#er

    the siling of the frying pan. She winked at 'r. Hill and playfully

    swatted Lilly with a spatula.

    See, 'oms the ringleader," Lilly whispered as she ducked


    % know it. % know it," 'r. Hill agreed.

    Hey, sis," 'arco said, sliding out from inside one of the

    kitchens -Groo#e patterned clear glass cabinets. $Guess what were

    ha#ing for breakfast+"

    % see bacon and waffles," Lilly said.

    There is far more than meets your eye," 'arco replied,

    rubbing his hands together like a mad scientist. $!ere ha#ing, drum

    roll please, waffle tacos/" he announced dramatically.

    Lilly was surprised. $0ool idea," she said grabbing a waffle and

    folding it into the shape of a taco.

    Thanks. Syrup is your sauce." He plunked the bottle down in

    front of her. $% saw the waffle tacos on a restaurant sign, and mom

    said she could make it healthier at home. So, here you ha#e it/ Gi#e

    me credit for spotting the sign announcement thingy."

    &ont worry. !e cant all be geniuses and recipe in#entors

    too," Lilly remarked.

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    'arco blushed at being called a $genius."

    1.2., but %m one," 'r. Hill said with a grin.

    Hows that, &ad+" Lilly asked.!ell, knowing you already consider me a genius, put this on

    your taste buds." 'r. Hill handed Lilly and 'arco a piece each from a

    strawberry filled whole grain bar. $Toasted," he proclaimed. $That bit

    was my brilliant idea/"

    Gooey wonderful," Lilly said, while 'arco e3claimed,

    $Supercalifragilistice3pialidocious/" at the same time. They were

    e3cited. 'r. Hill beamed.

    4lright, people," 'rs. Hill called, breaking up their mini taste

    test. $Honey, you know its not right to brag and stop encouraging

    them to eat sweets before the real food."

    5ut, 'om," 'arco began, $sweets are real food."

    'rs. Hill cut her eyes at him. $(ou know what % mean." 'arco

    pretended to look befuddled.

    4round the dining table, 'r. Hill led the family in de#otions.

    $6ather God," he prayed. $!e thank (ou for waking us up this

    morning. !e thank (ou for being so faithful to us and for pro#iding for

    all of our needs. 5less the hands that prepared this good food before

    us. )lease help us to use the energy gained from eating this food to

    do great, purposeful work throughout the days. 0ontinue to lead us

    on the right path and gi#e us strength to shine as light in the world.

    Speak to us through (our !ord today. %n *esus name, 4men."

    4men," e#eryone echoed.

    'arco held up his hand. $% ha#e something to say," he

    declared, a look of mock seriousness on his face. $Lilly, % hate to

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    break it to you, but your hands wont be blessed today because you

    didnt help make breakfast."

    Lilly burst into laughter. $Sorry about that," she apologied. $%


    7o worries, sweetie," 'rs. Hill said. $!hen school starts back

    in two weeks, youll be up early e#ery morning."

    % can pray that God bless the hands which shall clean these

    dishes bearing the good food we are about to eat," 'r. Hill offered,


    (ou got me," Lilly said. $Sure. Thanks."

    'r. Hill prayed again for that purpose. 4fterward, e#eryone

    opened their 5ibles as he read aloud )hilippians 9:; < the familys

    focus scripture for the week. $Look not e#ery man on his own things,

    but e#ery man also on the things of others. 'arco, you can go first

    this time. !hat do you think this scripture means+ How is it speaking

    to you+"

    !ell, according to the te3t, % belie#e )aul is encouraging us to

    look for ways to help others, especially those who dont ha#e as

    much as we do," 'arco shared thoughtfully. $!e ought to beconsiderate of others and not be selfish. 5ut that doesnt gi#e us any

    right to butt into other peoples business unnecessarily either."

    -ery good," 'r. Hill commended. $!as your last statement a

    8ab at anybody in particular+" He chuckled.

    'arco hesitated. $'y conscience is gi#ing me no peace to lieabout this matter. (ou ha#e read my mind, &ad. % was talking to big

    sis here. (ou always ask me what %m doing so many times in e#ery


    Lilly laughed. $(ou dont remember, but % e#en asked you when

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    you were a baby/ 5efore you were born, your response was always

    =chillin in the womb. Too bad you#e trapped yourself out in that cray

    world so soon. Then %d poke moms stomach 8ust to get back at you."

    'rs. Hill 8oined her daughter with laughter.

    Thats called being a responsible older sibling," Lilly


    True, Lilly," 'r. Hill agreed. $4nd through )auls writing, God is

    calling us to be like Him. He also wants the best for us. (ou see,

    when we care for others and put them before oursel#es, we li#e a

    better life because we are happier."

    4men," 'rs. Hill said. $7o wonder %#e got such a happy

    hubby. Looking on the things of others is your profession."

    'r. Hill bowed his head meekly. $Thank you, dear."

    Selflessness trumps selfishness any day," Lilly said.

    )reach," 'r. Hill encouraged Lilly. $7ow, lets eat."

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    Chapter 2

    4s Lilly munched on her fruit, she wondered in what way God

    would gi#e her an opportunity to demonstrate what she had 8ust

    learned from His !ord. 0on#ersation around the dining table turned

    to making plans for that day.

    % hope what e#er we do does not include sending Lilly away to

    a beauty pageant. % missed you," 'arco said.

    4s far as % know, it doesnt," Lilly assured him. $5een there.

    &one that. God made a difference in the moment and % came out with

    a crown." She smiled, thinking of her restored relationship with mean

    girl turned nice, 0asey, and the new friends she made at the &ream

    Girl 5eauty )ageant, namely, 0athy, reigning beauty ueen Gwynet,

    &ominiue, and 2wana. $5ut what are we going to do together

    today, &ad and 'omma+"

    !ell, % purchased these tickets to the water park a few days

    ago considering % wont be #isiting my fashion headuarters today,"

    'rs. Hill told the family, retrie#ing the tickets from her skirt pocket. $%

    planned to surprise you all with them today. >nfortunately, its raining.

    5ut, dont worry, theyre redeemable."

    So it has come to this," 'arco huffed, gi#ing his waffle taco a

    8ab in the side with a fork. $&ancing in the rain will be a sorry


    Son," 'r. Hill began. $7o need to be so dramatic. (ou werent

    e3pecting to go to the water park and we ha#e much to do around the


    !hat about fun things+" 'arco uestioned. $5ecause we

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    dont ha#e a water slide."

    1h, 'arco, we can all pile onto the couch and watch a midday

    mo#ie," Lilly suggested.

    Great idea. !ell watch that mo#ie you saw last night and

    were laughing so hysterically about while % was trying to sleep," 'rs.

    Hill said addressing 'r. Hill. $% almost had to get some ear plugs."

    6orgi#e me, dear," 'r. Hill said breaking out into laughter. $%

    think %ll watch it with you again."

    7ow that thats out of the way, though it shouldnt ha#e been

    in the way, % think we need to match schedules and plans for the

    upcoming month," 'rs. Hill directed. $!e are busy people, so

    confusion has no place here. 6irst of all, school is starting back for

    you two." She pointed a perfectly manicured pinky finger at Lilly and

    'arco. $That means shopping for school supplies and sportseuipment: leotards, pointe shoes, cleats, shorts, tape, Gatorade,

    and sweat?.7o, not sweat. !e do not need to shop for that, neither

    can we. Sweat will produce itself in boatloads once we get going."

    Lilly laughed. $(es, 'aam. &ont forget, %ll be helping with

    trends for your fall line of girls clothes."

    Thank you, sweetie," 'rs. Hill said. $(our e3pertise is greatly


    Lilly lo#ed helping her mother with her clothes designing

    business which was taking the online fashion world by storm. $%ll

    round up the troops to assist us, too," she said.

    !ho are the troops+" 'arco inuired, looking perple3ed.

    'y friends," Lilly answered.

    'arco sighed. $!hew/ (ou had me worried for a hot second. %

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    was afraid that you and mom had raised a powerful army

    underground, so % thought to myself, =!hat kind of morose trick has

    been pulled on me, by my own family no less+ 5ut, if its 8ust your

    friends, % ha#e nothing to worry about. They wouldnt hurt a fly."

    %m not so sure," Lilly 8oked, fle3ing an arm muscle. 'arco

    recoiled in mock horror.

    'om, can you please make my costume this week+" he asked


    0ostume for what+"

    6or my school play. Remember 'r. Luca told us to ha#e them

    ready by the time we return from break."

    !hat is this play about again+" Lilly asked. She did not recall

    'arco e#er telling her about it.

    %ts about *ulius 0aesar," 'arco answered. $% wanted to play

    him, but 'r. Luca thought *ulio deser#ed the role, probably because

    his name is close to *ulius and he has curlier hair. 5ut %m happy for

    him. Hes nice to e#erybody. % was assigned the role of 5rutus.

    Thankfully, %#e been memoriing my lines because 'r. Luca is brutal

    whene#er someone messes up in rehearsal."

    4ll the best to you, son," 'r. Hill said. $%ll be there opening

    night@camera at the ready."

    Thanks, &ad. 5ut thats for only one night. %m not acting on


    1h, % know. Howe#er, to me its a big deal."

    To me also," 'rs. Hill said.

    4nd to me," Lilly echoed. $)erhaps % can gi#e you a few acting

    lessons. Some years back, % had a role in that play

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    The most co#eted girls role," 'r. Hill interrupted. $*ulius

    0aesars wife. She outshone e#erybody, including 'r. 0aesar himself

    who % do belie#e she had a little crush on at the time

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    was smiling as he spoke. $4 pretty thing, actually."

