
We start off back when Krystian had just graduated from university. He'd gone out to buy clothes and ran into Ivan. If anybody remembers Ivan wasn't too fond of Krystian and while I wasn't looking the two had started bickering.

Back at his house Krystian took a power nap on the couch which doubled up as his source of entertainment until he could actually afford stuff.

I figured he could use some actual fun so he invited Tao out on a date, unfortunately my game decided to remind me it was stupid and right after he hung up the notification that he stood Tao up popped up.

Krystian: Hey Tao I'm at the coffee shop where are you?

Krystian: Your final got moved up? Okay well I'll see you at your grad party then.

Tao moved in with Krystian after he graduated. I didn't document everything they did during their rotations since it was either work or being romantic with each other.

They did spend a lot of time outdoors playing catch during the colder seasons than I expected them to.

They both went job hunting for their dream jobs. Krystian succeeded in getting a job in the culinary track but there was nothing in architecture for Tao.

Dear Diary,Krystian and I have been living together for a few months now. I still haven't been able to find a job in architecture so I've been giving financial advice online. We've managed to buy more furniture and we're going out for dinner when he gets back from work.

Tao: Are you ready for our date?

Krystian: Yup I'm just going to change real quick. Can you call the taxi?

Tao: On it.

They headed downtown to Bernard's Botanical Dining (trying to vary the date locations and Londoste glitches out when I try to take pictures). They stopped at the photobooth to take pictures together before enjoying a delicious meal together.

A couple weeks after their date Tao finally managed to get a job in the architecture career path and had to rush out of the house to make sure he wasn't late to his first day of work..

Late nights become filled with skilling so they can both move up in their respective careers.

For Krystian that's bouncing between the bass in the garage and the bookcase inside. For Tao it means a lot of all nighters behind the telescope.

Krystian: Hey Tao mind if I join you when you go stargazing tonight?

Tao: I didn't know you were interested in star gazing Krystian.

Krystian: I'm not at least I don't think I am I might be. Uh well actually I need the logic points for work.

Tao: Well I don't mind if you join me but we only have one telescope.


Now you can both stargaze together!

Tao: I bet Author's just trying to double the chances of an alien baby.

Why I never!

Krystian: I don't care if that's why this is really fun and I'm glad I get to do it with you Tao.

The stargazing paid off and Krystian managed to reach the top of the culinary career thereby fulfilling his LTW. His new one is to become a hall of famer.

I thought Krystian had enough mechanical points not to be electrocuted if I had him fix the TV. Clearly I was wrong.

Tao: Please don't die Krystian!

Krystian: *inaudible noises*

Krystian decides he'll stick to studying mechanical from the books or fixing the plumbing and their days of studying continue.

Tao also seems to be a pretty big fan of the Bonnefoys' baked goods their fridge is now stocked with desserts that he bought.

Krystian goes to work one last time to hand in his resignation notice and brings home a coworker at the end of his shift.

These guys loved stargazing so much they now roll wants for it every few days. Tao was also stargazing but then I saw a cute cat so I had him try to befriend him.

Tao: Author I did it! We adopted a cat!

They did indeed her name is Kim and it only took a few hours for her to warm up to Tao.

The first thing she did as soon as Tao went to bed was destroy the towel rack in the bathroom. Looks like there's going to be a lot of training in store for her.

Krystian: This must be the cat we adopted. You're quite a fluffy cat aren't you? Hey Author what's her name?


Krystian: Aw that's a pretty name for a pretty kitty. We're going to need to get you a collar from Maria's store.

Krystian stayed up late stargazing and was still sleeping when Tao left for work. Kim decided to curl up on Tao's side of the bed instead of her pet bed a few feet away.

The following night they were almost robbed but thankfully the police stopped the burglar before they got to anything. Tao and Krystian didn't notice because they were uhm occupied at the moment (they were woohooing in the bedroom) and didn't notice the commotion.

Aw look at these two autonomously being smart and teaming up to dispose of the roaches that appeared in front of their house. Krystian is one of the few sims I've had who hasn't tried to stomp on roaches.

After a few days of trying to find a job in the athletic career Krystian finally succeeds in securing a job and officially quits in the culinary career.

A night without stargazing means these two are playing catch in their newly fenced in backyard. The chain of promotions these two have had means they've been able to buy and upgrade their furniture as well as starting to decorate a backyard.

As Krystian starts his first day of work in his new career Tao enjoys some pancakes while watching to make sure Kim doesn't scratch anymore furniture.

Tao: Hey Krystian?

Krystian: Hmm what is it Tao?

Tao: I was thinking of inviting my dads over for dinner.

Krystian: ...

Tao: I was just thinking that maybe if we had them over for dinner dad would warm up to you. I know you guys kind of hate each other so I won't if you don't want to.

