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    A Tale Of One Travis Lloyd Markov

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    A Tale Of OneBy Travis LloydMarkov

    First published: 15th of July 1461

    Location: Hastings, Sussex

    For the beautiful and

    charming Jaesa. I

    hope you will enjoy

    reading this.

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    Travis is a lowborn from Icklesham, a small village in the East of Hastings. His father (Robert

    Gwynek) was a blacksmiths apprentice and his mother (Brooke Gwynek) worked as a maid for

    whoever hired her. He is their only child that survived birth, so he grew up being surrounded by

    parental love. His childhood, even if he was poor, was happy - but short.

    Growing up, Travis started to see that he could not prosper in Icklesham and started thinking

    about leaving. Apart from his parents, he had nothing there. He suggested moving to Hastings, so he

    could find work as well, maybe more than as a stable cleaner. They did not want to move there,


    We are not going to be some lords slaves. Travis then said:

    Is it better as slaves for richer peasants?

    So Travis decided to leave by himself. When his father, Robert, found out he begged him to


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    Son, I will do anything for you. Stay here with us.

    Travis told him that he has to get away, he wants another life for himself, a better life:

    I love you, I am proud of you. But I want to be better. Dont misunderstand this, please!

    His father looked at him:

    I have always been an honest worker. We have food, we have a roof above our heads.

    Travis, 15 by then but really mature for his age, looked him in the eyes and screamed:

    Food! Food you say! Bread crumbs and on bright days cooked rat with 5 year old beans! And a

    house which in any moment could fall over us. I dont blame you for not being rich, I blame you for

    not wanting more and for trying to keep me from wanting more!

    With a tear in his eye, Robert said:

    I will try to do better, I promise you, son!Travis left then in a hurry.

    As he was heading towards Mr. Lloyd, he was talking to himself: Travis, you shouldn't have

    said those words to your father. He loves you so much!He then looked to the sky: What should I

    do? What do I do?


    Mr Lloyd was a retired cleric who settled down in Icklesham for the promises of a peaceful

    and quiet life. Most said that he was forced to abandon his parish, others, closer to him, said that he

    left by himself to avoid a big political scandal. Travis did not know the truth, as Mr. Lloyd never said

    anything about it. The important thing was that he was a wise man, who traveled and studied many

    fields in his life. He has always been there to help the villages young population with advice or anyother way he could. Travis was regularly visiting him so he could teach him how to read and write.

    Today was different though, he sought advice as well, which was a bit weird for him, as he has always

    been a determined fellow.

    Upon arriving at Mr. Lloyds house:

    Greetings, Travis! You are a bit late today.Travis looked at him, gasping:

    I am, Mr. Lloyd. I am sorry.

    Dont be, I can see something is bothering you! What is it, son? Sit here, tell me!

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    Travis sat and told him the whole story, starting with his dream of getting away to the fight

    he had with his family, especially with his father.

    I am sorry to hear all these, son! Your father is a real conservative person, but hard workin g and

    honest. Hard to persuade him to do anything else than he was taught to. I advise you to stay here

    until you grow up. If you want to work in the capital, you cannot do it at this age, so no point in

    going alone there. If your father promised you a better life, maybe he will struggle to offer it. Have

    patience, my son! Patience!

    After talking for a couple of hours, Travis continued his regular reading/writing lessons, then

    left. Before leaving, Travis said:

    "Thank you, Mr. Lloyd. You helped me very much!" His conscience was a little relieved, his mind

    felt at ease.

    He arrived home, went straight to his father, hugged him and kissed his hand, almost crying:

    I love you, father. I am sorry.His father looked at him:

    I am sorry too, son. I promised you something, here you go. It starts off with this.

    Robert showed Travis the full table which had a chicken with all sort of vegetables on it, a

    flagon of red winewhat else to say: a great supper.

    But how?I promised you, I will try to keep itlike this. For you! Anyway, how were your

    lessons today with Mr. Lloyd?

    They continued talking for hours, eating and drinking wine. Before going to sleep, while lyingon his mattress, he was thinking to himself: All those.. what did father do for them?Worked

    harder? Took another job? Well, he promised to me, but I did not expect it to start so early our

    new lifeas regular and not poor peasants. I wonder: Will it last?

