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    British Journal of Anaesthesia82 (2): 25565 (1999)


    Drugs and sex differences: a review of drugs relating toanaesthesia

    G. K. Ciccone1 and A. Holdcroft*

    Department of Anaesthetics and Intensive Care, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine,

    Hammersmith Hospital, London W12 0HS, UK1Present address: Department of Anaesthesia, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Mother Hospital, St Peters Road,

    Margate, Kent CT9 4AN, UK

    *To whom correspondence should be addressed

    Br J Anaesth 1999; 82: 25565

    Keywords: sex factors; complications, drug effects; pharmacokinetics, anaesthetics; pharmaco-


    Pharmacokinetic data are subject to considerable inter-

    individual variation. This variation can be the result of age,

    genetic constitution, disease state, chemical exposure and

    the use of alcohol and tobacco. Sex as a genetic component

    has received little attention from clinical pharmacologists,

    yet headlines of Women get greater pain relief than men

    in the British Medical Journal65 was soon followed by

    Women recover faster than men from anaesthesia in theLancet.56 Over the years an awareness has developed that

    in pharmacological studies the results from women should

    be analysed separately from men. This has arisen not only

    from sex differences determined by research into cellular

    mechanisms such as opioid receptor function and the

    genetics of cytochrome enzyme systems, but also from

    clinical demands to investigate drugs for the treatment of

    AIDS which have a potential for teratogenic effects in

    childbearing women. For many years there has been a

    paternalistic policy to exclude many women from participat-

    ing in new drug trials because of fears of teratogenic effects.

    This is still the situation in the UK and Europe. However,access to contraception and pregnancy tests allows women

    to be included in all phases of clinical trials. In 1993, the

    Food and Drug Administration in the USA issued guidelines

    recommending the positive enrolment of women in all

    phases of drug testing. Even so, since then 25% of studies

    have excluded women of childbearing age, solely because

    they could get pregnant,48 but this undermines the right of

    women to enter studies and presupposes a lack of compli-

    ance with contraception. However, a secondary anxiety has

    emerged, that a womens hormone cycles could interfere

    with the metabolism and efficacy of some treatments. Few

    pharmacokinetic studies in women make reference to the

    British Journal of Anaesthesia

    phase of the menstrual cycle, although the use of oral

    contraceptives is often documented.

    There are clear physical differences between men and

    women (Table 1) which can modify pharmacokinetic and

    pharmacodynamic activity. One example is that cardiac

    inotropic drugs are administered on a weight basis; women

    on average have a lower range of body weight than men

    and thus in men, by virtue of a larger body mass, there isa larger population of adrenergic receptors. Another example

    is the volume of distribution of a highly lipophilic drug,

    such as diazepam, where women have a significantly greater

    mean volume of distribution than men (1.28 compared with

    1.0 litre kg1).95 The physical factors which are responsible

    for such sex differences are called sex-dependent effects.

    Studies investigating sex-dependent effects would find no

    difference in drug metabolism when data are corrected for

    age and weight, whereas sex differences persist if sex-

    specific effects are significant. Sex-specific effects can be

    measured either in relation to endogenous hormone produc-

    tion, such as cyclical reproductive changes (menstrual

    cycle and pregnancy) or where exogenous hormones are

    administered, such as oral contraceptives, hormone replace-

    ment therapy or supplementation to reduce tumour growth

    of hormonal-dependent malignancies. In addition, there are

    several steroid compounds available for misuse by athletes

    which may also produce alterations in drug disposition.

    Table 2 summarizes sex-specific and sex-dependent factors.

    References only to the pharmacological effects of thera-

    peutic sex steroid hormones will be made throughout

    this review.

    In anaesthesia, our preoperative assessment includes

    prescribed medications and allergies to drugs. We also

    consider factors, either directly or indirectly, which may

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    Ciccone and Holdcroft

    Table 1 Typical body composition differences between average young men

    and women

    Mal e ( 70 kg) F emal e ( 55 kg)

    Water 43 kg (61%) 26 kg (50%)

    Fat 11 kg (16%) 14 kg (25%)

    Solids 16 kg (23%) 15 kg (25%)Lean body mass (fat free) 59 kg (84%) 41 kg (75%)

    Energy expenditure at rest 4.5 kJ min1 3.8 kJ min1

    Table 2 Characteristics of sex-dependent and sex-specific drug effects

    Sex-dependent Sex-specific

    Weight Receptor responses

    Height Cyclical variation

    Basal metabolic rate Neurotransmitter differences

    Body fat Cytochrome enzyme changes

    Muscle mass Sex hormone induced

    influence responses to drugs, such as age, genetic history,metabolic phenotype, body fat content and body size, and

    the general disease state which can alter drug metabolism

    and excretion. When we observe such factors, appropriate

    adjustments can be made in dose, monitoring and other

    aspects of drug administration which we consider could

    improve our patients outcome. For example, in a study of

    25 981 patients during phase IV drug trials of propofol,

    male sex was a significant factor for prolonged time to

    awakening after anaesthesia.5 In addition, the report of a

    significantly faster time to open eyes after propofol in

    women than men (mean 7 (SD 5) min (n68) and 13 (10)

    min (n

    38), respectively) even when controlled for weightdifferences, suggests that sex should be considered in the

    evaluation of anaesthetic outcome studies.29

    It is reported that women have a significantly higher

    incidence (two-fold) than men of adverse events to medica-

    tions.49 This difference may arise simply because drug

    doses are not weight-controlled and therefore women are

    generally receiving a larger dose per kilogram of body

    weight. Adverse reactions also include anaphylactic reac-

    tions. These are more common in women and the cause of

    this sex-related effect is not clearly understood. This review

    considers some of the potential pharmacokinetic and

    pharmacodynamic differences between men and women

    and the clinical manifestations of sex hormone-relatedmodifications of drug activity.