Countless hours of stargazing later and Tao has finally maxed out his logic skill and he can finally get another promotion!

Krystian: You can invite them.

Tao: What?

Krystian: Your parents, I'm fine if you want to invite them for dinner and I'll try to get along with your dad. I don't want to be the reason you lose contact with them.

Tao: Thank you Krystian.

A few days into his new job and Krystian is already making new friends who want to introduce him to other people.

When they both had a day off Tao called his parents over and hoped for the best. Surprisingly Ivan and Krystian manage to act civil towards one another and even discover that they both love ice cream.

Dinner went well even if everybody was a bit confused about Ivan's choice of topic.

Tao: Thanks for coming dad.

Ivan: It was great to see you again Tao you should really come visit us soon I'm sure Huan and André would love to introduce you to Elena.

Tao: I'll try to work it in dad.

Ivan: You better and please tell Krystian I'm sorry for being so mean to him before I just didn't want you growing up so fast but you're very lucky to have each other.

As Tao and Ivan are talking and Krystian is cleaning up the dinner plates Yao gets caught up in playing with Kim. I still haven't bothered to have somebody go buy her a collar yet but I will eventually.

Yao: Well it's getting late Tao I guess we should be heading home thank you for having us.

Tao: Thanks for coming dad.

Yao: *whispering* Are you going to give me a grandchild before I die?

Tao: Dad!

Yao: I'm just kidding son. You have a very nice fiancé don't forget that okay?

Tao: I won't and I promise I'll come visit you guys soon.

Yao: Good well I'll be off goodnight you two.

Hey Tao? How do you feel about getting married now?

Tao: Well I'm not fearing it but I don't really want to plan a ceremony.

What if you guys skipped the ceremony and just did it here in your kitchen?

Tao: Are we even allowed to do that? My dads would probably be really mad they missed it.

Well it's your choice.

Tao: ...Alright let's do it before I fear it then.

In a very private ceremony held in their kitchen with only Kim there to witness it Tao and Krystian exchanged rings and vows.

Tao may not have been the biggest fan of the ceremony part but he wasn't going to object to the woohoo that traditionally came after.

And that brings us up to date with Krystian and Tao. They've also been pulling those spheres out a lot and reminding me of my friend and her rubik's cube but I think this is the first time I caught it on camera. No kids yet alien or otherwise and I'm not going to force any on them I think marriage was enough for Tao but if one of them happens to get pregnant I'm sure they won't mind it'll at least be interesting to watch.---Krystian and Tao live in a renovated version of Maxis' “Bony Bungalow” from the house bin.

Eleanor: Author where am I?

Your new house. Don't you like it?

Eleanor: Well I was just wondering why it doesn't have any windows... Is it even furnished?

Uhm a bit? Sorry I went overboard with the renovations and there wasn't enough money left for windows or furnishings.

Eleanor: Well at least I have a fairly big yard.

Yeah there's that.

Eleanor: Hmm maybe I could decorate the house with this jar of butterflies.


Eleanor: You're right that's cruel I'll let them go.

Eleanor was lucky and managed to find a job in the athletic career path immediately. Which is good because she really needs the money her house only has the most basic of necessities right now.

You might not remember but this professor was a matchmaker drop for Eleanor when she was still in university. They've still been seeing each other off screen and she finally summoned up the courage to have her first kiss with him. Also because I forgot his name last time I guess I should include it here: Professor Ralph Schehl.

Back in her empty house Eleanor was able to purchase a TV so she'd be able to raise her body skill. And when I say empty it really is pretty empty. And big.

Eleanor: Can I invite Ralph to move in?

Sure after you get another promotion then you can upgrade the bed and invite him.

Off for another day of work. Eleanor was lucky she didn't have to start at the bottom of her career ladder.

Francis: Eleanor I didn't expect to see you here!

Eleanor: Dad what are you doing here? I thought you had work.

Francis: Oh I'm retired now I'm actually looking to see if they'll cater your brother's wedding.

Eleanor: That's coming up really soon isn't it? But I thought you were catering dad.

Francis: I wanted to but your brother and Huan want me to enjoy the ceremony so I gave in. But what are you doing here ma chèrie?

Eleanor: Oh uhm I'm meeting a friend for dinner.

Francis: Well tell them I said hello I have to go check out other potential caterers now.

Eleanor's “friend” was (Professor) Ralph and they were actually out on another date.

Ralph: I had a great time Eleanor.

Eleanor: Me too Ralph but how about I cook dinner for us next time?

Ralph: I wouldn't want to trouble you.

Eleanor: It's no trouble.

Ralph: Well then I look forward to it.

Their next date night was held at Eleanor's house, thankfully she'd been able to buy some more furniture before it rolled around so she now had more than just a mini fridge in the “kitchen”.

