Page 1: A day in a three dimensional world final script

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A Day in a Three Dimensional Design World

Written By

Erica Alves Barbosa

Manuscript for: A Day in A Three Dimensional Design World

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Scene 1


Black screen fades into mid shot of two Smurfs walking up to Thomas Heatherwick’s door. This cuts to a close-up shot of a blue Smurf hand knocking onto the front door. This is followed by a wide shot of Thomas Heatherwick walking towards the front door. The asynchronous sound of the Smurf saying trick or treat can be heard. This cuts to a close-up shot of his hand grabbing the door knob. He opens the door allowing some of the Smurf’s conversation to be heard.

Grouchy: (warily) I have a bad feeling about this.

Handy: (casually) You have a bad feeling about everything Grouchy. Here goes nothing

This cuts to a point of view shot from Thomas’s perspective of Handy and Grouchy Smurf. Handy places his hand on top of the cauldron.

Handy: (dramatically) Smurfacadabra.

Diegetic sound: Explosion of the cauldron.

The potion causes Thomas Heatherwick to faint and fall backwards onto the ground- shown through a medium close up of Thomas falling back which then cuts to a high angle shot of him lying on the floor. A thought bubble forms above his head.

Handy :(enthusiastically)The inception potion worked!.

Grouchy: (shocked) Holy Smurf! Nice going Handy the guy is dead .

Handy: (surprised) Don’t be silly. Now lets go.

The two Smurfs jump inside the bubble. After they jump box turning transition is used to change from this shot to a black screen.

Scene 2


An establishing shot of the Smurf hut fades into an extreme close up of Heatherwick opening his eyes. This cuts to Heatherwick’s point of view shot off one figure anxiously moving around and another standing still with crossed arms.

Heatherwick: (voice over) What’s happening, there are little blue people-Smurfs! in my house?........w-wait this isn’t my house. .... maybe this is a chance to understand and experience 3D design in a completely different perspective. I-I shouldn’t be shocked this will allow me to develop ideas and find ways of making them work.

One of the figures realises he is awake and approaches him- pov shot is still used.

Handy: (confidently) Hi my name is Handy, I am so excited to meet you, as an inventor myself this is just wondersmurf.

A point of view shot is used to show Handy signalling for Thomas to follow him. They both sit on a table - shown by a wide shot. This cuts to an over the shoulder shot of their conversation.

Manuscript for: A Day in A Three Dimensional Design World

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Heatherwick: (mildly excited) Doesn’t your work combine the skills of a builder, an engineer, a craftsman and a designer, you play all of those important roles.

Handy: (confidently) I am the only one that posses these traits in the village.

A medium close up shot is used to show Handy grinning with excitement at Heatherwick. This is followed cutaway of Grouchy rolling his eyes. After a brief awkward pause Heatherwick continues the conversation – shown by an over the shoulder shot.

Heatherwick: (interestedly)What do you think of the word ‘inventing’ I-I-I’m not internally comfortable with being called an inventor. Back in my ‘village’, Britain, the British people automatically associate the word inventor with ‘mad’ but to me inventing is what you’ve been doing for the village, solving problems.

Handy: (slightly confused) So how would you describe me?

Heatherwick: (passionately) During my study years, I became interested in the historical figure of a master builder, who performed all of the skills you incorporate into your work, and I...I also try to do the same. Unfortunately these different aspects of your work... have been divided into different professions, which is a shame since before it meant that the generating of ideas was connected to the process of turning them into reality.

Handy: (impressed) ooh so I’m a master builder.

A wide shot of the room is used to show Grouchy with a frown casually approaching the table and taking a seat next to Handy. This is followed by a two shot of Handy smiling and Grouchy frowning with crossed arms.

Handy:(excitedly)That’s exactly why I need your help for a new Smurf hut design, one that allows me and Marina to be together.

Grouchy: (boredly) But he’s a three dimensional designer, not an architect.

A reaction shot is used to show Heatherwick surprised expression towards what Grouchy has said. Handy glares at Grouchy who just shrugs it off – shown by a two shot. This followed by Grouchy’s point of view shot of Heatherwick calmly replying and expressing with hand movements.

Heatherwick: (calmly) Because I didn’t study architecture correct. But I don’t like to separate artistic thinking into different crafts and professions I prefer to consider all design as a single discipline - 3D design..... when I built the Pavilion during my studies I eh...I wanted to test whether the ideas, materials and craftsmanship used on smaller scale could also be applied and work on a larger scale...Since each creative disciple is associated with a particular scale.