    Sex steroid hormone effects

    Table 3 shows the relative concentrations of sex hormones

    during the menstrual cycle. The physiological effects of

    sex hormones may manifest through: (1) sex-dependent

    effects on body structure such as muscle mass; (2) hormones

    themselves having direct time-related activity which is

    either (a) genomic (with a delay in effect, for example

    alterations in heptocyte CYP450 enzyme systems) or (b)

    non-genomic(with a rapid effect, for example direct activity

    on receptors such as progestogens acting on GABAA


    Table 3 Relative effect of sex hormones during the menstrual cycle (

    baseline; maximum)

    Follicular phase Ovulation Luteal phase

    Approximate timing Days 114 Day 14 Days 1528

    (day 1onset of menstruation)

    Oestrogen Follicle stimulating hormone

    Luteinizing hormone



    receptors, mediating sedation); or indirectlyvia other mech-

    anisms such as alterations in endogenous opioid concentra-

    tions; (3) reproductive events such as pregnancy and

    lactation which, in addition to hormonal effects, have

    associated bodily changes; and (4) other time-related events

    such as age or cyclical hormone changes (e.g. menstrual


    Sex-related differences in drug metabolism have been

    known since the 1930s through studies of steroid hormone

    activity in rats.95 For example, male rats have significantly

    higher concentrations of cytochrome P450 isoenzyme

    (CYP3A) than females (yet they are most frequently used

    in drug toxicity tests).50 Although a similar isoenzyme

    variability is not present in humans, metabolic differences

    between the sexes have been discovered and it has been

    postulated that their development may be comparable with

    the process determined in animals. In the development of

    rat metabolic pathways, it is postulated that sex hormones

    such as androgens can neonatally programme metabolic

    pathways which later in life are not under the influence ofthis hormone. It is not only the plasma concentration of the

    controlling hormones but also their patterns of temporal

    release which may determine their activity. There is often

    no direct relationship between a hormone blood concentra-

    tion and the measured response. In fact, the quality of sex

    hormone effects is difficult to assess because they have

    modulatory effects. They work as co-factors with a role

    that is not dominant and they set up processes which change

    physiological systems. What matters is the right mixture of

    hormones together with pretreatment by the hormone milieu.

    The physiological effects are almost always mild but when

    hormones are given exogenously, such as in birth control,hormone replacement therapy (HRT) or for cancer treatment,

    their effects may become significant.

    The interpretation of such sex- and hormone-related

    effects can be illustrated by a log doseresponse curve

    where, in its middle portion, there is a steep curve, but at

    the extremes the curve is flattened. It is possible for example

    that sedative effects of progesterone affect the dose

    response curves of drugs during the menstrual cycle by

    effects on the ED50or at the extremes (i.e. ED10 and ED95).

    In this latter case, these alterations may be apparent only

    in some of the population, but for an individual patient

    these effects would be important. If a specific doseresponse

    curve is considered for a drug such as morphine, there are

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    Drugs and sex differences

    both age- and sex-related changes in animals. As a rat ages,

    a decrease in binding, affinity and concentration of opioid

    receptors has been observed.68 The ED50 for morphine

    doseresponse function based on the tail flick test in rats

    was found to be similar in young male and female rats, but

    in more mature rats, significant sex differences becameapparent, with females demonstrating less antinociceptive

    activity to morphine.44 A similar sex difference occurred

    with visceral stimulation, such that after i.p. injection of

    hypertonic saline, analgesia was produced with significantly

    less morphine in male than female rats.6 Interestingly, the

    increased sensitivity to morphine observed in males was

    not present in ovariectomized females, so lack of oestrogens

    was not responsible for the analgesia.

    Unresolved questions include which of the gonadal ster-

    oids is involved, and what is their locus and mechanism of

    action? What is certain is that other opioid peptides may

    not demonstrate similar effects.51

    This is partly becausethe metabolism of morphine differs from other peptides.

    Morphine is conjugated in part to morphine-6-glucuronide

    which has intrinsic opioid activity77 whereas other opioid

    peptides are degraded by hydrolytic enzymes such as

    aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases and endopeptidases.


    In the past there has been an under-representation of women

    in phase 1 studies during which the pharmacokinetics of

    new drugs are evaluated in clinical trials. The effect

    of changing hormonal influence of the menstrual cycle,pregnancy, oral contraceptive therapy, the menopause and

    HRT have seldom been considered. This has resulted in a

    paucity of information on the pharmacology of drugs in

    females compared with males, which persists even in

    situations with potential sex-specific differences in drug

    activity. Even with modern molecular biology techniques,

    the pharmacokinetic influence of the menstrual cycle, preg-

    nancy, oral contraception and HRT are poorly understood.

