


(A Qualitative Research for the Students with Hearing Impairment of SMALB

Negeri Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2019/2020)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd.)

By :











(A Qualitative Research for the Students with Hearing Impairment of SMALB

Negeri Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2019/2020)


Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a partial fulfillment of the requirement

for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S. Pd.)

By :










Hereby, the researcher fully declares that this graduating paper is written

by the researcher herself and it doesn‟t contain materials which have been

published by others people or cite from other people‟s ideas except the

information cited from references.

The researcher is capable of account her graduating paper if in the future it

can be proved of containing other‟s idea or in fact that the researcher imitates the

others‟ graduating paper. Likewise, this declaration is written by the researcher,

and she hopes that this declaration can be understood.

Salatiga, April 22nd


The Researcher,

Anis Nur Arifah

NIM. 23030 15 0198





I have been marked below:

Name : Anis Nur Arifah

NIM : 23030-15-0198

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Department : English Education Department

Declare that this graduating paper is written by the researcher and it does not copy

from other researcher. Theories and citations are used code of ethics of writing for

the graduation paper I gave permission to publish this graduating paper on IAIN

Salatiga‟s e-repository.

Salatiga, August 30th


The Researcher

Anis Nur Arifah

NIM.23030 15 0198



“For indeed, with hardship [will be] ease. Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.”

(Al-Insyiroh: 5-6)



This graduating paper is sincerely dedicated to:

1. My teachers of Al Falah Islamic Boarding School, Almaghfurlah KH.

Zoemri RWS (alm) and Ibu Nyai Hj. Latifah Zoemri, my guidance which I

always waiting for their knowledge and prayer.

2. All of the lecturers in English Department and Education Faculty of IAIN

Salatiga. Thank you very much for your knowledge, advices, kindness,

patience and for everything you had given.

3. My beloved parents, Mr. Sholichin and Mrs. Sumiyati who always pray for

me and never stop loving me. I can‟t say in a word how grateful I am to

have them.

4. My three old brothers (Mujiburrohman, Mudhofar, Miftachul Huda), thank

you very much for saving me and always give me advices in any situation.

5. All the teachers of SMAN LB Salatiga especially Mrs. Ema and Mr. Eko

which have been help me in doing the research.

6. Someone who has accompanied me in doing observation of this research,

Umi Lutfiyah.

7. My friends of room B9 Al falah, Nofa, Tutut, Anni, Mbak Eva, Sophia,

Mbak Luluk, Eni. Thanks for support me, cheer me up, and remind me to do

this graduating paper everytime.

8. Yuni Lestari and Istikomah Lestari, who always give me a pillion when I

wanna go to somewhere.


9. All of my friends English Department 2015. Let‟s fight friend, the struggle

didn‟t stop here.

10. All people that have been participate in the process of the research, thank

you so much. I‟m sorry, I can‟t mention one by one.

Finally, this graduating paper is able to facilitate and provide knowledge

and information of the study to the readers. The researcher hopes that this

garduating paper will useful for everyone.

Salatiga, August 5th


The Researcher

Anis Nur Arifah

NIM 23030150198




In the name of Allah the most gracious and the most merciful, the King of

universe and space. All praises be to Allah because the writer could write this

graduating paper from the beginning until the end. This graduating paper is a

partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan (S.

Pd.) in English Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State

Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga, but the process give me many

knowledge of English language teaching and it also teach me many moral value

such as sacrifice, patient, hardwork, pray, and many more that I can‟t mention all

of them here. Assholatu wassalamu „ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa „ala alihi wa

sohbihi ajma‟in. May His intercession helps us at the judgement day later.


However, this graduating paper would not be finish without support,

guidance, advices, help, and suggestion from various side especially institution.

Therefore, in this occassion the writer would like to express her deepest gratitude

and appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Zakiyyuddin, M.Ag., the Rector of State Institute for Islamic

Studies (IAIN) Salatiga.

2. Prof. Dr. Mansur, M.Ag., as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education

Faculty of IAIN Salatiga

3. Norwanto, S.Pd., M.Hum., Ph.D. as the Head of English Education

Department of IAIN Salatiga


4. Hammam, Ph.D., as the counselor who has educated, supported, directed and

given the writer advice, suggestion and recommendation for this graduating

paper from beginning until the end. Thanks for patience and care.

5. All the lecturers in English Education Department of IAIN Salatiga for their

guidance during her study.

6. All staff of IAIN Salatiga

Salatiga, August 8th


The Researcher,

Anis Nur Arifah

NIM 23030150198



Arifah, Anis Nur.2019. “A Descriptive Analysis on Teaching Learning Process

for Students with Hearing Impairment (A Qualitative Research for

Students with Hearing Impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga in the

Academic Year of 2019/2020)”. A graduating paper, English Education

Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Institute for

Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga. Counselor: Hammam, S.Pd., M.Pd.,


Keywords: teaching; teaching English language; students with hearing


English language is a foreign language which becomes a compulsory

subject in Educational Institutions of Indonesia both for public schools and special

schools without exception including students with hearing impairment. This

research was carried to know the situation of English learning process for students

with hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga in the academic year

2019/2020. The data were collected by doing interview and observation. Then, all

of the data which have been collected are processed using descriptive qualitative.

The result of this research are: (1) the process of teaching and learning

English for students with hearing impairment of SMALB Negerei Salatiga uses

different methods for every language skills including vocabulary card method; (2)

the problems faced by the teacher in teaching and learning English for students

with hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga are missunderstanding, lack

of Indonesian language mastery, lack of English vocabulary, and lack of media;

(3) the profile of students in English and learning shows that they are full of spirit

and enthusiasm, easy to understand concrete vocabulary, able to response greeting

and achieve Minimum Standart Completeness (KKM).



TITLE ............................................................................................................... i

DECLARATION ............................................................................................. ii

ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR‟S NOTES ......................................................... iii

CERTIFICATION PAGE ................................................................................ iv


MOTTO............................................................................................................ vi

DEDICATION ................................................................................................. vii

ACKNOWLEDGMENT .................................................................................. ix

ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................. xii

LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................. xv


A. Background of the Study ...................................................................... 1

B. Problem of the Study ............................................................................ 8

C. Objectives of the Study ........................................................................ 8

D. Significance of the Study ..................................................................... 9

E. Definition of the Keywords .................................................................. 10

F. Organization of Graduating Paper ........................................................ 11


A. Review of related Literature ................................................................. 13

1. English Language Teaching ............................................................ 13

2. Hearing Impairment ......................................................................... 17


3. Teaching English Language for Individuals with Hearing Impairment 22

B. Previous Study ...................................................................................... 23


A. Research Design ................................................................................... 26

B. Research Setting ................................................................................... 27

C. Source of Data ...................................................................................... 27

D. Technique of Data Collection............................................................... 27

1. Observation ...................................................................................... 28

2. Interview .......................................................................................... 31

3. Documents ....................................................................................... 31

E. Technique of Data Analysis ................................................................. 32

F. Trustworthiness of the Study ................................................................ 33


A. Finding ................................................................................................. 35

Profile of SMALBN Salatiga ............................................................... 35

B. Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 37

1. The Process of English Language Teaching.................................... 37

2. The Problems in Faced by the Teacher in English Language ......... 47

3. Proficiency of Students in English Language.................................. 58


A. Conclusion............................................................................................ 64

B. Suggestion ............................................................................................ 67


REFERENCES ................................................................................................. 69

APPENDICES.................................................................................................. 72



List I Curriculum Vitae

List II Counselor‟s Assignment Letter

List III Daftar Nilai SKK

List IV Research Permit Letter

List V Consultantion Page

List VI Observation Sheet

List IX Interview Sheet

List XII Data Profil Sekolah

List XIII Daftar Siswa Kelas XI dan XII

List XIV Daftar Nilai Bahasa Inggris

List XV Interview Transcription

List XVI Observation Result

List XVII Documentation




A. Background of Study

Today, teaching the English language is not something new for students

in Educational Institutions of Indonesia. According to Komaria and

Simatupang (1998) “pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia sudah dimulai

sejak zaman penjajahan Belanda.” (In Indonesia, English Language teaching

has been practiced since the Dutch colonial era.) It can be seen from the

contents of the curriculum which applied by the Dutch government.

Sugiyono, et al (p41) said:

“pemerintah Belanda menerapkan beberapa kurikulum pendidikan bagi

warga bumi putera yang mana salah satunya adalah Algemene Middelbare

School (AMS). Kurikulum tersebut terdiri atas mata pelajaran umum yang

diharuskan bagi semua siswa yakni salah satunya adalah bahasa Inggris.”

(The Dutch government applied some curriculums of education for

Indonesian people who called as Algemene Middelbare School (AMS)

curricula. It consists of general subjects that required for all students which

one of them is the English language).

In this era, Algemene Middelbare School (AMS) was equal to Senior

High School (SHS). Due to the development of the world, many countries

compete with each other in every field of life. The English language becomes

a very significant thing. It related to the statement of Harmer (2001) that

“although English is not the language with the largest number of native or

„first‟ language speakers, it has become a lingua franca. A lingua franca can

be defined as a language widely adopted for communication between two


speakers whose native languages are different from each other‟s and where

one or both speakers are using it as a „second‟ language.” Many activities

such as export, import, health, trading, security, education, social and

cultural, used the English language as the medium to connect each other.

Such as the statement from Frath (2010: 3) in Pratama (2014: 1) that said:

“English has become the international language of science and technology,

commerce and diplomacy, tourism and travel and English is now the first

source for information in most languages.” According to Lie (2002: 60) in

Pratama (2014: 1), “the knowledge of English has become a significant

vehicle for accessing valued resources and elite positions.” This is

accentuated by the word “significant vehicle” due to the fact that most of the

knowledge on which the global communication and economy operate in

English. Besides, English is the main language of international institutions.

The English language is the key to access many people from another country

and having cooperation between countries. Due to some of the facts above,

many governments of countries that proclaim about learning and using the

English Language as their mother tongue, second language, foreign language,

and even modern language. Even though the position of English language as

a foreign language in Indonesia, it‟s set as a compulsory subject in the

curriculum by the ministry of education. Moreover, the researcher has found

the English language taught for children since they are in kindergarten school.

Even, teaching English language is not just for normal students who learn in


regular school but also for students with a special education need especially

students with hearing impairment or called (SLB) in Indonesia.

Being a student with hearing impairment does not mean limiting the

space for movement in seeking knowledge as widely as possible. Every

people were able to widen knowledge through the English language. Many

scholarships of undergraduate or postgraduate to go abroad has opened for

everyone who wants to widen experience without exception. Besides, many

other benefits of mastering English language according to Petruta (2012: 374)

such as learning the English language allows to fully appreciate the culture

and its context of a country and it widens understanding to avoid situations

which could cause misunderstanding, enjoy traveling around the entire world,

discover entertainment from around the world for example movies, songs,

books which are written in English. Moreover, speaking English is a

tremendous asset for a professional career. Many benefits can be taken of

learning English. This has been proven by Panji Surya Putra Sahetapy, the

third son of actor Ray Sahetapy and singer Dewi Yull. He is a person with

hearing impairment who has the degree of deafness 105 decibels of his right

ear and 115 decibels of his left ear. Through all of his limitations, he was not

discouraged so he was able to achieve many achievements. He becomes a

volunteer in the deaf organization, especially for sign language activity.

Besides, he also strives to provide the translated text in the Indonesian movies

to a person with hearing impairment can enjoy and love it. Surya also chosen

to representing children with special needs of Indonesia in the event Global


IT for Youth with Disabilities at Bangkok, Thailand. He becomes a deaf

delegation of Indonesia and visited PBB/Pesrserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa

(United Nations) in the USA. He also visited NASA and meets 15 deaf

people that work there. Then, Surya also involves in the deaf organization of

Indonesia which named Gerkatin (Gerakan untuk Kesejahteraan Tuli

Indonesia) to introduce sign language. He learn how the way to push deaf

community of Indonesia to get the same right in education, job, and etc with

people who can hear through sign language. He was learn English Education

at Sampoerna University-Lone Star College Jakarta until sixth semester and

decided to move in to USA and take International Studies or public policy. At

the year of 2014 Surya try to introduce and share Indonesian sign language or

BISINDO (Bahasa Isyarat Indonesia) as the language for deaf people. From

the various achievements above, Surya Suhetapy of course didn‟t far from

English language ability because of it such as a bridge to connect people

around the world. Although he is a person with hearing impairment, he

always pushed up himself and never stop in learning to make his dreams

come true.

In the reality, teaching English for students with hearing impairment of

course has difference treatment to the students who learn in the regular

school. The method that used should be appropriate to their condition, but

actually they have the same potential in the language acquisition. This is

supported by the theory from Noam Chomsky that called innateness theory.

Chomsky (1965) said “children are equipped with an innate template or


blueprint for language and this blueprint aid the child in the task of

constructing a grammar for their language.” It means that every human has an

empty box in the brain especially focus to the languages such as grammar and

vocabulary. Language is not taught but it‟s developed by the environment so

it‟s come naturally. The children acquire their native language since they are

in the womb. It‟s proven by mostly people talk to their baby such as give

advices, play the audio of Al-Qur‟an, sholawat, song in native or foreign

language for the baby even since they haven‟t been born. Then, the baby will

give the response by move his part of the body. After the baby is born and

reaches eighteen months of age, a grammar begins to emerge in his or her

language. Before that, the baby recorded the vocabulary in their brain. A

communicational form based on grammatical rules and vocabulary. It‟s

started from a three-year-old child that can speak to an adult about nearly

common place or day-to-day subject without trouble. Then, how the device

can develop the potential it‟s depend on what language heard around it.

Besides, the freedom of learning also supported by Law of The Republic of

Indonesia Number 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities in the sixth part

about Right to Education article 10 said that “the right to education for

persons with disabilities includes to receive quality education in any types,

branches, and levels of educational unit, either in inclusive or in special

education.” They also have the right to receive appreciation for their mental

and physical integrity based on similarity to others. They have the right to get

social protection and services.


