  • 8/3/2019 A Survey of Protocols to Support IP Mobility in Aeronautical Ommunications



    A Survey of Protocols to Support IP Mobility inAeronautical Communications

    Christian Bauer and Martina Zitterbart

    AbstractThe aviation industry is currently at the beginningof a modernization phase regarding its communication systems.This involves a transition to IP-based networks for Air Traf-fic Control and Airline Operational Communications. Due tothe heterogeneous nature of the communication environment,support for mobility between different access technologies andaccess networks becomes necessary. We first introduce theaeronautical communications environment and present domainspecific requirements. The main part of this article is a surveyof different protocols that can be used to solve the IP mobilityproblem within the aeronautical environment. These protocolsare assessed with regard to the introduced requirements. Weconclude with the identification of a particular protocol as themost suited solution and also identify areas for further work.

    Index TermsAircraft, Mobility, IPv6, Mobile IP, NEMO


    THE COMMUNICATION infrastructure currently usedfor civil aeronautical communications is based on ananalogue voice system that can neither cope with the expected

    increase in air traffic nor support the envisaged paradigm shift

    towards data or packet oriented communications. The digital-

    ization effort is supposed to free-up the currently congestedanalogue voice based system and to increase operational


    For these reasons, a working group at the International CivilAviation Organization (ICAO) recently defined a standard [1]

    specifying the future IP-based Aeronautical Telecommuni-

    cations Network (ATN/IP). This global inter-network will

    be based on IPv6 and will be deployed for ground-groundnetworks, air-ground access networks and on the airborne

    (on-board) network itself. The Internet Protocol IPv6 hasbeen chosen as the basis for the ATN as it (a) is a widely

    used industry standard in telecommunications, (b) is actively

    maintained and extended by the responsible standardization

    organization, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF),

    and (c) provides sufficient address space for a world-wide

    deployment in every national state and aircraft. In addition, it

    is also expected that IP provides a more cost-effective solutioncompared to proprietary protocol solutions.

    A typical ATN scenario, is an inter-continental flight from

    Europe to Northern America. Throughout the complete flight

    duration from departure to destination airport, the aircraft

    has to perform handovers among different access networks:

    Manuscript received 25 May 2010.C. Bauer is with the Institute of Communications and Navigation, German

    Aerospace Center (DLR) (e-mail: [email protected]).M. Zitterbart is with the Institute of Telematics, Karlsruhe Institute of

    Technology (KIT) (e-mail: [email protected]).Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/SURV.2011.111510.00016

    Fig. 1. Scenario of aeronautical communications over different accesstechnologies and networks.

    short-range terrestrial technologies at the airport, long-rangeterrestrial technologies while at cruise altitude and satellite

    technologies when over the Atlantic. A general picture of

    this situation is shown in Fig. 1. In addition, the velocityof an aircraft is larger than that of any other vehicle, with

    the consequence, that complete continents and different access

    networks can be passed in a matter of hours. Also, the com-

    munication peers are distributed among large geographical and

    topological areas, starting in Europe and ending in Northern

    America. Despite these conditions, the routing path between

    the aircraft and its ground-based communication peers should

    remain optimal, avoiding forwarding between different con-

    tinents in order to keep the end-to-end delay as short as

    possible. Also, an aircraft is not only a single mobile host,but includes one or several on-board networks with numerous

    end-systems, establishing a need for the mobility of a complete

    network. The global system has to simultaneously support at

    least hundred thousand of these mobile networks. Finally, the

    messages exchanged between the aircraft and its ground peers

    include air traffic control information. Availability and security

    of these data flows are highly critical.

    At the same time, aircraft will not only be a part of the ATN

    but also of the public Internet, e.g. to provide passengers with

    Internet access.

    The remainder of this paper surveys the different solution

    options on how to provide IP mobility within the aeronautical


    1553-877X/11/$25.00 c 2011 IEEE

  • 8/3/2019 A Survey of Protocols to Support IP Mobility in Aeronautical Ommunications



    Section II provides an overview of the aeronautical en-

    vironment, explains why mobility is actually needed and

    specifies the mobility requirements that have to be satisfied

    by a candidate mobility protocol. In Section III we investigate

    various protocols that can be used provide mobility and

    identify their individual strengths and weaknesses. It becomesapparent that no solution can fulfill all requirements though.

    We identify a single mobility protocol family as the mostsuited one but realize that still one problem remains to be

    solved. In Section IV we therefore survey proposals that

    address the remaining problem of optimizing the overall end-

    to-end latency for that particular protocol family.We finally conclude with identifying the set of protocols that

    can sufficiently fulfill all the requirements of the aeronauticalenvironment. Additionally, we identify areas for further work

    that can help improve certain weaknesses and resolve open

    questions.According to the aeronautical community [2], the future

    (IP-based) ATN should be introduced by the year 2020.

    II. THE



    We describe the aeronautical communications environment,

    the involved stakeholders and the access technologies used, or

    foreseen to be used, within the community.

    In general, we regard an aircraft as a mobile network

    consisting of the airborne router and several end-systems

    (Mobile Network Nodes MNNs) that are communicating

    with peers on the ground (Correspondent Nodes CNs).

    A. Difference To Other Communication Areas

    Support for mobility of devices or networks is also required

    within other areas. In the following we will explain how the

    aeronautical environment differs from those other areas.

    Wireless personal communications based on mobile phones,

    as defined by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP),

    make use of IP mobility management as well [3]. The major

    differences are that mobile phones are only mobile hosts and

    not mobile networks like an aircraft. Mobile phones also have

    a lower degree of mobility and a reduced level of security and

    availability requirements.

    The Car2Car communications environment has to support

    several end-systems within a car and thus acts as mobile

    network. A major difference of the Car2Car protocol stack, es-

    pecially for car-safety applications, is the dual-stack approach

    that not only consists of IP but also of dedicated Car2Car

    protocols [4]. In addition, the degree of mobility and covereddistance is smaller than that of an aircraft - the inflicted delay

    is not as high as mobility is usually constrained to a singlecontinent.

    Summarized, the critical aspects within aeronautical com-

    munications, in contrast to more conventional areas, are: a

    high degree of mobility that could cause delay problems due

    to routing over large geographical distances, a need for high

    availability and strong security.

    B. Service Classes And Applications

    There are four different service classes in the aeronautical

    environment, each class covering different applications.

    Air Traffic Services (ATS) covers all communication be-

    tween the cockpit (the mobile node) and the controller on the

    ground (fixed node) for providing navigational support and

    air traffic control communications. The applications within

    this service class are critical to the safety of the flight. The

    fixed ATS communication peer on the ground is called ATSCorrespondent Node (CN). The CN, the aircraft is currently

    communicating with, changes over time depending on the ge-ographical position of the aircraft and the associated national

    airspace. Several CNs exist within each countries national

    borders, with responsibility dedicated either to airspace in and

    around airports or for airspace at cruise altitude.

