Page 1: A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy

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Standards bodies are now examining how to increase the

throughput of high-density backplane links to 25 Gbps. One

method for achieving this is to construct premium backplane

links utilizing advanced materials and connectors. Another

approach is to re-use legacy backplanes by employing PAM-

4 signaling at half of the baud rate. For PAM-4 to offer an

advantage over NRZ, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the

slicer input, i.e. after equalization, must be ~9.5 dB better than

NRZ to overcome loss of separation between signal levels.

This paper will examine 25 Gbaud NRZ and 12.5 Gbaud PAM-4

signaling across varying levels of channel insertion loss and

crosstalk. Chip parameters such as rise-time and jitter will also

be varied. The paper provides a reference for engineers to use

when considering when it is appropriate to use NRZ signaling

at 25 Gbaud and when it is appropriate to use PAM-4

signaling at 12.5 Gbaud for successful high-density backplane


Author Biographies

Adam Healey is a Distinguished Engineer at LSI Corporation

where he supports the development and standardization of

high speed serial interface products. Prior to joining Lucent

Microelectronics in 2000, Adam worked for University of

New Hampshire’s InterOperability Lab where he developed

many of the test procedures and systems used to verify

interoperability, performance, and compliance to standards

of 10, 100, and 1000 Mb/s Ethernet products. During his

tenure at Lucent Microelectronics, which later became Agere

Systems and then LSI Corporation, Adam was involved in

wide variety of projects including channel modeling and

equalization strategies for high speed optical and electrical

links, transcoding and error correction coding subsystems,

and transport networking architecture. Adam is a member

of the IEEE and regular contributor to the development

of industry standards through his work in the IEEE 802.3

Ethernet working group and INCITS T11.2 Fibre Channel

Physical Variants task group. Adam was chairman of the

IEEE P802.3ap Task Force chartered to develop the standard

for Ethernet operation over electrical backplanes at speeds

of 1 and 10 Gbps and currently secretary of the IEEE 802.3

Ethernet Working Group. Adam has also previously served

a technical committee chairman and Vice President of

Technology for the Ethernet Alliance. Adam received B.S.

[‘95] and M.S. [‘00] degrees in Electrical Engineering from the

University of New Hampshire.

Chad Morgan earned his degree in Electrical Engineering

from the Pennsylvania State University, University Park, in

1995. For the past 16 years, he has worked in the Circuits

& Design group of TE Connectivity as a signal integrity

engineer, specializing in the analysis & design of high-

speed, high-density components. Currently, he is a Principal

Engineer at TE Connectivity, where he focuses on high-

frequency measurement & characterization of components &

materials, full-wave electromagnetic modeling of high-speed

interconnects, and the simulation of digital systems. Mr.

Morgan is a Distinguished Innovator with numerous patents

at TE Connectivity, and he has presented multiple papers

at trade shows such as DesignCon and the International

Microwave Symposium.


The growing demand for instant multimedia access in an

ever-increasing number of digital devices has continued to

push the need for higher aggregate bandwidth in modern

communication hardware. As a result, standards bodies are

now examining how to increase high-density backplane

serial throughput to 25 Gbps per differential pair. As an

example, the Optical Interconnect Forum (OIF) now has

Implementation Agreements defining the criteria for

designing both short- and long-reach 25 Gbps channels [1].

Further, The IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group has begun

discussions on a 100 Gigabit Backplane Ethernet standard

that would consist of 4 lanes, each transporting 25 Gbps of


Currently, there is much debate within standards bodies on

how to achieve acceptable 25 Gbps data transmission across

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

A d a m H e a l e y, L S I C o r p o r a t i o na d a m . h e a l e y @ l s i . c o m

C h a d M o r g a n , T E C o n n e c t i v i t yc h a d . m o r g a n @ t e . c o m

© 2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. | STRADA Whisper, TE Connectivity, the TE connectivity (logo), Z-PACK and Z-PACK TinMan are trademarks. Megtron is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation.Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.

Page 2: A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy

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high-density backplane channels of up to 1 meter. One

possible method for achieving this is to construct high-quality

backplane links utilizing low-loss dielectrics, smooth copper,

and low-reflection, low-crosstalk connectors. These channels

still require high-levels of equalization and are more expensive

than legacy backplane systems built for 10 Gbps operation.

Another method that has been suggested is to use PAM-

4 signaling at half of the baud rate to achieve 25 Gbps

transmission across legacy backplanes. The hope is that

successful 12.5 Gbaud PAM-4 operation would allow the use

of cheaper legacy backplane channels. The possible move

to PAM-4 signaling, however, comes with numerous factors

to consider. Engineers attempting to implement PAM-4

would need to use updated simulation algorithms, new

test equipment, newly defined test protocols, and higher-

complexity equalization.

Before considering PAM-4, the first step is to clearly outline

where PAM-4 signaling at 12.5 Gbaud has performance

advantages over NRZ signaling at 25 Gbaud. This paper

will accomplish this by providing NRZ vs. PAM-4 electrical

performance data across a range of different backplane

performance levels.

Backplane performance levels can essentially be categorized

by their insertion loss-to-crosstalk (ICR) ratio. Therefore,

a range of channel insertion loss and crosstalk levels are

included in the paper. Various insertion loss levels are

achieved by studying multiple lengths (1.0 m & 0.75 m),

dielectrics (Improved FR4 as defined by the IEEE P802.3ap

Task Force [2] & Megtron6), and TE Connectivity Z-PACK

TinMan and STRADA Whisper connector systems.. Various

crosstalk levels are achieved by studying multiple connectors

(TE Connectivity Z-PACK TinMan & STRADA Whisper

connectors) and multiple pinouts for each connector. These

pinouts include the manufacturer-recommended pinout, full

near-end crosstalk (NEXT), and full far-end crosstalk (FEXT).

