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The Executive Edge is a Marketing and Mobile Marketing company based in Toronto and Calgary that has partnered with industry leaders in Toronto and Calgary from numerous disciplines to provide you

with a step-by-step, holistic approach to success.






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                                      Getting what you want.              By having a clear vision of what you really want.  They say that many roads will take you to where you want to go. The fastest way to get where you want to go to is a straight line. By having an extremely clear vision of what you want in life you will be able to get there faster.  This exercise will help you, by having you write down your top six goals in your life. By writing them on paper you make them real and the universe will hear you.  1._________________________________________________.  2._________________________________________________.  3._________________________________________________.  4._________________________________________________.  5._________________________________________________.  6.__________________________________________________.  So there you have it, your goals on paper. How did that make you feel inside and how does it make you feel as you look and read over each of your goals individually.   Pick a partner A & B. Tell your partner what your goals are and why you want them. This is a very important part of making your goals come true. By telling people what our goals are. You put that energy out to the universe and what you put out to the universe. You attract.

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What are the 4 quadrents of a Marketing Cycle? 


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Your Keyword Research using Market Samaria:


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The Key Elements to an Outstanding, Money Making Website.      

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1. Goal=Start Title with a Keyword

Your title tag is the most important on-page SEO factor. An SEOMoz study found that pages that started their title with a keyword ranked higher than pages with the keyword in the middle or at the end:

Basically this chart shows that the closer the keyword is to the beginning of the title tag, the more weight it has with search engines.

“You don’t always need to start your title with your target keyword. But if there’s a keyword that you’re gunning for, make sure to put it in the beginning.“

2. Wrap Your Title in an H1 Tag

The H1 tag is your “headline tag”. Most CMS’s (like WordPress) automatically add the H1 tag to your post title. But some themes override this setting. Check your site’s code to make sure your title gets the H1 love it deserves.

“I used to just assume that Worpress hooked me up with H1 tags…until I actually looked at my site’s code. Then I realized that some WordPress themes sometimes lazily use H1 tags to increase text size. As an example, my email opt-in area at the end of posts used to use an H1 tag in the title:

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It’s worth checking out your site’s code to make sure you only have one H1 tg per page, unless your site is using HTML5. In that case it’s OK to have multiple H1 tags on the same page.“

3. Add Modifiers To Your Title

Adding modifiers like “2013″, “best”, “guide”, and “review” can help you rank for long tail versions of your target keyword.

Brian’s Take:

“This is a great trick to wrangle in those long tail searchers that use 5-9 words per search (Also known as those keywords you see in your Google Analytics that make you say: “WTF?!”.).

Notice that in this post I made the title nice and long: “On-Page SEO: Anatomy of a Perfectly Optimized Page”.

These modifiers aren’t targeting any particular long tail keyword. But I’m sure that title will bring in a few more visitors per week than if it was simply “On Page SEO”.“

4. Leverage SEO-Friendly Permalink URLs

You want your page’s URL to be short and keyword rich. Avoid ugly URLs, like or long URLs like:

Google has stated that the first 3-5 words in a URL are given more weight.

“I think that this metric is getting less and less important as Google gets better at figuring out relevancy using off-page signals like co-citations. But they still bold keywords in a URL in the SERPS:

That makes me think that a keyword-rich URL still carries some weight.“

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5. Drop Keyword in First 100 Words

Your keyword should appear in the first 100-150 words of the article. Putting the keyword early in the content complements the title tag by emphasizing the page’s topic.

“This is something that you probably do naturally. But a lot of writers love to start their posts off with a long, meandering intro…and use their keyword for the first time in middle of the post. It’s better to to try to drop your keyword somewhere in the first 100 words or so to make sure Google understands what your page is all about.“

6. Nail Loading Speed

Google has stated on the record that page loading speed is an important SEO ranking signal. You can boost your site speed by using a CDN, compressing images, and switching to faster hosting. Make sure it doesn’t take more than 4 seconds for your page to load: MunchWeb found that 75% of users wouldn’t re-visit a site that took longer than 4 seconds to load.

“CDNs and cache plugins are nice, but the #1 thing you can do to make your site faster is to move to a more expensive host. Hostgator and Bluehost are decent for the money you’re paying. But they don’t hook you up with serious speed.

Slash Bounce Rate

A bounce — when a visitor quickly leaves your site — might be used by search engines to gauge a page’s quality. Google can use the Google toolbar, Chrome browser, and Google Analytics data to determine a page’s bounce rate.