    Airline information systems include communication be-tween an aircraft and the airlines headquarter or operations

    center. This service class is separated into two classes: AirlineOperational Communications (AOC) and Airline Administra-

    tive Communications (AAC). AOC consists of services that are

    regarded as safety-related, e.g. flight status information (mal-

    function reports) or fuel reports. The non-safety related AAC

    services include messaging in respect to catering, baggage

    handling or duty free sales. An AOC/AAC communicationpeer on the ground is called AOC/AAC CN. Usually up to

    three such CNs occur during a flight: source and destinationairport as well as the airline operations center.

    Finally, Aeronautical Passenger Communications (APC) is

    dedicated to passenger communications and entertainment.

    The devices within this domain can be administratively con-

    trolled by the airline itself (e.g. devices mounted within seats)or, alternatively, can also be passenger-owned devices. The

    correspondent nodes are usually located in the public Internetand also include corporate Virtual Private Network (VPN)

    gateways. Providing a reasonable end-to-end delay to these

    nodes is also highly desirable.

    At least for ATS and AOC, application requirements areavailable. One document [5] provides numbers for bandwidthconsumption and latency requirements for these applications.

    Those are quite relaxed though, with the most stringent re-quirement for routing in the ground network being roughly 340

    ms on average (one-way delay for a single application layer

    message). The same document also mentions voice latency

    requirements that are usually 130 ms for ATS. At the time of

    writing it was not yet clear whether Voice Over IP will be

    used in the future IP-based ATN for mobile communication.In case yes, then this stringent requirement will have to be


    Collecting and routing on-board sensor data to ground-

    based processing systems will also become increasingly im-portant in the future. Related requirements listed in [6] include

    sensors whose data should be transmitted in real-time. No

    specific numbers are provided though.

    Apart from delay, another important aspect is availabil-ity [5]: most ATS applications require 99.9%, while for some

    it is even 99.99%. This will also have to be supported by the

    underlying network infrastructure and associated protocols.

    C. Aeronautical Access Technologies

    The future ATN will employ different access technologies

    (comprising the physical and link layer of the OSI stack) for

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    Fig. 2. Topology of the ATN. Correspondent Nodes (CNs) are the communication peers of the aircraft. Air Traffic Services (ATS) CNs are controlledby the Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs). The Air Communication Service Provider (ACSP) operates access networks. The Airline OperationalCommunication (AOC) CN is the communication end-point for airline related information exchanges.

    end-to-end communication. A Network Address Translator

    (NAT) would allow sharing the access network addresses

    available at the airborne router among all end-systems, but

    causes problems as discussed in [11], e.g. with end-to-endsecurity protocols. Apart from that, session continuity could

    not be provided anymore. The future aeronautical mobility

    protocol should therefore also provide public IP addresses to

    all on-board end-systems.In normal operations, ATS communication is always

    aircraft-initiated. In the future it might become interesting

    to provide a controller with the means to contact an aircraft

    that has entered controlled airspace but not yet established a

    communication session. A fixed static IP address space for

    the aircraft, independent of the current topological location,would allow for ground-initiated communications.

    Summarized, due to the heterogenous access technologyenvironment and the different administrative domains (ANSPs

    and ACSPs), handovers between different networks will occur.

    This implies the need for providing an IP mobility protocol

    that permits session continuity, provides public on-board IP

    address space and offers the possibility to allow for ground-initiated communications.

    F. Mobility Requirements

    In the following we specify inherent, primary and secondary

    requirements that have to be fulfilled by a mobility protocol

    used in the aeronautical environment. In the following, the

    word aircraft refers to a complete mobile network, consist-

    ing of an airborne router and at least one network prefix.Several end-system (MNNs) are attached to this airborne

    router.The inherent requirements that must be completely fulfilled

    by all candidates are as follows:

    1) Session continuity: this property provides a constant IP

    address for use to higher layer protocols, even in case

    of handovers.

    2) Mobile Network support: mobility should not only beprovided for a single mobile host, but for a complete on-

    board network. More specifically, instead of providing

    a constant IP address (as the case for the previous

    requirement) one or several constant network prefixes

    should be provided.

    Session continuity is automatically fulfilled by all mobilityprotocols investigated later. It is therefore not mentioned

    anymore in the final comparison.The primary requirements that should all be fulfilled by the

    candidate protocols are as follows:

    1) (Mobile) Multihoming: the aircraft should be capa-

    ble of routing data simultaneously over different in-

    terfaces/paths from the aircraft to the ground (e.g.

    stream X via a satellite and stream Y via a terrestrial

    network). This requirement covers both load-balancing

    and fault-tolerance. The latter addresses the important

    issue of reliability/availability: in case of failure ofone interface/path, packets can be routed over another


    2) Security 1 (masquerading): an attacker must not be able

    to claim the constant addresses/prefixes of an aircraft,

    e.g. by means of man-in-the-middle attacks.

    3) Security 2 (DoS): the mobility protocol itself should not

    introduce any new denial of service vulnerabilities.

    4) End-to-end delay: the delay between the communication

    peers (end systems on the aircraft and the ground)

    should be kept minimal. Application specific delay re-quirements have been introduced in Section II-B.

    5) (Routing) Scalability: the impact of the mobility proto-

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    col on the global routing infrastructure should be kept

    to a minimum, meaning that frequent route announce-

    ments/withdrawals for every individual aircraft should

    be avoided.

    6) Applicability to AAC/APC: specifies whether the so-

    lution is also applicable to non-safety related services.This indicates whether the protocol stack on the end-

    systems has to be modified in order to support mobil-ity. Especially for the APC domain it is unlikely that

    popular, frequently visited web servers in the public

    Internet will upgrade their protocol stacks with mobility


    Secondary requirements are desirable and their fulfillment is

    a bonus:

    1) Efficiency 1: the overhead incurred by the mobility

    protocol itself should be limited. The number of round-

    trip times (RTTs) needed for mobility-related signalingshould therefore be kept minimal.

    2) Efficiency 2: the overhead imposed upon every individ-ual packet with payload from the MNNs or CNs should

    be limited. The number of additional protocol headers,needed to support mobility, should therefore be kept


    3) Convergence time: a new routing path to and from the

    mobile network (e.g. because a new interface has been

    activated) should become usable for packet forwarding

    within the shortest possible amount of time. While

    convergence time is also influenced by the number of

    exchanged signaling messages as described by Efficiency

    1, this requirement is restricted to the time it takesto propagate the new mobility state throughout the

    (routing) system.

    4) Support for ground-initiated communications: end-

    systems on the ground should be capable of sending

    packets to an aircraft they have not yet communicated

    with. This means that a routing path to the current

    location of an aircraft has to be available for these nodes.

    It is preferable to have a single protocol (family) as a

    solution for all domains, ATS/AOC/AAC/APC. This is taken

    into account by the primary requirement Applicability to

    AAC/APC. The reason for this requirement is that, apart from

    cost reasons, in the long term, the safety and non-safety related

    domains might be handled by a single airborne router.