The fact many people haven‟t knowing about it, so they still have

wrong perception of children with hearing impairment. Most of them didn‟t

realize that they also have something great inside. Based on the teaching

English experience at the institution of kindergarten school, the researcher

ever found a student who has different background to the others. From the

physical appearance, student‟s behavior in the class, the response of the

question, feedback of dialogue, and the interaction with his friends and the

teacher along English language learning process, the researcher expect that

there is something abnormal from the student. According to Wah (2011) in

Pratama (2014: 1) have a statement as below.

“A child or student is considered to have Special Education Needs if she or

he: a) has a disability, b) displays greater difficulty in learning as compared to

the majority of peers of the same age or displays difficulty accessing

educational facilities for the majority of peers of the same age or displays

some areas of impairment in terms of social, academic, physical or sensory

functioning (i.e. the students is not on par with the majority of peers), and c)

requires different and/or additional resources beyond what is available.”

Realizing some facts above, the researcher tried to clarify to the teacher

class. Based the information of the teacher his name is MU. He is seven years

old and lived at boarding house with his parents. According to the story from

his parents, MU was born normal like other children but when he was a few

months old he fall down from the chair. Since that day he often convulsed

and growth different with the others. The teacher said that the characteristic

such as epilepsy but according to the information from his parents it was not

epilepsy. Actually, he has also potential to acquire foreign language if the

method of teaching and learning given as the condition but, in the public


school the student of course didn‟t get the appropriate curriculum because of

the teacher will teach appropriate as the capability of whole students. Then,

the students with special education need become the minority and slighted.

Knowing the condition of student, parents still take their children in the

public school due to some reasons such as high financial of special education

need (SLB) or bad perception of special school. Whereas the students with

special education need must be more effective to learn in the special school

because of the teaching and learning process will taught by the appropriate

method. According to Gargiulo (2012: 421) states that public school

programs include inclusive classroom settings, resource rooms, self-contained

classrooms, and itinerant services. On the other hand, special school

programs include public and private residential and day schools with

specifically prepared teachers and dormitory facilities for students when

appropriate. There are six types of disabilities of student with special

education need mentioned by Wah (2011) in Pratama (2014: 2), they are:

visual impairment, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, (significant

limitations in cognitive function), cerebral palsy (disorders of movement and

posture), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (less ability to control

themselves in the society), and multiple disabilities (have two or more


Starting from the problem above, the researcher wants to know how the

implementation of teaching and learning English for disable students and how

the process of students acquiring the language. So that, the researcher choose


to focus on hearing impairment and interested to do a research entitled “A



the students with hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga in the

Academic Year 2019/2020).

B. Problem of Study

1. How is the process of teaching and learning English for students with

hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga ?

2. What are the problems faced by the teacher in teaching and learning

English for students with hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga?

3. What is the profile of students with hearing impairment at SMALB Negeri

Salatiga in English learning?

C. Objective of Study

1. To find out how are the process of teaching and learning English for

students with hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga.

2. To identify the problems faced by the teacher in teaching and learning

English for students with hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga.

3. To find out the profile of students with hearing impairment of SMALB

Negeri Salatiga in English learning.


D. Significance of the Study

This research is expected to be able to give some benefits for the

researcher itself, teacher (especially English teacher), students, readers, and

other researchers.

1. Researcher

This research will give a new point of view about English in teaching

and learning for students with hearing impairment and give some

illustration about the situation. It‟s explained the evidence of innateness


2. Teacher

The result of the research gives the information of the problems that

usually faced when teaching and learning English for students with hearing

impairment. It also gives the knowledge about the limitation of the

students, the situation of the student‟s psychological and the method which

appropriate to teach the students. Through this research the teacher is able

to create another method.

3. Readers

The research gives a new information about students with hearing

impairment and be able to influence their opinion. The students with

hearing impairment have the same chance with others in education.


4. Other Researchers

It is expected to be a referred for other researchers in doing research

or need information which concern to the teaching and learning English

for students with hearing impairment.

E. Definition of Keywords

1. Teaching English

“Teaching is a set of events, outside the learners which are designed to

support internal process of learning. Teaching (instruction) is outside the

learner” said Sequiera (2012: 3). Meanwhile, English is a language which

had a position as foreign language in Indonesia. So that, teaching English

as a foreign language (TEFL) refers to teaching and learning the English to

students with different first languages. TEFL can occur either within the

state school system or more privately, at a language school or with a tutor.

Besides, the term of teaching English has been interpreted in various ways

due to the role of English under different political situations and levels of

acceptances by different peoples with different characteristics and

proficiencies. According to (Lien, Chien : 2) “TEFL (English as a Foreign

Language) is focused on the purposes or studies of English by teachers and

English learners with a different mother tongue.” There are four skills for

mastering English such as listening, reading, speaking, and writing. In the

teaching and teaching English have some methods in the way to teach the

students appropriate to the material.


2. Hearing Impairment

According to Gargiulo (2012: 397) “hearing impairment is a general

term used to describe disordered hearing. Student with hearing impairment

needs special treatment in education.” According to Desiningrum (2016)

said that “anak tunarungu adalah mereka yang pendengarannya tidak

berfungsi sehingga membutuhkan pelayanan pendidikan khusus.”

(Students with hearing impairment are persons which have hearing loss so,

they need special education treatment.) So, “deaf students are students

with hearing impairments that make it hard for them to perceive

information in the form of sounds, and usually exhibit some form of an

articulation difficulty” (Adi, Unsiah, Fadhilah, 2017: 4)

F. Organization of Graduating Paper

The research is divided into five chapters studied as follows:

Chapter I discuss as introduction that consists of background of study,

problems of study, objective of study, significance of the study, definition of

keywords, and organization of the graduating paper.

Chapter II is about theoretical framework. In this chapter, the researcher

explains the definition, function, and theory of each variable which related to

the title of the study, they are English Language teaching, hearing

impairment, teaching English language for individuals with hearing

impairment, and previous study.


Chapter III the researcher presents about the research methodology that

consists of research design, research setting, data resources, technique of data

collection, data analysis, and trustworthiness of the study.

Chapter IV explains about research presentation and data analysis. The

researcher explained about data description and data analysis.

Chapter V the researcher gives the conclusion and suggestion based on

the research which has been done.




A. Review of Related Literature

1. English Language Teaching

a. Definition

Every human needs language to survive and develop as a human

being. The function of language is used to communicate thoughts and

ideas (Patel and Jian, 2008: 31). Language is a bridge of self-expression

in exchanging ideas with each other. Besides, through language

someone will be relieved that they have been able to express their

hearts even though there is no one to talk to or they speak to

themselves. So that, Edward Sapir in Patel and Jian (2008: 27) define

“language is purely human and non-instinctive method of

communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of

voluntarily produced symbols.” Language is a symbol which has been

believed for generations so that it becomes a culture without any written

or verbal agreement. Then, it is used and spread widely among the

community. Based on the function above, actually language has some

characteristics according to Patel and Jain (2008: 26) such as: language

is (1) cultured based; (2) unique system; (3) social behave; (4) medium

of instruction; (5) structural system; (6) made up habit. However, many

languages which spread out around the world that means many different


cultural backgrounds from each community. Due to every community

need another community to collaborate in various fields of life, so it‟s

needed one language that used as the bridge to connect one another.

English is the language that is used for connecting peoples having

difference tongue (Patel and Jain, 2008: 2). Most people use English

language as lingua franca in their activity such as trade between two or

more countries that have different languages and cultures. So that‟s why

English language becomes the one of compulsory subject education‟s

curriculum of Indonesia in order to keep up the world even though

English language has the position as foreign language in Indonesia.

English language was taught in the school both of public school and

exceptional or special school since kindergarten until under graduate

levels. The meaning of teaching is not the only transferring information

activity but more than it due to the position English as foreign language

that of course have the difference background of character and culture.

The teaching of English should be made more practical and language-

oriented (Patel and Jain, 2008: 2). More detail than it, according to

Lampert (2009) in teacher education, it particularly concerned with

teaching that occurs in school classrooms, where the work entails

responsibility for whole classes of students compelled to work together

for 9 months at a time. In preparing a professional teacher the meaning

of „teaching‟ change into practice. Ball and Forzani said that “By

“work of teaching” means the core tasks that teachers must execute to


help pupils learn. These include activities carried on both inside and

beyond the classroom, such as leading a discussion of solutions to a

mathematics problem, probing students‟ answers, reviewing material

for a science test, listening to and assessing students‟ oral reading,

explaining an interpretation of a poem, talking with parents, evaluating

students‟ papers, planning, and creating and maintaining an orderly and

supportive environment for learning. The work of teaching includes

broad cultural competence and relational sensitivity, communication

skills, and the combination of rigor and imagination fundamental to

effective practice.”

In the learning process there are methods as the bridge in order to

reach the competency standards of each skill. Patel and Jian (2008: 71)

define method as “the process of planning, selection and grading

language materials and items, techniques of teaching, etc. There are

various methods in teaching English language such as grammar

translation method, direct method, bilingual method, reading method

and situation method, but not all can be accepted. It depends on the

features needed by the learning material with the advantages provided

by the method. Effective learning may achieved by the appropriate

method. Besides, it also needs appropriate approach. Method refers the

way of teaching a language and approach refers the theories of language

learning. The types of approach divided into two kind, they are

structural approach and Communicative.


Besides, effective teaching and learning process may reached by

knowing the psychology of foreign language learning first. Therefore

the teacher will understand how to teach language and how it may be

useful in teaching learning process.

b. Skills

Language educators have long used the concepts of four basic skills

in the English language teaching. The students will learn listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. According to Aydogan & Akbarov

(2019: 673) the definition of four basic skills above as follows:

1.) Listening comprehension is the receptive skills in the oral mode.

When we speak of listening what we really mean is listening and

understanding what we hear.

2.) Speaking comprehension is the productive skills in the oral mode.

It, like the other skills, is more complicated than it seems at first

and involves more than just pronouncing words. Speaking is often

connected with listening. For example, the two-way

communication makes up for the defect incommunicative ability in

the traditional learning. Temple and Gillet (1984) also emphasize

the close relationship between listening and speaking in this way:

“Listening cannot be separated from the expressive aspects of oral

communication. It is impossible to „teach listening‟ separately from

speaking, or to set aside a portion of the instructional time for

listening instruction and ignore it the rest of the time. Listening is

as must a part of group discussions, dramatic play, or puppetry, for

example, as the dialogues and actions created. When children

develop their communicative powers they also develop their ability

to listen appreciate and receptively. (p.70)”


3.) Reading is the receptive skills in the written mode. It can develop

independently of listening and speaking skills, but often develops

along with them, especially in societies with a highly-developed

literary tradition. Reading can help build vocabulary that help

listening comprehension at the later stages, particularly.

4.) Writing is the productive skills in the written mode. It is more

complicated than it seems at first, and often seems to be the hardest

of the skills, even for native presentation of thoughts in a structured


2. Hearing Impairment

a. Definition

Special needs divided into some classifications and one of them is

hearing impairment. What is hearing impairment? There are some

definitions that explained here. According to Adi, dkk (2017: 124)

“deaf students are students with hearing impairments that make it hard

for them to perceive information in the form of sounds, and usually

exhibit some form of an articulation difficulty.” So that, hearing

impairment doesn‟t mean you can‟t hear at all but it‟s depend on which

classification you are.

Hearing impairment occur not only congenital, but it may occur

cause of unsafety listening practice in daily activities such as using

personal audio devices in unsafe levels of sound, or potentially

damaging sound levels at clubs, discotheques, bars, etc. Even, “WHO


estimates that 1.1 billion young people worldwide could be at risk of

hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices” (World Health

Organization, 2015: 1). This usually happens to teenagers and adult.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in the United

States analyze that between 1994 and 2006, the prevalence of hearing

loss among teenagers (12-19 years old) rose from 3.5% to 5.3% (12).

Another study from the USA indicates that the number of individuals

listening to music through headphones and earphones increased by 75%

between 1990 and 2005 (13) (World Health Organization, 2015: 1). The

percentage of those cases study always increases from year to year. The

main cause is the use of personal audio from gadget in high levels

which is too often. Most people like to listening music wearing headset

or headphone in high volume and didn‟t pay attention to the effects

although they know what the risks are.

Meanwhile, both of congenital hearing impairment or which caused

by the risk of some factors above must be identified as early as

possible. Here are some characteristics of student with hearing

impairment according to Desiningrum (2016: 88):

1) Slow language development due to lack of language exploitation

moreover in listening section which affect to oral language.

2) Proficient in sign language.

3) Able to read lips movement.

4) Oral language didn‟t well develop.


5) Experiencing social isolation, limited social skills and lack of ability

to consider another people‟s perspective due to limited

communication ability.

Beside identify through those characteristics, we can do some tests

to make sure whether a students is deaf or not. Here is the identification

of hearing impairment based on doing tests according to Diningrum

(2016: 89):

1) Behavioral Test

a) Behavioral Observation Audiometry (BOA) (for ± 7 month):

test to know are they able to give response the voice intensively.

We can do the observation by shocking in a loud voice.

b) Visual Response/Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) (for 7

month – 3 year old): the children responses of the voice by

approached the source of voice (loud speaker) and then bring it

to the left or right side. After that, give a reward in the form of

visual display such as flashing light or moving toys above the


c) Play Audiometry (for 3 years old): when the voice was heard,

the children asked to do something.

2) Electrophysiological Test

There are some types of tests that be able to know how much

hearing loss exists in an individual, as follows:


a) Oto-Acoustic Emission (OAEs) (cochlear echoes) is to identify

the function of hair cells in the cochlea.

b) Auditory Brainstem-evoked Response Audiometry (ABR) is to

looking for the information of the electrical activities along the

brain stem to the brain by using the electrodes of the head. The

test did when the child is unconscious, such as sleep or


c) Electrocochleography (EcoG) is a tool which use to measuring

electro signal in the cochlea and auditory nerve. This test must

do under the influence of anesthesia.

d) Tymanometry analyze the function of middle ear and provide

the information about conductive hearing loss.

