Page 1: Abbey College Cambridge Welcome Pack

Welcome Packeverything you need to know about moving to cambridge

Page 2: Abbey College Cambridge Welcome Pack

Page 1-2Welcome

contents PAGE

Page 3Vision for Excellence

Page 4-5Section One: Advice

Page 10-12Section Three: Life in Abbey Cambridge

Page 13-15Section Four: Term Dates

Page 16-18Section Five: Before You Depart

Page 6-9Section Two: Advice

Page 3: Abbey College Cambridge Welcome Pack
Page 4: Abbey College Cambridge Welcome Pack

welcomefrom the principal

We are thrilled to welcome you to Abbey College Cambridge and look forward to meeting you on your first day with us. This 'Welcome Pack' is to help you prepare for moving to Cambridge. It is full of information about what you can expect when you arrive.

Dr. Julian Davies

"We look forward to seeing you soon."

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for excellence

1. Taking responsibility as an independant learner2. Gaining the best possible examination results3. Winning a place on a challenging university course4. Achieving significant and rounded personal development5. Looking out from the college to broader horizons

1. Valuing every student and member of staff2. Working constantly to raise expectations3. Developing learning and teaching strategies suited to each student4. Working in close partnership with students, parents and carers5. Nurturing, sharing and celebrating the success of every member

of the community.


Each individual student achieves excellence by

college staff will help achieve this by

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SECTION ONE: support"We have excellent support to help you make

friends and enjoy living and learning at Abbey College Cambridge."

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Our student council are committed members of the student community who help run events, raise money for charity and communicate the views of all students to the senior staff. Each tutor group votes for a representative to join the council.

student council

school nurseBeing ill or homesick can be scary when you first move to a new country. We have a school Nurse who is here to look after you and help you with the doctors, opticians or any health concerns. She is friendly and caring.

the boarding teamOur kind and friendly boarding staff are on hand for support all day and night. They make our accommodation feel like home and run exciting trips and events to bring students together socially

personal tutorYou will be in a tutor group with students from all around the world and you will meet together weekly to support each other and learn about personal, social and health education.

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currencyThere is no limit to the amount of British or foreign currency that you can bring into the country; although you will have to declare any money over £6,700, if you are travelling from outside the EU.

More information can be found at: online for an accurate exchange rate

bankingWe reccommend that students openan English bank account when they arrive in the UK and we will help you do this during induction week. It is important you do not carry large sums of money around with you or store cash in your accommodation to avoid theft and crime. Keep your money in the bank. Do not carry more than £100 with you at anytime.

climateEngland is a beautiful country and called the ‘Green and Pleasant Land’. We experience all the seasons in the UK: Autumn, Winter, Spring and Summer. The weather changes so it is important to bring weather appropriate clothing for all seasons. Cambridge is one of the driest areas in Western Europe, north of the Pyrenees, so do not worry about the rain! It is a very dry city.

Before you arrive please create a Hotmail, Gmail or Yahoo email account to use while in the UK. You will need to purchase a UK mobile SIM card when you arrive.


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foodCambridge is extremely multi-cultural and international food is readily available. Most large supermarkets will stock European, Asian, Mexican, African and Oriental food. There are also many vegetarian and vegan shops, delicatessens and international food retailers. Students enjoy our catering and contribute their thoughts and ideas to what should be on the menu. All the food is organic and of the highest quality for student dining in Cambridge.

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transportCambridge is famous for bicycles and tens of thousands of Cambridge residents cycle. You will need a cycle helmet and lights for a bike if you choose to use one, to avoid injury or accidents. The Cambridge buses are frequent and convenient and the station has regular trains into London which take just over an hour to reach Kings Cross.

what to pack1. School clothes: smart-casual clothing appropriate for a learning

environment2. Social clothes: for formal occasions, parties and balls3. A warm coat for winter4. Sportswear5. Toiletries including toothbrush and toothpaste, soap etc.6. Passport and documents for travelling7. Stationery and notebooks8. An Electronic Translator9. Towels

we have a rule to speak english at all timesIn Abbey Cambridge we ask students to speak English at all times, in lessons and around the school. The English Language unites us as a school and whatever your fluency level, it is appropriate that you always speak in English and work hard at developing your communication skills to help with your learning. For students studying IELTs this is particularly important as your English level will determine what University options are open to you.

homeAbbey College Cambridge aims to provide boarding facilities of the highest standard to allow students to thrive in their educational studies. Ofsted, the government body that inspects schools, ranked Abbey Cambridge as Outstanding in every category. If you live in our accommodation we expect your rooms to be kept tidy and organised, and expect you to follow the rules on curfew and treat the community with respect. All students are expected to attend every lesson at Abbey Cambridge and arrive in the morning ready to learn. You will use your free time to prepare for your lessons, complete any schoolwork, attend clubs and activities and ensuring you are safe, happy and well.