Proven time-domain simulation methods will be used to

complete 25 Gbaud NRZ vs. 12.5 Gbaud PAM-4 comparisons.

Once package and chip parasitics are added to the multiple

channel models, simulations will be completed for a given

driver rise time, jitter level, and equalization scheme. When

all baseline simulations are complete, results will then be

augmented to show the effects of varying rise time and jitter.

Ultimately, the goal of the paper is to provide a detailed and

reliable reference for engineers to use when considering the

appropriate use of 25 Gbaud NRZ signaling and when it is

appropriate to use 12.5 Gbaud PAM-4 signaling for successful

high-density backplane operation.

Description of Channels

Figure 1 shows all parameters for the eight backplane

channels that are studied in this paper. As shown, overall

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

Figure 1: Simulated 1.0 m & 0.75 m Backplane Channels Using “Improved FR4” or Megtron6 Dielectrics and ZPACK TinMan or STRADA Whisper Connectors from TE Connectivity.

© 2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. | STRADA Whisper, TE Connectivity, the TE connectivity (logo), Z-PACK and Z-PACK TinMan are trademarks. Megtron is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation.Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.

Page 3: A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy

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channel lengths of ~1 m and ~0.75m are implemented by

concatenating daughtercard lengths of 0.127 m (5.0”) with

backplane lengths of either 0.4318 m (17.0”) or 0.762 m

(30.0”). In order to study legacy channels that were designed

for 10 Gbps, some channel permutations are implemented in

“improved FR4” and with Z-PACK TinMan connectors from TE

Connectivity. In order to study high-performance channels,

other channel permutations are implemented in Panasonic

Megtron6 with H-VLP smooth copper and STRADA Whisper

connectors from TE Connectivity. All other parameters shown

in Figure 1 are typical of modern backplane channels, such as

counterbored vias with 0.254 mm (0.010”) remaining stubs.

For each of the eight channel permutations, multiple crosstalk

patterns are studied. For example, crosstalk effects are

examined when the manufacturer-recommended connector

pinout is implemented, as shown in Figures 2 and 3 for

STRADA Whisper and Z-PACK TinMan connectors from TE

Connectivity. Crosstalk effects are also studied when all eight

nearby aggressors are producing near-end crosstalk (all-

NEXT) or when all eight nearby aggressors are producing

far-end crosstalk (all-FEXT). Generally, crosstalk effects

are more prevalent when utilizing PAM-4 modulation, since

full-swing aggressors can produce high-magnitude crosstalk

on 1/3-swing bits. For this reason, it is important to study

crosstalk carefully under multiple conditions.

All channel performance data for the four ~1.0 m channels is

shown in Figure 4, and all channel performance data for the

four ~0.75 m channels is shown in Figure 5 (following two

pages). For insertion loss (IL), return loss (RL), and ICR, limit

lines are included from the IEEE 802.3 specification [3] as

a reference. Although insertion loss deviation (ILD) is not

shown, all four ~1.0 m channels and all four ~0.75 m channels

fall within the ILD bounds specified by IEEE 802.3.

In Figures 4 and 5, note that all eight channels meet the IEEE

10GBASE-KR limits for insertion and return loss. Because

these limit lines are only specified to 6 GHz, they are not

definitive for successful 25 Gbps operation. However, they

do serve as a useful definition for the lowest acceptable

performance of a legacy 10 Gbps channel. When examining

ICR plots, it is clear that all STRADA Whisper connector

channels surpass the fit-ICR limit with at least 10 dB of margin.

The Z-PACK TinMan conector channels, on the other hand,

just fail the fit-ICR limit when using the recommended pinout.

This is intentional, as it was desirable to examine NRZ vs.

PAM-4 performance for a 1 m, “improved FR4” legacy channel

that just violates the 10GBASE-KR fit-ICR specification.

Note that the connectors for the eight channels in Figures

4 and 5 were carefully chosen. Z-PACK TinMan connector

channel performance is similar to numerous other connectors

Figure 2: STRADA Whisper connector & footprint showing crosstalk configurations.

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

Figure 3: Z-PACK TinMan connector & footprint showing crosstalk configurations.

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Page 4: A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy

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A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)

(g) (h)

Figure 4: 1 meter Channel Data - (a) Differential Insertion Loss, (b) Differential Return Loss, (c) Recommended Pinout Crosstalk, (d) Recommended Pinout ICR, (e) All NEXT Crosstalk, (f) All NEXT ICR, (g) All FEXT Crosstalk, & (h) All FEXT ICR

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Page 5: A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy

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A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

Figure 5: 0.75 meter Channel Data - (a) Differential Insertion Loss, (b) Differential Return Loss, (c) Recommended Pinout Crosstalk, (d) Recommended Pinout ICR, (e) All NEXT Crosstalk, (f) All NEXT ICR, (g) All FEXT Crosstalk, & (h) All FEXT ICR

(a) (b)

(c) (d)


(g) (h)

© 2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. | STRADA Whisper, TE Connectivity, the TE connectivity (logo), Z-PACK and Z-PACK TinMan are trademarks. Megtron is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation.Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.