    Protocols for providing IP mobility are also discussed

    in [12], [13], with a focus on the aeronautical environment

    in [14].

    Our investigation is different from the previous ones by (a)

    having introduced numerous requirements and (b) by assessing

    the protocols based on those requirements. While the work

    performed in [14] also specifies certain requirements, many of

    them are high level. In general, we investigate the protocols

    and perform our analysis with a higher degree of detail. Also,

    the second part of our survey, starting in Section IV, addressesan important optimization problem that is not covered at all

    by [14].

    From a general perspective, the mobility problem can be

    solved by a solution that is located on the link, network,

    transport or application layer.

    A solution on the link layer is access technology specific.As explained in Section II-C, the ATN is a heterogenous envi-

    ronment with different technologies. This requires providing

    mobility among different technologies, therefore ruling out the

    link layer approach and raising the need for a solution located

    at least on the network layer.

    Application layer solutions require that applications are

    made mobility-aware. Apart from the burden imposed on

    application developers, another serious problem is with non-

    safety related services. All existing airline information systems

    would have to be updated. Also, applications on passenger-owned devices as well as in the public Internet would have

    to be modified as well. This rules out the application layerapproach for very practical reasons.

    We therefore focussed on protocols between the network

    and transport layer for our investigation. We identified five

    different protocols that can be categorized as follows:

    Routing protocol based approach (network layer), withthe example of the Border Gateway Protocol.

    Tunneling based approaches (network layer), with the

    examples of the IPsec and Mobile IP protocol families.

    A transport protocol approach, with the example of theStream Control Transmission Protocol.

    Locater-identifier split (between network and transport

    layer), with the example of the Host Identity Protocol.

    These protocols are investigated in the following. Their suit-ability to provide routing in the mobile ATN is assessed with

    regard to the previously specified requirements.

    A. Border Gateway Protocol

    While routing protocols are not classical IP mobility proto-

    cols, they can nevertheless solve the problem of routing in a

    mobile environment.

    The Border Gateway Protocol Version 4 (BGPv4) [15] isthe inter-domain routing protocol mainly used in the Internet.

    BGP is used between autonomous systems for exchanging

    information on routing paths to specific destination prefixes.

    Routing information is distributed to neighboring routers that

    update their routing tables and forward the routing information

    to other selected routers.

    BGP has already been used in the past for providing (IPv4)

    Internet Connectivity to the APC domain via GEO satellites.

    This solution approach is presented in [16] and is based ondynamic homing, in opposite to the more common static

    homing used in the Internet.

    The operation of this solution is shown in Fig. 3. Each

    aircraft receives a /24 prefix that is announced via BGP by

    the ground station the aircraft is currently attached to. Each

    ground station is an autonomous system (AS) with its own

    AS number and its own BGP router/speaker. When the aircraft

    moves and performs a handover to a different ground station,

    the old ground station withdraws the /24 prefix of that aircraft

    while the new ground station will start announcing the aircraftprefix from its own AS. Packets destined to the aircraft are

    then routed to the new AS/ground station.

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    BGP Update



    System B



    System A


    BGP Withdraw

    X.Y.Z/24 2


    Fig. 3. BGP route announcements by ground stations.

    Frequent route announcements and withdrawals lead to

    route dampening, causing the route in question to not be

    accepted anymore nor advertised to neighbors by other BGProuters. With a handover occurring only once every 4-8

    hours for an aircraft, dampening did not become a problem

    according to [16]. However, tests showed that with shortertime intervals dampening does occur. As handovers between

    terrestrial technologies of the ATN are supposed to occur morefrequently then with satellites, this might become a problem.

    Another critical aspect of BGP is convergence time. As

    mentioned in [16], it took about one minute for the major

    backbone networks in the Internet to update their routing

    tables according to the new route. The duration for smaller

    outlying networks to converge was 30-60 minutes.

    Analysis: Session continuity (inherent): the aircraft re-

    ceives a constant prefix (for example an IPv4-based /24 asin [16]) that is always announced by the current base station

    of the aircraft. This requirement is therefore fulfi

    lled, as end-systems receive their addresses from this stable prefix.

    Mobile Network support (inherent): fulfilled since the

    aircraft receives a complete mobile network prefix instead of

    a single IP address.

    Multihoming (primary): BGP multihoming is an estab-

    lished technique in the fixed Internet. However, this form

    of multihoming is usually restricted to either simple load-

    balancing or to destination-based routing decisions. Whilethere are possibilities to include at least the source address of

    packets into the routing decision [17], the problem of routing

    specific traffic flows (e.g. based on the used transport protocol

    and port numbers) still remains unsolved.

    Security 1 (primary): the problems of BGP with respectto security have been thoroughly investigated [18]. One of

    the key problems is that BGP routers can advertise prefixes

    that do not even belong to them an attacker can advertise a

    prefix owned by someone else and therefore attract the traffic

    belonging to the other entity. Secure BGP (S-BGP) [19] is one

    proposal that provides a solution to this problem, although at

    the expense of an increase in convergence time [18]. S-BGP

    relies on a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and certificates that

    authorize the owner to manage a certain IP address space. An-

    nounced BGP information is then signed by a private key thatcan be verified by the recipient based on the public key in the

    certificate, therefore ensuring the authenticity of announced

    routes. To secure the full routing system, all BGP speakers

    have to implement S-BGP. Also, further investigations are

    needed to identify whether S-BGP has to be adapted to work

    with dynamic homing.

    Security 2 (primary): The only aspect of S-BGP that might

    be regarded as problematic is the increase in CPU and memoryconsumption. There is not enough experience with S-BGP

    available to properly assess this aspect though.

    End-to-end delay (primary): BGP always provides a

    shortest-path route from the end-systems on the ground to the

    aircraft as routes are calculated via the current base station,

    which currently advertises the aircraft prefixes. The exact

    meaning of shortest-path is defined by the metric of the

    routing protocol.

    Scalability (primary): an inherent property of BGP are

    frequent route announcements and withdrawals from the new

    and old points of attachment of an aircraft. As the ATN will

    be separated from the public Internet and has its own BGProuting core, scalability might not become a problem within

    this environment. However, the AAC/APC domains are routed

    over the public Internet and the use of BGP would thereforecause negative impacts upon the routing tables. Scalability is

    linear with the number of mobile nodes, with regard to the

    number of route announcements and withdrawals.

    Applicability to AAC/APC (primary): the protocol stack

    on end-systems remains unaffected as BGP exchanges are

    performed by either the airborne router or the ground station.

    Convergence time (secondary) within the ATN is not as

    much an issue as it is for the AAC/APC domains, due to the

    smaller number of autonomous systems and routes compared

    to the public Internet.

    Efficiency 1 (secondary): in [16] BGP route updates were

    announced by the ground stations. In this case, the aircraft only

    has to provide its identity and its prefix to the ground station,which then performs BGP announcements on behalf of the

    aircraft. Another option, different from [16], would be to putthe BGP speaker on-board the aircraft. The signaling, that is

    based on TCP, then has to be performed over the wireless link.

