Page 1: A Victorian Legacy - Chapter 3 University Blues

Hello, and welcome back to a Victorian Legacy. Again I haven’t rewritten this chapter in the move from the exchange, apart from correcting my spelling. This is an early chapter and as such is told as a commentary, and there are modern objects scattered about.

As you have probably guessed this is a Victorian themed legacy where the I am attempting to make the family live as they would have done roughly one hundred and fifty years ago. To that end I am playing the following handicaps: 1. first born male inherits, 2. behind the times and 3 strict family values.

This chapter follows her second generation heir George through his final years at university.

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So George, here you are. You've got that land you wanted. Care to tell me what you want it for?

"The Landgrabb Society got me thinking, if the Landgrabb family can have a society, why can't the Legacy family. I am going to found the largest, most prestigious Society on campus."

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Doesn't look very prestigious at the moment George, it's just an empty lot.

"Better get building then voice."

Hmm, about that. Do you want to tell me why you left nearly four thousand simoloens to Gerald at the dorm, and so now, after the purchase of this small lot have only §830?

*innocently* "Did I?"


Alright I admit, this is my fault. I've never split a dorm up before, when I've moved them out into rented housing, I've moved everyone. I knew George would probably leave some money at the dorm, I just never expected it to be so much. Plus, fool that I am, I didn't check how much money he had before moving him into this empty lot.

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This is all that I could afford to give him. On the other side of the wall is a phone. Of course, it is also winter. I'm going to try to make it through the semester like this by having George spend most of his time on community lots.

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"Oh maybe I should have bought more money with me."

You're not fooling me with that contrite act George I can read that thought balloon, you just don't like the telephone is all. But I don't care, get on it and get a lift to the secret society, there are two counterfeiting machines and a money tree there that I want.

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"Ooo this is good fun, I am actually making money!"

Yes good fun isn't it, now get cranking.

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"Mother made this look so easy."

That's because Elise is a great sim, whereas I am starting to find you rather annoying. Honestly, I know not to let sims use the machine for too long or if they are green, but George had only just started turning the handle when this happened and was more than halfway gold.

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"Why am I at the Gym voice? I don't need any body points."

Because there is no shelter at the Legacy society lot, and it is winter. Plus there is a TV here.

"What is a TV?"

That box on the wall with the moving pictures on it.

"I have never seen one of those before."

I know George, the behind the times handicap means that I can't buy you anything from the electronics menu apart from the phone, and old fashioned till.

I wasn't planning on allowing my Victorian sims to even use things like TVs on community lots, but George's fun bar is empty, and I need to get it full quickly. I figure I haven't bought the TV it's here already, why not use it to get George's fun bar up a bit?

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"Hmm I do not like this TV much. I am an active sim, can I do some thing active?"

Fine, why don't you work out on one of the exercise machines?

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"I'm NOT in the mood to do that at the moment."

Just keep watching the TV then, there's a good boy.

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"Why do I have to go back there?"

I thought you wanted to buy the lot?

"I did but there is nothing to do there."

Well if you had bought more money with you...

This is shaping up to be a rough semester. I'm having so much trouble keeping George's needs up that I'm not getting the chance to have him do assignments. Not only that because his classes are in the evening, and I don't want him spending much time at home not in bed, It's also difficult to carry on with the two classes a day routine I've been using. I can see me saying good bye to his perfect grade.

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Whilst waiting for the taxi George decided to try to start an argument with one of my playables,

"I am the legacy heir, so I have to have babies, but I am a pleasure sim, she knows we do not like babies, we like juggling and jumping on the furniture and bubble baths."

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"Sometimes I feel like a bug she is about to squash. She is cruel and unfeeling, and we should stop listening to her"

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"Well, I've never felt like a squashed bug. The Creator may not play my house very often. I mean She created us when She first got Uni, but I'm still in my first year hint, hint Creator, but She has always been kind and caring to my housemates and I."