Grouchy: (nonchalantly) Suit yourself, but it still won’t work, Marina lives in the sea, it’s just not possible, you’ve tried that before Handy with the smurfmarine and it didn’t work.

Handy: (dismissively) stop being such a downer Grouchy.

Handy waves his hand at Grouchy dismissively while rolling his eyes – shown by a medium close up. They both begin to glare at each other then turn in opposite directions and huff out of frustration as they fold their arms.- shown through a two shot. Heatherwick smiles in

Manuscript for: A Day in A Three Dimensional Design World

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amusement –show by a medium close up shot. A mid close up shot of the table is used as the conversation resumes.

Handy: (expectedly)So master Heatherwick, will you work with me?

Heatherwick: (calmly)Of course, but I’m going to need your help since I have always preferred to work as team. I like the idea of projects being the result of a collective effort. I prefer to work with my colleagues interactively on a project, through discussions, testing, questioning, experimentation which eventually result in a logic idea.

A medium close up shot is used to shot Handy fist bumping the air in excitement.

Handy: (Excitedly)Really! That’s smurftastic news Master Heatherwick. Don’t worry I’m used to working hard and Grouchy can help too, right Grouchy

A noddy shot is used to show a grumpy Grouchy.

Grouchy : (annoyingly)I hate working hard.

Handy: (casually) Don’t worry Grouchy we have more than 100 Smurfs in the village.

Pats Grouchy’s shoulder reassuringly.

Handy: (excitedly) We will smurf you around the village so that you can experience the Smurf huts like we do.

Grouchy: (grumbling) That sounds like a lot of walking, I hate lots of walking.

A wide shot of the room shows both Smurfs and Thomas Heatherwick walk out of the room. The screen fades to black.

Scene 3


A black screen fades into an overhead shot of all three characters sitting around a table full of paintings of the village and landscape.

Handy: (determinedly) It’s a good thing painter Smurf allowed us to borrow these paintings of the village.

A mid shot is used to show both Thomas and Handy concentrating as they analyse the paintings. This cuts to a medium close up shot of a grumpy Grouchy. This then cuts back to a mid shot of them on the table.

Handy: (worriedly) So what do we do first, Master Heatherwick.

Heatherwick: (friendly) Usually I create mini experiments for my projects while thinking about how they might translate into a large scale object, I try to see if it’s possible to incorporate the aesthetic sensibility of smaller scales of making into the design of large scale buildings. Designing your Smurf hut will only mean that my final piece will remain around the same scale as the experiment.

Handy: (worriedly) Would you like to eat something, maybe a smurfberry cake with some smurfberry tea or that human drink coffee , is it?

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Heatherwick: (politely) Thank you but I eh... don’t drink coffee. However I’ll accept the tea and cake. Thank you.

Handy snaps his fingers and Greedy appears with the refreshments, he places them on the table and then leaves – shown through a mid shot of the table. Grouchy finally decides to speak after remaining silent.

Grouchy:( grumbling)I hate coffee. Humans are really weird, why do you wear that jumper that goes all the way up to your neck, do you not feel suffocated. I mean look at me... I’m so comfortable with just my pants on.

Heatherwick :( slightly surprised)This is a Pollo neck. I-I get a sore throat often from talking so much so I usually wear jumpers with long, rolled-over necks.

Grouchy places his elbow onto the table and casually leans his head onto his hand, while staring into space.

Grouchy :( hesitantly) how are gonna make the hut? Assuming you can, since it can’t be like the others, Marina is a mermaid she needs water.

Heatherwick: (camly) But that’s what design is about, trying to push what things are made from, how they function......using resources that are available to try and do things that matter. But I want to create something that not only can Handy share with Marina but the other Smurfs too, it’s what we all share together that interests me.

Both Smurfs nod – shown through a noddy shot. This is followed by a mid shot of them eating in silence, while Thomas Heatherwick observes both Smurfs.

Heatherwick: (concentrated) The way your hat sits on your head so naturally.... I like the ability fabric has to fall into naturally sophisticated shapes. When I look at the master painter’s portraits in my world my eyes would always go to the fabric and how they painted the folds of the fabric. How about allowing the material to impose its will onto the design rather than we try to impose our own will onto the material.

Handy:(excitedly)Oh my Smurf, that’s it! Let’s do it!.

Manuscript for: A Day in A Three Dimensional Design World

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