    The combined oestrogenprogestogen oral contraceptive

    steroids contain oestrogen in doses of 20g (low strength)

    to 50 g (high strength). They depress follicle stimulating

    hormone secretion, inhibit ovulation and reduce secretion

    of progesterone during a cycle. Depending on the dose

    used, they may inhibit or induce hepatic metabolism of

    other drugs or steroids. Oral contraceptives reduce plasma

    albumin by 312% and increase1acid glycoprotein. They

    can prolong the plasma half-life of pethidine12 and act by

    reducing cytochrome metabolism by as much as 30%,

    particularly in activating CYP3A4, and increasing the con-

    centration of glucuronosyl transferase so that drugs such as

    temazepam and paracetamol are conjugated more rapidly

    (in the case of paracetamol up to 49% more).70

    The potential pharmacokinetic differences between men

    and women include drug absorption, protein binding, vol-

    ume of distribution and metabolism. 30 48


    Drug absorption

    Drug absorption depends generally on the lipid solubility

    of a particular agent, pKa and molecular weight, in addition

    to the patients gastrointestinal function. The most com-

    monly known example of sex differences in drug pharmaco-

    kinetics is that of alcohol, where the enzyme alcohol

    dehydrogenase in the gastric mucosa is less active in females

    compared with males.21 This leads to higher peak blood

    alcohol concentrations and faster absorption in females

    than males.

    Changes in gastric acid secretion and stomach emptying

    may explain the cyclical variations in peak salicylate

    concentrations, with the lowest concentrations mid-cycle

    when gastric emptying time is shortest.69 Studies of sex

    differences in aspirin absorption have used different oral

    doses and time measures. An oral dose of aspirin 1 g was

    absorbed more rapidly in females than in males, as measured

    by mean absorption times (16.4 and 21.3 min, respectively)1but lower doses of 9 mg kg1 produced a significantly

    shorter time to peak plasma salicylate concentrations in

    men than women.69 In a study of a fixed dose of aspirin

    600 mg, a significantly greater plasma acetyl salicylic

    acid concentration in females compared with males was

    considered not to be associated with changes in gastric

    activity but with metabolic rate,40 while pharmacokinetic

    variables such as clearance and volume of distribution

    based on weight-related values were similar. Where acute

    administration of an oral drug is important, sex-related

    differences in time of drug onset become important and

    further investigation of oral analgesic drugs is required.Another sex-specific difference which has been verified

    repeatedly30 is intestinal transit times. A delay in transit of

    a standardized meal has been observed in the luteal phase

    of the menstrual cycle,92 during pregnancy and in females

    taking exogenous sex hormones. Although fluctuations in

    bowel habits during the menstrual cycle have been reported

    by patients, almost nothing is known about the absorption

    and action of drugs at different times of the menstrual cycle.

    Drug binding

    Protein binding is not a significant cause of differences in

    drug activity between men and women. Most drugs bind toalbumin which shows no major influences from altered

    concentrations of circulating sex hormones.91 There is one

    potential consideration; concentrations of 1 acid glyco-protein are slightly lower in women than in men because

    of the influence of oestrogen. Sex differences have been

    reported for protein binding of diazepam and lidocaine,79

    but this has little clinical significance unless women are

    taking oral contraceptives when the free portion of lidocaine

    can increase, from a baseline of 32% to 34% in males and

    to 37% in females. During pregnancy, similar changes in

    drug binding occur as with oral contraceptives and this

    can change the free fraction of lidocaine, bupivacaine,

    benzodiazepines and fentanyl.97

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    Ciccone and Holdcroft

    Binding of insulin to red and white blood cells varies

    with concentrations of oestrogen and progesterone. This

    has been studied during the menstrual cycle and the occur-

    rence of an exacerbation of hyperglycaemia during the

    luteal phase of the cycle in some women with insulin-

    dependent diabetes mellitus may be of clinical relevance tothe diabetic care of women during anaesthesia.94

    Volume of distribution

    Changes in volume of distribution have not been demon-

    strated to affect sex differences in drug activity, even though

    changes in body composition would appear to be relevant,

    particularly in relation to highly lipophilic compounds. Men

    are heavier than women, mainly because of a larger muscle

    mass, and females have a larger proportion of fat. Drugs

    with a higher affinity for adipose tissue have a larger

    initial volume of distribution and lower serum/plasma

    concentration. However, with long-term administration, thefatty tissue concentration increases and this potentially can

    lead to increased tissue load with possible toxic effects if

    the dose is not adjusted, and a prolonged half-life and

    increased serum/plasma concentrations on drug withdrawal.

    A further source of variability may be the physiological

    changes that occur during the menstrual cycle with fluctu-

    ations in water and electrolyte balance. The luteal and

    follicular phases differ in their plasma composition. Pre-

    menstrually, in the late luteal phase, there is retention of

    water and dilutional hyponatraemia with tissue changes in

    fluid load.

    Renal excretion

    Renal excretion is affected by body weight because first,

    glomerular filtration is proportional to weight and second,

    men produce more creatinine than women as they have a

    relatively larger muscle mass; hence sex is taken into

    consideration when estimating creatinine clearance.10 A

    well publicized example of changes in glomerular function

    is the effect on antiepileptic drugs in pregnancy, where

    increased excretion requires dose adjustment.14 Tubular

    secretion and reabsorption have seldom been investigated

    with respect to sex. Quinine and quinidine inhibit renal

    clearance of the antiviral agent amantidine in males but not

    in females.24 It is not known what significance this has to

    other drugs.

    Drug metabolism

    Drug metabolism and the variety of differences between

    men and women have been investigated more extensively

    than any other area of pharmacokinetics. There are general

    metabolic effects of sex hormones on metabolic rate,18 such

    that in a study of 46 women, those using oral contraceptives

    (n24) had metabolic rates 5% higher than controls and

    this significant difference persisted after exclusion of women

    who exercised regularly.

