  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    Internship Report On ;

    A study on overall Activities & performance of AB Bank Limited


    Under The Supervision Of :

    DR.M A Hakim

    Internship Supervisor & lecturer in Finance

    Bangladesh University of Business & Technology(BUBT)

    Dhaka Campus .

    Prepared By

    Md.Ibrahim Khalil Ullah


    Batch No- 11th

    Major- Finance & Banking

    Department - M.B.A .

    Bangladesh University of Business & Technology(BUBT)

    Date of Submission

    Bangladesh University of Business &


  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    Acceptance Letter-

    It is my pleasure to accept the internship report entitled "A Study on overall

    Activities & Performance of ABBL " prepared by

    Name - Md.Ibrahim Khalil Ullah, IDNo-021

    Batch No- 11th

    Major in Finance & Banking, Department of Business Administration,

    Bangladesh University of Business & Technology (BUBT)

    Dhaka Campus. I do hereby certify that this report is solely prepared by her by

    using the relevant documents related to the assigned topic.

    Md.Ibrahim Khalil UllahIDNo-021

    Batch No- 11th

    Major- Finance & Banking

    Department - M.B.A .

    Bangladesh University of Business & Technology(BUBT)

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited



    I here by declared that the internship report entitled General Banking Activities

    of AB Bank Limited. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

    degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from International

    Islamic University Chittagong Dhaka Campus.

    Md.Ibrahim Khalil Ullah


    Batch No- 11th

    Major- Finance & Banking

    Department - M.B.A .

    Bangladesh University of Business & Technology(BUBT)

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited



    This is certify that the Internship Report entitled General Banking Activities of

    AB Bank Limited. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the

    degree of Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Bangladesh

    University of Business & Technology(BUBT)


    Md.Ibrahim Khalil Ullah


    Batch No- 11th

    Major- Finance & Banking

    Department - M.B.A .Bangladesh University of Business & Technology(BUBT)

    Attested Certified

    .. .

    Internship Chairman of the Committee Supervisor

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited



    Date- 14, October 2009


    Department of Business Administration (Finance)Stamford University Bangladesh

    Sub: Submission of Internship Report on Overall Performance Of Ab Bank Ltd.

    Dear Sir,

    It is my great pleasure to submit you my internship report on Overall Performance Of Ab Bank Ltd.. I have

    tried my best to complete this report properly following the guidelines provided by you and concernedorganization.

    I have confidence that the internship program has increased both of my practical experience and theoretical

    knowledge to a great extent. I will be obliged to answer any query that may arise during the evaluation of this

    report. So, I am fervently requesting and hope that you would be kind enough to accept my report and obligethereby.

    Sincerely Yours,

    ______________________Md.Ibrahim Khalil Ullah

    BBA (Major in Finance)27th (P) Batch

    ID: 02708033

    Stamford University Bangladesh.

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited



    First of all, I am expressing my sincere gratefulness to Almighty me to prepare

    this report .The success of this report depends on the contribution of number of

    people specially those who have shared their thoughtful guidance andsuggestions to complete this report.

    I would like to give my heartiest gratitude Md.Ibrahim Khalil Ullahthe guided

    and coordinator of my internship report of MBA program under BUBT for

    giving me the best and valuable advice, suggestion and moral support to

    complete the report in an appropriate and manner. It is my pleasure to them and

    my grateful appreciation goes to ABBL authority for rendering me their

    expertise, knowledge, and giving me the opportunity of having a practical

    experience through this internship program.

    I would like to convey my sincerest gratitude to DR.M A HakimDepartment of Finance for his kind cooperation to allow me for three (3)

    months practical banking in the bank .Then I like to thanks to Mr.Chowdury

    A.N.M Mosaraf AH Beg (SAVP) Manager of Mirpur Branch , A.S.M

    Khairul Alam (AVP) and Sub-manager

    of Mirpur Branch and all the staff of this branch for giving me the pleasure of

    doing internship.

    My heartfelt appreciation and thanks should reach to MD.Kamruzzaman

    (S.P.O),Mozammal Hossain Khan (S.P.O), MD.Zakir Hossain (P.O)

    ,Mosammat Saleha Khatun (S.O) ,Atika Zakia Islam (P.O) OF Head teller. Who

    operate and support me to collect various types of information and necessary

    documents and help me to complete this internship report.

    A silent steam of gratitude is for my most adorned parents whose blessings are

    always with me in this windly world.

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    ABBL - AB Bank Limited

    BUBT - Bangladesh University of Business & Technology

    SAVP - Senior Assistant Vice Principal

    PO - Principal Officer

    SO - Senior Officer

    SPO - Senior Principal Officer

    CD - Current Deposits

    SB - Shaving Deposits

    FDR- Fixed Deposits Receipt

    TIN- Tax Identification Number

    L/C-Letter of Credit

    P/I- Pro- forma Invoice

    B/L-Bill of lading

    B/E - Bill of Exchange

    ERC- Export Registration Certificate

    CCI&E - Chief Controller of Import & Export

    (BIVAC) - Bureau Veritas Bangladesh LTD

    LCAF- Letter of Credit Authorization form

    IMP- Import

    SWOT- Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats.

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    Table of Contents:

    Chapter One (Introduction of the Report)_________________Page No

    1.0) Introduction 12

    1.1) Background of the Report 121.2) Objective of the Report 13

    1.3) Scope of the Report 13

    1.4) Sources of Information 14

    1.4.1) Primary Source 14

    1.4.2) Secondary Source 14

    1.5) Limitation of the Study 14

    Chapter Two (Overview of the Organization)________________Page No

    2.0) Overview of the Organization 16

    2.1) Historical Background of AB Bank Limited 16-182.2) ABBL : At glance 18

    2.3) Vision & Mission 19

    2.3.1) Vision Statement 19

    2.3.2) Mission Statement 19

    2.4) Change of name 20

    2.5) Birth of the Logo 20

    2.6) Company Philosophy 20

    2.7) Branch Location 21 -23

    2.8) Organogram of ABBL 24

    2.9) Financial Statement 25-26

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    Chapter Three (Branch Information)

    Page No

    3.0) History of Mirpur Branch

    3.1) Organizational Structure of Mirpur Branch3.2) Department of the Branch

    3.3) Present position of the Branch





    Chapter Four (Function of ABBL)

    Page No

    4.0) General Banking System4.1) Accounts Opening System

    4.1.1) Current Deposits (CD)

    4.1.2) Savings Deposits (SB)

    4.1.3) Fixed Deposits (FOR)

    4.1.4) Monthly Savings Deposits (MSDS)

    4.1.5) Double Deposits Scheme (DOS)

    4.1.6) Special Team Deposits (STD)

    4.2) Procedure of closing Account4.3) Remittance Department

    4.3.1) Local Remittance Department

    4.3.2) Foreign Remittance Department

    4.4)Regulation for Foreign

    4.5) International Regulation of Foreign Exchange

    4.6) Foreign Exchange Mechanism

    4.7) Letter of Credit L/C













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    4.8) Import Department

    4.9) Steps of Import Procedures

    4.10) Clearing Department

    4.11) Money Transfer

    4.12) Types of Cheques Collection4.13) The Clearing House

    4.14) Types of Clearing

    4.15) Process of Inward Clearing

    4.16) Process of Outward Clearing

    4.17) Cheque Returns

    4.18) FCD Department

    4.19) Loan Department










    55-56 57-64Chapter Five

    Page No

    5.1) Internship Duties

    5.2) Learning Points

    5.3) SWOT Analysis

    5.4) Recommendation

    5.5) Conclusion







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    AB Bank

    Executive Summary

    Modern Banking is an outcome development driven by changing financial

    activities and

    lifestyle . It offers the widest range of financial services - specially credit,Savings, and

    payment services and performs the widest range of financial functions of any


    firm in the economy . By definition , bank collects deposits from of credit and


    financial services to the clients. At one hand the bank pays interest to the

    depositors and

    on the other hand it earns interest at a higher rate from the borrowers to realize

    profit. Sowe find that money works both as the input and output of the banking industry.


    important feature of banking operation is to earn a good image of

    trustworthiness to

    deal with money of the depositors . AB Bank Ltd is of famous bank in the


    banking sector of Bangladesh . In AB Bank Ltd , as I have found out, the task of

    satisfying the depositor group and the borrower group is the first priority and

    the bank

    does this in a way smarter than any others in the industry. Beside these, AB

    Bank gets

    success in very short time.

