  • 8/11/2019 A Seven-Level Inverter Topology for Induction



    A Seven-Level Inverter Topology for InductionMotor Drive Using Two-Level Inverters and Floating

    Capacitor Fed H-BridgesP. P. Rajeevan, K. Sivakumar, Student Member, IEEE, Chintan Patel, Student Member, IEEE,

    Rijil Ramchand, Student Member, IEEE, and K. Gopakumar, Senior Member, IEEE

    AbstractA multilevel inverter topology for seven-level spacevector generation is proposed in this paper. In this topology, theseven-level structure is realized using two conventional two-levelinverters and six capacitor-fed H-bridge cells. It needs only twoisolated dc-voltage sources of voltage rating Vdc/2 where Vdc isthe dc voltage magnitude required by the conventional neutralpoint clamped (NPC) seven-level topology. The proposed topologyis capable of maintaining the H-bridge capacitor voltages at therequired level ofVdc/6 under all operating conditions, covering the

    entire linear modulation and overmodulation regions, by makinguse of the switching state redundancies. In the event of any switchfailure in H-bridges, this inverter can operate in three-level mode,a feature that enhances the reliability of the drive system. The two-level inverters, which operate at a higher voltage level ofVdc/2,switch less compared to the H-bridges, which operate at a lowervoltage level ofVdc/6, resulting in switching loss reduction. Theexperimental verification of the proposedtopology is carried out forthe entire modulation range, under steady state as well as transientconditions.

    Index TermsFloating capacitor, H-bridge, induction motordrive, multilevel inverters.


    THE capability of multilevel inverters to generate volt-

    age waveform with less harmonic distortion, at reduced

    switching frequency, using switching devices of low-voltage

    ratings makes them preferred choice for medium- and high-

    voltage power processing applications [1], [2]. This has led to

    their increasing applications in the control of medium and high-

    voltage ac drives [3][5]. Though with increase in number of

    levels the quality of waveform improves, it also increases the

    complexity of the circuit due to the increase in the number of

    Manuscript received June 18, 2010; revised August 4, 2010; acceptedOctober 20, 2010. Date of current version July 22, 2011. This paper was sup-ported by the Defense Institute of Advanced Technology, Pune, India. Recom-mended for publication by Associate Editor P. Barbosa.

    P. P. Rajeevan, C. Patel, and K. Gopakumar are with the Centre for Elec-tronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012,India (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]).

    K. Sivakumar is with the National Institute of Technology, Warangal 506004,India (e-mail: [email protected]).

    R. Ramchand is with the the Department of Electrical Engineering, NationalInstituteof Technology, Calicut 560012, India, and alsowith the Centre for Elec-tronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560012,India (e-mail: [email protected]).

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPEL.2010.2090541

    devices and associated control circuitry. The other issues of

    concern in industrial applications are reliability and efficiency

    of the system. Hence, the researchers in this field are focused

    mainly on the development of less complex, more reliable and

    efficient multilevel inverter topologies. A survey of multilevel

    inverter topologies is presented in [6]. The conventional multi-

    level converters include the neutral point clamped (NPC), flying

    capacitor, and cascaded H-bridge topologies. Dual inverter con-figuration for an open-end winding induction motor is another

    interesting multilevel topology for drive applications [7].

    The NPC inverter is a well-known topology in the group of

    conventional multilevel inverters [8]. In this topology, the dc

    link is split into a number of small voltage levels using series

    connected capacitor banks. The main issue with this topology is

    the fluctuations in capacitor voltage depending on the load cur-

    rent drawn from the dc link. Hence, special switching strategy is

    required for balancing the capacitor voltages. A virtual-space-

    vector-concept-based pulse width modulation (PWM) strategy

    for balancing of dc-link capacitors of an n-level diode clamped

    converter, in every switching cycle under any type of load, is

    proposed in [9]. Another scheme for capacitor voltage balancingof a three-level diode-clamped converter used in a hybrid active