“Bounce rate isn’t the end-all-be-all of user experience metrics…but I think it matters. One of the easiest and most effective ways to decrease your bounce rate and time on site is to add internal links to the beginning of your content.

I think when people first get to a page they’re more “click happy” then when they’re deeper in an article. That’s why internal links at the beginning of your articles tend to get clicked more often…slashing bounce rate significantly.“

8. Use Social Sharing Buttons

Social signals are becoming a larger part of search engine algorithms. A study by BrightEdge found that prominent social sharing buttons can increase social sharing by 700%.

“Social signals aren’t a large part of the Google algorithm yet. But they definitely give you a slight boost. And getting your content shared on social media means more eyeballs on your content: increasing the likelihood that someone will eventually link to you.“

9. Use Outbound Links

Outbound links to related pages is a relevancy signal that helps Google zero-in on your page’s topic. An industry study found that adding outbound links to authority sites boosted the page’s rank in Google.

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“This might be the on-page SEO mistake that I see people make most often. I usually link out 2-4x per 1000 words. That’s a good rule of thumb for most sites.“

10. Sprinkle LSI Keywords

LSI keywords are synonyms that Google uses to determine a page’s relevancy (and possibly quality).

“I don’t go nuts about LSI because I typically write long content. Long content makes makes it likely that you’ll include LSI keywords naturally. If you want to be sure you’re using LSI keywords, search for your keyword in Google and scroll down to the “Searches Related to…” area at the bottom:

And toss one or two of them into your post.“

11. Dazzle with Multimedia

Text can only take your content so far. Engaging images, videos and diagrams can reduce bounce rate and increase time on site: two user interaction-based Google ranking factors.

“You probably notice that I use a lot of images, diagrams, and screenshots here at The Executive Edge. That’s because I firmly believe that it makes my content better. Adding cool multimedia helps you boost those user-interaction signals that Google has been paying more attention to.“

12. Post Long Content

The SEO adage “length is strength” was supported by a industry study which found that longer content ranked significantly higher in Google. Aim for at least 1500 words when targeting competitive keywords.

“As a rule, I make sure all of my articles have at least 1000-words of meaty, useful content. Longer content helps you rank better for your target keyword and brings in more long tail traffic…a win-win!““

Here are a few more important on-page SEO factors that I didn’t have room to include in the infographic:

Quality Content: I know that you’re sick and tired of hearing about “quality content”. And while search engines have no direct way of determining quality, they have plenty of indirect methods, especially user-experience metrics like:

Repeat visitors  Chrome bookmarks  Time on site 

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Dwell time (more on that next) 

In other words, great content definitely won’t hurt you. So there’s no reason NOT to publish awesome stuff.

That may be true, but they definitely pay attention to “short clicks” vs. “long clicks”, also known as dwell time. This simply measures how long a searcher stays on your page before hitting the back button. If they hit their back button immediately after landing on your page, it’s a sign that the result may not be too great.

You can increase your average dwell time by writing long, engaging content that keeps people reading. That way, even if they bounce back to the search results, you at least have a “long click” to show Google that you gave them something of value.

Internal Links: Internal linking is SO money. If you want to see a great example of how to internal link on your site, check out Wikipedia. They add keyword-rich internal links to every entry:

Obviously, they can get away with 50+ internal links per page. I recommend a simpler (and safer) approach: link to 3-6 of your older posts whenever you publish a new one.

H2 and H3 Tags: I don’t think this is a big deal, but I do think you should include your target keyword at least once in a subheading. This also helps break up the content, making it easier to read.


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Exercise #3 ‐  


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Blogging 101:  

You should be blogging two times a week. 

Make sure that when you blog your blog is nothing salesy, or cheesy. Or it doesn't just say, by from me, by from me, by from me. People don't want to be sold; your blog should be about, education, information, a funny story and only after you provided some great value in your blog. Can you put your offer or sales tag at the end.   

The reason the majority of people never read or buy anything from blogs in general is because the majority people's blogs just try to sell to them. And that's all. 

Unless you're actually in the market for what the person is buying exactly at that time, you probably won't buy it. Think about all the e‐mails you get in your e‐mail box every single day. And the reason you don't open them or buy anything. The number one reason is because you don't know them and they're just trying to sell something to you and you know it.  So make your blog fun and extremely valuable, give away some really valuable information that will create authority and trust in your potential clients so that when they are looking for what you're selling. They will look to you.  













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E Commerce Business Model: 

 What are you doing for yourself and your company to take advantage of the fact that in North America alone there is over $10 billion a year spent every year online?  