Based on the explanation above, we have the key or basic of the

problem, so that we know what treatment that we are going to use for

them. Actually, special students especially hearing impairment has the

same intelligence ability to non-disorder students, but they have some

difference characteristics and ability. So it is better to know the

knowledge of hearing impairment such as the definition, classification,

characteristics, and the limitation of the disability.

b. Classification of Hearing Impairment

Based on (Tajik and Kacho, 2016: 3285) “hearing loss is classified

according to its severity: normal (˂20 dB), mild loss (20 to 40 dB),

moderate loss (41 to 55 dB), moderately severe loss (56 to 70 dB),


severe loss (71 to 90 dB), and profound loss (>90 dB) (13).” The

classification above based on the test and diagnostic auditory brainstem

response (ABR) test which conducted to determine the exact threshold and

represent in decibels or dB HL ( hearing loss range). The classification of

hearing loss above has general impact as follows:

1) Normal Hearing (<20 dB): a child who can hear sounds and speech

even if they are very soft.

2) Mild loss (20-40 dB): children will consistently miss some speech

sounds. This will be even more noticeable when there is a background

noise or when the child is not standing close to the person speaking.

Speech and language development may be affected. Hearing aids will

likely be beneficial.

3) Moderate hearing loss (41-55 dB): children just barely hear speech at

a conversational level in a quiet environment and may or may not be

able to understand what is being said. The child‟s speech a language

will likely be affected. Hearing aids are required.

4) Moderate-severe hearing loss (56-70 dB): child may hear some

speech sounds, but will be unable to understand speech without

hearing aids. Speech and language development will be delayed.

Hearing aids are required.

5) Severe hearing loss (71-90 dB): child may detect loud sounds in the

environment, but will not hear normal conversational speech. Child

requires hearing aids in order to learn to speak. Sign language could

be an option.


6) Profound hearing loss (>90 dB): child likely responds more to

vibrations than to sounds. Child may not receive benefit from

traditional hearing aids. Hearing aids or sign language are two

options which can be used to help this type of deaf.

3. Teaching Learning Process for Individuals with Hearing Impairment

An individual with hearing impairment also needs learn foreign

language to enrichment knowledge and development of various aspects.

There are four main purposes of educational assessment for children with

hearing impairment. First, assessment is aimed to determine eligibility for

special education and other service. Second, to develop an educational

program that fits the child‟s strength areas of need and learning style.

Third, to design appropriate interventions to enhance the child‟s learning

experience. Fourth, to evaluate the effectiveness of educational program in

facilitating the child‟s progress. Maxwell (1984, pp. 191-224) in (Wu-

yang, 2017: 221) found that the people with hearing disabilities have to

learn English if they want to enter the mainstream society. They mainly

learn to read and write in English and use written English to communicate

with the people without disabilities so as to become better integrated into

the mainstream society.

The learning process of course is not the same to the public school.

The limitation of the students need difference method in the teaching and

learning process. So, the teacher has to know what the appropriate method

in teaching and learning English for students with special needs. Gargiulo


(2012: 5) define the term of disability as “a limitation imposed on an

individual by a loss or reduction of functioning, such as the paralysis of

leg muscles, the absence of an arm, or the loss of sight.” Those limitation

which block out some activity of the students affected to the development

of academic intelligence, psychology, and mentally or it called handicap.

Gargiulo (2012: 5) also said “the term handicap refers to the impact or

consequence of a disability, not the condition itself.” It means that all the

difficulties faced by the student in doing his daily activity, social

interactions and even to take care of themselves sometimes they need help

from the others.

Due to the students of hearing impairment are hard in perceive

information by sounds so they acquire the language through sign language.

Brelje (1999) in (Adi dkk, 2017: 126) stated that there are two main

approaches of teaching methods for deaf students; one is lip reading, and

another is sign language with the help of oral language (cited in Bedoin,

2010). A study of individuals with special needs must have a strategy such

as encourage the students to seat in front of the teacher or his friends in a

group, then make a conversation by read the movement of lips, the gesture

of face and body.

B. Previous Study

The topic of the research is not the first research in the world. There are

some researches with the same title as this research before. Then, in the


review of related research the researcher take three researches as the

comparison to this research:

1. Pratama (2014) The Implementation of Teaching and Learning English of

Students with Hearing Impairment (A Naturalistic Study at Eleventh

Grade Students of SLB YRTRW Surakarta of 2013/2014). The results of

the research showed that the implementation of teaching and learning

English uses some method they are: the combination of lecturing,

translating, drilling and task based method. There some activities which do

by students of XI grade of SLB B YRTRW such as mentioning words

related to the topic, drilling, doing exercise, giving chances to ask

questions, and giving homework. The curriculum adjusted to the disability

of the students so that they can receive the language although they have

lack of vocabulary. They are also able to speak English orally supported

with sign language. In order to as evaluate and measure to what extent

students‟ understanding in English, the teacher gave formative tests by

observing students‟ abilities in the classroom.

2. Farikhah (2017) A Study on The Strategies in Learning English of The

Hearing-Impaired Students at Sekolah Luar Biasa (SLB) B Negeri

Tulungagung in Academic Year 2016/2017. Based on the finding of the

research there are three type of learning strategies in the learning process

such as metacognitive strategy, cognitive strategy, and affective/social

strategy. In metacognitive strategy the students paid attention to the

teacher. They focused to the teacher‟s lip and gesture. Generally, the


difference learning strategies between hearing-impaired students and

normal students was in implementation of those learning strategies. The

hearing-impaired students were used gesture and lip motion in their

learning, beside normally students used their senses, especially in hearing

and speaking.

3. Fajrina (2016) Teacher‟s Techniques in Teaching English for The Hearing

Impaired Students at The Seventh Grade of SMPLB B/C Dharma Wanita

Persatuan Banjarmasin. Based on the result of the research, the teacher

used some techniques in teaching English, such as Repetition Drill,

Translation Literary passage, reading aloud, one to one, paragraph writing,

memorization, and role reversal. This research used observation and


Based on the related review of some researches above, the difference to

this research is the basic theory of the research, object of the research, and the

implementation and the obstacle of teaching English. Besides, this research

had different technique of collecting data to the others.




A. Research Design

In the way to prove the hypothesis of the study, the researcher use

qualitative research. Denzin and Lincoln (1994: 2) in Emzir (2011: 1) defined

qualitative research as below:

“Qualitative research is multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive,

naturalistic approach to its subject matter. This means that qualitative

researchers study in their natural setting, attempting to make sense of or

interpret phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them.

Qualitative research involves the studied use and collection of a variety of

empirical materials-case study, personal experience, introspective, life story,

interview, observational, historical, interactional, and visual-texts-that

describe routine and problematic moment and meaning in individuals‟ live.”

The definition above emphasized naturalistic and interpretive approach

in the qualitative research of collective information and narrative approach

based on philosophical assumption. While according to Lodico, Spaulding,

and Voegtle (2006) in Emzir (2011: 2) said that:

“Penelitian qualitative, yang juga disebut penelitian interpretif atau

penelitian lapangan adalah suatu metodologi yang dipinjam dari disiplin

ilmu seperti sosiologi dan antropologi dan diadaptasi kedalam seting


(Qualitative research which also called as interpretive research or field

research is a methodology that borrowed form discipline of science such as

sociology and anthropology and adapted into setting of education).

The researcher using inductive reasoning approach and focus on social

phenomena. The research methodology will reveal many perspectives.


B. Research Setting

The research was conducted by doing interview to the English teacher

at Wednesday, August 14th

2019 and observation at Tuesday, August 20th

2019 in at SMALB Negeri Salatiga. It was located on Hasanudin Street No

III, Banjaran, Mangunsari, Salatiga. The school was established for teaching

children with special need such as student with hearing impairment. There are

two levels of education in the school that is Junior and Senior high school. In

this study, the researcher take focus on Senior High School.

C. Source of Data

The data were collected from two sources as follow:

1. Primary Sources:

a. Observation which conducted in the English teaching and learning for

students with hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga.

b. Interview to the English teacher who teaches English for students with

hearing impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga.

2. Secondary Sources:

Documents of all written reports that relate to the research such as score

sheet, pictures, school profile, etc.

D. Technique of Data Collection

In this research there are three techniques of data collection which

categorized into two sources, such as follows:


1. Primary Sources

a) Observation

In this research, the researcher do observation as the first step in

collecting the data. The goal of the observation is to know the

situation of English teaching and learning for students with hearing

impairment of SMALB Negeri Salatiga. Besides, it also to develope

the questions of interview that will be do as the next sources of data

collection and to make emotional relationship with the teacher as the


According to Patton (2002: 4) in Emzir (2011: 65) observations

is fieldwork description of activities, behaviors, actions,

conversations, interpersonal interactions, organizational or community

processes, or any other aspect of observable human experience. In this

study the researcher observes the students with hearing impairment‟s

activities in the class passively. The researcher join in the class and

observe each students one by one without direct participation. The

data consist of field notes: rich, detailed descriptions, including the

context within which the observations were made. “In general, three

types of learning activity are discerned: cognitive, affective, and

metacognitive or regulative (e.g. Short & Weisberg-Benchell, 1989) in

Vermunt (1996: 26). Cognitive processing activities are those thinking

activities that people use to process learning content. They lead

directly to learning results in terms of knowledge, understanding,


skills, and so on. Examples: looking for relations among parts of the

subject matter (relating), distinguishing main and minor points

(selecting), thinking of examples (concretizing), and looking for

applications (applying). Affective learning activities are directed at

coping with the feelings that arise during learning, and lead to an

emotional state that may positively, neutrally or negatively affect the

progression of a learning process. Examples: motivating oneself,

attributing learning results to causal factors, attaching subjective

appraisals to learning tasks and getting blocking emotions under

control. Metacognitive regulation activities are directed at regulating

the cognitive and affective learning activities and therefore indirectly

lead to learning results. Examples: orienting on a learning task,

monitoring whether the learning process proceeds as planned,

diagnosing the cause of difficulties and adjusting learning processes

when needed. The researcher takes the aspects of metacognitive,

cognitive, and affective from each student during the observation.

Besides, the researcher also describe the media, method, approach,

and technique that used by the teacher along teaching and learning


There are two kind materials of field notes in the way of doing

observation as follows:


1) Descriptive field notes

The researcher describes all the things that arrested by five

senses as detailed as possible so that the reader able to imagine

the meaning of the researcher when reading the description.

Descriptive field-notes could contain of five things as follows:

a) Portrait of subject including physical appearance, clothes,

accent, habit (typical behavior), and another aspects that

distinguish between one person to another.

b) Reconstruction of dialogue is all forms of conversation

between participant to participant, or participant to the

researcher which recorded in the form of words.

c) Description of physical background is the verbal sketch of the

room and furniture that used in the learning process.

d) Description of special event is the note of participant who

involved in the event, essence of the event, etc.

e) Observer behavior is the object of observation. It is also

important to pay attention of the researcher‟s behavior itself,

assumption, everything that can influence the data.

2) Reflective field-notes

Reflective field notes record observation from the

subjective side of the researcher. It‟s emphasizes on speculation,

feeling, problem, idea, hunch, impression, and prejudice. Besides,

it‟s also contains of research‟s plans in the future, explanation and


error correction in the field notes. Reflective field notes can be

comment of observer, memo, and another material as reflection of

analysis, reflection of method, reflection about ethics and conflict

dilemmas, reflection about the researcher‟s mind-mapping, and

points of clarification.

b. Interview

In this research, interview is the second step of collecting the

data. Due to the limitation of the school so the researcher do interview

only at one English teacher.

“Interview is open-ended questions and probes yield in-depth

response about people‟s experiences, perceptions, opinions, feelings,

and knowledge. Data consist of verbatim quotations with sufficient

context to be interpretable” said Patton (2002: 4) in Ezmir (2011: 65).

Besides doing observation, the researcher look for more information

by doing an interview to the English teacher at eleventh grade of

SMALB Negeri Salatiga due to during the observation not all the data

that accepted by the eyes was understandable. So that interview is one

of the ways to completing/clarify/adding the data related to the study.

The interview results recorded and presented as a transcription.

2. Secondary Sources


As the third step of data collection technique the researcher also

collecting documents to support the data which has collected before.


Patton (2002: 4) in Ezmir (2011: 66) have a statement that

“documents is written materials and other documents from organizational,

clinical, or program records, memoranda and information, official

publications and reports, personal diaries, letters, artistic works,

photographs, and memorabilia, and written responses to open-ended

surveys. Data consist of excerpts from documents captured in a way that

records and preserves context.”

The documents used as amplifier or evidence of the statement in the

research. It can be autobiography, personal letter, diary book, memo,

meeting notes, newspaper, policy document, proposal, code of ethics,

statement of philosophy, yearbook, statement of the press, paper book,

notes of student case, lesson plan, syllabus, daily test scores and etc.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

After the data has been collected, the next process is analysis the data.

According to Rasimin (2017: 103) define analysis data as below:

Analisis data diartikan sebagai kegiatan pengolahan data, yang terdiri atas

tabulasi dan rekapitulasi data. Tabulasi data dinyatakan sebagai proses

pemaduan atau penyatupaduan sejumlah data dan informasi yang diperoleh

peneliti dari setiap sasaran penelitian, menjadi satu kesatuan daftar,

sehingga data yang diperoleh menjadi mudah dibaca atau dianalisis.

Rekapitulasi merupakan langkah penjumlahan dari setiap kelompok sasaran

penelitian yang memiliki karakter yang sama, berdasar kriteria yang telah

dirumuskan terlebih dahulu oleh peneliti.

