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Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/wcm.1080


A link adaptation scheme for the downlink of mobilehotspotMd. M. Hasan, Jon W. Mark and X. Shen*

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada


A link adaptation (LA) scheme for the downlink of mobile hotspot, which is supported by an IEEE 802.16e or mobileWiMAX network, is proposed. The mobile WiMAX uses orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) in itsphysical layer. The main function of the LA scheme is to select an appropriate burst profile, which includes a multipleinput multiple output (MIMO) transmission mode, modulation technique, and coding scheme. We formulate a discreteoptimization problem for the LA scheme by maximizing the throughput. An algorithm to implement the LA scheme is alsoproposed. Numerical results show that the proposed LA scheme exhibits good performance. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley& Sons, Ltd.


link adaptation; mobile hotspot; WiMAX; MIMO; OFDMA


X. Shen, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada.E-mail: [email protected]


The term mobile hotspot refers to a hotspot, e.g., awireless local area network (WLAN), located in a movingplatform such as a vehicle. It provides Internet access toits terminals. There is no unified system architecture forsupporting mobile hotspots over wireless networks [1--4].In this paper, we adopt the wireless wide area network(WWAN)--WLAN-based system architecture described in[4--6]. In this system architecture, there are two networksegments: upward and downward. The upward networksegment is a WWAN and the downward network segmentis a WLAN within a high velocity vehicle. The vehiclecan be a bus or train. Larger area coverage is requiredto reduce handoff rate. We choose mobile WiMAX forWWAN because of its extended mobility support and largerarea coverage [7]. Moreover, the physical dimensions ofWiMAX base station (BS) and mobile hotspot are suitablefor a multiple input multiple output (MIMO)-based antennasystem, which is capable of providing larger antenna ele-ment separation. The system architecture is shown inFigure 1.

The WiMAX BS is an entity of cellular WiMAX net-work. The BS is connected to Internet through a wirelineor an optical fiber link. The access point (AP) is mountedwithin the mobile hotspot. The AP communicates withthe BS through the roof top antenna system. It acts as a

mobile router or gateway for the downward network, i.e.,the WLAN within the mobile hotspot. The AP is just aninterface between two types of networks. It has two separateantenna systems to communicate with each type of networksegment. All the mobile nodes (MNs) within the vehi-cle are connected with the AP through the IEEE 802.11nbased WLAN. These MNs can be laptops or other hand-held devices, which are carried by the passengers. In thispaper, our focus is restricted to the WiMAX-based networksegment. More specifically, we are interested in the down-link portion between the WiMAX BS and the AP of mobilehotspot.

The link adaptation (LA) scheme selects a burst profilebased on channel state information. As the mobile hotspotsmove with high velocity, the channel state changes rapidly.The burst profiles must be adaptive with the channel state togain expected level of performance. In the literature, thereare some proposed LA techniques for mobile WiMAX [8--10]. We mention three such techniques because they dealwith similar problems as ours. A static threshold table basedLA is proposed in [8], which is the simplest technique.The table is prepared based on a pedestrian channel modeland a target forward error correcting (FEC) block error rate(FBER), and indicates the threshold signal-to-noise ratios(SNRs) for the different burst profiles. This LA techniquerequires only the SNR information to select an appropri-ate burst profile, while important issues, such as higher

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Link adaptation scheme M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen

Figure 1. System architecture for mobile hotspot.

mobility, MIMO channel correlations, error tracking, etc.,are ignored. A Moore’s finite state based LA technique isproposed in [9]. Each burst profile represents a state. Basi-cally, two separate LA techniques are proposed: a channelstate technique and an error technique. In the channel statetechnique, an attenuation factor is used to select the burstprofile. This approach is theoretical rather than practical.In the error technique, a number of successive erroneousframes is used to select the burst profile. It selects a lowerorder modulation if a certain number of failures occur, andselects a higher order modulation if a certain number of suc-cessful deliveries occur. The MIMO features and channelcoding are ignored in both techniques. Moreover, the sys-tem becomes complicated as the number of states increases.A dynamic threshold LA (DTLA) algorithm is proposed in[10]. It dynamically sets and updates the SNR thresholdsfor different burst profiles. It selects an appropriate burstprofile based on the SNR threshold and a Demmel condi-tion number [11]. No error tracking mechanism, such asautomatic-repeat-request (ARQ), is considered in DTLA.The DTLA algorithm is not high mobility specific andconsists of many feedback loops. It also ignores the sub-channelization and the power allocation issues.

Our proposed LA algorithm uses a static threshold tableof SNR per symbol, with the SNR dynamically adjustedbefore performing table lookup. This adjustment is donebased on mobility state. Our algorithm also considersMIMO channel correlation and an adaptive ARQ mech-anism for error tracking. The major contributions in thispaper are four-fold: (1) proposal of an LA algorithm; whichis dedicated to high velocity vehicles; (2) incorporationof a medium access control (MAC) layer error controlmechanism into our LA algorithm; (3) introduction of avelocity-based SNR adjustment; and (4) introduction of aMIMO mode switching parameter. The proposed LA algo-rithm requires only two types of information: informationon channel response and ACK/NACK message status ofeach frame. As per IEEE 802.16e standard, it is manda-tory for the mobile WiMAX BS to record and update theseinformation on a frame-by-frame basis. Therefore, there isno additional load on the network.

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Thesystem model is described in Section 2. The problem underconsideration is formulated in Section 3. The proposed LA

scheme is presented in Section 4. Numerical results are pre-sented in Section 5, and concluding remarks are given inSection 6.