Even if your company doesn't sell anything online and you don't have an e‐commerce business model for your company that doesn't mean you can't get one.  The smartest Internet marketers that I know have an online e‐commerce model that provides ongoing residual income on a regular basis to add to their regular business or their regular jobs. 

E‐commerce doesn't have to be complicated or hard to do as there are off‐the‐shelf models you can plug into. 

The challenge of having a traditional e‐commerce business model where you sell things on the Internet is; 

1. Who is going to power the backend of your store? 

2. Do they Drop ship? 

3. Do you have to buy a large volume of product and store yourself and then re‐ship it? 

4. Who provides the money back guarantee,    you or the manufacture? 

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5. What would be the cost to you to create your e‐commerce website or can you find an off‐the‐shelf solution? 

6. Can you duplicate yourself by private franchising or an affiliate system? 


When I had my first e‐commerce business model that in 1988, I sold electronic muscle toning machines online. The challenge I had was my supplier wanted me to always carry about $30,000 in stock, I had to create my own site which cost $10,000, I was also responsible for my returns or repairs and he would also sell online and undercut me. Needless to say I would never do that again.   I did however make about $30,000 per month in my best months and that was a lot of money.   There are hundreds of e‐commerce businesses you can get involved in on the Internet, but I caution you, many of them want a large upfront fee and will they be around tomorrow?   

If you're interested in hearing more about this and the possibility of starting your own e‐commerce model. I would be very happy to meet with you. Let me know at the end of the workshop.   

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LinkedIn profile, needs updating 

The most important parts of your LinkedIn profile.

If you want to be found in LinkedIn search by potential employers, customers and partners, you need to make sure

your profile is up to date in key areas such as the following.

Your Headline – Your headline is probably the most important when it comes to how your profile appears in

search results. Think of the main keywords you want to be discovered by and include them in your


Your Summary – Be sure to write a strong summary about yourself that summarizes your experience,

your achievements and who you are as a professional.

Your Contact Info – In the current and new profile design, you have to click on the Contact Info button (as

seen in the image above) to get to your website, email, Twitter and Skype. While it’s not as obvious as it was

before, be sure to include at least your Twitter and up to three website links. Select Other when setting up

your website links to use custom text to describe them, versus letting LinkedIn label them as Company, Blog,

Website, etc.

Your Current and Previous Experience – If you’ve changed careers lately or taken on new responsibilities at

your company, then you should update your LinkedIn profile to reflect these changes.

Your Groups – In the new layout, the groups you belong to will be listed in a more visually appealing way.

Make sure the groups you belong to describe your professional interests; photographers should be in

photography groups, writers in writers’ groups, and so forth.

Your News – LinkedIn Today, LinkedIn’s news that pulls from a variety of sources from around the web,

allows you to follow specific topics that will be displayed on the new LinkedIn profile design. Be sure to select a

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few relevant topics to follow in your News Settings. Also be sure to scroll down to the bottom of the settings

page to adjust your email settings so you don’t get too many emails.

Your Companies – Another thing to be prominently displayed on the new profile design is the companies

you follow. Use this area to follow companies you own, your customers, your partners or companies you

may simply hope to work with in the future.

Skills and Expertise

View endorsement for your skills and expertise.

Chances are if you have a lot of connections on LinkedIn, you have seen many endorsements for your skills and

expertise rolling in. If you feel like people are not endorsing you for the right things or you would like to get

endorsements for other skills, make sure to add them.

Add New Sections

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Add new sections to your LinkedIn profile.

Go beyond the basic profile information about your experience, skills and education by adding some sections to

your profile; some of which allow you to link back to your website. This option can be found when you go to edit

your profile above your summary. These sections include the following.

Certifications – There are a lot of professional certifications that potential employers or customers may be

impressed to know you have. Be sure to add yours in this section.

Courses – If you’ve taken courses outside of college or at various educational institutions, you

can highlight the ones that are relevant to your current professional goals in this section.

Honors and Awards – Add any kind of public recognition that relates to your current professional

goals in this section.

Languages – If you speak additional languages, add them here to attract an international audience.

Organizations – Publicize professional organizations as well as important local ones that you belong to

in this section.

Projects – If you have been or are currently working on major industry-related projects, you can showcase

them here and even link to them.

Patents – For certain industries and entrepreneurs, highlighting patents you’ve developed can be very


Publications – If you’ve written any type of book, whether it is formally published an in print, Kindle or eBook

only, you can share it under in this section and link to it on Amazon, your own website or elsewhere online.