    I have worked there three months as a requirement of the internship phase of

    BBA program under the department of business administration of IIUC. I have

    selected one topic :


    This report is originated as a partial requirement of BBA program .

    The AB Bank Limited is one of the leading private commercial bank in the

    country. It incorporated in Bangladesh on 31st December 1981 & started itsoperation with effect from April 12,1982.

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    As they are facing the challenges on way to further improving the profitability

    of the bank, they have to rely on their skilled & experienced workforce. The

    organizational structure is included in terms of organization culture & quality of

    work life. Then I have moved on towards the strategic, operational and legalissues of the ABBL to justify the report.

    I discussed about General Banking , its prospect & necessity. General banking

    operation like : General Accounts Opening Section , Requirement of opening

    current A/C, Saving A/C, Fixed Deposits A/C, Rate of interest on Deposits,

    Procedure closing A/C, Cheque clearing & bills department section, Collection

    section, Local Remittance department, Deposits section, Loans & credits


    Foreign trade department plays a major role in the international business. Here

    banks offer opening a letter of credit (L/C) Indifferent forms , provide theexporter the guarantee of payment of the merchandise exporter & the importer

    the title of goods. International business is unthinkable without the facility of

    the L/C. Bank also offers different loan facility in pre-shipment & post-

    shipment level.


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    Introduction of the report

    Segment Objective

    This Section will focus on :1.0) Introduction.

    1.1) Background of the report

    1.2) Objective of the report

    1.3) Scope of the report

    1.4) Sources of information

    1.5) Limitation of the study


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    1.1) Background of the report;

    A bank is a financial institution whose main objective is the mobilization of

    fund from surplus unit to deficit unit . In the process of acceptance & provisionof loan, banks create money . This characteristics feature sets Bank apart from

    other financial institution. A Bank can influence the money supply through

    lending & investment . A Bank is also an economic institution whose objective

    is to earn profit through exchange of money & credit instruments.

    Commercial bank is one, which is concern with accepting deposits of money

    from the public, repaying on demand or otherwise & withdrawal on demand or

    otherwise & employing the deposits in the form of loan & investment to meet

    the financial needs of business & other classes of society.

    Bank is very old institution that is contributing toward the development ofeconomy & an important service provider in the modern world. In the

    globalization & free market economy, banks provide their service worldwide &

    compete with other all over the


    The banking sector is one of the major sectors in Bangladesh economy & can be

    divided mainly in to four categories - Nationalized bank, Local private bank ,

    Specialized financial institution & Foreign banks. In Bangladesh, the journey of

    private commercial banks is not older. The banking in Bangladesh has passed

    three decades through different policy environment & comprises central bank at

    the apex.


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    The country's central bank, Bangladesh Bank, controls & monitors the banking

    industry. At percent, there are 4 nationalized, 5 are specialized, 30 are local

    private commercial banks & 10 are foreign commercial banks. AB Bank Ltd. is

    one of the prominent thirds generation banks in the banking sector.1.2) Objective of the report:

    The primary objective of this report is to partial fulfillment of BBA degree &

    achievement of the knowledge about how bank mobilize their surplus fund to

    the deficient units of AB Bank Ltd. There are some other important objectives

    of this report

    are as follows:

    - Acquiring experience for future working life.

    - To describe the customer service process of AB Bank Ltd.

    - To analysis the bank position of deposits mobilization.- To get knowledge about the products & services offered by AB Bank Ltd.

    - To analysis how well manage a customer.

    1.3) Scope of the report:

    The internship program is a partial requirement of the BBA program of the

    International Islamic University Chittagong, Dhaka campus. Which construct &

    build a bridge between the real life state of affairs & theoretical concepts, which

    were taught in the class room. It is a great opportunity for me to get the practical

    knowledge of the corporate world. That's why I had to join in the AB Bank Ltd.

    (Mirpur Branch) as an internee & my internship report is based on the practical

    experience that I gained from there.


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    I A) Source of in formation :

    The required data & information to prepare the report have been collected from

    the following sources :

    1.4.1) Primary Sources ;Personal interview with branch officials or executives.

    - Practical desk work.

    Getting information from face to face dealing with the client.

    - Interviewing the persons who are treated experts in respective to the

    assignment. Customer file study in the account opening & loan div

    1.4.2) Secondary Sources :

    - Annual report of AB Bank Ltd-2008

    - Web site of ABBL.

    - Bangladesh Bank report.- Published or unpublished or personally collected data from officers.

    - Files & documents of the branch.

    - Some articles on banking sectors. Different textbooks.

    1.5) Limitation of the study :

    AB Bank Ltd. is a large financial institution, therefore it is not possible to find

    out the true picture within a short period. To prepare the report I faced some

    problems & limitations. Those limitations are unavoidable for me. That may

    causes reduction in the quality of my report. Some of the major limitations are

    pointed below.

    - Time constraint is one of the major limitations to know all the inside

    information of the bank.

    - Bank has no formal guidelines for internship.

    Employees are so busy with their work. That's why they do not have sufficient

    time to co-operate with me.



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    Chapter Two Overview of the organization

    Segment Objective

    This Section Will Focus On :2.1) Historical background of AB Bank Limited

    2.2) Vision & Mission

    2.3) Corporate structure

    2.4) Corporate information of AB Bank Limited

    2.5) Management Hierarchy of ABBL

    2.6) Financial Statement


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    r2.1) Historical Background of AB Bank Limited

    AB Bank Limited ,the first private sector bank under joint venture with Dubai

    Bank Limited. UAE incorporated in Bangladesh on 31st December 1981 &

    started its operation with effect from April 12,1982.Dubai Bank Limited (name subsequently changed to Union Bank of the

    Middleast Limited) decided to off-load their investment in AB Bank Limited

    with a view to concentrate their activities in the UAE in early part of 1987 & in

    teams of Articles 23 A & 23B of the Articles of association of the company &

    with the necessary approval of the relevant authorities, the shares held by them

    in the Bank were sold & transferred to Group "A" Shareholders, i.e. Bangladesh

    Sponsor Shareholders.

    As of December 31,2006 ; the authorized capital & the equity (paid up capital &

    reserve) of the bank are BDT 2000 million & BDT 2582.76 millionrespectively. The sponsor-shareholder hold 50% of the share capital; the

    General Public Shareholders hold 49.43% & the rest 0.57% shares are held by

    the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh. However, on

    individual sponsor shareholder of more then 10% of its total shares.

    Since beginning, the bank acquired confidence & trust of the public & business

    houses by rendering high quality services in different areas of banking

    operations, professional competence & employment of state of art technology.

    During the last 27 years, AB Bank Limited has opened 73 Branches in different

    Business centers of the country, one foreign Branches in Mumbai, India, two




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    Officer in London & Yangon, Myanmar respectively & also established a

    wholly owned subsidiary finance.

    Company in Hong Kong in the name of AB Bank International Finance

    Limited. To facilitates cross border trade & payment related services, the Bankhas correspondent relationship with over 220 international banks of repute

    across 58 countries of world.

    AB Bank Limited, the premier sector bank of the country is making headway

    with a mark of sustainable growth. The overall performance indicates mark of

    improvement with Deposit reaching BDT 42076.99 million ,which is precisely

    53.78% higher then the preceding year. On the Advance side, the Bank has been

    able to achieve 46.32% increase, thereby raising a total portfolio to BDT

    31289.25 million which places the bank in the top tier of private sector

    commercial banks of the country.On account of Foreign Trade ,the bank made a significant headway in respect of

    import, export & inflow of foreign exchange remittances from abroad.


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    Officer in London & Yangon, Myanmar respectively & also established a

    wholly owned subsidiary finance.

    Company in Hong Kong in the name of AB Bank International Finance

    Limited. To facilitates cross border trade & payment related services, the Bankhas correspondent relationship with over 220 international banks of repute

    across 58 countries of world.