    This implies 1.5 RTTs for establishing the TCP connection and

    at least additional 1.5 RTTs for the BGP signaling.

    Efficiency 2 (secondary): the size of payload packets

    remains unchanged.

    Support for ground-initiated communications (sec-

    ondary): as soon as a base station starts advertising the aircraft

    prefix, a route to the aircraft becomes available and traffic

    would be properly routed to the aircraft.

    B. IPsec

    IPsec [20] is a well known protocol providing confiden-

    tiality, data integrity and data source authentication. These

    services are provided by maintaining a shared state between

    the two communication peers, also called Security Association

    (SA). The SA consists of information related to IP address of

    the two communication peers, cryptographic algorithm iden-

    tifiers and keys, etc. Establishing such a SA manually would

    not be scalable, hence the Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2)protocol [21] provides the means to create and manage them

    dynamically. IKE mutually authenticates the two peers, based

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    Fig. 4. Signaling between airborne router and IPsec security gateway.

    on either pre-shared secrets, certificates or the Extensible

    Authentication Protocol (EAP) [22].

    In case of a VPN-like approach where an IP-in-IP tunnel is

    established, if one of the two IPsec peers moves to a differentnetwork and configures a new IP address, the established SAs

    would not be usable anymore. For this reason, the IKEv2

    Mobility and Multihoming protocol (MOBIKE) [23] extends

    IKEv2, allowing one peer (the mobile node) to change theIP address of a SA and to signal this change to the security

    gateway. In addition, the peer can also transparently move alltraffic flows from one interface/IP address to another one.

    MOBIKE is usually used between a mobile node and its

    (fixed) security gateway that assigns a constant IP address to

    the mobile node from its own address pool, as shown in Fig. 4.

    Analysis: Session continuity: in the process of setting up

    the initial SA via IKE, the airborne router can request theassignment of a static, fixed IP address from the gateway.Traffic destined to or originating from the mobile network will

    therefore always be routed via this gateway, with whom the

    mobile node establishes an IPsec tunnel. In case the mobile

    node moves to a different access network, a MOBIKE message

    exchange updates the SA(s) and ensures that the gateway

    forwards traffic via the IPsec tunnel to the mobile nodes newlocation, the care-of address (CoA). The CoA is the IP address

    that the airborne router configures in the new access network(in Fig. 4 the CoA is first from Access Network A and after

    the handover from Access Network B).

    Mobile Network support: instead of acquiring a single

    address during the initial SA establishment with IKE, theairborne router could request a network prefix from the

    gateway (e.g. a /24 as it was the case for BGP). This way, themobility of a complete mobile network could be supported.

    Multihoming: while MOBIKE provides the means to usedifferent network interfaces, it is limited to using them in

    a sequential way. Using several interfaces simultaneously to

    route different data flows over different interfaces is not


    Security 1: a mutual authentication within IKE is per-

    formed between the gateway and the airborne router, basedon pre-shared secrets, certificates or EAP. This ensures that

    the gateway forwards traffic to the correct airborne router.

    Security 2: a vulnerability of IKE are CPU-exhaustion

    attacks. The protocol defines a cookie-based mechanism that

    can be activated if necessary and reduces the threat to an

    acceptable level.End-to-end delay: the security gateway is a pivotal node

    that is always traversed by packets exchanged between the

    mobile network and its communication peers on the ground.

    If the distance between airborne router and gateway increases,

    the overall end-to-end latency will also increase.Scalability: mobility events are only signalled to the Se-

    curity Gateway; the routing tables in the core infrastructuretherefore remain unchanged. The gateway or another BGP

    speaker in the gateway network only has to advertise a singleaggregated prefix via BGP that includes the addresses of all

    its registered airborne routers (this is called an aggregate).

    Scalability is therefore linear with the number of aggregates,

    with regard to the entries in the routing tables.Applicability to AAC/APC: the protocol stack on end-

    systems remains unaffected as the airborne router transparentlytunnels all traffic to the security gateway.

    Convergence time: when the airborne router moves to adifferent network, it notifies the gateway of its new address. As

    data is always routed via the security gateway, the successful

    completion of this notification ensures that data is immediately

    routed to the new location. This is achieved with help of the

    static, fixed IP address or prefix.Efficiency 1: when moving to a different network, the

    airborne router needs 1 RTT of signaling with MOBIKE to

    inform the gateway of its new location.Efficiency 2: the use of IPsec usually implies integrity

    protection and allows for additional encryption. Even if no

    cryptographic algorithms are specified, the additional headersincrease the overhead for every payload packet. In addition to

    that, the overhead of a complete IP header is added to everypayload packet as an IPsec tunnel is used. The IPsec transport

    mode, while eliminating the additional header, would not be

    able to provide mobility.Support for ground-initiated communications: as data is

    always routed via the security gateway that is always notified

    by the airborne router of its current location, traffic can beimmediately forwarded to the mobile node.

    C. NEMO

    The Network Mobility (NEMO) protocol [24] is an exten-sion to Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) [25]. NEMO extends the concept

    of a mobile node to that of a Mobile Router (MR) with one or

    several mobile network prefixes. As soon as the MR attachesto a foreign network it registers the new CoA with its Home

    Agent (HA) in the home network and creates a bi-directional

    tunnel for forwarding traffic between the nodes of the mobile

    network and the communication peers on the ground via the

    HA.Analysis: Session continuity: similar to the IPsec solution

    (cf. Section III-B), the home agent provides the airborne router

    with a constant IP address called the Home Address (HoA)

    from its own network. Traffic is therefore always routed via

    the HA that forwards it to the current location of the MN.Mobile Network support: NEMO extends MIPv6 by intro-

    ducing a mobile router that has one or several Mobile Network

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    Fig. 5. Signaling between mobile router and home agent.

    Prefixes (MNPs). These prefixes belong topologically to thehome network. End-systems that attach to the MR configure

    their addresses based on the MNP advertised by the MR and

    can therefore remain mobility agnostic.Multihoming: the possibility to register several care-of

    addresses with the home agent is specified in [26]. In ad-

    dition, [27] specifies a policy exchange protocol that can beused to setup forwarding rules for certain traffic flows, taking

    into account the additional care-of addresses. Detailed traffic

    selectors can be used to identify a flow, based on IP or higher

    layer protocol fields such as source/destination address, port

    numbers, etc. The MR sends its current policy to the HA

    which sets up forwarding to the MR accordingly. This allows

    for simultaneously routing traffic flows over different interface,

    on the routing path from the MR to the HA as well as on the

    path from the HA to the MR.

    Security 1: MR and HA perform a mutual authentication

    between each other based on IKEv2 [28]. This ensures that

    the HA forwards packets only to the valid MR.

