  • 7/27/2019 A Prayer Rule of Brief Prayers


    A Prayer Rule of Brief PrayersSt Theophan the Recluse

    You may substitute prostrations, the brief prayer, and your own words of prayerfor your whole prayer rule.

    That is, stand up, and begin to do prostrations (or bows from the waist) saying, Lord, have

    mercy, or some other short prayer expressing your needs, or by glorifying God (Glory to You,our God!) or by thanking Him. To avoid laziness, you must repeat a definite number of prayers,

    or set a specific length of time for prayer, or both.The prayer rope is used by those who plan to pray without use of the prayer book. It is used

    by saying, Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me [a sinner], you may make a pros tration

    (from the waist or to the ground, as you desire) at each prayer. Or for small knots, you may

    do a bow from the waist; large knots, prostrations. The whole rule consists of a fixed number ofprayers and bows or prostrations, interspersed with prayers in your own words.After you determine a set numberof prayers, it is a good idea to (also set) a fixed amount of

    timein which to complete the prayer rule. If you find you have rushed the prayers, then fill the

    time left with more prayers and prostrations.

    [The number of prayers to substitute for a fixed service of liturgical prayer is listed at the end of the

    Horologion in two tablesone for the zealous and another for the slothful, or those who are busy.]

    The Startsi who still live among us in hermitages and special cells (at Valaam and Solovki, for

    instance) do all their services on the prayer rope. This is how you go about it:

    See how long it takes you to do your morning and evening prayers; then count out on the prayerrope how many prayers you can do in that length of time. As many times as you can complete the

    prayer rope, this is your rule, following this method.Reading all this, dont think that I am pushing you toward monasticism. I myself first

    learned of prayer with the prayer rope not from a monk, but from a layman, for many lay

    people pray this way. And you too will profit from it.

    Again I repeat: The essence of prayer is lifting the mind and heart to God.Prayer rules are only aids to this end.

    if one secludes oneself in prayer and limits oneself in food, sleep, and interaction with

    people, while not allowing any idle thoughts to enter the mind or any passionate feelings to enter

    the heart, then very quickly one discovers a truth: in this world there is Someone Else besides

    oneself and other people. And this Someone is patiently waiting to see whether we will pay

    attention to Him during our endless race through life. He is simply patiently waiting,because Godnever forces Himself on anyone. Yet if one continues to pray without arrogance, then before

    ones remarkable phenomena and images begin to appear.

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