  • 8/14/2019 A History of the Quynelds in Lancaster Yorkshire and Hampshire From 1260 to 1413 With Special Reference to the


    A History of the Quynelds in

    Lancaster, Yorkshire and

    Hampshire from 1260 to 1413


    With special reference to the

    history and life and times of

    John Quyneld of Hertfordshire

    Trevor SkingleBrixton, London, 21 December 2008

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    Lancaster, probably about 12601

    Universis Christi fidelibus hoc scriptum visuris vel audituris Thomas de Coupmanwrasalutem. Noveritis me pro salute animee me et animarum predecessorum etsuccessorum meorum concessisse dedisse, et hoc presenti scripto meo confirmasse Deoet ecclesie beate marie de Lancastr[e], Priori et monachis ibidem Deo servientibus, tresacras terre et dimidiam in villa de Skerton quas habui de Quenild filio Roberti Scathon inpuram et perpetuam elemosinam. Tenendas et habendas dictas tres acras terre et

    dimidiam cum omnibus suis pertinenciis dictis Priori et monachis et eorum successoribusadeo libere et quiete sicut aliqua elemosina liberius dari potest et concedi. Et ego Thomaspredictus dictam terram cum pertinenciis et heredes mei dictis Priori et monachis eteorum successoribus contra omnes mortales warantizabimus et defendemusimperpetuum. In cujus rei testimonium presenti scripto sigillum meum apposui. Hiistestibus Domino Benedicto Gernet, Domino Willelmo de Heton, Alano de Catherton,Johanne Gernet, Johanne de Oxclyve, et aliis.


    To all the faithful of Christ who shall see or hear this writing, Thomas of Capernwraygreeting. Know ye that I, for the welfare of my soul and of the souls of my predecessors

    and successors, have granted, given, and by this my present writing have confirmed, toGod and the church of the Blessed Mary of Lancaster, to the Prior and monks thereserving God, three acres and a half of the Church of Lancaster land in the village ofSkerton, which I had of Quenild, son of Robert of Skerton2, in pure and perpetual alms.To hold and to have the said three acres and a half of land, with all their appurtenances,to the said Prior and monks and their successors, as freely and quietly as any alms canbe freely given and granted. And I, the aforesaid Thomas and my heirs, will warrant anddefend the said land with the appurtenances to the said Prior and monks and theirsuccessors against all men for ever. In testimony whereof I have set my seal to thispresent writing. These being witnesses Sir Benedict Gernet, Sir William of Heaton, Alan ofCatherton, John Gernet, John of Oxcliffe, and others.

    Yorkshire 1296-1338

    Jordan Quenild

    Jordan Quenild was listed as a debtor along with William, the son of Alan de Knapton 3.Hugh Grime of Rufforth4 issued the writ which was heard in York on the 29 th September1296 at which the Cancellario, or Chancellor5, found in favour of the plaintiff, a MasterRobert (de la Ford) who, listed as Magistro6

    Once again Jordan Quenild, alongside two others, Hugh Boye and Jordan de Braham ofRufforth, were named in a writ of debt considered at York on the 12 th June 1297 for a

    debt of 40 shillings, owed to Ralph de Whitewell of Yorkshire


    which was endorsed Ebor(York)8

    1 Materials for the History of the Church of Lancaster Part II. The Chartulary of the Priory of Lancaster. ChapterIII. 40. Land in Skerton. Pp.268-269 in Volume 31 New Series: Remains Historical and Literary connected withthe Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester. Printed for the Chesham Society, Manchester. Ed. Roper W O.18942 Schertune in the Domesday Book, lit. Scar Town. Known as Skereton in 1292. On the banks of the River LuneLancaster parish, Lancashire3 At a hearing in 1292 William (who was subject to a number of writs for unpaid debts) laid claim to a chartergiven to him by the husband of Amery de Eccleston but which he was unable to produce as evidence since ithad been destroyed in a fire which had also destroyed his house and goods. 'Townships: Eccleston',A History ofthe County of Lancaster: Volume 3 (1907), pp. 362-367. URL: Rughford, a parish some 5 miles to the west of York in Ainsty Wapentake sometimes included with East or

    West Riding5 probably Thomas of Corbridge6 Magistro - a Master of a Guild. C 241/31 National Archives, UK7 Ralph is listed in The History and Antiquities of the County Palatine, of Durham, By William Hutchinson, page36, as a bastard and whos will ordered his property in Hartlepool to be sold to pay for a Chaplain to pray forhis soul in the Chapel of St. Helen, Hart Warren (medieval Hert), on the outskirts of Hartlepool (CountyDurham). However, when he died Bishop Beaumont seized the property and kept it is an escheat (a reversionof property and land to the lord of the manor so it is not left in limbo) though this was reversed by a ruling by

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    William Quyneld

    At Lanercost Priory9 in Cumbria during Edward Is residency there for the duration of hislast campaign in 1306/7 a pardon was issued by the King on the 26 th January 1307 toRichard, son of Thomas Thurstan a mercer10, of Estrington11 for the death, at his hands,of William Quyneld12. The pardon was again issued by Edward II to Richard for Williamsdeath and for other felonieson the 26th October 1310 on account of his good service inScotland and for his abjuration of the realm on that account13.

    It would seem that Richard Thurstans father Thomas was something of a bully since in1323 a petition was made against him to Edward II, in the week of Pentecost in thesixteenth year of the King's reign, by a John de Touthorp, a clerk, who requested remedyfor actions by Thomas de Estrington and John de Esshton, both of York, that they cameto Clifton and took 101 sheep of the petitioner and drove them to York and then to

    Knavesmire14 where they detained them, and ate some, and the petitioner could nothave delivery until he made a fine and ransom, and he could still not have delivery untilhe released all manner of actions that he had against them. He was advised sue a writ oftrespass15 though it was doubtful this would have succeeded as it would seem that bothWilliam and Thomas were in the favour of the Crown since between 1328 and 1330 underEdward III they were both made freemen of York16

    Richard Quyneld

    Richard Quyneld is listed as one of the Cistercian monks listed as having received apension from Henry VIII on 11 December 153917 on the dissolution of Meaux Abbey18,Beverley, Yorkshire, not far from Hull

    Meaux Abbey Earthworks and Wharram Percy Medieval village, site of the Abbeys Sacred Well

    Bishop Bury on 3rd April 1336. In 1845 the area was excavated and a large stone coffin containing a skeleton(Ralph perhaps?) was found but no attempt was made to conserve the remains.8 C 241/56 National Archives, UK9 Lanercost Priory, in the north of Cumbria close to the Scottish border, was attacked a number if times byWilliam Wallace and was where Edward I spent the last months of his life directing a campaign against Robertthe Bruce, where he caught and hanged three of the Bruce's four brothers. The seriously ill but stubborn 68year old King still refused to admit defeat and on horseback on 26th June attempted to cross the estuary on hisway to Scotland to crush the rebellion lead by Robert the Bruce. He finally had to be carried in a litter andreached Kirkandrews-on-Eden on 2nd July. he struggled on for three days until he arrived at Burgh by Sands,where on 7th July 1307 he died at Burgh Marsh, Solway Moss10 A merchant11 now Eastrington in the East Riding of Yorkshire12 Patent Rolls. Edward I, Volume 4, Membrane 40, pg 439. 26 January 130713 Patent Rolls. Edward II, Volume 1, Membrane 6d, pg. 295/298. 26 October 131014 Knaresmire, aka Strays of York, a collective name for four areas of open land of 800 acres in York15