Yes I'm sorry about that Daniel, I make no secret of the fact that I find playing Uni tedious, and so often neglect sims that I have there. Oh and the reason you don't feel like a squashed bug is because I like you, however George as I've already said is starting to annoy me.

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"Arrrgh voice I can not take this any more. I am tired and I want my bed!"

So get in the taxi George, it's over there waiting for you.

"Do not want to."

*stern voice* George...

"Fine, I am going."

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"Grrr I hate you voice."

Thanks George, I love you too.

"You have not given me walls yet."

Yes I know, that's because you have no money. You refuse to work any where because you are in a bad mood, and we can't use the counterfeiting machines because your aspiration is too low.

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"Fulfil some of my wants then!"Ahh yes, your wants, perhaps you would like to tell the readers what your wants currently are?"Well, there is that want that you have locked. I want to woohoo Allyn."Yeah, cos I'm playing strict family values, there is no premarital woohoo, so you have to wait for that one Sonny-Jim."I would like a motorcar."Umm yes, you do realise that this is a Victorian themed legacy and the rules state that no non Maxis objects can be used? And yeah I am aware that I have already bent these rules by using Numenor'sstove in the main Legacy house, but a cooker is essential to this game, and a car is not."What about buying me a bubble blower?"They cost §1720 George, and how much money do you currently have?*small voice* "§63"That's right. Next?"I want a TV costing at least §3500, or a stereo costing §2500"First I thought you didn't like the TV, second you have only §63, third what part of not purchasing any thing from the electronics category do you not get?"Oh"

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Oh Crud.

"It is snowing voice."

Can see that George.

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"This means I am going to get very cold doesn't it?"

'Fraid so. I'll try to keep you off the lot as much as possible, and if it gets too bad before you can afford walls, I'll change the season to summer.

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Blue is not really your colour George.

"But I am not wearing blue, my tracksuit is green."

So it is. Don't say anything to him Colin, there are no mirrors so maybe he won't notice.

"Gosh Creator is that you? I've never heard you before."

Well don't dwell on it too much, just get back to your pillow fight, so we can get rid of the blue social bunny lurking back there.

"Blue bunny where?"

Knew it was a mistake to talk to a townie.

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"I'm so cold here voice, I'm starting to see blue bunnies."

Yeah I know. So what to do? Well he is already wearing a tracksuit, why don't I send him to the Gym to try to make some money as a personal trainer? That has worked in the past.

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George you are meant to be coaching her, not glitcherly laughing at her.

"But she is so useless at it voice."

Mean sims, what can you do with them?

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"Haha now she has fallen!"

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"This is how you do it."

You know George, if I were her, I wouldn't pay you.

"Of course she will pay me voice. I am George Legacy, I am the big man on campus and everyone likes me."

No George, they just feel bullied and cowed by you, so will say whatever you like to stop you poking or arguing with them.

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"*Sniff*, I'll never be able to do that George, I'm going now."

"What about my money?"


She didn't pay you then George?


You were too mean to her.

"Shut up voice. This hasn't accomplished anything. I've still got no money, I am still in a bad mood, and I am only just passing the semester."

Yep I know.

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Well despite me trying to get George into a good enough mood to do a couple of assignments, I failed. He is the most difficult sim I have ever played, as soon as one bar was at an acceptable level, another had dropped, so I saw to that one, and another dropped. I tried to increase his aspiration level by having him go on a date with Allyn (which I hoped would also increase his need bars as the date rank went up), but no, he spent all him time whining at me, thus leaving me with little time to get a good date score.

He passed the semester, but only just, and with the little grant money he got I surrounded his bed with three walls, and put a roof over the top. Not much, it won't keep out the cold, but it's a start.

I've also found out that although George may warm up on other lots, he re-enters the Society lot at the exact temperature that he left it at, so I have changed the season chooser so that this season is now summer. Hopefully it will start to warm up soon.