    'r. Hill raised his head. $% knew there would be something," he

    said. $1ut with it, son."

    %?would?like?wait for it?a dog/"

    'r. and 'rs. Hill looked at each other, then stared, as if reading

    one anothers thoughts. 6inally 'rs. Hill spoke, $4rent fish enough+"

    she asked referencing the fi#e fish in the familys auarium.

    7o, 'aam."

    7ow, son," 'r. Hill began. $4 dog is a #ery big responsibility

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    =e#en more so, if thats e#en possible."

    4re you sure+" Lilly uestioned.

    )ositi#e. % can do all things through 0hrist who strengthensme."

    That about settles it," 'r. Hill said with a smile. $%ll be holding

    you to your promise, 'arco."

    7o problem," 'arco said. $!ould you happen to know any

    good dog names+"% do," 'r. Hill replied. $5ut are you sure you want to name a

    pup you ha#ent e#en seen+ 7aming someone is a #ery important

    and #isual e3perience. 6or e3ample, when you were born, one of the

    reasons your mother and % decided to name you 'arco 'a3imus was

    because you looked like a 'arco 'a3imus."

    !hats that supposed to mean+" 'arco asked.

    % dont know." 'r. Hill laughed at himself. $)erhaps it means

    you appeared different and dignified?like someone around this


    'arco grinned. He knew his fathers ways. $!hat a way to

    compliment yourself in a roundabout fashion. Go ahead and hit me

    with some names."

    4lright. Here goes. How about?Sunny+"





    1nly if its #ery strong."

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    1nly if its a bloodhound."

    Try Shadow+"1nly if it has a shadow?!ait, that doesnt make any sense?



    7o. % cant name a dog =5ear. %t would get offended."

    How about 6aith+ 'r. Hill suggested. $Thats the last one %#e


    % like that name."

    &o you like the name =0hristmas+" 'rs. Hill asked.

    (es. 5ut only if the dog was born in &ecember."

    !ait/ %#e got the perfect name for our pup," Lilly said.


    5uttercup+ Like the candy+" 'arco uestioned.

    7o. 7o. 5uddercup," Lilly repeated.

    'r. and 'rs. Hill looked perple3ed, but 'arco was o#er8oyed. $%

    lo#e it/" he said.

    5y this time, all had finished their meal, so Lilly #olunteered to

    wash the dishes and 'arco helped her clean the kitchen and the

    glass display case in the li#ing room. 'rs. Hill left to run some

    errands while 'r. Hill went to work in his home office. 4fterward, dueto the rain, they reassembled in the li#ing room and watched a mo#ie.

    'r. Hill laughed most uproariously causing Lilly to repeatedly turn up

    the #olumeA that is, until the phone rang and he went to answer it.

    That was a strange call," 'r. Hill said as he returned to his

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    place on the couch.

    !ho was it from+" Lilly asked turning the #olume back down.

    %m not sure of that," 'r. Hill said. $Howe#er, a womans #oicewas on the other end asking for help."

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    Chapter 3

    Later that e#ening, Lilly brought two cups of spicy chai tea

    down to her fathers home office nestled between the dining room

    and the master bedroom. She tapped on the door with her foot.

    0ome in/" 'r. Hill called.

    1ne for you. 1ne for me," Lilly announced. She plunked both

    cups down on his charcoal colored desk.

    'r. Hill was at work on his laptop. Lilly noticed a fresh dent on

    its e3terior.

    (ep. % was chasing down another fly," 'r. Hill said in answer to

    her unasked uestion.

    They can be so pesky," Lilly said.

    6unny. 6or some reason, they all like to congregate in my

    office," 'r. Hill said.

    They do that for more 8oy. The flies like to congregate around

    you because you get annoyed at them the most," Lilly 8oked.

    How wicked/ % ought to prosecute the whole lot of them," 'r.

    Hill said, playing along. $Thanks for the tea, sweetheart. !hich cup

    has the least sugar+"

    That one." Lilly pointed to the cup on the left.

    'r. Hill sipped some tea, then set the cup down, looking at itwith a strange e3pression on his face.

    So, &ad, did you find out who our mysterious caller is yet+"

    Lilly asked, settling into one of three o#ersied, #el#et chairs

    positioned before the desk.

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    %n a way," 'r. Hill replied. $% called back, but recei#ed an

    automated message saying the phone had been disconnected.

    Howe#er, the country code points to 0hina. % tracked the number to


    % hope you didnt stop there," Lilly said.

    7o. % contacted our friend 5o o#er there. He did a little

    prodding and was able to track the phones signal to a specific

    location. *ust a few minutes before you came in, he called me back

    and said that he #isited the house. 4 woman answered the door, butrefused to gi#e any information about herself. Howe#er, after he told

    her the company he was representing, she told him that she needed

    to get in contact with me o#er an urgent matter and asked that he

    pass the message along. So, there you ha#e it."

    Lilly scrunched up her eyebrows. $&o you ha#e any idea who

    she might be+" she asked.

    'r. Hill shook his head, no. $4bout two years back % prosecuted

    a group of gang members from 5ei8ing. Their ring leader was a

    woman who went by the name of Snookie. Last month, % recei#ed

    word that she was released from federal prison, ha#ing ser#ed her

    term, and had returned to her nati#e city of 5ei8ing. 5ut rest assured,

    %m positi#e that she is not seeking retribution. Still, %#e already

    booked a ticket o#er there, 8ust in case."

    Lilly nodded thoughtfully. $(ou know what % think, &ad+" she



    % belie#e that this is the perfect time for us to think on the

    things of others."

    >s+" 'r. Hill uestioned with a twinkle in his eye.

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    >mhm," Lilly got up from her chair and walked behind the

    desk to look at her dads laptop. $Shouldnt you be booking another

    ticket+" she uestioned matteroffactly.

    'r. Hill threw his head back and laughed softly. Lilly had

    become his tra#el buddy e#er since she had turned nine years old

    and showed an interest in seeing the world. !hene#er she could,

    Lilly 8oined him on his business trips across 4merica and once to

    Russia. Together, they had already #isited twentyfi#e of the >.S.

    states and had hundreds of photos to pro#e it. !hile 'r. Hill did

    business in the conference rooms of large, glass buildings, Lilly sat in

    the sophisticated waiting areas sketching images of passersby and

    brewing numerous cups of coffee using the companys espresso

    machines Ce3cept when they tra#eled to RussiaA there, she studied a

    bit of the Russian languageD. Sometimes she practiced her gymnastic

    floor routine, but more often than not the receptionists ga#e her awithering stare, which would cause her to sit back down hurriedly and

    continue drawing. 4fterward, she and 'r. Hill would sightsee and

    e3plore the cities before returning home.

    0heck with your 'om first to make sure she doesnt ha#e

    anything important planned that we need to stick around for," 'r. Hill

    ad#ised Lilly. $5ut %ll go ahead and book the ticket so she cant say

    no." He winked.

    !ill do," Lilly promised.

    4nd before you go," 'r. Hill began, $would you please take

    this tea into the kitchen and pour it into a clear glass cup+" He

    handed Lilly his royal blue ceramic cup.

    Sure," Lilly said, looking perple3ed. $!hy+"

    !ell, % ha#e?a?certain fear?of drinking tea or any liuid,

    really, from out of a colored glass. %m particularly afraid of what may

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    be lurking at the bottom because it cannot be seen," 'r. Hill admitted.

    $&ont worry. This isnt a rip on your dishwashing skills," he uickly


    Riiight," Lilly said. $&arkglassphobia. Thats a new one, &ad.

    7e#er heard of it." She ga#e him the thumbsup with her free hand as

    she backed out the door.

    !alting into the kitchen, Lilly found 'rs. Hill and 'arco seated

    on stools by the counter clearly enraptured by her *ulius 0aesar play

    performance which they were watching on 'rs. Hills laptop. Lillypulled up a stool beside theirs and snapped her fingers in front of the


    Get out of the way, please," 'arco said, pulling on a strand of

    her hair. $(oure already on the computer. %snt that enough+"

    'om, 'om, %m going to 0hina/" Lilly announced ignoring herbrother.

    !hats that+" 'rs. Hill asked.

    %m going to 0hina/" Lilly repeated.

    'rs. Hill cupped her ear as if she still couldnt hear. $%m sorry,"

    she said. $!as that a uestion or a statement+"

    Lilly laughed. $Sorry, that came out wrong. % meant to ask if its

    1.2. with you for me to tra#el to 5ei8ing with &ad this weekend+"

    5ei8ing+ !hy+ He has another business trip+"

    2inda," Lilly answered. She related all that 'r. Hill had told her

    about the mysterious caller.

    5less me/" 'rs. Hill said, shaking her head slowly. $That

    sounds weird."

    Lilly placed her hands on her mothers forehead. $(oure

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    blessed," she announced. $7ow, can you please gi#e me your

    permission to go to 0hina+"

    % 8ust dont know," 'rs. Hill sighed. $5ei8ing, 0hina, is so far


    1h, no, its not," Lilly uickly said as she remembered her

    mother had said the same thing about her tra#eling to Russia. $0hina

    is right here on planet earth. Shall % show it to you on a map+" She

    flung her arms into the air.

    'rs. Hill narrowed her eyes. $(ou know what % mean," she

    replied. $%ts not a skip, hop, and a 8ump away. 5esides, this whole

    situation seems so weird. 5ut % said that already, didnt %+"

    (es," Lilly said. $Thats e3actly why &ad and % should go. !e

    must unweird this little mystery. %f not us, who will+" She flashed a

    winning smile.

    >s+" 'rs. Hill uestioned, running her fingers through her rich

    brown locks of hair. $%m thinking =him alone."