    SC 8/327 E 787-E 866 UK National Archives, in French16 'Admissions to the Freedom of York: 1-25 Edward III (1327-52)', Register of the Freemen of the City of York:Vol. 1: 1272-1558 (1897), pp. 23-45. URL: 'Letters and Papers: December 1539, 11-15', Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume14 Part 2: August-December 1539 (1895), pp. 243-255. URL: Eastrington (see William Quyneld page 4) is not far from Hull and Meaux Abbey, a Cistercian Abbey foundedin 1151 by William le Gros, Lord of Holderness, near Beverley in the East Riding of Yorkshire, whos daughterHawise married William de Forz who inherited the title Count of Aumale

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    William Quenild

    Matilda, the wife of William son of Hugh de Garthorp19, swore a oath to the Edward III onthe Tuesday after the Annunciation, in the presence of a Richard de Ty and WilliamTrussel, the Kings escheator for the south of Trent, that she would not marry without theking's licence. In return she was made a present by Edward III of a dower on the 21 stApril 1338, the custody her husbands lands which formed a third part of a property inWyverton20, with an income of 8 pennies a year, 21 acres of land and a third part of ahalf of an acre of land with the adjacent headrigs21 and property and land in Berneston22,

    worth 7 shillings and 2 pennies annually, and 4 acres of meadow in both towns, worth4 shillings and annual rents of 4 shillings, 10 pennies and a farthing from the meadows.Also annual rents of 17 pennies and 3 farthings from Margery Kynt, of 12 pennies fromWilliam Quenild, and of 2 shillings and four pence hapenny from Richard Knollen.23

    Johan Quenyld, Magot and her daughter Johanna, Johannes Queynnild, his wife Matilda,and William Quenild and his wife of Strafforth wapentake24, Sheffield parish in Yorkshire,were documented in the Yorkshire Poll Tax in 137925

    Hampshire 1310/1320

    William Quenyld

    In 1310 in Andover Robert Cappell is recorded as a witness to certain transgressionsbetween William of Shamwell and William Quenyld26 and in 1320 William petitioned asenior Guild Official for compensation for the killing of a bull27

    19 Garthorpe/Fockerby. Not far from Hull on the Lincolnshire/Yorkshire border20 In Nottinghamshire, south west of Hull to the east of Nottingham21 Sawmills22 Barmston or Burmeston: the manor of Beneston, or Berneston as the name is written in records subsequentto the Domesday Book is situated on the Hull road, near the sea coast, six miles south of Bridlington Quay andwas in the Wapentake of Holderness (North Division) and was part of the estates of the Albemarles, Earls ofHolderness23 'Close Rolls, Edward III: April 1338', Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III: volume 4: 1337-1339 (1900), pp.398-407. URL: A political unit similar to a "Hundred" in Anglo-Saxon England, The Wapentake is a collection of localparishes. The term is used in former Danelaw region of England and derives from words meaning "show yourweapon". The idea was that all in favor of a resolution would raise their sword, axe, etc. to show agreement.Sheffield parish. Strafforth was the southernmost wapentake in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England25 Johan Quenyld. Magot Quenyld' & Johanna filia (daughter) ejus (his). Johannes Queynnild' & Matilda uxor(wife) ejus (his). Willelmus Quenild' & uxor (wife).Subsidiary Patent Roll, Poll tax, Sheffield, 1379 (Excuses) Willielmus atte (of) Schamele (Shamwell) uesus (versus) Willielmum Quenyld de (of)placito (the pleasure of) transgressionis per (according to) Robertum Cappellanum. Gross C PhD, The GildMerchant: A Contribution to British Municipal History, Vol. II. Pub. Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1890. pp 30327 Will. Quenyld vadiat (petition) Senescallis (of the official. "Seneschal" from the Old French and wasintroduced by the Normans) Emendas (finance)pro (for) eo quod(because) mactauit (to slay, or kill) unum(one) taurum (bull). Gross C PhD, The Gild Merchant: A Contribution to British Municipal History, Vol. II. Pub.Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1890. pp 315

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    John Quyneld about 1340 after 1413

    John Quyneld (sic Quenyld), a Squire, and MP in 1377,1378 and 1380, holding land in1373 in the manor of Ware in Hertfordshire, was quite possibly the father of JohnQuyneld, father of Peter Quyneld, as was shown by a monument formerly at Haslemere 28(see below)

    In the lead up to the appearance of John Quyneld in the records the Ordinance andStatute of labourers was enacted in response to a labour shortage and introduced by SirJohn Halles, who resided in a mansion called 'le brick house' within the cemetery of thepriory of St. Mary Spital in London, then known as the New Hospital of St Mary withoutBishopgate, one of the biggest hospitals in medieval England.

    About a third of the population of Europe had been killed by the Black Death, resulting ina dramatic decrease in the supply of labour resulting in a sharp increase in competitionfor workers who, with increased bargaining power, could command higher wages whichin turn led to inflation throughout the economy. The elite classes resented this shift ineconomic power and Edward, in an attempt to control the cost of labour and increasinginflation, issued the Ordinance of Labourers in 1349, reinforced by Parliament with theOrdinance with the Statute of Labourers in 1351 which set a maximum wage forlabourers to match that of wage levels before the Black Death, levels which had been lowas a result of the economic depression in England as a result of the Hundred Years Warand even lower during the period of the Black Death. The Statute demanded that healthymen and women should work, imposing strict penalties for idlers but this was poorlyenforced and unsuccessful and exacerbated the situation for those who were unable towork for whatever reason resulting in laws enacted later to address issues of poverty.

    The Statute was very unpopular with those who wanted higher wages and improvementsin their quality of life and the simmering resentment of the peasantry contributed tounrest and the subsequent Peasants' Revolt of 1381. As is shown in the records JohnQuyneld was involved in a number of commissions from 1360 onwards relating to notonly the Hundred Years war but also in maintaining the peace in England in the face of

    outbreaks of protest and increasing unrest as a result of the Statute, and would result inchanges in location and shifting fortunes and favour with the Crown until a John Quyneld,possibly the younger, is recorded in Hampshire, Kent, Middlesex and Surrey where thefamily finally settled in Chiddingfold. During Johns lifetime he would have served theinterest of three, possibly four, Kings and their shifting fortunes; in sequence their reignswere Edward III 1327-1377, Richard II 1377-1399, Henry IV 1399-1413, and Henry V1413-1422, though during Henry Vs reign no records could be found of John Quyneldhaving been involved to the extent of his previous commissions so either his fortunes hadwaned, he had died or he had settled into relative obscurity. Potentially there are twoJohn Quynelds involved, the elder and the younger. From the records the age range thatis possible for John Quyneld the elder is from about 1340, which would make Johnroughly 20/21 years old at the time, the age which in Medieval Europe would mark his

    coming of age at about the time of his first commission in 1360, until the last mention in1413, when John the elder would have been about 73. In the 1380s John Quyneld isrecorded as having lands and title in both Hertfordshire and Surrey so it is quite possiblethat John Quyneld the younger was born at Cottered in Hertfordshire and moved with thefamily to Surrey. For it to be possible for the fathering of the sequence of generationsbetween John Quyneld (the elder?) and Peter Quennell the potential dates would have tolook something like this