(Analysis of data means as data processing activity which consists of data

tabulation and data recapitulation. Data tabulation stated as process of

integration a number of data and information that obtained the researcher

from every research target to be a list so that the data become easy to read and

analyzed. Recapitulation is the addition step of every research target group

that has the same character based on criteria that have been formulated by the



The analysis consisting of three concurrent flows of activity according

to Miles and Huberman (1994: 10) as follows:

1. Data Reduction

Miles and Huberman (1994: 11) “data reduction refers to the process

of selecting, focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data

that appear in written-up field notes or transcriptions.” All the data that

have been collected must be re-analyzed so that it matches to the questions

of research. “Data reduction is a form of analysis that sharpens, sorts,

focuses, discards, and organizes data in such a way that „final‟ conclusions

can be drawn and verified” (Miles and Huberman, 1994: 11).

2. Data Display

The result of data reduction must be analyzed into data display.

According to Miles and Huberman (1994: 11) said that “generally, a

display is an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits

conclusion drawing and action.” The types of data display can be formed

as matrices, graphs, charts, and networks. The researcher must “designing

a display ‒deciding on the rows and columns of a matrix for qualitative

data and deciding which data, in which form, should be entered in the cells

‒are analytic activities” (Miles and Huuberman, 1994: 11).

3. Conclusion Drawing and Verification

The last analysis activity is make conclusion drawing and

verification. Conclusion may appear when the data reduction and data

display is over. According to Miles and Huberman “from the data


collection, the qualitative analyst is beginning to decide what things mean

‒is noting regularities, patterns, explanations, possible configurations,

causal flows, and propositions.” Then, Miles and Huberman (1994: 11)

also said that “the aim of the researcher is to maintaining openness and

skepticism although it still inchoate and vague at first, then increasingly

explicit and grounded, to use the classic term of Glasser and Strauss

(1967)”. Conclusions are also verified as the analyst proceeds.

“Verification may be as brief as fleeting second thought crossing the

analyst‟s mind during writing, with a short excursion back to the field

notes, or it may be thorough and elaborate, with lengthy argumentation

and review among colleagues to develop „intersubjective consensus‟, or

with extensive efforts to replicate a finding in another data set” (miles and

Huberman (1994: 11).

F. Trustworthiness of the Study

In conducting a research trustworthiness of the data is necessary.

“Trustworthiness or rigor of a study refers to the degree of confidence in data,

interpretation, and methods used to ensure the quality of a study” according

Pilot & Beck (2014) in Connelly (2016: 435). In the qualitative research there

are some criteria outlined by Lincoln and Guba (1985) which accepted by

many qualitative researchers such as credibility, dependability,

confirmability, transferability, and authenticity. Then, the researcher uses

triangulation to validate the data that have been collected. According to

Honorene (2016: 91) “Triangulation is a powerful technique that facilitates


validation of data through cross verification from two or more sources.”

Then, according to Sugiyono (2011: 273) in Umi (2017: 33) “triangulation is

not the combination of different kinds of data, but rather than attempt to relate

different sources of data. Triangulation is qualitative cross-validation.”

The data of the study have been triangulated by interview with the

English teacher and observation in Engish learning process in SMALB

Negeri Salatiga. The information collected from interview is cross checked

with the information from observation in the classroom.





Profile of SMALBN Salatiga

The research was conducted in Special Senior High School of Salatiga

(SMALB Negeri Salatiga). Based on the data that collected at Juy, 18th


from the curriculum developer of school (data in the appendices), SMALB

Negeri Salatiga has existed since January 7th

1983 on an area of 3.810 m2 in

geographical position of -7,3403 latitude and 110,4928 longitude. It‟s located

at Jl. Hasanudin Gang III (Cakra) RT 03 RW 12 (50721) Mangunsari village,

Sidomukti sub-district, Salatiga. The building of the school was divided in

two parts of educational level they are Junior High School for special students

(SMPLB) and Senior High School for special students (SMALB). The school

which usually called as SMALB Negeri Salatiga provide education for some

disabilities such as visual impairment (A), hearing impairment (B), mentally

retarded (C), ortopedically handicapped (D), autism, multiple handicap. In the

academic year of 2019/2020 there are 30 students with various disability of

SMALB and 42 teachers and educational staff of SMALB and SMPLB. The

school has a vision “realizing a human being independent, potential, and has

noble morals.” Besides, in order to reach the vision of SMALB Negeri

Salatiga also have some missions and one of them is “increasing the

educational quality by integrate the values of religion, culture, science, and


technology.” While, there are some goals of SMALB itself, they are: grow

the commitment to be independent (menumbuhkan komitmen untuk mandiri),

grow the culture for going to school (menumbuhkan budaya untuk sekolah),

grow the potential abilities (menumbuhkan kemampuan berpotensi),

implement effective management of educators and education staff

(melaksanakan pengelolaan pendidik dan tenaga kependidikan yang efektif),

implement effective management of learning resources (melakasanakan

pengelolaan sumber belajar secara efektif), creating a conducive school

environment (menciptakan lingkungan sekolah yang kondusif). SMALB

Negeri Salatiga also has a website address to share information of the school

that is

B. Data Analysis

1. The Process of English Teaching and Learning for Students with

Hearing Impairment in SMALB Negeri Salatiga

Based on the interview that was conducted at Wednesday, August


2019 in SMALB Negeri Salatiga with the English teacher, the process

of English Language teaching for students with hearing impairment in the

SMALB Negeri Salatiga is different with others. Mrs. E (40 years old) as

the English teacher of SMALB Negeri Salatiga has teach for 9 years to the

special students since 2010 as she said “Saya mulai ngajar disini itu sejak

tahun 2010” (I started to teach here since 2010) Interview, August 14th

2019. She also explains that she graduated from English Department of

UNNES. Mrs. E has no background of special education need at all so that


teaching English language for special students is the first experience for

her by said “Saya dulu kuliah di UNNES dan ambil jurusan pendidikan

bahasa Inggris. Jadi, saya lulusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris saja, tidak

ada latar belakang pendidikan luar biasa. Jadi saya mengajar disini itu ya

sebagai pengalaman pertama saya dan disini saya benar-benar harus

banyak belajar karena saya benar-benar tidak punya basic atau ilmu

pengetahuan mengenai anak berkebutuhan khusus apalagi cara

mentransfer ilmu ke mereka. Jadi ya ini saya masih sambil belajar juga

learning by doing” (I was studied at UNNES and choose English

department. So, I was graduated from English department only, I have no

background of special education knowledge. So that, I teach here as my

first experience and I have to learn because I trully have no basic and

knowledge about students with special need, moreover in the way to

transfer knowledge to them) Interview, August 14th


Besides, it‟s also being a big challenge for her and she never stops to

learn about how to teach for special students especially teaching English

for students with hearing impairment. Mrs. E explains that actually the

students have a good enthusiasm in learning English and liked to do study.

In the interview she also said “iya, ketika pembelajaran itu mereka terlihat

antusias. Misalnya saja pada kegiatan hari raya Idul Adha seperti ini,

yang seharusnya anak-anak belajar dikelas tetapi diganti dengan kegiatan

diluar kelas. Anak-anak juga bilang ke saya „bu, ayo belajar...‟ selain itu,

ketika pembelajaran pun mereka juga memperhatikan dengan baik...ya


walaupun, selang 40-50 menit kemudian mereka ngobrol sendiri dengan

teman-temannya. Tapi sebenarnya anak-anak itu senang belajar, antusias

juga sih” (Yes, in the learning process they look enthusiastic. For

example, when we are having activities outside such as the celebration of

Eid al-Adha like this they actually say,s ma‟am let‟s study. Besides, when

the learning process was on going, 10-20 minutes in the first the students

pay attention to the teacher thoroughly but after that they talking at each

other. But, actually they like to learn and also enthusiastic) Interview,

August 14th

2019. This is because of they still have difficult to understand

Indonesian language, moreover English language which as a foreign


Then in the interview the researcher also ask how the way Mrs. E

motivates her students in learning English? Mrs. E answers as this, “nah

itu dia mbak, saya juga bingung apa yang memotivasi mereka dalam

belajar bahasa inggris, karena untuk bahasa Indonesia saja kan bahasa

yang asing bagi mereka. Mereka belajar bahasa Indonesia saja kadang

masih terbalik-balik, apalagi belajar bahasa Inggris yang pola kalimatnya

juga berbeda lagi. Tapi, ketika sedang tidak pembelajaran mereka juga

mengajak „bu, ayo belajar‟. Mungkin karena saya dekat dengan mereka

sih mbak, saya kan sering ngobrol dengan mereka secara personal, jadi

mereka merasa nyaman dengan saya. Selain itu, saya pun juga jadi bisa

lebih paham dengan masing-masing dari mereka” (nah, that‟s the point, I

also confused what can motivate them in learning English. Even,


Indonesian language such as foreign language for them. They learn

Indonesian language even sometimes still back and forth, moreover

learning English which has different formula. but when there is no learning

activity they alsway said, mom, let‟s study. Maybe, it‟s because of we

have a good relationship, I often talk to them personally so they might feel

comfortable with me. Besides, from that I was also able to understand

more about each of them) Interview, August 14th

2019. Mrs. E always

motivates the students by doing psychological approach personally. Mrs. E

often gives more attention to them, sharing experiences, and talking with


Besides, Mrs. E also use various methods and media which

appropriate to their needs in the learning process so the students feel

interested and easy to understand the material of the subject, although not

all of the method or media match with all students. The process of English

teaching and learning for students with hearing impairment in this context

uses different methods forevery language skills as follows:

a) Listening Skills

In the teaching listening skills of English language, Mrs E usually

plays the video for the students. Mrs. E plays the video using LCD or

share the video via Whatsapp. Then the students asked to listens the

video by watching the picture and the English translation text, because

of the limitation of the students in hearing organ. After that, Mrs. E will

ask them to guess what the video talk about. The explanation above


based on her answer as this “Kalo untuk skill listening biasanya sih

saya putarkan video yang ada subtitle bahasa inggrisnya ataupun

bahasa indonesia. Jadi mereka lebih fokus ke tulisan, karena kan

mereka tidak bisa mendengar jadi untuk listening saya minta mereka

untuk menyimak tulisannya saja” (for teaching listening skill I usually

play the video which there is English/Indonesian subtitle inside. So,

they focus on the text. Due to they can‟t hear the sound so I ask them to

focus on the text only) Interview, August 14th


b) Reading Skills

Based on the interview, the teacher also answers

“Reading....biasanya anak-anak saya kirimi teks. Saya share lewat

grup WA gitu lalu mereka saya minta untuk mentranslate dengan

kamus ataupun kalo mereka sedang malas ya google translate. Tapi

setidaknya mereka paham inti isi teks tersebut, jadi ketika ada soal

mereka masih bisa menjawabnya walaupun dengan mengira-ngira

jawabannya” (for reading....I usually send a text for students. I share

via Whatsapp class group, then I ask them to translate using dictionary

or sometimes google translate. But, at least they understand the content

of the text, so they able to answer the questions) Interview, August 14th

2019. In the teaching reading skills of English language teaching Mrs.

E uses Grammar-Translation Method. Mrs. E gives the students an

English language text or shares it into class group via Whatsapp. So, the

students use cellphone as the media of learning. It‟s more practice and


interesting for them. Then, Mrs E asks them to translate the text into

Indonesian language. The students translate using manual

dictionary/electronic dictionary/google translation. After read the

translation and get the meaning of the text the students answer the


c) Speaking Skills

Teaching speaking skills for students with hearing impairment

was not easy because before pronounce the vocabulary the students

must listen first. Besides, the pronunciation of English word has

difference with the spelling. In the interview she explains that “setiap

kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan materi speaking saya tulis

pelafalannya dengan bahasa yang mereka pahami” (every vocabulary

which related with the material of speaking I write the pronounciation

into a language that understandable for them) Interview, August 14th

2019. So that, in the teaching speaking skills Mrs. E uses whiteboard

as the media to write down the phonetic of word. Mrs. E writes down

the pronunciation of the English word but into Indonesian characters.

For example, the word “good” written into “gud”, “hi” written into

“hai”, “how are you?” written into “hou ar yu?”, and etc. Those method

was effective enough to make the students understand in spite of they

still need lots of help in pronouncing the word. As the evidence, the

students was able to pronounce greeting such as hi, hallo, good


morning, how are you according to the ability of each student with

assisted by Mrs. E.

d) Writing Skills

In teaching writing skills the teacher usually uses vocabulary card

method. Based on the observation at Tuesday, 20th

August 2019 the

process of learning followed by 6 students with hearing impairment in

the eleventh and twelfth grade which consists of 4 male students and 2

female students. The English learning start from 12.30 p.m. until 13.30

p.m. The material is talking about simple past tenses. Before teaching

English Language, Mrs. E as the English teacher of SMALB Negeri

Salatiga make a teaching preparation, such as preparing the material,

method, and media. The teacher didn‟t make a lesson plan because of

there is no syllabus. The teacher take focus to the materials which

needed for National Examination due to teaching English language

need a long time. In the 60 minutes duration of learning, Mrs. E teachs

the students about simple past tense use writing skill. Based on the

English book Buku Siswa Tuna Rungu SMALB Kelas 11 (2016), there

are 3 of instructional goal, such as: (1) ask for information about past

activity; (2) give the information about past activity; (3) use correct

language to tell past activity (focus past tense). Mrs. E takes the

materials from the book entitled “Buku Siswa Tunarungu Bahasa

Inggris SMALB Kelas XI Tahun 2016)”. For the preparation of

material about simple past tense, Mrs E gives many examples of the


sentence followed the pictures from a handbook such as “I stayed at

home, I swept the floor yesterday, I did my homework, etc”. In the

teaching those material, Mrs. E uses vocabularies card which use paper

and white board as the main media.

Based on the rubric of observation sheet which in the appendices

the learning process started from 12.30 p.m. which the class is located

in the 2nd

floor of left corner. The students come in the class on time

after the bell rings. They immediately sit down on their places and

prepare their learning need such as book, ballpoint, etc. After 5 minutes

later, Mrs. E comes in the class and gives greeting to the students in

oral language and sign language, such as “Hello. Good afternoon. How

are you today?” Then, the students give the response using sign

language. The students also give response in oral language in English

according to their abilities. Before teachs the material Mrs. E leads the

students for pray to God and the students following the lip‟s gesture of

Mrs. E which uses Indonesian language. Mrs. E also checks the

attendance of the students and there are two students which didn‟t come

in the English learning class. Although the number of students with

hearing impairment in grades XI and XII should be 8. Mrs. E calls the

students one by one and they answer it politely.