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Ahh he looks almost sweet when he is asleep, especially since I know that he is having nightmares at the time Muhahahaha. Let's watch shall we?

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"Zzzzneedshower, voicenotprovidedmewithoneyet. Stupidvoicezzzz."

Little problem called no money causing that George. You can go over to the secret society and use their's in the morning.

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"ZzzzLouise, NoLouiseDoNot Argghhh..."

Poor Louise, I never thought she would be the stuff of nightmares. BTW Louise is one of the many playables you are being introduced to in the course of this legacy, her and her sister Rosie are also two of the prettiest in game born sims I've had. The surprising thing about that is the fact that their mother Jenny is, shall we say, striking at best: the poor thing inherited her father's square jaw and thin frog like mouth.

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"Arrrggghh!!!! Oh voice, what are you doing there? Are you watching me whilst I sleep?"

No, there's just nothing else to look at on the lot. *Beams* Now why don't you get back to that lovely dream you are having?

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"ZzzzIamsogreat, everyonelikesmezzzzz."

Typical George, straight back to thinking how wonderful he is.

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So the next morning back at the Landgrabb Society I have a mini brainwave (I know, they occur occasionally). Although I've forbidden George from using the computer, why don't I put those influence points to good use and get someone else to do it?

"Write your term paper George? Course I will mate, it can't be easy living a century and a half behind everyone else, and I'm sorry to hear that your grades are suffering because of it."

"Thank you kindly Addison, the voice has been sadly neglecting my needs lately. All she makes me do is work work, work, yet however much I do it is never enough. I need some time to concentrate on myself"

Why you little...

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Chloe can I borrow those darts a moment? I want to throw one at George.

"What? ... Hello? ... Who is that? ... Ooo I knew I should never have eaten that grilled cheese sandwich which has been sitting on the side for over a semester."

Oh forget it.

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Back on the Legacy society lot, I decide that I need to get the membership up (current members 1 ieGeorge), plus if I can get them to move in, I'll get more money. Who better to ask to pledge first (alright second, Colin refused last semester despite them being best friends, the thought of a giant blue bunny must have scared him) than George's sap of a friend Addison?

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"Join your Society George? Why yes I would love to. After all we are already Secret Society buddies. You can now boss me around until I've been on the lot long enough to become a full member"

Oh Boy.

"Excellent, nice to have you here Addison. Now there is an assignment over there that I need a bit of help on, run along."

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With Addison beavering away on George's work in the background, I notice that George's Postwoman is Dagmar, so I have him go over and greet her. Dagmar is, I think, possibly the prettiest NPC in the game, and I have a vague idea about marrying her into the family at some point in the future.

"Hello, I am George, current heir to the voice's Victorian Legacy."

"Pleased to meet you George."

"Gosh voice, she's really nice, we have two bolts, can I marry her instead of Allyn?"

Hahahah I don't think so George. I want to wait till we have a nicer heir for Dagmar.

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"Very cold here voice."

Are you alright George? You don't look too good.

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*Panicked* George I may not like you very much at the moment, but you are my heir, get up now!

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"That was not nice voice."

Sorry about that. Who thawed you out? It happened too quick for me to see. Was it Dagmar or Addison, or the stranger walking off the lot?

"No one voice, I thawed my self out, because I am George Legacy."

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*rolls eyes* Fine, but how are you feeling?

"I am a bit peckish, and very tired. And do I detect concern there voice?"

Well, you are my heir. Look, have a nice sandwich, and get into your nice warm bed.

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Nooo not again get into bed you silly sim.

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"This has got to stop voice."

You're telling me.

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"I thought you had changed the season to summer?"

I have, it's just that, well, the game is written in such a way that the seasons change slowly from one to the next, and I've asked it to go from winter to summer, so it may take a bit of time. Not only that, because of the amount of time that I am having you spend at community lots, time is passing very slowly here. Never fear though, there are still three days left of summer.