    filter is discussed in [10]. Various other techniques for capacitor

    voltage balancing have been reported in [11] and [12]. The num-

    ber of clamping diodes required in the NPC inverter increases

    substantially as the number of voltage levels increases. In the

    flying capacitor topology of multilevel inverter [13], the floating

    voltages across the capacitors are used for generating different

    voltage levels. The capacitor voltages have to be maintained at

    the required levels under all operating conditions. This can be

    achieved by making use of the redundancy in switching states

    that exist for generating different voltage levels. An analysis of

    the voltage-balancing dynamics of a three-phase flying capac-itor converter has been presented in [14]. The flying capacitor

    topology requires a large number of capacitors to achieve higher

    number of voltage levels. In the cascaded H-bridge topology,

    H-bridge cells fed from isolated dc-voltage sources are con-

    nected in series to realize multilevel inverter structure [15], [16].

    The number of H-bridge cells per phase required depends on

    the number of voltage levels. The control of this topology is

    relatively simple, as it does not involve any capacitor voltage

    balancing issues. This topology is considered well suited for

    high-power applications because of its modular structure that

    facilitates high-voltage operation using low-voltage switching

    devices. However, this topology suffers from a disadvantage

    0885-8993/$26.00 2011 IEEE

  • 8/11/2019 A Seven-Level Inverter Topology for Induction



    Fig. 1. Power circuit diagram of the proposed seven-level inverter drive topology.

    that the number of isolated voltage sources required increases

    considerably as the number of voltage levels increases.Apart from the conventional multilevel topologies cited ear-

    lier, several other multilevel converters have been proposed in

    the literature. Most of them are either variants of the conven-

    tional topologies or their hybrid versions [17]. A hybrid cas-

    caded multilevel inverter consisting of a standard three-leg in-

    verter and H-bridges is presented in [18]. A method to increase

    the number of voltage levels by changing the ratio of the capac-

    itor voltages in flying capacitor topology is presented in [19].

    Another topology called Hexagram converter, composed of

    six interconnected three-phase converter modules, has been

    presented in [20]. The multilevel inverter topology proposed

    in [21] employs series connection of submultilevel converterblocks to achieve reduction in the number of power electronic

    switches required to synthesize a given number of voltage levels.

    A single-phase multilevel PWM inverter topology, using a split-

    wound coupled inductor within each inverter leg, is proposed

    in [22]. Different pulse width modulated modular multilevel

    converter topologies are discussed in [23]. In the multilevel in-

    verter topologies for open-end winding induction motors, each

    end of the motor phase winding is connected to inverters for

    achieving multilevel voltage profile in the winding. For exam-

    ple, a three-level inverter can be realized with two conventional

    two-level inverters feeding the motor stator windings from both

    ends [7]. The number of voltage levels in the motor winding can

    be increased further by cascading two- and three-level invert-ers [24]. A seven-level inverter topology, realized by cascading

    four two-level and two three-level inverters, is presented in [25].

    The seven-level inverter topology proposed in this paper is

    intended for an induction motor with open-end winding struc-

    ture. Here, in addition to two two-level inverters feeding the

    coils from both ends, two H-bridge cells are connected in series

    with the motor winding in each phase. These H-bridge cells are

    fed by capacitors whose voltages are maintained at the required

    level. An important advantage of this topology is the reduction

    in dc-link voltage requirement by half when compared with the

    requirement of dc-link voltage in NPC topology. In this topol-

    ogy, there are multiple ways of generating middle voltage levels

    and this feature is utilized in balancing the capacitor voltages in

    the entire modulation range.


    In the proposed circuit, two two-level inverters and six

    capacitor-fed H-bridges are usedto realize a seven-level inverter.