    John Quyneld the elder 1340-1413John Quyneld the younger 1380-Peter Quyneld 1430-Peter Quennell 1480-1559

    Based on this premise if would be relatively safe to say that John Quyneld the elder,mentioned in the following records, held the manor of Cottered in Hertfordshire in 1387

    28 'Parishes: Chiddingfold',A History of the County of Surrey: Volume 3 (1911), pp. 10-16. URL:

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    which was transferred to Philip Bluet and his wife Katherine on Johns death. JohnQuyneld the elder also held property in Surrey in 1383 so it may be that if John Quyneldthe elder died in Hertfordshire sometime after 1413 that John Quyneld the younger atthe age of about 33, hailing from Hertfordshire, moved his family to their holdings inSurrey after Cottered reverted to the Bluets. And so to the records

    During the last year of the phase of the Hundred Years War called the Edwardian War1337-1360, and under Edward III, John Quyneld seems to have held substantial rankand to have been held in high enough esteem that he was entrusted, along with some of

    the most prominent figures of the day with the serious responsibility or arraying men toarms and at Westminster on 28 March 1360 a Commission was issued29 which reads

    To Hugh Chastilon30, Sherriff of Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire. and his fellows,arrayers31 of men at arms and archers in the county of Buckingham, reciting thatbecause it is the king's will that twenty men at arms, to wit the said Hugh, (Sir) Henry(de) Chalfhunt, Lord of Frinstead in Kent, Geoffre de Lucy, Of Cublington, Aylesbury,Buckinghamshire, John son of John Giffard32, Edmund de Hampden33, Edmund Waleys34,Martin Chaunceux35, John de Coueley(e)36, William Wyot37, John de Thame38, ThomasFrisel39, Richard Hampden, John Baret40, John de Wermeston41, John de Amondesham42,John Reynam43, John de Nowers44, and three other men at arms, twenty armed men andeighty archers of the strongest and bravest of the county be selected in the county and

    go in ships upon the sea for the defence of the realm, he commands that on sight ofthese presents these said men be arrayed and duly furnished with arms, armour, bowsand arrows and brought to Sandwich45, and that if need be they be compelled to this byincarceration of their bodies and taking of their lands and goods into the king's hand, sothat they be there by Tuesday in Easter week to enter the ships ordained to take them togo on the king's service at the accustomed wages of war. In the meantime thecommissioners are to send men to Sandwich to provide victuals for the men ready to beshipped on their arrival. It is the king's will also that when they reach the sea theirhorses shall be sent back to their own parts. He has commanded the collectors of thetenth and fifteenth granted by the commonalty of the realm for the expenses of the mengoing on the said service to pay them their wages, to wit to every knight 2 shillings to anesquire I2 pennies to an armed man 6 pennies and to an archer 4 pennies a day, for one

    month from the time of at which they left the said county. Furthermore he gives the

    29 Patent Rolls, Edward III, Volume 11, Membrane 22, pg 413/4. 28 March 136030 As master of the cross-bows in France, in 1369, along with count Guy de St. Pol, besieged and took the townof Abbeville, and the whole country of Ponthieu. The records of the Exchequer of Edward III state that in 1370a ransom of 10,000 marks was paid to Sir Nicholas Levigne (of the Parish of All Hallows the Great in ThamesStreet) for the freedom of Hugh, his prisoner taken in war31 Who was an officer who had a commission of array, to put soldiers of a country in a condition for militaryservice32 Of Chillington Hall, South Staffordshire whose Father was an MP under Edward II Great Hampden, Buckinghamshire, England. John de Hampden, the son of Reginald, held the manor in1346, and was a knight of the shire in two Parliaments of Edward III in 13512, and again in 1363. There is atradition that Edward III. and the Black Prince once paid a visit to Hampden, and that while the Prince and hishost were amusing themselves with games of chivalry, a quarrel arose and the prince received a blow in the

    face, which greatly enraged his royal father, who instantly left the house with his son; and afterwards seizedsome valuable manors belonging to De Hampden as a punishment for his want of manners and loyalty. Thefollowing lines are said to refer to this incident:-

    "Tring, Wing, and IvanhoeHampden did foregoFor striking of a blow,And glad he did escape so." Son of Lord William Le Waleys of Aston Cantlow. Warwickshire?35 Of Okhide Manor, Horton, Buckinghamshire36Of Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire. The place where Edward II was murdered 21 September 1327

    37 Possibly the brother of John Wyatt and brother in law of John of Gaunts wife, Catherine Swinford38 Of Buckinghamshire. Nominated to the Council of the Guildhall of London for Aldersgate in 1347. Possibly a

    Knight Hospitalier39 Occupied Bradenham Manor, Desborough, Buckinghamshire between 1350-136040 Of Bernwell41 Of Urmston Old Hall, Urmston then Wermeston42 Of Amondesham, near Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire43Of Buckinghamshire, now Raynham and part of Luton

    44 of Gothirst, Buckinghamshire45 an important major port in Kent

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    commissioners power to arrest and imprison contrariants or rebels and take their landsand goods into his hand, and hereby gives command to the sheriff, men at arms andarchers, mayors, bailiffs, ministers and others of the said county to be attending,answering, counselling and aiding to them in the premises. By the guardian & C.

    The like to the following arraying men at arms be in the counties named and bringingthem to Sandwich at the same day: Hugh de Blount46, knight, and the arrayers in thecounty of Essex, twenty, men at arms, to wit the said Hugh, John de Seintclier47, Thomasde Clopton48, Henry Moyne49, William Gennyn50, John de Boys51, Lionel de Bradenham52,

    William de Dale, Robert de Rokele53, Roger Monkoye and ten others, twenty armed menand sixty archers, (Sir) Hugh FitzSymond54, and his fellows, arrayers in the county ofHertford, twenty armed men, to wit the said Hugh, John de Chilterne55, John Quenyld56,Hamo de Ware57

    The following year at Westminster on 21 March 1361 John Quenyld, along with a numberof high ranking officials, was again given a commission, this time of the peace underEdward IIIs Great Seal58, which also included a warrant to raise militias as the needarose to John de la Lee59, William de Notton60, John Lodewyk61, Richard de Bydeford62,Thomas de Eston, John de Whitewell63 in the county of Hertford

    The same year, on the 21st of October 1361, Pelham, Thursday after St Luke, 35, Edward

    III, John Quynled, along with Robert de Geddyng64, Thomas Logat, William Schanke andWilliam Rokesburgh65 were witnesses to the granting of the title and deeds of Landbeachto Sir John de la Lee, the Royal Steward, in the presence of Sir Thomas de Knesworthe66and Adam de Wyvelyngham67, knight, in return for his support to Thomas Grey ofHertfordshire68

