Page 1: A short catalogue of some choice chymical preparations
Page 2: A short catalogue of some choice chymical preparations
Page 3: A short catalogue of some choice chymical preparations
Page 4: A short catalogue of some choice chymical preparations
Page 5: A short catalogue of some choice chymical preparations
Page 6: A short catalogue of some choice chymical preparations
Page 7: A short catalogue of some choice chymical preparations

A Jhort Catalogue of fame choice Chymical Preparations faithsfully prepared by William Weldon, formerly Operator inhis MajeftiesLaboratory in Whitehall j now living at hisHoufe in Eell-yard inKingftrcet, Weftminfter.

1. y I ' HAT excellent Medicine by feme called the Ring s Drops, by others Dr. God-I dard's Drops.

z. Thofe two famous Medicines which Monfieur de Raid Evans did communicate tohis Majefly: viz. the White and Red Drops for Raying of Bleeding at Nofe andMouth, and all manner of Wounds Internal and External.

3. His Majeftie’s Scorbutick Drops, or the Guaicum Drops.

4. A moR excellent Apopledick Balfom.

s’. A mod Diaphanous water , clear like Rock-water ; againft Morphews, Sun-burns,Freckles, Chaps, Roughncfs, Rednefs and Pimples: It beautifies and adorns the Skinwith a lively frelh (anguine Complexion.

6. His Majeßie’s Cephalick Salt; or a more Curious Sublimed Sal Armoniac.

7. The true ERenfe ofAmber-grifc.

8. An excellent Water for all manner of Sore Eyes. As alfo the Queen ofHangariesWater rightly and exadtly prepared, even in every degree with the beR that is madeat Mountpelkr, approved ofat the Court and elfewhere, by every one that hath madetrial of it.

But beware of a certain fort of Balderdalh fluff made by one Hammond aWriting-mafler : who faith his is better than that which is fold about Town. Indeed I own itdiffers from all that is made by any body cither in Ft umc oi gngtamtT; but that doth notmake it ever the more to be a true preparation: but he faith he loads it with the Eflenti-al Salt, and that is thereafbn it turns Liquors white; but it is well known that neithervolatile nor RxtSalt will make fuch whitenefs or precipitations, and truly! think it isbetter neither to add nor diminiih the true procefs feeing it hath done fuch great good ,

much more lam fare than ever it will doe again with Mr* Efamond's addition of Salt.I am not at all angry with him for being my Ape in ufirsg my words in his Bill; I can-not fay that I doe or can make it better than that which is made at Mountpdzer, butonejy I make it cheaper and exactly even with it: and indeed fo fhould Mr. Hammondby right; but he mull Rudy Chymical Pharmacy 7 years more, and then he will un-derhand the nature of Salts better: he may as well fay he loads itwith Rats-lane: butif a little of any kind of Gum be diflblved in Spirit of Wine put iffto a little Water itwill make the Water white; fo let not this whitenefs be any more a true fign. And anordinary courfe Spirit may be raifed both from Moloflusand from Wadi, or dregs ofBeeror Ale, which will burn all dry ; neverthelefs this is no true Spirit of Wine though it befo called: fo thefe two Rgns are not worth taking notice of,

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The Verities arid ufe of that Medicine fo eminetitly known ly the 7iame ofthe King s Drops, and by fome others called Dr. Goddard'sDrops, being all one Medicine.

For tkfAg£ betwixt j years and iz take io drops; and thofc betwixt iz and %smaytake zo drpps,: anti fo thofc that arc elder, if flrength of Confutation beanfwerable to-their age, pray take more, for fome may take 30 drops, but the highefl dofe is 40 ;

afiid in'cold weather you may take 3,4 dr 5 dropsmore than in warm weather, by reafonit provokcs.gvyeat: obferve to take it in 6 or 8 fpoonfulfs of Sack, White-wine, Small-beer, or good which you likebell, upon a lightSupper going to Bed, andthe next morning you are but to take half as much as you took over night, in any of theafbrefaid Vehicles. Take it 3 days, night and morning, then leave it for zor 3 days,then take it again for 4or 3 days, and then leave it for z or 3 days, and fo take it inter-mitting that it may not nahfeate the Stomach,

