


Weekly RevieWAINVm TX

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Lady Lopes cage Lynxettes, eye Dublin at region ByScoULuce

For tbe fourth time in tbe past five yeara, tbe Abemalby Lady Lopes are advancing to the Region I-2A girls basketball tournament by virtue of an an:a win over tbe Spearman Lynxettes. Tuesday'srematcbatTas­cosaAClivlty Center in Amarillo saw history repeated as Abernathy tumbled the taller Spearman girls, 34-27.

The Lady Lopes bead 10 Abilene to face tbe green and gold Lady Lions

(27-5) of Dublin Higb Scbool, run­ner-up in District 8 and 51-47 area winners over Stanton Tuesday.

The Lynxeues were anything but easy and bammered away at Aber­nathy for four full quarters. The Lady Lopes are no strangers to physical contests wbere Elise Pratberand Prim Ryan are usually in the middle of the fracas.

Prather led all players with 24 points and (unofficially) seven re­bOtmds. Ryan bad seven points and

weathered tbe storm with one foul in eacb quarter. On lbis level with more lenient officiating, Ryan Is com­pletely at bome mixing it up under­neath for rebounds. Sbe's been known to get into foul trouble early, thus limiting ber court time.

"I just wanted to play It safe and not get any more fouls after lbat sec­ond one," Ryan said.

Co~n111ittee clears ND police chief

In the fourth quarter, Abernatby began the quarter leading, 28-19 .The Lady Lopes did not score until Prather's lbree straight one-and-one !rips were successful for 6 points in tbe final :32.

"One thing is they picked tbeir level up," Abernathy coach Pat Mouser said about Spearman. "The second thing is we started trying to not lose the ballgame. Rather than playing to win, we were sitting there trying to not get beat.

By Sc:ott Luc:e In a mef prepared statement read

and signed by New Deal Mayor Bill Bigbam, New Deal PoliceCbiefSam Buder was exonerated of all allega­tions of misconduct and discrimina­tion by a secret three-member com­mittee.

After waiting nearly 30 minutes for Councilman Gilbert ViUegas to arrive at Monday's New Deal City Council meeting, Bigbam began the meeting with another agenda item. Bigbamreceivedinformationviatele­pbone during the meeting lbat ViDe­gas would not auend the meeting.

Bigbam' s letter of findings stated lbat the police cbief "does follow rules" and "does not discriminate".

Lope Perez. Nabor Perez. Edna Perez and p,ce11o Cbaviraattended tbe meeting. They were part of a contingent tbat presented a petition to the council Nov. 23. The New Deal citizens lbat presented the peti­tion were represented by Lubbock attorney Tomas Garza. The petition requested lbal the police department, wbicb is comprised of Buller, be in­vestigated following alleged impro­prieties.

Garza did not attend Monday's meeting due to a prior commitment. Contacted Tuesday and infonned of tbe council's fmdings, Garza said be

.lllt'ould bave to wait until the petition­ers secured bis services before be would consider pursuing tbe matter.

Following Bigham's reading of tbe statement, be tbanked the four New Deal citizens for attending the meeting. They talked among them­selves tben left the meeting with no coounentto the council.

Tbelbree-membercommitteewas named by Blgbam in executive ses­sion during the Dec. 21 meeting.

Other business Councilman C.L. "Red" Phillips

made a motion to allow the city's tax attorneys to file judgments for delin­quent property taxes at 408 S. Mon­roe and a mobile bome lbat was in New Deal Village.

JenyVillarreal,owneroftheprop­erty at 408 S. Monroe, owes tbe city

One filing recorded for election

Applications for places on ballots for tbe May 1 elections began Feb. 15.1belastdaytoslgnupisMar.17.

AbernalbyMayO..SbaneCunning­bamhasfiled forre-electionasmayor.

Otber Abematby city council po­sitions open for filing are currently beld by Billy McClenney and Tim Hill.

In New Deal, Place 1 CL. "Red" Pbillips. Place 3Jobn Sbropsbire and Place 5 Lynn LaFon will be oo lbe May ballot As of Wednesday after­nooo, no filings ba~ been submiucd for New Deal's city council race.

The Abemlllby ICbool board Ia eeeldng candldales for Place 6 beld by Rlcbard Howard and Place 4 beld by Steve RJJoy:

New Deal lSD positions beld by Patty Freeman and CllviD LGnon will be on the scbool district's ballot Mayl.

of New Deal $706.36 and is four years in arrears.

The mobile bome owner, John Sikes, owes the city $92.68 for 1986 taxes.

Councilman Jobn Sbropsbire sec­onded the motion wblcb passed. 4-0.

In water department business, Sbropsblre made a motion to attempt to trade the water pump motor from well no. 3andasparepumpnotin use for a new 15 HP eigbt-stage pump motor for well no. 5. Well no. 3 Is also no longer in use.

Wolf Irrigation bas done some work 10 rejuvenate well no. 5 wbich tbe council said bas sbown signs of success. Asonarblastingprocesscost $790 and, during tests wbicb cost an additional $500,1ndicatesan increase of gallons per minute from 35-40 to 85to90.

The new 15 HP motor was esti­mated by Wolf Irrigation to cost $2,320. Wolf estimated the current pump motor in well no. 6 would cost $1,720 to repair.

Phillips seconded the motion wbicb passed unanimously.

In sewer department business, Tom James, city employee, said the city's traciOr bad been repaired by Scott Tractor and was back in ser­vice. Repair cost was $1,318.86 wbich was less than the original esti­mate of $2,800 .

No action was taken on a report given by Bigham of purchasing ra­dios for city vebicles.

In the police department, Buder said be bad purchased a new siren for $169.99. He also said tbe city police car would be painted with green and gold detaillng In tbe near future.

Buder's activity report stated that two accidents were Investigated, two arrests made, elgbt citations issued and five verbal warnings adminis­tered.

Before adjourning, city seaetary Paula Purdom said the city bad col­lected $21.231.98 in property tax money this month. Tbatbrougbttotal collections to 91 percent of tbe $45,893.64 taxes levied.

The scoring drought extended back into the third quarter. Prather achieved Abernalby' s widest margin after stealing the ball and driving for tbe bucket with 1:53left.

"We got tbe lead and we just started playing too lax," Ryan said. "We pulled it through. We took care of business."

Ryan picked up her fourth foul with 3:52left In tbe final period. No other Lady Lope picked up more lban two fouls. The team was charged with 11 total fouls (three in second halO. Spearman bad 16 team fouls (10 in second halO.

Abernathy's Elise Prather holds an area trophy in Amarillo Tuesday. Prather was the only player to score in double figures and led the Lady Lopes to their third straight area victory over Spearman with 24 points.

Abernathy went into a control­type offense after Kara Townsen pulled Speannan within one point, 28-27, with 1:4910go. Mouser called his second lime-out nine seconds later.

"We wid lbem there we wanted to play 10 win. Onre we started playing

to win, 1 think we took control of it." Mouser said. "There was a lot of pressure on Speannan."