    46 Knight of Essex and High Sherriff of Hertfordshire in 1361, Owned land adjacent to St. Mildred the Virgin inPoultry47John Saint Clair, knight, of Aldham St Cleres, Igtham (Eyghtham), Kent,

    48 (Croyon-Cum) Clopton Deserted Medieval Village (Cambridgeshire) is situated to the west of Croydon village,and can be reached by following the footpath at the western end of Croydon High Street. The Medieval villageof Clopton is mentioned in the Domesday Book, and is known from documentary sources to have had a marketin the 13th century. The village seems to have gone into decline during the later middle ages, and was finallydeserted during the early 16th century when the land was purchased by John Fisher. By enclosing the commonstrip fields into large pasture fields, the villagers were stripped of their livelihood and ejected from thecountryside. All that remains today are the earthwork traces of the village layout. The earthworks are difficultto interpret as the village was terraced into the hillside. However earthwork survey and excavation have greatlyincreased our understanding, and demonstrated the presence of a central church, two moated sites and aprobable mill. The roughly rectangular moat has been identified as that of Clopton Bury, the manor of Clopton,and a series of channels link the moat with the mill site in the south-east of the village.49 Of Willingham, Cambridgeshire?50 Of Guildford, Surrey?51 Patron of the Augustinian Priory of Tiptree, Essex. The only remaining part of the priory is a rubble wallextending E of the present house built in the 16th century52 Knight and Lord of the Manor of Langenhoe, Essex53Of Hertfordshire

    54 Knight and Lord of the Manor of Merston, Kent, and Caxton, Cambridgeshire55 Of Chilthorne Vagg, near Yeovil in Somerset56 MP in 1377,1378 and 138057 Of Meldebourn and Ware in Hertfordshire who also occupied property in Cambridge. The name Hamo meanshouse or home and was introduced from Germany during the Norman Conquest58 Patent Rolls. Edward III. Volume 12, Membrane 33d, pg. 64. 21 March 136159 Knight and Royal Steward of Edward IIIs household, of Albury, Hertfordshire. Seized the manor ofChamberlains in Cambridgeshire and sold it back to Corpus Christi College in 1361 for 700 marks60 Knight, of Notton in Yorkshire and the Kings serjeant and justice of the Kings bench. He was the Kingslieutenant in 1361 when he was sent to Ireland61 Of Wormlee (Wormley) of Brokysburn (Broxbourne), and Ludwick in Hertfordshire on the route from Londonto Ware; 23 miles. Justice of the peace for Hertfordshire. His father, William, went on pilgrimage with HughFitzsimmons to Santiago de Compostella in 133262

    Coroner of Hitchin, Hertfordshire63 Of Skeyton, Runhal, Norfolk64 Knight, of Northampton65 Previous owner of Mark Lane, now in the ownership of the Drapers' Company of Throgmorton Avenue,London EC2N 2DQ66 Kneesworth now Bassingborn-Cum-Kneesworth Cambridgeshire67 A village now known as Willingham. Cambridgshire68 Deeds relating to Landbeach, Cambridgeshire. CCCC09/35/55

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    And then later that year at Westminster on the 15th December 1361, John Quenyld wasreaffirmed in his role as a one of the commissioners of the peace for Hertfordshire 69alongside Guy de Boys70, John de Chilterne, Thomas de Eston, and John de Whitewell71

    Once again, on the 3rd of May 1365 we find John Quyneld in distinguished company whenat Westminster, probably in response to simmering resentment and unrest on the part ofthe peasantry as a result of Edward IIIs Statute of Labourers, he was confirmed as aCommissioner of the Peace, pursuant to the statutes of Winchester, Northampton andWestminster, alongside John, Duke of Lancaster72, John atte Lee, Edward Fitz Symond,

    John Foxcote73, John Strete74, and Luke Vynter75 of oyer and terminer76, touchingfelonies, trespasses, forestalleries and regrateries, abuses of measures and weights anddelinquencies against the statutes and ordinances of labourers77 in the county of

    Hertford78, intended to put and keep the peasants in their place.

    Three years later, one month from St Michael, 42 Edward III on the 27 th of October136879 at Westminster a plea of covenant submitted in the county of Hertfordshire washeard. The plaintiff was John Quynild80 and related to 1 messuage, 40 acres of land, 6acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture, 9 pence of rent and a rent of 1 clove in Thoreleye81and Sabrychesworth82, and was against Roger Bunne83 and Joan, his wife, deforciants,having obstructed Johns access to his estate. The agreement reads: Roger and Joanhave acknowledged the tenements to be the right of John, and have remised and

    quitclaimed them from themselves and the heirs of Joan to him and his heirs for ever.Warranty: Warranty. For this: John has given them 100 marks of silver


    On the 12th of January 1374 a licence was granted for the alienation85 in mortmain86 forJohn Quyneld and Walter Lepere to transfer two properties and 2 acres of land inEggeswere and Ildestre87 and for John Chishull88, William Stoteville89, and John

    69 Patent Rolls. Edward III, Volume 12, Membrane 32, pg. 66. 15 December 136170 Lord of the manor of Munden or Great Furnivall, Hertfordshire in 136171Of Watford and Caysho. See CP 25/1/89/90, number 539 at of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster, third son surviving son of Edward III, Called Gaunt because he was

    born in Ghent in Belgium; Gaunt was the old English name for Ghent 73 a major fish merchant74 Mayor of Dover in 137875 who Testified at the petition of a John West about the Manor of Ayot St. Lawrence, Hertfordshire in 137076 Oyer and terminer - a term used in England in commissions directed to judges of assize about to hold court,directing them to hear and determine cases brought before them,77 post 1348 Black Death institution of Edward IIIs Statute of Labourers in 1351, hugely unpopular with thepeasants of England78 Edward III, Volume 13, Membrane 22, pg. 144. 3 May 136579 CP 25/1/89/92, number 589.80 Quenild81 Thorley82 Sawbridgeworth83 Bunn84 CP 25/1/89/92, number 589. Crown copyright. National Archives, London, England85

    The regulation of the 'alienation' or transfer of feudal lands without a licence from the Government. Henry IIIissued an ordnance prohibiting the tenants in chief of feudal lands from alienating those lands without a properlicence from the state. The penalty for not going through the licensing system was forfeiture of the landsconcerned86 Mortmain is a legal term, derived from medieval French, literally meaning dead hand and refers to thesterilisation of ownership of property by vesting it perpetually in the form of a religious office87 Edgware and Elstree88 Chaplain of the Priory of Thomas of Watford

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    Harpesfeld to transfer a toft90, 116 acres of land, 5acres of meadow and 6 acres of woodin Acton valued of 32 shillings annually, the value determined in a survey undertaken byNicholas Heryng91, escheator92 in the county of Middlesex, which were given to the Prioryand Convent of St. Bartholomew's, Smethefeld93, at an estimated value of 40 shillingsannually, as part of the Kings grant to the Priory and Convent to enable them to raise20 yearly in lands and rent94. In the fourteenth century the Prior was Thomas deWatford'95

