  • 1. The ABCs of videochannel successRandy watch my 20 sec. intro video

2. Ais for...avatar:Give me some face!Connect with People.Visitors seldom know,like and trust logos.also; analytics 3. B is for..Brand/Background:Your brands colors, images anddesign need to be included in yourchannel for maximum effectiveness. 4. C is for..Call To Action:Always remember why youhave a channel in the 1st place. 5. D is for..Dyn-O-Mite! [aka: Dynamic]Deliver the goods!Solve the B.A.P!Give the secret to the sauce!Be the expert.Define your special power! 6. E is for..Everyone:is watching. First impressions are made 24/7so watch the words that are coming out of yourmouth! 7. Fis for..frequency:Deliver content on a regular basis 2-4x per month,regular schedule is best!format:can my Fire, iPod, phone watch?focus -on topic 8. G is for..Go for it!Sometime you may not feel pretty, but theShow Must Go On!! 9. H is for..HD:use 720p when possibleHold Steady:Whenever possible your videos need to be filmedusing a tripod or monopod. Dont wave thecamera around and shake the viewers up. 10. I is for..Include Information:Links and Contact info need to be easyto find and included on every pagein your digital destinations 11. J is for..Journalism:Take your cues from the news.They know what works.Joint Ventures:Work with others that complementyour message 12. K is for..KEYWORDS:Think long and hard about the real humans searching for your solution.Ask questions, use research tools,and study your analytic data! 13. L is for..Listen:Comments, forums, networking, askexisting customers friends and family(Listen to what people are saying to and aboutyour competition as well) 14. Mis for..Measure:Youtube stats, GoogleAlerts & analytics.Hosting tools likewebilizer. 15. N is for..Niche:The narrower the better. Keep yourfocus and stay on course. 16. O is for..Optimize!Titles, descriptions, tags, links, overlays andannotations should be relevant and current. 17. P is for..Promote!Get the word out. Social media, newsletters,business cards, and advertising. 18. Q is for..Quick!Get to the freaking point!30-90 secs per message 19. R is for..Repeat yourself - repeat yourself Repeat YourselfSay it again, in a different place, or a differenttalent, or a different angle. Most of yourprospects didnt see it last time. 20. S is for..Subscribers:more is better - ask people to subscribe,subscribe to others, get subs by deliveringquality content! 21. T is for..Titles:The HEADLINES must please humansand the search-bots!Everything starts here! Get it right. 22. U is for..Use what youve got!The tools you have now are the perfectplace to start. Time and energy are allthats needed. 23. V is for..Varietymix it up a little. for the tribe. 24. W is for..WIFM? 25. X is for..X-Ray:Yourself, your message,your CTA, your lookGet others to critiqueand advise you! 26. Y is for.. 27. Z is for..Zen Video:Always search for enlightenment on theshortest path and from every place and thingyou encounter during your journey.When you discover good feelings channelthem into your video. Forget the rules. 28. Channe l Checklist- Channel Name - Swimple :-) [short, sweet, simple]- Avatar - Repeat- Background - Repeat- Keyword list - Feedback- Contact info - Promotion- Call To Action Subscribe to TheChannelMaster.comand

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