    AB Bank Limited, the premier sector bank of the country is making headway

    with a mark of sustainable growth. The overall performance indicates mark of

    improvement with Deposit reaching BDT 42076.99 million ,which is precisely

    53.78% higher then the preceding year. On the Advance side, the Bank has been

    able to achieve 46.32% increase, thereby raising a total portfolio to BDT

    31289.25 million which places the bank in the top tier of private sector

    commercial banks of the country.On account of Foreign Trade ,the bank made a significant headway in respect of

    import, export & inflow of foreign exchange remittances from abroad.


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    2.2) AB Bank Limited: at a glance

    Name Legal form

    : AB Bank Limited

    : A public company incorporated in Bangladesh on 31st December, 1981 underthe Companies Act, 1913 and listed in DSE and CSE.

    Date of commencement : 27th February 1982.

    Registration Number : C281461 (1992)/95

    Present No of Branches : 74

    No of ATM booth Registered office

    GPO Box

    : BCIC Bhaban 30-31, DilkushaC/A Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. :3522


    :(+8802)956 0312Telefax

    No of foreign


    SWIFT code

    :(+8802) 956-4122-23




    : [email protected]

    Web site


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    2.3) VISION & MISSION ;

    2.3.1) Vision Statement:

    " To be the trendsetter for innovative banking with excellence & perfection "

    2.3.2) Mission Statement:

    " To be the best performing bank in the country "19

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    ^> AB Bank

    2.4)Change of name:

    Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited changed its name to AB Bank

    Limited(ABBL) with effect from 14 November 2007 vide Bangladesh Bank

    BRPD circular letter no.-10 dated 22 November 2007.Prior to that shareholdersof the bank approved the change of name in the Extra-Ordinary General

    Meeting held on 4 September 2007.

    2.5)Birth OF the Logo

    The coat of arms of the new logo is inspired by traditional "Shital pati " or

    "Sleeping mat". The knit and the pattern of interlace in the new logo that

    echoes the intricate weave of Shital pati symbolizes bonding. This bonding

    reflects the new spirit of AB Bank.

    2.6)Company Philosophy

    The motto or the philosophy of the Bank is "Bonding Generation". Whetherin Personal, Corporate, Treasury or Trade transactions AB Bank Limited is

    committed to provide the best. Meeting the demand of the bank's discerning

    customers is not the sole objective. The Bank endeavor to deliver a quality that

    makes every transaction a pleasurable experience. AB Bankfeels that, if they

    can meet maximum clientele requirements in less time with efficiency, then

    they will be able to accomplish a successful business in the world of banking.

    Their main objective is - they want to provide every single customer service

    available in today's banking procedure for their clientele. Thus they can

    guarantee the excellence in banking to their valuable customers.AB Bankhas

    remained a bridge-builder between generations for the past 26 years through its

    reliable, modern and efficient services.


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    ^> AB Bank

    2.4)Change of name:

    Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited changed its name to AB Bank

    Limited(ABBL) with effect from 14 November 2007 vide Bangladesh Bank

    BRPD circular letter no.-10 dated 22 November 2007.Prior to that shareholdersof the bank approved the change of name in the Extra-Ordinary General

    Meeting held on 4 September 2007.

    2.5)Birth OF the Logo

    The coat of arms of the new logo is inspired by traditional "Shital pati " or

    "Sleeping mat". The knit and the pattern of interlace in the new logo that

    echoes the intricate weave of Shital pati symbolizes bonding. This bonding

    reflects the new spirit of AB Bank.

    2.6)Company Philosophy

    The motto or the philosophy of the Bank is "Bonding Generation". Whetherin Personal, Corporate, Treasury or Trade transactions AB Bank Limited is

    committed to provide the best. Meeting the demand of the bank's discerning

    customers is not the sole objective. The Bank endeavor to deliver a quality that

    makes every transaction a pleasurable experience. AB Bankfeels that, if they

    can meet maximum clientele requirements in less time with efficiency, then

    they will be able to accomplish a successful business in the world of banking.

    Their main objective is - they want to provide every single customer service

    available in today's banking procedure for their clientele. Thus they can

    guarantee the excellence in banking to their valuable customers.AB Bankhas

    remained a bridge-builder between generations for the past 26 years through its

    reliable, modern and efficient services.


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    > AB Bank

    2.7) Branch Location :


    1. Bandura

    2. Joypara3. Nawabpur Road

    4. Kakrail

    5. Bhairab Bazar

    6. New Elephant Road

    7. Karwan Bazar

    8. Board Bazar

    9. North South Road


    11. Chandra12. Mirpur


    14. Dhanmondi

    15. Motijheel

    16. Principal Branch

    17. Imamganj

    18. Mohakhali

    19. Rokeya Sharani

    20. Gulshan

    21. Mymensingh

    22. Uttara

    23. Jinjira

    24. Narayanganj

    25. Islampur


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    > AB Bank

    Chittagong Division :

    1. Agrabad

    2. Chaumuhani

    3. Khulshi4. Comilla

    5. Lohagara

    6. Bahaddarhat

    7. Cox's Bazar

    8. Boalkhali

    9. Export Processing Zone (EPZ)

    10. Port connecting Road

    11. Brahmanbaria

    12. Feni13. Sitakunda

    14. CD A Avenue

    Khulna Division :

    1 .Benapole



    4. Jessore

    5. Khulna 6.Satkhira


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    Raishahi Division;

    1 .Bogra




    6. Saidpur

    Svhhet Division :

    1 .Boroikandi

    2. Garden Tower

    3. Sreemongal

    4. Tajpur

    5. Dargahgate6.Moulvibazar

    Barisal Division:

    1 .Barisal



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    2.8)Organogram of AB Bank Ltd:


    Managing director

    Deputy Managing DirectorSenior Executive Vice President

    Executive Vice President

    Senior Vice President

    Executive Vice President

    Vice President

    Senior Assistant Vice President

    Assistant Vice President

    Senior Principle Officer

    Principle OfficerSenior Officer



  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    AB Bank Limited

    Balance Sheet As at 31 December 2008



    In hand (including foreign currencies)Balance with Bangladesh Bank and its agent bank(s)

    (including foreign currencies)

    Balance with other banks and financial institutions

    In Bangladesh Outside Bangladesh

    Money at call and on short notice




    Loans and advancesLoans, cash credits, overdrafts, etc Bills purchased and discounted

    Fixed assets including premises, furniture and fixtures

    Other assets Non-banking assets

    Total Assets



    Borrowings from other banks, financial institutions and agents

    Deposits and other accounts

    Current deposits

    Demand deposits Bills

    payable Savings bank

    deposits Short-term

    deposits Fixed


    Bearer certificates of deposit

    Other deposits

    Other liabilities Total Liabilities

    Capital/Shareholders' Equity Total Shareholders' Equity

    Paid-up capitalStatutory reserve '"-.

    Other reserve

    Retained earnings

    Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity


    Notes 31.12.2008




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    3.2 4


    4.25 6



    7 8

    9 10














    574,080,317 11,408,536,0628,884,601,130












    2,381,004,409 5,904,918,443




    11 3,193,343,038

    1,872,010,02* 12



    5,063,421,076 4,371,717,515

    2,523,379,991 2,666,304,319

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    1,176,651,056 1,105,058,168

    9,726,178,008 8,493,116,434

    5,089,676,621 3,396,098,545





    130,325,000 130,325,000

    4,118,190,280 2,080,797,920





















  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    AB Bank Limited

    Profit and Loss Account For the year ended 31 December 2008


    est Income

    est paid on deposits and borrowings, etc.interest income

    tetment Income

    mission, exchange and brokerage I jroperating Income

    il operating income (a)


    (y and allowances

    , taxes, insurance, electricity, etc

    I expenses

    age, stamps, telecommunication, etc.onery, printing, advertisement, etc.

    (executive's salary and fees

    ictors' fees

    tors' fees

    rges on loan losses

    redation and repairs of Bank's assets

    sr expensesil operating expenses (b)

    Vit before provision (c = a-b)

    sion against loans and advances

    sion for diminution In value of investments'


    provision (d)

    t before taxation (c-d)

    sion for taxation


    rred tax

    profit after taxation

    opriationsiory reserve

    ral reserve

    ends, etc

    ined surplus

    ings Per Share (EPS)

    annexed notes form an Integral part of the Profit and Loss Account

    Notes 2008 2007

    Taka Taka

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    20 7,366,847,21




    21 (5.336,153.27








    2 2,152,888,46




    2 1,759,019,17




    23 206.424.306 177,654.705

    24 4,118,331,83











    25 173,906,367 144,255,680

    26 4,409,340 1,912,103

    27 57,105,073 57,413,151

    28 64,989,223 44,720,259

    29 7,341,452 5,599,996

    2,378,949 1,588,592

    3 1,562,100 2,116,415


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    31 154,558,663 117,971,014

    375,711,044 258,934.177

    32 1,850,637,72




    33 4,298,388,15




    281,266,515 366,000,000

    117,153,000 9,400,000

    34 299.347.000 13 1.