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in legacy backplane systems (Max RL = -10 dB to 5 GHz,

Max XTALK = -30 dB to 5 GHz). STRADA Whisper channel

performance, on the other hand, represents industry best-in-

class performance (Max RL = -15 dB to 12.5 GHz, Max XTALK

= -45 dB to 12.5 GHz). A goal of this paper is to study how

connector performance impacts time-domain results.

As a final point, it is interesting to note that lower-loss

dielectrics and shorter systems buy little in the way of

improved ICR at 6 GHz. In simulations including NEXT, only

about 5 dB of improvement is seen in going from 1.0 m to

0.75 m or in going from “Improved FR4” to Megtron6. In

simulations including FEXT, almost no improvement is seen.

Later, the paper will show how this translates to time-domain


Simulation ConditionsProbability of Symbol Error

Consider a serial link utilizing NRZ modulation where the

distance between symbols is 2d and there is additive white

Gaussian noise with standard deviation . The probability of

a symbol error is given by Equation 1.

In Equation 1, the variable Q is also referred to as the signal-

to-noise ratio (SNR) and it is defined to be . NRZ

modulation may also be considered to be 2-level pulse

amplitude modulation (PAM-2). The expression for the

probability of a symbol error can be generalized to PAM-L,

where L is the number of amplitude levels, as shown in

Equation 2.

The factor of (L - 1) is associated with the fact that the inner

symbols in the PAM-L constellation are more prone to error. In

addition, the argument of the complementary error function is

reduced by a factor of 1/ (L - 1) to account for the reduction in

the distance between symbols when the peak amplitude d is

held constant. The probability of error for various values of L

is shown in Figure 6.

For increasing L, the SNR required to achieve a target

probability for symbol error also increases. Comparing NRZ

modulation and PAM-4, one can see that the SNR must be

9.6 dB larger for PAM-4 to achieve the same symbol error

probability as NRZ. However, since each PAM-L symbol can

convey log2(L) bits of information, the symbol rate is reduced


It is clear that for PAM-L to have an advantage over PAM-2,

the reduction in symbol rate must yield an improvement in

SNR that overcomes the increased SNR requirement for the

same symbol error ratio. SNR improvement may be realized in

a variety of ways and is not limited to the effective reduction

in the channel insertion loss.

Transmitter Model

The transmitter model shown in Figure 7 includes pre-driver

and driver stages for independent control of rise and fall

times and output return loss. The pre-driver consists of a

voltage source vs(t) that drives the low pass filter formed by

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

Equation 1

Equation 2

10 15 20 25 30 35 4010-20







y of




L = 2

L = 3

L = 4

L = 5

L = 6

L = 7

L = 8

Figure 6: Symbol error probability as a function of SNR

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Page 7: A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy

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Rpd and Cpd. The values of Rpd and Cpd are chosen to set the

pre-driver rise and fall times. The filter output voltage vi(t)

then controls a voltage source which represents the driver.

The driver includes the on-die termination, represented in a

simplified form by Rpd and Cpd, and is connected to a channel

that consists of the backplane channel of interest plus the

transmitter and receiver device packages, and the receiver

on-die termination.

The device package model is selected to be representative of

a large package that might be used for a high channel count

device such as a switch. The insertion loss and return loss for

the selected model are shown in Figure 8. For simplicity, the

same device package model is used for both the transmitter

and the receiver.

Given the package model, the single-ended on-die

termination resistance is set to 50 Ω and the parasitic

capacitance is tuned to yield the desired return loss

performance. A single-ended on-die termination capacitance

of 0.25 pF was found to just touch the transmitter differential

output return loss mask defined by the OIF CEI-25G-LR

implementation agreement [1]. For simplicity, the same on-die

termination is used for both the transmitter and receiver.

Figure 9 shows the impact of the choice of package model

and on-die termination. It is clear that the insertion loss of

the terminated channel is measurably larger than the channel

in isolation. Furthermore, additional insertion loss deviation

artifacts are visible reflecting the interaction between than

channel, device packages, and termination impedances.

Note that voltage source vs(t) incorporates a finite impulse

response filter with three symbol-spaced taps that

implements de-emphasis. The delay of this filter is one unit

interval which implies that there is one pre-cursor tap and one

post-cursor tap. The voltage source also incorporates voltage

scaling to set the driver output amplitude as well as phase

modulation of the clock for the generation of jitter. Both

deterministic (sinusoidal) and random jitter components are

defined for the transmitter.

The transmitter parameters, other than symbol rate and

modulation format, are kept constant for the both the PAM-2

and PAM-4 simulation cases. Specifically, the same device

packages and on-die termination networks are used, the peak

differential output voltage is constant, and the jitter is fixed in

absolute time (ps). The premise is that the design techniques

that would be employed to realize the PAM-2 solution could

also be leveraged by the PAM-4 solution. This is reflected in

the near-end eye diagrams shown in Figure 10. Sensitivity to

variation in rise-time and jitter will also be studied later in this


Receiver Model

Two receiver architectures will be considered in this study.

The first architecture reflects a “conventional” approach which

is heavily reliant on analog signal processing.