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    For the next couple of weeks everything seemed to go from good to better. They always had

    decent food on the table and even their house started looking better: patched roof holes, reinforced

    walls, repaired door. Travis also received from his father new clothes, a few books and even a nice

    steel pendant he said he made at the smithy. Travis was happier and looked happier, a change that

    was noted even by Mr. Lloyd, whom he visited regularly.

    Hello, Travis! Come in, I made chamomile tea. Have a seat!

    Thank you, Mr. Lloyd! said Travis, smiling.

    I couldnt help but notice your new clothes, the books you bring here and the smile on your face. I

    understand you settled your problems with your father and family?

    Well, father is keeping his promise. He said he would take care of me and that we would live

    better. We are living better. He never told me what he does, but whatever hes doing, hes doing itright.

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    Dont you think you are selfish, Travis? Not even showing the slightest interest in what your

    father does to make sure you have food, clothes and not to mention, education be it formal or not.

    Maybe hes breaking his back right now carrying the bags of some nobleman or getting sunburnt

    for working all afternoon in the fields, just so you can stay here with me, drinking tea and


    Travis fell into deep thoughts. Mr. Lloyd advised him to try to look after his father more, to

    spend more time with him, maybe help him with his work. He agreed that he might have acted and

    spoken as he was ungratefulbut he was not. He promised that he will do something to change this.

    After leaving Mr. Lloyd, he didnt go straight home, he went to the village cultural centre.

    Kids his age were gathering there to play, laugh and talk about things. He was too mature for them,

    but he was going there just for one girl: Arianna, whom he liked. She was a tall girl with brown hair

    and green eyes. She was the daughter of the towns secretary, wanted by so many boys. Unlike theothers, she was going there just to sit quietly and read or just admire the nature and think. That is

    what attracted Travis attention. He looked at her from the distance and said to himself, quietly:

    One day I will talk to her! I must do it!He then sighed and headed home.

    By dusk, Travis was already home, determined to go to his father and talk to him. He

    approached the door and heard the voices of his parents, talking firmly but somehow with fear. He

    couldnt understand more than:Burnlay noticed You have to stop d I think Travis is back.

    Traaavis! Travis entered the house and hugged his parents. He asked them:

    Whats going on? You both look nervous.

    Nothing son, were okay. Go wash yourself and go to eat.

    Travis knew they were lying, there WAS something going on. It was the first time in the last 2

    weeks he felt uncomfortable at home. But what was Roberts problem? the question that didnt let

    Travis sleep that night, maybe out of fear for his father or out of guilty conscience.

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    Next morning, when Travis woke up his father was already at work. His mother was in the

    yard, taking care of the small patch of vegetables in front of the house moving slowly and quietly.

    Travis washed his face, kissed his mother and headed towards the village center. Before leaving the

    yard, he stopped and turned around to his mother. He stood there for a few seconds, just watching

    her. She raised her eyes, meeting Travis. She smiled gently. Travis uttered:

    Mother can I ask you something?

    What is it, son?

    Uhmm nevermind. I love you.

    I love you too, son.

    She went back to picking up weeds and Travis left. He started walking without a goal. Just

    walking down the road, thinking about his family, what was bothering his parents on one hand. On

    the other hand he was thinking of the green-eyed girl he liked. He passed by houses where children

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    were playing, where dogs were barking and chickens clucking in the yard. He passed by the village

    hall where some peasants were shouting at each other probably for nothing. He passed by the empty

    St. Nicholas Church where only a beggar was sitting on a bench. Nothing he has seen has impressed

    him in any way. Travis was lost in his thoughts which were bouncing between his father and the

    beautiful Arianna. He stopped for a while and looked at the sky and then he kept on walking. He

    stopped under a tree to rest his eyes, eventually falling asleep. He woke up later, almost afternoon.

    He stood up and headed back to the village to see Mr. Lloyd, who was not feeling well that day, so he

    postponed the days lesson.

    Travis borrowed a book and went in front of the cultural center to read quietly. He sat on the

    bench where Arianna usually sits, hoping she might sit next to him. He stayed there, reading, until

    dusk. She didnt show up, so Travis just stood up and left heading home. After a few steps, he heard a

    sweet voice behind him: Hey, wait!Travis stopped and looked behind. It was Arianna.

    Hello. My name is Arianna Dynys.

    Hi. I am Travis. he said,straightening his back.

