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    When the world was young the deity, Subete, grew tired and

    bored. With her power she gave birth to time and space that she

    named Jikan and Supsu. The three of them lived together for

    over a millennium until Jikan and Supsu grew bored of having no

    toys. So Subete created four children for her son and daughter

    to play with. The toys were named Chiky, who ruled the

    forestry. Hia and Mizu who created fire and water. The last of

    the toys was named Kaze, a restless toy that created and lived

    in the winds. With the four toys in hand the two children slowly

    formed a perfect sphere, with each toy working side-by-side.

    Years past and the two children lived happily, however

    Subete was dying and she was aware of it. With her last breath

    she created a bright light and a dark shadow. She said that both

    must exist for the other to strive for life, and then perished

    from the world. Now the light and dark hated each other so much

    that they could not stand to see one another. The two children

    called the light Hikari and the dark Kurai, though the two never

    saw one another they communicated through the toys and Jikan and

    Supsu. Kurai fell in love with Mizu, who gave birth to ice-

    Kri. After awhile Hikari also fell in love, with Hia. The two

    gave birth to lightning and named him Inazuma. The ages past and

    the ten elements lived in the sphere and around the sphere.

    However one day Kurai grew jealous of never being allowed to go

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    inside the sphere, so he attempted to enter. The affect caused a

    large scale war.

    Hikari and the other elements had come together and sealed

    Kurai in a form, along with themselves. Now imprisoned within

    the sphere the deities waited, the only trace of their existence

    rests in a book with the words " Subete no har wa sakerarenai

    wakare kara wazuka purorgudearu. Thousands of years past and

    man began to thrive, the women inferior to men. The deities

    sought pity on the women and gave them magic to harness. The

    royal bloodlines had male members capable of using magic as well

    as the women. Kurai still had a part of him which was jealous,

    which escaped into the world and lay dormant inside of a stone.

    This jealousy was named Jaakuna.

    Chapter 1: Max Yaragado

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    This morning is another great day to start with.

    Yesterday was the seventeenth annual winter festival for anyone

    who didnt know.

    Thats right Marcus; to me the dancing was the best part. But

    enough with the past; lets get the morning started with a new

    start, just like this year.

    Then lets play the top ten songs oflast year. Heres number

    ten Elspeth smacked the off button on her alarm clock and

    rustled around her bed. Hearing the voice of a congenial woman

    from outside of the room and down a set of stairs

    Elspeth it is time to get up! You start your testing today, you

    shouldnt be late.

    Im coming, Yoko, she replies, sliding out of the side of her


    K. and stop calling me Yoko; mom is just fine.

    Oh, right, sorry! Elspeth said in a melodious tone soon

    followed by a sigh. She pulled her green school uniform shirt

    over her head. Her golden-brown hair flowed down her back and

    settled nicely from shoulder to shoulder. She pulled a green

    skirt to her waist, zipped it and twirled in a circle. When she

    stopped, her feet helped her keep balance, her joyous hazel eyes

    opened. At the same moment she smiled.

    Elspeth! Cmon, were going to be late. Lets go! a deep voice

    echoed after a knock at her bedroom door.

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    Ok, I get it, she replied in the same tone as before. Youre

    always late anyway, so dont go blaming me, she said to herself

    as she threw a book over her bed. A crash came from behind her,

    as the book hit her balcony window her eyes widened.

    Shit she said walking over to, the now broke, window. A long

    sigh came from her lips as she knelt down to all the pieces.

    Hey, what are you doing up there? the boys voice echoed from

    a farther distance.

    Nothing I just dropped something. Dont worry, Ill clean it

    up. You go on ahead, Ill catch up, she said, laughing and

    trying not to sound like she was lying. A moment passed and a

    door slid shut and Yoko yelled something outside.

    Well at least I can fix this faster now that there outside.

    She though as she stood in front of the window, and took a deep

    breath. I ask Kori to summon thee to grant me the power if ice,

    help me grant my wish today. Her hands began to glow a teal

    color, the glass started to move.I did it! Elspeth clapped her

    hands and then stopped with entire disappointment.

    Why cant ever do anything right when it comes to magic? She

    sat on the balcony floor, away from the glass. As she lay back,

    her eyes flew open. What is that? It wasnt there before. It

    feels soft and smooth, almost like fur. But how did an animal

    get on my balcony?

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    God shes heavy! That idiot, this is his fault. A deep

    rumbling voice snapped. Elspeths head slowly turned toward the

    animal, until her eyes met and comprehended the features of the

    animal. All Elspeth saw at the moment was a pair of deep amber

    eyes staring straight at her. The animal straightened itself and

    started at Elspeth.

    Its a wolf? she stuttered quietly.

    Steel gray claws extended from the wolfs large black

    paws. Black fur with silver tips stood straight up. The wolfs

    long snout cringed. His lips were tight and pulledforward. Itsears were pointed slightly forward. The wolfs forehead, neck

    hair and hackles were raised. Ivory teeth appeared between the

    jaws, its tongue moved around its mouth, and saliva dripped from

    its lips.

    At least you know what is going to kill you. So I can kill

    someone smart for once. The wolf snapped stepping closer to

    her. What do I do? Somebody, somebody help. Elspeths heart

    beat faster with each passing second. The wolf lifted its right

    paw partly above ground; its claw sparkled from the rising sun.

    My voice wont work!? Why, why wont it work? Elspeth closed

    her eyes and blocked her head with the back of her arms.

    Kedna down! a deep voice beckoned toward the wolf. Elspeth

    opened her eyes to see a guy standing between her and the wolf.

    There wasnt anything wrong with him; he appeared normal; well

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    as normal as a well toned guy could. Her eyes moved across his

    backside, he wore a school uniform. Maybe hes a knight

    trainee, I should ask. She thought. No! shaking her head and

    returning to her senses. Kedna stepped back and retracted his

    claws as much as he could.

    Are you ok? the guy asked scratching his scruffy copper

    colored hair and looking away from her. Hes got a strange

    energy aura around him; Ive never seen one like that before.

    Elspeth though as she stood up and wiping the dirt off her


    Id be better if your pup didnt try to kill me.

    Did you just call me a pup, girl! Kedna snarled almost went

    after her again; however the guy interfered-again.

    I told you not to go around attacking humans. The guy yelled

    at Kedna in the same tone as before.

    Yeah well Im not the one who used magic to win a sparring


    I didnt cast that spell and you know it. Youre just trying to

    win that match.

    As if, I could beat you any dame day! Kedna growled back.

    Umexcuse me. Elspeth started until the guys voice covered

    hers to yell at Kedna again. Her checks puffed out and turned

    red, like a small child when they get upset. Hay, Im trying to

    tell you something, now listen will you. As the guy turned

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    toward her she fell quiet and stared for a moment. His jaw was

    strong, his nose fit perfectly between two deep sapphire eyes.

    He also had a devilish smile from his lips, which only made his

    face more kissable. Elspeth felt his wrist slipping out of her


    O no you dont. she said tightening her grip. As he stopped

    moving he spun his hand and grabbed Elspeths wrist. In doing so

    she stumbled forward landing on his chest, which felt very well

    toned. Elspeth heart began to pound faster with each passing


    Well at least you find me attractive. He said with a teasing


    What are you talking about?! She stuttered stepping back and

    pulling her hand away, rubbing it.

    Thats very interesting. He muttered while looking at the palm

    of his hand. Kedna sat down next to him annoyed at both of the


    O yeah it is very interesting. He replied in a half yawn.

    Sorry but whats interesting? Elspeth asked with an

    intriguing sounding voice. The guy looked down at her, which was

    normal for him but strange for her. Seeing how she was as tall

    as most 17 year old guys.

    His strange colored eyes made Elspeth smile and her

    heart slowed back down. They seemed very calming, yet

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    complicated. Like a puzzle thats hasnt been solved or a game

    without a set end.

    What? he asked with confusion on his face and irritation in

    his voice.

    Nothing. She said closing her eyes and smiling more. As she

    stood there the guys face began to warm, and his stomach

    started to hurt.

    I was just thinking how Elspeths voice trailed off at the

    sound of bell chiming. The school bell! Were going to be

    late. Elspeth said grabbing and pulling him into her room.

    Hay, wait a minute. He said as his face finally turned a

    different color, he could have almost pulled off being a demon

    or vampire with is pale face and motionless posture.

    Elspeth turned and pointed her index finger at him.

    Its your fault that Im going to be late in the first place.

    So there are no waits or buts until we get to the school and in

    class so lets go. Elspeth pulled him though the door, down

    stairs and threw the front door yelling back. Im leaving now.