    The induction motor is fed from both sides of the windings as

    shown in the power circuit diagram (see Fig. 1). The two-level

    inverters are powered by two isolated dc-voltage sources of

    magnitudeVdc/2, whereVdc is the dc-link voltage requirement

    of the conventional NPC seven-level inverter. Two capacitor-fed

    H-bridgesare connected in serieswith the motor winding in each

    phase. The voltages across the H-bridge capacitors (CA1, CA2,CB1, CB2, CC1, and CC2) are maintained at a level ofVdc/6.

    All switching states available for generation of the seven voltage

    levels of+ Vdc/2, +2 Vdc/6, + Vdc/6, 0, Vdc/6, 2Vdc/6 in

    A-phase are given in Table I. Similar methods are used for gen-

    erating the seven voltage levels in the other two phases. Table I

    shows that these voltage levels can be realized in multiple ways.

    One method of generating the seven voltage levels in A-phase

    winding of the motor is illustrated in Fig. 2. By clamping the

    H-bridge cells to zero voltage, the two two-level inverters can

    generate voltage levels of +Vdc/2, 0, and Vdc/2. The other

    voltage levels are generated by connecting the two-level invert-

    ers in series with the H-bridges or by clamping the two-level

    inverters to zero voltage and using only the H-bridge voltages,as explained in the following paragraphs.

    The space vector structure of the seven-level inverter is shown

    in Fig. 3. The seven voltage levels ofVdc/2, 2Vdc/6, Vdc/6,

    0, +Vdc/6, +2Vdc/6, and +Vdc/2 are represented by the num-

    bers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. The triplets of num-

    bers shown at each space vector location indicate the switching

    states for generating the corresponding space vector. For exam-

    ple, the triplet 621 indicates the switching state correspond-

    ing to the voltage levels of +Vdc/2, Vdc/6, and 2Vdc/6 in

    A-phase, B-phase, and C-phase windings, respectively. There

    are six concentric hexagons with zero vector at the centre, in the

    space vector structure. Redundant switching states are available

  • 8/11/2019 A Seven-Level Inverter Topology for Induction




    for generating all the space vector locations except those on the

    outermost hexagon. The zero vector can be generated in seven

    ways. The number of redundant switching states for realizing

    a space vector location decreases from the center toward the

    outermost hexagon. It can be seen from Fig. 3 that with the

    seven voltage levels ofVdc/2, 2Vdc/6, Vdc/6, 0, +Vdc/6,

    +2Vdc/6, and +Vdc/2, it is possible to attain a maximum mag-

    nitude ofVdc for the voltage space vector. It is pertinent to note

    that the switching states in which the capacitor voltage is added

    to the supply voltage (Vdc/2) are not required to be used to

    realize the proposed seven-level structure.

    The performance of the proposed topology depends greatlyon balancing of the H-bridge capacitor voltages. The voltages

    across the capacitors have to be maintained at Vdc/6 with allow-

    able ripple. The capacitor voltages are not affected while gen-

    erating the voltage levels of+Vdc/2, 0, and Vdc/2. As the load

    current flows through the capacitors while generating the middle

    voltage levels of+2Vdc/6 and +Vdc/6, it has to be ensured that

    the capacitor voltages are balanced. This can be easily achieved

    by effectively making use of the switching state redundancies

    that exist for generation of these voltage levels. For example,

    the voltage level of+2Vdc/6 in A-phase can be generated in any

    of the following methods by selecting the appropriate switch


    1) By clamping the two-level inverter voltages to zero and

    adding the two H-bridge capacitor voltages (VCA 1 =

    +Vdc/6 and VCA 2 = +Vdc/6).

    2) By subtracting voltage across the H-bridge capacitor CA1

    (VCA 1 = +Vdc/6) from the two-level inverter voltage

    (+Vdc/2) and bypassing the capacitor CA2.

    3) By subtracting voltage across the H-bridge capacitor CA2

    (VCA 2 = +Vdc/6) from the two-level inverter voltage

    (+Vdc/2) and bypassing the capacitor CA1.