In 12.40 p.m. Mrs. E starts to explain the material by review the

material which has explained last week. Mrs. E asks to the students

such as “Apa itu simple past tense yang sudah ibu jelaskan


kemarin?Apa dek? Ingat nggak? Lupa ya?” (What is simple past tense

as my explanation yesterday? Do you remember that?) observation, 20th

August 2019. After waiting for a minute, there is no answer from the

students. They just look at each other. Then, Mrs. E explains again the

material of past tense about how to make positive, negative, and

interrogative past tense sentences. Mrs. E writes down the formula and

gives the example one by one. She also underlines the “verb change” to

notify the students as important thing. The students pay attention to the

teacher enthusiastic.

After 20 minutes reviewing the material, Mrs. E invites the

students to play a game. The game is named “vocabularies card”. Mrs.

E explains the rule of the game before playing the game. First, Mrs. E

provides some vocabularies of verb 1, verb 2, and the meaning in the

paper which have cut into small paper. Second, the students asked to

choose one of verb 1, verb 2, and the meaning. Third, the students are

given 5 minutes to make a positive, negative, and interrogative of past

tense sentence. Fourth, the students asked to write down the result of

their task on the white board. Fifth, discuss the task together. After

understanding how to play the game, the students start to look for one

of verb 1, verb 2, and the meaning. They look enthusiastic and also a

little bit confused. After find the vocabulary, the students write down

the sentence in front of the class. Mrs. E helps the students when make

the sentence and she always reminds the students if they write the


sentence reversely. Although the students still often make a mistake,

they always try and never give up. After all of the students finished

write down their task in front of the class, Mrs. E checks the result and

discusses it together. Mrs. E asks the students one by one about their

task “Ini pekerjaan Wanda sudah benar belum dek?” (Is Wanda‟s task

has true?) Then the students answer “Benar atau salah” (true or false)

in sign language. Then, Mrs. E asks again “salahnya dimana ? apa

yang kurang?” (Where is the mistake? What is the missing from the

text?) observation, August 20th

2019. The students recheck the task and

after find the mistake they make a correction.

In 13.20 p.m. the English learning has finished. The class is

running well. All of the students prepare to go home, but before that

Mrs. E asks the students “paham dek?” (Understand?), then the

students answer “paham” (undesrtand) using sign language. The last,

Mrs. E leads the students pray to God.

Besides, in the teaching writing skills the teacher also explains as

follows “Mm....kalo untuk writing paling saya kasih soal teks rumpang.

Jujur kalo sudah nyangkut-nyangkut grammar gitu saya sendiri juga

bingung mbak menjelaskannya bagaimana. Karena pola kalimatnya itu

kan berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia, jadi mereka yang penguasaan

bahasa Indonesianya saja masih lemah, kadang masih suka terbalik-

balik, ditambah lagi dengan pola kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang

berbeda lagi. Kalo untuk ngajar grammar paling ya saya hanya


memberi banyak contoh saja sih, jadi nanti lama-kelamaan mereka

akhirnya paham atau tahu guidline nya” (Mm...for teaching writing

skills I give a task such as completing the text. Honestly, for grammar

sometimes I also confused how the way to explain it. Because, the

formula is very different with Indonesian language. Moreover, they

have low Indonesian language mastery and still speak reversely. When I

teach about grammar I usually give many examples so they know the

guidline) Interview, August 14th

2019. The students has difficulty in

understanding grammar due to the difference formula to the Indonesian

language. The students who have imperfect Indonesian language were

more difficult in learning English. Mrs. E often finds the sentence in a

reversed pattern. Then, to overcome this problem Mrs. E usually give

many examples of each material by share the learning material for the

students via Whatsapp. In the learning process, the students use

cellphone as the media of learning. After read the text, the students

asked to answer the questions such as complete the dialogue, fill in the

blank space of the paragraph, jumble sentences, make a sentence from

the series of pictures, describing thing, and etc.

2. The Problems Faced by the Teacher in English Teaching and

Learning for Students with Hearing Impairment in SMALB Negeri


There are some problems in English teaching and learning for

students with hearing impairment in this context, they are:


a) Sentence in a reversed pattern

In the observation which conducted at Tuesday, August 20th


the problem mostly happen is the students make a sentence in reversed

pattern. In teaching simple past tense for writing skills the teacher ask

the students to make a sentence in positive, negative, and interogative

of simple past tense. Then, the researcher analyse the task result of each

students with hearing impairment as follows:

1) AN (A)

A is the student with hearing impairment in eleventh grade, but

he didn‟t comes to the class when English language learning was

running. So that the researcher can‟t describes his metacognitive

assessment during the lesson.

2) HAAQ (H)

H the student who is sits down at the second chair from left side.

In the learning process, H follows the lesson well and listens to the

teacher‟s explanation carefully. He is also takes a note of the

material. Then H is able to answer the question from the teacher and

do the task enthusiastic. The teacher asks H to choose one verb from

the vocabularies card and make past tense sentences. Here is the


(+) Hilmy slept in bedroom.

(-) Hilmy didn‟t sleep in

(?) Did Hilmy in bedroom ?


Based on the result of the task above, he looks confused when

the teacher ask him to write down positive, negative, and

interrogative sentences of past tense in front of the class from the

vocabularies card which has chosen. The teacher helps him by giving

direction slowly. Then, H is able to make past tense sentences.

Although the result is still reverse or uncomplete. The positive

sentence is lack of article “the”, and in the negative sentence was

lack of “adverb”. Besides, in the interrogative sentence H didn‟t

write the verb 1 of the sentence. Moreover, the mistake that often

occur was about placing verb 1 and verb 2.

3) MSSR (S)

S is the student with hearing impairment in eleventh grade, but

he didn‟t comes to the class when English language learning was

running. So that, the researcher can‟t describes his metacognitive

assessment during the lesson.

4) MV (M)

M the student who is sits down at the first chair from left side. In

the learning process, M follows the lesson well and listens to the

teacher‟s explanation carefully, although he feels more difficult than

another due to his double disabilities. M is a student with hearing

impairment and also mentally retarded. He also takes a note of the

material. Then, M is able to answer the question from the teacher

and do the task enthusiastic. The teacher asks M to choose one verb


from the vocabularies card and make past tense sentences. Here is

the result:

(+) Musa studied Mathematic.

(-) Musa didn‟t studied Mathematic.

(?) Did Musa studied Mathematic?

Based on the result of the task above, he looks confused when

the teacher ask him to write down positive, negative, and

interrogative sentences of past tense in front of the class from the

vocabularies card which has chosen. The teacher helps him by giving

direction slowly. Then, M is able to make past tense sentences.

Although the result is still reverse. The positive sentence has true,

but in the negative and interrogative sentences the predicate was

“verb 2” whereas it should be using “verb 1”. The mistake that often

occur was about placing verb 1 and verb 2.

5) SNH (N)

N the student who is sits down at the third chair from left side.

In the learning process, N follows the lesson very well and listens to

the teacher‟s explanation carefully. Moreover N is a student who has

good Indonesian language mastery so that she is easier to accept the

material than another. During the lesson, she also takes a note of the

material. Then N is able to answer the question from the teacher and

do the task enthusiastic. Even, N is able to write down two positive,

negative, and interrogative sentences of past tense in front of the


class from the vocabularies card which has chosen. The teacher helps

her by giving direction just once or twice. Besides, she makes a

discussion with her partner named W. Then, N is able to make past

tense sentences and here is the result:

(Task I)

(+) Nurul buy book last Saturday.

(-) Nurul didn‟t bought book last Saturday.

(?) Did Nurul bought book last Saturday?

(Task II)

(+) Nurul drink water white.

(-) Nurul didn‟t drank water white.

(?) Did Nurul drank water white.

Based on the result above, the task is still reverse. The positive

sentence is lack of article “a”, and in the negative and interrogative

sentences the predicate was “verb 2” whereas it should be using

“verb 1”. The mistake that often occur was about placing verb 1 and

verb 2”. While in the task 2 the mistakes almost same with the task


6) ASP (AS)

AS the student who sits down at the fifth chair from left side. In

the learning process, AS follows the lesson well and listens to the

teacher‟s explanation carefully. He also takes a note of the material.

Then AS is able to answer the question from the teacher and do the


task enthusiastic. The teacher asks AS to choose one verb from the

vocabularies card and make past tense sentences. Here is the result:

(+) Aqshal ate fried chicken

(-) Aqshal didn‟t fried chicken

(?) Did Aqshal fried chicken?

Based on the result of the task above, he looks confused when

the teacher ask him to write down positive, negative, and

interrogative sentences of past tense in front of the class from the

vocabularies card which has chosen. The teacher helps him by giving

direction slowly. Then, AS is able to make past tense sentences.

Although the result is still reverse or uncomplete. The positive

sentence has true, but in the negative and interrogative sentences the

predicate was “verb 2” whereas it should be using “verb 1”. The

mistake that often occur was about placing verb 1 and verb 2.

7) PSN (D)

D the student who is sits down at the sixth chair from left side.

In the learning process, D follows the lesson well and listens to the

teacher‟s explanation carefully. He also takes a note of the material.

Then D is able to answer the question from the teacher and do the

task enthusiastic. The teacher asks D to choose one verb from the

vocabularies card and make past tense sentences. He looks confused

when the teacher ask him to write down positive, negative, and

interrogative sentences of past tense in front of the class from the


vocabularies card which has chosen. The teacher helps him by giving

direction slowly. Then, D is able to make past tense sentences.

Although the result was still reverse or uncomplete. Here is the


(+) Deva cook egg today

(-) Deva didn‟t cooked egg today

(?) Did Deva memasak egg today?

Based on the result above, in the positive sentence is false,

because it using “verb 1” whereas it should be using “verb 2”. While

in the negative sentence the predicate is “verb 2”, whereas it should

be using “verb 1”. Even, in the interrogative sentence the predicate

was using Indonesian language. The mistake that often occur is

about placing verb 1 and verb 2.

8) FWA (W)

W the student who sits down at the fourth chair from left side. In

the learning process, W follows the lesson very well and listens to

the teacher‟s explanation carefully. Moreover W is a student who has

good Indonesian language mastery, so that she is easier to accept the

material than another. During the lesson, she also takes a note of the

material. Then W is able to answer the question from the teacher and

do the task enthusiastic. Even, W is able to write down two positive,

negative, and interrogative sentences of past tense in front of the

class from the vocabularies card which has chosen. The teacher helps


her by giving direction just once or twice. Besides, she makes a

discussion with her partner named N. Then, W is able to make past

tense sentences. Although the result was still reverse. Here is the


Task I

(+) Wanda made flower today

(-) Wanda didn‟t make flower today

(?) Did Wanda make flower today?

Task II

(+) Azril swam water park yesterday

(-) Azril didn‟t swim water park yesterday

(?) Did Azril swim water park yesterday?

Based on the result above, in the task I the positive, negative,

and interrogative sentences have true whereas in the task II, actually

the positive, negative, and interrogative sentences have true but they

were lack of preposition “at”.

b) Misunderstanding

In the process of learning, misunderstanding often occurs between

the teacher and students based on the information from the interview

the teacher said “Sebenarnya untuk semua skill permasalahannya sama

saja sih mbak, sering terjadi miskomunikasi. Jadi saya tidak paham

mereka, mereka juga tidak paham sama saya. Jadinya ya nggak

nyambung. Karena kalo bahasa Inggris itu kan antara tulisan dengan


pelafalan itu berbeda, belum lagi artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Jadi

mereka ya agak kesulitan”(Actually, the problem of all skills almost

same that is miscommunication. So, I don‟t understand them and they

don‟t understand me. So that it‟s not match. Because in the English

language between the text and the pronuciation is different, then the

meaning in Indonesian also different. So they rather difficult in learning

English) Interview, August 14th

2019. Sometimes the teacher feels

difficulty in delivering the material due to imperfect Indonesian

language of the students. Besides, the students use sign language to

express their idea, meanwhile Mrs. E who has no basic of teaching for

special students so that she didn‟t fully understand about sign language.

c) Lack of Indonesian Language Mastery

The student‟s limitation in hearing cause the lack of language

vocabulary input. It causes the students get imperfect first language

such as Mrs. E said “selain itu, penguasaan bahasa Indonesia mereka

yang belum sempurna juga menjadi permasalahan tersendiri. Tapi kalo

sejak kecil basic pemerolehan bahasa sudah bagus akan mempermudah

dalam belajar bahasa Inggris, ya sama seperti belajar mata pelajaran

yang lainnya. Karena saya pernah studi banding di SMP khusus untuk

tuna rungu. Di sana sejak kecil pemerolehan bahasanya sudah bagus,

jadi lulus SD itu mereka sudah purna bahasa, sehingga pembelajaran

bahasa Inggris pun juga akan lebih mudah” (Besides, imperfect

Indonesian language mastery becomes another problem. But, if they


have a good first language mastery as early as possible it will make

learning English more easier. Because I ever did a consederation study

at Junior High School especially for hearing impairment. There, since

they are children, the language acquisition is good. After graduated

form Elementary School they have been mastering the language, then

learning English will be easier) Interview, August 14th

2019. Based on

the information above when the students have been mastering fist

language perfectly, the students easier to learn English language same

with another subject.

d) Lack of English Vocabulary (Abstract Words)

The another information about problems that finds by the teacher

is the students lack of English Vocabulary es pecially for abstract

words, the teacher said “kalo untuk yang kata-kata abstrak pun mereka

sedikit kesulitan terlebih untuk hal-hal yang jarang mereka temui atau

lakukan”(For the abstract‟s vocabulary they also have difficulty

moreover for something which they find or do rarely) Interview, August


2019. The students with hearing impairment was easy to understand

concrete vocabulary, but difficult to understand abstract vocabulary.