    )leeeeeease," Lilly pleaded.

    4fter thinking for a few minutes, 'rs. Hill consented. $4lright,"

    she said. $(ou can go, but only if you promise to take good care of

    yourself and come back soon, ali#e, and not wounded."

    % always do," Lilly said. Lilly interlocked one of her pinky

    fingers with one of her mothers. $1.2., % promise."

    Thanks for the sass, miss," 'rs. Hill said. $5ut thats not what %

    wanna hear, baby doll." 'rs. Hill hugged her tightly. $%ll miss you,"

    she whispered.

    'arco eyed her warily. $!ord to the wise," he said. $Learn how

    to use a pair of nunchucks and take them with you."

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    Thanks," Lilly began, $but the wise dont need a word."

    (eah, they do, because the wise are those who listen," 'arco

    answered. He turned his attention back to the laptop screen.

    (oure funny," Lilly said smiling. 4fter transferring her dads tea

    into a clear glass, she returned to his office and told him the good


    !onderful," he e3claimed, leaning back in his chair and

    propping his socked feet on the desk.

    Lilly copied him. 6or se#eral minutes, they tried unsuccessfully

    to knock each others feet off the desk. Then 'r. Hill spoke. $1ur

    plane takes off in two days," he said. $4re you ready for it+"

    Ready as %ll e#er be," Lilly assured him. $Guess % should start


    Great idea," 'r. Hill said with a twinkle in his eyes. $(our last

    minute packing is always disastrous and constantly 8eopardies our

    plane trips."

    !ay to tell me the ob#ious truth, &ad," Lilly said.

    Go/ Go/ Go forth and pack early," 'r. Hill urged, shooing her

    out of his office.

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    Chapter 4

    !ith these words ringing in her ears, Lilly walked to her

    bedroom and pulled out her pink, tan and black suitcase from

    beneath her bed. %t was a little beat up, but Lilly lo#ed it because it

    reminded her of all the other places she had been. Throwing open

    her closet door, Lilly proceeded to take down clothing items and roll

    them up to fit in her suitcase.0ardigans," she muttered to herself. $Trench? check. Two

    dresses? check. )atterned skirt? check. -el#et track suit? must

    ha#e? check. &ads borrowed sweater? check. 'ickey 'ouse

    )*s? check. Lets see. !hat else will % need+" Her eyes ro#ed

    across her room. $*ewelry? check. Leggings? check. Scrunchies?

    check. >ndies? check. *uicy 0outure perfume? check. i)ad?

    check. Lip gloss? check. 0hocolate sauce? uh, no? 8ust chocolate

    bars@a #ery necessary friendshipforming tool. Stuffed pet, !asp?


    Lilly figured that if she needed anything else, she could always

    purchase it in 0hina. Thats how they always did it after all. 5esides,she prided herself in packing light and mentally patted herself on the

    back for doing it so uickly.

    The first time Lilly had packed for an o#erseas trip, she had

    filled three suitcases with stuff, and then had to 8ump on them to close

    them down. That e3perience as a tenyearold now sent a tiny wa#e

    of shi#ers down her back. $Three minutes and fortyse#en seconds,"

    Lilly said triumphantly glancing at her sports watch. $Record broken."

    )icking up her phone, she dialed the numbers to ring her best

    friend, thirteenyearold 4dria Sinise.

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    Hey, matey/" 4dria said. Her lo#ely 4ustralian accent sprang

    out making each word bounce and pop with an undeterred li#eliness.

    Hello/ Hello/" Lilly greeted her. $Guess what, 5arbie+" 5arbie

    was Lillys nickname for 4dria because of her straight platinum blonde

    hair, dimples, naturally bright pink lips, ocean blue eyes, sweet,

    buoyant spirit, and sense of style.

    (ou sound super e3cited, so %m gonna bet youre either going

    to the moon or youre finally able to do a front handspring," 4dria


    (our first guess is pretty close," Lilly confirmed. $1nly %m

    tra#eling somewhere on earth. Guess again/"





    Help me out, seester/ %s it some place in 4merica+" 4dria


    7o," Lilly answered. $2eep guessing." She rubbed her handstogether furiously.


    7ope. 0anada is a part of the 4mericas, 5arbie."

    4dria rolled her eyes. $2idding," she said. $% totally knew that.

    !hat about %ndia or %stanbul+ 4re you going there+"

    7o to both," Lilly told her. $!hy didnt you 8ust say the 'iddle

    Bast+ %stanbul is a part of the 'iddle Bast, ya know."

    5ecause % like the way %stanbul rolls off my tongue. %hstahn

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    buhl," 4dria repeated.

    Lilly laughed at her best friends absurdity. $1kay. Two more

    guesses," she said.

    &own the rabbit hole+Alice in Wonderlandstyle+"

    1f course not. There is no e#idence that that insane place

    e3ists. Last try."

    0hina or *apan+"

    There was some rustling of papers on the other end of thephone. Lilly coughed dramatically. $Two in one?Guess one, please."

    !ell, my mind is saying =0hina, but my heart is screaming


    0hoose wisely, mate," Lilly ad#ised.

    %m going to go with 0hina," 4dria said.

    0hina it is/" Lilly shouted. $7e#er listen to your heart when it


    (ay me/" 4dria cheered. $% used a world map," she admitted.

    $Tell me, why are you tra#eling to 0hina and to what part+"

    5ei8ing," Lilly answered. She proceeded to rehash all about

    the mysterious caller and her dads plan.

    That sounds like some awful sort of cloak and dagger

    business to me," 4dria said when Lilly finished talking.

    &ont worry. %tll be alright," Lilly assured her. $&o you think

    youll be able to come along with us this time+ !e lea#e on

    !ednesday morning."

    4dria twirled a few strands of her hair around her finger before

    audibly sighing. $7o. % dont think so. 'y ancestors

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    (ou mean your 'om and &ad," Lilly corrected.

    (eah. Them@my ancestors. They would ne#er let me tra#el

    o#erseas on such short notice. So, % guess %ll 8ust stay sittin in my

    room munching on frosted flakes continuing to be hypnotied by this

    any poster of the 0heshire cat that my brother made me, while my

    best friend 8etsets across the globe, ad#enturing without me? =Tis a

    hard life %m li#ing." 4dria let out an e3aggerated sigh.

    0ome on," Lilly groaned. $(oure making me feel bad.

    5esides, % told you to throw darts at that stupid poster and your life isnot all that bad. Remember, you ha#e an audition for a role in that big

    drama mo#ie on Saturday. 2eep your head up, 5arbie. %ll be praying

    for your success."

    Thanks. %ll be praying for your safety, too. (ou are seriously

    the greatest friend e#er. 4s % think about it, there is no reason for me

    to get depressed. %ll probably be chosen for the role %#e been

    practicing for all summer. % mean, the directors asked for an athletic,

    perky, blonde haired girl whos about fi#e feet one inch. %m all that

    and a bag of cotton candy/ 4fter all, you do call me 5arbie. !ho can

    say =no to perfect+"

    >h huh." Lilly was amaed at how far a little encouragement

    could go in boosting 4drias selfesteem through the roof and into the


    Seriously," 4dria began again. $Thanks, seester. (ou better

    send me a ton of photos and buy me a stunning memento in 5ei8ing."

    Totally will," Lilly assured her. $1ne more thing," Lilly added.

    $5e sure to do yourself a fa#or and look up the word ancestor in a


    Ha/ Ha/" 4dria said. $%m adding that to my to do list now."

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    Great. See you tomorrow. 5ye. )oof/"

    See you. 5yee/"

    B3actly two days and eight hours later, 'r. Hill and Lilly arri#edat San &iego %nternational 4irport. 5ecause of Lillys early packing,

    they had nearly thirteen minutes to spare. 'rs. Hill and a sleepy

    looking 'arco came along to see them off.

    Hea#enly 6ather, please bless and protect my hubby and

    daughter as they embark on this 8ourney to 0hina. 1nly (ou know

    what awaits them, so we put our trust in (ou. >se them for (our glory,

    God. Thank (ou in ad#ance. 4men," 'rs. Hill prayed.

    4men/" e#eryone echoed.

    Goodbye, sweetheart," 'rs. Hill said kissing Lilly on her

    forehead and cheeks. $Remember your promise."

    % will. 5ye, 'om," Lilly said.

    'rs. Hill stood on her tiptoes to kiss her husband goodbye

    nearly spilling some of her latte on his luggage in the process. 'arco

    co#ered his eyes.

    (ou should ha#e worn your killer heels today, 'om," Lilly


    'rs. Hill laughed. $&ont you ha#e something to say, 'arco+"

    she said to her son.

    1f course," 'arco answered. $5ye, guys. (ou already know

    how much % lo#e you."

    'rs. Hill ga#e him a disappro#ing look.

    1.2.," 'arco began again. $% lo#e you, &ad, and % lo#e you,

    Sis, as the day is long, the sea is wide, the mountains are tall, the sun

    is burning, marshmallows are chewy, the sky is

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    'rs. Hill ga#e him a look that meant he was going on too long.

    'arco flung his arms outward.

    Simply put, % lo#e you all #ery much, and?% made you a going

    away present." He pulled a folded sheet of blank paper out of his

    denim pants pocket and handed it to Lilly. $%ts a twosided suare

    and it means good luck."

    Lilly turned the paper e#ery which way as 'r. Hill looked on,

    perple3ed. $This twosided suare looks like a straight line to me,"

    she obser#ed.

    1nly it is a twosided suare," 'arco confirmed. $Thats the

    genius of it, Sis."

    %f you say so," Lilly said.