The Lady Lopes came back with an offense tbat Mouser said "keeps tbe ball in the hands of the players we want". Prather, Ryan and StepbiUlie McBee wove a pattern around Shelly Burleson at the foul line tbat eventu­ally forced Spearman to start fouling .

The Lynxettes finally put Aber­nathy iniO tbe bonus situation where

Lady Lopes off to Region I semifinal game with Dublin

Abernathy (26-7) will again meet some formidable players in tonight's Region 1 semifinal game with Dublin. Tip-off is set at6 p.m. in Abilene Cbristlan University's Moody Coliseum.

Dublin· s Lady Lioos are 27-5 after knocldng off Stanton, 51-47. in an area game Tuesday at Abilene Wylie.

The winner will take on tbe winner of the Panhandle-Wall game in the Region I cbalopionsbip gatne at noon tomorrow.

Abeniathy coacb Pat Mouser's scouting report listed some ofDublin' s best players.

The Lady Lions top player is 6-0 senior post Pauline Truesdale. Next would be junior point guard Monica Jinks. Leaning back IOward beigbt brings up 5-11 junior post Robin Stewart. Mecbelle Lowe, 5-2 senior, has experienced knee problems and ber status Is unknown.

"Half the lime they'll run man (defense) and balfthe time they' ll run zone," Mouser said. ''The outside two players are extremely quick. Their inside people aren't real quiet."

Srewllrtscored 14pointsagainstStaniOn.JinksandTruesdalescored 13 eacb. '

lte has been reviewing game films of tbe Lady Lions in searcb of ~an<J dcfming their strengths.

"We' te taking a lOok to see iftbey dO anything lbat you haven't seen. If dle)' dO, we'll wort on tbat." Moli$CI' said.

M'Jbemain tbing we need to doh g"tbelr(Abernalby) legs under tbem. They're pretty dred from last night. .. Mouser said Wednesday afternoon.

Pmther hit six straight freebies. Lynxette coach Richard Nonh, in

his ftrst year as head coach after nine years at Speannan, threw a seasoned group of veterans at Abernathy IUld only went three deep in his 13-mem· ber squad.

On the other side, Mouser went nine-deep into 12 players suited up. His staners were Prather, Ryan, McBee, Tonya Myatt and Cyrstal Ponce.

Mouser stayed with his rotation plan and, trdiling 8-6 with 3: 151eft in tbe first period, sent in sophomore Shelly Burleson and freshmen Jenni­fer Williamson and Krista Brymu. Before the quaner' send m1d trailing still 10-8, Mouser also sent in fresh­man Stacie Nelson. All substitutes had no varsity playoff experience other than bi-dislrict against Sun­down.

"You challenge a bunch of girls tbat don't know what they cannot do. You challenge them to do something tbey' re rea II y not capable of doing

Junior basketball schedules sigh-ups

Signups to play Abernathy Junior Basketball will be Mar. I from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Abernathy Higb School band hall. lbis will be the only registration held.

Boys and girls in third to sixth grade are eligible. Registration fee is $25. A parent or guardian must ac­company players.

For further infonnation call Mark Lucero. president, at 298-4128.

and they do it because they don ' t know they can't do it." Mouser said.

FI:L-;h for Coach Mouser! They know now.

Brymu displayed great hall h1m· dling in transition. She attempted a 3-point goal wiU1 :Ollefl in the first half and was fouled. Bryant hit the third of three free shots for her one-point g1une total and cut Spearman's lead to 16-15athalftime.

"We !Old our girls tbat the pres­sure was on us to stay in the ball game at the half. In the second half! thought tbc whole pressure of the ballgame switched," Mouser ,aid.

'They felt that they were a lot better ball club thiUl us. I think the pressure jusl ate them up in U1e third quaner."

"I think we got tired," North said. "What we didn ' t do, that was prob­ably key, was after they'd run of­fense for a long time we'd come down and lake a shot after one pass.

See LADY LOPES, page 2

Eighth grade parents meet ~ meeting 10 plan activities

after tbe eigbtb grade graduation ceremony will be from 5:30 to 6:30p.m. Mar. 1 in the Abernathy Junior Hlgb Scbool Gold Audito­rium.

All eighth grade parentS are encoura~ed to attend this meet­Ing.

The eighth grade graduation ceremony will be May 29.

Abernathy's rebate compared to overpayment; New Deal lags Sales tax rebates.lbat Comptroller Jobn Sbarp sent Feb. 16,

may bave Increased for tbe 1,071 Texas cities and 109 coWl­ties lbat received sucb payments but, Abernathy's decreased by over 45 peraml

percent bigber tban this month's payment To the south, New Deal's February rebate is over 28

percent lower than last year. Wbile being nearly $1,000 less, for the year.New Deal isamere4.63 percent behind last year's payments to date.

$158,479.53 compared to 1992 payments at $156,153.57. Lubbock County experienced a 10.52 percent incn:ase

over 1992. Lubbock County received $1,212.308J6 com­pared to $1,096,924.25 rebate last year. This year ' s $1,806,512.01 total to date is 9.8 percent above last year's $1,645,283.62

The rebate does not indicate a poor Cbrisb118S by local mercbants. The 1992 rebate included a $7,000 overpayment from lbe state wbicb was repaid from tbe May 1992 rebate cbeck.

Comparing apples to apples, Abernalby's $12,711.57 re­ceived this month is well above tbe $10,267.39 rebate re­ceived in February 1991. But subtracting $7,000 from last year's $23,357.55 would leave tbe resulting $16,357.55 22

Texas counties overall received a 15.3 percent increase over 1992 with this month's $20.3 million mailed in rebates. Cities averaged a 17.5 percent increase.

Hale C01mty' s rebate Increased 3.59 percent over last year. The $110,316.55 payment received this month is just under $4,000 over 1992's $106,497.62. Hale County's rebates 10 date are 1.49 percent abead of last year with a current total of

The sales tax rebates received in this month include taxes collected on December sales IUld reponed in January hy businesses filing monthly. It also includes quarterly llusincss returns.

County/C tty Currant Rata

Hal a Abernathy I . 500% Edllonaon 1 .~

Hale Center 1 .~ PetersbUrg .. ~ Plalnv1ew t. 1100%

County. Totel lubbock

Idalou 1 .~ Lubbock 1 .~

New Deal t.~ Slaton .. ~ Wolfforth 1.~

county Tota I

Below are lists of cities in Hale and Lubbock counties and tbeir rebate history.