    Security 2: with the authentication between MR and HA

    being based on IKEv2, the problem of CPU-exhaustion attacks

    as already discussed for IKE in Section III-B applies here as


    End-to-end delay: NEMO causes sub-optimal routing

    where traffic always traverses the HA. If the distance between

    MR and HA increases, the overall end-to-end latency also


    Scalability: the MR signals its current location to the HA

    that updates its routing state accordingly. BGP routing tablesremain unchanged as the Home Network is always advertising

    an aggregated prefix via BGP that includes all the MNPs.

    Scalability is therefore linear with the number of aggregates,

    with regard to the number of announced prefixes.

    Applicability to AAC/APC: the protocol stack on end-

    systems remains unaffected as traffic is transparently tunneled

    between MR and HA.

    Convergence time is equal to the time it takes the MR to

    signal the new location to the HA, who will then immediately

    forward traffic to the MNs new CoA.

    Efficiency 1: it takes the MR 1 RTT to signal the new

    location/care-of address to the HA.

    Efficiency 2: the tunnel between the MR and the HA inflicts

    an overhead of a full IP header upon every payload packet.

    Support for ground-initiated communications: as it was

    the case for the IPsec-based approach, payload traffic is always

    routed via the home agent. As the MR signals its care-of

    address(es) to the HA, this traffic can be forwarded to theMRs current location.

    D. SCTP

    The problem of mobility is directly impacting the transport

    layer, where active sessions break due to the usage of theIP address as an identifier. One might therefore regard the

    transport layer as a more proper location for a solution to the

    mobility problem [29].

    An approach that is different for the previous ones is solving

    the problem on the transport layer itself. There are proposals

    for adding mobility extensions to the appropriate protocols,

    such as TCP-R [30] or M-UDP [31].

    In the following we will take a close look at the Stream

    Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) [32]. We chose SCTP

    over other protocols such as TCP-R or M-UDP, because of

    the additional features it provides.

    SCTP is a connection-oriented transport layer protocol

    comparable to TCP, but with additional features such as mul-

    tihoming. The original SCTP specification allows specifying

    several IP addresses during connection setup time only. This

    limitation has been removed with [33] where newly config-

    ured IP addresses can be dynamically added to or deletedfrom an SCTP association by one of the two communication

    peers. This is particularly useful for a mobile node where

    IP addresses appear and disappear due to handovers between

    different access networks.

    Analysis: Session continuity: in case the MN moves to adifferent network where it configures a new IP address, it can

    dynamically add this new address to the SCTP connection

    performing a failover. Afterwards, data can be exchanged

    using the new association.

    Mobile Network support: SCTP, as a transport layer

    protocol, is running on the end hosts and as such is not able

    to support network mobility.

    Multihoming: while dynamically adding or removing IP

    addresses can be used for mobility, its original intention wasto provide multihoming functionality to SCTP. The SCTP

    multihoming however supports only redundancy but not load-

    balancing. While several IP addresses can be associated to

    a single SCTP association, only one address (the primaryaddress) can be used to transmit packets.

    Security 1: SCTP is vulnerable with regard to an attacker

    hijacking an already established association between two

    communication peers [34]. This enables an attacker to hijack

    traffic of a mobile node.

    Security 2: there do exist vulnerabilities within SCTP

    that can be exploited to send large volumes of unwanted

    traffic to a victim. E.g., this can be achieved by providing an

    additional false address to the SCTP association. The attacker

    can later force the other SCTP peer to use this address andsend all traffic to it. These attacks can be either mitigated

    or the probability to successfully mount an attack at least be

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    minimized. This can be achieved by properly implementing

    SCTP or choosing proper protocol parameters. [34].

    End-to-end delay: SCTP associations are bound to the

    addresses that are locally available on the two communication

    peers, including the care-of addresses at the mobile node. The

    end-to-end delay therefore corresponds to the shortest routebetween the IP addresses of the two peers.

    Scalability: adding or deleting IP addresses to or from

    SCTP associations is only signalled between the end systems.There is, therefore, no impact on the routing infrastructure.

    Applicability to AAC/APC: end-systems have to imple-

    ment SCTP and applications also have to use this protocol in

    order to have mobility support.

    Convergence time is equal to the time the respective SCTP

    messages need to signal the availability of a new IP address

    to the communication peer.

    Efficiency 1: signaling consumes 1 RTT to add a new IP

    address to the SCTP association.

    Efficiency 2: by solving the problem on the transport layer,

    SCTP does not incur any additional overhead to payload

    packets.Support for ground-initiated communications: the at-

    tempt of a communication peer on the ground to establish

    a SCTP connection to a mobile node will fail due to theunknown current location (care-of address) of the mobile node.

    E. HIP

    Another, more radical, approach for supporting mobility is

    the locator-identifier split, where a new shim layer between the

    network and the transport layer is introduced. This layer also

    introduces a new namespace on top of the IP address space.

    The identifiers within this namespace are globally unique and

    associated to a mobile node. Higher layers (e.g. TCP) are notbinding anymore to an IP address (the locator), but instead tothe new identifier. Several different approaches exist based on

    these identifiers, for example LIN6 [35] or the Host IdentityProtocol (HIP) [36].

    In HIP, Host Identity Tags (HITs - the identifiers) are

    mapped to the available IP addresses (locators) with the help

    of IPsec. The HITs are generated from the public key and

    therefore cryptographically bound to it. Only the owner of the

    corresponding private key can make use of the related HIT in

    the HIP protocol exchanges. If the HIP-enabled mobile node

    attempts to communicate with a HIP correspondent node, it

    initiates a message exchange to establish a common session

    based on the HITs of the two nodes and the IP addresses theywant to use for message exchange. In case one peer moves toa new location, it signals the new IP address to the other peer.

    The HIP modules on both nodes can then update their state

    and map the HIT to the new IP address. In case the mobile

    node is multihomed, the HIT can have a mapping to several

    IP addresses.

    HIP also provides Rendezvous Servers (RVS). Mobile nodes

    register with an arbitrary RVS and then update their entries

    in the Domain Name System (DNS) to (,

    IP RVS). A correspondent node attempting to contact the MNperforms a DNS lookup and thereby retrieves the address of

    the RVS. The contact initiation from the correspondent node

    Fig. 6. Host Identity Protocol with mapping to lower and higher layers atmobile node and correspondent node. A Host Identity Tag (HIT) is present forboth source (HIT s) and destination (HIT d). The Security ParametersIndex (SPI) uniquely identifies an IPsec Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP)security association. IP s and IP d refer to source and destination IPaddress respectively.

    to the RVS can then be forwarded by the RVS to the currentlocation of the mobile node.

    The relationship of HIP to other layers of the protocol stackis shown in Fig. 6.

    Analysis: Session continuity: As soon as the mobile node

    moves and configures a new IP address, HIP updates its (HIT,

    IP address) mappings and signals this change to the corre-spondent node. The upper layers are not negatively affected

    as they are bound to the HIT, which remains unchanged.