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels


Cd Ct Rt



vi(t) vo(t)


Figure 7: High-level view of the transmitter and channel model

Figure 8: Package differential insertion loss and return loss for Pkg35mm_T21mm115ohmLoXtalk_BGALoXtalk.s8p’model from


Figure 8: Package differential insertion loss and return loss for Pkg35mm_T21mm115ohmLoXtalk_BGALoXtalk.s8p’model from ‘’

Figure 9: Example of driver/receiver package and driver capacitance effect on channel performance

(a) (b)

Figure 9: Example of driver/receiver package and driver capacitance effect on channel performance

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Page 8: A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy

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The first architecture reflects a “conventional” approach which

is heavily reliant on analog signal processing. The analog front

end (AFE) for this architecture consists of a programmable

gain amplifier (PGA), continuous time equalizer (CTE), and

analog circuitry required for the timing recovery and high-

speed decision feedback equalizer implementation. Digital

circuitry is used where possible, especially in adaptation loops

and management functions. This approach will be associated

with PAM-2 or NRZ modulation.

The second architecture features a digital signal processing

(DSP) based receiver. The analog front end includes a PGA

and CTE as before, and an analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

that renders the analog signal at the AFE output into a series

of digital words for subsequent post-processing. The DFE is

implemented in the digital domain and may be supplemented

by other structures that are readily realized in DSP. This

approach will be associated with PAM-4 modulation.

Both architectures set the transmitter de-emphasis, CTE

transfer function, sampling point, and the coefficients of the

receiver’s equalizer to minimize the mean-squared error (or

maximize the SNR) at the decision point.

Continuous Time Equalizer

Both architectures under consideration utilize a CTE but the

design parameters vary as a function of the symbol rate.

The variation is due to proper placements of the peaking

frequency as well as constraining the bandwidth to avoid

integrating excess noise. The template for the continuous time

equalizer transfer function is given in Equation 3.

The parasitic poles pp are chosen so the insertion loss of the

filter is 2 dB at the fundamental frequency, i.e. half of the

symbol rate, when the gain value k is zero. The value of p1

is fixed at 12.9 π Grad/s to foster consistent mid-band gain

between the two filters. The set of gain values k is defined so

that the peaking increases in 1 dB increments up a maximum

of 10 dB. The resulting transfer functions are illustrated in

Figure 11.

Electronics noise is modeled as additive white Gaussian noise

with power spectral density N0/2 referred to the input of the

CTE. This means that the CTE will shape this noise according

to its k setting.

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

Figure 10: Comparison of eye diagrams from PAM-2 (NRZ) and PAM-4 transmitters. (a) PAM-2 (NRZ) near-end eye (b) PAM-4 near-end eye

Equation 3

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Analog Equalizer

Decision feedback equalizers (DFE) with a relatively large

number of taps have been successfully implemented with

largely analog signal processing techniques [4]. Apart from

the challenges of closing the critical timing path, one of the

factors that influence the performance of the receiver is latch

metastability. Metastability occurs when the input signal

is not large enough for the latch to resolve a discernable

logic level at its output. The method chosen for modeling

latch metastability is the simple but conservative overdrive

model in which the signal is required to exceed the decision

threshold by a certain amount, otherwise, an error occurs.

The number of taps for each equalizer as well as the minimum

latch overdrive is set according to Table 1.

DSP-Based Equalizer

Recent deployments of 10 Gbps serial links using digital

signal processing (DSP) technology have been enabled

by enhancements to analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

performance and the scaling of CMOS technologies.

DSP-based receivers have advantages over their analog

counterparts in several areas. Equalizer structures that are

challenging to realize in the analog domain have relatively

straight-forward digital counterparts. A simple example is the

feed-forward equalizer (FFE). While this structure is realizable

in the analog domain, the delay line is subject to variation due

to process, voltage, and temperature and does not readily

scale with data rate. Analog multiplication must be carefully

implemented to achieve sufficient linearity and resolution.

Finally, the bandwidth limitations and noise accumulation of

these cascaded components has an adverse effect on the

SNR. All of these elements are trivial operations in the digital

domain, and the digital architecture readily scales with speed

(within the bounds of the digital clock rate).

This simple example highlights essential benefits of the

DSP-based architecture. The first is a lower sensitivity to

power, voltage, and temperature variation. While this is still

a consideration for the ADC, once the signal is rendered as

a sequence of digital values, the processing is consistent

regardless of the corner case. Not only is the processing more

consistent, it is also more predictable. Cycle-accurate models

are readily generated that are not reliant on analog models

that must account for variation of a number of parameters

and at times may not be very precise. Furthermore, correct

implementation of the signal processing path may be checked

with robust digital verification techniques. Finally, a DSP-

based implementation is inherently portable to other process

nodes without the need for extensive analog re-work.

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

Figure 11: Comparison of continuous time equalizers for PAM-2 (NRZ) and PAM-4 receivers. (a) PAM-2 (NRZ) continuous time equalizer (b) PAM-4 continuous time equalizer















Frequency, GHz













de, d


Frequency, GHz

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Porting into smaller process geometries holds the promise of

a faster digital clock rate, a smaller receiver, lower power, or

some combination thereof.

However, DSP-based receivers present their own set of

challenges. The most obvious challenge is the upper limits

on the digital clock frequency for a given technology node.

Well known techniques such as parallelism pipelining and

parallelism can circumvent these problems in many cases.

However, if we consider the feedback structure of the DFE,

the iteration bound presents a challenge for high-speed

operation that cannot be addressed by pipelining alone.

For this particular example, look-ahead techniques [5] can

be employed to relax the iteration bound but this particular

architecture scales exponentially for an increasing number of

DFE taps. For a PAM-4 receiver based on DFE, the need to

resolve 4 levels and propagate 2-bit decisions (each symbol

represent 2 bits) translates to an implementation that requires

twice the complexity of the corresponding NRZ receiver with

half as many taps. One approach to the scaling problem is

to shift more emphasis to the FFE and limit the number of

DFE taps. Other novel architectures could be considered that

achieve performance comparable to DFE with superior scaling

properties [6].