City Sates and Use Tax Comparison SuiMIIary - February 1993

Net Pay-nt Conoparable Payment " Change 1993 Payment s 1992 Payments % Change

To Date To Dat e Thta Partod Pr tor Year

$23,3!7 . 55 - 4! . 58% $17,169 . 58 $28.355 . 63 -39. 45" $12, 7t t . 57

8.50% $899 . 59 $856 . 89 6 . 50% $899 . !59 $8!58.89

$6,585 . 32 3. 29" $4,933 . 14 $4, !JOt. 04 9 . 6~ $6,781.18

-3 . 16% $3,478 . 211 -4 . 85" $4.370 . 32 $4,513 . 07 u. 309 . 40

$430 510.40 14QS 336.89 ~ lm1,~7~.4i! 1274, q3 . 13 ~ $44!5,427 .80 3. 17" $323,221 . 13 uoe. 128 . 88 !5 . !59" $459,!531.07

$!5 , 930 . 8!5 7 . 13" $9,3H . 70 $9.035 . 83 3 . 75" $8,3!53.73 8 . 53"

$2. 3!54 . 391 . 07 u . 148,032 . 77 9 . 61" $3,51 I ,681 . 90 $3,235,730 . 64

-28. 81" $3 , 197 . 61 $3,352 . 71 -4 . 63" $2,318.90 S3,3U. 71

l:i . 68" $28,888 . !58 $2!5, 790.01 11 . 24" $41 , 635 . 88 $38,950 . 82

~ 18 571.22 17 36!5.4t ~ 15 40! . 94 14 !84 . 3Q S2 . 187. !570 . 84 9 . !58" $3,574,461.31 $3.292.435 . 41 . 8 . 57"


... Jeny Cllllm Barill - In Allcmlllby Can·

ell!ry UDder dinlctloD of Abell fU. acnlH~

OwcoclledPriday,Feb. 19.•llll relicleDcc after aleogdly illlleu. He Wll UDCkr a doetor'a CII'C.

He wu bon1 ill Spriqdale. Art., ad movod 10 Abemadly from Wblt­neyill 1923. HemaniedKaticHeatb 011Nov. S,l929,lnCiovis,N.M. He wu a firmer and a member of !be Cllurc.ll of Cluiat.

Survivon Include bis wife; seven dauJhtera, Betty Pean:c, Wlllene Dallllad Bobby Cloud, all of Aller· lllltby. Floyce OouJd of Brunswick, Maine, Loyce Lennlilg and Diann Smldl. botb of Lubboc:k, and Paula Malouf of Plainview; 24 p!llldcbll­cllal; aod 19 grca!·grandcblldrcn.

Carroll Lee Owen

Pallbcan:rs were c.rou Dunn, Wayne Cloud. CorbiD Cloud. Robert Cloud. Timothy Lenning, Gary Smith, Lonnie Teal and Mite Dunn.

1be family suggests memoriala to the Cbillftn' & Hane of Lubboct, 4S10 Idalou Highway, Lubbock 79403; or the Sunset School of Preaching, 3723 34th Strecl, Lub­bock79410.

Lady Lopes continue reign CeatiDued l'roal ... 1

TileD we'd bave to go bacltdownand play defcose fon:ver again. It took a lot out of our Intensity."

Nellon (S-8) sulfered one ftrSt quarter foul llld pulled part-time pard duty on S-10 senior Laura Panoa. Pearson bad 4 points and two ~. Pcanon also picked up three lint half fouls and one more ill die tblrd quarter all of whicb cut ber playing time.

Holly Jarvis led Spearman with 7 points. MidlcUe Gameit bad 6 and it l8peml orr quick !hal

"That was a good ball club. All of lhem (Lady Lopes) rose to the occa­sion. "Mouser said. "It always seems Ute It' a someone different. Elise is going 10 get hers. The defense was Ill believable. Botb IC8IIls played great defense."

Wllh no Lynxeucs In double fig­ures. North said foul trouble limiiCd his top player's effectiveness.

"Our leading scorer probably didn't play a qU811er and a balf." North said about Pearson. "She's our post player and she got Into foul trouble. Tbat really burt us. Sbe'sour best defensive player."

While Ryan said she "loved the

refs", North bad a different opinion. "It was inconsistent both ways

espcclaJJy in the fmt balf," North said. "ldon'tthinlcofficiatingplayed that big a factor. It was a good win. We played hard. Abernathy played hard. Against Sundown they did a good job and I thought they played even a liule bit beuer tonight.

"I think we took several shots that were not really in the sequence of our offense kind of forced a few of shots. They were some shots !bat we might have hit if it had been one or two passes laiCr in our offense. I guess shot selection was not real good."

Unofficially. Abernalby hit 7 of 15 field goals in the fmt half and 13 of 28 for the game. The Lynxeues were S of 19 in the first half and 9 .:Jf 36overall.

Speannan held the edge in re­bounds 18 to 17. They controlled tile boards IS to 6 in !be first balf but the Lady Lopes controlled ll to 4 in !be second balf.

Speannan finished their Season at 25-4. Abernathy improved to 26-7 _

1 l 3 4 F Aber 8 7 136 l4 Sprmn II 5 3 8 27 ,

ffigh Plains UWCD recognized High Plains Underground Wauer

Cooservallon DlslrictNo.1 bas been recognized by the Texas Water De­Ydopmeot Board for their efforts to oonscrve state water resources.

High Plains UWCD No. 1 con­tlnuoosly monltot-s water usc and re­aem:s In aU of Lubbock and Parmer Counties plus parts of Annstrong,

Bailey. Castro, Cochran, Crosby, Deaf Smith, Aoyd. Hale, Hockley, 'Lamb, Lynn, Potter and Randall Counties.

The-district was recognized Feb. 2S at a 1WDB meeting during the Texas Water Conservation Association • s annual convention in Auslln.

Country Depot Play the Lottery DROP TICKETS AVAILABLE HERE

3 liter Coca Cola - $1.89 Proplan Dog Food

3110 mllee eoutb of FM 1294 on N. Ualvenity 746-6666


SCOTT & JUDY LUCE Publishers

Published weekly on Friday of each week, except first Friday after Christmas tnd one Friday during summer months, at tile Abernalby Weekly Review office at 916 AYl:nue D. Mailing address: P.O. Drawer 160, Abernathy, Texas 79311-0160

MOVING? Send your mailing label and corrections to Aber­nathy Weekly Review, P.O. Drawer\ 160, Abernathy, Texas 79311-0160.

SUBSCRlPTION RATES One year in Abernathy and Hale County· $17.00

One year in Lubbock County • $20.00 All other one-year subscriptions - $24.00

Established in November of 1921. Second class postage paid at United States Post Office, 801 AYl:nue D, Abernathy, Texas 79311-9998.


Notice to the Public: Any erroneou§ reflection upon the cba­rac:ter, reputation or ~ of any finn, individual or corporllinn will be gladly corrected upon beins called to the auention or the publiaher.


DcAIIIa Bullock wll be wrhinJ fordleAIMrtlllllry WHI:Iy Rniewdlla lping.HeraiOriellboutthelmlwUl ftll requlrements for a coune she Is taldDg • Teua Tech University.

Bulloct·l& a junior at Texaa Tech Unlvetaity, majoring In qriculbnl canmunlcadona. She wW gmduate from Tech in May 1994.

Her lniCieSt in agriculture came from growing up on a ranch In Gra­ham. They raise Hereford. Angus and Lbnouslne canle. Along with being a rancher, ber flllber Is a allll· missioner for Young County. Bullock's mother is a first grade teacher.