    Mobile Network support: a solution for network mobility

    support in HIP is proposed in [37]. There, mobile network

    nodes are required to have a HIP stack and delegate rights to

    a HIP-enabled airborne router that performs HIP signaling on

    behalf of the mobile network nodes.Multihoming: the multihoming support in HIP is focused

    on providing failover functionality. Simultaneous usage of

    different interfaces, e.g. for load-balancing, has not been

    investigated at the time of writing. HIP can therefore not fully

    meet this requirement.

    Security 1: HIP relies on authentication and authorization

    schemes to protect the HIP message exchanges, including sig-

    natures. If these mechanisms are used, an attacker including

    man-in-the-middle can not impersonate a node or claim

    traffic of a node.

    Security 2: There is a limited vulnerability to memory

    and computational exhaustion attacks where an attacker floods

    a HIP-enabled node with a large amount of HIP signalingmessages.

    End-to-end delay: traffic is exchanged directly betweencommunication peers. End-to-end delay therefore corresponds

    to the shortest route between the two peers.

    Scalability: HIP does not modify the routing system butinstead introduces a new identifier space. Scalability issues

    are therefore not related to the routing infrastructure, but tothe rendezvous servers (RVS).

    Applicability to AAC/APC: end-systems must have HIP

    implemented in their network stack. In addition they mustdelegate rights to the airborne router in case of mobile network


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    Protocol BGP IPsec NEMO SCTP HIP

    Session Continuity Mobile Network Support Multihoming Security 1 Security 2 /

    End-to-end delay Scalability (for DNS)Applicability to AAC/APC Convergence time Efficiency 1 Efficiency 2 Ground-initiated comms.

    Convergence time is equal to the time it takes the mobile

    node to perform the HIP signaling exchange that updates the

    (HIT, IP address) mapping at the correspondent node. The only

    disadvantage is that the signaling has to be performed every

    time communication of a new (mobile node, correspondent

    node) pair is initiated.Efficiency 1: establishing a common HIP state between a

    mobile node and a correspondent node takes 2 RTTs; updating

    this state after movement of the mobile node consumes 1.5

    RTTs.Efficiency 2: as HIP uses IPsec to exchange traffic between

    its two communication peers, overhead is present for every

    payload packet. However, HIP does not use a VPN-like IP-

    in-IP tunnel, but instead relies on IPsec transport mode. Thisonly adds a small IPsec related header instead of an additional

    IP(v6) header.Support for ground-initiated communications: the initial

    reachability of a mobile node within HIP can only be provided

    with the help of the rendezvous server. Scalability, with regardto number of DNS entries, is linear with the number of mobilenodes.

    F. Summary

    The discussion of all the various protocols shows that

    there is no optimal solution that is capable of fulfilling all

    requirements out of the box. In the following, we provide a

    summary of how the requirements are graded and discuss how

    they are fulfilled by each protocol. In addition Table I shows

    the comparison of all protocols in a more compact manner.1) Grading Of Mobility Requirements: The grading of the

    property Multihoming is either completely fulfilled (),

    fulfilled with limitations (/) or not fulfilled (). The latteris applied if load-balancing is not supported.

    Security 1 is either completely fulfilled () or not fulfilled(). Security 2 has the additional grading levels (/) and ()

    that indicate that vulnerabilities exist but the probability for

    an attacker to exploit them is very small, given that certain

    precautions are taken.The end-to-end delay can be either optimal () or sub-

    optimal (). The latter being the case if packets are routed via

    a fixed node on the ground, instead of routing on the direct

    path between the two communication peers.Scalability always refers to the entries in the BGP routing

    tables, except for HIP that only creates entries in the DNS.

    () indicates linear scalability with number of mobile nodes

    and () indicates linear scalability with number of aggregated

    prefixes. Finally, () for HIP is scalability with number of

    mobile nodes, but graded better because it only impacts the

    DNS. More precisely, the DNS entry of a mobile node is only

    stored at a single DNS server. This is in contrast to individualentries for mobile nodes in BGP tables that have to be present

    in every BGP router in the routing core.

    Applicability to AAC/APCis either possible () or not

    possible ().

    Convergence time is either limited to the time it takes to

    signal the new location to a single node (), influenced by

    DNS lookup and forwarding of the initial packet by a rendez-vous server () or depending on the convergence time of the

    global routing tables () for an inter-network of limited size,

    such as the ATN.

    The gradings of the individual protocols for Efficiency 1 and

    Efficiency 2 are relative to each other.

    Ground-initiated communications is either fully supported(), supported with a dependency on the DNS () or not

    supported at all ().

    2) Conclusion: With respect to the primary requirements,

    a major issue is the need to implement HIP within the end-

    system protocol stacks. This causes difficulties for alreadyexisting AAC systems and makes them infeasible for de-

    ployment within the APC domain, where public well-known

    web servers in the Internet would have to be upgraded. Also,

    the multihoming capability of HIP would have to be further

    investigated. HIP is therefore unable to fulfill one primary


    SCTP, while being an interesting approach, does not provide

    full multihoming support. Another critical aspect though thefact that it is only sufficient for a mobile host and unableto provide mobility support for a complete mobile network.

    While it might be possible to add mobile network support

    to this solution approach, the fact that both TCP and UDP

    without any mobility extensions are the most frequently used

    protocols in the public Internet makes the transport-layer

    approach infeasible for the AAC/APC domains. Summarized,

    SCTP is unable to fulfill one inherent, three primary and one

    secondary requirement.

    BGP has problems with providing multihoming on a per-flow granularity level. While S-BGP raises security to an

    acceptable level, there might be reasons for concern with

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    Summarized, the benefits of Route Optimization (RO) are:

    Lower end-to-end delay

    Less susceptibility to problems along the routing path

    A NEMO RO procedure can extend the basic NEMO protocol

    and provide these properties.

    In the following, the second part of this paper, we willperform an analysis of different NEMO RO protocols. For

    this purpose we introduce specifi

    c NEMO RO requirements.Afterwards the different protocols are analyzed with regard to

    these requirements.First however, we will provide an overview of the Mobile

    IPv6 Route Optimization procedure that is applicable for

    mobile hosts only. It will help show the general problems

    associated with performing route optimization.

    C. Mobile IPv6 Route Optimization (MIPv6 RO)

    Mobile IPv6 RO allows routing packets on a direct path

    between Mobile Node (MN) and correspondent node. The

    design of this mechanism was driven by security requirements

    and based on the limitation that it should be applicable

    to nodes in the public Internet where no pre-existing trust

    relationships could be assumed. More information on the

    background of the MIPv6 RO mechanisms is available in [39],


    The signaling is explained in the following. The exchanged

    messages are also shown in Fig. 8.

    The MN attaches to a foreign network and exchanges a

    Binding Update (BU) with its home agent to bind its local

    Care-of Address (CoA) to the Home Address (HoA).