We consider a single cell, single user (only one mobilehotspot) scenario. The BS is located at the center of thecell. An omni-directional antenna system is mounted ontop of the BS. Unlike the traditional mobile systems, suchas GSM and CDMA, the BS of mobile WiMAX is capableof processing complicated tasks. The entire mobile hotspotitself is the mobile station (MS). The APs are much morepowerful compared to an ordinary MS within the WLAN.Moreover, the physical dimensions of the APs are suitablefor the MIMO-based antenna systems, which can improvedata rate and reliability. A MIMO system can be oper-ated either in a space--time block code (STBC) mode orin a spatial multiplexing (SM) mode. The STBC modeimproves transmission reliability by using diversity. On theother hand, the SM mode improves transmission data rateby using multiplexing. In our system, we consider a 2 × 2MIMO system which can switch between these two modesbased on channel condition. This type of MIMO system wasfirst proposed in [12]. Any vehicle has a velometer to mea-sure its velocity; our mobile hotspot is also equipped with avelometer to measure its velocity accurately. This is anothergood feature of the mobile hotspots, whereas the ordinaryMS or MN could not measure its velocity. This informationhas a very important use in our SNR estimation.

We model the downlink scenario between the BS andan AP of a mobile hotspot as shown in Figure 2. Themobile WiMAX uses a combination of MIMO and orthogo-nal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA); we willuse the term MIMO-OFDMA to describe our system. AMIMO-OFDMA transmitter is located at the BS and aMIMO-OFDMA receiver is located at the AP. The sig-nals are transmitted through a multipath fading channel,assumed to exhibit flat Rayleigh fading with additive whiteGaussian noise (AWGN). There exists an Nt × Nr MIMO

Figure 2. Downlink system model.

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen Link adaptation scheme

antenna array between the transmitter and the receiver,where Nt and Nrare the numbers of antenna elements at thetransmitter and the receiver, respectively. At the receiver, theinformation bits are extracted from the data subchannels†

and fed to the buffer. The pilot subcarriers are fed to thechannel estimation block. This block estimates the chan-nel responses for each subcarrier and records the currentvelocity of the vehicle (mobile hotspot) from the velome-ter. The channel estimator then sends this information tothe BS by using the uplink subframe. A power alloca-tion block works at the BS to allocate power among thesubcarriers. The power allocator also computes the esti-mated post-detection SNR for each subcarrier. The LAblock selects the appropriate burst profiles for each subchan-nel. It gets the SNR values from the power allocation blockand collects information on the ARQ blocks of the previousdownlink subframe and current velocity. If an ARQ block inthe previous downlink subframe is not acknowledged by thesubsequent uplink subframe or negatively acknowledged(NACK), then retransmissions are performed up to a cer-tain limit. ARQ is a part of the MAC layer, although this isnot explicitly shown on the figure. Our main interest is in theLA block, where our algorithm will work. The transmittergets the information on burst profile from the LA block.


We use the term ‘burst profile’ to describe the combina-tion of modulation and coding, and MIMO transmission.Note that inter-subchannel power allocation is not consid-ered as part of the LA; we leave it as a component of resourceallocation (RA). However, we will discuss intra-subchannelpower allocation in the next section. Our LA algorithm usessome necessary information: effective SNR per subchannelat the receiver end, FBER requirement, and ACK/NACKmessages of ARQ blocks of the previous downlink sub-frame. Our criterion for the derivation of the LA algorithmis throughput maximization. The burst profile with higherspectral efficiency is deployed to achieve higher through-put. The corresponding burst profile must meet the systembit error rate (BER) requirement. We set this BER to corre-spond to a prescribed FBER. Ultimately, BER and FBER areboth functions of SNR. The BS gets the channel responseinformation from the AP. Most LA techniques define anSNR threshold level for each burst profile and comparethe current SNR with the SNR threshold to make a deci-sion about the switching of burst profile. Unfortunately,exact SNR information is not available due to imperfec-tion in estimation techniques and time varying nature ofthe wireless channel. Therefore, error tracking is requiredto make a proper selection of burst profile. We use NACKmessages of the previous downlink subframe ARQ blocksas the warning signals in our LA algorithm. These signals

† In OFDMA PHY of WiMAX, a subchannel is the minimum allocationunit in the frequency domain. It consists of a number of subcarriers [13].

are useful to select burst profile for the next downlink sub-frame. Another important factor is the velocity; it is evidentthat the velocity of vehicles (mobile hotspot in our case)has a significant impact on system throughput and packeterror rate. We consider the impact of velocity in our SNRestimation procedures in the next section. Our LA prob-lem can be formulated as a discrete optimization problem.We solve the same problem separately for each subchannel.This is due to the fact that different subchannel has differenteffective SNR. Roughly, the effective SNR of a subchan-nel is the geometric mean of its member subcarriers’ SNR.We formulate our LA problem to ensure efficient spectrumusage with a satisfactory level of FBER. The dimension ofone FEC block is one subchannel by two OFDMA sym-bol duration. A burst profile for each subchannel is selectedfor each downlink subframe. The generalized form of ouroptimization problem is as follows:

maximize Ri,k(x) (1)

subject to qi,k(x) ≤ Q ∀i (2)

and pi(ηi, ρ) > 0 ∀i (3)