    35 097.786315 507,300,000

    36 3,600,621,84










    13.2 (81,655.684) 83,271.707





    720,124,328 563,598,769


    720,124,328 563,598,769





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    103.18 8537



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    AB Bank

    3.0)Overview of ABBL, Mirpur Branch


    Mirpur branch is the local branch of the bank in Dhaka. It was established in 28

    March 1994. At present 22 officers are working in the branch. Code no. of thebranch is 4015. Present address of the branch is 5-A/5-B, Darus Salam Main

    Road (1st & 2nd floor).Section-1, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216. E-mail ID of the

    branch: [email protected]

    AB Bank is totally involved with the modern IT facilities. The bank is running

    their business under fully online service. They uses modern technological

    products ,like computer, printer, scanner, photocopier, telephone, fax, internet

    facility etc. The security system of this bank is so restricted, they uses (CC)

    close circuit camera for monitor every functions of the branch.


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    3 .1)Organizational structure of Mirpur branch

    Vice President (VP) &Relationship Manager

    Assistant Vice President (AVP)& Sub Manager

    Senior Principal Officer (SPO)Principal Officer (PO)

    \ /

    Senior Officer (SO)


    Officer (O)


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    3.2) Department of the Branch :

    There are several departments of the AB Bank Mirpur Branch that help for the

    smooth running of the banking business

    Departments...of The Branch

    Account opening & customer service Cash



    - Ledger/ deposit


    Fixed deposit receipt (FDR) Loan and Advance

    AB Bank wants to build 'cement relationship with customers' and General

    banking creates a vital link between customer and bank. It's really crucial

    department for the progression of the bank. It is the introductory department of

    the Bank to its customer The AB Bank Mirpur Branch has the required section

    of general Banking. Every day it receives deposits from customers and meets

    their demands for cash by honoring instruments. General Banking department is

    that department which is mostly exposed to the maximum number of bank



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    3.3) Present Position:


    Particulars Year

    2005 2006 2007 2008

    Deposit 111.34 127.35 136.74 125.28

    Advance 188.79 203.25 187.47 140.89

    Profit 6.19 10.07 10.20 7.44

    Letter of credit 211 265.28 285.15 149.77

    Export 17.00 27.72 25.92 23.74

    188.79, 7% 111.34,4%

    2005, 80%

    m Particulars

    D Deposit

    D Advance

    Profitq Letter of credit



  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    Chapter Four Function of ABBL

    Segment Objective This section will focus on :

    4.0) General Banking System 4.1.) Accounts opening Department

    4.2) Remittance Department

    4.3) Foreign Exchange Department4.4) Credit / loan Department


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    4.1 .DCurrent short term deposits (CD)

    In future Current Account is opened for both individuals & business concerns

    including non-profit making organization. But now individual account is closed

    for the by the order of Bangladesh Bank. Account must be open only on thename of business.

    For opening a sole proprietorship account, the account holder must provide his

    organizations names , what type of organization that is, where that is located,

    his true names, present & permanent address of the business owners, date of

    birth, place of birth, account holders recent two copies color passport size

    photograph , one copy nominees photograph, proprietorship valid trade license

    photocopy, TIN certificate, national ID card photocopy or passport or other

    employees ID card or certificates from the ward commissioner or union council

    chairman certificates. Detail of occupation or employment & source of wealthor income. He have to need a introducer, who has a existing account with


    The requirement of sole limited company account is same as of sole

    proprietorship account plus:

    Certificate of incorporation.

    Resolution of the board of directors.

    Memorandum & articles of association.

    Proper information as of personal account & directors & account operators.

    Certificate of the returns submitted to the register of joint stock companies.

    Attestation by embassies or high commissions in the respective countries if the

    company is incorporated outside of Bangladesh.

    Also different club, co-operative society, private school, college & madrasa,

    trustee board can open current as per provide their board


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    resolution, deed of those organization & others documents as per types of


    4.1.2)Saving Account (SB);

    Saving account always opened by individuals for saving purpose of depositedamount over a period of time. For opening a saving account a persons must

    provide his true names, parents names, present & permanent address, date of

    birth, place of birth, account holders two copy color photograph, one nominees

    photograph, voter ID card or passport or other employees ID card or certificate

    from the ward commissioner or union council chairman certificates. Detail of

    occupation or employment & source of wealth or income. He have to need a

    introducer, who has a existing account with ABBL. Interest on saving account is


    4.1.3)Fixed Deposits Account (FDR);The Bank offers higher rates of interest on such deposits. Usually customer are

    allowed to open this A/C for a certain period. FDR with different maturity

    offered by the bank can be shown by the Following table:

    Maturity Interest rates

    Up to 10 lac Over 10 lac to 50 lac Above 50 lac

    FDR for 1 months 8% 8.25% 8.50%

    FDR for 3 months 9.50% 9.50% 10.00%

    FDR for 6 months 9.00% 9.00% 9.50%

    FDR for 12 months

    & above

    11% 11.25% 11.50%


  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    > AB Bank

    Interest rates Up to 10 lac

    11%, 30%

    9.00%, 24%

    8%, 21%9.50%, 25%

    I FOR for 1 months I FOR for 3 months ! D FDRfor 6 months

    O FOR for 12 months & above

    4.1.4)Monthlv Saving Deposit (MSDS);

    Monthly saving deposit account open for the businessman & for the general

    people who wants to save money. This account must deposit with in 10th

    banking days of every month & if any one fail to deposit then deposit next with

    current month installment by provide some fine.

    4.1.5)Double Deposit Scheme (DPS):Deposited amount multiple within 6years & minimum deposited amount is 1

    lac to above.

    4.1.6)Special Term Deposit (STD);

    These types of account also known as special notice deposit & STD account

    provide interest for minimum balance TK.5 lac to above & interest rate is




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    4.2)Procedure of Closing Account;

    A customer may close out his/her account any time submitting to the branch.

    The customer should be asked to draw the final check for the amount standing

    to credit of his account less the amount an other incidental charge & surrender

    the unused cheque leaves. The account be debited for the account closingcharge etc. And unused cheque leaves should be destroyed by the authorized

    officer of the bank.

    4.3)Remittance Department:

    4.3.1)Local Remittance Department;

    Banks have a wide network of branches all over the country & offer various

    kinols at

    remittance facilities to the public. Obviously the bank charges commission on

    the basis of bills amount. Remittance are safe , swift, inexpensive & simple.

    Type of Remittance ;a) Pay order (PO)

    b) Demand Draft (DD)

    c) Telegraphic Transfer (TT)

    Pay Order (PO);

    Pay order is an instruments, which is used to remit money with in a city through

    banking channel the instrument are generally safe as most of them are crossed.

    Demand Draft (DD):

    Demand draft is many popular instrument for memiting money from corner of

    country another. The instrument is basically used for transfer & payment.

    Difference between pay order & Demand Draft is in terms of place only PO is

    used for remittance money with


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    4.2)Procedure of Closing Account;

    A customer may close out his/her account any time submitting to the branch.

    The customer should be asked to draw the final check for the amount standing

    to credit of his account less the amount an other incidental charge & surrender

    the unused cheque leaves. The account be debited for the account closingcharge etc. And unused cheque leaves should be destroyed by the authorized

    officer of the bank.

    4.3)Remittance Department:

    4.3.1)Local Remittance Department;

    Banks have a wide network of branches all over the country & offer various

    kinols at

    remittance facilities to the public. Obviously the bank charges commission on

    the basis of bills amount. Remittance are safe , swift, inexpensive & simple.

    Type of Remittance ;a) Pay order (PO)

    b) Demand Draft (DD)

    c) Telegraphic Transfer (TT)

    Pay Order (PO);

    Pay order is an instruments, which is used to remit money with in a city through

    banking channel the instrument are generally safe as most of them are crossed.