Depot Disp•tch 1be Ienior cllizeD CCIIIer had 99 pqle aliiiO Cor pme clay Wednclday.

'I1Iero wac 16 c.ry out nya. <laytoa Eqet pve die bleu!Da· Vl&ltora at die CCII!Iir wae BWy Belrd, Rlcblnl FJetciiCr. Dlnny Wozen..

crate. Eule WOIIeiiCDft and Vlctma Poal:e. 'lballbgoeaiO~MerleadRallla-CoracrviaaatlUDcbWedncaday. 1be ceurer had 3S people..- 'Jbunday, 43 011 Monday and 41 on ~- .

'lboee wllo are UJ or In the hospital arc Ivan Ruflln, Irvin Rhodes. Myrna Davis IIIII Dora Talbott.

The senlon acod their sympathy to die family of Canol1 Owen. 'lbanks goes to those who haY~: given memorials to the center in memory

of frlcnda and loved ones. Richard Actdlcr spate on locbmith services. He plans to propose to the

city, chamber of commerce and poUoe department for a community lock service.

Mar. 3 wiU be lunch and singing at the center. The menu is spaghetti with meat sauoe, garlic bread, salad. dessert, tea and coffee.

"I cboose ag communlcalions be· DeAnna Bullock On Mar. 8, the seniors will start an 88 tournament which will continue

through Mar. 9. Prizes wW be awarded to the winners. cause I like to write and I thinlc agri- officer In Alpba Delta PI Sorority. culture bas a story 10 teU and It needs "!11111 looldng forward to writing to be told aocurately," said Bullock. for the Wutly Rtvitw this semester

-lluel Toler

"Agriculture bas always been a - iihdlhopeallofitsreadcnwiUenjoy part of my life and I didn't want to my articles," said Bullock. wander 100 far from my roots." Funding for tbls special Texas

AtTechsheisanoffioerlnA.C.T., Tech program is provided by a grant a member of Collegiate FFA and an from die~ Digest Foundation.

Interviews begin to study older Hale County rural residents

A study of Hale County residents aged 7S and over is underway. The study, sponsored by the American Home F.ronornics Association and !be College of Human Sciences, Texas Tech University. wiD be a fol­low-up of older persons who were the original participants in a study cooducted in the county in 1981.

Dr. Jean Pearson Scott. director of the project, stares that the survey is designed to answer two questions:

nearly seven times larger in 20SO than in 1980 (U.S. Senate Special Committee on Aging, 1991). By 2050, approximately 22 percent of the older population will be 8S+. These trends have important impli· cations for the social, medical and economic sysiCms that will serve tile needs of the oldest old.

Single Premium Deferred Annuities Numerous Companies to (]loose From !:Jp to 7.0% interest - tax deferred Why setde for 3%-4% elsewhere?

David Sanderson CLU,ChFC


- --Ho.p? J B ~ r ttdQ,.Y

- - -

to t he bes-L 0-u()t

'\ worLd L n the I

How have the lifestyles and needs of older rural persons changed over a twelveyearperiodoftime?and. What are the roles of family. friends and formal support services in maintain. ing the very old in rural areas? ,

The fastest growing segment or the older population are those per­sons in the 75-84and 85+ age catego­ries. The population age 85+ is ex­pected to more than triple in size between 1980 and 2030 and to be

The interviewersarealllocalresi· · dents and have received six hours or training. The interviewing staff in­cludes L. Jean Brummell, Desiree Richardson, Helen Fields and Pen ora Compton of Plainview and Teresa Aores of Abernalby. The infonna­tion compiled wUI be valuable 10 professionals in !be health care and aging fields and for planning into the 21st century.

Love Tate~ T~ anJ ~

"We have very limited data about how !be oldest-old fare in rural ar­eas," notes Dr. Scotl.

- .... -

Area HS baseball season begins Abernathy will hit !be baseball

diamond first Ibis weekend with a baseball tournament in Hawley.

The Antelopes met Rotan at 11 am. tbismoriiiiig iilthe Beari:atBase­liall Toumameiit. They meet the win· ner or loser of !be Jim Ned-Stamford game.

District 3 newcomer, New Deal Lions, will bit tile road for a seasoner against Post Tuesday at 5 p.m.

New Deal extended their win­streakoutofDistrict41astyear to the region level 81 Snyder against AJ. bany.

Abernathy won District31ast sea­son but lost to New Deal in a bi· district contest at Amarillo.

This year, both teams are in an expanded disiiici wftll. ihe additioiis of New Deal In District 3' and Hale Cenlef' s fmt year In high sc6ool baseball.

Lockney and Monon complete the list of league contenders.

Abernathy will play Floydada Tuesdayat5p.m.ontheWbirlwinds' bomefield.

New Deal hosts Post next Friday also 81 S p.m.

Hi Plains Drilling honored Hi PlalnsDrillingbas been named

recipient of the Distinguisbed Per­formance Award by Lindsay Manu­facturing Co.

In a statement issued by Lindsay. Hi Plains bas made a significant com· mitmentiOcustomer servioe and sat· lsfactlon during the 1992 irrigation

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anonymous ltbclmathyCrime S~~ Is sl!ll .ill effect Their h®tS ate ~. 8 a.IP. to S p.111.. Mon4lly :. Friday, Tbla ~ nt8n11et Is a combined errori of Haiti Ccunty. · .. . ..

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season. The award was presented during



Friday, Feb. 26 Abernathy girls play Dublin, 6 p.m, Moody Coliseum

at Abilene Christian Universit-y. Monday, March 1 Abernathy School Board meeti~g_.~ 7:30p.m., AlSO

Administration Building ;'i!~ .· Abernathy eighth grade planning meeting, 5:30 to 6:30

p.m., AJHS Gold Auditor~um . Abernathy Junior Basketball sign-ups, 7 to 8 p.m.,

AHS band hall, boys & girls Tuesday, March 2 Abernathy Chamber of Commerce, 7 a.m.,

Vecchio's Restaurant Abernathy Lions Club, noon, Vecchio's Restaurant New Deal Lions Club, 7:30 p.m., Country Steak Barn To include your activity on this calendar caD 298-2033

298-2551 * 611 Ave. D *Abernathy, TX 19311 .


Kirby Dale Hurta and Dina Beth Cannon

Cannon, Hurta plan matrimony

The engagement of Dina Beth Cannon. daughter ofHellda Cannon and the late Lonnie Cannon, to Kirby Dale Hurta. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hurta of Hous10n, bas been IIIIIIOUIIOCd.

They will marry JuneS In !be F'ltSI United Methodist Church in Abernathy. The bride-elect Is a graduate of Abernathy High Scbool and graduated from

Texas Tech University in December 1992 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education.

The future bridegroom is a graduate of Jersey Village High School and is an ensineering major at Texas Tech.

The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Doug and Dean Barrett of Cotton Center and the late Tom and Mynle Cannon.