    Some drugs are cleared rapidly from plasma by esterases.


    In anaesthesia, remifentanil is most well known for its

    esterase metabolism. It has been studied after infusion in

    female and male volunteers and many co-variates analysed,

    such as weight, sex, lean body mass and body surface

    area.72 The end-point for clinical effectiveness was EEG

    changes, as measured by spectral edge frequency. Highinfusion rates achieved maximum EEG effects in all partic-

    ipants and no sex differences were found. In contrast,

    chronic drug administration of a calcium channel blocker

    (diltiazem) and an ACE inhibitor (enalapril) in rats resulted

    in plasma esterase activities which were very much higher

    in female rats than in males.61 Such chronic studies of sex

    differences are few and this may have an application for

    the longer term treatment of patients in intensive care units.

    Sex hormones belong to a group of steroids which act

    mainly to influence enzyme activity in hepatocytes. They

    determine the type and quantity of enzymes produced by

    the cell on an acute and chronic basis.89 The molecular

    mechanisms of sex hormone activities act through mem-

    brane receptors and second messenger systems. For

    example, a hormone binding to its receptor may increase

    or decrease the activity of adenylate cyclase and either

    increase or decrease the concentration of intracellular cyclic-

    AMP which phosphorylates nuclear (leading to alterations

    in gene expression) or non-nuclear proteins. The final effect

    on hepatic metabolism is complex, with the potential for

    different hormonal concentrations having opposite effects.

    In humans, sex differences have been difficult to detect.

    Measurement of total clearance of a drug has limitations

    for assessing sex differences because it does not differentiate

    between the various enzyme systems involved in oxidation,reduction, hydrolysis, glucuronidation and sulphuration.

    Total clearance is affected by other factors such as age and

    smoking. It is not surprising that studies which have

    investigated potential sex differences have found conflicting

    results because control for these factors was not included.

    Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle may also

    contribute to differences in plasma drug concentration.

    Failure to consider the effect of the menstrual cycle or the

    choice of differing cycle times during drug trials have

    probably confounded the results of pharmacokinetic investi-


    Increased knowledge of the isoenzymes involved in drugmetabolism may enable the influence of sex hormone

    activity on drug metabolism to be determined. Twelve

    cytochrome P450 gene families have been identified in

    humans74: cytochrome P450 1, 2 and 3 families (CYP1,

    CYP2 and CYP3) encode the enzymes involved in the

    majority of all drug biotransformations and the CYP3A4 is

    the most abundantly expressed isoform. The remaining

    cytochrome P450 families are important in the metabolism

    of endogenous compounds such as steroids and fatty acids.93

    Improvement in analytical methodology has allowed obser-

    vations to be made about the role of sex and related steroid

    hormones on some isoenzymes.

    There are some well researched effects of sex differences

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    Drugs and sex differences

    in hepatic metabolism of drugs, for example caffeine.

    Several drug metabolizing enzymes systems are involved

    in caffeine metabolism. After the cytochrome P450

    demethylation of caffeine (through the CYP1A2 family),

    xanthine oxidase and other enzymes catalyse its further

    oxidation. Increased xanthine oxidase activity and decreasedCYP1A2 activity have been reported in females compared

    with males after collection of urinary metabolites of caffeine

    in 342 volunteers.78 Using a sensitive radiochemical assay

    on hepatic tissue from liver biopsies which assayed xanthine

    oxidase activity directly from 189 biopsies,34 a 21% increase

    in activity was measured in men compared with women,

    but a group of patients were identified with low xanthine

    oxidase activity. In addition, the half-life of caffeine varies

    during the female menstrual cycle, with a decrease around

    ovulation.55 Caffeine metabolism can be used as an indicator

    for the oxidation of other drugs, for example azathioprine,

    which are oxidized by xanthine oxidase.

    A decrease in oxidation of benzodiazepines via the

    CYP450 enzyme system in females is another accepted sex

    variation.32 Enzymatic degradation of benzodiazepines (for

    example, chlordiazepoxide, diazepam and desmethy-

    diazepam) which are metabolized by oxidative pathways is

    sensitive to both age and sex. This means that metabolic

    differences disappear after the menopause. Benzodiazepines,

    such as lorazepam, oxazepam and temazepam, which are

    dependent on conjugation with glucuronic acid, and those

    such as nitrazepam which are reductively metabolized,

    are less sensitive to the effects of age and sex.95 Oral

    contraceptives decrease the metabolic clearance of

    diazepam2 but not other benzodiazepines, such as lorazepamand oxazepam,3 where they appear to have no effect.

    Unfortunately, because of varying study designs (e.g.

    oral vs parenteral routes) the potential sex influence of

    absorption and first pass metabolism is often conflicting. For

    example, theophylline is metabolized by several different

    pathways (CYP1A2, CYP3A4 and CYP2D6) and clearance

    of the drug has been reported to be faster in young women

    than in young men.73 However, it is not known which

    pathways determine the sex differences.30 Smoking

    increases theophylline metabolism, particularly increasing

    the activity of CYP1A isoenzymes. This is more pronounced

    in males45

    and how much this determines study results isunclear. In females, results are available which suggest that

    the half-life of theophylline varies during the menstrual

    cycle, with maximum plasma concentrations observed at

    mid-cycle.8 Again, the specific metabolic enzyme pathways

    responsible were not defined.

