Page 1: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Tasting italian food

A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Page 2: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Cookery is usually imagined as the reign of art and intuition, something

very far from numbers, calculus and formulas. We want to explode a

myth of a discipline that most people try to avoid as it seems too

abstract to them.. The common view of cookery excludes every

mention to maths. Though isn't cookery about preparation and

numerical, alchemies in the technical construction, in food's

composition, in receip intention, in dishes preparation? Maths is in

many fields of cookery. We want to show an example which is near

to us: the calculus of  calories that a day supply provide to us.

Page 3: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

An italian like day

At 7:30 The start of day: breakfast

At 13:30 Lunch time

At 17:30 Afternoon snack

At 21:00 At last dinner

Page 4: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo


• Milk (cup of 25 cl): 177,5 cal

• Coffee ( for small cup): 18 cal

• Slice of bread with marmalade :

140 cal

• Orange juice(a glass): 49.5 cal

Page 5: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Milk (cup of 25 cl):

71 cal:10cl= x : 25 cl x=177,5 cal

Coffee (for small cup of 4 cl):

6 cal: 10cl=x: 4cl x=2,4 cal

coffee more one spoon of sugar : 18 cal

Slice of bread with marmalade(two slice of bread of 10,25 gr

and 12 gr of marmalade):

390 cal:100gr =x : 10.25 gr x=40 cal X 2= 80 cal

248cal:100gr= x : 12 gr x=30 cal X 2= 60 cal

Orange juice (a glass of 15 cl):

33 cal:10 cl= x: 15 cl x=49.5 cal

Total= 177.5 + 18 + 140+ 49.5= 385 cal

Let’s calculate togheter calories provided by breakfast

Page 6: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

To make coffee in Italy, we use so called moka or coffe maker. There is

one in almost every italian house. The moka is made up of fire

pieces joint to each other: - boiler   - funnel shaped tank coffee  -

coffee pot - rubber guarnish - percolator. The preparation consist

in pouring out water in the boiler, bunged with the tank which is

filled with powdered coffee close the coffee maker and put it on

use cooker. The water which warm up make pression growing

inside; in this way warm rises going through the filter and

percolating the powered cofee. Coffee goes through the spout and

oper in the coffee pot. Only when you can smell a good coffee 

aromas and you can hear a soft rumbling, you can be sure that

your coffee is ready to be drunk.

Curiosity: How do you make coffee?

Page 7: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

An italian like day

At 7:30 The start of day: breakfast

At 13:30 Lunch time

At 17:30 Afternoon snack

At 21:00 At last dinner

Page 8: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Lunch time


Parma ham with buffalo mozzarella and green olive: 318.5 cal

Garlic bread with tomatoes 390.4 cal

Page 9: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Parma ham(two slice of 12.5 gr): 268cal:100gr= x: 25gr x=67 cal

Buffalo mozzarella

288cal:100gr= x: 75 gr x=216 cal

Green olive

142cal:100 gr=x: 25 gr x=35.5 cal

Total: 318.5 cal

Two garlic bread:

Slice of bread:

390 cal:100gr =x : 25 gr x=97.5 cal X 2= 195 cal


20 cal: 100gr= x: 25 gr x=5 cal X 2= 10 cal


90cal:100 gr=x: 2gr x=1.8 calX 2=3.6 cal

Olive oil

901cal:100gr= x: 5gr x=45 calX 2=90 cal


306cal:100gr= x: 15 gr x=45.9cal X2= 91.8 cal

Total: 390.4 cal

Do the appetizer seem low in calories? Quiet! This is only

the beginning

Page 10: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Curiosity: garlic bread

Making garlic bread is very simple and it doesn't take much

time. You must take some slices of bread and toast it in

the owen until it assume a golden colour. While the slices

of bread are in the owen, you must cube tomatoes and mix

them whit oil, salt, and oregano. Once you take the bread

out of the owen, you must put a bit of garlic on it: this is

an essential part in which the garlic bread assumes its

typical taste. Then you must put use cubed tomatoes, whit

a bit of oil, salt joe oregano. You can't forget to prepare

some garlic bread for a good italian lunch!!