    The MN receives a Binding Acknowledgement (BA)

    from the home agent and establishes a bi-directional

    tunnel with the home agent. Home Registration is now

    finished and the MN can also initiate RO to the CN(s)now.

    RO starts with the Return Routability procedure that

    provides proof that the MN is reachable and therefore

    the owner of both the CoA and the HoA. The MN sends

    a Care-of Test Init (CoTI) message directly to the CN.

    An additional Home Test Init (HoTI) message is sent

    by the MN via the home agent to the CN. The CN

    responds with each a Care-of Test (CoT) and Home Test

    (HoT) message, the latter routed via the home agent. Both

    responses contain cryptographic keys for the MN.

    The RR procedure is finished as soon as the MN receivesboth care-of test and home test message. The keys from

    the two messages are combined into a single shared secretkey. This shared key is then used to generate a hash-based

    message authentication code (HMAC) that is calculated

    over and attached to the BU to the CN. The CN, upon

    reception of the BU, validates the HMAC and responds

    with a BA.

    As soon as the MN receives the BA from the CN, theRO procedure is completed and traffic can be directly

    exchanged between MN and CN, therefore avoidingrouting via the HA.

    The Return Routability procedure does not protect against on-path attackers that reside on the path between the HA and the

    CN. This attacker must have the capability of eavesdropping














    MN HA CN



    Fig. 8. MIPv6 Home Registration and Route Optimization signaling.

    on packets exchanged over this path. He can therefore get in

    possession of the cryptographic key included in the home test

    message and use it in various attacks [39], [40].

    D. Requirements For Aeronautical NEMO RO

    In the following we are specifying the critical requirementsthat have to be fulfilled by a candidate NEMO RO solu-

    tion. This list builds on the already available requirements

    from [41].

    The requirements are as follows:

    1) Separability: it should be possible to apply RO only toflows that really require it. For example, RO should only

    be activated for all traffic originating from one specific

    MNN, whereas traffic from other MNNs is routed overthe home agent.

    2) Multihoming: the RO mechanism must be fully usable ifseveral interfaces are present. More precisely, it should

    be possible to forward a route-optimized traffic flow via

    a particular interface/path.

    3) Efficient Signaling: both the size and number of indi-

    vidual RO signaling messages should be kept small.

    4) Security: the mobility entity on the ground receiving the

    BU must be able to validate the aircraft as proper owner

    of both the claimed care-of address and mobile network

    prefix. Vulnerability to on-path attackers as in MIPv6

    RO must be avoided (cf. Section IV-C).

    5) Adaptability: the RO scheme should not break applica-tions using new transport protocols or IPsec.

    E. NEMO RO Options

    The RO procedure can be initiated and performed by dif-

    ferent entities. Consecutively, we establish four RO categories

    that are defined by the entities participating in RO signaling.

    These categories are also shown in Fig. 9:

    Mobile Network Node to Correspondent Node

    Mobile Router to Correspondent Node

    Mobile Router to Correspondent Router

    Mobile Router to Home Agent

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    (a) MNN to CN

    (b) MR to CN

    (c) MR to CR

    (d) MR to HA

    Fig. 9. The four different route optimization classes.

    We will only give a short overview on these categories in the

    following. A more thorough discussion on the advantages and

    disadvantages of the four individual solution classes can be

    found in [42] or [43]. Our main contribution is the assessment

    of these solutions with regard to the requirements specified inSection IV-D.

    Mobile Network Node to Correspondent Node: an exam-

    ple for this approach is [44]. The mobile router exposes the

    prefixes advertised by its own access router(s) to the MNNs.

    The end-systems then form their own care-of addresses andperform RO in the standard MIPv6 fashion themselves. Theproblems with this approach is overhead, as signaling takes

    place between every (MNN, CN) pair. Another problem is howMNNs can make use of multiple paths off the mobile network

    from the MR (multihoming). Also, the access network has

    to accept every MNN address as source address for packets,

    something that may not be supported if the outgoing interface

    at the MR supports having only a single IP address. Security

    problems are also present as standard MIPv6 RO is used(cf. Section IV-C). Obviously, it would also be necessary to

    upgrade the MNN protocol stack with mobility extensions. Anadvantage of this category is that the RO path is the optimal

    one with direct routing between MNN and CN.Mobile Router to Correspondent Node: within this class,

    the mobile router performs all mobility signaling on behalf of

    the MNN. Several proposals exist [45], [46]. The signaling

    overhead is reduced to (MR,CN) pairs when compared to

    the previous category. An issue of this approach though are

    problems related to reusing standard MIPv6 RO signaling

    between MR and CN, which suffers from the on-path attacker

    problems (cf. Section IV-C). Problems arise with end-to-end

    integrity: if the MR performs actions on behalf of the MNN

    and modifies user packets, it could be regarded as man-in-the-middle attacker by end-to-end security protocols used between

    MNN and CN (e.g. IPsec). The advantage is that the routing

    path is also optimal: the MNN will be directly attached to the

    MR, from where packets are routed to the CN on the direct


    Mobile Router to Correspondent Router was proposed

    in [47]. A new entity called Correspondent Router (CR),

    that is located within the CN network, is introduced. The

    mobile router performs mobility signaling with the CR and

    establishes a bi-directional tunnel that is used to exchangetraffic between the mobile network and the network served

    by the CR. Signaling overhead is limited to (MR, CR) pairs,

    but the signaling itself is based on standard MIPv6 RO with

    its security limitations. The advantage is a good scalability as

    several CNs can be served by a single CR. Also, multihoming

    with the CR could be easily accommodated.

    Mobile Router to Home Agent: here, the concept of hav-

    ing only a single home agent for a mobile node is extended tohaving multiple, geographically and topologically distributed

    home agents. The proposal is called Global HA-to-HA [48].

    While multihoming can be supported with [26], [27], the

    MR always binds with a single HA. Simultaneously routing

    different flows via different HAs is therefore not possible. Theadvantages are that both signaling overhead (efficiency) andsecurity are very similar to the basic NEMO protocol, which

    have been graded as completely fulfilled (cf. Table I).

    F. Grading Of RO Requirements

    The property Separability is completely fulfilled () by

    the MNN-to-CN class and sufficiently fulfilled () by theother approaches. The reason for the reduced grading is the

    inability of the MR to perform traffic flow identification in

    case an end-to-end security protocol with confidentiality is

    used, as protocol header fields are not readable anymore for

    the MR.

    The property Multihoming is either completely (), suf-

    ficiently () or not fulfilled at all (). Sufficiently refers to

    the fact that traffic can be routed via different interfaces atthe MR, but that data still converges at and gets forwarded by

    the same home agent. This requirement can not be fulfilled

    without problems by MNN-based RO approaches because of

    problems related to sharing the care-of address: in case only

    one care-of address is available on an outgoing interface at the

    MR, this address would have to be shared among the MR and

    the MNNs. This requires NAT-like behavior, posing problems

    as described in [11].