    The CYP2 family displays genetic polymorphism but

    sex-linked characteristics have not been observed. The

    CYP3 family is involved in the metabolism of lidocaine,

    erythromycin and midazolam, and is also responsible for

    the enzymatic hydroxylation of steroid hormones. There is

    substantial evidence which demonstrates that young women

    have up to 40% more CYP3A4 activity than men, which

    persists during aging.43 The steroids prednisolone and


    methylprednisolone are excreted more rapidly by this family

    of enzymes than in men.60 66 In young women taking oral

    contraceptives, the half-life of prednisolone is significantly

    longer than that in women of the same age who are not

    taking birth control medication. A similar increase also

    occurs in postmenopausal women who are receiving conjug-ated oestrogens, compared with a female control group.35

    Little information is available on the influence of meno-

    pausal status and HRT on the CYP3 family.

    Some isoenzymes (CYP2 and 3) appear to be male

    specific or are regulated by male steroid hormones.93

    The metabolic fate of some chiral drugs, for example

    mephobarbitol, a barbiturate anticonvulsant drug, is sex

    specific.42 The metabolic clearance of the (R)-isomer was

    greater in young men than young women when taken

    orally. This sex-specific effect was age dependent. (R)-

    mephobarbitol is rapidly and stereoselectively hydroxylated

    by CYP2C8 and CYP2C9 whereas (S)-mephobarbitol is

    metabolized by other pathways, including N-demethyl-

    ation.54 To explain these effects it was hypothesized that

    the liver of old male rats becomes functionally feminized. 23

    This may explain why the sex-specific effect is also age

    dependent. It is interesting to consider that as more chiral

    drugs are introduced into clinical practice to reduce the side

    effects of racemic mixtures or to enhance potency, these

    specifically designed agents may be metabolized in a more

    sex-specific manner.

    After biotransformation, some drugs are conjugated with

    glucuronides or sulphates to render them more water soluble.

    For most drugs this is a second metabolic process, and sex-

    dependent studies are not feasible because the initial CYP-mediated hydroxylation is slower than conjugation. The

    non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) are some

    of the most commonly used analgesic agents, and can be

    obtained over the counter and by prescription. NSAIDs

    such as ibuprofen,33 diflunisal, paracetamol and clofibrinic

    acid71 are conjugated primarily in the liver before renal

    excretion. Diflunisal63 and paracetamol70 show higher clear-

    ances in men than in women. Metabolic clearance by the

    three conjugative pathways (phenolic and acyl glucuronide

    formation and sulphate conjugation) was increased for

    diflusinal and paracetamol not only in men but also in

    women receiving oral contraceptives, but significant differ-ences were associated only with the glucuronide pathways.

    Paracetamol clearance was 22% greater in males than in

    control women but was 49% greater in women using oral

    contraceptives. This enzyme induction may have clinical

    and toxicological consequences, particularly relating to

    surgery with mild to moderate postoperative pain for which

    paracetamol is prescribed without consideration of dose in

    women of childbearing age taking oral contraceptives.

    Another factor in pharmacokinetic studies is whether or

    not the drug is administered acutely or by long-term infusion,

    and the number of patients studied. An investigation with

    few patients may show no sex differences when these

    differences are actually present. A study of alfentanil

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    Ciccone and Holdcroft

    clearance in 20 volunteers and 15 patients, aged 2072 yr, 88

    found no sex differences. In a similar size group of 15

    males and 21 females, aged 2479 yr and of similar weight,

    total drug clearance was greatest in the youngest women,

    decreasing with age up to 50 yr, after which there was no

    further age-related decrease in clearance.59 There was noage-related clearance in total drug clearance in men. This

    supports the same authors earlier work in female patients

    where it was observed that the dose requirements of

    alfentanil decreased with increasing age, and this could not

    be explained by pharmacokinetic differences.58 Application

    of a physiological model of organ weights and blood flows,

    corrected for sex differences, to alfentanil kinetics in a

    computer simulation failed to demonstrate sex-related

    changes.7 Although changes in clearance may not affect

    recovery from an acute bolus, the longer term infusion

    characteristics may be changed by metabolic activity not

    considered in these models. The difference observed

    between females and males has been considered to represent

    hormonal influences on CYP3A4 metabolism of alfentanil.99

    As a result, alfentanil has been used as a probe of activity

    of CYP3A4.52 The relevance of these studies to anaesthesia

    could be that young women require higher infusion rates

    of alfentanil than either older women or men.

    Evidence is accumulating for sex-specific effects on

    enzyme systems associated with drug metabolism, particu-

    larly where steroidal modulation of gene expression may

    have immediate activity, such as would occur during the

    menstrual cycle or where there may be more long-term

    effects on gene expression. There is evidence that the

    concentration of sex steroids during prenatal growth canpermanently alter the expression of genes regulating

    CYP450 enzyme systems. Esterase activity may also be

    regulated by both pre- and postnatal exposure to endogenous

    sex steroids. Future work involving specific pathways

    involved in the metabolism of drugs and control of gene

    expression by sex hormones will clarify this area. It may

    also provide a rational basis on which to predict potential

    drug interactions before new drugs are introduced into

    clinical practice.


    Sex-related effects on pharmacokinetics may result in

    increased or decreased bioavailability. This does not explain

    pharmacodynamic differences. Those which are of interest

    to anaesthetists are drugs acting at GABAA and opioid

    receptors, neuromuscular blocking agents and the misuse

    of drugs such as cocaine which can have deleterious effects

    during anaesthesia.