    4fter 'rs. Hill and 'arco left, Lilly and 'r. Hill boarded their

    flight. 'r. Hill slid into the plush blue window seat. Lilly cleared her

    throat. $>m, e3cuse me, &ad," she said.

    1h, yes, yes. =Scuse me, darling," he chuckled. $% shall not

    depri#e you of this pri#ilege. !indow seats are the best."

    Thanks," Lilly grinned as they switched places.

    Ten minutes later, their plane still sat on the tarmac awaiting

    take off. $% wonder why we arent mo#ing yet. !hat is taking so long+"

    'r. Hill said to no one in particular as he thrust his head into the aisle.

    0hilla3, &ad," Lilly said knowing how much tardiness pee#ed


    4s if on cue, a short, young, whitehaired man with blue

    rimmed sunglasses and a permanently creased forehead, entered

    the plane and plopped down in the seat beside 'r. Hill. He had a bad

    attitude and was mumbling some incoherent apology for holding the

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    plane up.

    'r. Hill cracked a 8oke about his hair turning white early

    because of his stressful late arri#als. This lightened the atmosphere

    greatly as the man threw his head back and laughed in relief.

    $4ctually, % dyed it," he said. $'y names *ason, by the way."

    7ice to meet you," Lilly and 'r. Hill said in unison shaking his

    outstretched hand. !ith seat belts buckled, the plane finally rose into

    the air.

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    Chapter 5

    Lilly/ Lilly/ !ake up/" 'r. Hill called shaking her gently.

    Lillys eyes fluttered open. $!hats up+ !here is e#erybody+"

    she asked stuffing her i)ad into her carryon bag.

    !e 8ust touched down in 5ei8ing. B#erybodys lea#ing the

    plane," 'r. Hill answered.

    6unny," Lilly muttered. $% was 8ust dreaming the same."

    0ongratulations/" 'r. Hill said. $(ou dream of reality. % dont

    know of too many people who do that."


    *ust teasing," 'r. Hill said. $(ou were probably half awake."

    Right. !hat time is it+" Lilly asked.

    'r. Hill looked at his sleek fashionable watch with the tiny dots

    in place of numbers. He frowned. $Sorry, darling. % still cant tell time

    off this thing."

    7o worries," Lilly said switching on her cellphone. $%ts FF:F;


    Stepping off the plane, Lilly was immediately struck by the

    huge 5ei8ing 0apitol %nternational 4irport, the thousands of bright city

    lights, and the hea#y smog which hung o#er the area hiding the moon

    and twinkling stars. The new sights, sounds, and smells assaultedher senses in the most splendid way.

    This is all so impressi#e," Lilly said snapping photos to send to

    'arco and her friends back home.

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    'r. Hill nodded his head in agreement as they walked to locate

    5enedicto Hsu, their chauffeur. Smiling pleasantly, he welcomed

    them to 0hina and loaded their luggage into the black 4udi. $!here

    to+" he asked.

    &owntown, please," 'r. Hill said. $%d like to grab something to

    eat first."

    'e, too," Lilly agreed. $'y stomach feels empty. &id the

    attendants e#en ser#e dinner on the plane+"

    They did@while you were sleeping."

    (ou shouldnt be so hungry then," Lilly said.

    (ou arent #ery obser#ant, darling," 'r. Hill said. $% try not to

    eat anything in the air." He smiled. $The food tastes like cardboard."

    %n a few minutes, they arri#ed in the downtown area of 5ei8ing

    surrounded by glistening, highrise buildings and swarms of people.

    $Theres a 'c&onalds," 'r. Hill said pointing out the car window.

    $!hy dont we eat there+"

    0ome on," Lilly e3claimed. $!ere in 0hina/ !heres your

    ad#enturous spirit+"

    'r. Hill hugged her shoulders tightly. $% must ha#e left it

    somewhere in the ocean. 6orgi#e me. 'ay % borrow yours+"

    Sure," Lilly said. $4 generous portion."

    How about % take you all to my fa#orite restaurant," 5enedicto

    offered from the dri#ers seat. $%ts 8ust a few blocks down, but well

    still ha#e to hurry. 0losing time is tomorrow morning."

    That means we ha#e hours, right+" Lilly asked. She was


    7o," 5enedicto answered. $Tomorrow will be here in about

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    fifteen minutes."

    Lilly looked at the numbers on her phone. $% get it/" she said. $%t

    will soon be twel#e oclock midnight."

    5enedicto chuckled. $So what do you say+"

    Hmmm. %s the food good+" 'r. Hill asked.

    uite. % know the chef."

    5ut how do we know youre not biased because of this

    friendship+" Lilly asked, the corners of her mouth cur#ing to form asmile.

    5enedicto decided to play along. $!ell, % suppose youll 8ust

    ha#e to go there. The food speaks for itself. Trust me."

    %f youre right, and % am sure you are," 'r. Hill began, $Lilly will

    pay you an e3tra FI.JJ for gi#ing you a hard time. %ts a go."

    5enedictos face broke into a grin. $&eal," he said.

    0ruel punishment, &ad," Lilly moaned. $5ut %ll pay up."

    4nd %ll make sure of it," 'r. Hill guaranteed.

    (ou dont ha#e to. %m a trustworthy person," Lilly said.

    %ll still make sure of it," 'r. Hill repeated with a smile.

    The restaurant was a medium sied one with low lights hanging

    from its ceiling casting a golden ambiance all around. Large abstract

    posters hung on the brick walls and bowls of fortune cookies sat in

    the middle of each #acant table. 1#er their meal of roasted duck,

    spicy noodles, steamed #egetables, and green tea, Lilly and 'r. Hill

    discussed their plans for lodging.

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    %m picking the hotel again this time," Lilly said stirring her tea,

    $cause the one you chose in 7o#osibirsk was horrible. %t was

    probably haunted. % got lost in it. Remember+ 4nd % ne#er get lost."

    'r. Hill raised his thick eyebrows so as to show doubt about

    that statement.

    1.2., sometimes % do," Lilly admitted.

    *ust then, 5enedicto honked the car horn from his parking spot

    in front of the restaurant. Lilly and 'r. Hill flashed him two thumbs up.

    He said this food would speak for itself and it is sure saying

    something good to me," Lilly commented.

    % agree, Lilly," 'r. Hill said. $Howe#er, % need to tell you that we

    wont be staying in a hotel this time around."

    How come+" Lilly asked.

    !ell," 'r. Hill began looking at his phone, $5o has set us up to

    board with one of his friends who has a family of four, and thats

    including two kids around your age."

    This should be interesting," Lilly said. $5ut is it at all possible

    for us to stay with 5o like we did last year in the >.S.+" she asked

    referring to her fathers friend and associate who had mo#ed to 0hina

    as a result of his newly acuired promotion in their firms branch

    located in 4sia.

    7o, because 5os apartment here is too small," 'r. Hill

    informed her. $He practically li#es in his office."

    Lilly made an =1 shape with her mouth. $7o biggie. %m e3cited

    to stay where#er."

    Thats the spirit," 'r. Hill said. He finished off the last of his


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    4fter ordering red bean buns and ice cream for dessert, 'r. Hill

    tipped the chef generously for allowing them to stay past closing time,

    and then ga#e 5enedicto the directions to the host familys residence

    in Shuang8ing. 4fter arri#ing, 'r. Hill paid 5enedicto before sayingfarewell.

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    Chapter 6

    The apartment comple3 was large, and thankfully its interior

    was much warmer and more in#iting than its rigid and uninspiring

    e3terior which rose so high into the smogfilled sky that Lilly could not

    make out where it stopped. Lilly and 'r. Hill took an ele#ator to the

    third floor.

    Remember, say, Ni Hao, for hello," 'r. Hill told Lilly as theyrode up.

    Got it," Lilly said repeating the words until they reached the

    door marked FIK. 'r. Hill knocked. %mmediately the door swung open

    and they were greeted by four beaming faces.

    7i Hao/ Hello/ %m B#an Leopond Sun." The man introducedhimself and welcomed them inside. He motioned to the woman, boy,

    and girl standing behind him and said, $This is my wife, Bia, and our

    two kids, Bcho and Bmmy."

    Bia was the first to speak. $Hi/ 5o told us you arri#ed tonight so

    we decided to stay up until you arri#ed. %m so glad we did. %t is an

    honor to ha#e you in our home." Her warm brown eyes shone.

    Thank you for your hospitality," 'r. Hill said. $!e should only

    be here one or two days so % can clear up a matter."

    Bia wa#ed her hand dismissi#ely. $6eel free to stay as long as

    you need to. 0an % get you something to eat+ Something to drink+"

    7o. 7o," Lilly answered. $4ctually, we 8ust had dinner at a

    restaurant around here. Thats why we didnt arri#e earlier."

    1.2.," B#an said. $% wish you hadnt because the best cook in

    the world made the tastiest dumpling soup." He sueeed his wifes

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    shoulder and she blushed.

    Lilly smiled. $%m sure it was wonderful. )erhaps tomorrow we

    can en8oy it."

    1f course," Bia agreed.

    'r. Hill," B#an began, $5o told me a little about why youre

    here, although he left out most of the details, so if youll be needing

    transportation, % am happy to take you and your daughter anywhere

    you all need to go, as long as % am a#ailable."

    Thank you for your kind offer, and % do belie#e we shall accept

    it, at least for tomorrow as % still plan on renting a #ehicle for our time

    here," 'r. Hill said. $!e dont want our presence to interfere with your

    daily acti#ities."

    B#an Sun nodded.

    0hildren," Bia called referring to Bcho and Bmmy, $please

    show this young lady around while we finish talking."