    The voltage level of+Vdc/6, in A-phase, can be generated in any

    of the following methods by selecting the appropriate switching

    states.1) By using only the voltage across the H-bridge capacitor

    CA1 (VCA 1 = +Vdc/6).

    2) By using only the voltage across the H-bridge capacitor

    CA2 (VCA 2 = +Vdc/6).

    3) By subtracting the sum of voltages across H-bridge capac-

    itors CA1 and CA2 (VCA 1 +VCA 2 = +2Vdc/6) from the

    two-level inverter voltage (+Vdc/2).

    Similar methods are used for generating the voltage levels

    ofVdc/6 and 2Vdc/6. It is evident from the switching logic

    given in Table I that the redundancies in methods of generation

    of+2Vdc/6, +Vdc/6, Vdc/6, and 2Vdc/6 facilitate charging or

    discharging of either both H-bridge capacitors (CA1 and CA2)

  • 8/11/2019 A Seven-Level Inverter Topology for Induction



    Fig. 2. Switch states for generating all the seven voltage levels in A-phase.+Vdc/2, +2Vdc/6, +Vdc/6, 0, Vdc/6, 2Vdc/6, and Vdc/2. The currentpaths are closed through other phases during three-phase switching operations.

    or any one of them, in any direction of the phase current. The

    criteria for selection of a switching state for balancing of the

    capacitor voltages, under a given condition, are also given in

    Table I. The switching logic is implemented by checking the

    statuses of the capacitor voltages vis-a-vis the allowed ripple, in

    every switching cycle. Hence, the capacitor voltage correction is

    almost instantaneous when compared to the fundamental period

    of operation. Thus, the balancing of the capacitors can be done

    independent of power factor for the entire modulation range

    including overmodulation. The switching logic of A-phase is

    followed in B and C phases also.



    A comparison of the proposed topology with the conventional

    seven-level inverter topologies, in terms of the components re-

    quired, is given in Table II. The magnitude of the dc-voltage

    source required in the proposed topology is half of the mag-

    nitude of dc-voltage source required in the conventional NPC

    or flying capacitor topologies. In the proposed topology, all

    switches in the H-bridges are rated for a voltage blocking capa-

    bility ofVdc/6, whereas the switches in the two-level inverters

    are rated for a voltage blocking capability ofVdc/2. Unlike the

    conventional seven-level NPC inverter, the proposed topology

    does not require any clamping diode. The number of capacitors

    required in this topology is only 6, which is very less compared

    to the requirement of capacitors in the conventional seven-level

    flying capacitor topology. Moreover, balancing of the capaci-

    tor voltages is much easier in the proposed topology compared

    to the NPC and flying capacitor topologies. The cascaded H-

    bridge topology requires nine isolated voltage sources to realize

    a seven-level inverter. Table I clearly shows that the two-level

    inverters switch only during a half cycle of the reference volt-

    age waveform. Even in a half cycle, the two-level inverters do

    not switch for generating middle voltage levels under certain


    Hence switchings in the two-level inverters, which operate at

    a higher voltage level ofVdc/2, are much less compared to the

    switchings in H-bridge cells, which operate at a lower voltage

    level ofVdc/6. This results in switching loss reduction and im-

    provement in the overall drive system efficiency. The operation

    of H-bridge cells at a lower voltage level ofVdc/6 will also result

    in conduction loss reduction in H-bridge switches. Theproposed

    topology also prevents circulation of triplen harmonic currentthrough the motor winding since the two two-level inverters are

    fed from two isolated voltage sources. Reliability of the system

    is a matter of concern in any industrial application. In the pro-

    posed topology, if switches in H-bridges fail, the system can be

    operated as a three-level inverter in the entire modulation range

    by bypassing the H-bridges. This feature makes the proposed

    topology more reliable.


