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A Look Inside the Web:Web 2.0 and Beyond for E-Government

Wednesday, May 15, 2007, 7:30 - 10:00 a.m.Brand Niemann, Senior Enterprise Architect, US EPA, andBest Practices Committee Secretariat, Federal CIO Council

Information Technology Breakfast SeriesIndustry Advisory Council Partners Program

The City Club of Washington, D.C.

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• 1. Purpose

• 2. Government Information Leaders Caucus on Web 2.0

• 3. Business Case

• 4. Shared Services

• 5. Beyond

• 6. Dialogue

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1. Purpose

• Panel discussion of ways in which web technology can help public and private sector organizations enhance communication and achieve common goals through collaborative efforts, strong security, and targeted application.

• Educational event for sharing views and experiences with strategic uses of web technology.

• Specifically for the government and industry participants in the 2007 Partner Program team called Chrysalis, and the 2007 Partner Program chairs and vice chairs.

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1. Purpose

• Summarize opportunity of Web 2.0 to enable new ways of doing business in a highly network centric environment and cite examples of collaboration among government and industry using Wikis:– JC Herz - Open Source Application Development:

April 16th Best Practice Committee Meeting.– Don Geiger - XBRL: SOA CoP Demo Phase 2 and

Agile Financial Data Services CoP.– Phil Cruver - Videocasting: Pilot at April 16th Best

Practice Committee Meeting.

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2. Government Information Leaders

Caucus on Web 2.0• The 22nd Semi-Annual Spring Government CIO

Summit, Government by Wiki: New Tools for Collaboration, Information-Sharing, and Decision-Making, May 6-8, 2007, Ft. Myers, FL:– Government by Wiki: A Guided Tour:

• An executive briefing for government CIOs on who’s using the new tools and techniques for collaboration, how well they work, how to start using them, and what their promise holds for agency CIOs and CEOs.

– I was asked to be the Tour Guide.

» A big responsibility!

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2. Government Information Leaders

Caucus on Web 2.0• Using a Wiki to collaborate in developing the Data Reference

Model, a key component of the Federal Enterprise Architecture.– Susan Turnbull, GSA Office of Citizen Services and

Communications.• The government healthcare community is using blogs and

virtual communities to connect with important health interest groups.– John Anderton, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

• Members of the Utah State Legislature are using a Wiki to collaborate on developing the lists of bills they send to committees. They say the Wiki has distributed responsibility and power to the members as never before.– Stephen Urquhart, Utah House of Representatives.

• The intelligence community is using these similar tools to locate new sources of national security information.– Chris Rasmussen, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

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2. Government Information Leaders

Caucus on Web 2.0• Tour Map:

– CIO Council Committees– Federal Enterprise Architecture– CIO Council Strategic Plan– Networking Communities of Practice– Internet Evolution to 2020– Dialogue

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2. Government Information Leaders

Caucus on Web 2.0

Pilot Wiki Page

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3. Business Case

• Federal Chief Information Officer Council Strategic Plan: FY 2007-2009:– Goal 1. A cadre of highly capable IT professionals

with the mission critical competencies needed to meet agency goals.

– Goal 2. Information securely, rapidly, and reliably delivered to our stakeholders. (see next slide)

– Goal 3. Interoperable IT solutions, identified and used efficiently and effectively across the Federal Government.

– Goal 4. An integrated, accessible Federal infrastructure enabling interoperability across Federal, state, tribal, and local governments, as well as partners in the commercial and academic sectors.

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Goal 2: Information securely, rapidly, and reliably delivered to our stakeholders

Tool Program Purpose

Web Search Federal SitemapsGoogle: Federal Sitemaps

LocateMost searches start with Google, Yahoo, and MSN

Wikis COLABGoogle: COLAB Wiki

CollaborateSlide 12: Need to Share

Semantic Wikis KnowledgebasesGoogle: DRM 3.0 and Web 3.0

IntegrateSlide 12: Responsibility to Provide

The FEA DRM 2.0 was written in the COLAB and is being implemented in Semantic Wikis!

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Goal 2: Information securely, rapidly, and reliably delivered to our stakeholders

• Federal Sitemaps Initiative:– Interagency Focus: To open the records in databases,

or pages that lie behind other barriers to crawling, to search engine users.