    Demand Draft (DD):

    Demand draft is many popular instrument for memiting money from corner of

    country another. The instrument is basically used for transfer & payment.

    Difference between pay order & Demand Draft is in terms of place only PO is

    used for remittance money with


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    the city where as DD is used for within the country too, constitute current

    liability on the part of a Bank.

    Telegraph Transfer (TT) ;

    Telegraph Transfer is one of the fastest means of transferring money from onebranch to another or from one to another. The TT issuing bank instructs its

    counterpart by telex message regarding remittance of money. No instruments is

    given for TT, Both parties should have account as money is for transferred.

    4.3.2)Foreign Remittance ;

    The word "REMITTANCE" means transfer of funds from one place to another

    either within the country (local Remittance) or from one country to

    other globally (Foreign Remittance) by means of different recognized modes.

    The foreign remittance is divided into two (2) parts, which is :

    - Outward Foreign Remittance- Inward Foreign Remittance

    Outward Foreign Remittance ;

    An outward foreign remittance in involves foreign trade & is as such subject to

    the approval of Bangladesh Bank with the expectation of remittances, for

    specified purposes for which authorized dealers (AD's) have the authority to

    initiate remittances without prior reference to the central bank.


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    V> AB Bank

    Inward Foreign Remittance ;

    Inward foreign remittance covers purchase of foreign currency in the form of

    foreign T.T, D.D & bills, T.C etc. Sent from abroad favoring a beneficiary in

    Bangladesh. Purchase of foreign exchange is to be reported to ExchangeControl Department of Bangladesh Bank.

    Types of Foreign Remittance ;

    Foreign Demand Drafts (FDD)

    Mail Transfer (MT)

    Traveler's Cheque (TC)

    Foreign Exchange Department;

    Trade refers to the process or mechanism by which the currency of one country

    is converted into the currency of another country. Foreign trade is the means &

    methods by which rights to wealth in another country's currency.Transfer of goods & services from one country to another country against

    foreign exchange. Trade among nations is a common occurrence & normally

    benefit both the exporter & importer.

    Components of Foreign Trade ;

    Foreign Trade mainly divided into three wings. They are as below



    Foreign Remittances


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    4.4) Regulation for foreign

    Local Regulations:

    Our foreign exchange transactions are being controlled by the following rules &regulation. .

    *> Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1947.

    *> Bangladesh Bank issues foreign exchange circular from time to time to

    control the export, import & remittance business.

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    &> AB Bank

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    is advised to the supplier. If the intermediary bank simply advises/notifies the

    L/C to the exporter without any obligation on its part, it is called "Advising


    The Confirming Bank;

    If the Advising Bank also adds its own undertaking to honor the credit whileadvising the same to the beneficiary, he becomes the Confirming Bank, in

    addition, becomes liable to pay for documents in conformity with the L/C's

    terms and conditions.

    The Negotiating Bank:

    The Bank that negotiates the bill of exporter drawn under the credit is known as

    Negotiating Bank. If the advising bank is also authorized to negotiate the bill

    drawn by the exporter, he becomes the Negotiating Bank.

    The Accepting Bank:

    A Bank that accepts time or unasked drafts on behalf of the importer is called anAccepting Bank. The Issuing Bank can also be the Accepting Bank.

    The Paying Bank and the Reimbursing Bank:

    If the Issuing Bank does not maintain any account with a bank that will be

    negotiating the documents under a L/C, then arrangement is made to reimburse

    the negotiating bank for the amount to be paid under from some other bank with

    which the Issuing Bank maintains his account. The latter bank is known as

    Reimbursing Bank.


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    Foreign Exchange Mechanism:


    ^^^^^ I SFIJFR






    j ,

    ' k g* 05

    ! 1 ^ I


    o c D

    ? 1


    ; P3 5^ AB Bank

    4.11)Money transfer:

    Western Union

    a fast, reliable and convenient way to

    send a moneytransfer:

    Western Union Financial Services Inc. U.S.A. is the number one and reliable

    money transfer company in the world. This modern Electronic Technology

    based money transfer company has earned world wide reputation in transferring

    money from one country to another country within the shortest possible time.

    AB Bank Limited has set up a Representation Agreement with Western Union

    Financial Services Inc. U.S.A. Millions of people have confidence on Western

    Union for sending money to their friends and family. Through Western Union

    Money Transfer Service, Bangladeshi Wage Earners can send and receivemoney quickly from over 280,000 Western Union Agent Locations in over 200

    countries and territories world wide- the world's largest network of its kind,

    only by visiting any branches of AB Bank Limited in Bangladesh.


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    4.12)Types of Cheques collected by clearing Department:

    01.Transfer Cheque:

    Transfer cheques are those cheques which are colleted and paid by the same

    branch ofABBank.02.Local Bills Collection Cheques (LBC):

    Local bills collection cheques are those cheques which are collected and paid by

    two different branches of a bank situated in the same city.

    03. Outward Bills Collection Cheques (OBC):

    OBC cheques are those cheques, which are collected and paid by two different

    branches of same or different bank situated in the outstation.

    04. Clearing Cheques:

    When the payee or endorsee (whoever deposits cheque for collection) and the

    drawer of a cheque maintain accounts with different banks, the collecting bankcan receive the amounts of cheques from the paying banker is any of the

    following manners:

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    Frequent transportation of the currency, but it has all the other disadvantages of

    the first. Besides, it may result in lying up the bank can maintain account with

    the paying banks (practically of the local banks), deposit cheques with the

    drawee banks for credit to its account. The method avoids the risk ofconsiderable sums of the money most of the local banks.

    The most efficient method of collecting and paying such cheques is that in

    which these cheques are exchanged by representatives of the various banks,

    who meet a fixed place at fixed hours and make the settlement through

    controlling banks. The banks, so joining, from themselves into a "member of

    clearing house" and the fixed meeting place are called a "clearing house".

    4.13)The Clearing House:

    Where inter-bank receivables and obligations are settled. A particular

    house/place under the control and supervision of the central bank of the countrywhere representatives of the member banks / scheduled banks/ assembles/meet

    together for settlement of their respective banks receivables and payables. It sits

    on all working days. In our country clearing house is organized by the

    Bangladesh Bank (state bank of Bangladesh) at the different big cities.



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    Common procedure for all kind of cheques etc;

    * Receiving and scrutinizing the cheques and other deposit instruments, and

    the pay-in-slip at the counter.

    *J*Affixing the stamps.

    ** Scrutiny receipt by the authorized officer.*** Returning the counterfoil to the depositor.

    * Separate the cheques into transfer, LBC & clearing house.

    Scrutiny of the pay-in-slip (Deposit-slip) & cheques:

    1) On both the counter-foil and the deposit-slip, the following should be

    checked -

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    8) The instrument is checked for any apparent discrepancy and is compare with

    the particulars noted in the pay-in-slip and its counter foil.

    9) In case an order instrument is being deposited in second payee's account

    guarantee may be obtained from the second payee and is attached to the pay-in-slip.

    10) In case the payee's name on the crossed instruments may be accepted but

    only from customers well known to the bank and after obtaining an indemnity.

    11) The amount noted should be the same as the amount of the instrument and

    the amount in words and figure should be same.

    4.14)Types of Clearing;

    Outward Clearing:-

    When a particular branch receives instrument drawn on the other bank within

    the clearing zone and those instruments for collection through the clearingarrangement is considered as outward clearing for that particular branch.

    Inward Clearing:-

    When a particular branch receives instruments which drawn on themselves and

    sent by the other member bank for collection are treated as inward clearing.


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    Common procedure for all kind of cheques etc;

    * Receiving and scrutinizing the cheques and other deposit instruments, and

    the pay-in-slip at the counter.

    *J*Affixing the stamps.

    ** Scrutiny receipt by the authorized officer.*** Returning the counterfoil to the depositor.

    * Separate the cheques into transfer, LBC & clearing house.

    Scrutiny of the pay-in-slip (Deposit-slip) & cheques:

    1) On both the counter-foil and the deposit-slip, the following should be

    checked -

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    4.15)Process Flow Chart Clearing (Inward):


    Receipt of the instrument from messenger

    Scrutiny of the instrument & tallying the amount of the schedule & that of theinstrument.