Ralph: This fish is really good Eleanor thank you for making it.

Eleanor: I'm glad you like it I wasn't too sure how the recipe would turn out since I made a few substitutions.

Ralph: Well I must be off thank you again for the lovely dinner Eleanor.

Eleanor: Wait Ralph I have something I need to ask you.

Ralph: What is i- Oh my plumbob Eleanor!

Eleanor: Ralph Schehl will you marry me?

Ralph: Are you sure Eleanor? I'm so much older than you.

Eleanor: I don't care you're the one for me regardless of age.

Ralph: Then I accept.

Eleanor: Really?!

Ralph: Yes I would be honoured to be your husband. I love you Eleanor.

Eleanor: And I love you Ralph.

Ralph: So when do you want to have the wedding? I know your brother's is coming up and I'm not sure if you'd want to do it close to his or not. And whose last name are we going to use I don't want to force you to-

Eleanor: I'll take your name.

Ralph: Are you sure? I don't mind taking yours.

Eleanor: I'm sure and as for the wedding I don't care when as long as my family can come.

Ralph: We'll make sure they can.

Francis: So Eleanor your brother told me you were engaged when is the wedding?

Eleanor: We were thinking sometime at the beginning of summer or the end of spring.

Francis: Well just give us a ring and we'll be there whenever and wherever you decide to have it.

Eleanor: Thanks dad.

Not much happens for a while. Ralph works on befriending a stray cat and between him and Eleanor they manage to find 2 treasure chests in their yard.

Their scheduled wedding day rolls around, they postponed it to the end of summer after Arthur passed away to give the family time to grieve. Eleanor had wanted to postpone it longer but Francis insisted that her father wouldn't have wanted that.

The weather was perfect for an outdoor wedding but they decided to have it on the back patio with just André and Francis as witnesses.

Eleanor and Ralph exchanged rings and vows and then like promised Eleanor Bonnefoy became Eleanor Schehl.

After the ceremony they went inside to have the cake that Francis made for them. After some socializing Francis and André said their goodbyes as the newlyweds got changed out of their formalwear.

They'd planned a few days away at Three Lakes for their honeymoon. To get there at 10am the next day their plane had to leave at 9pm.

Ralph: Eleanor I found this map while we were digging in the front yard back home and it seems to lead somewhere off in the woods that isn't on the maps available here. I was wondering if you'd want to go explore it with me.

Eleanor: Hmm a hike into the unknown or talking to other tourists who have no idea what's going on here? Obviously I'm going with you a hike sounds like it could be fun.

The hike wasn't quite what Eleanor was expecting. What Ralph left out was that the map was to a bigfoot's home in the woods. She was pleasantly surprised to find that the bigfoot they met wasn't anything like the stories she'd heard back home although she was still a bit wary around him. Oh and his name was Alvin.

Back at the hotel the two of them retired to their room for the night for more newlywed activities.

The following morning the two of them sat down to try some of Three Lakes' famous flapjacks in the hotel lobby.

Ralph: Eleanor what's this?

Eleanor: Just a small gift I got you from the gift shop.

Ralph: You didn't have to get me anything!

Eleanor: I know but I wanted to. And besides now you'll have a stand to display your map when we get home.

Ralph: Thank you although I feel bad I didn't get you anything. Actually I was going to go visit the Alvin again did you want to come?

Eleanor: I'll pass this time I've been feeling a little sick since last night. But you go on ahead and have fun dear.

Back at Alvin's cabin Ralph was proposing his new bigfoot friend move back to Meladawn Hills with him and Eleanor when their vacation was over.

Alvin: Are you sure? Your wife doesn't seem to like me.

Ralph: Of course she likes you Alvin and I'm sure she'll warm up to you even more over time.

Alvin: Alright I'll come! I'll see you guys at the airport at the end of your vacation.

Meanwhile back at their lodgings...

How are you feeling now Eleanor?

Eleanor: Honestly a little queasy but not as much as earlier. I'm glad we leave tomorrow I don't know if I'd be very good company for Ralph if we stayed any longer.

Staff Member: Thank you for choosing Three Lakes as your honeymoon destination. Was our service to your satisfaction.

Eleanor: Oh yes everything was wonderful your flapjacks are delicious.

Ralph: I'd definitely like to come back some day we'll keep it in mind.

Forgot to document Ralph's stats earlier but here they are.

Ralph SchehlZodiac: Sagittarius (0/8/5/6/6)Aspiration: Knowledge/Grilled CheeseLTW: Max out 7 skills

And since Alvin is a part of the family I think he deserves a proper introduction.

