Page 1: >•—THE LINCOLN TIMES, N. By Jury Four Presbyterian ......Johnnie Norvil. 14-160 OS In-jury to personal property. 6 months, suspended upon payment of S2O for damage to mattress

>•—THE LINCOLN TIMES, Lincolnton, N. C.,—THURSDAY, OCT. 14, 1954

Jaycees Sponsor3-Ring CircusHere Oct. 20th

Lincolnton's Jaycees will spon-sor Kelly & Morris 3-ring circushere on Wednesday. October 20

There will be two performances,at 3 p. m.. and 8 p. m

At the Jaycees' regular meet-ing last week, thirty-eight mem-

bers were present and two newmembers installed JonathanRhyne and Dr. Eugene Richbourg.

Three guests were present: PaulHaynes, Jack Brown and MajorC. E. Lawing.

Tickets fgr the circus perform-ances October 20 can be obtainedfrom any Jaycee member.

Recorder's Court(Continued from page one)

to payWilliam B Newton. 14-256 GA

Escaping from prison. 6 to 12. months road sentence, to run con-

currently with the sentence de-fendant is now serving.

George Deitz. adw. 60 days (two

charges' on both counts, suspend-ed upon payment of costs: defend-ant given until Oct. 15. 1954. topay.

Baxter Deitz. adw . 90 days, sus-pended upon payment of cost.

Clyde Short, assault with a gun.

Warrant allowed to be withdrawnupon payment of cost by defend-ant: given until Oct. 15. 1954. topay.

Fred Johnson, speeding, failedto stop for siren. 60 days, suspend-

ied upon payment of cost, given

until Nov. 15 to pay. on first count:30 days, suspended upon paymentof cost, on second count.

: Fred Johnson, reckless driving.60 days, suspended upon payment

;of $25 fine, given until Nov. 15.| 1954. to pay.

Robert Andrew Lawing. posses-

| sion non tax paid whiskey for bev-erage purpose. 30 days, suspendedupon payment of cost.

Earl Brown Lawing. publicdrunk, possession for beveragepurpose. 30 days, suspended uponpayment of cost.

Johnnie Norvill. public drunk.I 30 days, suspended upon payment

j of cost: given until Nov. 22. 1954.

to pay.Johnnie Norvill. disorderly con-

duct, vagrancy. Not guilty.Johnnie Norvil. 14-160 OS In-

jury to personal property. 6months, suspended upon payment

of S2O for damage to mattress to

I Lincoln county and payment ofcost.

Rex Wendell Caldwell, recklessdriving. 30 days, suspended upon

payment of cost.The following had sentence sus-

pended upon payment of cost on

| speeding charge: Bonnie DeanShelton, William Cowan Harris.Claude Lansford Ellis. GuthrieWalter Evans. Marshall Odus

i Long, James Luther Cleveland.. Frank Homer Sikes. Jr.. Charles

Clarence Hubbard. Fred Derisi. 1; Jack Cahill Bailey. Homer Gene

I Durham. Charles Walter Patter-

j son. Franklin Marion Johnson.Raymond Alexander Sharpe

Two Lincoln GlsCall FamiliesFrom Hawaii

Serving with the 25th Div

which recently arrived in Hawaiiare: Pfc. Edward L. Leonhardt

i and Pfc. David L. Huss.The two boys had the privilege

1 Sunday, of speaking with theirtamilies for the first time in

e’even months.Pfc. Edward L. Leonhardt.

whose wife. Betty Sue lives withhis parents at 310 South MadisonSt., Lincolnton. entered the army

I in June 1953. After completing 16weeks of basic training he wasthen sent to "Korea" where hehas served for the past elevenmonths. Now he is stationed inHawaii enjoying life as it is andoccasionally goes for a tour with

David.Pfc. Davia L. Huss. son of Mr.

end Mrs. Hugh Huss of Rt. 1.Lincolnton, entered the army in

:june 1953. He also has served: with the 25th Div. since complet-ing his 16 weeks of basic train-ing.Pfc. Edward L. LeonhardtL. S. 53-203-723lim. Co.. 27Lh Inf. Regiment

APO—2S. c o PostmasterFan Francisco, California.

In. C. FederatedMusic Clubs ToMeet Here Sat.

I The Lincolnton Music Club will> be host Saturday morning at the

Southern District meeting of theNorth Carolina Federated MusicClubs The meeting will be held inthe Lincolnton High School audi-torium. beginning at 10 o'clock.