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Well, because George's class meter is now full thanks to Addison, and because I am feeling slightly guilty because of the whole freezing thing, I have him go on a date with Allyn to boost his aspiration.

"Come here Allyn."

Oh no, run Allyn, run! Goose is George's favourite flirt, he does it to Allyn autonomously all the time, she seems to like it, but if my boyfriend looked at me like that before flirting with me, I would run away so fast, no one would catch me.

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Of course having a great date means that I can get George making money again.

"Mwahahaha. I like this voice, this is how mean sims should make their money."

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You're still blue though.

"That is because it is not getting any warmer voice."

Sorry about that George. Look, you were up all night on that date with Allyn. Why don't you finish that cereal and get to bed, by my calculations you final exam should be at about ten o'clock tonight. You're on course for a perfect grade, and then I will build you more walls round your bed.

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George, what are you doing there? All you had to do was walk from your bed to your final exam.

*Panicked* George get up!

*More panicked* George get up now. Stop your needs from plummeting and GET UP!

*Even more panicked* George you useless sim, your exam is in progress, get up now, UP now. Your needs have finally stopped plummeting, so GET UP NOW!

*Hysterical* George, getupupupupnow! Your grade bar is emptying!! GETUPGETUPGETUP!!!!

Nooooooooooo!!! I don't believe it. Academic Probation. I have NEVER had a sim go on academic probation before. George Albert Legacy, you are now officially in my bad books, and you will suffer accordingly.

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"So, because it is so cold on my lot, I literally froze on my way to my exam and did not unfreeze untill the sun came up at seven."

"That sounds terrible George. How are you feeling now?"

"Cough, cough. Not too good Pong. I just do not think that I can complete this semester."

"Here let me help you. Why don't I do your term paper for you?"

"Ohh Pong, that is too much to expect! The title is on the piece of paper on that desk through there. I want it finished today, there's a good chap."


*innocently* "What?"

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After influencing Pong to do his term paper, I let George wonder around, mainly because I was too annoyed at him to want to micro-manage him. When I went to look for him I found him napping on one of the sofas, which go me thinking, so I did a little experiment by buying a bed and clicking on it.

I had no idea sims could sleep on the Secret Society lot! If I had I would have played this year so differently. Having George live here, and just go home just before his exam to get the grant money.

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Enjoying your lunch George?

"Yes, why?"

No reason. Umm how big are your pockets George in your PJs George?

"Surprisingly large voice, why?"

Oh, just a little idea I've had, that's all.

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Ok, so this was the result of my little idea. I thought, well if I can 'borrow' aspiration awards from the Secret Society, why not bring some of those items they surely don't need, like two of those arcade machines, and then flog them?

It may be cheating, but I really don't care. I was sick of the Legacy Society lot being a death trap for George, and although the snow is now gone, his temperature is still bottomed out, even if he is no longer blue.

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*sigh* "I am on academic probation. I am depressed about that voice."

Yes, and I am mad about it George. You will be punished for it, make no mistake.

"You can not kill me though. I know that you are only letting the first born male inherit, and I have two sisters, no brothers and my parents are too old to have any more children."

I know that George, I don't make a habit of killing sims anyway, and, well, I have an idea that I wanted to try out in this legacy, I was going to do it later on, but maybe you and Allyn ... well, you'll find out. *goes off humming happily to herself*

"voice? ... voice?"

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So, finally, Addison has spent enough time on the lot to become a full member and move in.

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He bought §1000 with him, which allowed me to add a bedroom and an extra bed for Addi. BTW I also 'borrowed' the bookcase from the Landgrabb Society. Hehehe.

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I also found out that Addison is one glitched up sim. All his mood bars and aspiration meter decay waaayyy more slowly than any other sim. In fact, unless he does something to actively lower a need bar, such as an assignment, they don't budge at all.

Of course it that means that he can work the counterfeiting machines practically nonstop.