Alvin BigfootZodiac: Aquarius (4/4/4/7/6)Aspiration: Knowledge/Grilled CheeseLTW: Own 5 top level businesses

The family came home to a slightly more furnished house than they had when they left. Ralph was drawn to the piano and spent most of the day playing it. Meanwhile Alvin helped himself to a whole carton of milk from the fridge.

Alvin: Do you like theatre Ms. Eleanor?

Eleanor: Alvin you don't have to call me “Ms.” and yes I think I'd probably like the theatre if I ever had the opportunity to go.

Alvin: Me too! Maybe if a theatre opened up here we could go together.

Eleanor: That sounds like fun. *yawn* I'm sorry Alvin but I think I'm going to go take a nap I'm surprisingly jetlagged.

Alvin: Sleep well!

Ralph abandons the piano long enough for Eleanor to sit down and replace him while Alvin starts painting on one of the easels.

Eleanor is awoken in the middle of the night and discovers why she's the only one that's been feeling queasy since they got back to Lakeshine Village and it has nothing to do with jetlag. Outside her husband is stargazing perhaps in search of aliens?

Alvin: Did you guys want to watch...oh you're busy. This is awkward I'll come back later.

Sometimes Alvin feels like he's a third wheel but Eleanor and Ralph are always quick to reassure him that they appreciate his presence.

Alvin: What are your thoughts on medical dramas? I personally don't like them.

Since Alvin doesn't have a job LTW I let him get one in the gamer career since he rolled a want for it. I love seeing what he gets to bring home from work. Today it was a coffee maker.

Second pop for Eleanor we're almost there!

These two are adorable. I normally have Ralph skill for part of the day because otherwise he'll sit at the piano all day and Eleanor will tend to hover nearby. I also love the whole cuddling sleeping spouse interaction.

Eleanor and Ralph discuss the amazing flapjacks they had at Three Lakes.

Ralph: I wonder if Alvin knows the secret to their deliciousness I've been trying to figure it out.

Eleanor: Hmm maybe we could ask him.

Hold that thought. What's up Eleanor?

Eleanor: I think I'm going into labour.

Ralph: Oh my plumbob what do I do?

Weren't you a professor?

Ralph: Yeah but not of this!!

Just one for this pregnancy and it's a little girl. Her parents named her Giselle Schehl.

Ralph: I can't believe I'm a dad! I never thought this would happen.

Alvin: A baby? Happy birthday little baby!

Eleanor: Ralph I'm going to go to bed is it okay if I leave Giselle here? She seems to like the music.

Ralph: Of course I'll take her upstairs if she gets sleepy.

--- An hour or so later ---

Ralph: Aw Giselle are you sleepy now? Alright let's get you into your crib then.

Ralph has been holding onto a fear of changing diapers so while he's sleeping and Eleanor is at work Alvin dotes on Giselle including changing her soiled diaper.

More on the list of random things Alvin brought home from work: a BBQ and a fridge. At least I'm hoping he brought that BBQ home otherwise I have no clue where it came from.

Alvin: Hello, yes is this the pet adoption centre? Yes I'd like to adopt a kitten please.

I know the sim wiki says that cats aren't fond of bigfeet but Alvin really wanted a kitten so I gave in and let him adopt Bailey.

And upon topping the gamer career Alvin brings home a reclining chair which I let him take down to his room in the basement since it's still pretty bare.

Alvin arrives home just in time to celebrate Giselle's birthday! And she even transitions into a non-maxis hair so that saves us on a trip to the mirror.

Almost immediately her parents have rolled wants to teach her some skills but first a quick trip to the potty.

And then it's onto learning to talk and then a nursery rhyme. Which brings us up to date on the Schehl family. Giselle will probably grow up behind the scenes of the main story so we'll probably see her again there before we have another spare update.---Eleanor and her family live in a renovated version of Maxis' “Tidy Tudor” from the house bin.

Next up on the list of spares to visit is Sophia. A friendly reminder that her LTW is to marry off 6 kids so it's a good thing her boyfriend Amin will be moving in soon but until then she'll need a job because she's broke and there's no fridge.

Sophia: Wait what?

I had to renovate your house to be able to hold all those kids you want to have.

Sophia: Ugh fine do I at least have a computer?

Mr. Humble will drop it off.

In the meantime Sophia gets to digging up her yard for stuff she can sell and she manages to find a treasure chest. That should be enough to furnish the house a bit more you can stop now Sophia.

Sophia: Thank goodness I'm going to go look for a job then.

With enough money to buy a fridge Sophia stops to have some lunch before doing she figures out what to do next.

Amin drops by after class to see Sophia and they spend the afternoon catching up and talking about their future.

The aftermath of Amin's visit makes itself known the next day.

Sophia: Wait Author I'm pregnant?

Sure looks like it.

Sophia: But Amin is still in university can I really raise a baby on my own?

