
NOTES FOR A THING OF BEAUTY by John Keats 01. A thing is said to be a 'thing of beauty,' because it is a source of joy for eve r. When we think of it we should be happy and in its absence too, it should fill our minds with divine memories of it.Keats describes a thing of beauty as emana ting joy forever. 02. A really beautiful thing gives us such a happiness that will keep on increasing every day and will continue to be doing so for ever contrary to the ordinary thi ngs that give us happiness for some time and then disappears. Its beauty only in creases and it will never cease. 03. The benefits proffered by a thing of beauty are listed as giving sound rest with good dreams and well-being. If we have the sweet memories of a beautiful thing, it will provide us with sweet dreams in sleep. It also gives us health and quie t breathing. 04. The earth minus the beautiful things is a despondent, spiteful place thriving in callous insensitive dearth and is harsh toward human beings. Every day human be ings face gloomy days packed with unhealthy spite and darkness. However, in spit e of all, a thing of beauty helps remove the dark cloud that burdens our souls. Hence, the poet says that we human beings each day create an ornate band, made o f all the lovely things we see.Wreathing flowery band is symbolic of gathering a ll good hopes every morning to begin a happy day This band keeps us bound to the despondent earth as we would otherwise be hopeless. 05. 'Spite of Despondence' Spite of despondence is a state of our minds filled with ill-will and hatred for others due to profound hopeless and gloom. 06. 'dearth of noble natures' With the passage of time we generally ignore the great values and moralities tau ght by our ancestors. It happens due to our tendency to embark the lighter ways and easier rules in the society. The pleasure that one gets from bad means appea rs to be sweeter than those that come from good means. Even though they find hap piness there, such happiness will not last. After providing a time of excitement and pleasure, this sort of happiness turns sour and misery. EXAMPLES OF BEAUTIFUL THINGS 07. Sun and Moon he sun and moon are beautiful because they are source of life and endless joy fo r everyone. 08. Tree The tree bears the heat of the sun to give shade and cool for anyone who seeks s hade and rest under its branches. Its greatness is a degree greater because it g ives shade not only for the mighty ones, but also for the simplest of the animal s such as sheep. The simple sheep are human beings the poet sympathizes with the innocence of human beings. 09.Daffodils

The expression Lily of the valley is quite well known and rouses images of a delic ate lone white flower holding up its head amidst a setting of thorns and barbs a nd everything contrary in nature to delicateness so too are the daffodils mentio ned in the poem. 10. Clear Rills Clear rills are beautiful, clean rivers. They flow through all kinds of lands, s elflessly sharing their water with all the trees and animals on their way, makin g them rich and grow. 11. Grandeur of the dooms of the great people The poet also sees beauty in the death of martyrs and legends. The mighty dead are those martyrs who have died bravely for a cause.They burnt for others like the sun.They provided happiness to others like the clear rills. ENDING 12. If one looks around, there are innumerable beautiful things to notice. After al l, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder Everyone can highlight something beau tiful in anything. They seem to flow immortally as a fountain, from the gods abo ve to help the pitiable human beings to cope with the harshness of life. Questions 1. How does a thing pass into 'nothingness?' A thing passes into nothingness when it dies and disappears from our memories. S uch a thing is not a thing of beauty. 2.What is a bower? How does the beautiful thing keep a bower quiet for us? A bower is a shady place under the huge branches of trees. A bower is always res tless and noisy due to the wind that makes leaves rustle and birds to chirp. But there will be a sudden silence and stillness in a bower at the presence of a be autiful thing like a flower. 3.What is the 'pall' that covers our spirits? How does it fall on our spirits? The pall that covers our spirit is a blanket of comfort that we get from wrong m eans. It falls on us when we allow ourselves to enjoy evil pleasures. 4.What can remove the 'pall' from our dark spirits?' How? Only beautiful things can remove the pall from our dark spirits. 5.How is the 'mid forest brake' made rich? The mid forest is made rich with the fragrance of the musk rose. 6. Which 'tales' does the poet here refer to? Why are they lovely? The poet refers to the really beautiful stories that we have either heard or rea d. These tales are beautiful because they can leave an indelible happiness in us and each time we recall these stories, we feel our burdens lifted, mind refresh ed and life moving happily in spite of all disturbances.

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