    Yoko leaned over the corner with a confused look on her face.

    Whats with her? a large, in muscle, man asked Yoko.

    I bet its love. Yoko answered finishing her dishes as the man

    started choking on his drink.

    Love!? he yelled in anger and disbelief.

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    Yes dear, its when two people like each other. Well maybe just

    one person, but it always involves two or more people.

    I know what it is dear. But why does Elspeth have to fall in

    love first. I dont know how to deal with lovey-dovey girls.

    Yoko smiled with entertainment as she sat down with a wet plate

    in her hands.

    Honey, Von fell in love with a girl many years ago. She

    laughed as her husbands face fell deeper into depression. She

    whispered as her hand turned a green teal color and all the

    dishes dried at once.Cheer up honey, Von has yet to figure it

    out, so you have plenty of time.

    As Elspeth ran she heard something behind her and

    skidded to a stop.

    Did you say something? she asked turning and huffing.

    Max. the boy said barely breathing heavily. A confused look

    crossed Elspeths face.

    My name is Max. as he finished his sentence a second bell

    rang. Maxs eyes glanced toward the school and sighed. Elspeth

    started toured the school; as soon as she did Max grabbed her

    hand and pulled her into his chest.

    I ask Ton to summon thee to grant me the power of time, and

    help grant my wish today. He raised his left hand straight

    above them. Little gold lights appeared from his hand. The

    leaves stopped in midair, the air stilled, and all the noses

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    silenced. When Max re-opened his eyes they werent the same as

    before, they were darker now. They had a certain loneliness

    shimmer in them.

    We dont have a lot of time, no pun intended, so come on. His

    hand reaching toward Elspeths, who was starring at all the

    things that were still in the air? Her hand twitched back, but

    she reached her hand up to his. It was a strange thing but she

    always had a trust problem with anyone, male or female. Their

    hands intertwined at the wrist, Maxs warm hand engulfed hers

    making her hand warmer, until their hands were the same tempter.

    Maxs hand tightened and they started toward the school. As they

    ran Elspeth saw everyones face expressions, and almost giggled.

    She hit her head on Maxs back. She stepped back and rubbed her


    That hurt! You're supposed to tell someone when youre going to


    Did you say something? Anyway class is going to start. He said

    dropping her hand and walking off.

    Elspeth turned as she heard Von and Scarlet. Everything

    returned to normal as though it was just a dream. A dream where

    Elspeth was held twice by the same tall, dark, and extremely hot


    Elspeth how in the world did you, never mind. Just make sure

    you get to class on time will yeah,

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    Yeah I know. Or someone might notice that Im weird. Ive heard

    it a thousand times Von.

    Good then I dont have to tell you, right? Von said leaning

    over her, his ash mauve colored eyes looking deep at her. It was

    always the same; people never look to others they look at them

    with no wonder what are in them. Didnt anyone wonder what made

    each person different?

    Yes I understand Von

    Great, then Ill see youin class. He said leaving with

    Scarlet hitting and yelling at him, again. Elspeth slowly

    followed them listening to the people whispering down the


    Hay its the elite class members.

    Vons so hot!

    Hey do you like Scarlet or Elspeth more?

    Elspeth, but whoever wants to date her has to go through her


    Yeah thats pretty bad; I think our best bet would be Bria-

    day. Elspeth always heard the same thing every day, and they

    were always right. Von had been protecting her since they were

    little, and for that she did what he said. That and he was

    suppose to be the next knight commander after graduation, and

    getting beat up by a girl was not what the Knight Quadrant was

    looking for. But only at school was Elspeth the angel all the

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    guys liked, once they got out of the building and away from

    people Von was going to get it.

    Max your acting weird, weird for you. Whats wrong?

    Kedna grunted walking across the school buildings roof ledge

    very carefully.

    Its nothing Kedna. Max said leaning over the roofs railing.

    That girl was weird; I mean she didnt even act like a girl.

    Her aurora was strange to; it was two colors not one. Kedna

    jumped off the ledge he had been walking across and sat next to


    Youre thinking of that personfrom this morning. Im not

    thinking of Elspeth, who cant stop talking for a minute! Max

    spat out in one quick breath turning his head to Kedna. Kedna

    stood up, turned and simply walked toward the door. I never

    said which person it was. His tail wagged back in forth in

    amusement. Max stared turning red as he figured out Kednas


    That little bastard, Im going to kick his ass. Just wait until

    I get my hands on you Kedna! Max said slamming the roof door,

    stomping down the three flights of stairs. Knowing full well

    Kedna would not be there no matter how fast he was Max was not

    going to be able to catch Kedna in front of his classmates. As

    he walked down the hall the girls whispered and giggled, the

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    boys talked to. But no matter whom it was they never got in his

    way, except Von and Scarlet-who pissed him off for some reason.

    He noticed there werent very many people today and those who

    were there all headed toward the arena. Max opened one of the

    class doors to find no one there.

    Maybe Ive got thewrong room. He said sighing heavily.

    No its the correct room you just didnt go to the ceremony

    thats all. Max turned to see Elspeth standing behind him. As

    he noticed she was right, the classrooms were empty and every

    human was in the arena or making their way to it, a smile

    crossed his face.

    So you skipped it to. How lucky for me. He said leaning his

    back to one side of the doorway.

    No I finished my speech so I came to the class room, it wasnt

    luck just a coincidence. She said walking over his legs and

    into the room. The room was standard, one chalkboard, a counter

    in the back, and a wall of windows. The desks were arranged in

    rows of three and columns of five. Elspeth took the first row

    next to the window. Max sat two desks behind her, ready for a

    nap he leaned back. Unfortunately the chair wasnt attached to

    the desk and Max fell backward. As his head hit the floor he

    heard a small laugh from above. When he opened his eyes Elspeth

    was laughing and looking over his desk.

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    Are you ok? she asked trying not to laugh, which wasnt


    Yeah Im fine. He said slightly glaring at her in annoyance-

    more toward the chair then her but he didnt care. She walked

    over to him, now stand a few feet from his fallen chair.

    I didnt mean to laugh but it was really funny. She said

    reaching her hand to him. Max looked at her, she was definitely

    different from others. She seemed more open and not scared of

    much, including saying what she wanted when she wanted. Max took

    her hand, and she helped pull him up.

    Glad youre easily amused. He said setting the chair on all

    fours again.

    So why did you and that dog show up on my balcony this

    morning? That is a good question, he didnt cast a transfer

    spell and Kedna never ran. The only other person who could have

    done it would have had to be at the location of Kednas

    destination. Max was puzzled until it hit him.

    Hey can you use transportation magic? The look that crossed

    Elspeths face told Max she couldnt.

    Not really, I can cast spells but something else always

    happens. If I try a water spell something always flies at me.

    Fire spells usually cause storms, and dont make me tell you

    about my earth spell. Three elements most teachers can pull

    that off.

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    By the way Im Elspeth Kyodai. I dont think I told you

    before. She said smiling up at him. He smiled, already knowing

    her name he found it cute that she introduced herself in such a

    simple matter, until he noticed they were still holding hands,

    and he let go quickly.

    O I was wondering if you wanted to be on my team for the

    tests. She asked sitting in her desk. Maxs eyebrow lifted as

    he replied.

    How do you know we are going to be in teams?

    Being in the student council has its benefits. She said in an

    over happy voice.

    Ill think about it. He said with that teasing smile. Elspeth

    blushed and turned to the front. The sunlight danced a crossed

    her golden-brown locks and tiny little face. Max just sat there

    watching her and ignoring the sharp pain in his chest. He wasnt

    worried about it, since it couldnt be his heart. Seeing how he

    hadnt had one for the last nine years. Max and Elspeth sat in

    silence for over twenty minutes before the other members of the

    R.B.S.A. entered.

    Bria-day was short and wore glasses. She always had a book in

    her hands and never forgot anything. Her pale blue hair was

    always in a braid and almost touched the ground. She had the

    same uniform as Elspeth but hers was tan not green. She also

    wore a deep sapphire green cloak.

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    Myith was as tall as Bria-days shoulder and had a gift for

    animals. He took a baby formu lizard with him everywhere he

    went. It was about five feet long from head to tail, had two

    small legs with four claws on each. A three foot long tail, two

    horns on its head and could change its shape at will. Myith had

    short black hair. He was a year younger than most of the other

    examines. He did everything Bria-day said, not for any real

    reason except he wanted to.

    The twins, as they were called, were in there own little league.

    The both stood 5 4 with dark brown hair. They always finished

    each others sentences and were never separated. They both wore

    knight uniforms and had bright green eyes.