You're not going to be alone you've got me.

Sophia: I'm not sure if that makes me feel better.


After going out to buy some new maternity clothes Sophia finds a job in the education career presumably teaching literature since that's what she spent 4 years of university studying for.

Sophia called Amin to let him know about her pregnancy but he wasn't able to come down until after his final and by then she was already really close to her due date.

Playing football when you're so close to going into labour may not be the best idea Sophia.

Sophia: It's fine Author.

Doesn't mean I'm any less worried.

After a while they went inside and Sophia made some lunch meat sandwiches for them to eat. Shortly after she finished she went into labour and had a baby girl (that I don't have a picture of for some reason) that was named Johanna.

Johanna spent her infancy looking like any other sim baby does so let's skip ahead to her toddler birthday since I don't have pictures of her as a baby. To celebrate both Amin and Roderich came to visit and cheer Johanna on.

Aw she grew up into one of the bear onesies she definitely gets to keep that.

Sophia stepped outside for a moment to talk to Amin which left Johanna and Roderich alone in the house. Poor Roderich didn't seem to know what his granddaughter wanted but she seemed satisfied with him playing with her until her mom came back.

Sophia: Sorry dad I just had to ask Amin to pick some stuff up when he moves in next week.

Roderich: That's fine Johanna's a lovely little girl you've done a good job raising her so far.

Sophia: Thanks dad and you're welcome to stop by anytime you want to see her.

Roderich: I'll see what I can do we've got our hands full with Lara at home.

The next week as mentioned Amin moved into the house having completed his studies at the university.

I really didn't document much of Johanna's toddlerhood as well but I fixed that during her childhood. But before we get to those we need to have cake.

Johanna: My hand is huge now!

Interesting that that's your first observation.

Johanna: Hey Author does this mean I get my own room now?

Yup although it's not fully furnished yet it's all yours.

Johanna: Yay I'm going to go to sleep then.

But before she went to bed her mom told her she had to say hello to her grandfather and uncle. I think Niklaus was a little surprised that Johanna decided to talk about ladybugs considering she'd just grown up and had probably never seen one before.

And then for something completely unplanned.

Sophia: Dad I was wondering if you could stay for a little longer.

Roderich: Sophia I hope you're not planning on eloping while I watch Johanna.

Sophia: No dad I meant to ask Roderich to stay too but he said he had to be home to tuck Lara into bed. I was hoping you'd stay for Amin and mine's wedding. We didn't want to make a big deal out of it but I definitely want you to be there.

Roderich: Of course I'll stay I guess it's a good thing I always carry a suit with me huh?

So Sophia and Amin got married in the middle of the night in a private ceremony held in their living room.

It was quick and to the point. Sophia Zwingli became Sophia Lewis and the household name got changed to reflect the new surname. Also they really need lights in this house.

And then Johanna almost misses her first day of school.

Johanna: But mom made pancakes! She wouldn't let me leave until I'd finished mine.

Fair enough now have fun in school.

When Johanna gets home Amin helps her with her homework while Sophia calls in connections trying to get Amin a job in the education field since it turns out his LTW is to reach the top of it.

And it's time for some stats before I forget again. First up Amin.

Amin LewisZodiac: Virgo (9/2/6/3/5)Aspiration: Knowledge/PleasureLTW: Become education minister

And Johanna as well.

Johanna LewisZodiac: Cancer (9/2/10/8/6)

Johanna loves playing on the computer and despite her parents telling her to finish her homework first sometimes she'll sneak onto it to play when they aren't paying attention.

And it looks like her parents have some exciting news for their eldest child. Sophia is expecting again.

Amin: So Johanna how do you feel about being a big sister?

Johanna: I dunno I guess it could be fun. My friend Zimi has a little brother. Would I have a little brother or a sister?

Amin: We don't know yet but you'd play with your new sibling right?

Johanna: Of course daddy it'd be like always having a friend over for a sleepover but they never have to leave.

Amin: Atta girl I'm going to go make some dinner make sure your room is clean.

Johanna cleaned her room and then since there was still time before dinner would be ready she started cleaning the bathtub but got distracted by the idea of playing pirate in it. It was adorable and I should have bought her a pirate outfit.


Amin: Well I thought she ought to know.


Amin: Well she asked where babies come from.


Sophia: I hear there are rumours about there being more alien invasions lately isn't that weird? I wonder what they want with us sims...

Amin: Really? Hmm Sophia do we have a telescope.

Sophia: No and I know where you're going with this so you can buy one if you want.

Sophia finally managed to talk to her boss about letting Amin join the education career track so he's starting out as an elementary school teacher.

He and Johanna get home at the same time and she's excited to show him her report card showing her straight A's. He'd already heard from her teacher about her grades but he cheers for her anyway before saying goodbye to his coworker.