    No surname? Just Travis? she said, smiling.

    Notone of relevance to you, Lady Arianna.

    Dont call me that, I am no lady. My father is merely a secretary. I want to know your name.

    Travis Gwynek, son of Robert Gwynek. Nothing impressive, as I said.

    I believe a person is defined by himself, not by his parents. And you are the only Gwynek I know

    and I see you read Father Hodes treaty on Human Behavior. So Gwynek means something for me:

    the name of an educated person.

    Thank you, L... Arianna!

    I have another book of Father Hodes if you like this one. I can lend it to you. But we will talk later,

    Travis. I have to go now. It is getting pretty late and my father will be worried. I will see you

    around. she said, smiling.

    Okay, see you later!

    Travis headed home, feeling a little better than before. Still, he was a bit angry with himself,

    he couldnt utter more than 5 words in front of Arianna. But she complimented him. It must mean

    something. It took him a while to fall asleep, his heart was racing. He couldnt wait to go the next day

    to maybe meet her again. In his life, only books excited himanything else seemed boring. He was

    excited nownot because of some bookand it felt strange.

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    Travis woke up with a smile on his face this morning. He was hopeful about what was going

    to happen that day. He rushed out of his bed, washed himself and straight in the yard. His mother

    was there, sewing something. She seemed quite happy as well that morning. Travis asked her for

    something to eat. She let the cloth on the table and set up a little something for her son to eat. He

    ate fast and went straight to Mr. Lloyd. He needed to do something until afternoon to keep himself

    busy, so time would pass faster.

    Good morning, Mr. Lloyd! How are you today?

    Good morning, Travis! I am good, thank you, just struggling with these flowers.

    I am happy to see that you are feeling better, sir.

    Mr. Lloyd had in his yard, in front of his house, a neat patch of flowers, which by this time of

    the year were in full bloom. It was easy to see how well they were taken care of. Mr. Lloyd loved

    flowers and he was careful and attentive to details, so his patch was admired by anyone who passed

    by his house.

    Need any help, sir?

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    I am good, Travis, thanks.

    Any other kind of help, maybe? I feel like I need to do something.

    Why so nervous, kid? You are going to meet a girl? said Mr. Lloyd, laughing. Travis blushed and

    started looking at the ground. Oh my, are you serious? Hehehe. Come here, sit. Ill get some tea.

    Travis went in and told Mr. Lloyd everything about Arianna: When he first saw her, why he

    liked her, what happened yesterday, what he was going to do today. Mr. Lloyd advised him on how

    to behave, how to address her, how to talk to her, what to talk about, how to keep his body posture

    and everything. He gave him another book, this time a historical one to pass his time there until she

    comes. He also gave Travis a beautiful rose from his garden to give it to Arianna. Travis then left,

    heading to the cultural center, where he thought hed meet her. He sat there reading for one hour or

    so and there she was, coming as usual with a book under her arm. After seeing her, Travis started

    being nervous, feeling the butterflies but remembered what Mr. Lloyd told him: You are a

    handsome and intelligent lad. You dont have anything to be afraid of.When she almost got to thebench he sat on, Travis stood up and greeted her:

    Good day to you, Arianna. How are you?

    She giggled. Hello, Travis. I am quite fine, enjoying the beautiful weather. How about you?

    The same...He looked behind him, on the bench, and took the rose and gave it to Arianna. This is

    for you.

    Aww, Travis, that is so sweet. She leaned in and kissed him softly on his cheek, smiling. Then she

    sat on the bench. What are you reading, Travis?

    Flustered by the unexpected moment, Travis sat down as well. Sorry?

    I asked you, what you are reading? she said, giggling.

    Uhm, its called . Irish mythology mostly.

    Sounds fun. Here I brought you the book I promised you yesterday.

    Thank you, Arianna!

    So, tell me, Travis, what do you want to become or what do you want to do later?

    And so, they kept on talking for a couple of hours, until Ariannas father called for her. It

    wasnt evening yet, so Travis went to Mr. Lloyd to tell him how everything went and to thank him.

    After that he went home to tell his father as well. His father brought home again a flagon of wine for

    dinner. The two of them stayed long that night, and talked about many things over that wine. For the

    time being, Travis has forgotten that his family ever had problems or that he was poor. All that

    mattered was that he was getting along with his father and that Arianna was talking to himmaybe

    even like him.

