  • A monthly publication of the Garden Community Church

    This year the first night TAG was held on October 7. For those of you who are new to TAG, we will share a bit of information with you! TAG stands for Together At Garden we are learning Truth About God. Our Wednes-day evening ministry for children ages Kindergarten to 6th grade is filled with a large group lesson time, games, activities, application time, and sometimes snacks. Once a month we also meet for a meal togeth-er. If you would like to learn more about this ministry, please contact Jeanette Friesen or Tami Hiebert. This year the curriculum being used is Answers for Kids from Answers in Genesis.

    Some prayer points for this coming year are: The children attending

    The teachers presenting the lesson

    The people preparing the monthly meal, etc.

    That we would all learn together each week whatever God has to teach us

  • Our Fall startup for Sunday School found all of the Adult classes joining together for a powerful teaching from our resident missionary, James Goossen. As he unpacked Ephesians 6, we were collectively given tools to help us counter the attacks of Satan. Darkness is all around us but we know that the Evil One is rebuffed by the powerful name of Jesus! Thanks James, for this inspirational teaching.

    During the next two months - November and December - our four Adult classes will reconvene with four different elective options for your choices. Please feel free to go back to your existing classroom and teach-er OR if a particular topic seems interesting, let that guide you towards your choice. Freedom to cross class lines allows for interaction with different teaching styles and topics.

    These are the following options for your choosing. . .

    1. BEING A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS BY SCOT LOYD - E 5-6 This is a study with the book - The Church of Babylon by Edwin Lutizer - as a guide. How do we live

    faithfully in a culture that perceives our light as darkness? How can we engage our culture without being spiritually destroyed by it??

    2. GOSPEL IN LIFE LED BY THEO REMPEL - E 1 Tim Keller, a noted pastor, theologian and author has given practical Biblical ways we can live out the

    Gospel in our daily lives and contact. A short DVD presentation along with engaging conversation will encourage us to put feet to the Gospel message.

    3. JAMES LED BY PERRY KOEHN - E 4 Allister Begg is the powerful voice behind the radio teaching ministry - The Truth for Life - which is

    heard across American. This is a DVD teaching with a powerful message for integrating true faith into everyday practical experiences.

    4. 1 PETER LED BY AARON SMITH - UPPER ROOM This will be a Bible Study where the message given by Peter to the early Jewish Christians will have a relevancy for the difficult times we are living. The centerpiece of this book is HOPE.

    Hopefully you are looking forward to new discoveries and growth as we move forward!

    The following is also a listing of the topics our Junior/Youth will be looking at. . .

    2 yr. - Pre-K— The early Church - stories from Acts - Jenny Goering

    1st - 6th Grade—Kingdom Quest - Learning how to take simple faith and character to the next level - Larry & Jeanette Friesen, Karis Friesen & Grace Huxman

    Youth—Search for Meaning a Sean McDowell Series Chris & Julie Nelson

  • The featured Book Table in the Adult Library is continuing to showcase the books which were introduced to us at our Discipleship conference this past week. These are available for you to check out. If you are interested in purchasing any one of them for your per-sonal use, they can be ordered through Amazon. The website - www.MAKEAMARK.NET - will allow you to find many of their free printable Discipleship resources. You will find FREE copies of several of these books on our Welcome Center.

    Our highlighted book for this month is . . . THE CHURCH IN BABYLON BY EDWIN LUTZER. This is a book that will challenge us to heed the call to be a light in the darkness. We are moral and spiritual exiles living in a culture which is growing in its hostility toward Christianity. Lutzer points us to Biblical responses to be made during these dark times. This is the resource which Scot Loyd will be using in one of our elective Sunday School classes.

    Our Christian Living section has made some new additions - * A Life Beyond Amazing David Jeremiah * Signs of the Times David Jerimiah * Something Needs to Change - A call to make your life count in a world of urgent need by David Platt

    Biographies - Made for the Journey A personal account ot Elisabeth Elliot's first year as a missionary in the jungles of Ecua-

    dor Elisabeth Elliot Like those who Dream A chronicle of the personal story of the author's formative years, his calling into the

    ministry of writing and the founding of DaySpring. by Roy Lessin God's Hostage The true story of persecution, imprisonment and perseverance

    Fiction - * The Way of Love Tracie Peterson * Unveiling the Past Kim Vogel Sawyer * Afraid of the Light Cynthia Ruchti

    Many other NEW additions have been recently added. Stop in and enjoy our wide selection. You will also find a Prayer Prompt sheet on the check out table for a monthly guide to help you pray more effectively for your pastors.