    An induction motor rated 5 HP, 415 V, 4-pole, 50 Hz is used

    as a load for experimental verification of the proposed seven-

    level inverter topology. The constant V/f control scheme is

    used for running the motor at different speeds, under no-load

    condition, spanning two-level to seven-level operation of the

    inverter. The space vector pulse width modulation technique for

    multilevel inverters, proposed in [26], is used for generating

    the inverter gating pulses. The three reference phase voltages

    are generated from the reference voltage space vector (V r ),

    which is determined from the constant V/fratio and the speed

    requirement of the motor. In this paper, the modulation index is

    defined as the ratio of the magnitude ofV rto Vdc . The controller

    is implemented in TMS320F2812 DSP platform. The switching

    logic given in Table I is implemented in SPARTAN-3 XC3S200

    FPGA.The H-bridge capacitors have to be selected properly to re-

    strict the ripple voltage within acceptable limits. The capac-

    itance of H-bridge capacitor can be determined by using the

    formula given as

    C = Ip T


    where C is the capacitance of the H-bridge capacitors (CA1,

    CA2, CB1, CB2, CC1, and CC2), Ip is the peak phase current,

    Tis the inverter switching time period (Ts), and V is the

    peak-to-peak voltage ripple allowed in the H-bridge capacitor.

    Fora switching frequency of 2 kHz, if thecapacitor peak-to-peak

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    Fig. 3 Space vector structure of the seven-level inverter with switching state redundancies at each location. The voltage levels of Vdc/2, 2Vdc/6, Vdc/6, 0,

    +Vdc/6, +2Vdc/6, and +Vdc/2 are represented by the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively.


    ripple voltage has to be limited to 5 V, capacitance required is


    The proposed seven-level inverter is operated at different

    modulation indices covering the entire linear modulation and

    overmodulation regions, at a switching frequency of 2 kHz.

    The corresponding fundamental frequencies of voltages cover

    the entire range of speed of the motor. The steady state and

    the transient behaviors under no-load condition are depicted in

    Figs. 412. Fig. 4 shows the waveforms of 1) phase voltage;

    2) current; 3) ripple in H-bridge capacitor voltage VCA 1 ; and

    4) ripple in H-bridge capacitor voltage VCA 2 , for a modulation

    index of 0.26 corresponding to three-level operation of the in-

    verter. The motor operates at a frequency of 13 Hz under this

    condition. It can be seen that the capacitor voltages are well

    balanced in this mode of operation and the peak-to-peak ripple

    voltage is less than 2 V. This is well within the limit of 5 V, con-

    sidered in determining the value of the H-bridge capacitance.

    Fig. 5 shows pole voltage waveforms of 1) two-level inverter-1;

    2) H-bridge cell-CA1; 3) H-bridge cell-CA2; and 4) two-levelinverter-2. It is clear from these waveforms that the two-level

    inverters are switching for much less period compared to the


    Figs. 6 and 7 show different waveforms when the inverter

    operates in five-level mode, with a modulation index of 0.53,

    corresponding to 26 Hz operation of the motor. The waveforms

    pertaining to seven-level operation of the inverter (modulation

    index of 0.8) are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. The motor operates at

    a frequency of 40 Hz under this condition. The waveforms of

    Figs. 10 and 11 pertain to the operation of the inverter in over-

    modulation region with modulation index of 1. The motor op-

    erates at a frequency of 50 Hz at this value of modulation index.

  • 8/11/2019 A Seven-Level Inverter Topology for Induction



    Fig. 4. Voltage and current waveforms when inverter operates at modulationindex M = 0.26. X-axis: 20 ms/div. (1) A-phase voltage (Y-axis: 50 V/div),(2) A-phase current (Y-axis: 2 A/div), (3) ripple in the H-bridge capacitorvoltageVC A 1 (Y-axis: 5 V/div), and (4) ripple in the H-bridge capacitor voltageVC A 2 (Y-axis: 5 V/div).