Jeremy Ray Knight and Stacy Rochelle Duaan

Duggan, Knight announce engagement Mr. and Mrs. Greg Duggan of Dalhart announce the approaching marriage

of !heir daughter, Stacy Rochelle. to Jeremy Ray Knight. son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Knight of Abernathy.

The couple plan to be married May 22 at6 p.m. in the First Baptist Churcb ofDalban.

The bride-elect attends Wesl Texas State University and will graduate in May with a B.B.A. in marketing.

Knight attends WfSU and will graduate in May with a D.D .S. in speech communications.

Miss Duggan is the granddaughter of Mr. Vernon Keahey of Crawford, Okla., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Duggan of Sulpher. Okla. Knight is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Knight of Ahemathy, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mayhaw of Haskell and !be laiC C.B. Beeson.

Abernathy addresses Lions i ' ~-~~--------~

Dr. Jobn Abernathy, director or Texas A&M University Agricultunll Experimental Stations in Lubbock, Halfway and Lamesa. addressed the Abernathy LionsCiubmeetingTues­day.

He outlined changing tccbnology and programs thai are affecting agri­cultural progress across the state at aU the stations.

standing of agriculture. Those groups· members total 11 million to 12 mil­lion while fanners range between one million to two mi Ilion. He said lbat the groups have started tu work through energy and environmental legislative commiuees to manipulate ag programs sponsored by otiler leg· islative factions.

Dr. Abernathy said the TAES fa­cilities are open to visitors and have yearly performance reviews avail· ableandpersonneltoassist with ques­tions.

Lion Boss Todd Abell told !be 29 members and gdests present for la­dies' day that the club would again meet at Vecchio's Restaurant Tues­day.

Abernathy OreOghiers responded to a reportofacarnre In the700 block or Ave. D Tuesday. No names were visible and a broken water line Is suspected as the cause of overheating and subsequent visible smoke. There were no Injuries and damage was minimal.

Three cour&es offere41 at TAES 1'bcnl will be llll'ee cWr~t flnntn. This COllie d. lit -

~oft'~ durlnJ Mardf Ill the Maldl8. Text~ A4M Coqluw'friiDllla llld .MVIIICI!CJ Qu1ctm II a popullr Bduatdoo Caller iD ·Ha~tny. ODe oftc:rinl• tJic a:Decr. 1bl& MII'CII26 coune will be olfaed Cor die fin& eouraewillbeaiiJwilllarcvlcwofdlo time. lbcotknarci'CipCIIofferinp. balicaofculllmlldkclcpina ... IK

lbonlnin&cea~eriala die Moody balica ofQuldcen. Bulldlna • IK TeKU Aplcultlnl Each aJURe will IUD from 9 a.m. Expcrlmmt Stadoa fldllty, 14 mile& to 4 p.m. The cost for eacb of tbeae weatofPiainvlcwon U.S. Highway. onenday COinCS Is SSO. 'lbitfce in-70. eludes worbbop maleriala.

Field Mapping will be offc:rcd for For man: lnfonnalion, or to regis-the first time. ter for a course, oonUIC! your local

TeUwrlter Plus Is an accounting county a&ent or telephone Jackie software J*kaae thai was developed Smith 81 !be Texas AAM UniYl:nlty by CPAs In Brownfield, specifically Agricultural Resean:b and Extension to meet !be need of South Plains Center In Lubbock 81 746-6101.


~!:~es, gravy, $395 salad &:: toast

VECCHIO'S 1203 Ave. D 298-2874

When the unexpected happens,

you'd better have good insurance.

Life has a way o r delivering unpleasa nt surprises. Fortunately, with the proper insu rance, you can be ready for most or them.

Wherhcr you need protection for your home, auto, RV or business, let us help you rind the best policy for you from o ne of the many com· panics we represent.

Then relax. The proper insurance protection will keep you snug as a bug in a rug.


Abernathy 298-2529 921 Avenue D

TAES bas been test growing COl· 10n thai will be stronger and hardier wilb regards to weather (drought and excessive water), disease and insects. Dr. A~y said a variety of lest cot10n grown in this t1rc11 last year during excessive water ICCUIIIula· lions Is now being grown In southern Mexico. Hesaldsomecotton is being tested that Is boll worm n:sistanl They are also testing 11001e that can be sprayed with a weedCOIIIIOicbemi· cal called Round-Up.

Dr. Abernathy also SlreSSCd the need to work with environmentalist groups to provide a better under-

PLAINS GRAIN & FARM SUPPLY ~ Abernathy, Texas # ~~or All Your Farming Need~.


Oswalt, Wilson exchange vows

Lori Oswalt and E. Wade Wilson were mBITied Sunday, Feb. 21, at Wesnnnnt Christian

· CburchinLubbock.Rev.Cbarles Scbmldt officiated.

Honor attendants were Jenni­fer and Pbilllp Wilson, children of the bridegroan.

Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Jerry K. Oswalt of Ab­emalbyandMr.andMrs.Geage C. Wilson of Lubbock.

1be couple resides in Lub­bock.

Abernathy PHONE LUbbock

298-2521 763-4868

1\ttL'ntion! I .ul) spring is the best timl' to prolecl your lawns and trees. *Treat those troublesome weeds, now is best for good control. *Fertilize your lawns & trees wHh weed control & save money! *Healthy trees & lawns protect against insects & disease. *Treat those fruit trees & protect them against borers. Call for a free estimate!

Longhorn Spraying 1515 Ave. D- 298-2983




~~ ... ;:~!1 .. ~~$18 7 33 CIIE~ON - GEAR HEAD OIL -


'~.~~+ ·~.n. ...... -

now ... and save Save up to $64.41 on a complete filter set* for the MAGNUM! *Includes the filters listed below

•Quality Case IH MAGNUM replacement filters protect all your systems with OEM efficiency

Detcrllii!Onlh!t No. R~lt·_l special You Price Save

Air, Primary (A171255) $82:5& 22.37 10.13

Air, Secondary (A171256) *-59 16.98 7.61

Air, Cab (143481C2) 89:# 16.31 14.13

Coolant (An544) 9:01' 6.42 2.95

Fuel, Primary (J90341 0) 9:26 6.00 3.26

Fuel, Secondary (J903640) -&.5+ 5.7.8 2.73

Oil, Engine (An537) 4&.54 11.16 5.38

Oil, Engine (J919562) 29:98 21 .70 8.28

Hydraulic System (1971728C1) -49:46 46.81 2.35

Aux. Transmission (1346028C1) #.69 36.50 7.59 Total Savings 64.41

All filters are on sale. Prices good at Abernathy store only.

Scott Tractor and Equipment Co., Inc.

1-27 & Hwy 54 Abernathy

298-2507 762-2133

PAG8" PRIDAY, FSBRUARY26, 1993 THEABBRNA'IHYwBBKLYRBVIBW .. , 8iJa81e toP, ..,_raathy, S1UldoWll playel'8 combine for 52 of 85 points acored .