i∈{1, 2, 3. . ., U}whereRi,k(x) is the throughput for burst profile i, subchannelk, and effective SNR x. i is the burst profile index, and U isthe number of possible burst profiles in our system. qi,k(x)is the FBER for burst profile i, subchannel k, and effec-tive SNR x. Q is the maximum tolerable FBER. pi(ηi, ρ)is the priority function for burst profile i. We set three pre-conditions for subchannel k: (1) it is allocated to the mobilehotspot; (2) some power is allocated to subchannel k; and (3)subchannel k does not carry information for more than oneARQ block for the same mobile hotspot (in the same down-link subframe). We also assume that the allocated poweris sufficient to meet the SNR requirement of at least oneburst profile. The priority function, a function of the spec-tral efficiency ηi and erroneous reception indicator ρ, isan additional constraint introduced to adapt the erroneousreception of the corresponding ARQ block in the previousdownlink (DL) subframe. It is a measure of the performanceof the previous DL subframe transmission. Higher valuesof this function indicate higher priorities and vice versa. Ittakes zero in case of inappropriate burst profiles. We definethe priority function as:

pi(ηi, ρ) = ηiI{qi,k (x)≤Q}

[I{i= argmax


ηjI{qj,k (x)≤Q}}I{ρ=0}

+ I{i�=argmaxj

ηjI{qj,k (x)≤Q}}I{ρ≥0}



I{qi,k (x)≤Q} ≥ 2 (4)

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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Link adaptation scheme M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen

= ηiI{qi,k (x)≤Q} forU∑i

I{qi,k (x)≤Q} = 1 (5)

where ηi is the spectral efficiency of burst profile i; I{} is theindicator function which takes the value 1 or 0 dependingon satisfaction of condition; ρ takes the value 0 if the cor-responding ARQ block in the previous downlink subframewas successfully received and 1 for erroneous reception;i, j∈{1, 2, 3..., U} are the indices for the burst profiles.

The main reason behind introducing this function is that:if the corresponding ARQ block in the previous DL sub-frame is erroneously received, we may select the burstprofile with the second highest spectral efficiency instead ofthe highest spectral efficiency. It will ensure more reliabletransmission at the cost of spectral efficiency.

If the size of a FEC block is Lb bits and Pb is the BER,then the upper bound of FBER is given by:

q ≤ 1−(1−Pb)Lb (6)

Equation (6) is true with equality when all bits are equallylikely to be in error [14].

The spectral efficiency of a burst profile with an M-arymodulation scheme, coding rate r, and spatial code rate µ

is given by

η = µrlog2M (7)

The normalized throughput for M-ary modulation withcode rate r and spectral efficiency η can be written as

R = (1−q)η bps/Hz (8)


As our proposed LA algorithm is static threshold based,we construct the SNR threshold tables. These tables willindicate the minimum SNRs required corresponding to theburst profiles. The SNR thresholds are selected based onmodulation order, coding scheme, and MIMO transmis-sion mode. Higher order modulation demands higher SNRthreshold and vice versa. We consider QPSK ½, QPSK ¾,16-QAM ½, 16-QAM ¾, 64-QAM 2/3, and 64-QAM ¾ forthe STBC mode, and 16-QAM ½, 16-QAM ¾, 64-QAM2/3, and 64-QAM ¾ for the SM mode.

4.1. Channel estimation

We consider pilot-based frequency domain channel estima-tion for our system [15--17]. At first, the channel responseof each pilot subcarrier will be estimated by using a leastsquare (LS) estimator. Then the channel response of the datasubcarriers will be estimated by applying linear interpola-tion and linear extrapolation. We have selected this methodbecause it reduces computational complexity. Moreover, an

LS estimator requires comparatively less amount of priorknowledge. Power level and modulation technique usedfor the pilot subcarriers are known to the receiver. Oursystem is a 2 × 2 MIMO OFDMA system and capable ofswitching between STBC and SM transmission modes. Weconsider an independent pilot pattern (IPP) approach forMIMO channel estimation [16]. In IPP, two antennas donot transmit the same pilot subcarriers simultaneously.

In case of any pilot subcarrier p of the mth OFDMAsymbol, the received signal in the frequency domain can bewritten as

Yp,m = Hp,mXp,m + Wp,m (9)

where Xp,m is known to the receiver. Wp,m is the unex-pected noise or interference. The objective function of a LSestimator is



from which we get the estimated channel response for thepilot subcarrier:

Hp,m = Yp,m


= Hp,m + Ep,m (10)

where Ep,m = Wp,m

/Xp,m is an error term due to channel

noise and imperfection inherent in the LS estimator.Channel responses for the data subcarriers can be esti-

mated by using linear interpolation or linear extrapolation.The estimated channel response for any data subcarrier n (nis the physical index) at the mth OFDMA symbol is givenby

Hn,m = HpA,m + HpB,m−HpA,m


(n−pA) (11)

where pAandpB are the pilot subcarrier physical indices andpB > pA. Also n, pA and pB are members of the same clus-ter. Equation (11) performs linear interpolation wherepA <

n < pB. It performs linear extrapolation when n < pAorn > pB.

We can apply the same technique for all the subcarriersand for all the OFDMA symbols. In case of odd OFDMAsymbols, h11(n)and h12(n)can be estimated. In case of evenOFDMA symbols, h21(n)and h22(n)can be estimated. Then,the average time can be calculated for the entire downlinksubframe.

h(n) = 2



Hn,m for odd symbols,

h(n) = h11(n) or h12(n) (12)

h(n) = 2



Hn,m for even symbols,

h(n) = h21(n) or h22(n) (13)

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen Link adaptation scheme

H(n) =[

h11(n) h12(n)h21(n) h22(n)


where M is the total number of downlink symbols, whichis always an even number. Hence, the estimated channelmatrix H for each subcarrier is sent to the BS via uplink.The estimated average channel gain (spatial average) of asubcarrier n can be defined as

H(n) =





∣∣hij(n)∣∣2 = 1

2‖H(n)‖F (15)

where ‖H(n)‖F is the Frobenius norm of the channelmatrix.