Music clubs from Lenoir. Mon-roe. Statesville. Shelby. ’Morgan-ton. Hickory. Valdese Charlotte.North Wilkesboro. Gastonia andSalisbury will be represented at.the meeting.

The meeting will be presided ov-er by Mrs. Charles Burgin, direc-tor of the Southern District andamong the distinguished guestspresent will be Mrs. G. E. Moore,

of Raleigh, State President of theFederated Music Clubs, and Mrs.James Brady, of Statesville, firstvice president.

At the close of the meeting thevisitors will be entertained at lun-cheon at the high school cafeteria.

Junior Music ClubHost At DistrictMeeting Saturday

The Lincolnton Junior MusicClub will be host Saturday after-noon to the Southern District ofthe North Carolina Federation ofJunior Music Clubs.

The meeting will be held in thehigh school auditorium and willbegin at 2:30 o'clock with the sing-ing of the Federation hymn led byMrs. Harold Deal. The invocationwill be said by Rev. H A. McCul-lough. Jr., pastor of the Emman-

uel Lutheran Church.Miss Mary Emma Thompson of

Lincolnton. will deliver the ad-dress of welcome and the responsewill be given by Miss Linda Bolick.of Hickory.

The following piano numberswill be given: “Sheep May SafelyGraze" —Bach, by Miss SalliePickard. Charlotte: "Theme fromSymphony No. 5. Second Move-ment" —Tschaikowsky. by MissMozelle Causey. Rutherford Col-lege; "Village Square" —Helen Ez-ell, by Miss Camellia Seagle Hick-ory; "Spanish Gypsy Dance" —|Dent Mowery. by Miss CarolynVaughn. Hickory: “Country Gar-dens" —Grainger, be Miss AnnHovis, Lincolnton: “Toccata"Chaminade. by Miss SandraMoore. Charlotte: “Naleguena"Lecuona: "Polish Dance" —Scher-wenka. by Miss Mary Hardj. Lin-

colnton.Mrs. David Sutton of Raleigh.

State Junior Counselor, will deliv-! er the address of the afternoon

and other numbers on the programwill be the introduction of Coun-

selors and guests: roll call: min-utes of the 1953 meeting: reportsfrom the clubs, a sons. "America,the Beautiful”: business and 'he

collect.Mrs. Wilbur Stafford, of States-

ville. is district junior counselor:Miss Betty Going, of Valdese. isassistant counselor: Miss MaryHardy, of Lincolnton. president:Miss Jessica Marlow. of NorthWilkesboro. vice president andMiss Shirley Craft, of Charlotte,secretary and treasurer.

Farmers UrgedTake Part In ASCVote Oct. 15-18

R. Flake Shaw. Executive VicePresident of the State Farm Bu-reau. in a statement from hisGreensboro office this week ap-pealed for maximum participationin the Community Agricultural*Stabilization and ConservationCommittee elections.

The ASC elections are to be heldthroughout North Carolina Octo-ber 15-18.

Shaw said, "it is the duty ofevery farmer to participate inhis community ASC' election, be-cause we in North Carolina havea greater stake in the nationalfarm program than any otherstate by virtue of the fact thatwe have more cropland devotedto the production of basic com-modities which are under theprice support program

The Farm Bureau chief empha-sized that North Carolina also Jshowed a high rate of participa- jtion in the soil building programs

I administered by ASC. "We have Ia lot to gain through these pro- !grams in our State if we take anactive part in electing qualified

, local ASC administrators." Shawdeclared.

He pointed out that farmers!could vote by mail in this year's |ASC elections, and that ballots'were mailed last week to eligible

j voters in 1.400 rural Tar Heel eom-

i munities.

Religious Play AtPruitt's Chapel Church

A religious three-act play, en-

titled. “Bountiful Harvest,’’ writ-ten and directed by Mrs. GertrudeBlevins, will be preseted by mem-

! bers of Pruett's Chapel MethodistChurch at Hardin School Sat-

I urday night. October 16, at 7:30.

| Admission will be adults 50cjand children 25c. The play is be-

! ing sponsored by the Hardinj l’-T.A. .

Miss Caroiyn Arrowood. seniorat Dallas High School will'play

j the leading role and Rev. GeromeHunnicutt. pastor of the FirstMethodist Church of Dallas will

: play the part of the pastor.

Every person receiving old ageassistance signs an agreementthat the assistance paid him con-stitutes a lien on any property hemay own and a claim against his





Kelly - Morris3-Ring Circus

m2 PERFORMANCES 3:30 <V 8 p.m

2 PERFORMANCES3:30 and 8 P. M.



BIG BLANCHEWorld’s Largest Pachyderm



Champion Bare-Back Riders


CHILDREN 50cAdults sl.lO Tax Inc.