Page 11: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

“Primo piatto”


Pasta 238 cal

Tomatoes 19 cal

Rocket 16 cal

Cheese 120 cal

Olive oil 90.1 cal

Oregano 15.3 cal

Page 12: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Calories :S

Pasta(a dish of 90 gr):

265cal :100gr=x : 90 gr x=238 cal


20cal : 100gr= x: 95 gr x= 19 cal


16cal : 100gr= x: 10gr x=1.6 cal


300cal :100gr=x: 40 gr x=120 cal

Olive oil

901 cal :100 gr= x:10 gr x=90.1 cal


306 cal :100gr= x: 5 gr x=15.3 cal

Total: 238 + 30+ 1.6+ 120+90.1 +15.3= 495 cal

Page 13: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

“Secondo piatto”

The bass baked in foil:

Bass (250 gr) 205 cal

Potateos (100 gr) 79 cal

Fresh tomatoes (50 gr) 9.5 cal

Garlic (a clove) 4.5 cal

Rosemary (10 gr) 0.5 cal

Parsley (5 gr) 0.9 cal

Olive oil (10 gr) 90.1 cal

Salt (6 gr) 0.2 cal

Page 14: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Calories begin more and more to increase..

Bass (250 gr)

82cal :100gr=x: 250 gr x=205 cal

Potateos (95 gr)

83cal :100gr=x: 95gr x=79 cal

Fresh tomatoes (50 gr)

19 cal :100 gr=x: 50 gr x=9.5 cal

Garlic (a clove of 5 gr)

90cal : 100gr=x: 5 grx=4.5 cal

Rosemary (10 gr)

5cal :100gr= x: 10gr x=0.5 cal

Parsley (5 gr)

18cal :100gr=x: 5gr x=o.9cal

Olive oil (10 gr)

901cal :100gr=x:10gr x=90.1 cal

Salt (6 gr)

3cal: 100gr=x: 6 gr x=0.2 cal

Total : 205 + 79 + 9.5 + 4.5 + 0.5 + 0.9 + 90.1 + 0.2 = 389.7 cal

Page 15: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Curiosity: Bass baked in foil

The bass baked in foil is an exquisite

alternative to cook the bass. The baked in

foil cooking guarantees0the preservation of

flavour and taste. An exquisite recipe that

you must try! 1Clean basses, pell

tomatoes,dice them and cut the potatoes

into strips. 2 take a baking tin, cover it with

baking foil, leaving enough to cover the

bass. Put the bass in the baking tin and put

a pinch of salt, parsley and a bit of

rosemary, cover it with tomatoes and

potatoes, sprinke it with oil and put garlic.

Cover it with baking tin. Roste at 250

grades for 30 minutes.

Page 16: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Fruit, it’s delicious!

Watermelon(a slice)

Grapes(50 gr)

Page 17: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Calories…here they are luckily a few :D

Watermelon(a slice of 125 gr)15cal:100gr=x: 125 gr x=18.75 cal

Grapes(50 gr)60cal: 100gr=x: 50 gr x=30 cal

Total 30 + 18.75=48.75 cal

Page 18: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Curiosity : grapes!

A typical food from Apulia and in

particular from Rutigliano is grapes.

The cultivation of gropes is one of the

most important activities and it is the

main source of income for use town.

There are different, kinds of grapes:

white grapes, black grapes, wine

grapes, seeds- free grapes. Italy is

the firs produces of eating grapes in

the world and Apulia has the leading

exporter. Besides cultivation there

are some festivals which take place in

Apulia, these kind of festivals are

typical of our country.