4.2. SNR estimation

Estimated channel gains are used to estimate SNR. InOFDMA, we may separate the weak subchannels from thestrong ones, but we do not have that option at the subcar-rier level. SNR is highly dependent on power allocationstrategy. We leave inter-subchannel power allocation as acomponent of RA. Here we describe an intra-subchannelpower allocation strategy.

Let Hk(n) be the estimated average channel gain of thenth subcarrier of the kth subchannel, and sk(n) be the allo-cated power to that subcarrier. Then the estimated SNR atthe receiver end is given by

�k(n) = sk(n)∣∣Hk(n)



The estimated effective SNR of the kth subchannel isgiven by

�k,E = 2



log2(1+�k (n))

−1 (17)

whereNk is the total number of data subcarriers in the kthsubchannel and n∈{1, 2, · · · , Nk}. In our power allocationstrategy, we aim for each subcarrier within a subchannel toexperience the same SNR. Let �kbe the allocated power tothe kth subchannel, excluding the power of the pilot sub-carriers. According to our power allocation strategy, �k isdistributed among the member subcarriers in such a way




σ2= sk(2)



= sk(3)∣∣Hk(3)


σ2= ... = �k(n) (18)


sk(n) = �k (19)

From Equations (18) and (19), we have

�k(n) = �k



|Hk (n)|2


�k,E = 21

NkNk log2(1+�k (n))−1 = �k(n), ∀n (21)

Therefore, the effective SNR of the subchannel is equalto the estimated SNR of an individual data subcarrier.

4.3. Threshold tables

We set the SNR thresholds based on the FBER upper bound,which provides better safety margin and lower computa-tional cost. We consider maximal ratio combining (MRC)reception with Alamouti code for the STBC mode [18], andzero forcing (ZF) detection for the SM mode. In threshold,selection does not include SNR gain from a convolutionalcode (CC) scheme. We select the SNR threshold values forq ≤ 10−3. Two tables are prepared to specify the minimumSNRs per symbol required to maintain q ≤ 10−3. The thresh-old values for the STBC mode are summarized in Table I.The threshold value selection for the SM mode requiresadditional information on spatial correlation. We introducea multiplying factorψ as an indicator for spatial correlation(see Appendix I).

ψ(n) = |�(n)|2‖H(n)‖F 4


where �(n) is the determinant of the channel matrix ofany subcarrier n, and ‖H(n)‖F is the Frobenius norm of

Table I. SNR threshold table for STBC mode (q ≤ 10−3).

Modulation CC coding rate Bit/sym. Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz) SNR thres. (dB)

QPSK ½ 2 1 12.5QPSK ¾ 2 1.5 1416 QAM ½ 4 2 2316 QAM ¾ 4 3 2564 QAM 2/3 6 4 3164 QAM ¾ 6 4.5 32.5

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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Link adaptation scheme M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen

Table II. SNR Threshold table for SM mode (q ≤ 10−3and ≥ 0.1).

Modulation CC coding rate Bit/sym. Spectral efficiency (bps/Hz) SNR thres. (dB)

16 QAM ½ 4 4 3016 QAM ¾ 4 6 3164 QAM 2/3 6 8 3864 QAM ¾ 6 9 39

the channel matrix. A higher value of ψ indicates lowerspatial correlation and vice versa. Higher value of ψ is moresuitable for the SM mode. We set a lower bound for ψ

to select the SNR values for the SM mode. The thresholdvalues for the SM mode are summarized in Table II.

4.4. Throughput maximization

In the previous section, we addressed a throughput maxi-mization problem. In the next subsection, we propose anLA algorithm for that problem. Without using the tradi-tional nonlinear optimization techniques, we can solve itheuristically. The main idea is that ‘if we select the burstprofile with the highest spectral efficiency at a given con-dition, then the throughput will be maximized’. In an idealcase, the channel estimation is perfect; MIMO channels aretotally uncorrelated and there is no erroneous reception, etc.In order to adapt with the realistic scenario, we introduce a‘priority function’ as the constraint in the problem formula-tion. The NACK message or erroneous reception occurswhen the SNR is over estimated. The priority functionaffects the burst profile selection and works as a protectionagainst successive erroneous reception. With the priorityfunction, the solution automatically contains an adaptiveARQ mechanism.

4.5. Proposed LA algorithm

Before describing our LA algorithm steps, we reiterate someconditions: subchannel allocation and inter-subchannelpower allocation are done by the RA algorithm. Our algo-rithm starts when a subchannel is allocated to a mobilehotspot and the power for that subchannel is also allocated.We assume that frame by frame channel estimation is avail-able. Here, we describe how an appropriate burst profile isselected for a subchannel. Our goal is to perform frame byframe LA for the downlink.