IF YOU HAVE—-been on a trip

entertained guestscelebrated a birthday

caught a big fish



had a baby

been in a fight

sold your hogs

had an operation

bought a ear

painted your house

had companybeen married

cut a new tooth

sold out

been robbed

been shot

stolen anythinglost your hair

been arrested


Telephone, Or Drop A Postcard, Or Come In,

Or In Any Convenient Way Inform . . .


Trial By JuryCases HeardOct. 6 Court

The following trial-by.jury cas-:es were heard and dispositions

made at an October 6th session ofi Recorder's court:

Fred Weatherman, seduction.Probable cause not found defend-ant discharged.

Fred Weatherman, bastardy. Not

| guilty.

Graham Dellinger, assault on fe-male. Wife of defendant does notwish to prosecute her husband, de-fendant is discharged upon pay-ment of cost.

Thos. Scott, speeding 60 mph.truck. 60 days, suspended uponpayment of $lO fine.

Leonard Bynum, bastardy. Guil-t:. as charged in indictment. 6months, suspended upon conditiondefendant pay to Oza Lee John-soft for the use and benefit of theillegitimate child of which defend-ant was adjudged guilty thereof.,the sum of $25 on 16th day ofeach month hereafter, beginning;Oct. 16, and said sum of $25 there-after on 16th day of each month

until the said illegitimate child

reaches its majority, or until fur-ther orders of the court and upon

further condition defendant shall

pay the costs of this action.Robert Nixon, possession non-

tax-paid whiskey for sale Fourmonths, suspended upon payment

of $lO fine and cost, and furthercondition that defendant does not

violate any of prohibition laws ofthe State of N. C. for period of 2years from date. Whiskey captur-ed ordered destroyed by sheriff of

Lincoln county.A C. Oats, non support of ille-

gitimate child. 6 months, suspend-ed upon condition that defendantpay sum of $425 as full and finalsettlement in this cause, to Car-

rie R Finger, mother of said min-

or child the payments to be madeas follows SIOO to be paid thisday. the remaining balance of$325 in monthly installments of:S2O each, and defendant pay cost ;of court.

Floyd Andred Keener, operating

a car intoxicated. 3 months, sus-pended upon payment of SIOO fine

and cost, and further conditionthat defendant does not operate amotor vehicle upon N. C. publichighways for period of 1 months,

license ordered revoked.John Hugh Abernethv, operat-

ing a car intoxicated 90 days, sus-pended upon payment of SIOO fineand cost and further conditiondefendant does not operate a mo-

tor vehicle upon public highways

of N C. for period of 1 months,license ordered revoked.

James R Cleamons. non support

of three minor children. Defend-ant through his counsel entersplea of noio contendere to charge

of abandonment and non support

of his wife and three infant chil-dren. 6 months, suspended upon

condition defendant pay to said

wife. Mildred Cleamons. sum of

350 per month for her support andsupport of said children, and a

like sum to be due and payable15th day of each succeeding monthuntil youngest child becomes ofage: defendant to pay cost of ac-

tion.Cases on charges of operating a

car intoxicated, reckless driving,

failed to grant right of way. pos-

session non-tax-paid whiskey forsale, speeding, were continued toJanuary jury trials.

Maiden NewsMr. and Mrs. Bill Hawn, Mr.

and Mrs. Denny Harbinson andchildren. K:m and Jerry, spentSunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. J.

D. Harbinson.Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ramseur.

Sr., spent Sunday afternoon in

the mountains of Western N. C.Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brittain

and son visted Mrs. Brittain'sparents. Mr. and Mrs. WalterLineberaer. on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wade Lineberg-er and son, Wade Avery, of Shel-

[by spent Sunday afternoon visit-* ins Mrs. J. A. Lineberger, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Harwell ofBoone spent the week end withMr. Harwell's parents. Mr. andMrs. Carl Harwell.

Miss Norma Jean Rogers ofGastonia spent the week end

j •. isiting her parents.Joel Mcßee spent the week

1 end visiting his parents, Mr. and• Mrs. P. E. Mcßee.

Mrs. Bessie Goodson of Lin-! colnton spent Wednesday visit-ing Mr. and Sirs. W. L. Hefner.

Mrs. W. L. Hefner attended; the funeral services of G. W.

| Funch of Lincolnton on Mondaymorning.

Poetry CornerPAGEANTRY

By Mrs. D. 11. Bess, Sr.