Second pop we'll soon see the baby.

Is this going to be a tradition or something you guys?

Sophia decided her pregnancy wasn't enough for her to stay home from work all day so she decided to walk to work but uhm Sophia shouldn't you change first.

Sophia: Meh the university doesn't really care if they did they'd send me home.

Johanna brings Ieva Vargas home from school one day and the two of them spend the afternoon playing Mary Mack and watching TV until she had to leave.

Sophia makes some spaghetti for dinner after Ieva goes home. And then Johanna and Amin become best friends which seems really late to me since most of my sim kids become best friends with their parents as toddlers but then again he wasn't there for most of her infancy.

After Johanna had gone to bed Sophia goes into labour in the living room.

Sophia: Amin please hold this one.

Amin: Aw she's beautiful wait what do you mean this one?

Yes Amin and Sophia had twins and I honestly don't remember if they're the result of cheesecake or not. Amin is holding Aliza Lewis and Sophia is holding Jess Lewis.

Johanna was really excited when she woke up and learned she had 2 new siblings.

Johanna: Yay I get a brother and a sister!!

What are you thinking of Sophia?

Sophia: About my LTW I know it's weird to think about but one day these two might be getting married to fulfil it.

Well that won't be for a long time yet.

Sophia: I know I'm probably just sleepy I'm going to go to bed.

This just in sleeping is a science activity. Therefore we are all scientists.

The following Saturday Johanna invited Ieva over again since she was the only friend Johanna had that was her own age (Zimi had his birthday earlier that week). They spent the day playing outside while Johanna's parents watched from the windows.

And then it's time for the twins' birthday! Hooray for double toddler training. *cries internally*

And they're both adorable. Aliza is an exact clone of her older sister and Jess decided to become the first sim I've ever had to grow up bald.

Both Amin and Jess were too tired for training that night so it was just Sophia and Aliza working on skills.

The next day Johanna spends some time with Jess while their parents catch up on their sleep playing peek-a-boo which he really seems to love. And that concludes the end of their rotation as well. Whew we're halfway through now.---Sophia and her family live in a renovated version of Maxis' “Cape Cod Classic” from the house bin.

Welcome back Valeria!

Valeria: Hi Author.

Are you excited to be back?

Valeria: Sure hey did Mr. Humble drop by yet?

I think so why.

Valeria: I need to check the job postings.

How'd it go?

Valeria: I got a job.

In architecture?

Valeria: No medical. Fortune sim I need a job, any job so I can buy things.

I see. Well good luck at work.

A couple months later her boyfriend Joe Enriquez moves in with her. He's a family sim and she has a family secondary so I foresee a lot of babies in their future. He'd like at least 3 for his LTW.

Joe EnriquezZodiac: Aquarius (4/4/4/7/6)Aspiration: Family/PleasureLTW: Graduate 3 children from university

Valeria finally secured a job in the architecture career and the two of them spend most of their evenings playing chess on the front porch.

Joe stops her from going inside one night after their game and pops the question every family sim wants to hear.

Unsurprisingly she accepted and they both received a lot of aspiration points for this.

As seen in one of the main story updates Valeria recently brought Nutmeg back to live with her he's settling in well. Her house is a lot smaller than the house where her brother lives but they've got a pretty big backyard that Nutmeg has free range of plus his chew toy and the flowers out front.

The day after she gets Nutmeg back Valeria manages to accomplish her LTW of being a City Planner and decides that her next goal is to become a business tycoon.

Joe: Congratulations on achieving your lifetime want Valeria.

Valeria: Oh thank you Joe. Congratulations on your promotion too.

Joe: Thanks hey what do you want for dinner? I'll cook tonight.

Valeria: You don't have to do that.

Joe: But I want to it's not everyday you achieve your lifetime want.

Valeria: Alright...then surprise me I'm sure whatever you make will be delicious.

Before dinner Valeria plays some celebratory music on the piano.

They've got quite a bit of cash now that they could afford to expand the house if they have kids so I let them try for a baby. They're gonna to have to have 3 kids to complete Joe's LTW might as well get the pregnancies over with now.

Valeria and Joe agreed to buy a new car and being the fortune sim that she is it had to be a fancy one. She also wasn't going to risk it being stolen and got an alarm installed as soon as possible.

Nutmeg has a bed inside but he seems to prefer sleeping in the doghouse outside. Maybe he'll come inside once winter settles in?

There you are Valeria! Joe's been looking for you.

Valeria: Bleh!

Are you okay?

Valeria: Am I pregnant Author? I keep throwing up today.

Sweetie if you have to ask the answer is probably yes. Congratulations by the way.

Valeria: Thanks gluh oh plumbob not again.