– EPA Focus: Structure unstructured EPA information, make EPA databases visible to search engine crawlers and users, consolidate EPA information to make it easier to use, and to provide semantic metadata and linking in support of DRM 3.0 and Web 3.0 applications.


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3. Business Case

• Clay Johnson, Deputy Director for Management at OMB:– How does the Best Practices Committee do Best

Practices? (January 17th CIO Council Meeting):• See next slide.

• Mike McConnell, Director of National Intelligence:– Move the intelligence community beyond the "need to

share" philosophy toward a "responsibility to provide" model:

• March 6, 2007,, Intelligence chief establishes information-sharing panel.

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3. Business Case

• Suggestion by BPC Co-Chair, George Strawn on a "Best Practices" Process, March 19, 2007:– 1. Request for Best Practices: A way for CIOs and their friends

to ask for help from other agencies (and others) as to what are best practices in a given activity.

– 2. Requests for Best Practicers: Present to the Best Practice Committee (as we have been doing).

– 3. Capture These Presentations: The audio/video as well as the materials that we already capture and make available over the Wiki.

• April 16th Pilot - Web 2.0: Tying It All Together in A Service System” with the KZO platform that integrates blogs, wikis, and other interactive Web 2.0 features. (see next slides)

– 4. Facilitate Access to and Awareness of These Materials: RSS and perhaps other techniques.

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4. Shared Services

People Business

Products Information

enable develop enable transform

designoperate &maintain

create utilize

Industrial services Information services

Business servicesConsumer services

Non-market services

Source: Dr. Spohrer, Towards a Science of Service Systems, CIOC Best Practices Committee, March 19, 2007.

The Challenge: Service industry growth

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4. Shared Services

People Business

Products &Nature


Schools ofScience & Engineering Information Schools

Schools ofBusiness Management

Schools ofSocial Science & Humanities

Source: Dr. Spohrer, Towards a Science of Service Systems, CIOC Best Practices Committee, March 19, 2007.

The Challenge: Academic Silos

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4. Shared Services

People Business



Architecture & Infrastructure CommitteeBest Practices Committee

Executive CommitteeIT Workforce Committee

Source: Pages 21-22, Federal Chief Information Officer Council Strategic Plan: FY 2007-2009, 28 pp.

Goal 1

Goal 2Goal 3

Goal 4

The Challenge: CIO Council Silos

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4. Shared ServicesPeople

Information TechnologyBusiness


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4. Shared Services

Google: SOA for E-Government 2007

Home Page

Revisions/Additions: 183!

5 Months of Planning and Activities!

Conference Proceedings

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4. Shared Services• Shared Services Community of Practice: A Persistent

Learning Community of Senior Executive Practitioners, May 29-31:– Leadership for a Networked World Program: An Executive

Education Program of the John F. Kennedy School of Government.

– Convening senior most shared services practitioners from the public and private sector to explore these matters. Tuition free/travel only (operating with grants from Accenture & Microsoft).

– Event Page:•

– Agenda:•

– Registration:•

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5. Beyond

Point CounterpointIT Doesn’t Matter! (1) “Hogwash!” (2)

The World Is Flat! (3) Some 3 billion people still live in an "unflat world“ (4)

Mass Collaboration Changes Everything! (5)

The Medici Effect Changes Everything! (6)

Web 2.0 Arrives! (7) To Find Web 3.0 Under Way! (7)

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5. Beyond• Sources:

– (1) Does IT Matter?, Nicholas Carr, Harvard Business School Press (2004).

•– (2) Steve Ballmer, CEO, Microsoft, on Back Jacket Cover of (1)!– (3) The World Is Flat, Thomas Friedman, Farrar, Straus and

Giroux (2005):•

– (4) Wikipedida, The World Is Flat:•

– (5) Wikinomics, Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams, Portfolio (2007):

•– (6) The Medici Effect, Frans Johansson, Harvard Business

School Press (2006):•

– (7) Information Week, April 16, 2007:•


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5. Beyond

• Internet (Web 2.0 (Wikis)):– Math for: Wikis are part of Web 2.0 which are part of the


• Web 2.0: Essential Essentials:– Refers to a perceived second-generation of Web based

communities and hosted services — such as social networking sites, wikis and folksonomies — that facilitate collaboration and sharing between users.