    Scarlet had very unique hair, the top and roots were crimson

    red, however the length was a blend of black hair and poppy red

    colored hair, it was all natural to which gave her a very

    dangerous look. Her hair was always loose and reached the middle

    of her ass. She was also the only girl that Von still hung out

    with, besides Bria-day and Elspeth who were like sisters. She

    wore a red uniform like Elspeths and Bria-days. She was the

    best Fire Sage at the school, and was the only girl that had a

    special uniform made because of her large breast size.

    The last of the group was Von, he was known everywhere in town.

    He had a natural way with the sword, or so the knights all said

    but that did not stop him from always practiced. Every girl

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    liked him, except Bria-day and Elspeth. And all the guys though

    it an honor to fight him in a practice match, except Max.

    Each one of them was of royal blood, except Von, Elspeth and

    Myith. Vons dad was a great knight and Myith got in because

    Bria-day said so. Elspeth only hung out with them, she didnt

    want to be part of the group but everyone believed she was.

    Besides the seven R.B.S.A. students there were three other

    girls, four guys, and Max in the class. After everyone entered

    the class they continued talking. The girls circled Von, the

    guys talked about fighting techniques, and Scarlet practiced her

    finger fire balls mostly on Von though.

    I believe the bell rang some time ago. A tall lady spoke in a

    clear voice and waiting for them all to sit.

    I will be taking role and then explaining the testing rules

    once. She said loudly so all the students heard her. Miss.

    Charlotte Abington?


    Mr. Samuel Barker.

    Accounted for.

    Mr. Zak and Mr. Jak Chik?

    Were here they said together

    Miss. Scarlet Hian?

    Im present.

    Mr. Tyler Hind

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    Present and accounted for.

    Miss. Bria-day Kazen?


    Mr. Von and Miss Elspeth Kyodai?

    Were both here mama. Elspeth spoke out.

    Miss Clover Narik?


    Miss. Victoria Prescott


    Mr. Myith Roiyaruhi?


    Mr. Gale Smith?


    Mr. Link Torsh?


    Max Yarugado?


    Alright then there are two rules for your test. First you must

    pick your own team of five. Von stood as others talked about

    the rule.

    Why only five. That seems a little small for beginners.

    If youre too scared to only have four guards you could always

    stay behind. Max blurted, more of a grumble, out at him. Von

    glared at him at sat back down cursing him out.

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    The second is you must stay alive. With that all the students

    fell silent and looked up at her.

    Whats that suppose to mean?! Victoria yelled with a wince in

    her throat. The teacher went to her desk and grabbed a piece of

    chalk and went to the board.

    Miss Kyodai who would you like to be in your group?

    Why does she go first? Two girls said together.

    She will pick first because one she hasnt spoken out and two

    she is sitting in the first seat. Thats why, now Miss. Kyodai.

    Just a moment I didnt know I was going first. Max smiled to

    himself at that comment. Thats why she left earlier than

    everyone else. Shes smarter than most would think. Plus she can

    use three different elements I wasnt expecting her to learn so

    fast. Elspeth looked around thinking about everyones

    weaknesses and advantages. The twins are great for defense but

    talk too much, they would give use away. Bria-day knows a lot

    about plants and can use wind magic. First is Bria-day Kazen.

    The teacher wrote her name under Elspeths. Lets see Myith

    does what Bria-day does and has his pet so that would help if we

    get into trouble. Next is Myith Roiyaruhi. After that is Von

    and Scarlet they are formidable but I dont want Von on my team

    if possible, so that takes them both out. Im not sure I should

    have girls I dont know on my team, they wont leave Max alone.

    I guess out of the guys Id pick Gale because his father and he

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    run the blacksmith together so that would be handy. Third I

    would like Gale Smith. As his name left Elspeths lips Von

    became confused and mad at the same time and she could tell by a


    Alright one more please. This ones simple as long as he does

    not mind. She glanced to Max for approval but he was not paying


    Last would be Max Yarugado. She said and the girls started

    talking out again.

    Why those four it makes no sense. Make her explain her

    picking. The teacher sighed and nodded toured Elspeth, as a

    queue to explain.

    I choose Bria-day because of her knowledge of plants and

    animals. Myith will help with defense and Gale can fix weapons

    and make tools. Last was Max because he is a good offense.

    Good, Im the best offense fighter in the school you idiot.

    Although if you knew that little bit I think it would freak me

    out. Max though in the moment Elspeth finished.

    Good enough for me. Jak you're up next.

    Zak, Von, Scarlet, and Link please. He said quickly and


    Ok then that leaves Clover, Tyler, Samuel, and Charlotte. You

    are now ready to take the exams.

    Wait Im not on a team? Victoria blurted out again.

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    Maybe I should put her on my team and get her injured enough to

    shut her up for five minutes. Elspeth whispered to herself. The

    teacher sighed

    Miss. Prescott, you were not forgotten about you have the job

    of keeping score of the three teams. This guarantees you a place

    in the graduation. She said smiling and breathing in and out.

    Victoria sat back down in an upset manner that was supposed look


    In the gym you may take any weapons or items you want. When

    youre done go the courtyard and the magic teachers will

    transport you to your testing area. She took a breath. Future

    knights and sages or casters I give you your levee. She

    finished with a small bow in their direction. After she finished

    bowing in respect everyone headed to the gym in their groups.

    Von kept his eyes on Elspeth as she talked and smiled at Max,

    the bastard could go straight to hell as far Von was concerned.

    Chapter 2: A Fight with a Dragon

    Quickly now. An older woman kept repeating to

    students in the gym. Elspeth stood almost shaking with

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    nervousness as the teachers started sending groups to the

    testing arenas.

    You ok, El. His deep voice almost took off her little neck


    Fine. And whyd you call me El? She asked tipping her head

    back to see those sapphire eyes shimmer with amusement.

    Its a shorting of your full name you spell it E.l.s.p.e.t.h.

    as he finished she giggled.

    The l is silent. You pronounce it Espeth. The minute they

    stared at each other felt longer to Max, He wanted to grab her

    little ears and pull her closer to him. He didnt really care if

    she grew taller of scooted back two feet; either way was fine

    with him. His eyes looked up when a teacher came over. Elspeth

    turned her face to the woman and bowed her head slightly. The

    woman just smiled and pulled a small piece of paper out of her

    blue cloak.

    Are you this groups captain? She asked her with a slight bow

    of her own head.

    Yes. She stuttered out. The women just smiled at her and

    continued her speech. This paper must make it through the exam

    along with everyone in your group. Now if you are all ready I

    will send you to take your test. Elspeth looked back to check

    everyones facial expression. Myith looked excited while petting

    Goku, his formu lizard, who sat on one of his shoulders with his

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    tail hanging down Myiths back. Bria-day was reading with her

    ever stern and expression less face-her and max could have a

    staring contest. Gales face looked more scared than anything

    but Elspeth knew he didnt like fighting, which was why he was a

    blacksmith not a knight in training. As her eyes fell upon Max,

    well in this case they looked up, but he wasnt looking at her

    at all. Ignore me will ya she though turning back to the

    teacher with a smile and slight nod. The teacher raised her hand

    above her and spoke clearly. I ask Uchu to grant my wish of

    Transportation! as she finished she touched Elspeths forehead,

    Elspeth grabbed Maxs hand, Max grabbed Gales, Gale grabbed

    Myith, and Myith grabbed Bria-days. Everything went black.

    As Elspeth opened her eyes she was tugged behind a rock, a

    little too fast and she became dizzy.

    What was that for? she asked Myith before noticing him

    pointing up and a finger on his mouth, telling her to be quiet

    without words. Elspeth looked up to see iron bars about fifteen

    feet above them. She gasped as a warm presence slid next to her.

    Max had to get his breathing back down and quickly, though it

    wasnt helping that he sat next to a golden haired angel that

    was staring at him with those big emerald eyes, the eyes that

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    looked so full of life and always seemed to be looking in his


    Are you ok? He asked breathing normally, as normal as a

    heartless person could breath anyway.

    Im fine but I thought we were supposed to be taking a test.

    Not fight in an arena.

    This is the test; I already dragged that guy over here and

    shook him till he woke. That lizard thing was acting weird.

    Goku sensed something unfriendly. I cant read it so its not a

    creature of my ability.

    That means its strong right. Myith answered with a nod before

    remember about Bria-day. Wait what about Bria-day and Gale? he

    looked horrified

    There fine, shes smart isnt she? Thats an understatement if

    there was ever one, Bria-days IQ level at age 10 was 295 and

    she never forgot anything. Elspeth guessed that Bria-day

    probably had an IQ of 400 or more by now, but she was trying to

    guess low. Max leaned over the rock they had been hiding behind.