    Lilly smiled her thanks as they approached her. Thin black hair

    framed both childrens faces. They had large, e3pressi#e eyes and

    profound dimples. They were lithe and stood no higher from the

    ground than Lilly did.

    Hi, again," the girl said gi#ing a small wa#e. $%m Bmmy and

    hes my clone, otherwise known as my brother." She playfully nudged

    her brother.

    He tossed his head haughtily as if to dismiss her statement.

    $4ctually, were twins and % was born a full nine minutes before her so

    that makes her myclone, e#en though shes going to deny it to death.

    4nd % ha#e a name too. %ts Bcho."

    0ool names," Lilly complimented them.

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    Thanks," Bmmy said. $B#en our middle names start with the

    same initials. 'ines 2im, and his is 2oki."

    She speaks the truth on that," Bcho agreed before asking Lilly,

    $!hats your name+"

    %ts Lillian Hill," she replied. $5ut you can call me Lilly.

    B#erybody who knows me does."

    1.2." Bcho said.

    Bmmy took Lillys arm. $0ome on. %ll show you around."4 door in the li#ing room led into a pristine kitchenette. $This is

    our food lair," Bmmy said. $4nd Bchos study headuarters. % study in

    my room and eat in here, while he eats in his room and dissects

    murky math problems in here."

    Bmmy opened a cabinet. $4nyway, Lilly, our food lair is the best

    because it houses rice cakes which are my fa#orite snacks. (ou

    should ha#e one?.or two?e#eryday that youre here. 5e sure to top


    !hat are the best toppings+" Lilly asked.

    !ell, % like natural peanut butter with sugar or marshmallow

    paste or strawberry 8am on mine. (ou can probably tell % cant decide.

    5ut its best to e3periment because no two peoples taste buds are

    the same."

    Thats no scientifically pro#en fact," Bcho said uickly.

    Bmmy bugged out her already big eyes. $*ust like when you

    say that youre the best twin. Thats no scientifically pro#en fact,


    Lilly switched her head back and forth from Bcho to Bmmy as

    they spoke.

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    % can eat rice cakes alone for ages," Bmmy continued ra#ing.

    Bcho ran his fingers through his hair. $Girls cannot li#e by rice

    cakes alone," he sighed.

    Bmmy looked doubtful. $(eah. Those arent the e3act words of

    *esus," she said

    % think you should star in a commercial for the rice cake

    brand," Lilly stated.

    Thats my plan," Bmmy agreed leading the way out of the

    kitchen into a small carpeted hallway which encased fi#e doors. She

    pointed to the first two. $5ehind these doors are bathrooms. 7othing

    much to see inside. This one on the right is our parents bath and this

    one on the left is mine and Bchos. (ou can use ours while youre

    here. 1urs is better because we ha#e a whole cabinet of bubble bath


    >nderstood," Lilly said.

    Bcho threw open the third door. $This is my room," he declared

    proudly. $!hene#er you want to see some fish, Lilly, you can come in


    Lilly sur#eyed his room with great interest. B#erything was neat

    @almost too neat. The only defect was an open closet door. The

    bedroom walls were starch white and the only light shone from a

    disco ball, seemingly in riot against the stillness and serenity of its

    surroundings. 4 checkered bed was pushed against one wall guarded

    by two bookshel#es on either side stacked with thick works full of tiny

    printed words. 4 lone faded 'ichael *ordan poster hung o#er the bed

    and Bcho went to smooth its crinkled edges re#erently. Lilly glanced

    at Bchos impressi#e model of the solar system which swung from the

    roof. Then, she noticed a cardigan, a pair of black pants, and green

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    rimmed glasses in a chair. Lilly figured Bcho was the type of person

    who laid out the clothes he would wear the ne3t day the night before.

    She made her way o#er to the fish bowl and looked inside. Three little

    fish swam in circles. They seemed content.

    !hat are their names+ Lilly asked.

    The orange fish is named Spock. The yellow one is named

    >hura. The blue one is named 2irk@0aptain 2irk," Bcho told her.

    Trekkie+" Lilly asked with raised eyebrows.

    (ou got it," Bcho confirmed. $% ha#e almost all the &-&s under

    my bed."

    Lilly peeked underneath the checkered blanket. There they sat,

    with o#er a doen astronomy magaines. $4t my house we keep fish

    too, but in an auarium," Lilly said. $1nly they ha#e names like Graffiti

    and La#a."

    Bcho made a fish face before letting out a low whistle. $% would

    lo#e to ha#e an auarium," he said dreamily.

    *ust then Bmmy tapped Lilly on the shoulder. She was holding

    a stack of drawing papers. $Look at these. Theyre Bchos and theyre

    fantabulous/ 4rent they+"

    Bcho looked uncomfortable. $% entreat thee now, dear sister,"

    he pleaded. $&ost tell me why thou must shew my wretched talent to

    the world+"

    1ne person is the world now+" Bmmy asked innocently before

    lowering her #oice. $He goes all Shakespearean whene#er he gets


    Lilly stared at the amaing manga artwork in her hands. $'y

    brother would totally lo#e these/ They are all so, wow/" she

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    %s your brother going to pop out of your suitcase or

    something+" Bcho asked pulling his long stringy hair around his face.

    Lilly laughed. $7o. 7o. He stayed in 4merica with our 'om.

    5esides, he abhors 8ackinthebo3es. !ill you sign one of these for

    me to keep+"

    (eah, sure," Bcho agreed.

    !hen he finished, Lilly rolled the picture up and they walkedback out into the hallway. $This door leads to our parents bedroom.

    !e wont go in there lest they catch us and think were snooping, but

    % ha#e a big piano in there. %ts where % practice for four hours e#ery

    day@well, almost e#ery day, and sometimes % compose my own

    pieces," Bmmy said. $&o you play any instruments+"

    Lilly shook her head. $'y keyboard is my piano," she 8oked.

    Bmmy laughed a laugh which sounded like rain drops hitting

    window panes.

    Seriously though," Lilly began, $my 'om wants me to play the

    harp. %m not so sure about it, but %ll try and take lessons 8ust for her. %

    lo#e her so much. Right now, %m 8ust so busy with ballet class and

    gymnastics class and school and competition and all that stuff. 5ut %d

    lo#e to hear you play the piano some time before % lea#e."

    Bmmy clapped her hands before opening the door leading into

    her own bedroom. $% hope you like pink," she said to Lilly.

    % lo#e it. %ts my fa#orite color."

    Splendid/" Bmmy plopped down on the bottom bed of her

    sil#er bunk which was adorned with pink trimmings, stuffed bears and

    lo#ely crocheted blankets. She sighed. $%m so happy that % kept this

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    bunk bed now. 4t first when we were little, Bcho and % shared this

    room, but then he grew a little bit taller than our bunk, so he mo#ed

    out into his own room with a bigger bed. 'eanwhile, % stayed in this

    same room with the same bunk because % grew no taller."

    !ell, youre not short," Lilly said. $*ust fun sied."

    Bcho thought this statement was especially hilarious.

    5ut why did you guys share a room when there was an e3tra

    one all along+" Lilly asked.

    5ecause at first our grandma li#ed with us and stayed in that

    room until?until she died?last year," Bmmy answered.

    %m sorry," Lilly said putting a comforting arm around Bmmys


    1h, dont be," Bcho said uickly. $&id you ha#e anything to do

    with her death+"

    >m, no," Lilly said rather surprised.

    See. (ou shouldnt be sorry then," Bcho said.

    Go to bed, weirdo," Bmmy said tossing a pillow his way.

    Sure. %ll take my lea#e now, ladies. Goodnight."

    Goodnight," Lilly said.

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    Chapter 7

    %mmediately Lilly set to work unpacking her suitcase. Bmmy

    helped her while $ooohing" and $aaahing" at se#eral items. %n no time

    at all, they were finished. Lilly stood up.

    Hey, Bmmy, whats all this writing on the wall+" she asked

    leaning forward for a closer look.

    Bmmy grabbed a red book from under her pillow. $!hen

    Grandma was here she ga#e me this book and she would read this to

    me, like, e#ery month. %ts my fa#orite story. % fell in lo#e with it the first

    time % heard it. >nfortunately, its written in Spanish and Grandma

    was the only one in my family who could read Spanish. So, after she

    died, % got a copy of the Spanish alphabet and started translating the

    book on this wall. That way % can read it from the #antage point of my

    bed as % go to sleep."

    !ay cool/" Lilly e3claimed. The writing was intercepted by a

    framed picture of a huge garden co#ered in 0hristmas lights. $0an

    you tell me the story+"

    Bmmy beamed. $1f course. Hold on a minute. %m going to do

    something. &ont freak out." She raised the window screen and sat

    on the ledge with her feet dangling o#er the edge. Lilly 8oined her. The

    #iew was spectacular.

    Good thing %m not afraid of heights," Lilly whispered.

    Bmmy giggled. $7o gymnast can be, % suppose. 5ut if you were

    scared, theres a balcony some feet down to catch us if we fall,

    although most likely we would come up with a broken bone or

    something." She giggled again before launching off into telling Lilly

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    the story in the red book.

    The story was about a gigantic dragon who promised a king

    that he would protect his kingdom from its barbaric enemies so long

    as the king commissioned se#eral officers to search out the land for a

    mate for him. 4ll went well until the kings daughter grew fond of the

    scaly dragon and he accidentally burnt her with his scorching fiery

    breath. 1ut of re#enge, the king committed a rash act, which brought

    his kingdom to its knees. The storys ending was bittersweet.

    Lilly applauded after Bmmy finished telling the story, then shesat in silence, staring at the sil#er moon peeking through the blanket

    of fog until Bmmy spoke. $% wonder if theres an alien kingdom up

    there somewhere and its residents are looking down on us right now."