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    Travis and Arianna were meeting almost every day in front of the villages cultural center.

    They either sat and read quietly with 2 seconds breaks when they were glancing at each other, or

    talked about books they read, about nature or anything else. Every day, before going there, Travis

    visited Mr. Lloyd to seek advice, help him or just talk to him.

    One day he told Travis that he was old enough to work something and maybe help his family,

    even though they were not doing as bad as they did before, thing that was still a mystery to Travis.

    He agreed that he could find some work and so he went on looking. In the next days, he tried helpingpeople in the fields he didnt have the skills and nobody was patient enough to explain it to him.

    The blacksmith did not need any help; the church was too poor to pay help, so he asked Arianna if

    her father could give him something to do. Mr. Dynys agreed to see him. Travis could read and write

    which was kind of rare among Icklesahm. He took him as his help, to read and write letters for him,

    to take them to different people and so on. A well suited job for him, he thought and why not, he

    was getting closer to Arianna this way.

    For the next weeks (1 month maybe), things were looking good for Travis: Mornings working

    with Mr. Dynys, noons spent with Mr. Lloyd, afternoons with the beautiful Arianna and evenings with

    his family.

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    One morning Travis was awoke by some noises outside. He rushed in the yard and saw

    several carriages that were rushing towards the village center, soldiers on horseback carrying

    banners following them and a lot of peasants running behind it, cheering. He called his mother, she

    didnt answer. He figured shed be in the village center with the rest of them, so he went there as

    well. When he arrived there was a crowd cheering in front of the village hall and on the steps there

    was the mayor, Garwain Ravenwood, with Mr. Dynys and a few fancy dressed people along with

    some guards. After he calmed the crowd, he started shouting:

    Quiet everyone! I want to introduce to you, Lord Edward Wade and his family: Lady Anne, his

    wife, Lord Lewis, their son and Lady Sarah, their daughter. Lord Wade came to Icklesham to take it

    under his protection, making Icklesham his fief. I will let him speak a few words to you!

    Your mayor told you who I am and what I am here for. Work hard, respect us and I will protect

    you and give you justice.

    After the speeches, Travis met Mr. Lloyd and asked him all about this. He was as surprised asthe kid, but he explained him what this means and what will happen from now on. Later that day, he

    went as usual to read in front of the cultural center, which was quiet as usually despite the town

    being agitated. He saw Arianna there, standing alone, so he went to greet her.

    Hello, Arianna. How are you?

    She looked at him, almost crying. Im not, Travis.

    Travis sat down near her, hugged her and tried to comfort her. You dont want to sit this close to


    Why? What happened?asked Travis, confused.

    My father she said, bursting into tears.

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    Yes, Arianna?What about him?

    He... she whispered, wiping her tears with a red handkerchief. He said he saw us spending so

    much time together and said he doesnt like it.

    But... your father likes me, I work for him. When we are at work, we talk and he even laughs at

    my jokes. We even talk about books, history and many other things.

    He always says you are just a peasants son, with no future other than working for the richer and

    with no actual opportunities. I know that what I say hurts you. You know as well as me it is not like

    that. I tried explaining to him that you read a lot and know many things, that you are smart and

    handsome, but he wont listen. He wants me to

    Am I interrupting something here?a firm, young and mean voice said.

    Both Travis and Arianna looked up. There was a fancy-dressed boy with a shiny sword at his

    waist. Travis stood up.

    Mlord, no! We were just talking.

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    Talking? Cant you see this beautiful girl is crying? Talk to her once more and Ill have your tongue

    cut. My lady, walk with me.

    He grabbed her hand and pulled her from the bank gently, but firmly. She started walking by

    him with her head held low. She glanced behind at Travis, who just stood there, looking at them

    walking away, confused. He didnt know what happened or why she accepted to go with him after hewas so rude, but he figured he was a lords son, so hes allowed to do anything and people have to

    obey him.

    Travis went to Mr. Lloyd to seek his advice. He was at home, reading in front of his house.

    Travis entered the yard slowly and greeted him with a lowered voice, almost like whispering.

    Good day to you, Mr. Lloyd.

    Hehe. Not so good, is it, Travis?

    You can always tell, cant you?