Prather, Cosby ,provide.fir~w9r~ i~ ))~-district cele By s-a._ · ~ -· toOtaome~youdoli treillyWlllt saddle Pndlcr or Calby wlducm" Abeniadariaeerectlbo-llllldi-

Aa pedlc:llld.l!lile ,PIIIIbeuad ~IQ lboot," Mouser said. "We might foul trouble IQ wbele we !114 to I« . wldiSPf*lllllll1'leldaYat2.5-7.1be .ICJMColbypovldecllllo.,..:ll. Tile ~ ba~ lakeD a tb'llcout to vllit lbemout.TIIeyJet4iletidaclecldedle RouPeaesc:DdDdwlthi26-6R'JI:Oid. kliiOdiOut b6oM c;amo frcm me 1Up- willa lbem. A lot of limes eoacbel pme." . pordllac:ut.Besllapportln&player ueumetbltlbekldslalowwbal'you Abernathy bad 18 fouli to weattoiCrlllaBI)'IIIt H« 11 points wanuacllbey don' t" Sundown' s 16. 'l'umovenwae~ Aller lidded to Pndlcr' I 27 equaled Ul "'did DOt c:all111y limHiuts and 1115. . SudJi

1 2 10 12 13 6

3 4 F 16 10 48 5 13 37

Winter Sale· Abcnllbybl-4ialrictwiD.48-37.over made lbe most of~ called by Dlllrict 4 ~-up SUDdowo. liN Salisbury. . Friday at LevelliDd'a T-Dcme. "We like 10 bave lbem lllbe end

Colby-deadlyiDibelkstql*- if we can. Our tbeay is. if we're ter from 11«1ea of jump llbota and trying 10 run lbe Olber team down, I layup&. Prllber WDibd ber map; iD don't want to give them a cl!ance 10

and arouod the batet to keep the rest" Lady Lcpcs close In lbe openiDg Sundown started playiDg from fnae. WbcD the eiJibt miDutes Cll· pure adrelllll.lne. The RougheUcS CUI piled, Colby' all polntscoupledwlth the Lady Lope lQtld 10 43-33 wilb DilllaHcrnalldcz'a2IDppi'JdPIIItber's 3:17 on lbe clock. lOpo1Dtafor1 13-lORougbettelead. TbeLadyl..opescbailgedoffeuses

1bat waa just about the ClllCDl of and used up a lot of lime. Bryant waa <;osby'a berolca. Sbc bad 4 to open finally fouled. Sbe went to tbe line the second quarter to aJve Sundown twice in a nine-second period and bit their bluest lead 17-10 wldi6:S2 to the last two of lbree attempts wldl go In die fint balf. Cosby did not I :29 ten In tbe game. score again until 4:421eR iD lbe dlin1 Sundown called a timeout with wltbfreesbots. Herfoortbquarter8- :55 to go but could muster nodllng poilll toW Included 6 from the foul except four free sbots from Cosby In line for a 2.5-polnt game 101111. the last :27. Stcpbanie McBee ended

•t tblnk dial was beclluse Tonya Abemadly SCClring on tbree of four (M)'IIIt) stopped ber," Prather said Prim Ryan (ll) battles Sundown's Mysd MJtchell (54) for a free tbrow sbootlng in tbe final :29. about Cosby's diminished perfor- Mi , C b ri rr It was tbe dllrd consecutive year IIUIIICII. "She played unbelievable. 1 rebound. tdlell s teammate, Kyna os y, t es to cut o SundownbaslosttoAbernadlyintbe aJve ber all die credit iD the world. Lady Lope Tonya Myatt (24)during the bl-district game won bi-dlslrict round. Cosby was a fresb-Cosby got bot tbeo Tonya sbut ber by Abernathy, 48-37. man tbe Orst time and bas always down." wblcb Prather put in for two at die MitcbellbitSundown' slastpoints been relied upon beavily by tile

Fmal markdowns on unbelievable sdcctions

gcristis 614 Broadway

Downtown Plainview


HI·PR·O Myatt only bad two fouls - botb oilier eud of court: Abernathy of the third with 3:01 remaining. RougbelleS. Again, it lOOk Its roll.

onCosbybutneitherlsbootingfoul. beida 24-20 lead at 7:28 in the third Prather scored 5ofher 11 third quar- "lfeltsbewentcoldalilllebltbut. FEEDS Cosby got Into foul trouble early quarter. ter points during a 7-0 run to end the Abemadly was putti,?~ some ":J

lo the fourtb. She fouled Prather at Abernathy employed a full court third. Ponce scored her 2-point total goodpressureonber. allsbury . From Hounds to Horses 6:07 and Prim Ryan 116:04. Cosby press to help wear the Roughcttes with :33 left in the quarter . . Prather ''Theyweredoublingberandforcing scored ooly from the foul line after down. Neither team scored until dumpcdinhertastpointsofthegamc her into a few had shots. We just For All Your Feed Needs lbaL Sbe was 11 of 13for the game. Pratber's bucket at the 4:59 mark. at :OJ. needed some others to step up be·

Sundown coach Larry Sallsbuty CrysraiPoncefouledCosbyseconds Scoring was sparse through the causesbecan'tscorealllbepoillts." CONTACT YOUR NEW LOCAL DEALER saldbelostakeyplliyerlastweeltand laler. Cosby tben scored ber ollly ftrStthreeminulesoflhe l~tquarter . Pralhersaiditwasapbysicalgame · only went two deep into die bench third quarter points. Less than half a Ryan's bucket wilh 7:('1) left gave which Salisbury readily agreed with. Jeff Oswalt Wltll late with lbegameoutofreacb. minute taler Bryant nailed her sec· the Lady Lopes a 40-24 lead . Cosby "It was (physical). I bavenocom· CosbyandMysliMitchell(l992 all- ondandlastoffive3-pointa~pts hitberl~tfieldgoalofthegamewith plaints," Salisbury said. ''The offi- 317 Main St. 298-2408 dlalrict) played all four quancrs.lbe for a 29-22 Lady Lope advantage. 6:24 10 go. Bryant made a· steal at lrials~d~id~a~g~ood~~jo~b~. ~Tbe~y~d~id~n!'t~~~~~~~~iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili Rougbettcs looked pbyslc:ally tired "I was hoping that some of the midrourt and took it in for a layup and slowed down as tbe game wore others would step up and Krista Bry- plus a foul shot. Abernathy held their 011• ant did," Mouser said. "'ur players biggest lead of the game.43-26, with <> s

''Thai Oost player) really changed just have 10 relax and start shooting. 5:('1) to go. At the complexion of our team and the We've got a bunch that, really, are "I thought we kind of went bmin , depth dial 1 could go 10· I bad been relying a lillie too much on Elise." dead toward tbc end of the game. We lSUP playing eight to nine players but I had to go 10 seven 10 eight I bad lbree junior varsity kids on the bench."


Lady I.Alpe coach Pal Mouser was not bamperedwith a fewqualityplay­ers. He substituted often beginning midway tbrough tbe fant quarter.