I'll tell Joe you'll be awhile.

They were going to get married today anyway but since Valeria's been experiencing morning sick they decide to hold the ceremony in their house.

Joe and Valeria Enriquez everybody. Their children are guaranteed to have blonde hair.

Just a few hours later Valeria experienced the first pop of her pregnancy.

Valeria: No Joe isn't home right now can I take a message? Who is this? Look lady you've been calling my husband a lot lately. If you're not going to tell me who you are please stop.

Valeria: Whose a good dog. Nutmeg is yes he is.

Evenings are now filled with Joe attempting to study and Valeria watching television with Nutmeg. They've been having renovations done to have a second floor added to their house to make room for the kids they'll be having.

Oh dear Joe hey Joe wake up.

Joe: Wha?

How are you the one to pass out? Valeria's the one that's pregnant.

Joe: Ugh my head hurts.

Your bed is waiting in the next room get some rest Joe.

Joe: Thanks Author.

Valeria: Author is this pregnancy thing almost done?

Why? Are you experiencing morning sickness again?

Valeria: No it's not that I've just been having weird cravings lately. Do we have any gelatin?

Not sure actually you could check the fridge though.

Lily stopped by that afternoon to see Valeria. At least I thought she was there to see her. After greeting her Valeria went inside to answer the phone and watch TV while Lily stayed outside and played with Nutmeg for hours.


Darn are you in labour now? Joe just left for work.


Now, now I'm sure everything will be alright. Just spin and catch them.



Valeria: Hello sweetie.

Aw it's a boy what are you going to name him?

Valeria: Well we agreed on Kris for a boy.

Kris Enriquez that's a cool name.

Wait why are you putting him on the floor?

Valeria: So that's what the cheesecake was for. Well I guess this is his twin sister.

You realize there are cribs upstairs right?

Valeria: We're going to call you Kani little one.

Aw that's a cute name.

Valeria: Author!


Valeria: I feel like there's another baby.

Because there is.

Valeria: WHAT?

Well I didn't want to deal with another pregnancy so I figured why not just have all the kids at once?

Valeria: Aw well we didn't plan to have triplets.

I did.

Valeria: Well Joe and I didn't so I guess I'll name you Velia. You're all very cute.

And they all have the same hair and eye colours.

Valeria: Oh hush Author they're adorable.

And with the triplets in their respective cribs this is where we'll end the update for Valeria's update. Velia is in the crib next to the fridge, Kris in the one next to the changing table and Kani has the crib next to the potty. Toddler training is going to be a nightmare in this house but at least it'll be done in one go.---Valeria and her family live in a renovated version of Maxis' “Small Home” from the house bin.

Alright the second to last family to check in with is the Honda-Laurinaitis household with Lee and Marlena who somehow managed to be struck by lightning. Congratulations Marlena you are the first sim that I've had that happen to.

Marlena is a romance sim who likes woohoo very much and Lee is very much in love with her so a lot of their time is spent woohooing. She's still not interested in marriage but he's hanging onto two wants of getting engaged and married to her.

Marlena got a job in athletic while Lee got one in medical to reach their LTWs.

Lee: Hello? Yes Lara it's uncle Lee how was school today?

Lara's adorable everyday Lee will get a call from her and he'll take it if he's not doing anything else and talk to her for a few hours.

Marlena quickly reaches the top of the athletic career obtaining permaplat status. Her new LTW is to become a celebrity chef, yet another LTW that's been done repeatedly so I might just leave her in the athletic track.

Marlena: Lee it's been 5 minutes why are we not making out?

Lee: Just a second I have to respond to this email from work.

This basically sums up their entire relationship. Whoever isn't on the computer bugs the person who is.

Marlena cooks most nights since Lee eats at work and doesn't get hungry until later and when she does it's almost always grilled cheese sandwiches since she always has a want to eat them.

Lee still has a few more promotions to go until he reaches the top of his career so in the meantime Marlena gets control over the computer while he studies.

They bought a new car since they had more than enough money they still do so maybe I'll send them on vacation or something next time.

Marlena keeps rolling up wants to woohoo or make out with three different sims and I'll let her on the one condition that they can keep up a conversation about grilled cheese.

This guy failed miserably. And despite his criticism of her favourite food Marlena still wants to talk to him about grilled cheese.

Lee remains oblivious to Marlena's wandering attention although I highly doubt he's completely unaware of the fact she's trying to see other people. I like to think they just have a veeeeeeeeeeery open relationship.

Marlena: I don't need to come into work tomorrow? Well alright then. Yeah I'll see you on Tuesday Janet.

Marlena heads downtown on one of her days off to try and make some new “contacts” for work. This guy is also uninterested in talking about grilled cheese.

