Page 1: A mail from family of an shaheed

A Mail from family of an Shaheed – Have shame o nation?

Hi Sir,

I am very close to the family of Saheed Major Chandrasekhar Singh,who laid his life in recent

chopper crash in siachen.In his faimly he was only son of his father who is also in army(medical wing)

and her wife Mrs Abha(my sister) is in very critical condition and crying and fell unconscious since

the day this tragedy happened in her life and her age is only 25.His son ,whose age is only 3 years,

beleives that his father is in army camp and will come back soon.There is no one in the faimly of

Saheed Major Chandrasekhar Singh to take care of his father,wife and 3 year son.

Not even a single person ,from local administration and state government, join the last journey of

this brave man.It's really very pain full that we don't have time to give tribute to these brave mens

who laid their life(not think even once) for the safety of motherland and their people.people and all

the media persons were busy in celebrating IPL victory of Sahrukh khan and no one gave attention to

this brave man.

Sir I need your support and help and guidence so that we can raise my voice and can bring people to

give tribute to these brave soldiers.Iremeber lots of people gatherd for the justice of jessica murder

case and did candle march.Can't we do some peace march on India Gate to give tribute to these

brave people on some specific day every year.

I am a software engg and working in a private mnc company and I have talked to lots of my friends

and everyone have shown interest but I want to do it in some organize manner and on large

scale.Also if possible we take tis event to this level that people gather in their districts on same day

and same time.

Presently due to this tragedy I am very upset and and out of mind so if I wrote anything wrong then

plz forgive me and correct me but I need your support to do something for these brave men.

I hope you will surely revert me back and support me.

Thanks and regards

R K Singh


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