    As a result of disturbances and uprisings that occurred between the post 1348 BlackDeath institution of Edward IIIs Ordinance and Statute of Labourers in 1351, hugelyunpopular with the peasants of England, and the Peasants Revolt in 1381, on the 26thJuly 1374 at Westminster, Commissions were given by the King and Council96 to,amongst others, John Boterwyk97, David de Westminster. Berdevill, Henry Traynel, Johnde Salesbury and John Bysouth, serjeants-at-mace, and on 29th July 1374 to JohnFilyol98, Luke Vyriter, William Quenyld (quite possibly Johns brother) to arrest a largegroup of men

    Robert Cavendyssh, John Hidigham, Thomas Branton, John Wespray, Simon Bereford,John Morewell, Richard Norhampton, John Peyk, Richard Ivy, Walter Guldeford, BobertSpelyng, John Halys, William Michel, John Hamstede, John Faucon, John Waryn, ThomasFakenam, Bobert Anton, John Grandon, William Bysude, William Ledys, Gilbert Forester,

    Thomas Pope, John Brokelee, John Walche, John Stalbrigge, John Orby, John West, JohnKent, Benedict Wade, William Barton, John Woleward, Nicholas Kembere, WilliamCatisby, Bobert Aston, Robert Nely, Simon Bucell, Henry Biriount, John Lane, WalterWynchestre, Nicholas Nettilham, John Sharp, John Wolwirton, John Brandon, JohnSomeri, John Lilie, Nicholas Neubolt, Roger Lucas, Simon Vinur, Richard Fitekyn, RichardPoche, John Topclif, John Stirbourne, William Walys, Richard Couke, Robert Duram,Thomas Strode, John Stekis, John Frend, Stephen Goldfynch, William Ocle, John atteParke, John Salusbiri, Richard Shirbourne, William Witby, William Schambir, Walter West,John Wodestoke, Walter Lucas, William Alret, John Fulbourne, John Sutfold, RichardDancastre, John Honcler, John Clifford, Richard Baker, John Soutyng, Thomas Harnme,John Grenehell, Richard Sutton, Hugh Cursun, Thomas Langeton, William Martlesham,John Wytbred, John Ermyn, John Helmele, Henry Juwet, John Kitteson, John Catour,

    Robert Hare, John Bynle, Martin Zonge, William Gillot, John Dobbys, Richard Little, JohnLile, Richard Frere, Roger Kendale, John Freman, Robert Bladys, Robert Hedon, ReynoldMan, Richard Bakere, William Cook, John atte Wode, John Causere, William Berkyng,Henry Cok, Tlaomas Croft, John Cristemasse, Richard Gerard, John Dodele, John Elene,John Herewell, John Dod, Ivo Serle, John Spencer, Richard Fuller, Robert Sewet, JohnGoudwyn, Thomas Fischere, John Froisel, Nicholas Cruce, Alexander Stephan, WilliamHaunsel, John Cook, Thomas Skynnere, Thomas Prince, Simon Bakere, Hugh Toky,William Walter, William Leverik, John Poddyng, John Smyth, John Tredegold, John Brice,William Raulyn, 'page,' John Passelewe, John Bylet, John Coggere, Edmund Vynceiit,Thomas Sneyth, Simon Hasse, Richard Thomme, John Sharp, Stephen Beneyt, JohnBelde, John Walyngton, John Barker, William Somer, William Bussh, John Hert, BenedictNeweland, Ellis Rekeman, William Flemyng, John Lambyn, William Catour, 'page,'

    89 Vicar of the church of St. Sepulchre without Neugate (Newgate), London90 Homestead91 Seneschal and Supervisor of the Kings castles and manors in Kent92 In feudal England, escheat referred to the situation where the tenant of a fief died without an heir orcommitted a felony. The fief reverted to the King's ownership for one year and one day, by right ofprimerseisin, after which it reverted to the original lord who had granted it. From the time of Henry III, the monarchytook particular interest in escheat as a source of revenue. From the 12th century onward, the Crown appointedescheators to manage escheats and report to the Exchequer, with one escheator per county established by themiddle of the 14th century. Upon learning the death of a tenant, the escheator would hold an "inquisition" tolearn if the king had any rights to the land. If there was any doubt, the escheator would seize the land andrefer the case to Westminster where it would be settled, ensuring that not one day's revenue would be lost.This would be a source of concern with land owners when there were delays from Westminster93 a large area, about 3 acres in extent, much of it marshy, full of water and mud, lying to the north-west of theCity of London, adjoining the Church and Hospital of St. Bartholomew on the west, at the northern end of

    Giltspur Street, in Farringdon Ward Without, and extending to the Bars of Smithfield. Formerly used as a largeCattle Market. Harben Dictionary94 Patent Rolls. Edward III, Volume1, Membrane 5, pg. 380. 12 January 137495The records of St. Bartholomew's priory [and] St. Bartholomew the Great, West Smithfield: volume 1 (1921),

    pp. 168-17796 Patent Rolls. Edward III, Volume 15, Membrane 6d, pg. 489-491. 26 July 1374 29 July 137497 Sheriff of Middlesex98 Sheriff of Essex and Hertford

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    Thomas Shippernan, 'page,' Thomas Staleworthyn, John Do, John Thomme, ThomasSalman, Robert Hood, Ralph Smyth, Geoffrey Perers, John Cheseman, 'page,' John More,John Berne, John Bode, John Bondys, Roger Zongwyne, Thomas Rolf, John Gaskwyn,Alan Coggare, John Stemhache, Robert Bam, Nicholas Taillour, William Hudde, John Mois,Thomas Adam, Richard Pirye, 'archer,' Nicholas Dole, John Symond, 'archer,' JohnFurmyton, John Herdyng, John Jacmyn, ' archer,' Philip Yle, ' archer,' John Kencot, PhilipSampton, ' archer,' John Frere, Richard Byx, Henry Norkyn, John Reynold, ' archer,' JohnEdwyne, Ralph Denys, William Shepherd, John Sellay, John Pipere, William Sneyere,William Moys, ' archer,' John Wytle, ' archer,' Richard Souter, ' archer,' Thomas Bor, John

    Andreu, John Lenne, Thomas Surl, John Knetthere, Gilbert Hesne, John Cherryngherst,Nicholas Boydyn, John Boydyn, Thomas Page, Laurence Justice, John Zonge, WalterZonge, Henry Tybbe, John Grene, John North, John Cornyssh, John Gallewere, AndrewYasterlyng, Andrew Smert, John Person, Gilbert Trumplour, John Spriner, Thomas Alwyk,John Yol, Thomas Yol, John Wyther, John Malle, Thomas Brokman, John Colyn, JohnSende, Simon Londyn, Robert Soleys, John Prison, John Arnold, William Huglot, WilliamSpisour, Alexander Cook, John Aleyn, Thomas Elys, John Ecchere, John Short, JohnCorey, John Chelf, John Crippe, 'page,' John Soylard, 'page,' Thomas Iryssh, AndrewMersey, Pernelt Laurence, Thomas Meynard, John de Baylle, Peter Gerard and WilliamRichard, ' page,' and to bring them to London and deliver them to the sheriffs for safekeeping in Neugate gaol until further order for their delivery