    Entry into Inward Clearing Register

    Sending the instrument to respective department for posting

    preparation of single credit voucher & IBCA of honored cheques / instruments

    Preparation of reason memo if any dishonor cheque/instruments

    Hand-over the IBCA & dishonor instruments if any to messenger.

    Filling the schedules and statements in the respective files



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    > AB Bank4.16)Process Flow Chart Clearing (Outward):

    Receipt of the instruments with the paying-in-slip


    Scrutiny of the instruments & paying-in-slip & affixing Received Seal

    43-Affixing Special Crossing Endorsement & clearing Seal on the back of the


    Return of the counterfoil to the depositor with seal signature.


    Entry into the Outward Register.


    Separation of the instrument from the paying-in-slip.

    Classification of the instrument first bank wise & then branch wise.

    Preparation of schedule branch wise & bank wise & signed.Preparation of clearing house book & signed by the officer.


    Tally the total of clearing house-book with the total amount shown in the

    clearing register.


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    AB Bank

    Preparation of the debit Voucher (IBDA) by debiting Local Branch.


    Sending the instrument, schedule, clearing house-book along with IBDA to the

    Local office through messenger.Filling/Recording all office copies.

    Releasing the credit vouchers to respective dept. for posting.

    Preparation of Debit Voucher if any instrument returned dishonor.

    4.17)Cheque returns:

    Reasons for returning cheques:

    * Insufficient fund/balance exceeded.

    * Account closed.

    > Payment stopped.

    Amount in words and figures differs.* Drawer signature differs/illegible/required.

    Alteration/mutilation requires drawer's confirmation.

    Cheque post dated /cheque out of date.

    ** Date incomplete /wrong/missing.

    Payee's endorsement required /irregular.

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    > Warrant no./folio no./advice no. differ from booklet.

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    t To record daily IBTA (Inter branch transaction account) Extract.

    *J* To prepare statement of income for everyday

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    5* AB Bank

    4.19)Loan and Advance department:

    Loan and advance department is the heart of bank. The major source of Bank's

    income conies from loan and advance. For this reason, Proper credit

    management is a crying need of a bank. This section is crucial for the bankbecause of the associate risk and profit potential. There are several types of

    credit that the bank offers for the customer. Bank loan or bank advance is a

    form of finance. It indicates- a specified sum of money lent by a bank to

    customer, usually for a specified rate of ordinary interest (calculated by taking

    360 day as a year). Handling 'load and advance' is the major function of bank.

    Difference between loan and advance:

    Loan: It refers to loan term credit i, e"money lent by a bank for more than one

    year (e.g.5

    or 10 or 15 year etc)Such as - Loan general, House building loan, Project loan etc.

    Advance: it refers to short term credit i.e. 'Money lent by a bank for less than

    one year' Such as - Cash credit, overdraft, discount etc.

    In comprehensive sense, loan is considered as a part of advance despite of the

    above difference. AB Bankalso classified loans and advances according to this



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    AB Bank

    Different Advances offered by ABBL


    -Loan General

    -House Building Loan-Loan against Imported Merchandise

    -Loan Against Trust Receipt

    -Loan Against Packing Credit

    -Transport Loan Project loan

    -Demand Loan

    -Consumer Finance

    -Lease finance

    -Small Business Loan

    -House renovation loanSOD (FO) (G)



    -Inland Bills Purchased Foreign Bills Purchased

    -FDBP & Discounted Payment against document


  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    > AB Bank

    Personal Loan

    Festival small business loan

    Festival personal loan

    Housing loanLoans:

    Under the loan system, credit is given for a definite purpose and for a

    predetermined period. Normally, these loans are repayable in installments, some

    major loans of the bank are describes as under:

    a) Loan General:

    When an advance is made in lump sum repayable either in fixed monthly

    installments and no subsequent debit is ordinarily allowed expect by way of

    interest, incidental charges etc called general loan, it is usually for a single

    purpose where the entire amount may be required at a time or in a number ofinstallments within a short period of time. Generally, when the advance can't be

    classified into any category, it is considered as 'Loan General'.

    b) House Building loan:

    In order to solve financial incompatibility to make a house, the bank offers this

    loan to middle class people. Period of loan is maximum 5 years. Limit of the

    amount of the loan depends on the customer banker relationship.


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    c) Loan against imported merchandise (LIM):

    LIM is a temporary loan and allowed against imported goods. LIM may be

    created at the request of the importer while he is not in a position to take

    delivery of import bills by making payment of entire bank dues. The importerhas to keep the goods in bank's custody for getting this loan.

    d) Loan against trust receipt (LTR):

    LTR is also a temporary loan and allowed to the customer against their

    application on the basis of only trust which is generally built on good customer-

    banker relationship. After sanction of LTR, import bills are handled over to the

    importer who will clear the goods from the custom authorities by making

    payment duty, VAT and other charges.

    e) Consumer finance scheme:

    The Scheme aims at improving the standard of living of the fixed income group.Under the scheme the clients may secure loan facilities at easy installments to

    procure household amenities. It meets household needs of service holders:

    Furniture/ TV/ Refrigeration & others house-hold durables. Its Credit Ceiling is

    Up to tk. 1.00 lac and term is 2 years.

    f) Lease finance scheme:

    An entrepreneur, under this scheme, may avail of the lease facilities to procure

    industrial machinery (without having to purchase it by down payment) with

    easy repayment schedule. The clients also get special rebate in their income- tax



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    under the scheme. Items leased out to the new/ existing industries to procure

    machines for the industries.

    g) Small business loan:

    This loan is introduced for smooth running/ expansion of business of smallentrepreneurs who are honest, sincere & promising. This type of loan diversifies

    bank's lending with the requirement of the time. Its 'Credit Ceiling' is Up to tk.

    5.00 Lac and 'term' is 2-5 years.

    h) House renovation loan:

    The purpose of the loan is to help genuine house or flat owners (not developers)

    to undertake repairing or renovation works for better living or increased rental

    income. 'Credit ceiling' of the loan is Up to tk. 5.00 Lac and 'Term' is 5 year.

    I) Personal loan:

    The loan serves the purpose of meeting emergency financial expenses of serviceholders such as Medical treatment, Marriage, Maternity, Admission of Children,

    Purchase of banks, Exam fees etc. Credit Ceiling of the loan is Up to tk. 1.00

    Lac and Term is at least 6 month but not more than 3 years.


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    >> AB Bank


    When a current account holder is permitted by the banker to draw more than

    what stands to his credit, such ah advance is called an overdraft. ' it is an

    automatic coverage by the bank of all checks presented against the firm'saccount, regardless of the account balance'. Interest is calculated and charged

    only on the debit balances on daily product basis. Generally two type of

    overdraft is exercised in the bank-

    SOD (FO): It is allowed against financial obligation for promotion of economic


    business activities.

    SOD (GE): It is allowed to the traders for business promotion and economic


    Cash Credit:Cash Credit is a continuous type of short term advance. 'Under this system, the

    banker specifies a limit, called the cash credit limit, for each customer, up to

    which the customer is permitted to borrow against the security of tangible assets

    or guarantees.' Two types of cash credit are exercised in ABBL

    a) Cash Credit (Hypothecation):

    Hypothecation is a charge on company for a debt, but neither ownership nor

    possession passes to the creditors. In hypothecation, both ownership and

    possession remain under debtor. This type of credit is allowed to the traders and

    industrial borrowers for promoting trade and commerce and industries. This

    type of advance depends mainly upon the trustworthy of the party.


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    AB Bank b) Cash Credit (Pledge):

    In this case, possession of goods passes to the creditor or bank. It is allowed for

    promoting trade, commerce and industries of the country against pledge of stock

    in trade under Bank's control.

    SMELoan:Considering the volume, role and contribution of the SMEs, in the last two

    decades AB Bankhas been patronizing this sector by extending credit facilities

    of different types and tenor. As of now 54% of the banks total loan portfolio is

    segmented to the SMEs which deserve all out attention in our plans, projections

    and forecasting.