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"Here are some of the exciting clubs and activities we run at Abbey Cambridge as part of our

ABC enhancement prgramme."

life in abbey cambridge

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[email protected]

• Abbey Band• Abbey Voices Choir• Animation Club• Art Club• Badminton• Basketball• Book Club• Calligraphy Club• Chemistry Masterclass• Chess Club• Classical Band• Classics• Commerce Club• Comedy Club• Computing Club

• Religious Unions• Science Club• Self Defence• Spanish Club• Student Council• Study Club• Study Support• Swimming• Table Tennis• Tennis• Volleyball• Volunteering• Yoga• Yo-Yo Club

• Craft Club• Creative Writing• Current Affairs Club• Dance Club• Debating Soceity• Dodgeball• Drama Club• Duke of Edinburgh• Engineering Club• English Club (Club IELTS 7)• Film Club• Fitness

• Football Team• Friday Homework Club• German Club• Horse Riding• Interview Techniques

Workshop• Ladies' Basketball Team• Maths Masterclass• Maths Mentors• Medics Club• Men's Basketball Team• MUN• Origami Club• Photography• Poetry Club

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SECTION FOUR: term dates

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Start of Term:

All New Students

All Returning Students

Half Term:

Last Day Of Term:

Wednesday 2nd September

Friday 11th December

Monday 26th - Friday 28th October

Monday 7th September

Start of Term:

Half Term:

Last Day Of Term:

January Start:18 Month A-Level

Start of Term:

Half Term:

Last Day Of Term:All Students

Friday 1st April

Thursday 24th March

Monday 15th - Friday 19th February

Monday 4th January

Monday 30th May - Friday 3rd June

Friday 24th June

Monday 11th April

autumn term: 2015

spring term: 2016

summer term: 2016

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Start of Term:

All New Students

All Returning Students

Half Term:

Last Day Of Term:

Wednesday 7th September

Friday 9th December

Monday 24th - Friday 28th October

Monday 12th September

Start of Term:

Half Term:

Last Day Of Term:

January Start:18 Month A-Level

Start of Term:

Half Term:

Last Day Of Term:

AS, 18 Month, GCSE, FTE

A2 & Foundation

Friday 7th April

Friday 31st March

Monday 13th - Friday 17th February

Tuesday 3rd January

Monday 29th May - Friday 2nd June

Friday 30th June

Friday 23rd June

Monday 17th April

autumn term: 2016

spring term: 2017

summer term: 2017

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SECTION FIVE:before you depart

Please keep this advice in your hand luggage while you are travelling.

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Passport Control:

At Immigration/Passport Control your documents will be checked, including:

1. Passport2. Visa (if required)3. A letter which confirms that you have a place on a course of study

The Immigration Officer may ask you:

4. Why you are coming to the UK to study?5. Do you have any family connections in the UK?6. Where you are going to live?

You may be asked to attend an interviewwithanimmigrationofficeron arrival at the airport. You may also be asked whether you want the services of a translator. It is very important that you do not use an interpreter for the interview. You have been assessed on your English proficiency by Abbey College Cambridge.


Green If you are travelling from outside the European Union and have nothing to declare.

Red If you are travelling from outside the European Union and have something to declare.

Blue If you are travelling from an airport within the European Economic Area, where luggage has already been cleared by Customs.

Customs Notes:

1. You must not bring any kind of knife, gun or weapon, even if it is for self-defence.2. Drugs such as heroin, cocaine and cannabis are illegal. There are strict

penalties if you bring these into the country.3. You must not bring any live animals into the country because of

quarantine controls.4. You must not bring any meat, fruit or vegetables.5. If you have problems at Immigration/Passport Control you can contact our

emergency phone: 07584705720

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before you depart checklist

Listed are some of the things you need to check before you start on your journey to the UK:

tick when completed

(1.) Email [email protected] and let us know when you will enter the UK (date, time, airport, flight number)(2.) Arrange cash or traveller’s cheques to cover your first week in the UK(3.) Check you have a valid passport(4.) Check you have a visa or UK entry clearance (if you need it)(5.) Bring your plane ticket and book return flights so you do not miss any lessons (Saturday 12 December at the earliest)(6.) Make sure you have any vaccination certificates(7.) Make sure you have insurance to cover your money and belongings(8.) Make sure you have a health check at least four weeks before you leave your home country(9.) Check the WHO Website to ensure you have all the correct vaccinations— Check what you must declare at customs when you enter the UK(11.) Check your baggage weight allowance with your airline before you fly(12.) Make sure you have completed the Abbey Advantage reading material

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"To be a community energised by the love of learning and the pursuit of outstanding achievment for all."Abbey College CambridgeVision for Excellence

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