Let γk[u] denote the adjusted SNR of the kth subchan-nel for the uth downlink subframe, γk[u−1] denote theadjusted SNR of the kth subchannel for the (u−1)th down-link subframe, α denote the adjustment factor, �k,E[u]denote the estimated effective SNR of the kth subchannelfor the uth downlink subframe, �k[u] denote the allocatedpower to the kth subchannel for the uth downlink subframe,�k[u−1] denote the allocated power to the kth subchan-nel for the (u−1)th downlink subframe, k[u] denote theMIMO threshold function of the kth subchannel for the uth

downlink subframe, ρ denote the ARQ message indicator,ψk,GM[u] denote the geometric mean of the estimated mul-tiplying factors of the kth subchannel for the uth downlinksubframe, USM denote the set of the candidate burst profilesfor the SM mode, USTBC denote the set of the candidate pro-files for the STBC mode, i denote the burst profile index,pi denote the priority function of the burst profile i, and ηi

denote the spectral efficiency of the burst profile i.The AL algorithm is comprised of the following four

steps.Step 1. SNR adjustmentAn OFDMA frame starts with a downlink subframe

and ends with an uplink subframe. A time gap intervaltakes place between them. The downlink burst profiles areselected based on the feedback information from the pre-vious uplink. We adjust the estimated SNR due to highmobility, and define an adjusted SNR of the kth subchannelfor the uth downlink subframe as

γk[u] = (1−α)�k,E[u] + αγk[u−1]�k[u]

�k[u−1], α∈[0, 1]


where adjustment factor α = vcurrent

/vmax, vcurrent is the cur-

rent velocity of the mobile hotspot, and vmaxis the maximumvelocity of the mobile hotspot (see Appendix II).

We know that SNR depends on the allocated power. Theallocated power may not be the same for every downlinksubframe. Therefore, we need to extract the channel fac-tor from γk[u−1] and then calculate an equivalent SNRfor �k[u]. That is why γk[u−1] is multiplied by the ratio�k[u]

/�k[u−1] in the second term of Equation (23).

Step 2. MIMO mode selectionWe know that the STBC mode performs better in the

lower SNR region and the SM mode performs better in thehigher SNR region. But SNR information is not enough forthe SM mode, it requires an additional information on ψ.Therefore, we consider both of them in our mode selectionprocedure. The geometric mean of the estimated multiply-ing factors (ψ) of the kth subchannel for the uth downlinksubframe is given by

ψk,GM[u] =[



] 1Nk


We need to define a function in order to specify SNRinformation of a particular subchannel for a particu-lar downlink subframe. We call it the MIMO threshold

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen Link adaptation scheme

function. The MIMO threshold function of the kth subchan-nel for the uth downlink subframe is defined as

k[u] = I{ρ=0}I{γk [u]≥30dB}+I{ρ=1}I{γk [u]≥31dB} (25)

I{} is the indicator function which takes either 1 or 0depending on satisfaction of condition. ρ takes the value 0if the corresponding ARQ block in the previous downlinksubframe was successfully received and 1 for erroneousreception.

The MIMO threshold function prevents the formation offeedback loop, i.e., we do not need to change the MIMOmode once we select it for a particular downlink subframe.k[u] specifies two thresholds for the SM mode dependingon the ARQ message indicator: 30 dB for ρ = 0 and 31 dBfor ρ = 1.

In a simple manner, if k[u] = 1 and ψk,GM[u] ≥ 0.1,then select the SM mode. Otherwise select the STBC mode.In the SM mode, the possible burst profile i is chosen asi∈USM. In the STBC mode, the possible burst profile i ischosen as i∈USTBC.

Step 3. Priority calculationThe priorities of the burst profile can be calculated by

using a modified version of Equations (4) and (5). Here,we use the corresponding SNR threshold instead of FBER.Higher value of the priority function indicates higher spec-tral efficiency and vice versa.

pi(ηi, ρ) = ηiI{γk [u])≥θi}

[I{i= arg max


ηjI{γk [u]≥θj }}I{ρ=0}

+ I{i�=arg maxj

ηjI{γk [u]≥θj }}I{ρ≥0}



I{γk [u])≥θi} ≥ 2 (26)

= ηiI{γk [u])≥θi} forU∑i

I{γk [u])≥θi} = 1 (27)

where θi is the SNR threshold of the burst profile i

Step 4. Burst profile selectionThe final step is to select the burst profile with the highest


i∗ = arg maxi

pi(ηi, ρ) (28)

As the priority function assigns higher priorities to thehigher spectral efficiency burst profiles, the burst profile i

will maximize throughput. We repeat the same routine foreach subchannel to find the best burst profile.


In this section, we present some numerical results on theproposed LA algorithm, which are obtained from downlink

link level simulations using partial Monte Carlo method inMATLAB. In the partial Monte Carlo method, all the pro-cesses in a system are not simulated as random processes;some of them are simulated based on statistical models. Inthis paper, statistical models are used for path loss and noise.We consider some simple scenarios, which are appropriatefor evaluating performance of the proposed LA algorithm.We consider a single cell single user (only one mobilehotspot) case. The downlink between a WiMAX BS andthe AP of a mobile hotspot is simulated. Two performancemetrics are evaluated: FBER and normalized throughput.

We define an ARQ block which consists of one subchan-nel and two time slots. We choose two non-adjacent physicalclusters to construct the subchannel. The simulation param-eters are summarized in Table III. The miscellaneous lossesinclude the AP noise figure and any other possible losses.Though the ARQ block is a small part of the whole down-link subframe, we use the term frame to indicate the ARQblock for convenience. Two major categories of investiga-tions are presented: impact of moving direction and impactof velocity-based SNR adjustment.

5.1. Impact of moving direction

We consider two cases of moving direction: (1) a mobilehotspot arriving to the cell center (we call it the arrivingmobile hotspot), and (2) a mobile hotspot departing fromthe cell center (we call it the departing mobile hotspot). Inboth cases the velocity is set to 90 km/h, and the allocatedpower is set to 0.5 W (27 dBm). The initial distance for thearriving mobile hotspot is 900 m from the BS. The initialdistance for the departing mobile hotspot is 150 m from theBS. Numerical results are obtained for 30 s duration (6000frames).