    Fig. 5. Pole voltage waveforms when inverter operates at modulation indexM = 0.26. X-axis: 100 ms/div, Y-axis: 200 V/div. (1) Two-level inverter-1,(2) H-bridge cell-CA1, (3) H-bridge cell-CA2, and (4) two-level inverter-2.

    Fig. 6. Voltage and current waveforms when inverter operates at modulationindexM= 0.53. X-axis: 10 ms/div. (1) A-phase voltage (Y-axis: 100 V/div),(2) A-phase current (Y-axis: 2 A/div), (3) ripple in H-bridge capacitor voltageVC A 1 (Y-axis: 10 V/div), and (4) ripple in H-bridge capacitor voltage VC A 2(Y-axis: 10 V/div).

    Fig. 7. Pole voltage waveforms when inverter operates at modulation in-dexM= 0.53. X-axis: 10 ms/div, Y-axis: 200 V/div. (1) Two-level inverter-1,(2) H-bridge cell-CA1, (3) H-bridge cell-CA2, and (4) two-level inverter-2.

    Fig. 8. Voltage and current waveforms when inverter operates at modulationindex M = 0.8. X-axis: 10 ms/div. (1) A-phase voltage (Y-axis: 200 V/div),(2) A-phase current (Y-axis: 2 A/div), (3) ripple in the H-bridge capacitorvoltageVC A 1 (Y-axis: 5 V/div), and (4) r ipple in the H-bridge capacitor voltageVC A 2 (Y-axis:5 V/div).

    Fig. 9. Pole voltage waveforms when inverter operates at modulation in-dex M = 0.8. X-axis: 5 ms/div, Y-axis: 200 V/div. (1) Two-level inverter-1,(2) H-bridge cell-CA1, (3) H-bridge cell-CA2, and (4) two-level inverter-2.

    Fig. 10. Voltage and current waveforms when inverter operates at modulationindexM = 1. X-axis: 5 ms/div. (1) A-phase voltage (Y-axis: 200 V/div), (2) A-phase current (Y-axis: 2 A/div), (3) ripple in H-bridge capacitor voltage VC A 1(Y-axis :5 V/div), and (4) ripple in H-bridge capacitor voltage VC A 2 (Y-axis:5 V/div).

    Fig. 11. Pole voltage waveforms when inverter operates at modulation indexM= 1.X-axis: 5 ms/div, Y-axis: 200V/div. (1) Two-levelinverter-1, (2) H-bridgecell-CA1, (3) H-bridge cell-CA2, and (4) two-level inverter-2.

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    Fig. 12. Voltage and current waveforms under transient condition of acceler-ation of the motor from 6.5 to 40 Hz. (1) A-phase voltage ( Y-axis: 100 V/div),(2) A-phase current (Y-axis: 2 A/div), (3) H-bridge capacitor voltage VC A 1(Y-axis: 100 V/div), and (4) H-bridge capacitor voltage VC A 2 (Y-axis:100 V/div).

    It can be seen from the waveforms given earlier that the

    H-bridge capacitor voltages are well balanced and the peak-to-

    peak ripple voltage is only around 2 V in all modes of operation.

    This establishes the fact that in the proposed topology of seven-level inverter, it is possible to achieve balancing of the capacitor

    voltages in the entire modulation range including the overmod-

    ulation. The pole voltage waveforms of two-level inverter-1 and

    two-level inverter-2 show that these inverters switch only dur-

    ing a half cycle of the waveform. As has been explained earlier,

    this results in switching loss reduction. The distortion in current

    waveform (see Fig. 10) is due to the introduction of lower order

    harmonics resulting from operation of the inverter in overmod-

    ulation region.

    Fig. 12 depicts the transient performance of the system during

    acceleration of the motor from 6 to 40 Hz. This corresponds to

    the transition from two-level to seven-level operation of the in-

    verter. Smooth transition from two-level to seven-level is clearlyvisible in the waveform of the phase voltage. It is pertinent to

    note that the capacitor voltages remain balanced during the tran-

    sient period even though the current drawn by the motor under

    this condition is much higher than the current drawn during

    steady-state operation. Thus, the proposed topology is capa-

    ble of balancing the capacitor voltages in transient as well as

    steady-state operation of the motor.