"I felt like we wore them down," Pratber said. "We· have a lot more deptblbantlieydo. Wewcreuyingro

512AVE. D ABERNATHY -298·2753 :r;r;:::·

. Ol.ORWAT8flliU

tire them down ... Sundown employed an open of.

fense iD tbe flnt and second quarters apparenlly designed 10 spread the Lady Lopes. Tbe Rougbettes would lbenglvelbeballroCosbywborould knife In for jump shots.

After bulldlog tbelr 17-10 lead, Pralheransweredwithaquick4polnts followedimmedlatelybyaSundown limcout. Less than half a minute later, Jennifer WilHam son became the sec­ond Lady Lope to score. She cut the Rougbeue lead to 17-16 with 5:10 leO in the fant half.

Abernathy controlled lbe boards on both ends and took several second and lblrd shots. WllllamsoD put up another jumper lbat bounced back 10 Shelly Burleson. BtWleBOO'asbol was rebounded by Prather who drove it bome for an 18-17 Abernathy lead wldl4:30 to go before the break.

Tbe Lady Lopes · out-rebounded Sundown 15-10 oo offense and 24-15 on defense. Prather and Cosby both bad I 1. Ryan bad 9.

One Ryan boanlled to her fant point. B~t began 3-point warm­ups with&.\ llltempt two 10 lhrec feel outside lbe line. Ryan rebounded and was fouled by Cosby oo the sbot. Ryan bit die second of two and Aber· nalby led 19-17 811:34.

"Prim had a great ball game," Mouser said. "Prim's not scoring much for us but you look at what sbe does defensively and what she does on die boards."

Stacie Nelson was called for a foulonwbatlookedllkeagoodblock from behind. Mitchell bit ber ooly first half points and Lied tbe score at 19 with :54 leO.

Bryantbadapparentlywarmedup andbita big 3-polnterwlth :06oo the clock for a 22-19 lead It lntennis· slon.

Prather was eight of 12 from the fieldandledall players with 16polnts. Cosby was six of 12 plus tbree free­bies for a lS-poiDt first half IOtal. ,

"''be team waa confident at half­tlme."Mousersald. "Wetbougbt we bad them tired. We talked about bow die first two and balf minutes wen: key for us iD the second balf. We clldn't want tbem 10 oome out with flab lega and JDUe I niD 00 us. They'd act the lead and we'd bave 10 comeblck. . "We pllyecl wclllbcre and Iince

they begtlllo t1rc then we pulled It out"

SUildownbitooequk:kfn!elbrOw. M~ rebOunded the seoond &bot .

Tony Loper Abernathy Producer's

Co-op 298-2511


Clark: Riley Riley

Agri-Services 298-4050

By Ace Reid

"One of the advantages of leadln' a clean life Is you can tell the difference between the flu

and a hangover!"

It's Easy to tell the difference between a local independent bank, and an 'out of town' financial institution! We're the bank that re-inveets in Abernathy!






,, !


Weekly RevieW Classifteds 298-2033

( Thanks · )[ Thanks l[ For Sale ] ( Op.!r:•ities] [ Services H Real Estate ~ Rentals

We ~ appreciate the comm11111ty that we live in, with all the low ud support shown to us duriDg the loss of our JOYing mother. Tbe praycn, food, cards, calls, 10\'dy flowers and memo{ials gM:n in her aame have heeD such 1 blessing to us Ill. Your acta of love .00 supportwill always be in our hearts.

The c:bildrm ol Ellie Dmm

The family of C.H. McCluskey would like to thank tbe people of Abernathy for the prayers, cards and calls during this time of illness. We are Dow iD Lub­bock Methodist rehabilitation

. hospital. The doctors say within

!ihbe b~c~~~ ·~:n!~~~~!: continue to remember us in your prayers. II is great to live in such a caring and considerate town.

Mrs. ClL McClusley & family

I Willi to c:xptes~ my &incerc thanks to Ill my 1 friends and relatives that ~ my birthday celebration 1 jo)'oua time by cards and visits. Words can Dot express tbe joy your friendship is to me. Friends and relatives arc precious memories that will remain with me the remainder of my life. God bless each of you with His great low and peace.


IU ule: 2-292 Chevrolet Don Hardy fuel efficient irrigation enalnes. Call Jerry Oswalt at 298-2223. (26-2tb-5)

Malwe ldD wanted. A_pply at Abernathy l5airy OuCCD. (rts)

MMe ~ filldia& tbinp. Let us help you become a professional "fmder"l Earn thousands of dollars each year findiDg thinp other people need! Call the Kaatn Corporation for free info al 817-562-2001. find your fortune soon! (22-Stp-12)

[ Farm ]

~~[ -=W=a=n=t=e=d=-.:?J) ~= ;.:~::t _ - was $8,890 now $6,342; 50x100

For more information and assis­tance re~arding the investigation of get-ncb-quid;, work-at-home and other financial/business opportunities, Abernathy Weekly &YimY urges its readers to contact the Better Business Bureau, 1206 14tb St ., Suite #901, Lubbock 79401 or call 763-0459. (rls)

Wanted: farm tractor to replace 1961 model used at Texas Boys Ranch. Contact J.T. Martin, Texas Boys Ranch, Rt. 7 Box 200, Lubbock 79401 lo make donation. Current tractor needs $2,000 in repairs. (rts)

was $15,m now $10,849; 100x-100 was $46,321 now $30,000. Never erected, can deliver. Call 303-757-3107. (19-3tp· "')

We make CONCRETE the old-fashioned way, With Pure Cement. .. Call for 1 Yard or 100 Yards

Finisher Available Do not offer a compliment and uk a favor at the 8ame time. A eompUment that i.8 charged for 18 not valuable.

WEST BUILDERS SUPPLY Hale Center 839-2102 1-800-834-4815

-Mark Twain

Church Directory

ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1404 Avenue B 2911--2060 Sunday School9:4S AM Worship 10:30 AM Evening 6:00PM Wednesday Evening 6:00PM ~tor Jackie & Glenda Thompson

COUNTY LINE BAPTIST 757-2134 Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM EveuiDg 6:00 PM lntenn Pastor Wayne R. WiDiams

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 411 7th Street 298-2587 Sunday Scbopl9:30 AM Worsblp 10:40 AM Bible Study 5:00 PM EveuiDg Worsbip 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:30 PM Brodler Dennis TeeterS

FIRST BAPTIST NEW DEAL Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Evening Worship 7:00PM Wednesday Service 7:30 PM Tiln Wlnn, Pastor

NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH 420 16th Street 298-2497 Sunday School 9:4!1 AM Worship 11:00 AM Evening Training 5:00 PM Eveulng Worship 6:00PM Wednesday Service 7:30PM Reverend Gary Martin

ST.ISIDORE CHUilCH South Avenue D 298-4278 Sunday 9:00AM Mooday 9:00AM


OR PLACE There are many misconceptions about prayer. as well as many misuses or lt. Some people think that the only time and place for it Is at their House of Worship, or at bedtime. The truth is that any time or place is appropriate. because God is always on hand to listen. if the prayer is or the right kind and for any good purpose. A prayer should begin with an expression or gratitude for our blessings. Next. It should never be a "shopping list'" of the material things we would like to have. but instead, a plea for the recovery of someone who Is Ill. the comfort of a persort who has just lost a loved one. help for the unemployed. or any number of unselfish requests. We may well find . those prayers answered, and possibly receive some unasked for blessings ror ourselves.