This guy that she met while buying coffee didn't like grilled cheese either not that it would have mattered they have negative bolts together.

The next day while Lee has work again Marlena calls over the matchmaker and she drops this guy Nalo Robinson who I'm 99% sure I created for the sole purpose of adding sims to the adoption pool.

I shouldn't have been surprised that the first thing they talked about was woohoo since they're both romance sims. Sadly Nalo seemed infuriated by the thought of grilled cheese and the date went downhill from there ending at an 'okay' standing.

Well this is awkward...

Dovydas stops by for a while shortly after Lee gets home for work. It was an interesting visit first he tried to cheat Lee at chess, soaked in the hot tub and then broke their computer before saying goodnight.

Figures the pack leader would show up at the house of the family that doesn't want to become a werewolf. His name is Boots and he spent a better part of the night rolling around in Lee and Marlena's flowers.

Marlena: Why do I have to fix the TV?

Because you broke it.

Marlena: What if I get electrocuted.

You have 8 mechanical points and Dovydas is in the kitchen.

Marlena: It's not like we can't afford a repairman.

Lee: Lara how are you? Yes I'm sorry I couldn't come to your birthday I tried to take off of work but an emergency came up. Did you get the birthday money I sent? Okay good.

Lara still calls him frequently I'm willing to bet the calls that come when they're both at work are from her and she finally managed to catch him on his day off.

And that wraps up Lee and Marlena's update. Nothing too exciting going on with them but they're also two of the youngest in the second generation so they're still adjusting to life after university.---Lee and Marlena live in a renovated version of Maxis' “Tiny House” from the house bin.

Last in the spare update is Lily who would like to remind everybody that her primary aspiration is grilled cheese. I also learned about the conjuring grilled cheese ability during her rotation so her kitchen is kind of useless unless she moves somebody in.

That somebody would more than likely be her boyfriend Corey Day who she met in university.

The conjuring grilled cheese makes Lily's life a lot easier since she spends most of her time blogging about games on the internet. Whenever she gets hungry she just conjures one up and continues her blogging.

I love when sims tell their significant others to call them. It's even funnier when they live together but these two were just on a date.

Wait Lily were you dreaming about science?

Lily: What?

You were weren't you? And then you gained science enthusiasm!

Lily: Uhm okay?

Now I understand what happened earlier and how Amin got science enthusiasm while he was sleeping.

Lily: I have no idea what you're talking about so I'm going to go take a shower.

I decided it would get boring for Lily if she lived in this house all alone so we're going out today! Except the store is closed right now so Lily passes time studying something.

We're visiting Maria Clara's pet store, Fluffy Pet Zone, to buy a pet for Lily. This is Cheddar.

And then I decided Cheddar needed a friend when Lily was at work so this is Havarti.

I regret absolutely nothing. Having two cats is going to be great now we just have to find a place to put the supplies.

I'd say they settled in quite quickly. Cheddar followed Lily into the house while she was making a phone call and I have no clue what Havarti is doing. Playing with invisible butterflies?

Corey tolerates Lily talking about grilled cheese and since she always wants to talk about grilled cheese, or make it for others I figured it would be easier if he just moved in.

Corey DayZodiac: Pisces (5/3/7/3/7)Aspiration: Knowledge/Grilled Cheese (I should have seen this coming to be honest)LTW: Max out 7 skills

Havarti and Cheddar sitting on the counters. No real purpose to the picture other than them being cute.

Lily reached the top of her career and to celebrate she had a grilled cheese sandwich.

I like that these two are giving each other similar looks right now as though they don't know what to make of the other.

Alvin called Corey and I'm trying to figure out when they could have met but I'm blanking. Oh well they're both have knowledge aspirations I'm sure they won't run out of things to talk about.

When Corey moved in all 6 of his want slots were filled with job wants but four of them I was tired of doing so now we're just waiting on a job in either the gamer or adventurer tracks. Whichever comes up first he'll take. Until then he gets to stay home with the cats.

Some night time stargazing and bird watching for these two. And later the next day they play some catch in the backyard.

Havarti and Cheddar got along surprisingly well so I had Lily direct them to try for kittens and it looks like it's time to meet them.

And we have two little kittens who look exactly the same so far. They're both white but that means nothing I once had an orange kitten that grew up to be brown and white. Anyway the one on the left is a female kitten named Oka and the one on the right is a male kitten named Kunik.

Still debating if they're going to keep the kittens since the house is pretty small and they're tight on space as it is or if I'm going to sell them to one of the families that have wants for a kitten. But for now the kittens get to stay.

And to finish off this update Corey got a job in the adventure career as a spelunker but he got a promotion so now I don't know what he is. We'll be back to the main families in the next update.---Lily and her family live in a renovated version of Maxis' “Crazy Co-Op” from the house bin.

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