In addition, a performance limiting factor for the DSP-based

receiver is the quantization noise introduced by the ADC. The

resolution of the ADC is defined by its effective number of

bits (ENOB). This quantity is less than the actual number of

bits (ANOB) in the ADC output word, as the ENOB includes

the non-idealities in the conversion process. It is also affected

by the scale of the input signal relative to the ADC full-scale

range. Since the ADC quantization step is relative to the

full scale range, signals smaller than the full scale range see

effectively more quantization noise while larger signals are

clipped introducing non-linearity. It is the responsibility of the

PGA and automatic gain control (AGC) loop to balance these


A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

Table 1: Default simulation parameters

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For the purpose of this simulation study the DSP-based

equalizer is assumed to include both a FFE and a DFE. The

PGA is configured so that ADC clips the input signal with a

relative frequency no greater than 1E−6. The number of taps

for each equalizer as well as the ENOB of the ADC are set

according to Table 1.

Simulation Parameters

Unless otherwise specified, all simulations are performed with

the parameters summarized in Table 1.

Note that the a common symbol error ratio target, i.e.

probability of symbol error, yields a common bit error ratio

target under the assumption that the PAM-4 symbols are

generated from a Gray code and that detection errors map

the symbol of interest only to adjacent symbols.

Simulation Results

The results of the simulations are presented in terms of SNR

margin which is defined to be the difference between the SNR

at the decision point and the SNR required to achieve the

target probability of symbol error. In general, SNR margins

greater than or equal to zero imply the probability of symbol

error is less than the target (good) and SNR margins less than

zero imply the probability of symbol error may exceed the

target (bad).

It should be noted that a negative SNR margin does not

assure that the target probability of symbol error was not

achieved. The relationship between SNR and error probability,

as discussed earlier in this paper, assumes that the noise

term represents the standard deviation of an unbounded

Gaussian amplitude distribution. In practice, components

of the noise term, such as inter-symbol interference (ISI)

and crosstalk, are in fact bounded i.e. the likelihood of that

component exceeding some maximum amplitude is zero.

Since the relationship between SNR and the probability of a

symbol error does not take this into account, the SNR margin

metric can be viewed as conservative.

That said, SNR margin is readily derived from simulation data

and provides a single-value as a figure of merit that may

easily be compared across a large number of simulation cases.

Since margin is reported, the higher SNR values required to

maintain a constant symbol error probability with increasing

L is built into the calculation and no longer needs to be

explicitly considered. Furthermore, the ability of Forward

Error Correction (FEC) to improve the performance of the link

may be readily evaluated in terms of SNR.

For the purpose of these simulations, the SNR at the decision

point is computed as the square of the mean of the outer-

most symbol divided by the sum of the variances of the

individual error terms (due to ISI, crosstalk, jitter-induced

amplitude error, etc.). This quantity is reported in units of


The first set of simulation results investigates the relative

impact of each of the link impairments. Referring to Figure 12,

0.75 m and 1 m channels are examined using the PAM-2 and

PAM-4 transmitter and receiver reference models. Channels

are described by an index where 1 and 2 correspond to the

STRADA Whisper connector and 3 and 4 correspond to the

Z-PACK TinMan connector. In addition, 1 and 3 represent

channels built with Megtron 6 while 2 and 4 represent

channels built with materials satisfying the definition of

“improved FR4” used by the IEEE P802.3ap Backplane

Ethernet Task Force. Manufacturer recommended pinouts are

used for these channels.

The graphs illustrate the cumulative reduction of SNR margin

as impairments are added. The “ISI only” values represent the

SNR margin with only residual ISI considered. The “+FEXT”

values are the SNR margin considering residual ISI and all far-

end crosstalk aggressors. The “+NEXT” values include residual

ISI, far-end crosstalk aggressors, and all near-end crosstalk

aggressors. The final set of values, labeled “ENOB” represent

the SNR margin with all impairments considered. Note that,

for the PAM-2 cases, there is no ADC in the receiver reference

model and therefore the SNR degradation due to quantization

error is zero.

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

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Next, the sensitivity of SNR margin to variations in link

parameters is explored. First, crosstalk is manipulated by

specifying pinouts that differ from the manufacturer’s

recommendations. Two such cases are considered. The first is

the “All FEXT” case where the victim receiver is surrounded

by other receivers (co-propagating or far-end aggressors).

The second is that “All NEXT” case where the victim receiver

is surrounded by transmitters (counter-propagating or near-

end aggressors). The SNR margin for these cases is compared

to the values obtained for the manufacturer recommended

pinouts. These results are summarized in Figure 14. In Figure

14, the largest variation with pinout appears for the Z-PACK

TinMan connector channels for which the SNR margin was

negative even for the recommended pinout. For the STRADA

Whisper connector channels, the variation is considerably

smaller, and this reflects that fact that for these low-noise

channels, crosstalk is not a dominant impairment

The comparison of the total SNR margin for the PAM-2 and

PAM-4 reference models is given in Figure 13. From these

results, it is evident that positive SNR margin is achieved

for the STRADA Whisper connector channels while there is

significant negative margin for the Z-PACK TinMan connector

channels. Referring the Figure 12, the PAM-2 reference model

operating over the Z-PACK TinMan connector channels

shows negative SNR margin even for the ISI only indicating

that there is significant residual ISI in these cases. The PAM-

4 reference model yields small positive margins in the “ISI

only” case with the exception of the 1 m Z-PACK TinMan

connector channel. Reflecting on the transfer functions for

the Z-PACK TinMan connector channels shown in Figures 4

and 5, significant insertion loss deviation is evident and the

residual ISI may be a consequence of reflected energy that is

out of the reach of the DFE. In addition, higher crosstalk levels

in the Z-PACK TinMan connector channels are the next largest

contributor to margin degradation.