Figure 3(a) shows the instantaneous FBER plots for thearriving mobile hotspot. It can be seen that the proposed LAalgorithm is able to keep the ‘instantaneous FBER’ ≤10−3

most of the time. Figure 3(b) shows the instantaneous nor-malized throughput plots for the arriving mobile hotspot. Itcan be seen that the throughput is dominated by the pathloss. The throughput increases as the mobile hotspot getscloser to the BS. The path loss decreases with time for thearriving mobile hotspot.

Let us consider the departing mobile hotspot. Figure4(a) shows the instantaneous FBER plots for the departingmobile hotspot. It reveals that the proposed LA algorithmis able to keep the ‘instantaneous FBER’ ≤10−3 most ofthe time. Figure 4(b) shows the instantaneous normalizedthroughput plots for the departing mobile hotspot. It revealsthat the throughput is dominated by the path loss. We seethat throughput decreases as the mobile hotspot gets furtheraway from the BS. The path loss increases with time forthe departing mobile hotspot. Roughly, Figure 4(b) shows areverse scenario of Figure 3(b) because of opposite movingdirections.

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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Link adaptation scheme M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen

Table III. Simulation parameters.

Parameter Description/value

Cell radius 1 kmAllocated power to the subchannel 0.5 W, 1.0 WBS Antenna gain 16 dBiBS Antenna height 40 mFrequency band 2.3 GHzFFT size 1024System bandwidth 10 MHzSymbol duration 115.2�sGuard ratio 1/8Thermal noise density −174 dBm/Hz (at 25◦C)Mobile hotspot velocity 60 km/h, 90 km/h, 120 km/hSubchannelization strategy PUSCDuplex mode TDDChannel model ITU-R Vehicular BAP antenna height 2.8 mShadowing loss 10 dBPath loss model COST 231 Hata model for suburban environment (min. separation required 35 m)Miscellaneous losses 12 dBAP Antenna gain 10 dBFading type Flat Rayleigh fadingFrame duration 5 msDL to UL ratio 3:1MIMO Antenna configuration 2 × 2BS and AP Antenna pattern Omni-directionalMIMO mode STBC, SM (switchable)Burst size (one ARQ block) 1 subchannel × 4 symbolsMaximum number of retransmissions 3vmax settings 360 km/h

5.2. Impact of velocity-based SNRadjustment

As the proposed LA algorithm adjusts SNR based on veloc-ity of the mobile hotspots, it is necessary to investigate

the impact of velocity-based SNR adjustment. We sepa-rately consider three different cases of velocity: 60, 90, and120 km/h. These mobile hotspots are the departing mobilehotspots. From the discussion in the previous subsection, weknow that the throughput of the departing mobile hotspots

0 5 10 15 20 25 3010-15




Time in Sec



ck E

rror R


0 5 10 15 20 25 300










Time in Sec






put i

n bp



(a) (b)

Figure 3. (a) Instantaneous FBER plots for the arriving mobile hotspot. (b) Instantaneous normalized throughput plots for the arrivingmobile hotspot.

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen Link adaptation scheme

0 5 10 15 20 25 3010-15




Time in Sec



ck E

rror R


0 5 10 15 20 25 300










Time in Sec






put i

n bp



(a) (b)

Figure 4. (a) Instantaneous FBER plots for the departing mobile hotspot. (b). Instantaneous normalized throughput plots for thedeparting mobile hotspot.

decreases with time. The initial distance is set at 200 m fromthe BS. The final location is situated near the cell edge in allcases. The allocated power is set to 1.0 W (30 dBm) in eachcase. We compare the performance of the SNR adjustedLA with that of the SNR non-adjusted LA (just omittingthe first step of the proposed LA algorithm). We comparethe average performance within a 2-second interval.

Firstly, we consider a mobile hotspot with velocity60 km/h. Numerical results are obtained for 25 s duration(5000 frames). Figure 5(a) and (b) shows the compar-ative throughput and FBER performance, respectively.We see that velocity-based SNR adjustment performsbetter than the non-adjusted SNR in both perspectives.

The velocity-based SNR adjustment improves throughputand reduces FBER. Overall average of the normalizedthroughput is 2.2154 bps/Hz for the velocity-based SNRadjustment, whereas that for the non-adjusted SNR is2.2045 bps/Hz. Overall average of the FBER is 0.0107for the velocity-based SNR adjustment, whereas that forthe non-adjusted SNR is 0.0110. Secondly, we consider amobile hotspot with velocity 90 km/h. Numerical resultsare obtained for 22 s duration (4400 frames). Figure 6(a)and (b) shows the comparative throughput and FBER per-formance, respectively. We see that velocity-based SNRadjustment performs better than the non-adjusted SNR inboth perspectives.

0 5 10 15 20 251








Time in sec.








put (



V = 60 km/hr

SNR adjustment (Avg. 2.2154 bps/Hz)No adjustment (Avg. 2.2045 bps/Hz)

0 5 10 15 20 2510-6






Time in sec.





V = 60 km/hr

SNR Adjustment (Avg. 0.0107)No Adjustment (Avg. 0.0110)

(a) (b)

Figure 5. (a) Impact of SNR adjustment on the throughput with velocity 60 km/h. (b) Impact of SNR adjustment on the FBER withvelocity 60 km/h.

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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Link adaptation scheme M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 221







Time in sec.








put (



V = 90 km/hr

SNR adjustment (Avg. 1.9803 bps/Hz)No adjustment (Avg. 1.9636 bps/Hz)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 2210-6






Time in sec.