    In this paper, a new topology of seven-level inverter for induc-

    tion motor drive, using two two-level inverters and six capacitor-

    fed H-bridge cells, is presented. The two-level inverters are fedfrom two isolated dc-voltage sources. An important advantage

    of this topology is the reduction in dc-link voltage magnitude

    by half when compared with the requirement of dc-link volt-

    age in the conventional NPC or flying capacitor topologies. The

    switching state redundancies are effectively utilized for main-

    taining the H-bridge capacitor voltages at the required level in

    the entire linear modulation and overmodulation regions of op-

    eration. In the event of any switch failure in H-bridges, this

    inverter can operate in three-level mode, in the entire modula-

    tion range, by bypassing the H-bridges. This feature enhances

    the reliability of the proposed inverter. It has been shown that

    the high-voltage two-level inverters switch much less compared

    to the switching of the low-voltage H-bridge cells for generating

    the seven-level voltage profile. As a result, the switching loss is

    reduced thereby improving the efficiency of the drive system.

    This topology is inherently capable of preventing the circulation

    of triplen harmonic current in the motor winding. The experi-

    mental verification of the proposed topology is carried out on

    a 5-HP induction motor, for the entire modulation range, under

    steady state as well as transient conditions.


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    P. P. Rajeevanreceived the B. Tech. degree in elec-trical engineering from the University of Calicut,Calicut, Kerala, India, and the M.E degree in powerelectronics from Bangalore University, Bangalore,India. He is currently working toward the Ph.D. de-

    gree at the Centre for Electronics Design and Tech-nology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

    His research interests include multilevel powerconverters, drives, pulse width modulation tech-niques, and power quality.

    K. Sivakumar (S08) received the B. Tech. de-gree in electrical engineering from S. V. University,Tirupati, India, in 2004, theM. Tech. degree in powerelectronics from the National Institute of Technol-

    ogy, Warangal, India, in 2006, and the Ph.D. degreein power electronics from the Centre for ElectronicsDesign and Technology, Indian Institute of Science,Bangalore, India, in 2010.

    His research interests include power converters,pulse width modulation techniques, and ac drives.

    Chintan Patel (S08) received the B.E. degree inelectrical engineering from South Gujarat University,Surat, India, in 2000, and the M.Tech. degree in elec-trical engineering from the Institute of Technology,Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, in 2003.He is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree atthe Centre for Electronics Design and Technology,Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.

    His research interests include sensorless controlof induction motors and hysteresis current controller.

    Rijil Ramchand (S09) received the B.Tech. de-gree in electrical engineering from Calicut Univer-sity, Thenhipalam, India, in 1996, and the M.E. de-gree from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore,India, in 2003, where he is currently working towardthe Ph.D. degree at the Centre for Electronics Designand Technology.

    He is a Faculty Member inthe Department of Elec-

    trical Engineering, National Institute of Technology,Calicut, India. His research interests include powerconverters, pulse width modulation techniques, and

    ac drives.

    K. Gopakumar (M94SM96) received the B.E.,M.Sc.(Engg.), and Ph.D. degrees from the Indian In-stitute of Science, Bangalore, India, in 1980, 1984,and 1994, respectively.

    He was with the Indian Space Research Organiza-tion, Bangalore, from 1984 to 1987. He is currently

    the Chairman and a Professor at the Center for Elec-tronics Design and Technology, Indian Institute ofScience. His research interests include PWM con-verters and high-power drives.

    Dr. Gopakumar is a Fellow of the Institution ofElectrical and Telecommunication Engineers, India, and the Indian NationalAcademy of Engineers. He is currently an Associate Editor of IEEE TRANSAC-TION ONINDUSTRIALELECTRONICS.

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