    The complex interaction between sex steroid hormones

    and receptors, which is of interest to anaesthetists, can be

    illustrated by the GABAA receptor complex where non-

    genomic, hypnotic and analgesic effects have been demon-

    strated. For example, the minimum alveolar concentration

    of volatile anaesthetic agents changes during pregnancy in


    humans27 and has been related to progesterone effects on

    the GABAA receptor.15 Progesterone metabolites64 and

    synthetic steroid general anaesthetic agents, such as alphax-

    olone,39 cause hypnosis by interaction at the GABAAreceptor complex. The antinociceptive effects of progester-

    one metabolites correlate with their binding efficacies at theGABAAreceptor complex.

    22 In rats, using pain thresholds to

    electric foot shock, a combination of 17-beta-oestradiol and

    progesterone resulted in a significant increase in pain

    thresholds. This analgesia involved a central endogenous

    opioid system based on activation of the spinal cord

    dynorphinkappa opioid system.16 These observations were

    dependent on the entire pregnancy profile of sex steroid

    hormones and were not reproducible with one or other

    hormone given alone. Consistent with these findings are

    the results that nociceptive activity is sensitive to the phase

    of the oestrous cycle. There are a variety of experimental

    methods which have observed such changes, including

    electrically and heat-induced nociception8083 and by noxious

    stimuli applied to viscera.84 Administration of oestrogen

    to oophorectomized women increased endogenous opioid

    activity and a progesterone metabolite (medoxyproges-

    terone) potentiated these effects.86 This suggests that oestro-

    gen can influence nociception but progesterone metabolism

    can play a role in nociceptive regulation. In simplistic terms

    this could be analogous to switching on a heater at the on

    off switch (oestrogen effect) and then turning up the

    thermostat to regulate the amount of heat generated (proges-

    terone effect).

    Analgesic agentsIn an important and comprehensive study in rats, Cicero,

    Nock and Meyer showed that male rats were more sensitive

    than female rats to the antinociceptive properties of both

    systemically and centrally administered morphine.9 This

    was not a function of altered serum concentrations because

    there were no sex-related differences in serum concentra-

    tions at the time of peak antinociceptive activity. Sex

    differences were assessed in three widely different nocicep-

    tive tests: tail flick, hot plate and abdominal constriction.

    All nociceptive responses were different between the sexes.

    The doseresponse curves for male and female rats using

    the hot plate test are shown in Figure 1 and the reactiontimes for the same test in Figure 2. Clear sex differences

    in morphine effects are demonstrated. These sex differences

    may reflect interactions between sex steroid hormones and

    central opioid receptors or a more long-term organizational

    effect on the central nervous system during development.

    Alternatively, they may be the result of a difference in

    metabolism to active metabolites such as morphine-6-

    glucuronide. Well designed studies such as these generate

    more questions than they answer.

    It has been demonstrated in both rats and humans that

    pregnancy and parturition are associated with increased

    pain thresholds11 28 in which activation of the spinal

    cord dynorphinkappa opioid system appears to be implic-

  • 8/12/2019 A Review of Drugs Relating to Anaesthesia


    Drugs and sex differences

    Fig 1 Doseresponse curves after administration of morphine s.c. in rats,

    as described by Cicero, Nock and Meyer 9 (mean (SEM)). MPEMaximal

    possible effect. (With permission from theJournal of Pharmacology and

    Experimental Therapeutics.)

    Fig 2 Reaction times of male and female rats after administration of

    morphine s.c., measured by Cicero, Nock and Meyer9 (mean (SEM)). Time

    0 represents baseline measurements without morphine administration.

    Reaction times were measured at the times shown up to 4 h. (With

    permission from the Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental


    ated.81 82 Clinically, mu opioid agonists do not provide

    satisfactory analgesia for the pain of labour.41 75 Gear and

    colleagues25 demonstrated a sex difference in the kappa

    opioid pentazocine in patients undergoing dental surgeryfor extraction of impacted third molars. Changes in pain

    intensity were measured for 30 min using visual analogue

    scores with baseline scores obtained before opioid adminis-

    tration. Pentazocine produced significantly greater post-

    operative analgesia in females (n10) than in males (n

    8). In a separate analysis, the analgesic response of female

    patients undergoing dental surgery within 10 days of the

    onset of menstruation were compared with those undergoing

    surgery more than 10 days after its onset. There was no

    significant difference between the two groups, although the

    numbers were small and the groups too temporally large to

    demonstrate a difference. This illustrates the complexities

    of analysis of results by phase of the menstrual cycle. An


    additional problem is that of consistency in hormonal

    concentrations, even at the same time in the cycle, and the

    presumption that has to be made is that in previous cycles

    hormonal modulation of longer term cellular memory events

    has been similar. Other kappa opioids such as nalbuphine

    and butorphanol have also been shown by the same groupof workers to provide significantly greater analgesia in

    women, although for a shorter duration than men for surgical

    removal of third molars.26 The women reported more

    pain in the initial postoperative period before the study

    commenced. This may be relevant to the overall effect-

    iveness of pain relief. There is further evidence for the

    effectiveness of kappa compared with mu opioids in women

    from a meta-analysis of eight studies of pain relief in labour

    where the mu agonists pethidine and fentanyl were compared

    with the kappa agonists butorphanol and nalbuphine for

    patient satisfaction and incidence of nausea.37 The kappa

    opioids provided similar pain relief to mu opioids but were

    associated with greater patient satisfaction and less nausea.