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Oh George, not that I really care, but what's the matter?

"That man in the tracksuit tried to make me exercise, but I am NOT in the mood to do that now."

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Looks like Addison is though!

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Back at the Secret Society George appears to be up to his old tricks.

"Beth it is terrible. Addison and I are living in a house with no floor, no shower, and nothing to do. To top it all off the voice has got Addison chained to the counterfeiting machines, only letting him get away long enough to go to class.

"Oh no, that sounds terrible George, and I always thought that the Creator was such a nice simmer. Why don't I take some of the pressure off of you by helping you with your term paper?"

"But that is so kind of you Beth. Thank you."

"My pleasure George."

You know, I think I liked it better when he bullied other sims, rather than spreading sedition amongst my sims.

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Despite my moaning, George did at least manage to bring in §1200 in grant money at the end of his penultimate year, which allowed me to substantially enlarge their living quarters. I've also put down flooring, and given them a shower.

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So how do they repay me? By doing this.

"Fire, fire, oh my God FIRE!"

"Addison, stop shoving your face through the wall and help me put it out!"

"Gerbits, gerbits, Vooo gerbits!"

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Actually, apart from the incident on the previous page George's final year wasn't that exciting. Of course, he hasn't changed much.

"Oh hello, nice to hear from you ... "

"I have been well, thank you for asking, and yourself ... Good, good, glad to hear it. Did I tell you I am big man on campus at the moment? ... yes, lots of friends who will miss me terribly when I graduate."

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"I do not know if I told you this Louise, but I made the dean's list this semester ... Academic probation? Where ever did you hear that? No the reason I am spending an extra semester here is because errr...well... bit embarrassing really but I am conducting some very important research on the topic of, of, of prime numbers. Yes that is it."

Oh George I'll be very surprised if she believes you.

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Addison, also bought home $1200 in grants this semester allowing me to add a seperate kitchen area and also some windows.

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Of course, not everyone is happy with this.

"Creator these window surrounds make me want to vomit."

Tough, they look authentically Victorian, and just be thankful young man that I haven't Victorianised you, especially since I think that your haircut is one of the most ridiculous in the game.

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George's grade bar was soon full, so I got him to work painting a portrait of Addison. I have got photographs scattered around, but there is something nicer I find about paintings, maybe it is because they are bigger, so you can see more details of the sim.

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"I like this voice, why have you not let me have this before?"

George, it's not that I haven't let you, it's that you haven't had enough money before. You remember all those times you disappeared off to visit the campus and came back empty handed? Well if you had of had some money, then you could have brought back pizza.

"Why are you being nice to me?"

I'm always nice to you George, you're my heir.

"You are up to something."

Not me, not yet anyway.

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Just when I thought George had started to behave hinself, and maybe the reason I was thinking so badly about him was more to do with the fact that I was annoyed at myself for such poor simming, I turned around to find this happening!

"Oohh Daisy, I think I would like that, I just need to get away from the voice and ..."

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Cow whose name I can't be bothered to look up, WHAT do you think you are doing?

"Meh the want to flirt was showing up right there in his panel, yet you did nothing about, so I thought I would help out. He is George Legacy y'know."

What? You ... Just get off the lot will you?

"I'm going, don't worry about this ruining his relationship with that Allyn bird, we only have a 12 daily relationship anyways."

Not the point, I was going to invite Allyn round later, but not now. And how could you accept that George? that's not like you at all .. George? ... George?

*Dreamily* "Mooo voice."

*Puts head in hands*

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Despite George's behaviour with the cow, he still needs his portrait done so I get Addison straight on it.

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Poor Addison, I do feel for him, all he writes about in his diary are items that he can't have now he is living on this lot.

"When I graduate I am going to buy the biggest most expensive reasonably priced flat screen TV that I can find."

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"Done it voice, completed the first semester of my final year, and made the dean's list."

