Page 1: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

A vision statement tells the type of community or world the

organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the

work of the organization

Page 2: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

A mission statement describes what the organization will do, who it will do it for and how it will achieve the vision.

The mission statement is often the only statement many people will read

about an organization

Page 3: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

A values statement describes the principles and beliefs that guide

the operations of the organization

Page 4: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

These statements provide a filter through whichimportant decisions for the organization and the

standards for evaluating the effectiveness of your programs and activities can be screened

Page 5: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

VISION STATEMENTTo create the vision, board members shouldprovide answers to the following questions:• As a result of the work of the organization, how will the

community or the lives of the organization’s constituents be changed?

• What will the community look like?• How will its members interact?• How will the organization be perceived in the

community? • What will be its image?• When people describe the organization, what terms

will they use?

Page 6: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization


Your vision will serve as the overall goal forwhich strategies will be developed to achieve

Page 7: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

Sample Vision Statements

Create a community in which all residents arehoused in safe and quality housing regardlessof their household income

-------------------------------The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault’s vision is a city free from sexual violence.

Page 8: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

Sample Vision Statements

The International Women's Health Coalition envisions a world in which women and girls:

• have access to the information and services they need to enhance and protect their health and achieve their full potential;

• can make informed choices about their sexuality, relationships, pregnancy, child-bearing and marriage, free of discrimination, coercion, and violence;

• are equally and effectively engaged in decisions that affect their sexual and reproductive rights and health; and

• lead movements working to advance sexual and reproductive rights and health.

Page 9: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

Sample Vision Statements

The New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault’s vision is a city free from sexual violence.

Page 10: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization


The mission describes the approach the organization will take to achieve the vision

Page 11: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

MISSION STATEMENTTo articulate your mission, board members should answer the following questions:• What will the organization do to accomplish

the vision?• What types of services or products will the

organization provide (housing counseling,housing construction and rehabilitation,educational services, economic developmentservices, etc.)?

• Who will be the primary beneficiaries ofthese activities?

Page 12: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

How to develop a Mission Statement

1. What are the keys needs and or problems that our organization has been founded to solve or fulfill? (Who is affected by the problem and how?)

2. How would the situation changes if you succeed in solving the problem or fulfilling the need

3. What is the purpose of our organization?

Answer should be a short statement that describes the ultimate results that we should achieve. Only Results should be listed not the means.

4. What is the kind of work your organization does (the services and activities)

5. What are the values that guide us in our daily work internally and with the others?

Page 13: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

How to develop a Mission Statement

Our MISSIONCombine and synthesize the information resulting from answering above questions to draft the mission statement that is: what is the organization about and what does it do, why, where and with/for whom?

Page 14: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

Sample Mission Statements

The mission of the New York City Alliance Against Sexual Assault is to build the capacity of communities, organizations, and institutions to advance the right to live free from sexual violence and reduce the harm it causes individuals, families, and society

Page 15: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

Sample Mission StatementsThe International Women's Health Coalition (IWHC) promotes and protects the sexual and reproductive rights and health of women and young people, particularly adolescent girls, in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. IWHC advances this agenda by supporting and strengthening local leaders and organizations working within their communities and at the national and regional levels; by advocating for international policies, programs, and funding; and by seeking to influence U.S.

policy on these matters .IWHC builds bridges between local realities and global policy-making by connecting women and youth leaders in the Global South to key decision-makers. In doing so, IWHC brings local voices to global debates and in turn, makes global processes and

policies more understandable and actionable at the local level .

Page 16: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

Sample Mission Statements

The Global Alliance for Women's Health (GAWH) is committed to advancing women's health in all stages of life and at all policy levels through health promotion, education, advocacy, and program implementation. GAWH both promotes and implements women’s health care research and service improvements at local, national, and international levels by collaborating with governmental and non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector, academics, and individual citizens from all regions of the world.

Page 17: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization


V A L U E S• Values are your core beliefs and principles.

They define why you carry out your mission the way you do and help develop strategic objectives and work plans. To define your organization’s values, board members should answer the following questions:

Page 18: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization


• Why is it important for this organization tocarry out its activities?

• In all of the organization’s activities, whatshould be the underlying principles thatcannot be compromised?

Page 19: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization


Sample Values Statement:Neighborhood residents must be involved inkey decisions affecting their lives.

Page 20: A vision statement tells the type of community or world the organization envisions for its constituency as a result of the work of the organization

VALUESSample Values Statement:

• Professionalism and quality service: by applying the best practices and standards of work and collaborating with qualified professionals

• Transparency: in decision making, financial and managerial procedures

• Diversity and openness: respect of different opinions and beliefs, openness to diverse social and political forces

• Democracy: collaborative work and decision making • Equality and non-discrimination: regardless of sex,

religion, age and social status

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