    These studies of kappa opioids have various limitations.

    None of the so called kappa opioids is a specific agonist

    and all have mixed activity at opioid receptors. In addition,

    there is no explanation for the mechanism for improved

    analgesic response when kappa opioids are used in women.

    Sex differences in the pharmacokinetic half-life of the

    kappa opioids may be a possible explanation; the above

    studies25 26 do not examine this issue, but the lack of

    sex differences in other pharmacokinetic studies of kappa

    agonists do not support this argument.87 96 Another explana-

    tion is that male hormones, such as testosterone, may

    interact negatively with kappa opioid receptors. Alternat-ively, female-related hormones such as oestrogen and pro-

    gestogen may potentiate the action of kappa opioid agonists.

    Neuromuscular blocking agents

    There is now increasing evidence for sex differences in the

    effect of non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking drugs.

    Pharmacodynamic changes in neuromuscular block pro-

    duced by atracurium using a dose determined by weight have

    been measured in both sexes using the plasma concentration

    profile and its effect on the electromyographic response of

    the first twitch of the train-of-four.76 The rate of equilibration

    of the effect site with plasma was greater in female patients,but the slope of the concentrationresponse curve was not

    significantly affected by sex. Another study, using a fixed

    bolus dose of atracurium, demonstrated that the maximum

    effect achieved was sex related.17 Cisatracurium did not

    demonstrate these effects.90 Sex differences in the doses

    of vecuronium required to achieve the same degree of

    neuromuscular block revealed in one study that women

    required 22% less vecuronium than men,85 and in another,

    30% less.98 Furthermore, doseresponse curves in men were

    found to be significantly shifted to the right, indicating a

    decrease in the sensitivity to vecuronium, as measured

    mechanomyographically using train-of-four stimulation,

    compared with women. When the same dose was adminis-

  • 8/12/2019 A Review of Drugs Relating to Anaesthesia


    Ciccone and Holdcroft

    tered on a weight basis (80 g kg1), neuromuscular blockwith vecuronium was significantly longer in women than

    in men with mean values of 65.9 (SD 20.7) min and 50.6

    (16.0) min, respectively. These results can be explained, to

    some extent, by physical and metabolic differences between

    the sexes, for example a larger dose of neuromuscularblocking drug is needed when there is less fat and more

    muscle. The use of a dose related to weight can only partly

    compensate for these differences, but sex is obviously a

    factor which influences the pharmacokinetic and pharmaco-

    dynamic activity of neuromuscular blocking drugs.


    Cocaine is a substance of abuse which can present unwanted

    cardiovascular effects during anaesthesia. Few studies of

    substance abuse have considered sex differences, but in a

    drug abuse research centre the response to intranasal cocaine

    administration has been measured using active and placebopreparations in recreational users.62 In spite of males having

    twice the plasma concentrations of females, clinical effects

    on the cardiovascular system were similar and the data

    suggested that women may be more sensitive than men to

    the acute effects of cocaine. Further studies in progress are

    confirming these sex differences and have relevance to

    anaesthetic management risk.

    Adverse drug events

    The consequences of sex-related pharmacokinetic and

    pharmacodynamic differences may be the apparent reduc-

    tion or increase in effectiveness of a particular drug or evenan increase in adverse drug events. The World Health

    Organization defines an adverse drug reaction as any

    noxious, unintended and undesired effect of a drug which

    occurs at a dose used in humans for prophylaxis, diagnosis

    or therapy.19 Although women receive more drugs than

    men, this does not account for women having twice as

    many adverse drug reactions as men.36 Women may simply

    receive a larger dose per kilogram body weight which can

    increase blood concentrations when using a mean dose

    regimen. Some of the pharmacokinetic factors outlined

    above may result in higher peak drug concentrations both

    in blood and tissues, and together these may generate agreater incidence of pharmacological adverse events. One

    exception has been the recent report that male sex has been

    implicated as being a risk factor (odds ratio 1.7) for peptic

    ulcer complications of NSAID in a large epidemiological

    study from Scandinavia.38

    A multicentre study in France of drugs and other agents

    precipitating anaphylactic shock during anaesthesia assessed

    a series of 1585 patients tested over 2 yr for IgE-dependent

    anaphylaxis.57 The male:female ratio was 1:3 and the

    majority of patients were adults. Neuromuscular blocking

    agents were the commonest drugs identified as causing the

    reaction, particularly succinylcholine and vecuronium, with

    hypnotics, opioids and benzodiazepines being identified in


    less than 4% of cases. The safety pharmacokinetics of a

    drug are determined during phase 1 and 2 studies, but in

    the UK, women of childbearing age have been excluded

    from such studies and so the ability to predict adverse

    reactions to anaesthetic drugs in women has been lost.

    Adverse reactions to anaesthetic drugs are not restrictedto allergic reactions and may be manifest in the incidence

    of postoperative side effects. As more information emerges,

    sex differences may assume importance in assessing risk

    factors for postoperative complications. Of concern is the

    influence of opioid drugs on respiration. There are clinical

    reports of postoperative respiratory depression after opioid

    administration but sex differences are rarely analysed. One

    study of sedation in children with fentanyl and midazolam

    which observed respiratory events reported that females

    were significantly at risk for a decrease in oxygen saturation,

    with an odds ratio of 2.4.31 In a recent placebo-controlled

    study of young adult volunteers given a hypercapnoeic

    mixture of gases after injection of morphine on a dose/

    weight basis, women had significantly more depression of

    the ventilatory response than men.13 This study should

    encourage further research on sex differences in respiratory


    Variations in sex steroid hormone concentrations may

    have the potential to influence adverse drug reactions.