Well done George, just one semester to go.

"I have enough influence points left to go to the Secret Society tomorrow and get one of the saps... I mean fellow members there to do my term paper."

So you have *click*

"Errr voice?"


"What are you doing?"


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"Do assignment? But I do not want to do an assignment. Is this you punishing me for freezing the night of my finals two semesters ago?"

No George, not even close. This is me showing you what the final year at university is really like. There will be no going to double classes, no getting someone else to write your term paper, just you and lots of assignments and research. Oh and the cow thing has annoyed me too.

"But it is nearly midnight, and I am tired!"

Poor you. Like many other graduates I stayed up late trying to finish essays, so I've decided you can too.

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"That was not fun voice."

Oh shush, look what I've done to the house while you were busy.

"It is not to my taste."

Yeah, well you still don't have enough money for wallpaper, so I've just slapped some cheap swamp green paint onto the walls. I'll change it when the Legacy Society gets more money.

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Awww, I've decided that Addison is a sweetie. He has nine neat points, so not only does he look like Remington, but he autonomously cleans all the time too.

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Of course I still have him churning out those simoleons. Despite George claiming that I am keeping Addichained to the counterfeiters, he seems to be enjoying it to me.

"Haha, what's not to like Creator, I'm making money. Wheeee hahaha."

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Thanks mainly to George, who despite his mean nature makes friends really easily on the phone, the House has reached to top level, my first one to do so. Yay! George however still has to complain about something.

"voice is making me do tons of work this semester Colin, I cannot believe it, especially when I have enough influence to get some one else to do the work for me. .... What do you mean you agree with her? I am the legacy heir, why should I have to do this? .... "

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Whoops, looks like George really is mad at me.

"What makes you think that voice? I am just going over here to paint."

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What are you painting George?

"It is a surprise for you."

Oh go on, tell me.

"You will have to wait until I am finished."

Wait I did, and it turned out to be that creepy clown picture. Now I know George was mad at me, because I hate clowns.

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Looks like I wasn't the only one mad about the cow flirting with George.

"You stay away from her, she is mine I tell you. Not only that but Daisy is my pet name for her, how dare you call her that!"

Oooo you didn't just push George through the wall did you Derek? He won't like that.

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"Now listen here you idiotic bovine, your precious Daisy is the one who flirted with me, not only that, but I can do what I please because this is my story you are getting your face in. Now get out of my house before I make you."

Ooo, not going straight for the fight then George? That's most unlike you.

"It is too early in the morning voice, I have only just woken up."

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Ermm, what are you still doing her Derek? George is only in the bathroom, and won't be too happy to see you still here.

"Meh, I'm going to try to make it up to him. After all I know that Daise can be a bit of a flirt."

You've changed your tune very quickly.

"It's the anti-BSE jabs, they can make us a bit ... unpredictable."

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"Look George, I'm sorry I flew off the handle earlier, how about a friendly pillow fight to sort things out."

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"What the... Are there bricks or something in that pillowcase?"

"Well, just the one, for extra stopping power y'know."

"That is it! Get out of my house now, or Addison and I will be feasting on steak for the next month."

"Fine, I am going, but before I do ... "

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"Oh my gosh. That cow just belched in my face did he not?"

Yes, 'fraid so. I've never seen a cow belch at some one like that before. You look a little green, are you alright?

"Think I am going to vomit. That bovine is mincemeat next time I see him."

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Well Addison, you missed some drama earlier I can tell you.

"George told me all about it. Those cows are a menace, I don't know why the faculty allow them on campus. By the way, have you noticed any thing about my need and aspiration bars?"

Yes, I've patched the game, and now your bars seem to be working normally, although yours and George's energy bars do seem to still go down more slowly than I would expect."

"Oh, I wondered why I was feeling hungry again."

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Yes George.

"Do I have to do this?"

Yes George. But look, it is the last one that you need to do, it will soon be time for your finals, and your performance bar is nearly full.