Moreover, they can‟t hear the pronunciation of the word so that the

students also difficult to remember the vocabulary.

e) Lack of Media

One of the problems of teaching English language also causes by

the limitation of learning media. The students have no English book as


a handbook. Even, the teacher teach the students use soft-file of the

English book, as she said“karena, buku pegangan untuk bahasa Inggris

saja kita download” (Because, for the English language handbook we

just donwload it) Interview, August 14th

2019. The government does not

pay attention enough in facilitating learning needs of students with

special needs. In the interview the teacher said “ini sudah termasuk

bagus mbak. Karena untuk beberapa tahun kemarin kita malah nggak

ada pegangan sama sekali. Bahkan pernah tahun dulu itu kita hanya

dapat SKKD. Kurang tau juga sih ya mbak, mungkin perhatian

pemerintah kurang. Tapi untuk tahun-tahun terakhir ini sudah lumayan

bagus, bahkan sekarang ini sudah ada tim pembuat buku nasional.

Cuman tidak tau juga mbak, karena pemerintah kan juga terbatas,

entah bermasalah di bagian pendistribusiannya atau apanya saya juga

kurang tau. Kemarin sempat dapat buku juga kelas berapa itu, tapi

ya....Cuma sedikit. Sedangkan untuk yang tahun ini saya download

semua. Karena kalau misal mau buat silabus tanpa adanya buku kan

juga susah mbak... jadi saya ya bingung buatnya bagaimana. Nah, kalo

untuk pegangan anak-anak saya share bukunya lewat grup WA. Jadi

setiap pembelajaran atau saya mau ngasih tugas mereka selalu

memakai hp nya sebagai media pembelajaran” (It‟s better than last

year mbak, because for last few years we have no book at all. Even, we

ever just hold on SKKD. I don‟t know the reason, may be it due to less

attention from the government. But, for this last few years there is


progress, even there has been a national book team maker. But I don‟t

know what the problem, is it because of the limitation of government or

the distribution or another else. Then, for last year we just have some

books, and for this year I just download the book for all class. This

problem obstruct me to make syllabus. Meanwhile the handbook for

students, I share the book softfile via WA. So in the learning process

when I give a task for them, they always bring the phone call as the

media) Interview, August 14th


So that Mrs. E shares the book in soft-file form to the students via

Whatsapp. Then, the students always use cellphone as the media of


3. The Profile of Students wih Hearing Impairment in English Teaching

and Learning

The profile of students teaching and learning in this context shows that,

they are:

a. Full of Spirit and Enthusiasm

The students have a good spirit and enthusiasm in English lesson

as the teacher said “iya, ketika pembelajaran itu mereka terlihat

antusias. Misalnya saja pada kegiatan hari raya Idul Adha seperti ini,

yang seharusnya anak-anak belajar dikelas tetapi diganti dengan

kegiatan diluar kelas. Anak-anak juga bilang ke saya „bu, ayo

belajar...‟ selain itu, ketika pembelajaran pun mereka juga

memperhatikan dengan baik...ya walaupun, selang 40-50 menit


kemudian mereka ngobrol sendiri dengan teman-temannya. Tapi

sebenarnya anak-anak itu senang belajar, antusias juga sih” (Yes, in

the learning process they look enthusiastic. For example, when we are

having activities outside such as the celebration of Eid al-Adha like this

they actually says ma‟am let‟s study. Besides, when the learning

process was on going, 40-50 minutes in the first the students pay

attention to the teacher thoroughly but after that they talking at each

other. But, actually they like to learn and also enthusiastic) Interview,

August 14th

2019. Besides, this also prove by picture in the document.

The students look enthusiastic to do the task in front of the class.

Besides, based on the observational checklist for students affective

in the learning process which attached in the appendices, the students

have a good attitude during English learning process. The students

come on time after the bell rings. They also wear uniform neatly and sit

down politely. The students bring the learning need by themselves.

After the teacher comes and greets the students, they answer in a good

language and good mannered intonation. Then, the students pray

together and pay attention to the material which explained by the

teacher. The students also ask to the teacher when they feel difficult to

understand the material. When the teacher asks the students to express

their idea or answer the questions or doing a task in individual/group

which related to the material, the students feel confident and


enthusiastic. The students do the work honestly and also help each

other. They do it well and ask to the teacher when they find difficulties.

b. Able to Answer the Questions

The students were able to answer the questions based on the text, as

Mrs. E said “mereka paham inti isi teks tersebut, jadi ketika ada soal

mereka masih bisa menjawabnya walaupun dengan mengira-ngira

jawabannya” (They understand the content of text, so when there is a

task they able to answer it) Interview, August 14th


c. Able to Make Sentence

The students were able to make a sentence by follow the formula.

This proven by the picture which show the result of the task of the

students in the document.

d. Easy to Undertstand Concrete Vocabulary

The students were easy to understand vocabulary especially

concrete vocabulary, as the teacher said “Mm....kalo untuk kecakapan,

mereka itu paling mudah dalam belajar vocabulary, khususnya untuk

kosa kata yang nyata atau berwujud” (Mm...for the proficiency of

students, they are easy in learning vocabulary especially for the

vocabulary that concrete) Interview, August 14th

2019. The students

easier to understand the vocabulary such as things in the class, part of

body, food, drink, etc.


e. Able to Response Greeting

The students able to give response of greeting, as the teacher said

“setiap kali pertemuan, siswa sudah mampu menjawab salam dari saya

dalam bahasa Inggris. Mereka speaking juga, ya walaupun terbatas.

Sebisa merekalah pokoknya...tetapi kalo untuk Wanda untuk salam

seperti „good morning, how are you‟ sudah bisa menjawab dengan baik

dibandingkan yang lainnya” (every meeting, students able to answer

the greeting from me in English. Interview, August 14th

2019). In every

meeting the students able to give response the greeting from the teacher

in English although as their abilities. But, Wanda has been able to give

response the greeting well.

f. Achieve Minimum Standard Completeness (KKM)

In the observation, the researcher also collect the data of student‟s

cognitive assessment as the another evidence of English learning result.

The score is taken by the teacher in the first week, before the researcher

doing observation. So that, the material was different and there is no

correlation to the material which used by the teacher when the

researcher doing observation. Here is the first exercise assessment of

English language learning in the 1st semester.



Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kelas 11B

Semester 1 (Satu)

No Nama Siswa UH Rata2



Akhir 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. AN 75

2. HAAQ 80

3. MSSR 75

4. MVA 75

5. SNH 85

Keterangan :

KKM : 65

Rentang Nilai : 65-76 = C

77-88 = B

89-100 = A


Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kelas 12B

Semester 1 (Satu)

No Nama Siswa UH Rata2



Akhir 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. ASP 80

2. PSN 80

3. FWA 85


Keterangan :

KKM : 65

Rentang Nilai : 65-76 = C

77-88 = B

89-100 = A

From the data which has explained above, all students get the score

more than the minimum criteria/KKM (65). The score‟s interval

classified into three degree, they are 65-76 categorized into point of C

(good enough), 77-88 categorized into point of B (good), and 89-100

categorized into point of A (very good). There are five students which

categorized into point B (good), they are HAAQ (80), SNH (85), ASP

(80), PSN (80), FWA (85). Then there are three students which are

categorized into point C (good enough) they are AN (75), MSSR (75),

MVA (75). The mean of student‟s score of eleventh and twelfth grade

was 79.38 based on the formula such as follows: X= ∑


= 79.38

X is the symbol of mean of the scores in the class, ∑ is the

symbol of the sum of all scores, while is the symbol of sum of all

students in the class. So, ∑

per = 79.38.





Based on the findings and analysis which has explained above, it can

concluded that students with hearing impairment of SMALBN Salatiga have

follow the process of learning English very well. It was proven based on the

observation which done by the researcher with the following result:

1. The Process of Teaching and Learning for Students with Hearing

Impairment in SMALB Negeri Salatiga

The teaching and learning for students with hearing impairment in

this context uses different methods for every language skills.

a) Listening Skills

In teaching listening skills the teacher usually plays the video

for the students. Mrs. E plays the video using LCD or share the video

via Whatsapp. Then the students asked to listens the video by

watching the picture and the English translation text, because of the

limitation of the students in hearing organ. After that, Mrs. E will ask

them to guess what the video talk about.

b) Reading Skills

In teaching reading skills Mrs. E uses Grammar-Translation

Method. Mrs. E gives the students an English language text or shares

it into class group via Whatsapp. So, the students use cellphone as


the media of learning. It‟s more practice and interesting for them.

Then, Mrs E asks them to translate the text into Indonesian language.

The students translate using manual dictionary/electronic

dictionary/google translation. After read the translation and get the

meaning of the text the students answer the questions.

c) Speaking skills

Teaching speaking skills for students with hearing impairment

was not easy because before pronounce the vocabulary the students

must listen first. Besides, the pronunciation of English word has

difference with the spelling. So that, in the teaching speaking skills

Mrs. E uses whiteboard as the media to write down the phonetic of

word. Mrs. E writes down the pronunciation of the English word but

into Indonesian characters. For example, the word “good” written

into “gud”, “hi” written into “hai”, “how are you?” written into “hou

ar yu?”, and etc.

d) Writing Skills

In writing skills the teacher usually uses vocabulary card

method. The teaching and learning which conducted at Tuesday,

August 20th

2019 followed by 6 students with hearing impairment of

XI and XII grade. Mrs. E teachs about simple past tense use

“vocabularies card” method and use paper and whiteboard as the

media. The learning process start from 12.30 until 14.00 p.m. Mrs. E

review the material in 20 minute. After that Mrs. E asked the


students to choose one of vocabularies card which consist of verb1,

verb2, and the meaning. Then, the students asked to make a past

tense sentence (positive, negative, and interogative) and write it in

the whiteboard. The students look enthusiastic and follow the

learning process well. Besides, in the learning process, the students

use cellphone as the media of learning. After read the text which has

shared via cellphone, the students asked to answer the questions such

as complete the dialogue, fill in the blank space of the paragraph,

jumble sentences, make a sentence from the series of pictures,

describing thing, and etc.

2. The Problems Faced by the Teacher in English Teaching and Learning

for Students with Hearing Impairment in SMALB Negeri Salatiga

There are some problems in English teaching and learning for

students with hearing impairmen in this context, they are:

misundersatnding; lack of Indonesian language mastery; lack of English

vocabulary; and lack of media. Besides, based on the observation which

conducted at Tuesday, August 20th

2019, the problem mostly happen is

the students make a sentence in reversed pattern. For example in the

negative sentence MV use verb 2 as the predicate of sentence whereas it

should be use verb 1.

3. The Profile of Students in English Teaching and Learning for Students

with Hearing Impairment in SMALB Negeri Salatiga


The profile of students in English teaching and learning in this

context shows that they are full spirit and enthisiasm, easy to understand

concrete vocabulary, able to response greeting, and achieve Minimum

Standard Completeness (KKM). The score‟s interval classified into three

degree, they are 65-76 categorized into point C (good enough), 77-88

point B (good), and 89-100 (very good). Based on the student‟s data

score there are five students who categorized into point B (good), they

are HAAQ, SNH, ASP, PSN, FWA. Then there are three students who

categorized into point C (good enough) they are AN, MSSR, MVA. The

mean of scores in the class is 79.38.

Besides, based on the observation in teaching and learning process

the students have a good attitude during the learning process. The

students come on time, wear the uniform neatly and sit down politely.


Based on the result of the data analysis and conclusion, the writer

proposes some suggestions as follows:

1. The English teacher of SMALBN Salatiga should more creative in

teaching English language, such as create a new media and method of

learning to make the students easy to understand the material.

2. Due to not all people understand how to teach difable students, so that the

Institution of SMALBN Salatiga should give more training and

socialization for the teachers especially English teacher and also the

parents about teaching for students with hearing impairment.


3. The other researcher should make classroom action research due to the

research for difable students mostly conducted in qualitative research.



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I. Personal Details

Name : Anis Nur Arifah

Place & Date of Birth : Semarang Regency, 10 January 1997

Gender : Female

Religion : Islam

Occupation : Student

University : State Institute for Islamic Studies (IAIN) Salatiga

Faculty : Teacher Training and Education Faculty

Department : English Education

Nationality : Indonesian

Address : Pengkok, Jlumpang Rt/Rw 01/04 Kec. Bancak,

Kab. Semarang

Phone Number : 085802484462

E-mail : [email protected]


II. Formal Education

Period School/University

2002 2003 TK Jlumpang

2003 2009 SDN Jlumpang

2009 2012 SMPN 1 Bringin

2012 2015 SMAN 1 Bringin

2015 2019 IAIN Salatiga

Salatiga, 1 September 2019

The Researcher

Anis Nur Arifah











A. Implementation of Teaching English Language for Students with Hearing

Impairment at Eleventh Grade of SMALB Negeri Salatiga 2019

1. Teaching Preparation

No Preparation Steps



Yes No

1. Lesson Plan

2. Instructional Goal

3. Preparation of material

4. Preparation method



Time of research











5. Preparation of the media

2. Learning Process

No Components Aspects Observing


Yes No

1. Teaching



The preparation of

the instructional


The teacher usually

makes a preparation

before teaching

The teacher teach

based on curriculum

The preparation

material The teacher prepare

the aim materials

before teaching

The teacher prepare

book as teaching


The preparation


The teacher prepares

the method appropriate

with the material

Using grammatical



Using natural


The preparation of


The teacher prepares

what kind of media

will be used in the


Using textbook

Using dictionary

Using picture

Using computer

Using video

2. Application

of teaching


The classroom



The teacher give

greeting to the students

The teacher check

the students attendant

The teacher prepare

use English Book as

the material

The application of

process teaching


The teacher

presenting the material

based on syllabus

during teaching


learning activity

The teacher ask the

students to give

mention based on a


The teacher give a

exercise for the


The teacher discuss

the exercise with the


The evaluation

step (closing)

The teacher ask the

students that the

students have or

haven‟t a difficulties in

teaching learning


The teacher give a

solve to the problem in

teaching English

The teacher give a

homework for the


3. Observational Checklist for Student‟s Affective in the Learning Process

No Kegiatan Siswa Keterlaksanaan

Keterangan Yes No

1 Datang tepat waktu sebelum

bel berbunyi

2 Berpakaian rapi serta duduk

dengan sopan

3 Membawa kebutuhan belajar


4 Menjawab salam dari guru

dengan bahasa dan nada

yang santun

5 Berdoa mulai pelajaran

dengan khidmat

6 Menjawab absensi dari guru

7 Mendengarkan penjelasan

yang disampaikan oleh

guru dengan seksama

8 Bertanya apabila ada materi

yang belum dipahami

9 Mengemukakan gagasan

yang berhubungan dengan

materi yang disampaikan

oleh guru

10 Menjawab pertanyaan dari


11 Mengerjakan tugas dengan

baik sesuai yang

diperintahkan oleh guru

baik individu/kelompok


The teacher give

evaluation to the

students in teaching

learning material



12 Tidak menyontek pekerjaan


13 Saling tolong-menolong

sesama teman

14 Mengerjakan tugas dengan

baik dan bertanya apabila

ada kesulitan

15 Berdoa selesai pelajaran serta

menjawab salam dari


4. Observational Rubric for Student‟s Cognitive in Learning Process

No Name Score KKM









5. Observational Rubric for Student‟s Metacognitive in Learning Process

No Name Comment











Intrument of Research

Lembar Interview

Tanggal :

Narasumber :

Jabatan :

Usia :

Jenis Kelamin :

1. Sudah berapa lama ibu mengajar di SMALB Negeri Salatiga ini ?

2. Apakah ibu berasal dari jurusan pendidikan luar biasa ?

3. Apakah sebelumnya ibu memiliki pengalaman mengajar anak berkebutuhan

khusus terlebih lagi untuk siswa tuna rungu ?