    Mr. Lloyd went inside his cellar and grabbed a wooden keg, about 5 kilograms and 2 mugs.

    He put them on the small table near his flower-patch. He told Travis to bring his other chair from his

    kitchen and put it there.

    Now we can talk quietly and relaxed over this great flagon of wine I have from Lord Wades

    personal cellar.

    How did you get that, sir?said Travis, knowing that Mr. Lloyd wasnt so rich himself.

    Mr. Lloyd filled up the mugs, saying: I received it. Lord Wade wants to re-build the school andwants me to teach there.

    And so they continued talking about the thing with Arianna and Lewis Wade, later about

    politics and everything else there was. Travis left Mr. Lloyd and wondered whether he was right or

    not. Was Arianna promised to Lord Wades son or not? Did she go with him then just because he

    was a lord and she had to or because she was going to marry him? And if she was going to marry

    him, was it because she was forced to or because she liked him? Why did Arianna say her father

    did not like him? All these questions did not let Travis get any sleep that night, but he was

    determined to find out the answers one way or another.

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    The next few days, Travis and Arianna didnt meet. Mr. Lloyd told him to stay awayfrom all

    this, so he wouldnt get in danger and he promised Travis he will try to find out if there are any

    rumors about Arianna and Lewis.

    In the meantime, while Travis was working in Mr. Dynys office, he heard Mr. Dynys talking

    to his wife: I dont owe anything to mayor Ravenwood! I am what I am because I deserve it; he did

    not do me any favour! And now, just because Lord Wade made him rich, he wants me to accept

    the marriage between Arianna and that little scum, who I am sure cannot even read! He is nothing

    compared toHe then entered his office and met Travis eyes.

    You heard everything, right?

    Yea I did.

    He sighed. I am sure you dont agree either, do you? said Mr. Dynys, while sitting down on his

    chair and looking at some papers.

    Why would my opinion on this matter, sir?

    It doesnt, but I wanted to hear it.

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    You are right, sir, I dont!

    I know I am. I know you like my daughter. And now you know I hate that brat, whom I cannot

    stop from marrying her. He is a lord, so, he does what he wants. So, shall we do something about


    I dont see how I could help in this matter, sir.

    Me neither, but there must be a way. I like you, kid. I am an honest, straight -forward person who

    appreciates qualities. I dont care if someone comes from an important family or is an orphan, as

    long as that someone has valuable qualities. Take you, for instance.

    Sir, pardon my daring, but I heard you talked me down. Now, you are saying these things to my

    face and behind my back

    Stop right there. That wasnt me. Arianna heard me and the mayor talking. She might have

    confused me for the mayor. I didnt say that. He said, I promise you this.

    If you say so, sir!

    Now, go get your work done, re-write my letters and leave them on the table. I will think about

    this matter. In the meantime, avoid meeting Arianna. At least in public places, for your own good.

    Mr. Dynys headed for the door and patted Travis on the back, then left.

    After he finished up at the office Travis went to see Mr. Lloyd and tell him about all these.

    I dont know what to say, Travis. Even if Mr. Dynys is saying the truth, Lewis is a lord. Too

    powerful and too dangerous to mess with. You know, Travis, I think its time to let go. Everything isgoing so well for you. As I understand, your family is doing well, you have a respectable job, dont

    ruin this.

    Travis nodded and sighed. You are probably right, sir. But it is unfair I will go home now. I will

    talk to you later.

    As he was walking slowly down the road, heading towards his house, lost in his thoughts he

    passed by the cultural center. He glanced at the bench where he and Arianna used to read together

    and talk. It was empty now, only some kids running and shouting around there. Travis then felt sad,

    alone, feeling that was soon replaced with hatred for the society he lived in and for the Wades. Hefelt like he had to do something, but what? He was, after all, just a peasant and they were a rich and

    strong family.

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    Next few weeks were quiet and dull for Travis, just regular work at the Secretarys office,

    occasionally meeting with Mr. Lloyd for book-talks or discussions over a cup of tea. It was that time

    of the summer when wheat was ready to be harvested and almost everyone in the village was in the

    fields, even Lord Wade, Mr. Ravenwoood or Mr. Dynys.

    One day, Travis was in the Secretarys office alone, finishing up to pack some things when the

    door opened slowly. He thought it was Mr. Dynys and didnt look towards the door and kept on

    wrapping up.