    Two years later Southampton is mentioned as a residence of John Quyneld when a writissued against him on the 10th August 1375, by the executors, Matilda Hervyle, ThomasPotesgrave, and John Clayditch, as part of the probate proceedings of the will of Matildashusband Walter Hervyle, citizen and pewterer of London, now deceased, through theoffice of Nicholas Brembre, Mayor of London, on the matter of a debt of 40. The writwas heard on the 2nd of February 137699 by William Walworth100 and Helmyng Leget,Clerk, and endorsed in London: Coram Justice de Banco in quindena Pasche101, though norecord seemed available to show the eventual outcome

    John was a busy man as ten days later, on 12 February 1376 at Westminster,commissions were issued to Edmund Fauconer102, Simon Kegworth, John Quyneld,William Brok and John Welde, escheator in the county of Hertford, to find by inquisition in

    the counties of Hertford and Essex what lands, knights' fees and advowsons103

    ofchurches Simon son of Imbert and Henry Merk104, held of the king in chief, indemesneas105 well as in service, on the days on which they died, and what they held ofothers, at what time they died, who are their next heirs and who have held the landssince their death and taken the issues, and by what title106The next few years, at leastuntil 1376/78, looked like they may have been relatively uneventful for John Quyneldthough he was involved in a number of writs arising from property disputes and rulings.One week from Holy Trinity, 50 Edward III, on the 15th of June 1376 at Westminster,Geoffrey Hunden, John Quyneld107, John Basset of Chishull108 and John Basset ofWalkern, querents109, had a plea of covenant110 entered by John Heydon111, which wassubmitted in Hertfordshire and were granted the tenements of 2 messuages112, 4 tofts,140 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow, 2 acres of pasture and 4 pounds of rent in



    , Hynxstworth


    and Redreth


    replacing John Basset and John Basset


    ,and William Rokesburgh117 and Pernel, his wife, deforciants118

    99 C 241/173 National Archive100 Mayor of London In 1381 killed Wat Tyler leader of the Peasants Revolt army which marched on London.Previously worked for a time for Geoffrey Chaucer at the Customs House in London101 Coram Justice de Banco qundena Pasche Brought to the attention of the Justice of the Bench on thequindene of Easter, the Monday on which the Easter law term usually began102 Of Heston and Isleworth103 the right to nominate a person to hold a church office in a parish104 Of the medieval moated manor of Marks, Dagenham, Essex105 land kept in the lord's possession, not leased out but, under the feudal system, worked by villeins (peasants)to supply the lord's household106 Edward III, Volume 6, Membrane 37d, pg. 315. 12 February 1376107

    Quineld108 Chishall in Essex109 Plaintiffs110 A plea for the enforcement of leases111 Haydon112 Properties113 Ashwell114 Hinxworth

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    The agreement reads: William and Pernel have granted to Geoffrey, John, John and Johnand have rendered whatsoever they had in them for the life of Pernel to them in thesame court, to hold to Geoffrey, John, John and John and the heirs of John Basset ofChishull', of the chief lords for the life of Pernel. For this: Geoffrey, John, John and Johnhave given them 100 marks of silver120

    On the 6th of October the same year, 1376, 50 Edward III, Margery Draper granted toJohn Quenild, for the term of her life, land in Codrech121, lying in Spedeleye, inHertfordshire122

    The following year Richard II enthroned in 1377 at the age of 10 and John of Gauntbecame regent in all but name. The first poll tax was levied the same year

    In 1378 preparations were probably being made in the lead up to the beginning of theCaroline War phase (1379-1389) of the Hundred Years War. John Quyneld, then in Kent,was commissioned into the service of Richard II but didnt turn up when John of GauntDuke of Lancaster left England for France. For this misdemeanour a revocation of theprotection was issued at Westminster123, with clause volumus124, granted to JohnQuenyld, going over sea (as was believed) on the king's service in the company of John,duke of Lancaster, as Thomas de Cobeham, sheriff of Kent, certifies that he is skulking125

    in his (the sheriffs) bailiwick126

    From this point on there is a change in regional focus and fortunes for John Quyneldaway from his holdings in Hertfordshire to the south of England, and in particularHampshire, Kent and Surrey. It would seem that he had fallen on hard times, becoming afishmonger in Southampton, and, given his reluctance to accept two overseascommissions as well as an allegation of obtaining money by deception, had given causefor suspicion of his loyalty to the crown as well as his integrity. This was exacerbated bythe uprising in June 1381 when 10,000 men, forming the vanguard of the PeasantsRevolt, marched on London. John Quyneld, referred to in one record as having beenexpected at Westminster as an insurgent, was suspected of involvement in the PeasantsRevolt of 1381, when on the 13th June, residents in Hertfordshire joined the uprising in

    the south-east, which continued even after the death of Wat Tyler at Smithfield127

    115 Ruddery, in Guilden Morden, Cambridgeshire116 Probably elder and younger; father and son117 Roxburgh118 One who keeps out of possession the rightful owner of an estate119 CP 25/1/90/95, number 674 Crown copyright. National Archives, London, England120 Feet of Fines: CP 25/1/90/95 Goodrich, Watford Hertfordshire122 D. 997 'Deeds: D.901 - D.1000',A Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds: Volume 3 (1900), pp. 511-523.URL: Richard II, Volume 1, Membrane 37, pg.268. 8 August 1378124 Judicial protection, which granted immunity from most suits at law guaranteeing the safety of possessionsand servants125 Evading his obligation126 The term applied to a territory in which the sheriff's functions were exercised under a Crown grant

    127 Le soulvement des travaileurs d'Angleterre en 1381: tudes et documents publis avec un introd.historique par Ch. Petit-Dutaillis (1898). The rising of the workers of England in 1381: studies and documentspublished with an historical introduction by CH. Small-Dutaillis (1898). Pp. 340

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    On the issue of obtaining money by deception a Commission was issued on 20 th October1380 and reviewed on the 10th February 1381128 to John de Monte Acuto129, Sir BernardBrocas130, Walter Haywode131, Michael Skillyng132, and William Ryngebourne133, toenquire into the truth of a petition (which eventually succeeded) of Hugh Craan 134, ofWinchester, alleging that, whereas on Tuesday after St. Benedict, 2 Richard II, heacquired to himself and Isabel his wife, for life, the manor of Oterbourn135, co.Southampton, from Richard Wyncestre136, for a certain sum of money, the said Richardand Agnes his wife, Richard Uttokcestre137, parson of the church of Lymynge, co, Kent,

    John Quenyld of Edenbrugge138, Thomas Stanton, of Oxford, clerk, executor of the will ofWilliam Underhull, Nicholas Langestoke139, late mayor of Southampton, Thomas (de)Kyngton140, clerk, for receiving recognizances of debts in the same town, schemed todispossess him and his wife of the same, and forged a recognisance of the statute ofmerchants for 550 pounds, dated 22 February, 26 Edward III., payable on a day nowpast to the said William Underhull and John Payn, clerk, and caused it to be sealed underthe names of John de Wyncestre, knight, and the said Richard his brother, and in thepresence of the said mayor and clerk to be enrolled in the books for the purpose, and acertificate to be delivered in Chancery for obtaining execution in respect of the manorand other hinds141 belonging at that date to the said John and Richard Wyncestre.