Test Scores – If you have impressive scores on tests relevant to your industry, you can share your scores


Volunteer Experience and Causes – Let people know how much you care about your community by

sharing the non-profits, organizations and causes you support.

Your Status Updates

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Status updates on the new LinkedIn profile.

Status updates will be displayed much more prominently on the new LinkedIn profile design.

Get in the habit of updating your LinkedIn professional profile regularly or using social media management

tools like Posterous or Buffer to automatically update your status on LinkedIn.

How All of These Will Help You Get Results

Why are all of the sections on your professional profile so important? Think of it like keyword-optimizing your

website for search engines – the more keywords you have on your professional profile that tell what you are about,

the more likely you are to get discovered by those searching for people with your qualifications.

Once people have found your profile, seeing things like your latest updates will let them know you are active as well

as the right fit for their business needs.

Once your professional profile is updated, be sure to use it by creating groups,participating in groups and branding

yourself as an expert via LinkedIn Answers.

LinkedIn Company Pages If your business hasn’t already created a new LinkedIn company page, it is definitely something worth doing

soon. A few good reasons include:

Employees will be marketing your company on their professional profiles when they list it as their current or

previous place of employment.

People who follow your company (customers, employees, partners, friends, etc.) will be marketing your

company on their professional profiles when the new design adds companies followed to their layout.

It’s another great social media property to own for your company and one that can show up on the first page

of search results for your company name.

We have covered four tips to creating your LinkedIn company page as well as five tips for optimizing for the new

company pages. But there is one area that does not receive enough attention – an area that can lead converting

visitors (strong leads and potential customers) back to your website.

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Basics About Products and Services

Dell's LinkedIn company page.

If you have a company page, you probably know that you can create an overview page for your products and

services that includes the following.

Up to Three Banner Images – Use up to three 646 x 222 pixel banner images to represent your top

three products or services, each of which can link back to specific pages on your website.

YouTube Video – Include your latest advertisement, demo or other video content about your products

and services.

An Ordered List of Products/Services – Prioritize your top products and services by arranging them in

order of importance.

Variations of the Products and Services Page

Here is where you can get really creative with your products and services. Let’s say that you wanted to create

different content for different visitors coming to your LinkedIn company page. Now you can with variations of your

Products and Services page.

Start by going to your company’s page and navigating to the Products and Services page. If your business only

offers products, it will just be called Products, and if your business only offers services, it will just be called

Services. Then click the Edit button.

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Editing your Products and Services page to create variations.

At the very top, you have the option to create multiple variations of your Products and/or Services page. The default

page is the first one you create – this will be shown to anyone who doesn’t match any additional variations you

have created. To create a new variation, click on the Create New Audience button.

Create variations by defining your target audience.

Here, you will have the option to define audience based on the following criteria on your Products and

Services page.

Company Size – Use words targeted toward small business, large corporations or businesses in


Job Function – Use words targeted toward people working in specific positions within a company from

accounting to support.

Industry – Use words targeted toward businesses within specific industries. If you’re not sure what

industries to target, see if you can find your best customer’s LinkedIn company page and see what

industries they list themselves in. This will be listed in the About information on the company page.

Seniority – Use words targeted toward business owners, managers, directors, VPs and other levels

of authority.

Geography – Use words targeted toward businesses in different locations around the world.

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Once you have defined your audience, you will be given a duplicate of your default Products and Services page to

tailor to your fit your newly defined audience’s needs. Remember that it’s not just the words on the page you can

change; you can change your banner images, video and choose up to five products and services to highlight for

each target audience.

If you want to attract more visitors to your company page, or directly to your website, keep these audience-targeting

options in mind and try out LinkedIn Advertising. The better you target your ads, the less you’ll spend on more

valuable clicks.

How Variations of the Products and Services Page Will Help You Get Results

Think of variations of your Products and Services page as individual landing pages. When you customize a

landing page just right for advertising or search optimization, you are more likely to get conversions because

you are talking directly to your target audience instead of generalizing your products and services to the masses.