4. Berapa banyak jumlah siswa tuna rungu kelas 11?

5. Bagaimana perasaan ibu ketika harus mengajar bahasa Inggris untuk siswa

tunarungu ?

6. Apakah siswa tampak tertarik/antusias dengan pelajarannya.

7. Apa yang memotivasi siswa, bahwa siswa harus belajar bahasa inggris?

8. Bagaimanakah silabus yang diterapkan untuk siswa tunarungu ?

9. Apakah prospek untuk di masa yang akan datang untuk siswa tunarungu yang

belajar bahasa inggris ?

10. Bagaiamanakah implementasi pemebelajaran bahasa inggris untuk siswa

tunarungu kelas XI SMALB N Salatiga?

11. Sebelum memulai pelajaran apa saja yang ibu persiapkan ?


12. Apakah ibu mempersiapkan RPP, tujuan pembelajaran, materi, metode,

media ?

13. Berkenaan dengan keterbatasan siswa, bagaimana cara ibu menjelaskan

pembelajaran kepada siswa ?

14. Berkenaan dengan keterbatasan siswa, apakah ibu mengajarkan semua skill

dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris kepada siswa ?

15. Metode apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill listening ?

16. Metode apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill reading ?

17. Metode apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill speaking ?

18. Metode apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill writing ?

19. Media apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill listening ?

20. Media apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill reading ?

21. Media apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill speaking ?

22. Media apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill writing ?

23. Pendekatan apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill listening ?

24. Pendekatan apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill speaking ?

25. Pendekatan apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill reading ?

26. Pendekatan apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill writing ?

27. Teknik apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill listening ?

28. Teknik apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill speaking ?

29. Teknik apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill reading ?

30. Teknik apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill writing ?


31. Berdasarkan penjelasan ibu tadi mngenai pembelajaran bahasa inggris,

permasalahan apa yang ibu sering temui saat mengajarkan skill listening ?

32. Berdasarkan penjelasan ibu tadi mngenai pembelajaran bahasa inggris,

permasalahan apa yang ibu sering temui saat mengajarkan skill reading ?

33. Berdasarkan penjelasan ibu tadi mngenai pembelajaran bahasa inggris,

permasalahan apa yang ibu sering temui saat mengajarkan skill speaking ?

34. Berdasarkan penjelasan ibu tadi mngenai pembelajaran bahasa inggris,

permasalahan apa yang ibu sering temui saat mengajarkan skill writing ?

35. Kecakapan apa yang dimiliki oleh siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris

untuk setiap skill ?

36. Apakah ada prestasi yang pernah di raih oleh siswa tuna rungu yang berkaitan

dengan mata pelajaran bahasa inggris ?

37. Apakah tantangan bagi ibu dalam mengajar bahasa inggris untuk siswa tuna

rungu ?

38. Dengan menggunakan berbagai metode, media, teknik, serta pendekatan

pembelajaran seperti yang ibu jelaskan tadi bagaimana ibu melihat minat

yang ada dalam diri siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris?


Jalan Hasanudin Gang III Banjaran Salatiga 50721 Telepon (0298) 328036

email: [email protected] web:


Profil Sekolah

1. Identitas Sekolah

1 Nama Sekolah : SLB Negeri Salatiga

2 NPSN : 20328473

3 Jenjang Pendidikan : SLB

4 Status Sekolah : Negeri

5 Alamat Sekolah : Jl. Hasanudin Gang III (Cakra) RT 03 RW 12

RT / RW : 3 / 12

Kode Pos : 50721

Kelurahan : Mangunsari

Kecamatan : Kec. Sidomukti

Kabupaten/Kota : Kota Salatiga

Provinsi : Prop. Jawa Tengah

Negara : Indonesia

6 Posisi Geografis : -7,3403 Lintang

110,4928 Bujur

3. Data Pelengkap

7 SK Pendirian Sekolah : 4 / 1983

8 Tanggal SK Pendirian : 1983-01-07

9 Status Kepemilikan : Pemerintah Daerah

10 SK Izin Operasional : 421.8/24686

11 Tgl SK Izin Operasional : 2007-06-25

12 Kebutuhan Khusus Dilayani : A, B, C, D, Autis, Ganda


13 Nomor Rekening : 2-033-08323-1

14 Nama Bank : Bank Jateng

15 Cabang KCP/Unit : Salatiga

16 Rekening Atas Nama : SMPLB NEGERI SALATIGA

17 MBS : Ya

18 Luas Tanah Milik (m2) : 3810

19 Luas Tanah Bukan Milik (m2) : 0

20 Nama Wajib Pajak : SLB Negeri Salatiga

21 NPWP : 005990130505000

3. Kontak Sekolah

20 Nomor Telepon : 0298 – 32803

21 Nomor Fax : -

22 Email : [email protected]

23 Website :

4. Data Periodik

24 Waktu Penyelenggaraan : Pagi

25 Bersedia Menerima Bos? : Ya

26 Sertifikasi ISO : Belum Bersertifikat

27 Sumber Listrik : PLN

28 Daya Listrik (watt) : 5500

29 Akses Internet : Smartfren

30 Akses Internet Alternatif : Telkom Speedy

5. Sanitasi


31 Kecukupan Air : Cukup

32 Sekolah Memproses Air : Tidak


33 Air Minum Untuk Siswa : Disediakan

34 Mayoritas Siswa Membawa : Ya

Air Minum

35 Jumlah Toilet Berkebutuhan : 13


36 Sumber Air Sanitasi : Ledeng/PAM

37 Ketersediaan Air di : Ada Sumber Air

Lingkungan Sekolah

38 Tipe Jamban : Leher angsa (toilet duduk/jongkok)

39 Jumlah Tempat Cuci : 7


40 Apakah Sabun dan Air : Ya

Mengalir pada Tempat Cuci


41 Jumlah Jamban Dapat : Laki-laki

Perempuan Bersama


9 9

42 Jumlah Jamban Tidak Dapat : Laki-laki

Perempuan Bersama


0 0 0



No Nama Siswa Kelas Jenis Kelamin

1. AN XI L











Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kelas 11B

Semester 1 (Satu)

No Nama Siswa UH Rata2



Akhir 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. AN 75

2. HAAQ 80

3. MSSR 75

4. MVA 75

5. SNH 85

Keterangan :

KKM : 65

Rentang Nilai : 65-76 = C

77-88 = B

89-100 = A



Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Kelas 12B

Semester 1 (Satu)

No Nama Siswa UH Rata2



Akhir 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. ASP 80

2. PSN 80

3. FWA 85

Keterangan :

KKM : 65

Rentang Nilai : 65-76 = C

77-88 = B

89-100 = A



R : “Assalamualaikum waromatullahi wabarakatuh. Selamat pagi ibu,

Sebelumnya perkenalkan nama saya Anis Nur Arifah mahasiswi IAIN

Salatiga. Tujuan saya datang kemari menemui ibu, yakni untuk

mengumpulkan data mengenai implementasi pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris untuk siswa tuna rungu sebagai bahan penelitian melalui


Mrs. E : “Waalaikumussalam warohmatullahi wabarokatuh. Selamat pagi mbak

Anis. Ya, silahkan....”

R : “Maaf, nama lengkap ibu siapa ?”

Mrs. E : “Nama saya Yustina Ema Hartatik.”

R : “Berapa usia ibu ?”

Mrs. E : “Saya.....40 tahun.”

R : “Sudah berapa lama ibu mengajar di SMALB Negeri Salatiga ini ?”

Mrs. E : “Saya mulai ngajar disini itu sejak tahun 2010.”

R : “Mm.....berarti sudah sekitar 9 tahun ya bu..... Apakah ibu berasal dari

jurusan pendidikan luar biasa ?”


Mrs. E : “Saya dulu kuliah di UNNES dan ambil jurusan pendidikan bahasa

Inggris. Jadi, saya lulusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris saja, tidak ada

latar belakang pendidikan luar biasa.”

R : “Apakah sebelumnya ibu memiliki pengalaman mengajar anak

berkebutuhan khusus terlebih lagi untuk siswa tuna rungu ?”

Mrs. E : “Belum pernah. Jadi saya mengajar disini itu ya sebagai pengalaman

pertama saya dan disini saya benar-benar harus banyak belajar karena

saya benar-benar tidak punya basic atau ilmu pengetahuan mengenai

anak berkebutuhan khusus apalagi cara mentransfer ilmu ke mereka.

Jadi ya ini saya masih sambil belajar juga learning by doing.”

R : “Berapa banyak jumlah siswa tuna rungu kelas 11?”

Mrs. E : “Kalo untuk kelas 11 yang tuna rungu itu ada 5 siswa. Nah biasanya

karena keterbatasan ruangan jadi saya kalo ngajar itu saya gabung

dengan kelas 12 mbak. Lagipula kelas 12 itu kan hanya 3 orang.

Sedangkan kalo untuk kelas 10 untuk anak tuna rungu itu tahun ini

tidak ada. Nah jadi memang seperti itu mbak, belum tentu setiap rombel

itu ada. Jadi ya menyesuaikan anaknya, karena memang kalo untuk

anak berkebutuhan khusus itu kan menyesuaikan kebutuhan dari siswa

nya itu.”

R : “Bagaimana perasaan ibu ketika harus mengajar bahasa Inggris untuk

siswa tunarungu ?”


Mrs. E : “Sebenarnya saya merasa tertantang tapi juga bingung. Ini

bagaimana...saya harus mengajar apa... kemudian karena ini sudah

menjadi tanggung jawab saya, jadi lama-kelamaaan saya bisa dan

terbiasa. Ya walaupun ini saya masih tahap belajar juga.”

R : “Apakah siswa tampak tertarik/antusias dengan pelajarannya?”

Mrs. E : “iya, ketika pembelajaran itu mereka terlihat antusias. Misalnya saja

pada kegiatan hari raya Idul Adha seperti ini, yang seharusnya anak-

anak belajar dikelas tetapi diganti dengan kegiatan diluar kelas. Anak-

anak juga bilang ke saya „bu, ayo belajar...‟ selain itu, ketika

pembelajaran pun mereka juga memperhatikan dengan baik...ya

walaupun, selang 40-50 menit kemudian mereka ngobrol sendiri dengan

teman-temannya. Tapi sebenarnya anak-anak itu senang belajar,

antusias juga sih.”

R : “Apa yang memotivasi siswa, bahwa siswa harus belajar bahasa


Mrs. E : “nah itu dia mbak, saya juga bingung apa yang memotivasi mereka

dalam belajar bahasa inggris, karena untuk bahasa Indonesia saja kan

bahasa yang asing bagi mereka. Mereka belajar bahasa Indonesia saja

kadang masih terbalik-balik, apalagi belajar bahasa Inggris yang pola

kalimatnya juga berbeda lagi. Tapi, ketika sedang tidak pembelajaran

mereka juga mengajak „bu, ayo belajar‟. Mungkin karena saya dekat

dengan mereka sih mbak, saya kan sering ngobrol dengan mereka


secara personal, jadi mereka merasa nyaman dengan saya. Selain itu,

saya pun juga jadi bisa lebih paham dengan masing-masing dari


R : “Bagaimanakah silabus yang diterapkan untuk siswa tunarungu ?”

Mrs. E : “Untuk silabus, tahun ini belum ada. Karena, buku pegangan untuk

bahasa Inggris saja kita download, dan ini sudah termasuk bagus mbak.

Karena untuk beberapa tahun kemarin kita malah nggak ada pegangan

sama sekali. Bahkan pernah tahun dulu itu kita hanya dapat SKKD.

Kurang tau juga sih ya mbak, mungkin perhatian pemerintah kurang.

Tapi untuk tahun-tahun terakhir ini sudah lumayan bagus, bahkan

sekarang ini sudah ada tim pembuat buku nasional. Cuman tidak tau

juga mbak, karena pemerintah kan juga terbatas, entah bermasalah di

bagian pendistribusiannya atau apanya saya juga kurang tau. Kemarin

sempat dapat buku juga kelas berapa itu, tapi ya....Cuma sedikit.