    The Caroline War phase (1379-1389) of the Hundred Years War was ongoing at this

    juncture and expedition was undertaken in 1381 when Edmund, Earl of Cambridge, sailedto Portugal, then at war with Castile, and was joyfully received at Lisbon by KingFerdinand. John Quyneld didnt do himself any favours at the time when on the 13 thOctober 1381 a revocation of protection with clause volumus, for one year, was grantedat Westminster142, retrospective to the 3rd of October to John Quenyild, fishmonger of, orlately staying in, Edenbrigge, co. Kent, alias of the county of Southampton, as goingbeyond seas on the king's service in the company of Edmund, earl of Cambridge 143, ontestimony that he is not on the king's service, but stays in England on his own affairs.

    Two years later it would seem that to some degree John Quyneld, in Hampshire at thetime, was back on his feet as one week from St Hilary, 6 Richard II, on 20 January 1383and again two weeks from Easter in the same year on 5 April 1383 a plea of covenant

    was issued in Hampshire between the plaintiffs Richard Auditour144

    , the parson of thechurch of Lemyngge145 (in Yorkshire; providing evidence of a connection between JohnQuyneld and Yorkshire), John Lauynton146 the elder and John Quenyld147, esquire,

    128 Richard II, Volume 1, Membrane 10d, pg. 577. 20 October 1380 and Richard II, Volume 1, Membrane 13d,pg. 630. 10 February 1381129 Aka Montague. Knighted in France during the Hundred Years War. Earl of Salisbury and supporter of RichardII. One of the wealthiest men in England at the time with substantial landholdings. Aristocratic poet andpossibly the author of the early ballads of Robin Hood. Convicted of treason for raising troops to challenge theascent of the Duke of Lancaster who later became Henry IV. He was beheaded by a mob in Wales 7th Jan1399/1400 after his failed plot to kill Henry IV at the jousts. His head was placed on London Bridge and hisbody was buried at Cirencester Abbey then later moved to Bisham Priory, Berkshire130 of Clewer near Windsor, Berkshire. Friend and companion to the Black Prince, eldest son of Edward III whohad died 4 years earlier than this entry. Bernard was Edward IIIs Master of the Horse and Master of the

    Buckhounds. Captain of Callais under Richard II and the Queens Chamberlain. MP for Hampshire in 10parliaments and Wiltshire on the 11th time of re-election. His son would also be executed alongside John DeMonte Acuto in Cirencester (see above). Familial brass monuments extant in churches in Sherbourne St Johnand Bramley in Hampshire. Sir Bernard is buried in Westminster Abbey131 Of Stratfeld and Lord of the Manor of Sulham, Berkshire. Hampshire County Sherriff and guardian of themanor of Compton Monceux132 Sherriff of Winchester in 1357 and Justice of the Peace in 1380133 Of Barton Stacey and Liss, both in Hampshire134 Or Crane. Sometime holder of the manor of Hedgecourt, Felbridge, on the Surrey-Sussex border135 Otterbourne, district of Chilcombe, Hampshire136 Winchester137 Uttoxeter, Staffordshire138 Eatonbridge aka Stangrave, Kent139 and Steward of Southampton and owner of two vaults in English Street140 who In 1404 became rector of St. Andrews Church, Burton Overy, Leicester141

    Middle English hine, household servants142 Richard II, Volume 2, Membrane 19, pg. 46/7. 18 October 1381143 Of Kings Langley, Hertfordshire. Fifth son of Edward III. 1361 created Earl of Cambridge and on 6 August1385 created Duke of York144 Auditor145 Leeming (in Yorkshire)146 Lavington147 Quenild

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    querents, and Richard de Wynchestre148 and Agnes, his wife, deforciants regarding theproperty of the manors of Suburton149 and Leyneston150 and the advowson of the churchof Leyneston.


    The agreement reads: Richard de Wynchestre and Agnes have acknowledged the manorsand advowson to be the right of Richard Auditour, and have rendered the advowson to

    the same Richard, John and John in the same court, to hold to Richard Auditour, Johnand John and the heirs of Richard, of the chief lords for ever. And besides Richard de

    Wynchestre and Agnes granted for themselves and the heirs of Richard that the manor ofSuburton' - which Geoffrey Roucle152 and Henry Jordan held for a term of 12 years - andalso that the manor of Leyneston' - which Hugh, the prior of St Swithin, Wynton', held fora term of 13 years - of the inheritance of Richard de Wynchestre on the day theagreement was made, and which after the terms ought to revert to Richard de

    Wynchestre and Agnes and the heirs of Richard - after the terms shall remain to RichardAuditour, John and John and the heirs of Richard, to hold together with the advowson ofthe chief lords for ever. Warranty; For this: Richard Auditour, John and John have giventhem 200 pounds sterling153

    Two months later, at Westminster, on the 1st of May 1383154 a request for the pardon ofJohn Quenhill of Surrey, alias Quenyld of Edenbrigg (still a fishmonger), co. Kent, alias

    Quenyld of Crassiilton, co. Surrey was made at the supplication of Richard de Burde,knight, for all treasons, felonies and trespasses committed by him, notwithstanding hewas excepted in Parliament as a principal insurgent; a reference perhaps as a result of asuspicion that he may have participated in the Peasants Revolt in 1381. It is recorded onthe same day that, although he was excluded from any amnesty at the Parliament ofWestminster, the king thanked John Quenhill, of Surrey, (also called John Quenyld d'Edenbridge, of Kent, or John Quenyld de Carshalton, of Surrey)155. Though he had in factbeen pardoned on 15th of May 1385, for of outlawries in the counties of Southampton andMiddlesex and for not appearing in the King's Bench to answer Hugh Crane and JohnGlemes for respectively touching trespasses or to pay the king a ransom in each case, hesurrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as certified by Robert Tresilian, chief justice156,probably pending a review of his case, and then escaped and was being pursued as a

    fugitive. Eventually John, and the letters, were delivered coram rege, into the presenceof the King himself, and his Bench of Justice and returned sine die (permanently) andwas pardoned at Easter on the 22nd of April 1386157

    148 Winchester149 Soberton150 Lainston (in Sparsholt), Winchester151 CP 25/1/207/28, number 33 Crown copyright. National Archives, London, England152 Rockley153 CP 25/1/207/28, number 33 UK National Archives154 Richard II, Volume 2, Membrane 12, pg 269. 1 May 1383.155 1383, 1st mai, Westminster. Le roi accorde sa grce John Quenhill, du Surrey, (appel aussi JohnQuenyld d'Edenbridge, du Kent, ou John Quenyld de Carshalton, du Surrey,) bien qu'il ait t exclu de touteamnistie au parlement de Westminster. Pat. 6 Ric. II, part. 3, m. 12.