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"Good, because this is so hard."

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George, you're not crying because I made you do that assignment last night are you?

"No voice, I just feel so depressed. I cannot remember the last time that my aspiration was in the green."

Ok, I don't really have that much sympathy for you, because of how you have been behaving, but I know that aspiration desperation means that you spend time moaning and whining, rather than doing what I want you to do, so why don't you ring Colin up, and we will see if he feels like pledging today?

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"Colin, it is so good to see you. How are things back in the dorm? Has Gerald settled in?"

"Things are just as you left them, literally, only about two hours have passed. Gerald seems fine. Look, I don't mean to sound a bit funny, but are there any, you know, rabbits around here?"

"Rabbits? No, why would you think that?"

"No reason."

"Colin the real reason I asked you here today, was to see if you wanted to join my society."

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"Join, your society? Why yes, now that I know that there are no rabbits about, I would love to."

Yay, another member, and George's aspiration has edged up a bit.

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Later that night...

"I have done it voice, I am now a graduate."

Well done, as a reward for finally getting through this, I'm going to throw you a graduation party, now why don't you go to bed, I'm going to let you stay on campus for a bit.

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"Look what I bought back voice, is it not great?"

I've read about members of Greek Houses being able to 'borrow' things from campus, but I've never seen it before now. Just one problem, you know you can't keep it, don't you George?


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"You sold it!" *sob*

I am sorry George, but you are a Victorian and so I can't have you watching a modern TV. On the plus side, the money has come in handy.

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The next day...

George, we went through this yesterday, you cannot keep this, and yes I know you are bored, but why don't you play chess or paint?

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Thanks to the money from the TVs and George and Addi getting good grants, this is what the society house looks like as George prepares to graduate. The upstairs is just a box surrounding the top of the stairs so I haven't bothered to take a pic of it. Hopefully when the next gen join it I will be able to extend it more, and maybe even get it finished.

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So time for that graduation party that I promised. This being a Legacy gathering, I decided that it would not be complete without the customary game of Myshuno, even though I did have to sell the cooker and a counter to be able to afford it.

I invited Allyn to this, but she didn't turn up, and I got the message about sims not turning up due to them not liking George. Since Allyn was most definitely in love with him last time they saw each other, and his relationship towards her is still high, I'm really hoping that the cow hasn't caused her to think that George has cheated on her.

Everyone seems to be having fun though

Hannah "Gosh, what is this called?"

George "Myshuno, we play it all the time at home."

Jodie "It's fun isn't it?"

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Of course some sims don't get into the party spirit.

"Colin, this is party, you do not have to study."

"If it is a party, why aren't we smustling?"

Because the handicaps mean no buying a stereo. I must say that both Colin and George were smustlefiends back in the dorm, always smustling when the radio was on.

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Well, despite the lack of variety entertainment wise, a good time was still had by all, and at the end...

"Ooo I am feeling a bit odd..."

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"Flashing lights mean only one thing voice.."

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"Yes I am now an adult. Finally I can take over the reigns of the legacy."

I know my little heir, I know. The taxi will be here soon, I'll see you back at the Legacy lot.

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So this is where I will leave you, with a picture of a not at all Victorian looking George getting into a not at all Victorian looking cab.

What a chapter this has been. It didn't turn out at all how I had planned, but I have learned a lot. I normally find playing through uni tedious and boring, and in fact George's first two years fell into this pattern. His third year didn't at all. I freely admit that I made plenty of mistakes, and a lot of the frustration that is evident in this album is mainly with myself, and my poor playing, but it is more fun to blame my pixel man. The fact that after four years of playing TS1 and TS2 I still make mistakes and discover new things is one of the reasons that I am still playing, and still having fun with the game.

I hope you will join me next time as George takes to the helm.

CC in this chapter is mainly from All-About-Style (clothes) and MTS2 (walls and flooring).

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