    During the menstrual cycle they may cause fluctuations in

    the enzymes which metabolize drugs. For example, alcohol

    dehydrogenase has a reduced activity during the luteal

    phase of the menstrual cycle47 resulting in higher plasma

    concentrations of alcohol in women. Another example is

    in the activities of monoamine oxidase and the hepaticcytochrome system which may fluctuate with varying con-

    centrations of oestrogens and progesterone.46

    Exogenous hormones may also influence drug metabolism

    and cause adverse drug reactions. For example, oral contra-

    ceptives given to women currently receiving benzodiaz-

    epines can potentiate diazepam-induced psychomotor

    impairment.20 53 In women using oral contraceptives there

    is enhanced metabolism of many drugs affecting pain

    management, including antidepressants. Plasma concentra-

    tions of the tricyclic antidepressant imipramine have been

    found to be so increased in women taking oral contraceptives

    that recommendations have been made to reduce its doseby one-third.4 There is still inadequate information on the

    influence of HRT on drug activity in different sexes. Time

    of administration of such therapy occurs at the menopause

    when the main male/female differences are beginning to


    The use of drugs at conception and during pregnancy

    remains a concern where teratogenic effects in addition to

    pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes may occur.

    It is only through research in this complicated area that

    our understanding will increase. Practical methods for

    determining hormonal concentrations in women will facilit-

    ate research. The American Food and Drug Administration

    (FDA) guidelines in 1977 excluded women with the capacity

  • 8/12/2019 A Review of Drugs Relating to Anaesthesia


    Drugs and sex differences

    Table 4 Guidelines for the evaluation of sex differences in clinical drug trials

    1. Women of childbearing potential should not be excluded from all phases

    of clinical drug trials. Precautions must be taken to avoid fetal exposure

    to drugs by:

    (a) use of reliable contraception

    (b) test for pregnancy

    (c) use of short-duration studies during or immediately aftermenstration

    2. Analyse:

    (a) effectiveness

    (b) doseresponse

    (c) adverse effects

    3. Include both sexes in studies and analyse for:

    (a) patient variables (age, sex, race)

    (b) physical factors

    (c) systemic disorders

    (d) concomitant therapy (including hormonal therapies)

    (e) smoking/alcohol

    4. In women investigate:

    (a) menstrual cycle status (postmenopausal)

    (b) oestrogen therapies

    (c) drug effects on oral contraceptive efficacy

    5. If necessary in women, take measures to decrease or adjust for variability

    by administering a drug at the same time of the menstrual cycle or study

    a large number of subjects

    to reproduce from phase 1 and early phase 2 drug studies.67

    Women were included in studies only after efficacy of a

    compound and animal teratogenicity studies were com-

    pleted. This has limited the information available on

    pharmacokinetics in women. Therefore, it is not surprising

    that there is limited information on the possibility of

    sex differences regarding dose, efficacy and adverse drug

    reactions. The revised FDA guidelines for evaluation of

    sex differences in the clinical evaluation of drugs aresummarized in Table 4. The American Food and Drug

    Administration have now instituted a policy of including

    women in all phases of clinical trials and examining the

    pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic effects of drugs

    during oestrogen supplementation and also the influence of

    hormonal changes during the reproductive cycle and in the

    menopause. Additional information from post-marketing

    surveillance also adds to our knowledge of sex-related

    adverse drug reactions, so that gradually more information

    will become available to the clinician.


    In anaesthesia, we take a drug history which includes sex

    hormones. Of these the most commonly used are birth

    control hormones and hormone replacement therapies. Do

    these drugs make any difference to our anaesthetic manage-

    ment? Does the phase of a womens menstrual cycle or her

    pregnancy interfere with our prescription of drugs or fluids?

    Do we consider the increased risks of adverse events in

    women? Do we manage our anaesthetic differently when a

    male patient is given oestrogens to treat cancer of the

    prostate? How do we design clinical trials? Answers to

    these questions can only be formulated when clinical studies

    provide evidence. In the development of new anaesthetic

    drugs, particularly with isomeric forms which may differ


    not only in their specificity of pharmacological action but

    also in their half-life or clearance, consideration should be

    given to their interactions with sex steroid hormones. Before

    clinical trials, this process may help to prevent needless drug

    adverse events in the more susceptible female population.

    As yet there are no absolute differential drug use recom-mendations for anaesthesia or treatment of pain in male

    and female patients. Safe drug use depends on identifying

    those factors which may adversely influence pharmaco-

    kinetics and pharmacodynamics, particularly if the drug

    has a narrow therapeutic range, such as opioids, local

    anaesthetics or benzodiazepines. Age and weight are import-

    ant variables to control when considering studies of sex

    differences. It is mainly in the young adult and middle ages

    that hormonal modulation of drug effects is most prominent.

    Clinical and pharmacological evidence suggests that several

    factors should be taken into consideration when prescribing

    drugs for a male or female patient. Similar schedules for

    regular drug administration for men and women may not

    adequately provide optimal drug therapy. In the patient,

    where the effectiveness of a drug is not optimal, the

    prescriber should be alerted to sex-specific effects in

    pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics so that a change

    in the type or dose of drug to suit the individual patient

    can be considered.

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