    Efficient signaling ranges from very bad () up to verygood (), depending on the number of nodes involved in

    mobility signaling.

    The security requirement has been either fulfilled () or

    not fulfilled ().

    The grading of the property adaptability is as follows: it is

    either not fulfilled () because of problems with preserving

    end-to-end integrity or completely fulfilled () because the

    original payload is preserved due to tunneling encapsulation.

    It is also possible to sufficiently fulfill () this requirement

    in case end-to-end traffic is modified but no problems shouldbe caused because the end-systems are performing RO them-


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    Requirement MNN to CN MR to CN MR to CR MR to HASeparability Multihoming Efficient Signaling Security Adaptability

    G. Conclusion

    A summary of the individual pros and cons is provided in

    Table II. It shows the problems of the first two approaches and

    the strengths of the latter two, especially for the MR-to-HA

    class. The first two approaches suffer from several problems,most notably security and also efficiency since signaling is

    performed individually either for every CN or MNN. The thirdsolution class, MR-to-CR, suffers from security problems.

    On the other hand, the Global HA-to-HA protocol (a MR-

    to-HA approach) manages to fulfill all requirements. This

    identifies it as the most promising approach among all the

    studied RO protocols.

    Fig. 10 shows how the Global HA-to-HA protocol could

    be used to extend NEMO for the ATN mobility architecture.

    Home Agents of the same home network are globally dis-

    tributed in the ATN and inter-connected to each other via


    A problem with the deployment of this architecture is that

    the aeronautical communications service provider (ACSP cf.

    Section II-D) operating the home agents must have a world-

    wide network presence. If home agents are not available in

    close distance to the mobile router, a binding with a distant

    home agent would again have to be performed.

    Another problem is the routing to the distributed homenetwork and its home agents in case of natural disasters,

    etc. If the routing path between the ANSP access network,

    where aircraft will often attach to, and the home network fails,

    communication would completely fail.

    An advantage of the MR-to-HA approach though is theapplicability to the AAC and APC domains where passenger-

    owned devices have to be supported and data is routed overthe public Internet. As mobility signaling is only performed

    between mobile router and home agent, both MNNs and CNs

    remain unaffected. In fact, the mobility protocol is completely

    transparent to these end-systems and they do not require any

    mobility extensions.


    We provided an overview of the peculiarities of the aero-

    nautical communications environment with its different service

    classes and discussed why a protocol to support mobility is

    actually needed. The focus of our survey was on supporting

    safety-related services (ATS/AOC) within the ATN, althoughwe also introduced a requirement to cover the applicability to

    non-safety related services (AAC/APC).

    We investigated a number of protocols that can be usedto provide IP mobility and assessed them with regard to the

    specific aeronautical requirements that we introduced. The

    conclusion was that NEMO is capable of fulfilling more

    requirements out of the box than any other protocol.

    The only problem of NEMO is the provision of a small

    end-to-end latency, as all traffic between the aircraft and theground communication peers is routed via the home agent. We

    therefore surveyed a number of protocols that extend NEMOto solve the Route Optimization problem. Having assessed

    the individual protocols with regard to a dedicated set of RO

    requirements, it turned out that the Global HA-to-HA protocol

    fulfills all requirements.

    An IP mobility architecture based on NEMO in conjunction

    with Global HA-to-HA could not only provide mobility forthe safety-related ATS and AOC services within the ATN,but is also applicable to the AAC and APC domains in the

    public Internet. With Global HA-to-HA, mobility extensionsonly have to be implemented in the network stacks of the

    mobile router and within the home agents. The end-systems,

    both on the aircraft and on the ground, can have standard IP

    stacks and therefore remain mobility agnostic.


    While appealing from many aspects, there still remains an

    open issue with regard to the Global HA-to-HA protocol: the

    location information of mobile nodes has to be synchronizedbetween all home agents. As also mentioned in [49], it remainsto be clarified how well this scales with an increased number

    of mobile nodes and home agents.

    As already mentioned in Section IV-G, the Global HA-to-

    HA protocol is not addressing all problems: in case routingto the home network and its home agents is broken, the

    end-systems on-board the aircraft are unable to communi-cate anymore. Furthermore, if not sufficient home agents

    are distributed all over the world, route optimization is not

    properly addressed anymore. The end-to-end latency problem

    then reemerges.

    In the future, additional work should therefore focus on an

    additional route optimization component that addresses thisproblem. Table II shows that a correspondent router-basedapproach can fulfill most of the requirements. The protocol

    has to be improved by addressing the weak aspect of securitythough.

    In the course of modifying the correspondent router protocol

    it should be properly designed to provide route optimization

    without any home agent interaction. The approach would

    therefore have to be different from Mobile IPv6 RO where

    the home agent is an integral part of the signaling (cf. Sec-

    tion IV-C). Removing this dependency (exchange of signalingmessages via the home agent) will make the RO component

    independent from the home network. As a consequence, RO

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    Fig. 10. Mobility architecture for the ATS/AOC domains.

    can be performed and retained in the presence of home agent

    or home network failures.

    From a more general perspective that is independent of theused protocol, another issue is handover delay. As soon as

    (near) real-time data has to be exchanged, it becomes imper-ative to minimize delay and resulting packet loss during the

    handover. This can become necessary with the transmission

    of on-board sensor data to the ground or the usage of Voice

    over IP (cf. Section II-B).

    This issue has been well studied for host mobility [50], es-pecially for cellular networks [51]. Even more packet loss has

    to be expected for network mobility as the the large number

    of on-board end-systems also produce a larger number of dataflows. While it has been shown that significant improvements

    can be achieved [52], more investigations will be needed.


    The authors would like to thank Thomas Gamer and Serkan

    Ayaz for related discussions and comments that helped to

    improve the quality of this manuscript.


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    Christian Bauer received the BS and MS degrees in computer science fromthe University of Innsbruck, Austria, in 2004 and 2006 respectively. Currently

    he is a a researcher at the Institute of Communications and Navigation atthe German Aerospace Center (DLR). His research interests are in the areaof networking protocols and their application in the area of aeronauticalcommunications, with a special emphasis on IPv6, mobility and handovermanagement as well as security.

    Martina Zitterbart is full professor in computer science at UniversitatKarlsruhe (TH). From 1987 to 1995 she was research assistant in Karlsruhe,receiving her doctoral degree in 1990. From 1991-1992 she was on leaveof absence as a Visiting Scientist at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center,Yorktown-Height, NY. She was Visiting Professor at the University of Magde-burg and the University of Mannheim and full professor at the TechnicalUniversity of Braunschweig (1995-2001). Her primary research interests arein the areas of multimedia communication systems, mobile and ubiquituous

    computing, ambient technologies as well as wireless sensor networks. She ismember of the IEEE, ACM and the German Gesellschaft fur Informatik. In2002, Martina Zitterbart received the Alcatel SEL research award on technicalcommunication. In 2003, she was General Co-Chair of the ACM SIGCOMMconference which was held in Karlsruhe.

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