    CH. Small-Dutaillis (1898). Ibid Pp. 227. Note 92156 Richard II, Volume 3, Membrane 15, pg. 141. 15 May 1385157 15 May 1386. John Quenyld, poissonnier, en fuite et mis hors la loi, s'est prsent au terme de Pques en1386 et a obtenu ensuite, le 15 mai, des lettres de pardon. Coram rege, East. 9 Richard. II, m. 2. CH. Small-Dutaillis (1898). Ibid Pp. 227. Note 93 and 18 May 1386. John Quyneld (sic), demeurant Edenbridge,poursuivipar les shriffs de comt en comt sur lordre du roi, et mis hors la loi, a comparu au Banc du roi Westminster le 18 mai 1386 et sest constitu prisonnier. Il apporte des lettres de pardon du 15 mai 1386 etest renvoy sine die. Coram rege. East. 9 Ric. II, Pt. 3. M 2d. CH. Small-Dutaillis (1898).pp. 227. Note 94

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    However, with the Caroline War phase (1379-1389) of the Hundred Years War beingfought at the time, on the 2 November 1387, a revocation of protection with clausevolumus for one year, was granted at Westminster158 to John Quenhild alias Quenyld,sometime of Edenbrigge, co. Kent, as going to Calais on the king's service in thecompany of (Sir) William de Bello Campo, captain of Calais159, because he is notpreparing to go.

    John Quyneld wasnt doing himself any favours as on the day after All Souls, 11 Richard

    II, the 3rd of November 1387 and again one week from Holy Trinity in the same year, the31st May 1388160 a plea of covenant issued by Andrew de Burys161, son and heir ofAndrew de Burys of the county of Suffolk, querent, and Philip Bluet162 and Katherine, hiswife, and John Radeswell163 and Margaret, his wife, deforciants, and originating inHertfordshire was heard at Westminster

    Bures. Ermine a chief indented sable with two lions or therein164

    The plea was entered regarding the manor of Coderede165, which John Qwenyld166 of thecounty of Hertford holds for life (a fact not mentioned at all in 'Parishes: Cottered', AHistory of the County of Hertford: volume 3 (1912), pp. 226-232167)

    Cottered: The Lordship from the Northwest168

    158 Richard II, Volume 3, Membrane 12, pg. 364. 2 November 1387159 William Beauchamp, Knight, made 1st Baron, Lord of Bergavenny, Monmouthshire, England, in 1392, andthird son of Thomas Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick. His grandfather Guy, who was with Edward I when he died,would most likely have been at the hearing at Lanercost in 1307 when the first of two pardons was issued toRichard of Estrington for the death of William Quenyld. Guy was responsible for the kidnap at Deddington andthe subsequent trial and execution of Piers Gaveston, Edward IIs lover. William Beauchamp is buried at BlackFriars, Hereford, Herefordshire, England. The will of William Le Beauchamp, Lord of Bergavenny, dated 25 April

    1408, reads My body to be buried in the Church of Friars Preachers at Hereford, next and beneath the tomb ofJohn of Hastings, Earl of Pembroke. I will that five tapers be hung about my body as soon as may be after mydecease, and that twenty four poor men be clothed in black, and that each of them carry a torch, receiving two

    pence a piece for that service. To the place of my burial twenty marks or more, as my executors shall think fit;for the charges of my funeral one hundred pounds; I desire that ten thousand masses be said for my soul in all

    possible haste after my death by the most honest priest that can be found; and that four good priests be foundfor ten years to sing for my soul and for the soul of my Lord Sir John Hastings, Earl of Pembroke, and for all thesouls to whom I owe obligation; to the poor tenants within my Lordship one hundred pounds; to Joan, my wife,a pair of basons covered and over gilt, having the arms of Warwick and Arundel impaled thereon; to Richard,my son, my best sword and harness for the justs of the peace, which belonged to war; to Joan and Elizabeth,my daughters, one thousand marks each for their marriage. And I constitute Thomas Arundel, Archbishop ofCanterbury; Thomas Earl of Arundel; and Joan, my wife, my executors. From the Testamenta Vetusta byNicholas Harris Nicolas,160 CP 25/1/90/99, number 97 UK National Archives161 Bures162

    Bluett163 Radswell164 'Parishes: Cottered', A History of the County of Hertford: volume 3 (1912), pp. 226-232. URL: Cottered, Hertfordhsire166 Quenild167 Op cit: Op cit:

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    The agreement reads: Philip and Katherine and John Radeswell' and Margaret haveacknowledged the manor to be the right of Andrew, and have granted for themselves andthe heirs of Katherine that the manor


    which John Qwenyld' held for life of the inheritance of Katherine on the day theagreement was made, and which after the decease of John Qwenyld' ought to revert toPhilip and Katherine and John Radeswell' and Margaret and the heirs of Katherine - after

    the decease of John Qwenyld shall remain to Andrew and his heirs, to hold of the chieflords for ever. For this: Andrew has given them 100 marks of silver. It is likely that thiswas heard in John Quynelds absence and, given John Quynelds record, would have been

    looked on positively by the Crown, who in effect disinherited John Quynelds family fromthe estate and probably resulted in the removal of the family to Surrey.

    In 1086 the manor of Cottered was held by Bishop Walkelin of Winchester. The chancel,nave, with south porch and west tower, of the church of St. John the Baptist in Cottered,built in about 1350, would have been a building familiar to those involved in the hearing.

    St John the Baptist Cottered Herts170

    The last two records found deal with relatively minor issues; debt to John Quyneld andtrespass on his land.

    On the 9th November 1389 at Westminster in the reign of Richard II171 Pardons ofoutlawry to the following - John Costidell, parson of Hevere, co. Kent, for not appearing

    to answer John Quenyld touching a debt of 80 pounds

    And on the 11th February 1413 at Westminster in the reign of Henry IV172 Pardons ofoutlawry to the following - Richard Hylles ' sometyme dwelling in Missenden,' for notappearing before the king to answer John Quenyld touching a trespass. Middlesex

    Perhaps it was just as well that, given the downturn in his fortunes and loss of favour,John was keeping his head down during his later years.


    1373 Plague

    169 CP 25/1/90/99, number 97 Crown copyright. National Archives, London, England170 under common license, John Salmon171 Richard II, Volume 4, Membrane 41-40, pg. 63/66. 9 November 1389172 Henry IV, Volume 4, Membrane 27.25, pg. 437/444. 11 February 1413

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    1381 Plague in the north of England 1381. The Peasants Revolt led by Wat Tyler. Peasants in Essex and Kent rose up

    and marched on London capturing the Tower and killing the Archbishop ofCanterbury and the Kings Treasurer. The King, Richard II, managed to persuadethem to disperse by making promises, none of which he kept.

    1382 Winchester College is founded by William of Wickham 1388 The Scots defeat the English at the battle of Otterburn 1391 Plague almost as bad as that of 1348-1349 in the north of England 1400 Geoffrey Chaucer dies. He was the first great writer in the English language 1405 Plague 1407 Plague 1415 The battle of Agincourt. Once again the English win a great victory 1420 Plague 1427 Influenza 1439 Pestilence 1453 The Hundred Years War ends. England loses all its territory in France except

    for Calais. 1455-1485 England suffers a series of civil wars known as the Wars of the Roses 1461 The battle of Towton 1464 Plague 1471 The battle of Tewkesbury and plague

    1472 Plague 1476 Caxton introduces the printing press into England and plague 1478 Plague 1479 Plague 1483-1485 Reign of Richard III 1485 Plague and the English sweat

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