    %m not sure about that," Lilly said. $5ut % know Someone who




    Right. His eyes are e#erywhere."

    So youre a belie#er, too+"

    (eah. % became a 0hristian two years ago. 'y whole family

    is?% think," Bmmy answered but with some doubt.

    They continued talking until Bmmy could hardly keep her eyes

    open. Lilly backflipped into the room and climbed into the top bunk.

    Bmmy slid off the window sill, marched to the bottom bed and

    collapsed in between the downy sheets as if someone had pushed

    her under.

    Good night," Lilly sang.

    Bmmys =good night was cut off by a loud in#oluntary yawn.

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    $&ont forget to show me some pictures of 0alifornia tomorrow. 1.2.+

    %#e ne#er seen the beach."

    % wont," Lilly promised her before falling off into a restless

    sleep. 7o sooner had she fallen asleep when she was awakened

    suddenly. %t was ;:I a.m. Her bones ached. Lilly lay awake wishing

    sleep would wash o#er her. %t stood aloof like a stubborn, unbridled

    donkey. I need some water,Lilly thought. She climbed from the top

    bunk. 1nce her feet hit the floor, a hay green light arrested her

    attention. >pon further in#estigation, she disco#ered it to be one of

    Bmmys glowinthedark bracelets. 5reathing a sigh of relief, Lilly

    proceeded into the hallway, then on into the kitchen. Trying to make

    as little noise as possible, she turned on the faucet and grabbed a

    cup from off the shelf.

    Lilly+" a #oice called behind her.

    Lilly spun around and water sprayed onto her face and shirt.

    She cut the faucet off. $&ad," she said. $!here did you come from+"

    % could ask you the same thing," 'r. Hill replied with a tired

    smile. His hair was an undignified mess.

    Right," Lilly paused. $% was sleeping in Bmmys bunk bed,

    trying to sleep, % mean. % think % am 8et lagged."

    % must be, too," 'r. Hill said. $%m sleeping on the couch,


    Lilly decided to stay with her father. She ended up stretching

    out on the lo#eseat while her father tried to sleep on the couch for the

    remainder of the dark morning, drifting inbetween reality and

    dreamlandA teetering on the brink of reality, yet ne#er fully falling o#er

    into sleeps promising #alley. !hen the first rays of daylight hit

    5ei8ing, 'r. Hill tried unsuccessfully to skype with 'rs. Hill and 'arco.

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    Theyre probably sleeping," Lilly said. 'r. Hill agreed.

    5y M:JJ in the morning, Lilly had showered off her drowsiness

    and was ready to go with 'r. Hill to in#estigate the address 5o had

    gi#en them. B#an Sun dro#e them there. %t took less than an hour.

    They pulled up into a notsofancy housing comple3 and 'r. Hill and

    Lilly got out and walked up to the third house from the left. Lilly

    rapped on the door three times. They waited and waited for some

    time until a woman with rich, brown hair threw open the door.

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    !'r. Hill/" the woman e3claimed, stepping backwards to let them

    in. uickly she locked the door again. NThank you so #ery much for

    coming." *oy radiated from her face.

    !% remember you?from somewhere," 'r. Hill said, stroking his

    scruffy chin thoughtfully. N!hats your name again+"


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    sight of 'r. Hill, he straightened and fully walked into the room.

    !'r. Hill/" he cried, throwing his arms into the air before breaking

    out into a lopsided grin. NThank God you ha#e come/"

    !'anchu 0arrig/" 'r. Hill said in greeting. N%s that you+"

    !% am," the man confirmed, still grinning.

    !'y, my, you ha#ent aged a bit. How ha#e things been going+ %

    see you mo#ed back to 0hina."

    Lilly raised her eyebrows again.

    !(es," 'anchu replied. N6irst, % married my lo#e, and we are

    coming up on our third anni#ersary. 4s you can see, we ha#e a baby

    due any day now." He looked adoringly at Sarah. N4fterward," he

    continued, Nwe settled here in 0hina as % said % would to start a

    church in my nati#e land. !e ha#e done so and God has blessed us/"

    !B3cuse me," Lilly said turning to her father. NSo you all ha#e met


    'r. Hill nodded in the affirmati#e before introducing Lilly to


    !%d be happy to tell you how we came to know each other,"'anchu said uickly before slapping his forehead. N!ait. !here are

    my manners+ )lease ha#e a seat."

    !Hold on a minute," Sarah told him as she left the room.

    Lilly and 'r. Hill sat on a camel colored couch while 'anchu

    plopped into the matching sofa opposite them. 6rom her position, Lillysur#eyed all she could of the house. Though it was sparsely

    furnished, the house lacked nothing of necessity. 0ertainly, the

    0arrigs had gi#en off no signs that they were in need of help from

    their warm welcome. Lilly was eager to get to the bottom of the barrel

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    and find out what they really needed.

    Sarah returned with a plate of tiramisu cut into perfect suares,

    and placed it on the low glass table between the couch and the sofa,

    instantly creating a picturesue scene.

    !Take one/" she urged.

    Lilly did so. NSplendid," she said after taking a bite.

    Sarah smiled at her, and she smiled appreciati#ely e#ery time

    Lilly reached for another suare.!!here should % begin+" 'anchu said smoothing his arm hairs in

    the same direction.

    !!ell, the beginning is always a good place to start a story," Lilly


    !1f course," 'anchu said.

    Lilly leaned forward on the edge of the couch@something she

    always did when someone was relating a story@no matter if it was

    truth or tale.

    !Sarah and % met your father at a cafe in 0alifornia about four

    years ago," 'anchu began. N%t wasnt a planned meeting. The cafewas full that day, but your kind father offered to share his booth with

    us. !e got to talking and % told him of our upcoming wedding. %

    remember this especially because he recommended a beautiful lo#e

    song which we did dance to, by the way."

    'r. Hill lowered his head sheepishly.

    !% also told him how that % had recently graduated from >S0 with

    a degree in %nternational Relations, but felt as if God was calling me

    back to 0hina to minister to my nati#e countrymen. 4s you can

    imagine, Sarah and % were delighted to find out that your father was a

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    belie#er. He encouraged me to follow Gods leading, and at the close

    of our con#ersation, he ga#e me his firms card and his direct number

    so that we could contact him if the 0hinese go#ernment tried to

    cause any problems for us. % put them in my wallet and forgot allabout our meeting until 8ust a few days ago. !ell, actually, it was

    Sarah who reminded me."

    'anchu paused.

    Lilly and 'r. Hill looked at each other. Then 'r. Hill asked, N% take

    it the go#ernment has been attempting to thwart your church buildingplans+"

    !1h, yes," 'anchu said. N4t first, about a month after we arri#ed

    here and got settled in, we held ser#ices right in this house. % was

    amaed at our congregants thirst for the Gospel. uickly our little

    house church e3ploded in numbers. This was absolutely wonderful, of

    course, but it did cause one problem@we needed more room.

    Thankfully, our church family back in the >.S. pro#ided the money for

    us to rent out a building. % had the audacity to put the name of our

    church on the front of the building in both Bnglish and 0hinese only to

    attract e#en more people to learn about *esus. Howe#er, % uickly

    learned that this wasnt a #ery smart mo#e. Se#eral officers barged inmidser#ice one Sunday, and asked if our church was registered with

    TS)'. % said no. They told us that we had to apply for a license

    immediately or stop holding ser#ices because we did not ha#e

    permission from the go#ernment, and we were disrupting the peace

    by inciting citiens to rebel. % promptly told them that we were only

    sharing the Gospel and did not need permission from the go#ernment

    to do this because we had permission from God. This only infuriated

    them, and by the ne3t Sunday, they had the owner of the building to

    kick us out for =breaking the sound ordinance. % am con#inced this

    was 8ust a setup."

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    5efore 'anchu could say more, Lilly asked, N!hy not register

    with the Three Self )atriotic 'o#ement+"

    !Simply because it is headed by the 0ommunist )arty and they

    control and restrict Three )arty churches," 'anchu replied. NThey

    twist the true teachings of 0hristianity and decide who can preach

    and what can be preached. 6or one, you cannot preach *esus

    resurrection or His return. 7either can you gi#e out 5ibles. %t would be

    easier for us if we submitted to their rule, but then we would ser#e no

    purpose o#er here. The 0hinese people need the truth, 8ust as

    e#eryone else does/"

    'anchu sighed passionately.

    Lilly nodded earnestly. N% see," she said. N% totally agree."

    'anchu continued. N4nyway, after that week, Sarah, our

    members, and % decided to meet together at a local park and holdser#ices. The police continued to harass us. They attacked us with

    batons at one point and threatened arrest. % feared for our


    !(es/" Sarah interrupted. NThe police e#en pushed their way into

    our house about three weeks ago. They confiscated our 5ibles, and

    all our 0hristian literature, and my cross necklace/" She hit the sofa

    arm with her hand as she mentioned each item. N% wanted to fight


    'anchu put his arm around her as if to protect her from her own


    !5ut our faith cannot be taken away," he said calmly.

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    Chapter !

    Sarah calmed down a bit after her outburst, then she went on to

    e3plain how she had come to contact 'r. Hill. NSome time after that

    incident, % was reminded of our meeting and spoke with 'anchu

    about it. Sure enough, he found 'r. Hills card and number still in his

    wallet. % called you, but could only get in a few words before our

    phone was strangely cut off."

    !!ell, that sol#es that little mystery," 'r. Hill said to Lilly. He laced

    his fingers together and looked satisfied. NSo is the park still your

    place of meeting+"

    !7o. 7ot any more," 'anchu answered. N1ne of our congregants

    owns his own small restaurant and shop on the outskirts of town. !emeet in the back of his building e#ery !ednesday e#e and Sunday

    morning. So far, so good."