Page 28: A Multi Disciplined, “Holistic” Approach to Success Training/Social... · The Executive Edge is a Marketing and Mobile Marketing company based in Toronto and Calgary that 

Phone: (403) 246‐7386  Email: executive‐[email protected]  

   It’s a whole new ballgame on Facebook business!!    Create a new Facebook timeline cover image.   The cover image provides amazing opportunities for branding and to visually inspire and connect with your fans. The options are endless as long as you stay within the Facebook guidelines outlined in #3 below. Create several different timeline covers so you can provide a fresh and inspiration experience for your timeline visitors! Image dimensions: 851 x 315   1. Know the Facebook cover image content guidelines (rules).  Facebook has set pretty strict guidelines for what can and can’t be displayed and communicated on the new timeline cover image. What you CAN do: Brand the heck out of your company, book or personal brand. This include brand images, logos, photos and any other visual marks. Inspire your audience with visually appealing graphics, colors and images. Use simple language that will help you inspire and connect with your fans. What you can NOT do: (Per  Price or purchase information, such as “40% off” or “Download it at our website” Contact information, such as web address, email, mailing address or other information intended for your Page’s About section References to user interface elements, such as Like or Share, or any other Facebook site features Calls to action, such as “Get it now” or “Tell your friends” Basically the cover image is provided to inspire and connect with your fans. It is not meant for blatant self‐promotion or hard sales. *Obviously make sure you have legal copyrights to all images and content. 2. No default landing tabs.  You can no longer set a tab as a default landing tab. Now before you go off on a wild rant about how terrible this is, remember this is a post designed to help you move forward and do good things with your new Facebook timeline.  Got it? Okay, great! Now here are a few things you CAN do: Maximize use and space of cover image. Use the unique urls of apps to direct people directly to the app from pages outside of Facebook as well as posts, status updates within Facebook. Maximize use of the top apps shown underneath your cover photo. Use the apps for call to actions and to engage your fans. Use this as an excuse to get out of your box and focus on truly inspiring and connecting with your audience   3. Tabs are now Apps!  Apps are the new tabs. Although you can’t set one as a default landing tab for new visitors to your Facebook page, there are still many ways you can leverage apps. 4 apps are always on display underneath your Facebook cover image.  You can utilize a max of 14 custom apps on your timeline. Create a custom thumbnail for your app. (see #7 below) Apps have a unique url that can be used to drive traffic to a specific app (see #6 below) A Facebook fan page is different than your personal profile. While you can have a personal profile your business cannot it can only be "a page". This is a place to put information about your company and things that relate to your business and its potential audience. Here are some of the things that you want to put on your Facebook fan page; 


What does your company do 

Contact information 

Press releases 


Blog feeds 

Page 29: A Multi Disciplined, “Holistic” Approach to Success Training/Social... · The Executive Edge is a Marketing and Mobile Marketing company based in Toronto and Calgary that Phone: (403) 246‐7386  Email: executive‐[email protected] 

Twitter updates 

Company news Customer interaction 

 Setting up Your Facebook Page 

 By scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking "advertising" you can then click "pages “and then "create a page". Fill in all the details keeping in mind that your keyword phrase should be prominent in most of your details this will help people to find you. 


Add Apps To Your Page  There are many applications that you can add to your page to enhance its function‐ability. Please see the 

attached page for a screenshot of some of the more popular applications that you can add. We are using 

IWIPA today.  Promoting Your Facebook Fan Page 

 You cannot promote a fan page the same way that you can get connections with your profile.  You have to 

promoted instead using a commendation of strategies.  

Target Facebook friends based on their area of interest and what they will receive if they connect to 

your Facebook fan page. In other words; WIIFM. 

Use Facebook advertising PPC to get followers to your fan page. 

Use your mailing list to promote your fan page. 

Use search terms that when searched on Facebook people can find your fan page based on those 

keyword phrases. 

Put a Facebook fan page button on your website to help others find it. Fan Base 

it will take likely a significant amount of time to build your fan base. Try to promote the page is much as possible and give people a reason to check on that page regularly. In other words; update information often and give relevant "how to's" and information that gives people a reason to show up.  It’s a whole new ballgame on Facebook business‐let’s start from the top and work away down. 














Page 30: A Multi Disciplined, “Holistic” Approach to Success Training/Social... · The Executive Edge is a Marketing and Mobile Marketing company based in Toronto and Calgary that Phone: (403) 246‐7386  Email: executive‐[email protected] 



Additional Facebook Resources:   Below I have compiled numerous Facebook pages to help you get acquainted with the most recent changes as well as the standard guidelines for Facebook features such as advertising and promotions. 