Sunday Service 9:00 AM Gary Hubbard

OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE APOSTLES CATHOLIC CHURCH New Deal Sunday M~s 10:45 AM Father Michael O'Carroll

FIRST UNITED METHODIST 704 AvenueD 298-2581 Sunday School 10:00 AM Worship 1.1,;.00 AM Evening 6:~ PM Wed. Choir Practice 7:00PM Gary Hubbard ·

CENTEk COMMUNITY CHURCH 5 miles east oo FM 597 then 2 miles south on FM 2902 745-6112 Sunday Scbool10:00 AM Worship 11:00 AM Evening 5:00PM . Wednesday Evening 6:00 PM Wed. Prayer Meeting 7:30PM at Marvin Looney's Pal Branch, Pastor 796-1230

LAKEVIEW METHODIST Sunday SeboollO:OO AM Bible Study 6:00PM lsi & 3rd Sundays Worship Service 7:00 PM Jesse Neve

IGLESIA DEL NAZARENO A venue A & 5dl Street 298-4068 Sunday SeboollO:OO AM Worship 11:00 AM Evening.ti:OO PM Wednesday Service 7:00 PM Lester Andmon


746-5022 Sunday School 9:30 AM Sunday Worship 10:30 AM Evening 5:00PM Minister Steve Swisshelm

CHURCH OF CHRIST 916AvenueE 298-2718 Bible Study 9:30AM Worship 10:30 AM Evening 6:00 PM Wednesday Evening 7:30PM David Bennett

PRIMERA MISSION BAUTISTA 1112 Jerome Street 298-2217 Sunday Worship 10:00 AM Sunday School 6:00 PM Evening Worship 6:45 PM Wed. Bible Study 7:30PM Friday Prayer Service 7:00 PM Pastor G.O. Aores

FIRST CHURCH OF NAZARENE 511 AvenueE 298-2832 Sunday School 9:30 AM Morning Worsbip 10:30 AM Jr. High Hour of Power 4 :00 PM Evening Celebration 6:00 PM Mid-Week Service 7:00PM Youth Time 7:15PM David L. Menefee, Pastor

MONTE DE LOS OLIVAS 110 East 4tb Street 298-2230 Sunday SchooliO:OO AM Sunday Worship 11:30 AM Wedllesday 7:00PM Pastor Espiridion Pacz

Consumers' Fuel Association Abernathy Producers Co-op 88 Butane & Fertill.zer

Abell Funeral Home Abernathy Medical Clinic Lowe's Pay-N-Save Abernathy Weekly Review Joe 'fhompson :r.plement

WE SERVICE most brands of TV's ud refrig­erators. Service on all Whirlpool appliances. Newton Rlldio & TV, 306 Main Street, 298-2338. (rts)

SMAlL ENGINE REPAIR 1210 4th Street, 298-2101. All work guaranteed. Tiller tune ups. Pick up & deliver. (rts)

Haw: saw, will cut. Have an eye sore in your yard or alley? We cut and haul dead trees. Resonable prices. Free estimates. Call 298-2858. (26-2tp-5)

Diet Magie, 30 pounds, 30 days, 30 dollars. 100% money back guarantee. 100% natural. Doctor recommended. Call 1!94-3713 or 894-2837. (19-2tp·26)

Rubber stamps made to order. . Ascott Rubber Stamps, 411 13th

St., 298-2033, 298-291>9 a£ter 5 and week~.nds. (rts)

S...,_r cards. We can Hll your print order right here in Aber· nathy. Printed on post cards. Call early for wide 'election of colors. Other print jobs also available . Call Abernathy Weekly Review, 2<JH-2033. (rts)

Autos For Sale

Abcnlalby Miai Wardloala, 1408 Ave. E, Abernathy. Storaae units available from S3S/mo. Cali Hallmark & Assoc., Inc. 797-2190, Lubboclc.(rts)

Real Estate For Sale

House fill" sale by owner. 1600 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, carport, 240 sq. ft. shop, 192 sq. ft . office, soft water, new roof, fresb paint, mature trees, excel­lent repair. 707 lltb St. Call 298-4143. (rts)

2,500 sq. ft. brick, 3-2-2 with basement and gameroom, new dual fuel heat pump and other improvements. Owner will carry. Call 298-2803. (26-2tb-5)

[ Lots For Sale Jl

Lot and a half, 104 E. 14th. Three lots on corner of Texas and 15th St. Priced lo sell. Call 298·2108 after 5:30 p.m. (19-41p· 12)

Irrigation Services



Valley Irrigation Systems

4521 Clovis Road

76s~;~o ·

WOlfF T AHNING BEDS new mmman:iaJ.taoma WAlERl.ESS COOKWARE. Qln doing clillMr uniiS from $1119. l..ompo. lotioos. acc::ossories. pwtlllaftor30y..,..Havesomebeauliful17pc.51 Monthlypay...,..lowu$18.CaH1Dday.Fruenew ply I!Jrglcll stai>less !81S left Nol $t,200.00 but calor ca1alog. 1-8()C).462·9197. $389.0011 Cal Annie 1-800 -~7<18. 30 oM:IIES FOR hunting or rullmmenl. Elecllic and

ph>na. Boolin,lwga ranch. Uvu oak-. South ol Rockspmas oil munlry road. $892/down. $192.75/monll (11% · 15y11.) 210·257·5564.


~~=:.=~::s~~ cor; I $27.25. Call1-aoo«i 1·1576.


Abernathy Lady Lopes . .

. '

1993 Area Champi,ons Lady Lopes play Dublin Lady Lions

tonight at 6 p.m. at Abilene Christian University

in Abilene.

Above: Crystal Ponce brings the ball down as the Lady Lopes set up another play in Amarillo Tuesday nighL

Right: Shelly Burleson shoots for two against the Lynxettes.

Lady Lopes encourage Elise Prather on a trip to the foul line in Abernathy's game against Spearman. The Lady Lopes w6n the area title with a 34-27 win.




P.O. BOX 93 ·ABERNATHY· 298-2028


P.O. BOX 440 ·ABERNATHY· 298-2451


105 AVE. D ·ABERNATHY· 298-2541


402 9TH ST. ·ABERNATHY· 298-2556


. ' 2321 50TH ST. ·ABERNATHY· 792-3636


801 AVE. F • ABERNAIHY • 298-2151


701 TEXAS AVE. ·ABERNATHY 298-2521


. 611 AVE. D ·ABERNATHY· 298-2551


1203 AVE. D- ABERNATHY- 298-2874




829 W. SERVICE RD.· ABERNATHY· 298-2584























417 S. AVE. D ·ABERNATHY· 298-2084




910 AVE. D.· ABERNATHY· 298·2242



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