V = 90 km/hr

SNR adjustment (Avg. 0.0081)No adjustment (Avg. 0.0095 )

(a) (b)

Figure 6. (a) Impact of SNR adjustment on the throughput with velocity 90 km/h. (b) Impact of SNR adjustment on the FBER withvelocity 90 km/h.

The velocity-based SNR adjustment improves through-put and reduces FBER. Overall average of the normalizedthroughput is 1.9803 bps/Hz for the velocity-based SNRadjustment, whereas that for the non-adjusted SNR is1.9636 bps/Hz. Overall average of the FBER is 0.0081for the velocity-based SNR adjustment, whereas that forthe non-adjusted SNR is 0.0095. Finally, we consider amobile hotspot with velocity 120 km/h. Numerical resultsare obtained for 20 s duration (4000 frames). Figure 7(a)and (b) shows the comparative throughput and FBER per-formance, respectively. We see that velocity-based SNRadjustment performs better than the non-adjusted SNR inboth of the perspectives. The velocity-based SNR adjust-

ment improves throughput and reduces FBER. Overallaverage of the normalized throughput is 1.8225 bps/Hz forthe velocity-based SNR adjustment, and the FBER is 0.0080for the velocity-based SNR adjustment, whereas that for thenon-adjusted SNR is 0.0100.

Now we discuss a common feature among theFigures 5(b), 6(b), and 7(b). In some intervals FBERexhibits very low values. This happens due to better accu-racy in channel estimation and/or reduced number of overestimation of SNR.

According to the discussions above, we can concludethat the velocity-based SNR adjustment improves over-all performance. This improvement comes in the form of

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 201







Time in sec.








put (



V = 120 km/hr

SNR adjustment (Avg. 1.8225 bps/Hz)No adjustment (Avg. 1.7929 bps/Hz)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2010-7







Time in sec.





V = 120 km/hr

SNR adjustment (Avg. 0.0080)No adjustment (Avg. 0.0100)

(a) (b)

Figure 7. (a) Impact of the SNR adjustment on the throughput with velocity 120 km/h. (b) Impact of SNR adjustment on the FBER withvelocity 120 km/h.

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

Page 11: A link adaptation scheme for the downlink of mobile hotspot

M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen Link adaptation scheme

both increased throughput and reduced FBER. Velocity-based SNR adjustment becomes more effective at highervelocities.


In this paper, we have proposed a simple LA algorithm forthe WiMAX supported mobile hotspots. The algorithm hasbeen designed for the downlink part between the WiMAXBS and mobile hotspot AP. It is an instantaneous SNR-basedLA algorithm. The link level performance of the proposedalgorithm has also been evaluated. Path loss has a domi-nant effect on throughput, and moving direction is a keyfactor that influences the behavior of throughput versustime characteristics. In most of the cases, the proposed LAalgorithm is able to keep FBER under a certain value. Theproposed LA algorithm, capable of working under varioustypes of conditions, is independent of RA. It is adaptivewith velocity, power, direction, channel response, and sys-tem performance. Though the proposed LA algorithm is forthe mobile WiMAX network, it can be extended to any otherMIMO-OFDMA networks.


This work has been supported by the Natural Sciences andEngineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada undergrant no. RGPIN7779.


7.1. Derivation of multiplying factor ψ

The multiplying factor relates estimated SNR with post-detection SNR for SM mode. ZF detection requirescomputing pseudo inverse of MIMO channel matrix. In caseof a 2 × 2 MIMO configuration, pseudo inverse and inverseare the same. The inverse of channel matrix is given by




[ h22(n)

h11(n)h22(n) − h12(n)h21(n)


h11(n)h22(n) − h12(n)h21(n)−h21(n)

h11(n)h22(n) − h12(n)h21(n)


h11(n)h22(n) − h12(n)h21(n)


= 1

[h22(n) −h12(n)

−h21(n) h11(n)


where� = det(H(n)) = h11(n)h22(n) − h12(n)h21(n). Forconvenience, in what follows we drop the subcarrier index.[GGH

]= 1

|�|2[ |h22|2 + |h12|2 −h11

∗h12 − h21∗h22

−h11h12∗ − h21h22

∗ |h11|2 + |h21|2]


In the SM mode two symbols are transmitted simultane-ously using two different antennas. Allocated power to asubcarrier is divided by two, SNR for the first symbol andsecond symbol can be written as

�1 = s |�|22σ2(|h22|2 + |h12|2)

and �2 = s |�|22σ2(|h11|2 + |h21|2)

We need to consider both antennas (i.e., all the spatialchannels) in order to set a threshold value. Taking a sim-ple average of the denominators, we obtain an interestingexpression for post-detection SNR for the SM mode withZF detection

�SM = s |�|2σ2

(|h22|2 + |h12|2 + |h11|2 + |h21|2) = s |�|2

σ2 ‖H‖F 2


The estimated SNR is expressed as

� = s∣∣H∣∣2

/σ2 = s ‖H‖F 2

/4σ2 (32)

The post-detection SNR for the SM mode with ZF detec-tion can be written as

�SM = s |�|2σ2 ‖H‖F 2

= s ‖H‖F 2


4 |�|2‖H‖F 4

= 4ψ� (33)

where ψ = |�|2/‖H‖F 4 is the multiplying factor.


8.1. Selection of adjustment factor α

We introduce the parameter α to include the impact ofmobility in SNR estimation. We define α as the ratio ofcurrent Doppler shift to maximum tolerable Doppler shift:

α = fD,current

fD,max= vcurrent


where vcurrent and vmaxare the current velocity and the max-imum velocity of a mobile hotspot, respectively. The BScan get the exact value of the current velocity from mobilehotspot.