The Author Dr. Goddard commends this Medicine in his Manufcript, which his Widowprefented to his Majeffy, to be good againfl Sofeveral Diflempers, which I can juflifie-by the Copy which I have , and lhall be willing to fhew to any ingenious perfon: butcertainly it is a moll: excellent Medicine, and of wonderful! vertueagainfl the Apoplexy,Epilepfie, Lethargy, and all odierDifeafes that affed: the Brain or any part ofthe Head:it opens all obflrudions ofthe Liver and Spleen, and cleanfeth the whole mafs of Blood,the which you may plainly fee by the Complexion in fome little time: it reflores all thefundions of Nature into their former hate, and by its fermentation it deflroys all grofsmatter which hinder their eded :it fenfibly works by Sweat and Urine. The price isios. one ounce, 5 s. halfan ounce, and z s. 6 d. a quarter ofan ounce.

The Vertues and ttfe of Monfieur Rabcl Evans's White and RedL Drops for ail manner ofBleedings .

This is called theKing s Stiptick Liquor, or the Royal Stiptick, and it is certainly oneof the beft that ever was made for that ufe.

For Wounds made with Sword or the like drefs them as foon as ever you can, but ifthe WOund be through any part, drefs onely that orifice where the Sword went in, put-ting f or m drops in a Coffee-difh, or the like, ofthe whiteLiquor, and with your fingerswet in it gently rub over the Wound, and the outfides or edges, and lay over the Wounda Imnen cloth clean walked from the Sope and Starch ; and if the Wound be thoroughWadi the other orifice with a little warm White-wine : obferve to drefs or bathe theWounds thus twice a day for x or 3 days , and then if the Wound be very large wherethe SWotd went in lay over it a little rag fpread over with a little Bafilicon , but fbmc-times the Wound will be well with once drefllng : obferve that when Wounds happento be deep they may prove dangerous, fo that fome Bloud being extravafated may cor-rupt and eaiifc dreadful! fymptorns .• for the preventing of which, and dillblving thelaid Bloud, -take 11 drops of the red Liquor in a glafs ot Claret-wine every 8 hours for10 days together, and this will fecurc you from further danger. For Mufquet or PilLol

Riot, or tlfe like, dip a linen cloth in the white Liquor andlay it on the Wound, and ob-ferVe the' former directions; and after. 3or qdreflingswithit you may ufe a little Bafili-con, as before, and alfo drink the red drops, as before, for ill fymptorns may happen aseafily ih thefe as'the former accidents. Thefe are the .fame Diredbions which MonfieurRaieL-Evans gave. Thefe two, viz.white and red drops are both one price. Bs, oneounce, y s. half ah ounce, and 2 s. 6 d.z quarter ofan ounce.

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The Kings Scorbutic£ Drops, or the Guaicum Drop.Thefe are very much commended againft the Scurvy, and to beget a good Appetite*

and to caufe a good Digeftion, and do fo much nourifh the Body that in a months timethe party that takes them will be much fatter and more healthfull than before. Theyare to be taken 3 days together ; viz. in the Morning, 3 hours after Dinner, and going toBed : 35 or 40 drops in the Morning, 15 drops after Dinner, and 10 or 15 at Night;thofe offtrong Conftitutions may take more than thofe thatare weaker. It is to be ta-ken in White-wine, Sack, Small-beer, goodSpring-water, or in Syder. In a littleSackGlafs full ofany of thefe Liquors it purges very gently by Stool and Urine, and in fomeit provokes Sweat, and fo depurates the whole mafs ofßloud from abundance of impuri-ties. It isgood againft Dropfies,’ Catarrhs , and other luch like Difeafes. The priceis zs. 6 it. an ounce.

The Vertues and life of my Balfamum Apopkddcum,It is in truth a Specifick, and chiefly dedicated to the Head and all its pasts, and to

die Stomach, and all the upper parts of the Body: it powerfully refills all the Diflempersfollowing : viz. Apoplexy, Epilepfle, Vertigoand Palfie; it and corroborates theSpirits; it alfo {Lengthens the Sight, Brane and Memory, makes the Breath fweet, andrefrelheth the Vital and Animal Spirits.

The Z>fe of it is thus.