    Ill leave soon, sir, Im almost done.

    Its me Travis.

    Travis, recognizing the sweet voice, turned around as fast as he could and met Ariannas

    gaze. He was stunned to see her. He hasnt seen her in weeks. None of them could move, holding

    each others gazes for whatseemed to be like whole minutes.

    How how have you been? uttered Travis.

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    No Who came?

    The Village Militia. They arrested him for attempting to steal, stole or I dont know what they

    said. said Brooke crying.

    Wait here, mother. I will go to Mr. Dynys to see. Or, no. You wont be safe here. Come with me toMr. Lloyd. I will see what happened after I know you are safe.

    Travis took his mother to Mr. Lloyd, who gladly accepted to hold her and went straight to the

    Village Hall. Why cant it be quiet for me? Why do I have to always run and worry about so many



    Travis arrived at the Village Hall and went straight in Mr. Dynys office. He was still there,

    doing some paperwork. Travis said then, gasping:

    Sir, I have a problem.

    Yes, Travis, what problem?

    Myfather was arrested. I dont know why or anything. Do you happen to know anything about


    Usually everything like this goes through my office, but I did not notice anything that had to do

    with your father. Have a seat and let me check. Here, this one arrived half an hour ago. It says:

    Robert Gwynek is found guilty of stealing for the past months from his employer. Witness: Mr.

    BeeseBlacksmith, residence in Icklesham, Apparently he was stealing from the Smithy.

    Travis stopped breathing for a few seconds, his eyes stopped moving. The only thought that

    occurred to him was that it was his fault only. He had been unsatisfied with his status and this was

    the only thing his father could do to change that. Travis sat down on a chair and remained silent forthe minutes to come. Mr. Dynys sat on a chair near him and patted his back.

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    Sir wha what is going to happen now?

    They will probably prosecute him dungeons or I dont know. It would have been only a fine, but

    as I understand its been going on for quite a while

    Can I see him?

    No, I dont think so. I will try to check on him, see how hes holding. Wait here.

    Travis remained quietly in the office with his eyes locked on the wall. He was terrified. The

    time that passed until Mr. Dynys was back seemed an eternity. He wasnt even sure if he wanted to

    hear the news. The door opened:

    Travis, he is alright, health-wise. He will be sent to France, to work on a massive weapons

    production line for the French Army. Mostly like a slave. I understand Lord Wade has some debts

    that way and he wants to pay them.

    Travis nodded. He couldnt say anything else. He just sat there, nodded and looking aimlessly

    at the wall.

    And as you know, bad news always come in groups my daughter will marry Lewis. There is

    nothing I can do. You are a strong and intelligent kid, you understand that life is unfair and you

    cannot change that. You just have to live with it.

    Travis stood up: I will see you tomorrow, sir!he said, while leaving by the door.

    He went to Mr. Lloyd, to talk to him and to his mother, who seemed to be a little calmer than

    before, but upon hearing the news and started crying again. He just sat there, unable to do anything,feeling powerless. Everything he had seemed to disappear in just a moment and he could not do

    anything to prevent this. All he could do now was to apologize and learn from all this. Mr. Lloyd

    taught him to be a practical person, to get over mistakes by learning from them. But was it possible

    to get over something like this? He decided to go see his father, even if he was not allowed.

    He was held in the Village Hall, in a temporary improvised prison cell. He went straight there

    and entered. It wasnt guarded. There he saw his father, tied to a chair.

    Father!he screamed, running towards him. Travis kneeled by the chair bursting into tears.

    Son! Dont be sad. Dont cry. Dont kneel. Its my fault I assume everything and I will pay in

    whatever way necessary. Just dont make me pay like this: with you crying. I cannot see you cry.

    But father its not your fault, its mine. I forced y

    Shh. Stop it, son. I did it, its my fault. End of discussion. This might be the last time we see each

    other. I want to tell you: take care of mother, she will need it. You are the man now. Work

    honestly, however poor you are never abandon your dignity and steal. Lastly, I ask you to not

    forget me and that I loved you with all my being.

    That moment two guards entered the room. They told Travis to leave at once. He did not

    want to, he grabbed his fathers leg and held to it. They put his hands on his shoulders and struck him

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    A Tale Of One Travis Lloyd Markov

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    with a shaft on the back. His father shouted: No! Leave him alone, dont hurt him!Travis stood up

    and tried to fight back but the guards hit him in the face and left him unconscious. He woke up at Mr.

