
A Letter from the Rev. Henry Miles, D. D. and F. R. S. to Mr. Henry Baker, F. R. S.concerning a Very Cold Day, and Another a Very Hot Day, in June and July 1749 and of theNear Agreement of Thermometers in London and at TootingAuthor(s): Henry MilesSource: Philosophical Transactions (1683-1775), Vol. 46 (1749 - 1750), pp. 208-213Published by: The Royal SocietyStable URL: .

Accessed: 18/05/2014 17:16

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V. 24 Leer from zEe Rev. E-I*etlry Miles, D. 19. and F R. S. o Mr Henry Bakel, F. R S. concerning a 3ery colel-Day, ancG anozher a sery hot Day, in June ard July I 749 ard of the rear Agreement of Thcr- mometers in London arrI at lnooting.

tadNovwt6*t Now fillfil my Promirc nandc to you 1749 1 fonue time a:,oX in fcndinSr, you an

Account of tllC t\VO Days whicll xvcre fo remarkable) thc one for Cold, the otller for Hcat, tiliS i10

Sumnzer. On tlue roth of 7ze, fuQeAing a CFfc>R that NY it1*}

I fat a China Saucel full of XVater tipon tiac G<$S- plor, in the Gardin; and tllC ne.Yt l0/tornin^, a litt'C before Sun-riiingX I foulld the WNtatcr frozcn oer, of fuch a ConfiLtcllce, as tllat I forccd a Holc rt1-o' the Contre of it nvith my FirlDer, witllout brcbkilaD it elfJwllere, and carricd tlac Cake of Scc ii+ Lo

thc HouSe, wtacre it rcnzaincd a ,ood \X7^i'C 11Ot diffo;red. Wind xvas N. NV On fonlc follo>..7irjg

Days tllere wese Several conficierable FroLis, the \Mind continuirlg the famc utay; rlle fal Erreds of wllich are fuflicielatly kno^^tll througlaout thc Ilil1gdom.

7Z! 2d, at 12h zo' nzy TIlermometcr c3f Evren- heits Scale, in tl1e ffiaded Air, Rood at 88---;, atld at 2h p M at 87. At wllish laS N7umbcr t\^O OtllCrS of the fame fort llooul cxadlyX at tllat hXoux7 in Londan.

HanTing agrced Btltll nny in:cuious Fricnd lvIl. yoEn Cvntfin of Spital-SUgre, to rnalxc ObXvations of


[ 208 ]

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[ 209 ] the Temperature of the Air here, and ill LondonX at a llated EIour : M7e procured The.mometers} m;de e.SaSly alike, by that accurate Workman Mr. Bird; alld having found, by hanging them firPr to- gether a fufficient Timc, that tlley petEcAly agrced nve began our ObServations in ilpril, and has?e conv ttnucci thenl ever Stnce.

Tllc l-hermomete-rs are of the finaller Size, tlle Ballbs being but about A of an Incll DiameterX alld arc immediately affeSted EVitll any Mtltations of the Air; Co that I have fiequcntly becn elltertained sxtith obfervin^t,, in fotne Circumllances of the Wea tizer, that the- WIercury has not been aticxnary, but llas ftlcceffilvely rifen and fillen for a good While; and Mr. Cvaton- 11as infornzed nzeX that he 11as Seste- ral tirnes obrerv'd the fame.

I have annexed a PaperX containina an Extraft fiom try Jollrnal of tlle Weather, in wllicll I hav: fet down the Extremes of tbe Barometer and Ther- mom.etcrX obServed at aX p. a. for Six Montlls; alld Mr. Canton llas been to kind as to colllmLlni- cate a liL;e Extrad from his Journal; wllictz is like- sviCe put into your Hands.

It appears by a lmorc genclal CotnpariIbn whictl re have nzadeX as well as 13y this particular one, that the Differcnce in the Temperature of the Aira as to Hent and Cold, is:Ntery little ber5reen this Place and Spital-Square # Sometimes my Thermolllerer

has becn higher t'nall his 7 more times tlpon an Eqlla lityX bTat moPc times lower-And I have Reafon tO think thc Difference, many tinzes, may havc bccn ovinD to accidental Caufies: For Mr Cvatox llas iaSorlued ule, that he has follnd two Thermometers,

D d wlzcn

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1 2X0 3

when removed but a few Yards from each othcr, havc differed 2 or 3 Deg. for which no apparent Caufe could be aE;,ned. vSo that upon the mv;icle} it azay reaGor3ably enough bc collcluded, that the DilEcrellee between the Temperature of the Air ill tlle tW-O Places, is imperccptible to SenSe, l am,

'lDevr Sir, Tooting; Nov. s3, rour} and the Royal Soriety's

xy;g. Mof o6edrerat hsm61eSerqyant tI. Miles.