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

1 2 3 4ISI only 7.2 6.0 -2.8 -4.0+ FEXT 6.7 5.5 -3.6 -4.5+ NEXT 6.7 5.5 -4.1 -5.3+ AWGN 6.0 3.3 -4.2 -5.6+ UJ 4.4 2.2 -4.4 -5.7+ ENOB 4.4 2.2 -4.4 -5.7






1 2 3 4ISI only 7.6 8.9 1.0 0.4+ FEXT 7.0 8.1 -0.6 -0.9+ NEXT 7.0 8.1 -0.9 -1.3+ AWGN 6.4 6.5 -1.0 -1.6+ UJ 5.6 5.4 -1.2 -1.8+ ENOB 3.4 2.8 -1.9 -2.6













1 2 3 4ISI only 5.9 0.6 -3.9 -6.7+ FEXT 5.5 0.5 -4.5 -6.9+ NEXT 5.4 0.5 -5.2 -7.8+ AWGN 3.6 -1.9 -5.4 -8.4+ UJ 2.5 -2.2 -5.5 -8.4+ ENOB 2.5 -2.2 -5.5 -8.4






1 2 3 4ISI only 7.9 8.3 0.6 0.1+ FEXT 7.2 7.5 -2.4 -2.5+ NEXT 7.2 7.5 -2.4 -2.5+ AWGN 6.0 4.6 -2.6 -3.1+ UJ 5.0 3.6 -2.8 -3.3+ ENOB 2.7 1.1 -3.4 -4.3







Figure 12: SNR margin reduction as a function of various impairments. Channel index [1, 2] = STRADA Whisper, [3, 4] = ZPACK TinMan, [1, 3] = Megtron 6, [2, 4] = “Improved FR4”. Recommended pinouts. (a) PAM-2, 0.75 m channels (b) PAM-4, 0.75 m channels (c) PAM-2, 1 m channels (d) PAM-4, 1 m channels

© 2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. | STRADA Whisper, TE Connectivity, the TE connectivity (logo), Z-PACK and Z-PACK TinMan are trademarks. Megtron is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation.Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.

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output rise-time. As reported in Table 1, the default value

for this parameter is approximately 18.6 ps (20 to 80%) as

measured at the package pin. The pre-driver rise-time is

varied in order to manipulate the rise-time observed at the

The scope of the analysis is then narrowed to the two 1 m

STRADA Whisper connector channels where transmitter and

receiver parameters are varied to investigate their impact on

SNR margin. The first parameter considered is the transmitter

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

Figure 13: Comparison of PAM-2 (NRZ) and PAM-4 SNR margin. Channel index [1, 2] = STRADA Whisper connector, [3, 4] = Z-PACK TinMan connector, [1, 3] = Megtron 6, [2, 4] = “Improved FR4”. Recommended pinouts. (a) 0.75 m channels (b) 1 m channels

1 2 3 4PAM-2 4.4 2.2 -4.4 -5.7PAM-4 3.4 2.8 -1.9 -2.6













Channel index

1 2 3 4PAM-2 2.5 -2.2 -5.5 -8.4PAM-4 2.7 1.1 -2.3 -3.8













Channel index

1 2 3 4FEXT/NEXT 4.4 2.2 -4.4 -5.7All FEXT 4.4 2.2 -5.1 -5.7All NEXT 4.7 2.3 -4.7 -6.5













Channel index

1 2 3 4FEXT/NEXT 3.4 2.8 -1.9 -2.6All FEXT 3.4 2.8 -3.2 -3.5All NEXT 3.6 2.9 -1.9 -3.0






Channel index

1 2 3 4FEXT/NEXT 2.5 -2.2 -5.5 -8.4All FEXT 2.5 -2.2 -5.6 -7.6All NEXT 2.5 -2.3 -7.3 -10.3







Channel index

1 2 3 4FEXT/NEXT 2.7 1.1 -2.3 -3.8All FEXT 2.7 1.1 -3.4 -4.3All NEXT 2.8 1.1 -3.1 -5.5






Channel index

Figure 14: Comparison SNR margin for various crosstalk configurations. Channel index [1, 2] = STRADA Whisper connector, [3, 4] = Z-PACK TinMan connector, [1, 3] = Megtron 6, [2, 4] = “Improved FR4”. “NEXT/FEXT” corresponds recommended pinouts. (a) PAM-2, 0.75 m channels (b) PAM-4, 0.75 m channels (c) PAM-2, 1 m channels (d) PAM-4, 1 m channels

© 2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. | STRADA Whisper, TE Connectivity, the TE connectivity (logo), Z-PACK and Z-PACK TinMan are trademarks. Megtron is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation.Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.

Page 14: A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy

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pin without changing other aspects of the transmitter such

as return loss performance. Three additional values, again

referenced to the package pin, are considered: 16.4, 20.8, and

24.3 ps. The results are summarized in Figure 15.