    Our Annual All Church Picnic was held on September 27 at King Park. While the weather wasn’t the most beautiful of fall days, it was still a good time of activities, wonderful fellowship and delicious food. Thanks to Scott Vogt and Rob Hiebert ,who smoked the pulled pork. Side dishes were catered by Woodies BBQ from McPherson. Also Special Thanks to Duane Wohlgemuth for organizing the event.


  • Weekend Seminar

    Our children had a terrific Mission's Conference learning about the life of a missionary kid through the eye's of Nathaniel, hearing the story of David & Goliath, reciting I Samuel 17:45, gathering in the bed of a truck to simulate that missionaries travel often, and while being on our little field trip, hearing Jordana's testimony of growing up in a non-Christian family, plus having the opportunity to taste several Brazilian foods and learn a bit of Portuguese! An amazing fun and informative morning! A special thanks to Nathaniel & Jordana!!

    We had the special privilege of having Dean and Kim Ridings share with us for a weekend seminar October 10 and 11. Dean is with the Navigators, and shared five sessions with us. Sessions 1 and 2, Personal Godliness & Biblical Discipleship, were held Saturday morning in the church fellowship hall, with a coffee and cinnamon roll break in between the two sessions. Session 3, Personal Attentiveness (Your Secret Asset in Ministry), was held that evening at 7 p.m. Sunday morning, during the Sunday School time and Worship service Dean shared Ses-sions 4 and 5, Personal Ministry and Take Time to Make Friends. All sessions were recorded and are available by contacting the church office.

  • Here we are 10 ½ months into 2020—the year that has turned out to be so different than any of even imagined! On January 1, 2020 I think most of us thought that the world was largely under our control. But, here we are, and it seems like a long time ago we first heard about a “novel virus” spreading in a town in far-away China. When we first heard, it seemed like as a de-veloped society we were well-prepared to meet this tiny virus. The reality is that in spite of all the scientific knowledge and technological capabilities of the developed world, this tiny virus seems to have the upper hand. This has result in confusion and conflict. So, what are we as believers to think about what is happening now? To the right, in the box, are some verses from Habakkuk & Jeremiah—prophets in confusing and uncertain times. Habakkuk had BIG QUESTIONS for God. He told God that it felt like God wasn’t listening, violence was everywhere, and God was turning a blind ear to injustice. Habakkuk observed that strife and conflict was all around. It felt like the law was paralyzed, the wicked got the upper hand, and justice was perverted. In this season of uncertainty I think there are a couple of things to keep in mind (I’m reminding myself and you can peer over my shoulder as I write).

    1. It’s okay and even proper to cry out to God with our confusion and questions.

    2. A time of uncertainty should cause us to stop and look around “stand at the crossroads and look.”

    3. We need a mental diet of less news and fewer commentators on our current situation. What we really need is “the ancient paths.” We need to seek out the “good way” and then “walk in it.” That is where we find rest for our souls!! The ancient paths and the good way is found in the Bible—God’s written word to us. Sadly, in this passage God’s chosen people said a resounding “No thanks! We will do what we want.” That is always the fast track to disobedience to God.

    4. Our security, our hope, our joy—no matter the circumstance—is found in God and God alone.

    In Jeremiah, the Israelites kept saying, “nothing will happen to us.” (Jeremiah 5:12) It’s almost like they thought they were exempt from trouble. We can be the same way—the “nothing will happen to us” attitude

    manifests as pride, unwillingness to see our situation from God’s perspective,

    resistance to what God is saying to us, and even flat-out rebellion. Our mandate is to place our confidence in Jesus Christ alone—not anyone or anything else (health, political leaders, nest egg). We are to settle for nothing less than the pure worship of God and unhin-

    dered proclamation of the gospel. Maybe we need to view our current events as paving the way for those two things to happen!! May God

    cultivate within us sensitivity to the awfulness of sin, a tender heart toward Him, and a willingness to submit to what His sovereignty through radical obedience to Him.

    How long, Lord, must I call for


    but you do not listen?

    Or cry out to you, “Violence!”

    but you do not save? Why do

    you make me look at injustice?

    Why do you toler-

    ate wrongdoing?

    Destruction and violence are be-

    fore me;

    there is strife, and conflict


    Therefore the law is paralyzed,

    and justice never prevails.