    He caught sight of the thing they were supposed to fight. The

    creature had two large front paws, each with three sharp claws;

    it also had a huge tail with scales lined on the top and sides.

    It had two horns on its head right above its ears. Under its jaw

    was a line of large white crystals attached like fur. As it

    raised its nose Max ducted back behind the rock.

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    Shit. This isnt going to be easy. He said taking off his

    school jacket. Elspeth peered across the arena to see people

    outside the iron bars. Her eyes finally caught a glimpse of Yoko

    and Hed. Next to them sat Von, Scarlet and the twins. They

    finished already? Of course they had, they had Von and Scarlet,

    and they also probably got an easy test and started first.

    That thing is going to need to be caught not killed. Max said

    to Myith and Elspeth as he drew a resemblance of the arena in

    the dirt. Its called a sagi dragon, for anyone who didnt


    Arent those things dangerous even for people with experience?

    Myith asked letting Goku loose to find Bria-day and Gale without

    giving their position away. Goku curled into a ball and slowly

    turned into a small beetle bug- a beetle that was as hard as

    diamonds and blinded into almost every environment.

    Yes, but if you know there weakness then they arent hard to

    take down. The problem is Bria-day uses ice, earth, and water

    magic right? Elspeth and Myith nodded as a response. The sagi

    dragon has white crystals not black which is going to make this

    a lot harder.

    What does it matter if it has light or dark crystals? Myith

    said looking confused.

    A sagi dragon can only hurt if its crystals are on the opposite

    side of the elemental table Myith. Bria-day said as she

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    appeared out of thin air with Gale holding on and Goku, who

    jumped into Myiths lap. You should know that. She said

    glaring at him.

    Thats correct. And since Bria-day can only use elements on the

    light side of the table it will only stun the dragon not hurt


    Wait what elements would work on it then? Gale asked checking

    on the dragon. It was now sniffing were him and Bria-day were

    moments ago. Max sighed and drew a circle and then ten smaller

    circles, eight on the large circle and two circles overlapping

    in the middle.

    There are ten elements in the world; space, ice, earth, water,

    light, time, wind, lightning, fire, and dark. Everything we know

    can be made by these ten elements. Everyone shook their heads

    giving Max the okay to finish explaining. Starting with the top

    left circle. He said pointing to the one he was talking about.

    This is where space goes. Going down the left side we have ice,

    then earth, and finally water. Each one of these is considered a

    light element. Now on the opposite side are the dark elements.

    Starting at the top it goes time, then wind, lightning, and

    finally fire. In the center are the elements of light and dark.

    Now if you match the dark elements with the light ones directly

    across from them you can find that elements major weakness. Max

    took a breath and checked their timing on the dragon; it was

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    still busy with digging up the same spot. Each side has its

    strongest and its weakest elements; water and fire are the

    stronger of the two sides. Next would be lightning and earth;

    ice and wind; the weakest are space and time, these are also the

    rarest. However if someone can posses the elements light or dark

    they would be stronger than any of the elements on the same

    side, but not necessarily stronger against the other elements or

    more than one on the same side, any questions? Max asked

    looking at everyone. Each of them shaking their heads, as to

    tell him no.

    Ok so if we dont have the right elements how do we kill it?

    Gale asked scratching his head.

    Were not. We need to catch it and Ive got a pretty good idea

    on how. Max said looking at Bria-day. First thing we need is

    rope, and lots of it.

    I have some in my workshop but none of the contestants are

    allowed to leave. Gale said disappointment until Goku jumped to

    the ground and shrunk into a four inch tall puffball with wings

    and an earth type tail.

    Kyshitsu ni id shi, rpu o shutoku! Myith said smiling at

    Goku, who replied with a little yep. Hell be back in four

    minutes. Max faced Bria-day and put his hand on her book until

    she looked back.

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    I need you to distract that thing for ten minutes. Bria-day

    closed her book, handed it to Myith, stood and walked toward the


    Is she crazy? Gale and Elspeth said in unison. Max held back a

    smile that tugged at his lips, he wasnt sure.

    While the two guys were busy watching Bria-day, Max grabbed

    Elspeths hand.

    Come on we have something else to do before that lizard gets

    back with the rope. Elspeth stood, more of a crouch and

    followed Max to another part of the arena with a group of trees

    and brush.

    Okay what is our part in all this? Elspeth asked kneeling in

    front of Max, who was also kneeling.

    We need to use magic to make that thing injured enough so it

    doesnt break through the rope.

    But I though it couldnt be hurt by light elements.

    It cant but you saidearlier that you could cast fire spells

    Yeah but I always screw them up. She interrupted

    Yes but that means you have the ability to cast dark elements.

    He said with a sigh and a glance away.

    What does that matter? Elspeth asked more confused now than


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    You know about Galade Magic right. He asked looking down at

    her, and thinking she didnt from her facial expression. This

    was odd because every magic user was required to know of it.

    Galade Magic can only be used when two people with the ability

    to use the same type of elements channel their magic together.

    In other words they become the same person with more power for

    a time being. Elspeth pointed out felling smart with her

    conclusion. Warmth crept up Maxs neck as she finished. Yeah

    thats one way of looking at it. Anyway, thats how where going

    to hurt it.

    But Bria-day cant use dark elements only light ones so it

    wont work.

    I can use dark elements. He muttered quietly.

    What! Max covered her mouth and told her to shush.

    Thats how I could stop time earlier and how I showed up at

    your house to grab Kedna. Elspeth eyes flipped from left to

    right putting everything together. But guys cant use magic.

    Not unless they have royal blood. Max scratched his copper hair

    and looked away.

    Im aware of that Elspeth. I get reminded every day. But we

    need to forget about the little details and hurry it up. That

    lizard should have come back already. Elspeth looked over to

    Myith and Gale who were busy tying rope to one of the iron bars

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    on the side of the arena. Myith smiled at her to acknowledge he

    saw her.

    So how do you do Galade Magic? she asked her complete

    attention on Max now.

    Bria-day approached the massive beast as it continued

    sniffing and digging at her previous earth spell. She removed

    her glasses, placing them on her shirt between her breasts. Her

    pale blue hair loosened and circled around her person. Her

    purple eyes turned a pale teal color, almost like mist. She

    placed her right hand in front of her, her index and middle

    fingers standing up and the other two were curled. Her thumb

    pointed away from her hand. She then placed her other hand in

    the same position and made a triangle out of the thumbs, middle

    and index fingers.

    I Bria-day Kaze first daughter of the royal blood line of the

    wind goddess summon and call forth the three elements of

    protection. Mizu, goddesses of water. Chikiya, goddesses of

    earth. Kori, goddesses of ice. Come to my aid! As she spoke

    blue, green, and pale blue lights surrounded her hands. The sagi

    dragons ears perked back and it turned its head. Staring at

    Bria-day its eyes narrowed, its mouth opened to show a drooling

    tongue and sharp teeth. As its tail rose Bria-day brought one

    hand to her lips Bring me aid. She whispered as she sliest her

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    hand across the air. At the same time the dragon slammed its

    tail down on top of Bria-day.

    Myith watched Bria-day walk toward the dragon and Elspeth walk

    off with Max. Gales face was as white as a ghost as he sat

    scratching one thumb with the other.

    You ok? Myith asked. Gale looked up and stopped scratching.

    Im not used to fighting everyone else seems so normal at

    this. Myith laughed

    Thats not true. Bria-day doesnt show very many emotions to

    begin with. Shes also really confident in her spells. Elspeth

    is more of an encourager than a fighter so youll never see her

    not smiling. I dont scare easy because I have Goku and Bria-

    day. Dont know what Maxs story is but he seems like he was

    born to fight. You just havent gotten experience in fighting.

    Gales face looked worse after Myiths little speech. Dont

    worry though if we didnt have you we never would have known

    where to get rope from. Elspeth is excellent at figuring peoples

    weaknesses and strengths just by looking at them. So if she

    picked you that would just mean you have something she figured

    we could use or need. As Myith finished Goku burrowed up

    between them with a bag full of rope. The three of them ran to

    the closest bar. Gale tied the rope on before realizing the type

    of iron

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    Make sure you tie them in French knots or else they wont hold.

    They made the bars from fire iron, its strong but if the ropes

    arent tied right they will fall off with the smallest pull

    Myith nodded and told Goku in the same language as before

    Hey I got aquestion. Gale asked climbing up another bar.

    Im listening.