The results indicate that the solution based on PAM-4

modulation is relatively insensitive to increases of rise-time on

this order while the PAM-2 solution loses 0.7 to 0.9 dB of SNR

margin. This may be explained by the fact the unit interval

for the PAM-4 solution is twice that of the PAM-2 solution. In

addition to this, the penalty resulting from increasing rise-time

is muted by the equalizer which attempts to compensate for

the apparent reduction in bandwidth.

The next parameter to be considered is jitter. For this

experiment, jitter is added to the default values given in Table

1 as receiver deterministic jitter (default value was 0). This

jitter is sinusoidal and of sufficiently high frequency to not

be tracked by the clock and data recovery unit. In this way,

the tolerance of the system to additional jitter, or in another

manner of speaking, the horizontal margin can be evaluated.

Peak-to-peak receiver deterministic jitter amplitudes of 2, 4,

and 6 ps are considered. Figure 16a shows the SNR margin as

a function of the added jitter expressed in absolute time units.

Considering cases where the SNR margin is greater than zero,

the PAM-4 solution suffers an approximately 1 dB reduction in

margin from 0 to 6 ps where the PAM-2 solution sees a 2 dB

reduction in margin. However, considering Figure 16b, where

the added jitter is normalized to the unit interval, one can see

that the margin for the PAM-4 solution is decreasing at an

accelerated rate. This seems to agree with the conventional

wisdom that PAM-4 has reduced jitter tolerance due to the

additional data dependent jitter caused by the unconstrained

transitions between levels (refer to Figure 10b). Thus, while

PAM-4 appears to suffer a larger penalty per unit interval

of jitter, the unit interval is twice that of the PAM-2 solution

offering the same throughput. It follows that if the low jitter

design practices that would be used to realize the PAM-2

solution could be applied to the PAM-4 solution, a net benefit

could result.










0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0





Added sinusoidal jitter, ps peak-to-peak

PAM-2, Megtron 6PAM-2, "Imp. FR4"PAM-4, Megtron 6PAM-4, "Imp. FR4"

Forward Error Correction (FEC)

Both the NRZ and PAM-4 solutions fail to achieve positive

SNR margin for the Z-PACK TinMan connector channels.

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels










15.0 17.0 19.0 21.0 23.0 25.0





Transmitter output rise time (20 to 80%), ps

PAM-2, Megtron 6PAM-2, "Imp. FR4"PAM-4, Megtron 6PAM-4, "Imp. FR4"

Figure 15: Degradation in SNR margin due to increasing rise and fall times for 1 m STRADA Whisper connector channels (manufacturer recommended pinouts).










0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200





Added sinusoidal jitter, UI peak-to-peak

PAM-2, Megtron 6PAM-2, "Imp. FR4"PAM-4, Megtron 6PAM-4, "Imp. FR4"

Figure 16: Degradation in SNR margin due to added sinusoidal jitter for 1 m STRADA Whisper channels (manufacturer recommended pinouts). (a) Jiiter in ps

(b) Jitter in unit intervals

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Further, additional SNR margin for the STRADA Whisper

connector channels may be of interest for operation at lower

symbol error probabilities. The symbol error probability for

either receiver could be improved with the application of

FEC. FEC operates by adding redundancy in the form of

parity check information to the outgoing data which is used

by the receiver to identify and correct errors. This effect may

be represented by an effective coding gain in decibels which

may then be added to SNR margin computed in this paper to

estimate the improvement.

The selection of an error correcting code must consider

trade-offs between coding gain, over-clocking to maintain

consistent throughput with the overhead of the code, and

added latency. Since the DFE is a staple equalizer for these

applications, the performance of the code in the presence of

burst errors must be carefully considered. Burst errors may

be observed at the output of the DFE, especially under stress

conditions, since a decision error leads to a higher propensity

to make mistakes detecting subsequent symbols.

However, the application of a Reed-Solomon code, with pre-

coding, has been estimated to provide coding gain as high

as 5.4 dB for a PAM-4 system under these conditions [7].

Considering the most challenging channel considered in this

study, the 1 m Z-PACK TinMan “improved FR4” connector

channel, an initial SNR margin of −3.8 could theoretically be

improved to a SNR margin of 1.6 dB. More detailed analysis

would be required to quantify the exact improvement and

this is beyond scope of this paper. Naturally, FEC could

also be applied to NRZ modulated links with comparable

improvement. However, for the same 1 m Z-PACK TinMan

“improved FR4” connector channel, the SNR margin was −8.4

dB and may not be easily salvaged even with the use of FEC.

Observations and Conclusions

This paper has examined 25 Gbps NRZ vs. PAM-4 signaling

across multiple backplane channels with varying degrees of

insertion loss and crosstalk. The goal of this work was not

only to quantify sources of SNR margin degradation for both

types of modulation, but ultimately to determine if and when

premium channels and/or PAM-4 signaling are required for

successful 25 Gbps operation.

When examining sources of SNR margin degradation in time-

domain simulations, several trends become clear. First, it is

apparent that channel reflections (i.e. connector reflections)

can be far more detrimental to system performance than

channel loss (i.e. channel length and dielectric loss). This is

partially true because channel loss can be more effectively

compensated by equalization. While lossier channels do

require more equalization, which then increases AWGN

amplification, it is still clear that the primary source of SNR

margin degradation is due to reflections, when they are

present. This effect can be seen by comparing Z-PACK

TinMan connector channel performance (noticeable

reflections) to STRADA Whisper connector channel

performance (minimal reflections).