    As such the bank has emphasized on the following issues:

    ** To provide the best services to the SME sector

    *5 To increase the SME portfolio of ABBL significantly

    > To improve the quality of ABBL'sportfolioSME Sectors in which AB Bankhas participated so far:

    *> Agro machinery

    * Poultry

    * Animal Feed

    *> Dairy Product

    * Fruit Preservation


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    I* Hotel & Restaurants

    > Garments Accessories

    Leather products

    : Plastic product Furniture : Wooden & Metal


    : Paint

    > Printing & Packaging

    Wire & Cable

    > Aluminum

    > Cement and Lime Plaster

    Clinics and Hospitals

    Engineering & Scientific InstrumentsSME LOAN


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    5.1) Internship Duties :

    My Daily Activities in AB Bank Limited First day at office :

    I have started my internship program in AB Bank Limited from March 03,2009.

    First day I reached office at 8.45 a.m. At first I meet the Branch relationship

    manager Chowdury A.N.M.M. Ali Beg .And after the request to sub managerMD. kharul Alam to introduced me with all of the officer staff. After

    introducing events He placed me in Account opening department. At first day I

    worked there till 5.30.

    Working Hours ;

    I worked there as like a permanent employee. Every one is suppose to be in the

    office within 8.45 am. I have tried to maintain the time line. Though there is a

    sign out time but most of the employee worked in office till 7.00 pm.

    Working Activities :

    In the day of my internship period I have performed the various types ofactivities & I believe this practical task help me in my near future. The task I

    have done these are as bellow :

    Checking customer database Checking cheque books Making cheque books

    Adjust of debit & credit balance Bill voucher writing


  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited



    Update the register book

    - Pay order writing

    - Opening the customer accounts

    - Prepare the L/C- Giving the payment of Western Union

    - Posting the transaction in customer.

    5.2) Learning Points :

    Internship is the part of our Bachelor of Business Administration Program.

    After completing my internship program I have learn something about the

    overall banking system such as how to manage market, how to making

    information, which factors influence the target customers, relation with

    customers etc.

    From the internship period I have learn how to manage customer, bankingservice, how to influence customer, how to manage an officer, how to match

    with the new culture.

    I was very interested how to manage customer & how to manage an office like

    as function of a manager . I have progressed in understanding of my interested

    matter . Now I will capture all the works, which is done by a manager.

    Three month work with a bank is not sufficient for learning overall banking

    system without any help of the manager or my supervisor & all officer staff.

    They gave me to sufficient opportunity to work & help about these matters

    which matters was very tough for me.

    In my Business Administration Program theoretically I have learned how to

    manage an office & their discipline & lastly I have learned through practically

    how to manage an office & their work. Through practical knowledge I have

    seen & worked the entire thing


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    Update the register book

    - Pay order writing

    - Opening the customer accounts

    - Prepare the L/C- Giving the payment of Western Union

    - Posting the transaction in customer.

    5.2) Learning Points :

    Internship is the part of our Bachelor of Business Administration Program.

    After completing my internship program I have learn something about the

    overall banking system such as how to manage market, how to making

    information, which factors influence the target customers, relation with

    customers etc.

    From the internship period I have learn how to manage customer, bankingservice, how to influence customer, how to manage an officer, how to match

    with the new culture.

    I was very interested how to manage customer & how to manage an office like

    as function of a manager . I have progressed in understanding of my interested

    matter . Now I will capture all the works, which is done by a manager.

    Three month work with a bank is not sufficient for learning overall banking

    system without any help of the manager or my supervisor & all officer staff.

    They gave me to sufficient opportunity to work & help about these matters

    which matters was very tough for me.

    In my Business Administration Program theoretically I have learned how to

    manage an office & their discipline & lastly I have learned through practically

    how to manage an office & their work. Through practical knowledge I have

    seen & worked the entire thing


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    which was very much important to clearly understand managerial function . So I

    can say this experience really increase my desire to become a manager.

    Finally, the internship report also relate with my major field of study , because

    which I have learned from our university some part of my learning is sharedthrough internship program & this share to build me & expert . So, now I am

    expert in the field of how to manage customer , banking service , how to

    influence customers , how to manage an office , how to match with a new

    culture .

    5.3) SWOT Analysis

    SWOT Analysis provides an opinion & judgment whether an organization's

    business condition is healthy or unhealthy.

    5.3.1) STRENGTH:

    > Strong Brand image of AB Bank Ltd > Good management system> The bank has earned customer loyalty as organizational loyalty. > ABBL is

    always trying to add new & modern equipment > The top management

    officials all have had reputed of banking experience, skill & proficiency.

    5.3.2) WEAKNESS :

    > Low pay structure than other commercial Banks

    > A single counting machine

    > A remarkable portion of the total human resources is inefficient


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    > The Bank dose not have any Research & Development Division .

    5.3.3) OPPORTUNITY :

    > Potential & large market

    > Available potential source of fund> Diversity in to related product

    > They can also offer micro credit business for individual & small

    business. > Many branches can be opened to research the banks services in

    remote locations .

    5.3.4) THREATS :

    > Changing customer needs & tastes > Growing bargaining power of

    customer > Recruitment process is threaten for the bank

    > Local competitors can also capture a huge market share by offering similar

    products & services provided by the bank .5.4) RECOMMENDATION;

    Signature of witness on all-important documents should be obtained

    For increasing more funds customer may by offered different types of prizes

    The account -opening department needs skilled staffs for smooth working.

    Their statement should be computerized which is cost effective &safe.

    ABBL should reduce their interest rate on different credit scheme.

    Cleanliness services should be proper & up-to-date.


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    1 .General Banking Operation Manual (Bangladesh Bank) 2. Annual Report

    (2007,2008) of ABBL



  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    Corporate Banking

    At AB Bank we provide complete range of solutions to meet Corporate

    Customers' requirement. Our Corporate Banking solutions include a broad

    spectrum of products and services backed by proven, modern technologies.

    Corporate LendingOur specialist teams offer a comprehensive service providing finance to large

    and medium-sized businesses based in Bangladesh. For more information as to

    how we might best meet your corporate debt needs, please contact us at our

    Corporate Head Office.

    Structured Finance

    We have a specialist Structured Finance Team who arrange and underwrite

    finance solutions including Debt and Equity Syndication for financial sponsors,

    management teams and corporates. Also we provide corporate advisory

    services.We aim to provide tailored financing solutions with a dedicated team who can

    rapidly respond to client needs. Following are some of the products and

    financial tools of Corporate Banking:

    Project Finance . .

    Working Capital Finance

    Trade Finance

    Cash Management

    Syndicated Finance, both onshore & off-shore

    Equity Finance, both onshore & off-shore ' .

    Corporate Advisory Services . . '

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    SME Banking


    Considering the volume, role and contribution of the SMEs, in the last two

    decades AB Bank has been patronizing this sector by extending credit facilities

    of different types and tenor. As of now 54% of the bank's total loan portfolio issegmented to the SMEs which deserve all out attention in our plans, projections

    and forecasting..

    As such the bank has emphasized on the following issues:

    To provide the best services to the SME sector ' : '

    To increase the SME portfolio of ABBL significantly

    To improve the quality of ABBL's portfolio

    SME Sectors in which AB Bank has participated so far:

    Agro machinery

    Poultry Animal Feed

    Dairy Product ' ; " ' '.'


    Fruit Preservation :

    Hotel & Restaurants

    Garments Accessories

    Leather products

    Plastic product

    Furniture : Wooden & Metal



    Printing & Packaging .'" . . , y ...'.' ...

    Wire & Cable


    Cement and Lime Plaster

    Clinics and Hospitals

    Engineering & Scientific Instruments

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    SME Banking


    Considering the volume, role and contribution of the SMEs, in the last two

    decades AB Bank has been patronizing this sector by extending credit facilities

    of different types and tenor. As of now 54% of the bank's total loan portfolio issegmented to the SMEs which deserve all out attention in our plans, projections

    and forecasting..

    As such the bank has emphasized on the following issues:

    To provide the best services to the SME sector ' : '

    To increase the SME portfolio of ABBL significantly

    To improve the quality of ABBL's portfolio

    SME Sectors in which AB Bank has participated so far:

    Agro machinery

    Poultry Animal Feed

    Dairy Product ' ; " ' '.'


    Fruit Preservation :

    Hotel & Restaurants

    Garments Accessories

    Leather products

    Plastic product

    Furniture : Wooden & Metal



    Printing & Packaging .'" . . , y ...'.' ...