    If Elspeth picked use because wed be helpful why didnt she

    pick Von instead?

    O, thats because Elspeth does everything Von says. Like me

    with Bria-day, we dont have to we just do. So she wanted to do

    the test herself instead of relying on Von for everything.

    I guess that makes since. What are Elspeth and Max doing

    anyway? Myith looked over at them to see her looking back. He

    smiled at her to signal he acknowledged her. She then had her

    full attention on Max.

    Im not sure but we need to get down and to the other side.

    Goku changed into a small griffin and flew them to the ground.

    As they got to the other end Myith turned to see the sagi

    dragons tale slam on top of Bria-day. He dropped to his knees

    and froze, his eyes dilated.

    The crowd stood with whispers and gasps in all directions.

    Dust covered a good portion of the arena as the dragons tail

    laid were Bria-day once stood. Elspeths, Maxs and Gales eyes

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    all watched to see if she was hurt or not. The dragon removed

    its tail and stepped closer to its prize. Its nose sniffed, but

    only sneezed from all the dust.

    Its not polite to hit your guest. Bria-day yelled as she rose

    from the ground in a large ball made completely of water.

    Clearing the arena of all the dust she landed back on her feet

    in a small puddle of water below her. The crowd settled down and

    clapped at her ability to protect herself with such a difficult

    spell. Gale shook Myith until he came back to his senses.

    Shes okay Myith. That was a close one though. Gale said

    helping Myith onto his feet.

    How much more time do you guys need? Max asked as he reached

    them with Elspeth.

    Id say ten maybe fifteen minutes.

    Fifteen minutes! Max yelled in frustration

    Yeah we need to finish this side and the top. If we rush it

    could screw everything up and we dont really got a second

    chance. He had a point and Max couldnt argue it.

    Fine but work quickly. Well try and by you guy as must time as

    possible. Come on Elspeth. He said running toward to dragon.

    Good luck, Elspeth! Gale said blushing after she smiled back.

    Come on lover boy. Myith laughed as he climbed.

    Elspeth caught up with Max in no time.

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    Okay you remember how it works? Elspeth nodded and held her

    hands up in front of her chest. Max place his hands inches away

    from hers.

    Okay, just summon one of the dark elements. And remember it

    doesnt matter which one. Elspeth breathed in and back out she

    saw Von watching her and her hands feel.

    What is it, hey? Max yelled trying not to provoke the dragons


    I never told them I could use magic. Max looked confused until

    he turned to see what made her upset. He glared at Von, like he

    knew it had to be Von.

    Elspeth. Max grabbed the side of her shoulders. Elspeth! She

    looked up at him almost ready to cry. Your brother is not

    fighting, you are. And no one in this arena is going to be able

    to leave unless we fight it with magic. Dont even think about

    them okay. Elspeth nodded and stood straight up. She replaced

    her hands in the correct position. Maxs hands touched hers,

    just the pales.

    I ask Kaminari to summon thee to grant me the power of

    lightning and to help grant my wish today. As she finished

    small sparks came out of her hands and around Maxs.

    I Max Tsuki second son of the royal blood line of the dark god

    summon the ability to grow and concur. As he spoke Elspeth

    stared at him with disbelief in her eyes and a hint of

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    curiosity. When he finished Elspeths vision turned white until

    she found herself in an endless room.

    You wish to bond to the one call Max Tsuki correct. A deep

    grumbled spoke from behind her. As she turned she saw a pure

    black wolf with the occasional white streaks of fur on its jaw


    Yes I do. The wolf sat with an appealing look in its eyes.

    You understand you cannot make a second contract nor use magic

    with anyone else of the dark elements.

    I understand the laws of Galade Magic and I except all terms.

    She said placing a hand on her chest. The wolf stood and started

    circling her slowly.

    Interesting well then if you can give me the answer to the

    riddle I will give you the ability you seek. Elspeth took a

    breath and looked at the wolf in the eyes.

    Very well your riddle is this. What is cold, yet warm? Hard,

    but soft. Stone and wax. Hope, as well as destruction. Is

    visualized as red but rarely seen. Elspeth watched as the wolf

    lay down.

    My answer will be the human heart. The wolf raised one of its


    What makes you so sure, princess?

    Because it changes so much that it is possible to be all of

    those things, and we believe it to be red because that is the

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    color of our blood but most never see one there entire life.

    The wolf stood in front of Elspeth within seconds.

    I congratulate you in the correct answer. Your reward is the

    ability you require. But remember my little princess, those with

    the possession of wings will not have that of my riddle and you

    can never gain what has been lost.

    Another riddle? the wolf jumped and placed a paw on her chest,

    where her heart would be.

    Perhaps, but this one will not be so easy to figure out young

    princess. As the wolfs voice faded she heard a more familiar


    Elspeth walk up. Elspeth! Maxs voice echoed in her ear. Her

    eyes opened to find Maxs head inches away.

    What the?" she started as she realized she was see threw.

    Great job on the lightning spell by the way. We have

    successfully created Galade Magic. O, and dont stand up a lot.

    Elspeth almost asked why until she realized everyone could see

    her bare chest. She turn bright red, well would have it she had

    color to her, and hid her chest behind Maxs shoulder.

    So how does this work again?

    Simple your magic goes through my body and into my weapon.

    Making you untouchable and me able to hurt that thing, ready?"

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    Von stared as Elspeths body lit up and then

    disappeared. He stood along with his mother, Yoko.

    Isnt that Galade Magic? He said more of a question than

    actual statement.

    Yes, but how did she learn to use it? We dont let her use

    magic let alone talk about Galade Magic. Von watched as

    Elspeths body changed into a ghost-like-mirage attached to Max.

    Von clenched him fist and grinded his teeth.

    I know who told her about it and when there finished Im going

    to kill him for it. Scarlet leaned over her seat to see Elspeth

    freak out about her very much visible breasts she giggled and

    pulled Von back into his seat.

    Just watch to see how it ends, Von. You never know she may

    surprise you. Von slouched in his chair and watched Elspeth

    fight in the arena. Scarlet blushed as Vons hands covered hers,

    he did not do it on purpose just folding his arms, but she still

    liked it.

    Max ran toward the sagi dragon as Bria-day used earth

    magic to pull one of its paws to the ground. Vines wrapped

    around it cutting into the beasts flesh, but its crystals healed

    it moments after every cut.

    Bria-day well take care of it from here. Go help Myith.

    Elspeth said as Max grabbed its tail and hung on. While the

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    dragon clawed and ripped at the vines in its paw and fur. Max

    carefully jumped from scale to scale.

    Where do we need to hit it Max?

    The crystals are best but anywhere without scales will work.

    Elspeth looked around its body.

    So basically we need to get to its head.

    Yeah, pretty much. He said jumping off the last scale and onto

    its fur. The dragon stopped and looked over to see Max in its

    shoulder. It screeched at them and pulled its paw off the

    ground. Shaking its body ferociously Max grabbed tight onto its

    fur and slowly climbed toward its horns.

    How are you going to hurt it if you dont have a weapon?

    Max couldnt help but smile at Elspeths question. Since he

    didnt have one in hand he didnt blame her for asking.

    Im going to use an elemental blade made by my father.

    Whats an elemental blade?

    Youll have to wait and see. Missy He said clenching the

    dragons right horn. The sagi dragon stopped moving long enough

    for Max to grab a sword hilt from his waist.

    Okay Elspeth I need you to think of the way a blade looks.

    Elspeth closed her eyes trying to remember what Von always

    practiced with. When her eyes opened a sword appeared from the

    hilt, it curved toward the inside and had a wolf carved along

    both sides.

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    Nice imagination. He grinned at her, who just smiled timidly.

    I didntmean for it to look that way I can try again.

    No this will be just fine. Max jumped onto its nose as the

    dragon thrust its tail crazy over and around its back. Max

    pulled its fur right above the nostrils. Standing on his feet

    Max waited for the dragons paw to come and scratch its nose.

    When the dragon raised its paw, Max jumped onto the paw, as the

    dragon lowered it Max jumped toward to jaw line.

    Now's when you need to use your magic. Elspeth put her hands


    Kaminari. She whispered sending lightning from her fingers,

    through her body into Maxs arm and out of the blade, which

    was gouged in one of the dragons crystals. Max fell to the

    ground and ran for cover.

    NOW! he yelled to Myith as loud as possible. Myith grabbed

    Goku and whispered something to him and let him go. Goku yelped

    at such high frequencies no one heard him except the sagi

    dragon. The pain and sound made the dragon shake its head and

    run in circles until it finally ran into the ropes. Myith, Gale,

    and Bria-day pulled to hold the ropes until the sagi dragon

    finally calmed and collapsed from exhaustion.