– Earlier users of the phrase "Web 2.0" employed it as a synonym for "Semantic Web," and indeed, the two concepts complement each other. The combination of social-networking systems such as FOAF and XFN with the development of tag-based folksonomies, delivered through blogs and wikis, sets up a basis for a semantic web environment.


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5. Beyond

Time bar of Web 2.0 buzz words. This image shows the age of some buzzwords sometimes used in Web 2.0 lingo and its dependencies.


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5. Beyond

The User

Web 2.0



Consume Create

Enterprise 2.0



Customers Partners

“SOA provides the framework, AJAX provides the business value”“AJAX – The only way to bring SOA to the user”John Crupi, JackBe, May 10, 2007.

AJAX: Shorthand for “Asynchronous Javascript and XML,” a web developmenttechnique for creating interactive web applications by exchanging small amountsof data with the server behind the scenes so the entire web page does not have tobe reloaded each time the user requests a change.

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5. Beyond

• The Web Browser is also an Editor!– Original intention of Web-inventor Sir Tim Berners-

Lee.– Simple demo of editing a Wiki page.

• The Web Browser provides a richer experience!– See KZO Networks, Washington Post – Newsweek

Interactive, and Library of Congress as examples.

• The content is also delivered to more than a Web Browser!– PDAs, Cell Phones, and Other Gadgets.

Social Media: RSS, blogs, podcasts, wikis, and others.

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Semantic Wikis: The Role of Techno-Social Collaboration in Building DRM 3.0 and Web 3.0 for Managing Context Across Multiple Documents and Organizations, SICOP Special Conference, February 6, 2007, Mills Davis, Project10X.

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5. Beyond

• Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice:– 1. The Web:

• Content Portals and P2P File Sharing.

– 2. The Social Web:• The Wiki, Conferencing, and Community Portals.

– 3. The Semantic Web:• Ontologies, Semantic Search, and Knowledgebases.

– 4. The Ubiquitous Web:• Semantic Wiki and Semantic Communities.

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5. Beyond

Note: This example includes Web 1-4!

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5. Beyond

Note: Provides Search for Data Within Context!

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5. Beyond

Google: Visual Knowledge SICoP SWIM

VisualKnowledge Semantic Wiki

Start Your Own Semantic Wiki

Spatial Ontology CoP

Energy Community

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5. BeyondClasses

PropertiesData Model as an Ontology in OWL

Knoodl Semantic Wiki

Google: Knoodl.com

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5. Beyond

• SICoP and SOA CoP Special Recognitions:– Outstanding Contributions to the SICoP Special

Conference 2, April 25th; and– Best Presentation at the 3rd SOA for E-Government

Conference, May 1-2nd:• “Semantic Technology is the first fundamental change in

Information Management since the RDBMS was developed in the early 1980’s”:

– Michael Lang, Revelytix, Co-Founder and Director, and Co-Chair, SICoP Vocabulary Management WG.

– Demonstration at the June 18-19, 2007, Workshop on eGovernment and the Web, National Academy of Sciences (see slide 36).

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5. Beyond

• SOA in a Semantic Wiki: A Story About Communication:– Start developing Community of Interest-based

Vocabularies as OWL models immediately.– Generate XSD’s to facilitate the use of existing

infrastructure directly from the OWL models.– Begin a program of representing service based

information as RDF.– Build applications that access the RDF representation

using the previously developed OWL models through SPARQL/reasoner engines.

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5. Beyond


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5. Beyond


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6. Dialogue• In essence, I have introduced some new paradigms:

– Do Your Own IT and IM– WeSmarterThanMe.Org– Documents, Models, and Software Behaviors

• Upcoming Events:– May 20-24, 2007, Semantic Technology Conference Sponsored

by Wilshire Conferences, Inc. & Semantic Arts, Inc.:•

– May 29-31, 2007. Shared Services at Harvard (see slide 19).– June 18-19, 2007, Toward More Transparent Government:

Workshop on eGovernment and the Web, Jointly sponsored by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI) at the United States National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, USA:


• Your Turn to Ask Questions:– Google: Brand Niemann (see next slides)– [email protected]

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Lets Wiki, Wiki!

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Lets Wiki, Wiki!

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