The upper bound of vmax can be obtained as follows:maximum Doppler shift < subcarrier spacing, (This

condition avoids the impact of Doppler’s effect.)

or, vmaxfc

c< �f

or, vmax <c�f



This upper bound is very loose because signal powerdoes not confine within the center frequency. We define aspreading margin, which is the difference between subcar-rier spacing and subcarrier bandwidth (BWSC). It will help

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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Link adaptation scheme M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen

us to ignore intercarrier interference (ICI). Spreading mar-gin is the maximum tolerable frequency spreading withoutany overlapping between two successive subcarriers. In oursystem �f = 10.94 kHz andBWSC = 9.76 kHz.

We use spreading margin to find the upper bound of vmax

as follows:

vmax <c


(�f − BWSC) (36)

or, vmax < 554 km/h (37)

We choose 360 km/h as vmax, and leave some portionfor frequency offset effect. Frequency spread occurs dueto Doppler spread and subcarrier (carrier) frequency off-set effect [19]. In reality, the mobile hotspot will never beoperated with velocity vmax. We define vmax as the velocity,at which channel estimation does not work at all. In otherwords, the channel is totally untraceable at vmax.


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Md. M. Hasan was born in Jamalpur,Bangladesh in 1979. He received B.Sc.and M.Sc. in Electrical and ElectronicEngineering from Bangladesh Univer-sity of Engineering and Technology(BUET), Dhaka, in 2003 and 2005respectively. He received M.A.Sc. inElectrical and Computer Engineeringfrom the University of Waterloo, ON,

Canada, in 2009. In 2004-06, he worked for several Telecomcompanies in Bangladesh as an operation and mainte-nance engineer. He is experienced on multi-vendor telecomequipments. In 2007-09, he worked at center for wirelesscommunications (CWC), Waterloo as a research assis-tant. His research interests include mobility management,resource allocation, and broadband power line communica-tions. He is a student member of IEEE.

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

Page 13: A link adaptation scheme for the downlink of mobile hotspot

M. M. Hasan, J. W. Mark and X. Shen Link adaptation scheme

Jon W. Mark is a Distinguished Pro-fessor Emeritus and the Director ofthe Centre for Wireless Communica-tions, Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering, University ofWaterloo. Upon receiving the in electrical engineering fromMcMaster University, he joined theDepartment of Electrical Engineering

(renamed the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neering in 1989), University of Waterloo, Canada, in 1970.He served as the department Chairman from 1984 to 1990.With a $1 million donation from Ericsson Canada as seedmoney, he established the Centre for Wireless Commu-nications at the Univeristy of Waterloo in 1996, and hassince been serving as the founding Director. His currentresearch interests are in wireless communications and net-working, with a focus on resource management, mobilitymanagement, cross-layer design, and end-to-end informa-tion delivery with QoS provisioning. A Fellow of the IEEEand a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, heis the recipient of the 2000 Canadian Award in Telecom-munications Research. He co-authored the text, WirelessCommunications and Networking, published by Prentice-Hall in 2003. He was the Editor for Wide Area Networksof the IEEE Transactions on Communications from 1983to 1989, the Technical Program Chairman of Infocom’89,a member of the Inter-Society Steering Committee of theIEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking from 1992 to2003, an Editor of the ACM journal of Wireless Networksfrom 1993 to 2004, and an Associate Editor of the journalof Telecommunication Systems from 1994 to 2004.

Xuemin (Sherman) Shen received theB.Sc.(1982) degree from Dalian Mar-itime University (China) and the M.Sc.(1987) and Ph.D. degrees (1990) fromRutgers University, New Jersey (USA),all in electrical engineering. He isa Professor and University ResearchChair, Department of Electrical andComputer Engineering, University of

Waterloo, Canada. Dr. Shen’s research focuses on resourcemanagement in interconnected wireless/wired networks,UWB wireless communications networks, wireless networksecurity, wireless body area networks and vehicular ad hocand sensor networks. He is a co-author of three books, andhas published more than 400 papers and book chapters inwireless communications and networks, control and filter-ing. Dr. Shen served as the Technical Program CommitteeChair for IEEE VTC’10, the Symposia Chair for IEEEICC’10, the Tutorial Chair for IEEE ICC’08, the Tech-nical Program Committee Chair for IEEE Globecom’07,the General Co-Chair for Chinacom’07 and QShine’06, theFounding Chair for IEEE Communications Society Techni-cal Committee on P2P Communications and Networking.He also served as a Founding Area Editor for IEEE Trans-actions on Wireless Communications; Editor-in-Chief forPeer-to-Peer Networking and Application; Associate Editorfor IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology; ComputerNetworks; and ACM/Wireless Networks, etc., and the GuestEditor for IEEE JSAC, IEEE Wireless Communications,IEEE Communications Magazine, and ACM Mobile Net-works and Applications, etc. Dr. Shen received the ExcellentGraduate Supervision Award in 2006, and the OutstandingPerformance Award in 2004 and 2008 from the Univer-sity of Waterloo, the Premier’s Research Excellence Award(PREA) in 2003 from the Province of Ontario, Canada, andthe Distinguished Performance Award in 2002 and 2007from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo.Dr. Shen is a registered Professional Engineer of Ontario,Canada, an IEEE Fellow, and a Distinguished Lecturer ofIEEE Communications Society.

Wirel. Commun. Mob. Comput. (2011) © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.DOI: 10.1002/wcm

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