    As the dragon breathed one last heavy breath Myith jumped

    onto Gokus griffin back and caught Gale in Gokus claws. Bria-

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    day walked to Myith as he slid off Goku and made sure Gale was


    I guess that wasnt too hard. Bria-day said taking her book

    back and running her hand across each line. After he placed the

    hilt on his waist, Max put his hands together. His index and

    middle fingers stood straight up, while his other fingers

    intertwined with each other.

    Release. As he spoke Elspeth became visible and clothed. Her

    lower body slowly pulled away from Maxs back. She stumbled at

    first, grasping the strong arms that held her shoulders.

    Well done, for your first magic trick. Max said trying to make

    Elspeth smile, and it worked. Myith, Gale and Bria-day came

    running toward them, reaching them right before the crowd

    applauded, whistled, and hollered to them. Max let Elspeths

    shoulders go and took his jacket from Gale, who still looked


    Hey, dont look so down. You passed didnt you. Max said to

    him patting him on the shoulder. Gale thought about it for a

    moment until Myith jumped on him from behind. Laughing and

    waving Myith seemed the most excited. The top of the iron cage

    opened as three griffins with riders flew in and landed in front

    of all five of them. The largest griffin stood upfront and was

    taller than an average full grown man. All three of them had

    golden feathers and lion paws and tails. Their heads were that

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    of eagles, the most common type of a griffin. The front

    griffins rider climbed down, like a rider on a horse, and

    grabbed a scroll from the saddle bag. He wore a teal green armor

    with the Kazen symbol; three stars diagonally separated a

    butterfly wing from swirls and curls, on the chest plate.

    As the Kaze knights co-captain me, Sir Dalis, hereby

    congratulate your team on their victory. As request of their

    majesties you and your families are invited to enjoy this

    evenings festivities. What is the answer of all members?

    Elspeth started to answer until Max stepped forward and looked

    Sir Dalis in the eyes.

    We will attend with honor to meet their royalty. Sir Dalis

    glared at Max until the griffins made noises in agitation. Sir

    Dalis remounted his griffin and pulled up on the reins. The

    griffins wings stretched completely out and flapped slowly

    until their back paws were off the air. Winds wrapped around the

    arena as they raised the front claws curled in and within

    moments the only trace of their presence was the dust still

    settling down.

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    Chapter 3: Keep To Yourself Idiot

    Her eyes wondering across the open arena court room.

    Looking, almost seeking for someone or something. As her eyes

    settled on one place, Max followed her line of sight, grinding

    his teeth as he set sights on Von.

    Theres no way the two of them are related. They dont look

    alike at all. Max grumbled under his breath as Kednas front

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    paws appeared out of the walls shadow, followed by the rest of

    the wolves body.

    Perhaps there, whats that word humans use all the time? Kedna

    paused as he sat next to Maxs left leg. For a wolf he was

    fairly tall, his head reached Maxs waist at a sitting stance,

    at a height of 4 2.

    Ah! I remembered, maybe there dat Kedna could not finish

    before Max shoved his head down.

    Shut up dog! with Maxs statement Kedna snapped.

    Watch your mouth boy! Im a wolf and you know it. Kedna

    snarled at Max; leaning against the wall, Max folded his arms

    against his chest, and continued watching Elspeth.

    What did you find out anyway?

    What makes you think I found something?

    Because you hate humans, thats why. Know what did you find

    out? Kednas lips curled as best he could, almost a wicked

    smile, knowing Max was right.

    The demons are hiding. Which means there moving? Maxs head

    snapped toward Kednas very serious, very stern face. Kedna

    sighed heavily.

    Calm down Max HE wont show up unless they cant do the job.

    You know that. He said turning his snout up toward Max. Max

    clenched his fists aggressively.

    Tell me what you know about the guy over there.

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    The guy over there? Kedna sarcastically grunted at Max. Max

    smacked the back of Kednas head.

    The one talking to Elspeth. MORON! he replied through his

    teeth. Kedna nodded and spoke as he eyed his pray.

    Von, number one swordsman on the schools records-since you were

    sick the day they tested students skill level. Kedna started

    with a glance up. Max simply grunted his companions obvious

    rude remark toured him.

    He is Elspeths brother- not by blood as you are already aware;

    you also know how she came to be in the family, correct. A node

    from Maxs head suited as an answer for the wolf.

    He has a reputation of dating any girl that asks him out, I

    have heard that hes dated the entire school-girls only of

    course. I have a suspension that he and the red head can use

    magic together, like you and that girl used during your fight

    earlier. Kedna growled.

    Saw that did you. Max grinned at the satisfactory of making

    his companion angry once more.

    Yes and its not amusing, she can barely fight and she is not

    the best at magic either. Why the hell did you pick her, and

    dont you dare say its because it was convenient for you. Max

    stepped away from the railing and started walking toured


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    I picked her because she was close by. Kedna yowled at Max

    with frustration over him. Shell be the death of you, idiot.

    Kedna thought disappearing into the shadows once again.

    Her laugh echoed through his ears, rubbing his chest he stopped

    a step away from Elspeths back.

    I need to talk to you. He whispered as nice and calmly as he

    could while glaring at Von. Something about him set Max on edge.

    Elspeth spun around, almost bumping into Max.

    What do you want? Von said pushing Maxs shoulder and stepping

    between them, glaring back at him.

    Like I said I need to talk to Elspeth. Von arched an eyebrow.

    Alone. Max said slowly. Just as Von clinched his fists Scarlet

    placed her hand on his forearm.

    Bria-day slowly watched as a shadow turned into a dog,

    no a wolf. That means it was a demon. Why is it with Max, I

    wonder is that the piece I have yet to figure out? Myith looked

    from Bria-day to Max and back.

    What is it Bria-day? She closed her book and handed it to


    I need a moment alone. Myiths facial expression got worse by

    the minute. Bria-day sighed and rephrased.

    I NEED a moment to do that thing I do with Goku. Myiths eyes

    widened as she finished. He handed Goku over to her.

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    Why do you have to do this now? Who changed the book enough to

    have you use that spell? Bria-day simply walked away from Myith

    and the other examinees and guests. She walked to the hedge maze

    in the garden and took Goku into the main area of the maze. She

    placed him on the ground in front of her.

    The concrete had the royal familys crest placed in it.

    Blue roses grew around the circular crest. A wolf statue stood

    in the center-it was carved to look like it was running to the

    left, its tail turned into ivory colored wind, as well as its

    chest. The statue had always been there and very few still knew

    its purpose of being there. One of which was Bria-day.

    Alright Goku I need your ability. Bria-day placed her hand on

    Gokus forehead. He rubbed his nose and the side of his lips on

    her index finger. His ears feel back as he purred.

    I summon the god of time and goddess of space, give me the

    ability to change what may acquire As she spoke Gokus fur and

    scales glowed, changing him into a small foxtail pup. Allow me

    to change the threads of fate and weave my own design from small

    moments which you may allow me to see. When she finished her

    eyes turned a copper color and images flashed on Gokus fur and

    into Bria-days mind. Bria-day closed and re-opened her eyes,

    returning to the present.

    Thank you Goku. She said lifting the passed out creature into

    her arms and running back to the arena.

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    Myith spotted Bria-day rushing back to him. As she

    reached him she handed him Goku.

    Wheres Scarlet?

    What happened to Goku?

    Where is Scarlet Myith? She repeated grasping his shoulders.

    Myith pointed toward Von and Elspeth, sure enough Scarlet was

    there. Bria-day kissed Myiths forehead, thanked him and ran off


    Scarlet. Bria-day said from a small distance. Scarlet looked

    up but ignored her after a moment. When Bria-day reached them

    she pulled Scarlet by the forearm.

    Hey! Scarlet said yanking her arm out of Bria-days arm. What

    is it Bria-day?

    You need to keep Von away from Elspeth.

    What are you babbling about?

    I have SEEN something that has yet to happen do not ask why or

    when. What I do know is that Elspeth needs to talk with our new

    friend over there.

    You mean Max. Scarlet asked clarifying, answered with a nod

    from Bria-days head. Scarlet sighed and turn her head back to


    Ill do my best. She said patting Bria-day on the shoulder.

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    O and Scarlet. Bria-day said grabbing one more minute of her

    attention. I am truly sorry. Scarlets brows crunched in

    confusion as Bria-day walked back towards Myith.