    The wicked hem in the righteous,

    so that justice is perverted.

    Habakkuk 1:2-4

    This is what the lord says:

    “stand at the crossroads and


    ask for the ancient paths,

    Ask where the good way is, and

    walk in it,

    and you will find rest for

    your souls.

    but you said, ‘we will not

    walk in it.’

    I appointed watchmen over you

    and said,

    ‘listen to the sound of the


    but you said, ‘we will not


    Jeremiah 6:16-17

  • Sun Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat 1 El Roi - The God who sees you & knows where you are. He hears you.

    2 Pray for peace within our country. God is the God of the impossi-ble.

    3 Pray for God's will to be done and that we trust Him with that.

    4 Pray for TAG! to make an eternal differ-ence in lives.

    5 Pray Tim Zook can come up with crea-tive ways to solve difficult problems.

    6 Pray God fix-es your eyes on things above, setting your heart on heav-en.

    7 Pray for funds to send SonSet radios to where they are needed.

    8 Jehovah Jireh - The God who provides. He will attend to your needs.

    9 Pray students & teachers ex-tend patience & respect to each other.

    10 Pray for la-dies Mollie meets with and disciples.

    11 Pray those in youth group surrender their all to the Lord.

    12 Pray Mark K. has wisdom in parenting and leading.

    13 Pray for a renewed sense of God's pres-ence in your life.

    14 Pray those struggling fi-nancially find ways to make ends meet.

    15 Father - Protector, pro-vider, guide, under the um-brella of His care.

    16 Pray for Dan Janzen as he pastors in Burns, holding forth God's light & truth.

    17 Pray for people you don't like - pray God would draw them to Him-self.

    18 Pray TAG! workers know the joy of lov-ing others with Christ's love.

    19 Pray health care workers are strength-ened by Jesus to persevere.

    20 Pray Josh & Hannah know how to balance demands on their time.

    21 Pray prob-lems in mar-riages are dealt with when small & still managea-ble.

    22 El Elyon - Most High God. There is none like Him. None.

    23 Pray we would be salt & light in our spheres of in-fluence. Point-ing others to Christ.

    24 Pray God brings those to Josh & Camila who are open to hear about Je-sus.

    25 Pray those working with youth have God's wisdom in answering ques-tions.

    26 Pray staff at Harvest Ra-dio live lives of integrity & ex-cellence.

    27 Pray we as a church family are honest & open with each other.

    28 Pray God would help us speak wisely, thoughtfully & with love.

    29 Jehovah Rapha - The God who heals. He alone can make broken lives & hearts whole.

    30 Pray for sensitivity to the leading of the Holy Spirit & a willing heart to obey.

    Memory Verse: Philippians 1:20—My eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all courage, Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether

    by life or by death.

    Prayer Calendar and Memory Verse

  • Answer to Prayer!

    This photo, which you have seen before, is looking over the Cotahuasi Canyon in Peru. The min-istry SIM has been operating an FM transmitter from this site since 2008. Fredy, on the right in the photo, is the director of Sendas Cristiana, the FM that is reaching as far as it can up and down the canyon. The ministry has applied for a shortwave license in order to extend the coverage area.

    The application included information about the equipment that would be used. The antenna they are planning to use was invented by Harold at SonSet Solutions. We have put these an-tennas in many places around the world. They are very effective, being heard 300 miles during the day and 1000 miles at night. The signal can reach to the bottom of a canyon because it comes down from above.

    However, the government of Peru did not initially accept the antenna. They were looking for particular data/paper work that comes with commercial antennas. We have worked to provide them with the specifications that they required. And we have been praying for this to be ac-cepted by the government.

    I was so pleased to receive an email recently in which Fredy said the government accepted the SonSet Solutions' antenna. I would like to thank the many of you who pray for all that the Lord is doing through our work.

    Of course, this future signal can be heard on any shortwave radio, but, there are 600 SonSet radios already there for the FM. They are working on getting the new SonSet radios with shortwave reception and then the listeners can choose between the FM and the shortwave. The SonSet radios will be fixed-tuned to both frequencies and the touch of a button will al-ternate between the two.

    Please pray with us for the next step, which is the government granting a shortwave license.

    Tim Zook, Broadcast Services Department Technician

    SonSet Solutions

    +1 574.970.4252 Ext. 236

    Technology for abundant life!

    October 2, 2020

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