n v

- Upcon my having obferved that the Days, in which nzy T*hermoxrseter and M1. Gaxtos Itood at the Extremes, in fome Montlls did not coincide, E oras dclirous of knowing, how much the Thermo- meters diScred, when the Extremes did not happen on the fanne Day: Btit, upon a Comparifon, th-> Difference Ntas never confiderableX except oll tile AtLl Ag. at :. p. m svllen my Thermomcter xYas .lbollt 6 Degrees hiDher than Mr Cv?wto¢'s This being l^otucwl-sat remarkable, he, upon hearinct itX had Recourie tO lliS RegiIterX and found, that at the Time of ObServatiotl a hea^iy Shower of Rain fell; sx7hereas we had none here: But about Six in the Evening catne on a Thunder Shower attended avith R<n ) fO that it hould feem the falling Raill had fO great an EffeA upon the Air as to render it cooler, by the Det,rees nzentioned: And perhaps the Difference between the two Inflruments, at otherTimes, may hasre bcen owing to tlze fame, or a finiilar CauSe, rather than to a J?ated different Tenzperature of the Alr7 in the tss?o Places. r

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L 2II g rYr?+ ACT fiom zc yoxrnat of the tMeathet,

*t t ;tt Tooting} tn Surrat, ig whiah the Esc- ,t'+8s*3 af the Ba ter and tWermoweter re

nztWoX -4t 2 X P. m eqsvl Eime, for tbe Montlbs < laya June, JulyX AuguS, Septenlbel, and 0c tobcr) tkis preJe7zt Near X 7+g

hI AY. I 749 * * DAY. BAR. DAY, SSHsK. D YI BAR. DAWY Tf4ER.


14 } higheft I7 hlgheR |- IS h;ghOP' 22 h1gLR

' _. _ -10 *-* - r - _ , -- ,4 _-

IBAY BAR. DAP THER ,DAY IDAR ,D,SY rrHER. - - .- . - . . ,, . -

24 j | 3 lonvePs 1 Z 9 ;° t 3 1 6A T |

JUSE _ I 749* SEPT;EMB. If 4*ffiN SAY BAR. DAY3 THER. E)AY BAR. RDAY THER. _w S . z k . _

8 highePc 28 higheR 1 26 higheflc | 5 higheR. 30,IO 79 | !3° 37 r 7t

10 S F _ _ _ . _


IX 29, :) < 3 - 46 I 17 IOWeR | .1M 10WelT i _ . 11 ,|, 1'1 1_

JULY. 174 9 * O CTO 8- I 749 * DAY BAR, 13AY I*HER. VAY 3AR. 13AY rSIER. __ . _

8 hlght{} 2 h1gheR 10 highei} 4 higheR 29} 95 87 : 3O 44 7 6I2t

;- t .

I)AYT BfA. DAR THER. O.xT BAR. - DY | THER. _ ___ - __ _ _ _

20 loweR leveR loweR | IotfreR 22 t 29,4 3° 62to | 1 2g l 27 I

t B¢ilzg abient ag. 22d, at 2 p. m. Icould nor D d s obSerlr:

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( 2t2 3 obServe the State of the Thermotneter; Iout am well Eatisfied that Day was the hottePx in thz Alontll, from the ObServation I made at otlucr Tillles of thc Day, and particularly frotn the Account I llad from my Friend Mr. Cvnton, of the State of his, xarhich Ptood at 804 at 2. p. rn.

It may be proper tO obbervc, that tlle Barometer made ufe.of Prands IOx or nlore, lower than others of the fame ConArudtion (wllich is tlle conznzoIl upright Make) durint, the warmer Seafon of the Year, and ufually as much higher than they do in the colder; but is made uSe of (as it has been for more than Io Years ) becauSe I have always found it to riSe and fall fooner than any other I halre com- pared it with, and in particular than a very good one, made by theslate Mr. Sin, which has always hung by it, and is con0antly compared eherewith.


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[ 2 T3 ]

E X T R A C T frow a yogrl of Ob.fier 7>atirs 4

the Baronzeter andf Thcrmomcter nafile iv Sptii Square, London, in whiah theExtrezses q/Xel) vre nntedX Nt 2 k p. nl,*ieqvl Wge, far theMoaths of MayX Junc)July, AUgU0) Septcnabcr) riCvc- tober, this preJeat Sevr 1 7JPg.

. s

| MAY 1749* 1 AUGUr i 17+S S IDAY BAR 'DAY THER. I DAY BAR. DAYj 5 HER. f

, . _ %

higheR higheil I highe0; 22 h1.oSeft I 33, 23 I3 ,762I S 30> 25 | SC8I I


L)AY BAR. DAY Tl,BR. DAY EAR. DA Y; T}1ER. f 8 __ _ _ __ _ _

29 lowePc Ioweii lowea I | !Owelt { t t zC), 3 3 59 29 4 1 1 ) 9- ¢

f JtJNEv I 749 SEPT 174!9! 1 DAY| BAR. DAY THER. DAY XAR. |DAE | 1nHER. t I -- __ ._ . -- F 27 higheflc zg higheflc 26 higheflc higheR |

30) 32 SO 3°O44 4 Xo2t t

, __ . _


__ __ _ _ __ ^, loweR | loweiR loweR | ^ | loweR


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