    Torches lit the walkway as the sound of shoe tips

    echoed into the ears of two Minotaur, each standing on one side

    of the dark oak door blocking it with two iron clad axes. As a

    women came into view the two Minotaurs straightened their stance

    and bowed slightly at her, not some much for royalty but more

    for respect. The axe in each of their hands made an X in front

    of the door.

    My Lady. We didnt know you were on your way. The one on the

    left said looking slightly up to her face, keeping his head down

    as he bowed. She had a scar on her left check and dark mauve

    colored eyes. Only when bowing did the Minotaur race have to

    look up at her.

    Yeah well I can go anywhere I please. Remove you weapons from

    the door. The Minotaurs exchanged looks before they did as the

    women requested. She pushed the doors open and walked into the

    lighter part of the round room. Moonlight glistened from her

    shoulder armor; the only thing she was wearing was a red and

    black tailcoat corset and a black rose skirt that was shorter

    than her knees, as she walked across the room and up the steps.

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    How are you doing? Does it still hurt? The women asked as she

    lend across a gold trimmed chair with black fabric.

    His he still alive, can you see where he is. A man from the

    chair spoke in a deep solid voice. The women knelt on one knee

    and lowered her head, pulling all her long black hair to her

    left shoulder.

    Her majesty, I know where he is however.

    No buts Iku, I want him here now! The man stood from the chair

    and grabbed Ikus hair and pulled her to the floor. Bring him

    to me! You know I need him to be here.

    Majik, I will be sending a spy to bring you your request. A

    man spoke up from the shadows. Majik lifted his head up and

    released Ikus hair. Iku glared at the man, as though he had

    done something wrong.

    Good. Iku ride Garths spy and make sure it does its job. Soon

    I will be out of this powerless body and in one that has the

    strength to hold me. Iku rose from her place, bowing in respect

    with Garth before leaving the room. As the two walked farther

    away the Minotaurs returned to their original positions.

    I had everything under control! You shouldnt have interfered,

    Garth! Iku shouted toured him as they went down a corridor.

    He had you to the floor; if you werent soft for Majik you

    could have avoided all of this. Garth protested. Ikus right

    hand lit up purple and gold for a moment, then she had Garth

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    pined to one of the solid brick columns with a four foot long

    staff. The staff had a sphere of moving energy in the center of

    one end, which resembled an hourglass. The circle was surrounded

    by a gold colored metal in the shape of a diamond. Two crescent

    moons, that never touched, surrounded the metal. The staffs

    three foot long rod went straight through each shape and twisted

    into a point at the top.

    Dont start with that again. You want to stop Majik go ahead

    and try it, I dont think youll get too far past me. Iku

    warned with the look of death shimmering from her eyes. Garth

    sighed and put his right hand to his throat, a vow of respect in

    every elemental realm. Iku released her grip, allowing Garth

    air. She placed the staff vertically in front of her chest,

    placed each hand on one side and whispered Ton. A moment

    passed and all was the way it had been but moments before. As

    though nothing had happened.

    The two of them exited the building into a large open

    forum. All the plants had died and withered, except the center

    which had one bush of roses surrounding an empty fountain. Garth

    removed his leather jacket with shoulder spikes and his navy

    blue T-shirt and laid them on an old stone bench. Garths entire

    chest and arms were completely covered in tattoos. The dim light

    that shimmered through the storm clouds lit up Garths face to

    show tattoos from his chest ran up his neck. His face was inked

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    to look like a hawks face. No tattoo repeated and each one was

    an animal. Garth placed one hand on a tattoo, which resembled a

    dragon, and spoke clearly.

    Tsuki I, Garth last heir of the dark elf clan, call you to do

    my bidding and give my body the power of shadows and demons.

    Give me the strength I was born with but will not use. As Garth

    spoke he slowly pulled his hand off the tattoo. The tattoo ink

    lifted off of Garths skin and slowly came to life. Standing

    nine feet tall with black scales lined on its back and throat

    and crimson scales covering its underbelly the dragon looked

    like a volcanic death with eyes that lit up like fire from the

    pits of hell. Iku re-casted her staff, slammed the bottom into

    the hard concrete, making her jump high above the lying beast,

    and landed standing upon the beasts back.

    When your heart is okay with you moving normally meet me at the

    bridge. With a wave of her hand the beast lifted its wings and

    flew out of the courtyard and over the castles walls.

    Scarlet crossed the floor to where Von and Max stood. Von

    clenched his fists as he went to punch Max, for being Max, a

    warm hand stopped his own from going any farther. His eyes

    glimpsed to the left, which made him blush more than a guy of

    his stature usually would. Scarlet was wearing a deep crimson

    dress, body tight and extremely short.

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    Lets all play nice children. Im sure the royal family doesnt

    want blood all over their backyard. She glanced up at Von, who

    did not seem happy in the least. Von lowered his arm slightly,

    and whispered in Maxs ear.

    Touch her and youll regret you met her. As he realist his

    grip Max grabbed Vons dress shirt collar, his sapphire eyes

    narrowed as he glared at Von.

    Careful, you might regret you ever threatened me. A small grin

    reached Maxs lips as he realist his hand from Vons shirt.

    Elspeth glanced nervously between the two guys. As she went to

    ask Max what he needed to say a man spoke over everyones


    Thank you all for coming to the royal familys place garden.

    There is one last item of entertainment for this evening. The

    man took a parchment from the princes hand. Will the following

    people stand in the center of the floor please? He cleared his

    throat as attendees cleared the familys crest- that was

    imprinted on the cobblestone floor.

    Von Loki and Scarlet Hian. Bria-day Kazen and Myith Roiyaruhi.

    Jak Chik and Jak Chik. Max Yaragado and Elspeth Loki. Zane Kazen

    and Ire Zumi. Please stand next to the person your name was

    called with. Everyone paired up. Elspeth watched Max who was

    eyeing Ire, someone Elspeth did not remember from the school,

    she might have been royalty but her last name was wrong.

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    Now that you are all sorted his majesty has a few rules for

    this tournament. The speaker bowed at the man standing.

    He was tall and a little pudgy, he had strong looking arms. He

    was wearing the traditional knights uniform, a pale green cape

    held in place with two shoulder guards. His chest plate had the

    kingdoms wolf insignia carved into it. He was wearing heavy,

    fire-proof boots and normal pants. As he rose his arm to silence

    the crowd chain-mail showed under his tunic.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the ten of you showed great passion

    and/or skill. However your battle is not over, only one of the

    ten of you may receive the title Knight of Kaze or Caster of

    Kaze. Now you must work in teams in order to complete the first

    eight fights. If you are too injured to continue or your magic

    does not work anymore, a medical sage will remove you from the

    field. One other thing. During this battle my son, Zane, and my

    daughter, Bria-day, are not part of the royal blood line. With

    that you may fight your heart out with anyone you like. He

    nodded to his wife. She stood and whispered a spell; her hand

    moved toured the family crest. The floor started shifting,

    seconds later the floor dropped one-hundred feet. She then

    struck her hand horizontal and placed a pale green summoning

    circle across the drop.

    You will not be able to summon creatures during the fight

    unless you can break her majestys Spyrionial circle. So without

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    further ado. Let the real tournament of Kaze begin. The king

    finished with his hands in the air and the audience applauding.

    The wind rustled through the trees and across Scarlets

    face. She slowly opened her eyes to see a massive jungle around

    her. As she began to move she felt something touching her chest.

    I swear if its one of those perverts Ill kill them she

    though angrily as she turned and looked behind her. Von laid

    still unconscious and holding Scarlet in a very lewd way.

    Scarlet smiled softly and whispered Idiot.

    You know your heavy right. Von said with a smirk on his face.

    Scarlets face looked like it was going to fly right off her

    shoulders before she slammed Vons face into the large oak tree

    behind them. She stood and started walking east.

    What the hell was that for anyway?! Von yelled rubbing the

    back of his head. Scarlet turned her head with her fingers

    intertwined behind her back and looked at him, Nothing. Von

    slowly lowered his hand into his lap, as though he had lost a

    bet, as he watched Scarlet turned her head around the sunlight

    caught her eyes with its glare. A crimson glisten sparkled right

    before her hair covered the side of her face. Von half smiled,

    Thats what I wake up for

    Hurry up or we wont find a stone. As she walked father ahead

    Von stood and ran to catch up.

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    You still didnt have to throw my head against a tree. Yeah

    well you deserved it. Scarlet replied turning a pale rose color

    in remembrance of Vons sleeping face.

    Why? Von asked confused looking at Scarlets ignoring you

    moron face, Come on; at least tell me what I did this time.