The extreme parts of theNoflrils, Nape of the Neck, and Seam of the Head , withthe two Temples are to be touched witha very little of ft, viz. as much as an ordinaryPin’s head for each Noftril, 2 for the Nape of the Neck , 2 for the Seam of the Head,and two for each Temple. It is very good again# Wind, Coughs, ill Digeftion, or anyobftrudfon in the Stomach; ufed thus rub upon each fide of a well baked Toaft as muchas an ordinary Pin’s head, and fo put into a cup ofBeer, Ale or other Liquors, and theneat the Toa# and drink the Drink; ufed thus it is very wholfomein the morning. Thisis very much differing from that ordinary fluff fold about the Town for n.a Box: youmay eafilyconfider therichnefsand goodnefs of his which he calls Florence Balfam ; hepays 4d. for every Box, and 3 d. out of every 1 s. to the Seller ; fo he hath but 5 d. forhis Ingredients and labour: now judge what dear and precious fluff this muft be; it iswell known in Oxfordand in this City alfo that mine is much better the longer youkeep it, and never lofeth its pleafant feent. The price of this is 1. x. 6d. an Ivory Box,and 5 x. a Silver Box.

A rare Diaphanous Water for the Face5 Breajis and Hands.

This is called theKings Hony Water;

Itcleanfeth the Skin from all manner of Morphews, Sun-burns, Freckles, Itchings,Chaps, Roughnefs, Rednefs, Swarthinefs and Pimples; it beautifies and adorns the Skinwith a lively, frelh and fanguin Complexion. The way ofufing it is, firft, to wipe theSkin witha dry linnen cloth, then wet a corner of the fame in a little of this, and walh orwipe the Face, or any part ofthe Body, and you will immediately find it very refrelh-ing, and your Skin foft and fmooth ; if you ufe it thus Morningand Night you will findthat it will in a fhort timeanfvver your expectations. It cleanfeth the Teeth and Gumsif you puta fpoonfullof it in 3 fpoonfulls of fair water, and fo rub and walh the Teeththerewith. His Majefty makes ufe of this Water to bathe and rub his Hands, Feet, andother parts of his Body after he hathbeen at Tennis. It refrelheth and ftrengthens all parts


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bathed with it; it hinders Swellings, Pains, or other ill accidents which fometimes hap-pen. After playing at Tennis, or other violent exercifes, you are onely to rub yourJoints, viz. Knees, Shoulders and Arms with a little of it; it’s a very fragrant, clearwhiteWater. A Bottle which holdsalmod a quart for 5 j.and a Bottle which holds ahmod a pint for 2 s. 6. d.

The King s Cephalick. Salt, or a more curious fublimed Sal Amoniac.

This is excellent againd Vapours and Fumes, and all manner ofConvulffons : it allaysallFumes that arife from the Mother and Spleen; it clears the Head of all manner ofpains and aches. The way of ufing it is onely to fmell drongly to it often.

The true Ejfence of Antber-grife.This is better prepared than ever I faw any in England , a drop of which will richly

perfume a Dilh of Coffee, Tea , or Chocolett; and alfo any kind of Wine or otherLiquors with a very gratefull feent pleafant and agreeable to every body �, but efpeciallythofe that cannot affecd many other fweet feents. Authors do commend this to be oneof the greated Redorers in nature for aged perfons and cold conditutions, and faith it en-creafeth the Radical moidure, and it inables the vital and animal Spirits: the dofe isfrom y drops to 10, in any kind of Wine or Cordial Waters, and at any time ofthe day,efpecially Night and Morning. The price is sr. an ounce.

A ?noft excellent Water for all manner offore Eyes .

This is good againd any hot or fait Rheum, Blood-fhots, or any gummy fore Eyes.It drengthens, cools and heals the Eyes ofany forenefs whatever. Fird wafh a little bitofalinnen rag in 2 or 3 feveral waters to cleanfe it from the Sope or Starch, then wet acorner of it in this Water, and wet (or gently wipe) betwixt your Eye-lids 2 or 3 timesin a day, and at night drop one drop of this Water into one or both your Eyes and fo o-0to deep; and by' ufing this Water thus 3 days your Eyes will be perfectly whole.The price is i r. for a little Viol.

Thefe are all faithfully prepared by William Weldon, Cbymift, formerlyOperator in his Majeftie s Laboratory at Whitehall, now living at hisHoufe in Bell-yard in Kingftrcct, Weftminfter.

F I N I S.

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