    !Todays !ednesday," Lilly said coolly.

    'anchu caught on. N!ould you like to attend our ser#ice tonight+"

    !&efinitely," 'r. Hill and Lilly said in unison.

    'anchu was delighted. He scribbled down the directions on a

    sheet of paper and handed it to them. NB#eryones to be there by

    O:PJ. 4fter that the doors are locked. 5ut if you arri#e later for

    whate#er reason, 8ust 8iggle the door handles. Someone will come out

    and ask you for the password. %ts fish."

    Lilly uickly wrote fishon her arm with the blue marker she

    carried in her pocket.

    !'r. Hill," Sarah began, N% 8ust want to thank you and your

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    daughter again for coming to see us. !hen % called you, % really

    wasnt e3pecting a #isit. % was only hoping youd remember us and be

    willing to represent us from 4merica if go#ernment officials continued

    to harass us and our congregants."

    !7o matter," 'r. Hill said with a wa#e of his hand. N7ot only are

    we happy that we could make this trip, but % am thrilled to see you all

    again. 1f course, % will do e#erything in my power to protect you from

    un8ust attacks brought against you by anyone."

    4fter saying their farewells, 'r. Hill called B#an Sun to pick themup. B#an looked at them uestioningly as they slid into their seats.

    NB#erything go all right+" he asked.

    !uite well," 'r. Hill replied. NTurns out some friends of mine may

    need my help."

    Sensing that he did not wish to elaborate, B#an switched thesub8ect. N%s there any place else you wish for me to take you right


    !(es, thank you," 'r. Hill said. N% need to stop at a car rental and

    get a #ehicle. 4gain, you ha#e been #ery generous in offering to dri#e

    us around, but % dont want to tie you up in case Lilly and % decide to

    do some sightseeing."

    4fter much protesting, B#an consented. Lilly helped 'r. Hill pick

    out a car. 4fterwards, 'r. Hill and Lilly split ways with B#an Sun to do

    some gift shopping for 'rs. Hill, 'arco, and their friends in the >.S.

    Lilly purchased an ornate music bo3 for 'rs. Hill, a mirrored i)hone

    case for 4dria, and a fatherdaughter robot paperweight for 'r. Hill,

    among other things. I already have a gift for Marco,she thought.

    !(our mother is consistently baffled by how % am able to gi#e gifts

    around 0hristmas time without going 0hristmas shopping," 'r. Hill

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    remarked as they e3ited the store. N% do all my holiday shopping

    *anuary through 1ctober." He chuckled good naturedly.

    !&ont worry. (our secrets safe with me," Lilly promised.

    6or a late lunch, Lilly and 'r. Hill stopped at a sushi bar. They

    discussed the plight of 0hristians in =foreign lands as they ate.

    !% 8ust dont understand why some people feel the need to hurt

    those followers of *esus and those who belie#e differently than they

    do," Lilly sighed, pushing her tekka maki around in spicy soy sauce

    with a pair of chopsticks. N% mean they arent hurting anybody, and its

    only fair that 0hristians ha#e the same freedom to belie#e what they

    want, in !ho they want, and be able to share those beliefs with

    anybody they want. 1f course, that =anybody has the freedom not to

    listen or accept their beliefs as his or her own. 4nother thing, why

    fight so hard against someone belie#ing in God and His Son, when

    you dont e#en belie#e they e3ist+ %t makes no sense to feel

    threatened by =fairy tales and =falsities/ Right, &ad+ % mean, wheres

    the logic in that+" She threw her hands up, causing one of her

    chopsticks to back flip off her plate, bounce into the air, and prick her

    in the leg before falling on the tile floor. N1ww/" she e3claimed

    rubbing her thigh.

    'r. Hill retrie#ed the chopstick and handed it back to Lilly. NHow %

    wish e#eryone saw things the way you do, Lilly," 'r. Hill said. N!ell,

    maybe not e#erything," he uickly added, Nor wed all be dressed in

    pink, sipping cotton candy drinks@or something."

    Lilly narrowed her eyes.

    'r. Hill shuddered as if the #ery thought sent chills up his spine.

    N1.2., 1.2. 'aybe we wouldnt all be doing thatA perhaps something

    a bit more edifying," he said before chuckling again. N4nyway, one

    things for sure, %d be out of a 8ob if e#eryone saw things the way you

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    and % do. Then thered be no one to prosecute, make enemies with,

    roll in the mud with." He whistled and shook his head solemnly. NThe

    stuff of nightmares."

    !(ou mean the mud made up of suits, and thick books, and arm

    twisting+ 7o, thank you." Lilly wrinkled her nose. N% wonder, what

    would you be doing if you hadnt decided to become a lawyer+"

    !% ha#e no idea," 'r. Hill replied. N% burnt my bridges. &idnt

    formulate a plan 5."

    %t was Lillys turn to laugh.

    !1h, % know what you would be doing," she said, a mischie#ous

    glint in her eyes.

    !Let me hear it," 'r. Hill said apprehensi#ely.

    !(ou would be doing gymnastics with me/"

    'r. Hill facepalmed trying to stop the thought from registering in

    his head. N1h, no/" he groaned. N)lease stop/"

    Lilly refused to spare him. N*ust listen," she said breathlessly.

    N&addydaughter gymnastics is 8ust like THB best idea e#er/ 4m %

    right+ % know %m right/"

    !7o/ 7o. 'e in one of those shiny tight outfits?7e#er/ This is

    much too painful."

    !% ought to shout it from the rooftops," Lilly teased.

    !%n that case, % most definitely would ha#e to gag you with one of

    these large napkins," 'r. Hill said dangling one in front of her.

    %t took Lilly se#eral minutes to reco#er from how hard she was


    4t last 'r. Hill continued, NSeriously though, it would be more

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    than nice if e#ery one sided with me and you on issues such as

    religious freedom. Some of the persecutors, especially those here in

    0hina, do not wish for other people to acknowledge the e3istence of

    God because they themsel#es desire to be worshiped. !hene#erthey hear the powerful name of *esus being praised, they feel the

    need to stamp it out by means of #iolence. Howe#er, it is not wise for

    us to 8udge them. Lets 8ust pray for them along with the people who

    they are persecuting."

    !(oure right, &ad," Lilly agreed finishing off her drink with one

    long sip. NThats what %ll do."

    'r. Hill smiled.

    5y the time they returned to the Suns apartment, Lilly and 'r. Hill

    had about three hours to spare before they left for the 0arrigs

    church. Lilly decided to learn more about the reality of persecution

    using her phone as Bmmy attempted to sketch a photo of her on her

    drawing pad. The Nportrait" turned out to look more like a lioness or a

    wooly haired cyborg. Bmmy called it Nabstract," but Bcho called

    it zhengning, which translates in Bnglish to Nhideous." 1ther than an

    appreciati#e glance, Lilly didnt comment for she was both startled

    and alarmed by what she was reading.

    !Lilly," 'r. Hill said entering the li#ing room. N!e#e got thirty

    minutes till. Ready to go+" He tapped his watch.

    !*ust need my shoes," Lilly answered 8umping up from her

    upsidedown position on the couch.

    !!here are you going in such a hurry+" Bmmy asked.

    !Hold on," Lilly said. She followed 'r. Hill into the hallway before

    asking, N%s it alright if % in#ite the Suns to church with us+"

    'r. Hill was unsure. N% dont know, Lilly," he answered running his

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    fingers through his dark silky hair. NThey might be hostile to

    0hristianity, for all we know. )erhaps it is not wise for us to push it on

    them so soon."

    !5ut they arent," Lilly said. NBmmy told me they all belie#e in


    !!onderful/ %n that case, % dont see why not. Tell them to hurry


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    Chapter 10

    Bia, Bcho, and Bmmy seemed pleased to accept the in#itation to

    accompany the Hills to church. Howe#er, they lost a few minutes

    waiting for B#an to return from his 8ob. He, too, agreed to attend

    church and e3pressed his enthusiasm by saying, N%n the door and

    right back out again. !e ha#ent been to a church in so long."

    'r. Hill sped to the restaurant shop. !ith the Suns following close

    behind in their own #ehicle, they all arri#ed minutes before the doors

    were to be locked.

    !Hello/ Hello/" a small man with smiling eyes greeted them from

    behind the fancy counter. He introduced himself as 2ya Ray. %t was

    e#ident that he was the owner of the shop. N(ou two are the4mericans )astor 'anchu told me would be coming, yes+"

    !%ndeed," 'r. Hill confirmed. N!e took the liberty to bring some

    friends as well."

    Ray beamed. N5less you," he said. N(ou ha#ent e#en been to

    one of our ser#ices, yet you are already in#iting others/"

    !%t wasnt me e3actly," 'r. Hill said crediting Lilly.

    5y now uite a few members had left their lukewarm cups of 8a#a

    and tea and sweet cakes to greet the newcomers. 4lthough some

    could not speak Bnglish #ery well, lo#e abounded.

    !4re you sure this is a real church+" Bmmy whispered to Lilly

    after recei#ing a warm hug from a great grandfather in a wheelchair.

    She eyed the swi#el chairs reser#ed for customers and the pretty

    trinkets on sale in the other side of the shop.

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    !>m, yeah," Lilly whispered back. NTheres a #erse in Bphesians

    which says that we are members of His body. That means that a

    church isnt really a building. %ts the people insideA theyre the


    !1h," Bmmy replied. N% ne#er thought of it that way. That makes

    sense. Totally."

    !0an % get any of you something to drink+ Bat+" Ray asked them.