Page 19: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Sweetness!Fruits tart for 7 people

ingredients For cream:

Flour 350 gr Yolk 2

Sugar 150 gr Sugar 100 gr

Margarine 200 gr Milk 500 gr

Eggs 3 Flour 50 gr

Vanillina 1 sachet Lemon’s peel 60 gr

Yeast 1 sachet Vanillina 1 sachet

To garnish:

Kiwi 150 gr

Bananas 150 gr

Strawberry 150 gr

Page 20: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Flour 350 gr

345cal :100gr=x : 350gr x=1207.5 cal

Sugar 150 gr

392cal :100 gr=x: 150 gr x=588 cal

Margarine 200 gr

760cal :100 gr= x: 200 gr x=1520 cal

Eggs 3

80 cal : 1 egg = x: 3 egg x=240 cal

Vanillina 1 sachet 3 cal

Yeast 1 sachet 25 cal

Kiwi 150 gr

40cal : 100 gr=x : 150 gr x=60 cal

Bananas 150g r

65cal : 100gr= x: 150 gr x=97.5 cal

Strawberry 150 gr

30cal : 100 gr= x: 150 gr x= 45 cal

Yolk 2 62cal X 2 = 124 cal

Sugar 100gr 392 cal

Milk 50 cl

49cal : 10 cl =x :50 cl x= 245 cal

Flour 50 gr

345 cal: 100 gr= x: 50 gr x=172.5 cal

Vanillina 1 sachet 3 cal

Lemon’s peel 60 gr 12 cal

Total 1207.5 + 588 + 1520 + 240 + 3+ 25 + 60 + 97.5 + 45 + 124 + 392 + 245 + 172.5 + 3 +

12 =

4734.5 cal / 8 = 592 cal

Here the calories are not few…but we can do some sacrifice for this delight!

Page 21: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

An italian like day

At 7:30 The start of day: breakfast

At 13:30 Lunch time

At 17:30 Afternoon snack

At 21:00 At last dinner

Page 22: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Afternoon snack

Bread(50 gr)

270 cal: 100 gr= x : 50gr


Nutella(30 gr)

530 cal: 100 gr= x: 30 gr


Total 135+ 159= 294 cal

Page 23: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

An italian like day

At 7:30 The start of day: breakfast

At 13:30 Lunch time

At 17:30 Afternoon snack

At 21:00 At last dinner

Page 24: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

At last dinner!


Flour( 100 gr)

Water(1 cl)

Yeast (1/4 of a sacket)

Salt(6 gr)

Olio(3 spoons)

Page 25: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Calories…gnam :D

Flour( 100 gr) 345 cal

Water(1 cl) 0 cal

Yeast (1/4 of a sacket) 6 cal

Salt(6 gr)

3cal: 100gr=x: 6 gr x=0.2cal

Olio(3 spoons)

108 cal : 1 spoon= x: 3 spoons x=324cal

Total: 345 + 6+ 0.2 + 324=675 cal

Page 26: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo


As everyone knows one of the tastefull,

healthy and old Italian's food is pizza.

The most famous one in the Napolitan

"doppia massa" pizza, which is very

thick. To make pizza you need flour

oil, salt and yeast once you have

mixed the ingradients you must leave

the dough to rise. Finally you must

give a round shape to the dough and

you can add every thing you want:

vegetables cheese, ham!!!

Page 27: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

At last…

Apple (1) 86 cal

Pear (1) 70 cal

Total 86 + 70 =156 cal

Page 28: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

An italian like day

At7:30 The start of day: breakfast

At13:30 Lunch time

At 17:30 Afternoon snack

At 21:00 At last dinner

Page 29: A cura di Vania Carella, Isabel Desimini e Francesca Ruospo

Day’s calories!!

The start of day: breakfast 385 cal

Lunch time 2234 cal

Afternoon snack 294 cal

At last dinner 831 cal

Total: 385 + 2234 + 294 +831= 3744 cal

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