The second most dominant source of SNR margin degradation

occurs when significant connector crosstalk is present. In

channels using Z-PACK TinMan connectors, significant SNR

margin degradation from crosstalk can be seen with both

NRZ and PAM-4 modulation. On the other hand, in channels

using STRADA Whisper connectors, there is far less connector

crosstalk. In these channels SNR margin degradation from

crosstalk is almost invisible with NRZ modulation and is only

small with PAM-4 modulation. It is worth noting that SNR

margin degradation can change noticeably with Z-PACK

TinMan connector channels when varying the pinout and

number of aggressors. STRADA Whisper connector crosstalk

levels are so low, that crosstalk degradation does not seem to

be highly sensitive to the connector pinout assignment.

System SNR margin can also vary according to changes in

driver rise-time and system jitter. In the case of rise-time, it

turns out that SNR margin is not very sensitive. In fact, when

looking at driver output rise-times between 16.4 ps and 24.3

ps (20-80%), PAM-4 SNR margin is virtually constant and NRZ

SNR margin only changes by less than 1 dB. On the other

hand, SNR margin is more sensitive to the amount of system

jitter. When adding up to 6 ps of peak-to-peak sinusoidal

jitter at the receiver, SNR margin can be degraded by up to

2 dB. It is worth noting that PAM-4 signals tend to degrade

more rapidly than NRZ signals with increased jitter, but they

also have twice the unit interval width. Therefore, though

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

© 2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. | STRADA Whisper, TE Connectivity, the TE connectivity (logo), Z-PACK and Z-PACK TinMan are trademarks. Megtron is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation.Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.

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decreasing more rapidly, PAM-4 SNR margin is not degraded

as much as NRZ SNR margin when induced jitter reaches 6 ps


Ultimately, there are two major questions that are paramount

in comparing 25 Gbps NRZ vs. PAM-4 signaling across

modern backplane channels. First, what type of signaling

gives better SNR margin? Second, will PAM-4 signaling

allow the use of legacy channels with “improved FR4” and

connectors such as Z-PACK TinMan connector?

To answer the first question, the PAM-4 solution offered

superior performance in the majority of cases. There are

multiple reasons for this. First, channel ICR is better at PAM-

4’s 6.25 GHz fundamental frequency than it is at NRZ’s 12.5

GHz fundamental frequency. Second, the PAM-4 solution

employed advanced equalization in a DSP-based architecture

that was enabled by the lower symbol rate. Finally, several

impairments such as jitter and noise were held fixed between

the two cases and therefore their impact on the system

operation at the lower symbol rate was muted.

To answer the second question, PAM-4 modulation and

advanced equalization by themselves are not sufficient to

enable operation over all 10GBASE-KR compliant channels.

Simulation results show that 12.5 Gbaud PAM-4 achieves

positive SNR margin for 0.75 m or 1.0 m STRADA Whisper

channels using either Megtron 6 or “improved FR4” materials.

However, in the absence of premium connectors such as

STRADA Whisper, additional measures, such as Forward Error

Correction, would be required to achieve robust operation.

To state things differently, simulations in this paper show that

there are only two scenarios where positive SNR margin was

achieved. When running 25 Gbaud NRZ signaling, one must

use premium dielectrics (Megtron 6) and premium connectors

(STRADA Whisper) for successful operation. When running

12.5 Gbaud PAM-4 signaling, one can use either dielectric

(Megtron 6 or “improved FR4”), but one must use premium

connectors (STRADA Whisper) for successful operation.

Forward Error Correction may be investigated as a means to

support Z-PACK TinMan channels but this is beyond the scope

of this paper.


[1] Optical Internetworking Forum, “OIF-CEI-03.0 - Common

Electrical I/O (CEI) - Electrical and Jitter Interoperability

agreements for 6G+ bps, 11G+ bps, 25G+ bps I/O,” September


[2] J. Goergen, “IEEE802.3ap FR-4 Materials Review: Past

Review and Future Recommendations,” IEEE 802.3 100 Gb/s

Backplane and Copper Cable Study Group interim meeting,

May 2011.

[3] IEEE Std 802.3™-2008, “Carrier Sense Multiple Access with

Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) access method and Physical

Layer specifications,” Section 5, Annex 69B, December 2008.

[4] S. Quan, F. Zhong, W. Liu, P. Aziz et al, “A 1.0625-to-

14.025 Gb/s Multimedia Transceiver with Full-rate Source-

Series-Terminated Transmit Driver and Floating Tap Decision

Feedback Equalizer in 40nm CMOS”, Digest of Technical

Papers, IEEE Intl. Solid States Circuits Conf., pp. 348-349, Feb,


[5] K. Parhi, “Design of Multiplexer-Loop-Based Decision

Feedback Equalizers,” IEEE Trans. VLSI Sys., vol. 13, no. 4, Apr.


[6] A. Pola et al., “A New Low Complexity Iterative

Equalization Architecture for High-Speed Receivers on Highly

Dispersive Channels: Decision Feedforward Equalizer (DFFE),”

Proceedings ISCAS 2011, May 2011.

[7] S. Bhoja, W. Bliss, C. Chen, et al., “Precoding proposal for

PAM4 modulation,” IEEE P802.3bj™ 100 Gb/s Backplane and

Copper Task Force interim meeting, September 2011.

A Comparison of 25 Gbps NRZ & PAM-4 Modulation Used in Legacy & Premium Backplane Channels

© 2012 Tyco Electronics Corporation. All rights reserved. | STRADA Whisper, TE Connectivity, the TE connectivity (logo), Z-PACK and Z-PACK TinMan are trademarks. Megtron is a trademark of Panasonic Corporation.Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.

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