    N1n !ednesday nights, e#erythings free. 'y order/"

    'r. Hill thanked him for the free food and drink, but still ga#e him

    a tip. N%ll take some tea," he said. NThat will suffice."

    Lilly ordered the same. N!ith sugar," she said.

    1ut of politeness, the Suns ordered drinks also. 4t the end of

    their feasting and fellowshipping, Ray put the =closed sign in the shop

    window and dimmed the restaurant lights. )ulling back a sliding panel

    in the back wall, he led e#eryone into a storage room no bigger than

    a mediumsied garage. The congregants took their seats swiftly. %t

    was so crowded that some people had to sit on the floor. Lilly took a

    spot on the floor near the front with the twins.

    B#eryone participated in singing a few li#ely hymns under thedirection of Sarah. Halfway through N*esus Lo#es 'e",a look of

    e3citement flashed across her face. N'y baby/ %ts kicking/" she


    !% think its trying to sing," 'anchu 8oked.

    !1r dance," Lilly added.

    *oyful laughter ensued. 4 time of prayer followed a solo sung in

    0hinese by a young man with his sister playing a flute. &espite not

    ha#ing any of the trappings of the fine church buildings across the

    ocean, worship poured from each persons heart. 'anchus message

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    was mo#ing. He spoke of Gods e#erlasting lo#e and encouraged

    e#eryone to cling to their faith in the face of tribulation.

    !Trials are 8ust tests. They cannot compare to the brilliance

    awaiting us in Hea#en," he said.

    The great grandfather still in his wheelchair, cried out as he

    witnessed his granddaughters hard heart melt at the hearing of

    Gods !ord. >sing his trembling hands, he e3plained that he had

    in#ited her to church many times, only to be rebuffed as she refused

    in anger @ thanks to mistreatment she endured at the hands of her=religious stepmother. 7ow, after attending church for the fourth time,

    she was coming to *esus.

    !ith full hearts and each others blessings, e#eryone dispersed

    into the smogfilled night. !rapped in her black trench coat, Lilly

    e3citedly spoke of the e#enings e#ents with 'r. Hill as they trailed

    the Suns back to their home. 1nce again, he agreed that a great

    work was being done through the efforts of 'anchu and Sarah


    >nable to keep up with Bmmys incessant chattering, sweet sleep

    came swiftly for Lilly after she climbed into the bunk and pulled the

    blanket @ decorated with its mass of curls and twists @ up and o#er

    her head.

    The sun rose the ne3t morning with a seemingly newfound

    determination to make its presence known o#er 5ei8ing like an

    electric mohawk on a bald mans head. Lilly looked out the window as

    the suns rays sliced through the smog. &ust particles floated past.6or some reason, the whole sky scene reminded her of a dessert.

    !The smog is a huge chocolate cake. The suns rays are

    butterscotch icing driling down its sides and the dust bits are

    sprinkles. !hat a polluted 8unky cake," Lilly muttered before closing

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    the window to dress in pri#acy without the attention of the wispy

    clouds sailing by sur#eying e#erything and e#eryone up in the sky.

    !hen 'arco was se#en, he had told Lilly a story. C!ell, he called

    it a theory. Lilly called it a story.D He said that the clouds were silent

    soldiers of the sky. They watched e#eryone from on high and stored

    up a huge amount of spy film. Thats why they became so fat. 0louds

    were 8ealous things, mad that they could not partake in peoples

    8oyous e#ents. So they did only what they could@watch. 4nd

    sometimes one or two would =speak by striking some poor human

    with lightning. Then, the clouds would roar cruelly about it, and their

    laughter would produce thunder. 1f course, Lilly tried to tell 'arco the

    science behind the formation of clouds and lightning bolts, but 'arco

    would ha#e none of it.

    Lilly laughed then, and she laughed now e#en harder upon

    remembering it. N%ll ha#e to call 'ama and 'arco again," she told


    4t the moment, this was the only thing Lilly was sure she was

    going to do that day, besides eating with chopsticks and ha#ing

    de#otions. Bmmy and Bcho had already slipped out of the apartment

    for school, and would be gone until e#ening.

    !)erhaps we can #isit part of the Great !all. %t would be a dream

    come true if &ad and % could camp out there before heading back

    home," Lilly mused. N1ne things for sure. This mar#elous day will not

    go to waste/" she resol#ed.

    4fter dressing, Lilly stretched before brushing her hair as shepattered about the room. %n a few minutes, a firm knock came on the

    outside of the door.

    !Lilly, are you up in there+ &ressed+" %t was 'r. Hills #oice.

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    !&ouble yes/" Lilly answered. N% was 8ust waiting on you."

    'r. Hill opened the door. NGood morning, Lilly/ Looks like an

    emergency has come up. Sarah 8ust called and notified me that

    'anchu is missing/ % hope you ha#e a triple =yes for this uestion:

    Ready to go+"

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    Chapter 11

    5acking out of the apartments parking lot, 'r. Hill filled Lilly in

    on the details of his con#ersation with Sarah 0arrig: $She said that

    not long after they arri#ed home from ser#ices, 'anchu was called by

    the young woman who came to *esus last night. Her great

    grandfather was e3tremely ill, and she asked for )astor 'anchu to

    come to their house and be near him if indeed it was her greatgrandfathers last hours. 'anchu left for their house around midnight,

    lea#ing Sarah behind to get some rest. !hen she awoke this

    morning, she was greatly disturbed to find out that he hadnt


    5iarre," Lilly commented. $He looked the picture of health last

    night. % mean, for a guy like way up the ladder in years."

    (eah," 'r. Hill agreed. $Howe#er, he might ha#e been

    struggling with some disease internally. 1r, perhaps, all the

    e3citement got to him last night. The guy could hardly contain his


    Lilly nodded. $So where are we headed+ To Sarahs or some

    place else+" She dumped a handful of rice krispies into her mouth.

    The bo3 of cereal was the handiest breakfast she had been able to

    snag from the Suns kitchen. 7o utensils were necessary. 1nly

    certain body parts were reuired.

    7ot to Sarahs," 'r. Hill answered. $% belie#e the best point to

    commence this in#estigation is at great grandfather 'itsubishis

    place. !ell find out whether or not he arri#edA and if so, what went on

    when he left. !here#er those clues lead, well follow or fly."

  • 7/26/2019 A China Escape (Serial Novel)


    %f only we had wings," Lilly sighed.

    'r. Hill smiled. $'ore or less."

    &o you already ha#e 'itsubishis address+" Lilly asked.(es. Sarah sent it to my phone. They li#e in a fishing #illage

    near the mountains a ways from the city."

    1.2., but couldnt Sarah 8ust call them+"

    She did. The phone went to #oice mail."

    4nd 'anchu+"

    She called him as well@multiple times. %t 8ust rang out. %m

    pretty sure shes trying again e#en as we speak."

    'r. Hill and Lilly rode in thoughtful silence for a while longer

    until suddenly 'r. Hill leaned forward e3claiming, $That looks like a

    nasty accident up ahead/ !ait/ %s that

  • 7/26/2019 A China Escape (Serial Novel)


    1.2. Thats ob#ious. 0an you gi#e me any details+" 'r. Hill


    7o," the man said. He proceeded to gi#e some details

    anyway. $Looks like the person in this car dro#e the wrong way." He

    pointed to 'anchus car, then to the other car with his head. $)erson

    in this car dro#e the right way. !rongway dri#er hit rightway dri#ers

    car. The collision caused the cars to spin around in this awkward


    How do you figure that it was this car coming the wrong way+"

    % think," the officer said. $%magine them spinning. %f it was the

    other car headed the wrong way, they would be in totally different

    positions." He wa#ed his arms about wildly as if it was silly. 'r. Hill

    had doubts about what he was saying. $)erhaps he was drunk and

    did not ha#e his lights on like a good dri#er/"

    That isnt him at all," 'r. Hill muttered. $!as there any

    identification in the #ehicle+"

    (es." The officer called to another officer and spoke to him in


    He left for his car then returned handing him a plastic bag filledwith documentation. $Here," the first officer said showing the


    'r. Hill took one look at the dri#ers license. $'anchu 5altimore

    0arrig," he read. $Thats him. !as there any identification in the other


    7o," the police officer answered looking askance. $5esides,

    what relation are you to him+ !ho are you+"

    !ell, % am a lawyer and a friend of 'anchu."

  • 7/26/2019 A China Escape (Serial Novel)


    4nd do you practice law in these parts+"

    7o. % reside in 4merica. %m #isiting here for 'anchus sake.

    Thats why this accident is of such concern to me."

    1h, was he ha#ing legal troubles+"

    7ot necessarily."

    (ou not eager to speak of his troubles+ !hy+ Sir, you care for

    friend, 'anchu. Then tell me e#ery suspicious wart, or youll fall

    under suspicion."'r. Hill threw his head back and let out a laugh. Lilly couldnt

    suppress a smile at the absolute absurdity of the officers last words.

    Trying to imply that % am a suspect does not threaten me in

    the least," 'r. Hill said resolutely.

    The officer responded with a smirk.

    B3cuse me," Lilly said. $% assume no bodies were found in the

    cars, right+"

    The officers sunken eyes now rested on her uestioningly.

    $4ssumption correct," he said.

    0ome on, Lilly," 'r. Hill said. He walked closer to the

    damaged cars and began taking pictures with his phone. Lilly did the

    same with her phone, but from different angles.

    )lease?no contamination of the scene," the officer said

    following them around.

    1f course not," 'r. Hill replied. $5ut, 8ust in case, this should

    make you feel better." He pulled out a pair of leather glo#es from his

    coat pocket, put them on his hands, and resumed taking

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