ACT 111The creek banks meander and

\ wind,Kissing goodbye! with the mead-

ows kind—The old gray rocks, perched on the

bendStaring all summer at their but-

ton-bush friend.Sleep not a wink in their dejected

plight—As their idol totters and tumbles I

from sight!The tree-line review tagged.

"Frost-Bitten Toes"Wakes up paying taxes with slut- 1

tering clothes —

The old gray guards wash theirdistraught faces.

With a pan of dew, and a rag oflaces.

(Continued on page five.Section Two)

Public Assistance is giventhrough county welfare depart-

ments to persons in need, based on| a carefully computed budget.

--—— y

i J.* . |

gljZdL r '*^-'-•••*


Local Fire Dept.Sponsoring ShowHere Sat. Night

The Lincolnton Fire Depart-ment will bring to Lincolnton Sat-

i urday night October 16 PaulHoward and ins 3 Star Show.

The show will be staged at theLove Field Ball Park and will be-

j gin at 7:30 p. m.The actors are former Grand

Ole Opry Stars, which insures a:_odo show. Nita Lynn, HollywoodSinging star ant: Kaj Steele,Dixie Record's new singing star

! will also be featured.

Members of the Fire Depart-ment hope there will be a goodattendance.

Marvin Wilfong, Jr.Member Os AmericanGuernsey Cattle Club

PETERBOROUGH. N. H.Marvin Wilfong. Jr.. Lincolnton. N.C. has been accepted for JuniorMembership in The AmericanGuernsey Cattle Club.

By qualifying as a Junior Mem-ber of the AGCC. Marvin will re-ceive a membership certificate andhave the privilege of registeringhis Guernsey at the low memberrate. This junior membership willbe in effect until the new member

reaches 21 years of aee.Nearly 900 young people from all

over the United States have beenaccepted for junior membership

i in The American Guernsey Cattle: Club since this program started inJune.

Requirements for junior mem-

-1 bership in the AGCC are simple.Young people must be individualowners of one or more purebredGuernseys, and at least one of theanimals must be registered or be-

come registered at the time theyoungsters application for mem-bership is processed. Applications

for membership must be endorsedby a State 4-H Club Leader. Coun-ty Agricultural Agent. VocationalAgricultural Supervisor, or anadult member of the AGCC.

Full details on the new JuniorMembership Program may be ob-tained from The American Guei n-sey Cattle Club. Peterborough. NewHampshire.

Extension Service AtRoseland Baptist Church

There will be an extension ser-vice on Saturday night, at 7:30o’clock, at the Roseland Baptist

Church.Several singing groups will be

present. The evening messageo ill be brought by Rev. RalphWebb, former pastor of the

church.The present pastor. Rev. Fred

King, and the congregation in-vited the public to attend theservice.

Flying squirrels are not consid-ered to be game animals, and arerarely taken by hunters.

Superior Court(Continued from page one)

' Posession non-tax-paid whiskey. for sale: E. J. Mace. Hit and run.Failed to Yeport accident; James

j Steele, Robbery'; Howard West,Assault on female. Non support;

- Ray E. McCorkle, Driving afterj license revoked; J. C. Clemmons.

| forgery: Salile Wingate, posses-| sion non-tav-paid whiskey for¦ sale: Gene Cloninger. non sup-

; port: Cornwell Saddle, assault| with knife: Francis Cunningham,

j burglary; Francis Cunningham.

| burglary:Robert Franklin Brown, A.D.W.

j with iyten' to kill;: Robert

jFiankiln Brown, operating a carI intoxicated: R. B. Laney. Jr.,

i A.D.W. with intent to kill: R. B.I Laney. Jr.. A.D.W. with intent tokill, inflicting serious injury: R.

i E Laney. Jr.. A.D.W. inflictingserious injury with intent to

j kill: Johnny Lee Crow. Automo-bile manslaughter: Ray Weaver,

j forgery; Russell Thomas, A.D.W.j inflicting serious bodily injuryj with intent to kill: Russell Thom-

: r.s. disturbing religious worship:

James Harcld Ward, non sup-port: James Leonard, abandon-ment and ton support of wife:John Hugh Abernethy, aidingand abetting in operating a carintoxicated: Henry Camp, operat-

; ing a car intoxicated: William! Jackson, operating a car intoxi-| cated.


