Page 1: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

Ability Grouping:Helpful or Harmful?

Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D.Licensed [email protected]

Page 2: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

Definitions Ability grouping: Placing students

in learning groups with others of similar aptitude; can vary by subject; can be flexible over time

Tracking: Assignment of students to one group for all subjects, based on a measure of general ability (e.g., IQ)

Page 3: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Arguments

For: Helps teachers focus the level of the presentation

Against: Reduces expectations of

lower-ability students Discriminates against minority

students Promotes inequity

Page 4: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Evidence: Meta-analyses

Quantitative summaries of research results

General steps: Stipulate methodological criteria a

study must meet to be included Locate as many qualifying studies

as possible Quantify the results of the studies

in terms of effect sizes

Page 5: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Evidence: Meta-analyses

Effect size: A common metric allowing

comparison of results across studies

Quantifies magnitude of results in standard deviation units

Range: -3.00 to +3.00 (approximately)

Page 6: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Evidence: Meta-analyses

Classification: Below 0.2: Negligible 0.2 to 0.5: Small 0.5 to 0.8: Medium Above 0.8: Large

Page 7: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Evidence: Meta-analyses

Problems with the evidence Some meta-analyses use only

studies that randomly assign students to groups

Some meta-analyses discount findings if curriculum is modified for different groups

Page 8: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Gifted Students

Gifted students achieve better in ability groups In elementary school:

28 studies of achievement test scores: Average ES = .19 (.49 in 9 studies of programs designed for G&T, .07 in 19 studies of broad programs)

Page 9: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Gifted Students

In high school: 51 studies with “measured

outcomes” had average ES = .10 (.33 in the 14 studies of classes designed for G&T students, .02 in 33 studies of broad programs)

Page 10: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Gifted Students

Elementary and high school together: 78 studies of achievement test

scores Average ES = .15 For honors classes (N = 25),

ES = .33 For “XYZ grouping” ES = .12

for high ability students

Page 11: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Gifted Students

23 studies of homogeneous vs. heterogeneous classrooms Standardized achievement tests:

ES = 0.4 for science, social studies, and total

ES <0.25 for math, reading, and writing

ES = 0.4 favoring heterogeneous classes for languages

Page 12: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Gifted Students Bigger effects for teacher-made

tests All favored homogeneous

classes ES = 1.0 for math and science “Large” ES for English and

social studies

Page 13: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Low-Ability Students

Low-ability students’ academic achievement in ability groups is equal to or better than in heterogeneous settings.

Effect sizes are negligible to small (-0.02 to 0.29).

Page 14: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Low-Ability Students In high school:

4 studies with “measurable outcomes:” Average ES “near zero” for programs designed for academically deficient students

Page 15: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Low-Ability Students In elementary and high

school together: For remedial programs (N = 4),

ES = .14 In XYZ grouping (N = 39), ES

was “virtually zero”

Page 16: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results: Across Ability Groups

Elementary school:

Effects near zero for “compre-hensive ability grouping”

14 studies (1959-1968) of “Joplin plan” grouping in reading: ES = .45

8 studies of within-class grouping for math: ES = .32

Page 17: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results: Across Ability Groups

High School 29 studies of tracking: No


Page 18: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Cooperative Groups

In middle school: High achieving students

achieve more in hetero-geneous cooperative groups than in individual learning?

…but more in homogeneous than heterogeneous cooperative groups?

Page 19: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Ability Grouping vs.

Tracking Remember definitions

Ability grouping is associated with increased performance; tracking is not

Page 20: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Curriculum Modification

Effectiveness of ability grouping corresponds to the extent to which curriculum is modified to meet the needs of the group

Page 21: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Social/Emotional

Adjustment Often cannot be subject to meta-analysis Many studies do not include

these variables Those that do are not

consistent in what variables are included or how they are measured

Page 22: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Social/Emotional Adjustment

Most meta-analyses find negligible effects of grouping In elementary school:

9 studies of “self-esteem(apparently global)

Average ES = .06 No separate data for gifted

students (probably due to small N)

Page 23: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Social/Emotional Adjustment

In high school: 15 studies of “self-concept”

Average ES = .01 No separate data on gifted

students 8 studies of attitudes toward

subject matter: ES = .37 11 studies of attitudes toward

school: Average ES = .09

Page 24: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Social/Emotional Adjustment

In elementary and high school together: 24 studies of “self-esteem”

Average ES “near zero” Honors classes (N = 6) ES

“trivial” XYZ programs: ESs negligible Remedial programs (N = 3):

ES = .33

Page 25: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

The Results:Social/Emotional Adjustment

Subset (not clear how many) of 23 studies of homogeneous vs. heterogeneous classrooms ES = 0.09 for self-concept ES = -0.02 for creativity “Positive effect” (ES not

specified) for attitude toward school

ES = -.46 for attitude toward peers

Page 26: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

So, In General… Gifted students achieve better in

ability groups when curriculum is modified for them

Low-ability students achieve about the same with or without grouping

Ability grouping for gifted students is supported by research; tracking is not

Page 27: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

So, In General… Homogeneous cooperative

groups may be more effective than heterogeneous ones.

Grouping typically is found to have no effect on social/emotional adjustment

Page 28: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

References Goldring, E. B. (1990). Assessing the

status of information on classroom organizational frameworks for gifted students. Journal of Educational Research, 83(6), 313-326.

Kulik, C-L. C. & Kulik, J. A. (1982). Effects of ability grouping on secondary school students: A meta-analysis of evaluation findings. American Educational Research Journal, 19(3), 415-428.

Page 29: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

References Kulik, C-L. C. & Kulik, J. A. (1984).

Effects of ability grouping on elementary school pupils: A meta-analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 255329)

Page 30: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

References Kulik, C-L. C. (1985, August). Effects

of inter-class ability grouping on achievement and self-esteem. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, CA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 263492)

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Neber, H., Finsterwald, M., & Urban, N. (2001). Cooperative learning with gifted and high-achieving students: A review and meta-analysis of 12 studies. High Ability Studies, 12(2), 199-214.

Slavin, R. E. (1987). Ability grouping and student achievement in elementary schools: A best-evidence synthesis. Review of Educational Research, 57(3), 293-336.

Page 32: Ability Grouping: Helpful or Harmful? Mary Ann Swiatek, Ph.D. Licensed Psychologist

References Slavin, R. E. (1990). Achievement

effects of ability grouping in secondary schools: A best-evidence synthesis. Review of Educational Research, 60(3), 471-499.

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