    Lloyds place.

    What where am I?

    Youre safe, Travis. They took your father to Dover to board him to France.He was fine.

    Travis tried to stand up, but all his bones hurt. He was badly bruised all over his body. He

    couldnt find the strength to get up.

    Lay down, son! Recover. You will be back on your feet in no time.

    Travis was lying in the bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking of everything he had and

    everything he lost. He slowly closed his eyes and the tired and sad face of his father appeared before

    his eyes, alternating with the pretty face of Arianna, her green eyes and her sweet smile, thinking he

    will never see any of them again. Soon enough, he fell into a deep sleep.


    After these events, Travis went on with his life. He tried to detach from all these, to get over

    the facts that he will never see his father again nor ever feel Ariannas touch. It was not easy, but in

    time all these wounds healed but, as Mr. Lloyd said: They will heal, but there will always be

    scars.Things were not looking too bad for him, but not too good either. His mother seemed to have

    started to lose her mind after the prosecution of her husband. She claimed she saw him; she talked

    to him and started forgetting to do basic household duties. It was not easy for Travis to split himself

    between his job, his studies and his mother.

    Arianna had left Icklesham with Lewis Wade and lived at his castle, so Travis became like a

    son for Mr. Dynys, who was now the mayor. He supported him financially and in whatever way he

    could and he eventually hired someone to take constant care of his mother, as he wanted to send

    Travis to study.

    Mr. Lloyd began his teaching career in the Icklesham school that Lord Wade had founded. He

    was busy almost all day, teaching and preparing for tomorrows classes, but he always made time for

    Travis if he wanted to see him or to talk to him. He also looked after his mother from time to time

    when Travis was busy running errands.

    Three years have passed in this routine, until one day when Mr. Dynys realized that this is not

    the life Travis deserved.

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    A Tale Of One Travis Lloyd Markov

    Travis! You are like a son to me and I cannot keep you here. You are intelligent, brave, and strong.

    You should do something else with your life. I would like to send you to France to study Law or

    Medicine. I have the financial means and I know you would want that.

    Sir, I cant leave Icklesham. All my past is here. My mother, Mr. Lloyd, you

    You said right: Your PAST. You should get over it. There is nothing for you here anymore. Your

    fathergone, Ariannagone. I have hired a woman I trust to take care of your mother. Also, I will

    offer her a place in the Village Hall. Mr. Lloyd is doing very well in the school, hes busy and has

    many kids that love him. As for myself, Id be really happy if you were and I know that you would

    be happy that way.

    They continued the discussion for a while longer and Travis agreed on the idea, but he

    needed time to prepare himself. He wanted to be a doctor so for the next year he decided to study

    the field a little.

    Everything was going smoothly, until one night. Travis woke up and ran to the window. He

    saw an angry mob around 50 men shouting and heading towards the village center with torches

    and forks. He did not know what was going on, but he was afraid to go out. He sneaked behind his

    house, through the fields and went to Mr. Lloyd. Travis woke him and told him about what is

    happening. They decided to go to the Village Hall. They ran until there, but when they arrived the

    Village Hall was already on fire, peasants surrounding it and screaming: We want Wades head! We

    want Wades head! It was a horrible image. It was soon Travis realized his mother and Mr. Dynys

    were insideit was too late anyway. Mr. Lloyd grabbed his hand and took him away from there.

    They will be looking for everyone who had anything to do with Wade. They wanted the mayor

    and the village hall and they would probably kill you too. You have to get away fast. Here take

    this.Mr. Lloyd handed him a purse with some gold coins in it. Go to Hastings; introduce yourself

    as Travis Lloyd, the son of Icklseham School teacher. The church will most likely house you if you

    need it. Run, son! Dont look back. Run and make a life for yourself there.

    Travis, with tears in his eyes screamed: I cannot leave you here. I need you!

    You dont! You are 19, both young and mature. You can make it. Go, now!

    Travis started running towards the woods, often looking back, seeing Mr. Lloyd standing

    there, with the flames rising higher and higher behind him. He kept running and looking behind untilhe no longer saw him, until the fire was only a small stain on the dark horizon of the night.

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