I Oscar Willis, burglary; HubertBowens, atlempt to rape: Elbert

j Clyde Cook. B&E and larceny:Robert E. Lee Carpenter. B&E

| and larceny: James Keith Free-man. B&E and larceny: DonaldKeith Carpenter, grand larceny:Billy Dean Smith, grand larceny:Eldridge Tate, forgery; EldridgeTate forgery: Hugh C. Sain, falsepretense;

Bill Caldwell, A.D.W. inflictingserious bodily injury: GordonWhitener. A.D.W.: Go rd o n

| Whitener. A.D.W. with intent to! kill: John Hubbard, possession| non-tax-paid whiskey for bever-

| age purpose: Charles Franklinj Scales, reckless driving, damage

! to personal property, no brakes:

i Een Beam, Jr., grand larceny :! Leroy Clark escaping from prison

j camp; Parker Prince, escaping! from prison camp; Eugene Clif-

j ford Setzer. escaping from prisoncamp;

OCTOBER 30Clarence Lynn, murder.Clarence Lynn, ADW with in-

! tent to kill inflicing serious bod-j ily injury.

Clarence Lynn. ADW with in-i tent to kill inflicing serious bod-| ily injury.

Piano Sold QuicklyBy Times Want Adv.

The Lincoln Times want proven often, continue to bringlestilts-

Mrs. Harry Sullivan, city, can! testify to the power of a TimesJ want adv. She advertised a pianoj for sale, and in the matter of

J hours it was sold. "I received! ' cry quick response to my ad."f the called The Times, "sold itright away. So. please stop thead."

Chicken Pie SupperOct. 16 At Glenn MillsRecreation Center

! There will be a chicken supper| sponsored by the Women’s Mis-sionary Union of Lincoln AvenueBaptist Church on Saturday Octo-ber 16. 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the

¦ Glenn Mills Recreation Center.i The price per plate is SI.OO. Thisincludes fried chicken and all the

I trimmings, coffee and dessert.Child's plate 50c.

CARD OF THANKS1 We are taking this opportunityto thank our friends and neigh-bors for their many acts of kind-ness and expressions of sympathyin the tragic death of our son. Wewish it were possible to tell youeach fn person how much yourthoughtfulness has meant to us inour great sorrow. We pray God’s

! richest blessing on each of you.Mr. and Mrs. W. Q.Fortenberry and Family

Cinemascope Embraces'the Spectacle of the Mammoth Scenes in"THE STUDENT PRINCE" at the Roseland Drive-In Theatre thisSunday-Monday and Tuesday.

i * !!%k • -A ' &*~


It’s all new and hilarious, when “BUDD ABBOTT AND LOU COS-

TELLO MEET DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE," on the screen of theRoseland Drive-In Theatre this Friday and Saturday. Co—feature onthe program is “PERILOUS JOURNEY" Vera Ralston.

Four PresbyterianMen To Attend NewOrleans Convention

Four men of the PresbyterianChurch here in Lincolnton leavetoday to attend the PresbyterianMen's Convention in New Or-leans, La October 15-17. Theyare: The Reverend James L.Mays, Mr. John C. Ramseur. Mr.W W. Keever, and Mr. TheoCochrane, Jr.

Some 8.000 Presbyterian menfrom throughout the South andSouthwest are expected to gatherlor the three day conventionwhich promises to be the biggestgathering of its kind ever heldby a denomination of Protestant-ism. Seven outstanding laymen,clergymen, and statesmen willmake the principal addresses.

The keynote speaker will beMaryland's Governor. TheodoreMcKeldin, who will use as histheme the convention’s theme."In God Wc Trust,” ‘‘Faith’ willte the theme uniting the sixother addresses by Billy Graham;Dr. James I. McCord of Austin

Boger City NewsCpl. David Ross, of Ft. Banning,

Oe.. is spending a leave with hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. .FletcherRoss.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne McAlisterare constructing a new home inthe Lincolnton. Route 3, section.

Miss Fannie Helderman movedthis week to Mooresville, where shewill make her future home.

Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Abernethy,Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Abernethy,Mr and Mrs H B Jones are spendfling this week at the AbernethMcottages at Windy Hill Beach, SC.

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cashion, ofWashington, D.C.. have beer, visit-ing relatives here.

There will be a meeting of theAsbury P-TA tonight (Thursday)in the high school cafeteria.

Seminary: Everette G. Mitchell,NBC farm commentator; Dr.George W. Crane, educator andpsychologist: Dr. Elfan Rees ofScotland: and Dr. Louis H.Evans, renowned evangelist ofthe Pr'sbyterian Church, USA.

YES...I doz. Eggs for 10cAll you have to do is come to our

Store, make purchases amounting

to $5.00 and we will sell you 1 dozenfresh country eggs for

10cLimit 1 doz. to an adult customer

Roseman GroceryEast Main St. Extension




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