
The Beach: A Collection of


I like to build a sand castle it's fun.

Try to build your own. Work hard.

Now you'll get it come on lets go Riley

I like ballyball I usually win my cosins like water my cosins

friends came my cosins friends play frisby I like the

behe Feven

I like to build a sand castle it's fun.

Try to build your own. Work hard.

Now you'll get it come on lets go Riley

I like ballyball I usually win my cosins like water my cosins

friends came my cosins friends play frisby I like the

behe Feven

Hot on the beech Fan on the beech San on the beech I love the beech The beech is fan


I love the biht and I love the biht

And bi the ya I love the biht Selene

Hot on the beech Fan on the beech San on the beech I love the beech The beech is fan


I love the biht and I love the biht

And bi the ya I love the biht Selene

I wet to make a sand casl it is dan (done) so here it is. I used

wet sad to make it. Ahyessa

Woncs I was kaping at Brids Heal. I was kaping wahs my kaznis. And we went biking. It tik us aibt 5 das to find

the beh. Baet we cam hom for the rast aif the days.


I wet to make a sand casl it is dan (done) so here it is. I used

wet sad to make it. Ahyessa

Woncs I was kaping at Brids Heal. I was kaping wahs my kaznis. And we went biking. It tik us aibt 5 das to find

the beh. Baet we cam hom for the rast aif the days.


Wuns a pun a tnim I wnt to the beech and I had a Popsucul. It was so wumme. Untun I wut to the puole and it wus so cuod. I wut huom. The eund. bibi. Gabriella

I love the beh. Wen I had les of fne. (lots of fun) I.mad a sandcasl. And I suem. I went wes mi famele. Gabby

Wuns a pun a tnim I wnt to the beech and I had a Popsucul. It was so wumme. Untun I wut to the puole and it wus so cuod. I wut huom. The eund. bibi. Gabriella

I love the beh. Wen I had les of fne. (lots of fun) I.mad a sandcasl. And I suem. I went wes mi famele. Gabby

When im at the beh. I love playing weh the sannd. I swuim. I play weh my friends. We are playing weh the beh ball. Gabe

Plaeing hwhe my fauamli at the bech. I love the bech. Alex

When im at the beh. I love playing weh the sannd. I swuim. I play weh my friends. We are playing weh the beh ball. Gabe

Plaeing hwhe my fauamli at the bech. I love the bech. Alex

Wll I playd with my famleye and I had fun in the sun Wll ths ol 4 today foks. Now this is a now day. Wll I playd with a beha ball. In the wader. I love smre and I can have fun in the sun. Zayva

I love to pliaea we friends. We bild sandcasos. I lke go to beh. Ravneet

Wll I playd with my famleye and I had fun in the sun Wll ths ol 4 today foks. Now this is a now day. Wll I playd with a beha ball. In the wader. I love smre and I can have fun in the sun. Zayva

I love to pliaea we friends. We bild sandcasos. I lke go to beh. Ravneet

I wit to the beh I had fun at the beh I got bered in the sand and I wint to the arcade and tin I wit bak hom. Bryce

Bechbale. Sand casel. Playayg weth water. Hot dog. Hot sun. Katencande. (Cotton candy) Ics crema. Lole pop. Fresbe. Valebale. Swemeyg. Gabriel

I wit to the beh I had fun at the beh I got bered in the sand and I wint to the arcade and tin I wit bak hom. Bryce

Bechbale. Sand casel. Playayg weth water. Hot dog. Hot sun. Katencande. (Cotton candy) Ics crema. Lole pop. Fresbe. Valebale. Swemeyg. Gabriel

I was at the beh I was plaing with my friend. I was eating hotdog I said I love the beh you are good said mommy and daddy. Allyssa

I lik to reed bks Todd

I was at the beh I was plaing with my friend. I was eating hotdog I said I love the beh you are good said mommy and daddy. Allyssa

I lik to reed bks Todd

My mom and dad wnt to hawiui wit oira me oira my brther oira sistire Landen

It wod be fun to play weh a beech bal. I can play wath a beech bal weh my friend Alex. Samtams me and Alex play together. That was fun. Kate

My mom and dad wnt to hawiui wit oira me oira my brther oira sistire Landen

It wod be fun to play weh a beech bal. I can play wath a beech bal weh my friend Alex. Samtams me and Alex play together. That was fun. Kate

At The Beh We Playd At The Beh I love The Beh Bcahso waour is Fun New Page I love The Beh Bcahso The Beh Is Fun Bcahso It Is Jet Fun New Page The waour is Fun Bcuas You can spas. Rory

At The Beh We Playd At The Beh I love The Beh Bcahso waour is Fun New Page I love The Beh Bcahso The Beh Is Fun Bcahso It Is Jet Fun New Page The waour is Fun Bcuas You can spas. Rory

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