Start setup of a new Facebook Business Page: 

Facebook Basics: 

The Facebook Blog: 

Facebook Marketing Solutions Timeline Page: 

Build Your Brand with Facebook Pages: 

Facebook Ads & Business Solutions: 

Facebook Advertising Guidelines: 

Facebook Promotions Guidelines: 

Facebook Cover Guidelines: 

Facebook Pages Guidelines: 

Facebook Platform Policy: (apps on pages must adhere to these) 

How to make a Facebook milestone:’s‐a‐milestone?‐How‐do‐I‐make‐a‐milestone‐for‐my‐Facebook‐Page? 

Facebook Community Standards: 

Facebook Data Use Policy: 

Facebook Statement of Rights & Responsibilities: 

Facebook Apps, Games & Credits: 

Facebook App Basics: 

Facebook App Guidelines: 

Facebook Personal Timeline: 

Facebook Safety Timeline Page: 

Facebook Family Safety Center: 


BuythisDeal,Save$400ANDGetanadditional$545ofFreeCourses! Baclink Hurrricane ‐$149 ‐ FREE 

 Revitalize, Re‐launch & Recapture Traffic That Has Always Seemed Elusive and Turn That Traffic Into Cold, Hard Cash!  A $149 value – Free when you buy this deal. 

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Page 31: A Multi Disciplined, “Holistic” Approach to Success Training/Social... · The Executive Edge is a Marketing and Mobile Marketing company based in Toronto and Calgary that Phone: (403) 246‐7386  Email: executive‐[email protected] 


Workshop Feedback form

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Company: _______________________________ Industry: ______________________

Address: _______________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________ Email: __________________________________ How did you hear about this seminar? □ Phone call □ E-mail □ Fax □ Website □ Word of Mouth

How I heard about the workshop: ____________________________________________

We appreciate your feedback: ___________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ Please contact me about:

□ Copy Writing □ ECommerce □ teleScout® Lead Generation □ Social Media Marketing

□ Profit Per Click □ Unaddressed Admail □ Franchising □ Advertising

□ Website Design □ Website Technology □ Search Engine Optimization □ Mobile Marketing

□ Rank #1 on Google □ Sales Training Programs To help us understand your business better, please provide us with the following information: # of Staff: <5 <10 >10 Monthly Advertising Budget: < $1,000 < $5,000 >$5,000 >$8,000

Referrals who may be interested in the “Rank High on Google” Workshop…  Name: ___________________________ Name: _____________________________

Company: ___________________________ Company: _____________________________

Contact No: ___________________________ Contact No: _____________________________

Relationship:___________________________ Relationship:______ _______________________

I am interested in a… □ Marketing Audit & or Mobile Marketing

Plan to improve my business □ E-commerce information So I can make

money online □ I want to use your mobile paltform for my clients □ I am keeping my options open and am interested in more business opportunities.

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Page 32: A Multi Disciplined, “Holistic” Approach to Success Training/Social... · The Executive Edge is a Marketing and Mobile Marketing company based in Toronto and Calgary that Phone: (403) 246‐7386  Email: executive‐[email protected] 

The Executive Edge Seminar Events    Event Specials 

For Office Use only


Please Circle Preferred Date 

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TBA   • 2 ways to use social media to create backlinks and raise your Google rankings. • 6 key elements of a profitable website landing zone. • 30+ targeted unique visitors with the click of a button. • How to create hundreds of back links to your website from powerful.EU websites. • 10 secrets to hypnotic copywriting that hook the reader's attention create curiosity and make the sale. • 5 ways to increase your closing ratio to 30% or more. • 6 essential presentation marketing secrets to earn trust credibility and respect. • How to create a list, manage a list and make conversions using simple automation. BONUS: 3 powerful daily actions you can take to attract more money, more time or anything else you desire.


Advanced Social Media Marketing Training Course (digital download)


How to Master ecommerce Marketing in the Social Media World



RESEARCH YOUR COMPETITION Become The Industry Leader (digital download) 

The More Value You Offer, The More Money You Can Charge Template: Company Comparison Template: Price Comparison Template: Product Comparison Template: Staff Comparison Template: Marketing Message Analysis Template: Competitive Advantage Analysis


Total Amount   

I am purchasing a: Marketing Audit □ A training Course □  Your Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Company Name___________________________________________________________________ Credit Card Billing Address:__________________________________________________________ City_____________Prov/State _____________ Postal/Zip _____________ Home Phone #_______________________ Work Phone #_______________________________ Email Address:____________________________________________________________________ *Financing Options: Please inquire about our financing plans at a low interest rate and low monthly instalments. AID Type of Payment: Visa MasterCard American Express CC#___________________________________ EXP:___________________CSV______________ Full Name On Card________________________________________________________________ Signature_________________________________________________________________________

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