    Why does it matter anyway? Cause I Von looked to the left

    as he finished the rest. I wanted to apologize if I hurt you on

    our way down. Scarlet stopped in her tracks and both her hands

    shaking. Von you didnt do anything at all. You sure?

    Scarlet nodded as she picked up the pace.

    "We should hurry or we won't get a stone, and I'm sure you want

    to graduate right." A sign of sarcasm was rolled into the last

    bit of Scarlet's speech.

    Chapter 4: Everything About Him Is Strange

    Elspeth started moving her legs to try and find her

    footing. When her toes stretched all the way out she realized

    she was not near the ground. She was being held by her arm and

    dangling from a huge redwood tree. Elspeth looked up to see Zak

    and Jak holding her with everything they had.

    "What are you two doing? Let go or we'll all fall."

    "No way." Jak squeaked out. Yeah and besides Von would kill us

    if we let you get hurt without trying to help. Zak said with

    short breaths. That stupid brother of mine is going to get more

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    people killed then saved. Ok I understand let go Ill be fine.

    I promise!

    Yeah but Jak started. Its fine Jak I have never broken a

    promise, and I dont plan to start now. Jak looked like he was

    about to cry.

    Fine but if you get even a scratch I get to beat Von up later.

    At that moment Elspeth was thinking of getting hurt on purpose

    just to see Von get beat up by Jak.

    Though the twins were short for their age they both knew

    what stealth was and the meaning of swift like a leaf.

    Zak and Jak released their grip from Elspeths arm, and as soon

    as they did they began descending the tree as quickly as


    Your majesty one of the contestants has been eliminated.

    Was it Zane? the king asked in a husky voice.

    No my lord.Very good Are you not worried it is Bria-day.

    The messenger asked as he was leaving.

    Of course not. She is one of the only seven that I find capable

    of finishing this test.

    All though she knew she had fallen at least 70 feet she didnt

    hurt, anywhere.

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    I dont particularly dislike the fact that youre in my lap,

    but having this much weight on my groin is not as pleasurable.

    Elspeth heard a deep voice, familiar in a way but she couldnt

    make out who it belonged to. As her eyes meet two sapphire

    shaded eyes, she realized who it was. Max!

    Sorry! she spat out quickly and scrambled to her feet. Max

    stood and brushed the back of his jeans and fixed his shirt.

    You arent injured are you? as soon as the words escaped her

    lips, such soft looking lips that Max wouldnt have minded

    moving them himself, she realized of course it hurt.

    Not really. Ive had worse, trust me, besides if the worse part

    of my day is you landing on my groin Ill live till tomorrow.

    He grinned with his comment.

    It was always dark, since Garth could remember that is, and

    the sun was hidden well be the kingdoms walls of stone. He

    gazed at the bloody colored eclipse and sat in the silence. His

    aches had long since past but keeping his distance from Iku

    without making anyone think he was up to anything. His loyalty

    didnt lie with the Hikarin realms but not doing as he was told

    would cost him more than his life. Garth stood with his left

    hand touching his right shoulder blade. Tsuki I, Garth last

    heir of the dark elf clan, call you to do my bidding and give my

    body the power of shadows and demons. Give me the strength I was

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    born with but will not use. He said yet again, however this

    time a phoenix stretched its wings out of Garths body and

    sanding seven feet tall. Garth petted the massive bird and

    placed his head on its beak. To Inazuma Island. As he spoke

    the bird turned his back to Garth and awaited his rider. Once

    Garth was settled upon the fiery bird its feathers turned to

    bright red flames and its tail turn blue, flying faster than the

    dragon previously. Garth leaned with the bird at every turn, as

    one being, and never burned from the phoenixs flames. I seen he

    would be seen as a shooting star about to crash.

    Chapter 8: Welcome to Myth Island

    Although they jumped as fast as they could and even fell

    part of the way down the twins knew they wouldn't beat Elspeth

    down. Their stomachs sank as they heard the sound of Elspeth

    hitting the floor moved faster toward the forest ground. Jak

    moved down from the left and Zak from the right, in such perfect

    unison that they both touched the ground together.

    Elspeth! Are you okay? Jak asked running toward her. Elspeths

    face flushed as she jumped to her feet and straightened her

    uniform. Um. She replied glancing around as to hide something.

    We wont tell Von that this guy had you saddle style to brake

    your fall. Zak spoke up with a snicker and Jaks laugh not far

    behind. Elspeth smacked both of them across the backs of their

    heads with her palm.

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    Let them assume whatever they want. We probably did far worse.

    Max slipped in as he rose to his feet, taller than anyone

    present Elspeth was aware but the twins looked up at him as

    though he was a giant about to smash their ant sized house.

    Dont encourage them Max!

    What arent we encouraging? Scarlets sharp voice was heard

    before they were seen. Those two. Elspeth said pointing to the

    twins as Von and Scarlet emerged from a thicker portion of the

    forest. Yeah please dont encourage them; there a pain to begin

    with and no one wants more issues. Speaking of issues. Jak

    spoke up with Zak finishing. When did you to get so friendly?

    Von and Scarlet looked confused until Elspeth pointed at her

    hand trying not to bring up the topic any more than it had to

    be. At first Von tightened his grip on Scarlets hand but

    shortly let go as if she carried the plague. Von. Scarlet said

    in a rough voice with her eyes closed and irritation showing on

    her brow line and Von trying to laugh it off as a sort of bad

    joke. Go bald! she yelled hitting him with her fist and magic,

    sending Von flying about six feet and him landing with his butt

    in the air. Why is it always me? Von asked himself out loud.

    Scarlet turned around and folded her arms under her chest,

    making them visible more than before. Jak and Zak sneakered but

    soon broke out into a full laugh. Von stood up and leaned over

    them cracking his knuckles. You two think this is funny do

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    you. He said with an evil smile on his face and the twins faces

    turned from laughter to terror in a flash. Von started hitting

    them, gently, with his fists on their heads. How about now,

    still think its funny do ya? No! Quit it. Jak said trying to

    block his head. Were sorry we wont do it again. Zak said I

    dont believe that for an instant. Von replied picking Zak up

    and spinning him from his ankles.

    I dont know how they can be so laid back. Max said as he

    walked away from the group.

    Wait, we should stay in a larger group! Elspeth yelled to be

    heard over the loud racket. Von stopped as he heard Elspeths

    voice and the twins stared at her. Max turned his head to reply

    until a girl they didnt know came running out of an area and

    into Max.

    Im so sorry, hiccup its just there was this hiccupblack

    monster and my comrades where, where. They all died! she spat

    out clenching Maxs shirt and crying. Her hair was a dark blue

    and very long, similar to Scarlets. She was small and looked

    fragile. Elspeth glared at her, she wasnt sure why but she

    didnt like the girl. She started walking toward the two when

    she noticed something on the ground. A letter? she thought as

    she pick it up and opened it.

    Please excuse this late letter of introduction,

    by now you have probably met up with your comrades or

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    people you do not know. The color on your uniforms

    will tell you and other candidates what type of magic

    you use. The boys in the tournament only have the

    Kingdoms colors so you will need to find out what

    weapon works best for them. You have one objective;

    obtain an elemental scroll. These scrolls are colored

    and each has a guardian.

    Although you may think this is a simple one

    against many type of deal but there are many other

    creatures wandering around in the forest? As a form of

    introduction I would like to welcome you all to Myth


    Elspeths eyes widened as she finished reading and dropping

    the paper. The thudding on the land got faster. Run. She

    whispered. What? Scarlet asked looking at her. Run! she

    yelled grabbing the paper and clenching her hands into fists.

    Why? Von asked trying to settle the girl back down. This

    island is Myth Island which means it can inhabit any creature

    from the Kori tundras to the Hia lava shafts. Which is also why

    only seven people get to become knights and mages every sixteen

    years? Everyone else is pulled out due to injuries. Thats

    ridiculous. The school wouldnt send in kids to a place like

    that. Von said as a Leviathans head suck out of the brush

    behind him. Theres something behind me isnt there. Von said

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    looking disappointed and picking up the girl. I guess its

    times like these we run for it! he said suddenly running past

    the tree Elspeth had previously fallen out of. The Leviathan

    followed him, without any legs the massive beast used its silent

    wings to hover over the land and swing its thirty pound tail

    left and right, trying to hit its pray. You know I think thats

    a Leviathan. And if Im right it doesnt remove its eyes from

    its pray until dead or its caught its pray. Max said running

    just behind Elspeth.

    Its karma if you ask me. Scarlet said her eyes staring at Von

    like two daggers. O shut up. Its probably after the girl!

    Myith hollered from above causing them all to glance up. Myith

    was sitting on Gokus head that w

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