    Wire & Cable


    Cement and Lime Plaster

    Clinics and Hospitals

    Engineering & Scientific Instruments

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    Islami Banking

    To provide the Islamic banking services in accordance with the principles of

    Islamic Shariah, AB Bank has established Islamic Banking Wing and started its

    functioning by opening full-fledged Islamic banking branch on 23.12.2004. The

    branch is known as AB Bank Islami Banking Branch, Kakrail, and is situated at82, Kakraii, Ramna, Dhaka. Prominent Islami Banker Mr. M. Azizul Huq has

    joined the Bank as its Islamic Banking Consultant. A dedicated team of

    experienced Islamic bankers is working under his active guidance both at head

    office and branch level. A competent Shariah Council consisting of Islamic

    scholars, Ulema, Fukaha and Islamic bankers headed by Mr. Shah Abdul

    Hannan, a prominent Islamic scholar and former Secretary, Government of

    Bangladesh has also been formed to guide the Islamic banking affairs. Board of

    directors as well as management of the bank are very much interested to

    promote Islamic banking system in the bank aiming at opening more Islamicbranches in the near future. AB Bank has already obtained membership of

    Islamic Banks Consultative Forum (IBCF) and Central Shariah Board for

    Islamic Banks of Bangladesh.

    The goals and objectives of Islamic banking Wing are as under:

    To facilitate the Islamic banking system in the country

    To create new entrepreneurs and to arrange required finance for them

    To play effective role for socio economic development of the country

    To give assistance in launching welfare oriented economic system under

    Islamic values

    Under this wing AB Bank extends the following Islamic banking services:

    Deposit services

    Investment services

    Under Deposit services the following services are being rendered:

    Mudaraba Savings Account

    Mudaraba Short Noticed Account '


    Mudaraba Term Deposit Account (with different terms)

    Mudaraba Monthly Profit Account

    Al-Wadiah Current Deposit Account . .. .

    Mudaraba Deposit Pension Scheme

    Besides Mudaraba Hajj Deposit Scheme and some other schemes are under


    Investment Services

    AB Bank Islmic Banking Wing provides investment facilities for project

    finance, working capital finance, SME finance, consumer / retail baking finance

    etc. under following modes: .''.'

    Hire-Purchase under Shirkatul Melk (HPSM): Under this mode the Bankand the client procure asset such as machinery, land , car etc. on equity

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    participation basis. The Bank rents out its portion of assets to the client for a

    certain period. The client pays the rental with a part of principal amount on

    monthly / quarterly basis. The client gets its proportionate ownership with the

    payment of monthly / quarterly installments. On maturity, total ownership of the

    assets automatically goes to the client as and when final payment of the accountis made.

    Ijara or Leasing: It is more or less like the HPSM. In this case equity

    participation may or may not exist. Ownership of the asset is not automatically

    transferred to the client with the payments of installments. On maturity, the

    bank transfers the ownership to the client on payment of certain transfer fees.

    Bai-Muajjal / Bai-Murabaha: These modes are applicable for working

    capital finance. Under these schemes bank purchases goods / raw materials as

    per requirement of the client. In case of Bai-Muajjal bank receives the sales

    proceed on deferred payment basis. On the other hand in case of Bai-MurabahaBank receives the sale price at the time of delivery of the goods / raw materials.

    Before handing over the goods / raw materials the bank generally keeps the

    same in its custody under pledge.

    Musharaka : Under this mode the Bank and clients jointly participate in a

    project, in a scheme or project. Profit is shared between the Bank & the

    concerned client as per pre-agreed ratio. On the other hand loss is shared

    according to capital ratio.

    Mudaraba: Under this mode bank finances the scheme as a Shaheb-AI-

    Maal (owner of the capital). Profit is shared between the two sides as per pre-

    agreed ratio.Sector of Investment:

    Islamic Banking Wing of the bank finances in all sectors i.e., Industry, business,

    Agriculture, Real Estate etc. if purpose of the investment is permissible under

    Islamic Shariah.

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    Limit of Investment:

    Investment is offered to the extent of single borrower exposure limit as fixed by

    the Bangladesh Bank from time to time.

    Foreign Trade:

    Islamic Banking Wing provides the following services at its foreign trade desks:.

    Opening of LCs

    Post -Import Finance

    Export bill purchase and negotiation

    Pre-shipment financing etc.

    AB Bank Islamic Banking Wing has been continuously trying to expand it's

    service horizon keeping the necessity of valued clients in view and upholding

    the principle of Islamic Shariah.

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    Deposit Scheme

    New Products

    May 29, 2008 Ogrim Munafa Patra

    Let your money grow with us. AB Bank Ogrim Munafa Patra (OMP) allows

    you to maximise growth potential through this unique certificate.How does the OMP work?

    A depositor may purchase an OMP by depositing the discounted value of the

    principal sum: For example, for purchasing a Receipt for Tk. 100,000 with a

    maturity of 12 months (at 12% interest rate) the depositor will have to pay Tk

    89,286/- for purchasing the OMP certificate.

    Who can open an OMP?

    Any individual, business organization and institution.

    How much does one have to invest? Simply a minimum of Tk 25,0007-

    What is the tenure of the OMPs?OMPs shall be available for three, six and twelve months maturity tenures.

    What is the rate of interest ? : . . ; . 12 percent. Govt tax and

    duties are applicable.

    Can one obtain loan against OMP?

    Yes. Loan/Overdraft facility up to 90% of the deposited amount will be

    available. '.

    How does, one approach AB Bank to purchase OMP?

    Loan facilities will be available at any of the 73 branches of AB Bank. For

    details, please contact your nearest AB Bank branch.

    I Ogrim Mimsfo Pjtra IMay 29, 2008 '.'.:, Be a millionaire in 3 years

    The dream of becoming a millionaire is no longer a distant one. You can

    actually become a millionaire, that too within a space of three to six years, by

    opening an AB Bank Millionaire Scheme Account ( MSA).

    How does this MSA work?

    Monthly deposit of instalments.

    At the end of the respective term, total savings with interest, after deduction of

    Govt tax and duties, will amount to One million Taka.

    Who can open an MSA?Any individual, business organization or institution can open an MSA. ,

    What is the tenure of the MSA? ' MSAs can be opened for three, four, five, or

    six-year terms.

    What is the annual interest rate for MSA?

    -millionaire in 3 years



    Interest Rate;-

  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    12.00% 12.00% 11.50% 11.50%

    Tenor (Years)


    4 ./


    Monthly Savings

    Gross Return

    Income Tax (Currently 10%)



    1, 016,71 17- 16,7047-



    1,021,7487- 21,6987-



    1,025,5867- 25,5437-




    1,030,0847- ..

    '. ,

    :, 30,01


    Net Return

    1,000,007/-i,000,0507- ; 1,000,044/-1,000,070/-

    Are loan facilities available against MSA?

    Yes. Loan/Overdraft facility up to 90% of the deposited amount will be


  • 7/31/2019 A Report OnAB Bank Limited


    Troimashik Munafa Hishab

    It is now time to make your cash work for you. At AB Bank, our attractive

    interest rates let you maximise every ft r+ i Ra "

    Taka you put in. So, what are you waiting for? We invite you to participate in

    our Troimashik Munafa Hishab Quarterly Basis(TMH) and optimize your cash. Deposit Scheme

    How does TMH work?

    It has the character of a fixed deposit account.

    Who can open a TMH?

    Any individual, business organization or institution can open a TMH.

    What is the tenure of the TMH? Three years

    What is the annual rate of interest of TMH?

    Currently 12 percent. Govt tax and duties are applicable.

    At what frequency interest is given?Interest will be paid every three months from the date of opening of the account.

    . innn.mfciirr

    How much does one have to invest?

    Simply a minimum of Tk 25,000.00. There is no upper limit!

    Is TMH prematurely redeemable ?

    Yes. If withdrawn prematurely the following will be applicable:

    Time of withdrawal Rate of interest

    Within six months Nil

    Between six and twelve months . Prevailing Savings Bank Rate


    Second Year 9%

    ..:/- '.''-../..',,

    ThirdYear 10%

    \/:;;:, /..:'':; -"" -''.;

    Is there a need to manage quarterly interest coupons?

    No. Interest will be credited automatically to the designated account.

    Can one obtain a loan against TMH?

    Yes. Loan/Overdraft facility up to 90% of the deposited amount will be


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