Sedangkan untuk yang tahun ini saya download semua. Karena kalau

misal mau buat silabus tanpa adanya buku kan juga susah mbak... jadi

saya ya bingung buatnya bagaimana. Nah, kalo untuk pegangan anak-

anak saya share bukunya lewat grup WA. Jadi setiap pembelajaran atau

saya mau ngasih tugas mereka selalu memakai hp nya sebagai media

pembelajaran. Apalagi kalo anak-anak itu kan juga lagi seneng-

senengnya pegang hp. Selain itu juga kalo misal ada tugas seperti


mencari kata kerja bentuk kedua atau teks bahasa Inggris gitu, mereka

saya suruh cari di internet lewat hp.”

R : “Bagaimanakah implementasi pemebelajaran bahasa inggris untuk

siswa tunarungu kelas XI SMALB N Salatiga?”

Mrs. E : “Implementasinya...ya seperti pembelajaran pada umumnya sih mbak.

Kalo untuk materinya, saya pilih-pilih mbak. Jadi tidak semua materi

yang ada dalam buku saya berikan. Saya pilih materi apa yang

sekiranya bisa mereka terima atau mereka butuhkan untuk ujian

Nasional ke depannya. karena susah juga mbak, mereka aja bahasa

indonesianya masih sering terbalik-balik apalagi belajar bahasa Inggris

yang rumus kalimatnya lebih berbeda lagi. Ya walaupun kemampuan

anak berbeda-beda. Kalo di kelas 12 itu ada Wanda, Aqsal, Deva Sultan

dan yang memiliki penguasaan bahasa Indonesia paling baik adalah

Wanda. Jadi bagi Wanda,belajar bahasa Inggris ini ya tidak terlalu sulit,

seperti pebelajaran mata pelajaran yang lainnya. Misalnya saja untuk

salam, kalo untuk anak-anak yang lain masih harus diulang berkali-kali

dan diingatkan lagi, diingatkan lagi, baru bisa menjawab. Belum masuk

ke materi lainnya. Tetapi kalo untuk Wanda untuk salam seperti „good

morning, how are you‟ sudah bisa menjawab dengan baik dibandingkan

yang lainnya. Jadi ya berusaha untuk membuat pembelajaran semenarik

mungkin. Kadang saya juga memakai gambar atau apapun yang bisa

menarik perhatian siswa. Kadang juga saya putarkan video.”


R : “Sebelum memulai pelajaran apa saja yang ibu persiapkan ?”

Mrs. E : “Kalo sebelum pembelajaran biasanya 2/3 hari sebelumnya saya sudah

mempersiapkan media yang sekiranya sesuai dengan materi yang akan

saya sampaikan. Ya, biasa sih mbak kalo untuk persiapan. Seperti pada

umumnya guru kalo mau ngajar...”

R : “Apakah ibu mempersiapkan RPP, tujuan pembelajaran, materi,

metode, media ?”

Mrs. E : “kalo untuk RPP jujur saya tidak buat mbak.... tapi kalo untuk materi,

metode, media jelas saya mempersiapkan. Karena kan itu yang saya

pakai ketika mengajar, kalo saya tidak menyiapkannya nanti pas ngajar

saya malah kebingungan sendiri.”

R : “Berkenaan dengan keterbatasan siswa, bagaimana cara ibu

menjelaskan pembelajaran kepada siswa ?”

Mrs. E : “Kalo untuk cara menyampaikan materi kepada siswa saya rasa biasa

sih mbak. Hanya saja kalo untuk anak tuna rungu itu harus telaten dan

sabar. Jadi saya jelaskan, saya tuntun satu-satu. itu pun terkadang

mereka masih belum juga paham atau setelah dijelaskan begitu paham,

tapi setelah beberapa menit begitu saja mereka diberi soal dengan

rumus yang sama hanya diganti vocabularinya begitu saja mereka juga

sudah bingung. Nah kalo untuk bahasa yang digunakan untuk

menyampaikan materi, berhubung mereka itu tidak bisa mendengar


sedikit-sedikit saya campur dengan bahasa isyarat, tidak full lho ya..

karena saya sendiri juga belum menguasai sepenuhnya. Ini pun saya

justru lebih banyak diajari sama anak-anak untuk bahasa isyarat.. begitu


R : “Berkenaan dengan keterbatasan siswa, apakah ibu mengajarkan semua

skill dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris kepada siswa ?”

Mrs. E : “Iya mbak, kalo untuk skill semua saya ajarkan, baik writing, speaking,

reading, bahkan meskipun saya tahu mereka memiliki kekurangan di

bagian pendengaran untuk skill listening pun juga saya ajarkan. Jadi apa

yang menjadi hak mereka saya usahakan untuk memnuhinya.”

R : “Metode apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill listening ?”

Mrs. E : “Kalo untuk skill listening biasanya sih saya putarkan video yang ada

subtitle bahasa inggrisnya ataupun bahasa indonesia. Jadi mereka lebih

fokus ke tulisan, karena kan mereka tidak bisa mendengar jadi untuk

listening saya minta mereka untuk menyimak tulisannya saja.”

R : “Metode apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill reading ?”

Mrs. E : “Reading....biasanya anak-anak saya kirimi teks. Saya share lewat grup

WA gitu lalu mereka saya minta untuk mentranslate dengan kamus

ataupun kalo mereka sedang malas ya google translate. Tapi setidaknya

mereka paham inti isi teks tersebut, jadi ketika ada soal mereka masih

bisa menjawabnya walaupun dengan mengira-ngira jawabannya.”


R : “Metode apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill speaking ?”

Mrs. E : “Speaking itu kan ngomong ya mbak ya jadi identik dengan

pronunciation,sedangkan pelafalan kata bahasa inggris dengan bahasa

Indonesia itu jauh sekali berbeda. Padahal mereka memiliki

keterbatasan dalam hal mendengarkan jadi untuk melafalkan kosa

katanya pun juga jadi sulit. Akhirnya saya akali begini mbak, mereka

tetap saya ajari untuk berbicara bahasa inggris. Nah setiap kosa kata

saya tulis pelafalannya dengan bahasa yang mereka pahami. Misalnya

saja kata good, itu saya tulis gud. Lalu setelah itu mereka baru paham

dan bisa memprktikkannya. Ya walaupun tetap tidak sempurna tapi

setidaknya mereka tahu, gitu mbak. Akhirnya ya....mereka

mengucapkan bahasa inggris semampunya mereka.”

R : “Metode apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill writing ?”

Mrs. E : “Mm....kalo untuk writing paling saya kasih soal teks rumpang. Jujur

kalo sudah nyangkut-nyangkut grammar gitu saya sendiri juga bingung

mbak menjelaskannya bagaimana. Karena pola kalimatnya itu kan

berbeda dengan bahasa Indonesia, jadi mereka yang penguasaan bahasa

Indonesianya saja masih lemah, kadang masih suka terbalik-balik,

ditambah lagi dengan pola kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris yang berbeda

lagi. Kalo untuk ngajar grammar paling ya saya hanya memeberi

banyak contoh saja sih, jadi nanti lama-kelamaan mereka akhirnya

paham atau tahu guidline nya.”


R : “Media apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill listening ?”

Mrs. E : “Media yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran skill listening biasanya

saya pakai lcd untuk memutarkan video. Itu pun juga terbatas mbak,

karena tidak semua ruangan ada lcd nya, yang ada itu Cuma di lab

komputer. Itupun seringnya dipakai untuk pembelajaran agama, ya

karena keterbatasan ruang itu tadi. Jadi kalo misal lcd sedang nganggur

ya saya pakai lcd, tapi kalo tidak ya paling saya pakai laptop sih mbak

atau kalo tidak ya pake hp. Jadi file nya saya share ke anak-anak. Tapi

lebih seringnya ya pake itu sih mbak, hp. Karena itu lebih mudah,

praktis dan semua anak juga punya.”

R : “Media apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill reading ?”

Mrs. E : “Reading biasanya saya pakai papan tulis saja sih mbak untuk nulis, jadi

mereka menyalin dari papan tulis lalu nanti diterjemahkan bersama-

sama. Selain itu, juga biar mereka terlatih untuk menulis bahasa Inggris.

Kalo tidak ya, biasanya saya print kan atau saya share lewat WA. Jadi

nanti mereka menyimak lewat hp masing-masing. Tapi yang sering

saya gunakan ya itu tadi, papan tulis.”

R : “Media apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill speaking ?”

Mrs. E : “Untuk speaking biasanya saya langsung mbak. Jadi saya menggunakan

gerak tubuh, gerka bibir atau bahasa isyarat. Kalo di KD nya itu kan

speaking/ bahasa isyarat. Jadi kalo speaking mereka sudah kesulitan ya


pake bahasa isyarat. Selain itu saya juga menuiskan pelafalan kosa

katanya dalam bahasa yang mereka pahami.”

R : “Media apa yang ibu gunakan untuk mengajarkan skill writing ?”

Mrs. E : “Media untuk mengajar skill writing biasanya saya pakai gambar mbak,

bisa gambar berseri semacam itu. Tapi itu juga bertahap ya, misal dari

paragraf rumpang terus nanti jumble sentence, baru membuat kalimat

dari gambar berseri. Kada juga saya menggunakan benda nyata untuk

dideskripsikan secara sederhana, paling ya beberapa kata begitu.”

R : “Pendekatan apa yang ibu gunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa


Mrs. E : “Mm...apa ya mbak... paling sih ya pendekatan personal tadi sih. Sering

ngobrol dengan mereka sehingga kedekatan emosional pun akhirnya

ikut terbangun. Sehingga, ketika pembelajaran di kelas gitu ketika

mulai putus asa karena susah memahami materi pembelajaran gitu,

lebih mudah juga menasehatinya, membangun kembali semangat


R : “Berdasarkan penjelasan ibu tadi mngenai pembelajaran bahasa inggris,

permasalahan apa yang ibu sering temui saat mengajarkan setiap skill


Mrs. E : “Sebenarnya untuk semua skill permasalahannya sama saja sih mbak,

sering terjadi miskomunikasi. Jadi saya tidak paham mereka, mereka


juga tidak paham sama saya. Jadinya ya nggak nyambung. Karena kalo

bahasa Inggris itu kan antara tulisan dengan pelafalan itu berbeda,

belum lagi artinya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Jadi mereka ya agak

kesulitan. Selain itu, penguasaan bahasa Indonesia mereka yang belum

sempurna juga menjadi permasalahan tersendiri. Tapi kalo sejak kecil

basic pemerolehan bahasa sudah bagus akan mempermudah dalam

belajar bahasa Inggris, ya sama seperti belajar mata pelajaran yang

lainnya. Karena saya pernah studi banding di SMP khusus untuk tuna

rungu. Di sana sejak kecil pemerolehan bahasanya sudah bagus, jadi

lulus SD itu mereka sudah purna bahasa, sehingga pembelajaran bahasa

Inggris pun juga akan lebih mudah.”

R : “Kecakapan apa yang dimiliki oleh siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa

inggris untuk setiap skill ?”

Mrs. E : “Mm....kalo untuk kecakapan, mereka itu paling mudah dalam belajar

vocabulary, khususnya untuk kosa kata yang nyata atau berwujud. Kalo

untuk yang kata-kata abstrak pun mereka sedikit kesulitan terlebih

untuk hal-hal yang jarang mereka temui atau lakukan.”

R : “Apakah ada prestasi yang pernah di raih oleh siswa tuna rungu yang

berkaitan dengan mata pelajaran bahasa inggris ?”

Mrs. E : “Belum ada. Karena memang sejauh ini kompetisi dalam bidang bahasa

Inggris untuk anak berkebutuhan khusus belum ada. Ya... semoga ke


depannya nanti ada kompetisi bahasa Inggris untuk siswa berkebutuhan


R : “Apakah tantangan bagi ibu dalam mengajar bahasa inggris untuk siswa

tuna rungu ?”

Mrs. E : “Tantangannya mencari metode yang tepat untuk semua siswa. Karena

satu metode belum tentu bisa di pahami oleh semua siswa. Misalnya,

untuk materi giving and asking opinion, saya memakai cara yang sepert

ini, si A bisa memahami, tapi belum tentu si B bisa memahaminya. Jadi

ya harus paham setiap karakter dari masing-masing siswa juga.”

R : “Dengan menggunakan berbagai metode, media, teknik, serta

pendekatan pembelajaran seperti yang ibu jelaskan tadi bagaimana ibu

melihat minat yang ada dalam diri siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa


Mrs. E : “Ada mbak. Sebenarnya mereka itu antusias sekali, mereka juga

memiliki minat yang besar dalam belajar. Cuma ya itu tadi, ada

keterbatasan yang menjadi tembok penghalang bagi mereka, jadi ya

harus telaten, harus sabar dalam mengajari mereka.”

R : “Mm...baiklah bu, saya kira cukup wawancara untuk hari ini. Terima

kasih banyak, karena ibu telah meluangkan waktunya untuk saya.

Semoga kedepannya pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk anak

berkebutuhan khusus terutama untuk siswa tuna rungu semakin baik,


memiliki inovasi-inovasi media, metode yang lebih baik lagi yang

mampu membantu siswa dalam belajar bahasa Inggris. Saya juga

mohon maaf apabila selama wawancara tadi banyak sekali tutur kata

atau sikap yang kurang berkenan di hati ibu.”

Mrs. E : “Iya mbak, sama-sama. Saya juga minta maaf ya, kalau selama

menjawab pertanyaan dari mbak Anis tadi ada jawaban-jawaban yang

sekiranya kurang sesuai dengan harapan mbak Anis. Semoga skripsinya

lancar dan bermanfaat bagi orang lain.” R : “Saya kira cukup untuk hari

ini, akhir kata wassalamu‟alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.”

Mrs. E : “Wa‟alaikumussalam warohmatullahi wabarokatuh..”









Figure I SMALB Negeri Salatiga

Figure II Interview between the researcher and English teacher


Figure III Media of Learning

Figure IV Learning Process



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