Page 1: a.bith etordtr,Vol+20+(1864)/… · SOC'BLL. I from your fonrth proposition the word 5, Rom. 8: 11, 1. Cor, 15: H-5(. vinegar shonld be administere


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-- --published by GEORGE .B, UTTER "T H-E 8 EVE NTH DAY 18 T.H E S A ~ BAT H 0 F THE LOR D THY GOD ,It

" " VOLUME .A..A •• -L"V,

• WESTERLY, R. 1., FIFTIl:..DA.Y, A.PRIL 28, 1864. 17.

~he 'a.bith I I. etordtr, • narro.w it down,' unlees yon me~n dwells in them, and have II put on in, driving a l:uge trade. Oil Saturday' him' as a safeguard, an4 also a bo4.v _ : "f!! mOJe by tht!m than I bave corru.ption," (wbich must take place he was still alive, wben the Taoutai of men ffom tbe ship, they ... islted the I-TIluU'llIlI.ds

::= . ,! admitted. If you do, you will make befure they can <I enter into the king' was appealed to by a foreigner to,,.,,, It_was au imlQense city, sar· forlbe SatibalbRecorder, it "nown. And if you will dum (If God,") they will be "spirit," put an end 10 the wretch'a sufferings, rounded' on al\ sides by w~11e and

THE BOLDIEB. AT OHA'l'TABOQGA, or a "spiritual body," See Rev. 1: and he immediately ga1'e orders tbat fortifications, and coutained over , 'If JlR8. lU~n 8. SOC'BLL. I from your fonrth proposition the word 5, Rom. 8: 11, 1. Cor, 15: H-5(. vinegar shonld be administere<I, million inhabitants, all.""wHc

OD the field of CbaUaliooga, .. fallen soldier misery, and insert in itll stead depri . .. There is II. natural body, and thl!re which he expected would produce II In no other parts of the ,lilun,ese cb~~,~~t:~~c~:dii~~~y tlhelolM,lvlllI lay; (I vatian, whicb is another. word depot. i .. a @piritual body!' Bot a spiritual me.dlate death j bnt the result was empire are th_ any a UU,qtIID

From IIb.sUy "oqnda the lire-blood ",.. ebb- bod t tb bs ~c of aoy LJody otherwi8e, and at sunpet, wben the .• u,~ ... a~e Ing slow IIway;' I ing punishment, we will h81'c IlQ con. y IS no e a eu e .. •. waitAI Darkly tbe mouutsm Ihadow& KloQmea o'.r whatever. cross was taken within, tbe jail, two can carry

the lonely place I troversy respectillg it. I Yo~ quote 1 Cor. 2: 11, to prove soldier~, with stout bamboos, broke cities, and trade But a deeper, deadlier sbadow, veleld tbe N '. hId tb ... ow, as to yonr fir,,!. propoHitlOn, that intelligence is affirmed of the both is egs, an en strangleduot allowed to emigrate.

YOUD, bero's flLoe, I I "That. mau is cOmposed of matter spirit of mao. It speaks' of "the him. their own Jaws j and their offi-In t~b:!~dt:;'h and tumult of tbat ~rlum· and tlp'rlt," tbe issue LJetween ns IS spIrit of man whICh is in hua!' It cer is a Jewish Rablii, who, with Helll\d dOlle yeODl&ll duty In tbe vanguard not whether man has a spirit or not, devolves upoo you to prove that it iN Sl'RING IN THE HEART, tvrenty others, enact laws, decide His %~f;:~a~~ete.t sealed tbe cl'ags, bl. but What the nature of his ~pirit is an intelligent being when it iH emt ~~I~:.:'l!~~-~: ~~:~r, disputes, and deal ont justice to _ Ibouthlldobeerlestrung, -whether it is capable of a sppatate h~m. You are aware that tbe term With son,loDf. &lid lo~e; inhabitants of tbe city. In this trio

BI •• talwart arm waved high tbe hI!, till con~ciou8 existence'-and, if it is, spIrit is used in various ways. aud is And many II lay '. bunal is 'Vested the power of life and d.a~Il)18 nerves unstrunll· whether it is immortal. It will not val led III sen Me. The Greek word wi:~:n'; !~:.1;~ro" e. death, and from their decision

OYGrtho eebolo, mountain. the b.ltue rag' do for You to assume, wilhout "evi, pneuma is rendered ghost, spirit, Blrd,1!ower anduee is no appeal. They,keeD a ~UlnnJmD" ed .way , ., ' oJ -Faintly and dr .... lIy h. belU'd the thunder dence, the velY 'point to be proved. wind, hfe, and breatb, III the New Seem to £lIIr&e - army of the ,"oung men of the ""0'"'' of lb. t~ay; I You must produce the Bible evidence Testament·, and iu 80me iustances i B Ttbethi"C olceb·tiltq,.tll brlog; in order to protect their city,

llu! ili-~. ot Ood cam .. do"" to ~Im- f h f h . h I I. d d ." U IS poor elIr I peace ... rth cln neTer}mow-, 0 t e nature 0 t e spirit or mall. mIg I proper y ue ren ere lDlllo" <lr t "Bears not Its part; aws command the observance of And sweet home-VOIces mlnKled ID with tbe I admit that man has a body, soul, the illtellectual principle. It doubt-, In II thore t. no 8prl~i' Jewish religiun ; but their rites

dark" ~ ow. , l I and !iplfit. (1 TheBs, 5: 23) Now less hall tbis significatIOn here; IOnd Dews hn apace, c(ll"emonies ddfer from ours in many No motber'. sorub.nd resttdlupon hIS way- tbe question is whether each of theBe also in 1 Tbess.lf: 23, RobInson 80: _ The dews of grace, res-cts. They ob~erve the Sabbatb scarred bro"!!" J / p Upon tbls soul o{ sin, r-No ,I,ter'. swel$ vOle, cbeeted blm WIth its IS, of Itself alone, a conscious being, defines it, snd under this definition I And love diVine on what is to us Tbursday, but still

melodlouBllow,: l , so that oue man is cipable of being quotes tile latter passage, calling it Delights to sblne they call it the lI&venth day. Their 'I'he,,,~~a:.t~:JI,j~I~~::~ned .blllt lde;-tb18 resoJvetl into three men, or wbether .. a periphrasis fGr the whole man." Y:i~~~a~~;;!i~ ~'Ihln ; synagognes are the most beautiful And a worn Rnd l"ar.l!'Y soldier recel~d his two of thc~e parts ale cap&ble of Paul prayed for his blethreu, thllt. ~'rult8,1!owers appear, buildiugs that are to be seen in the

d)lui brtath. / ' ' snch separate clJnscitJus existence, their whole being, not on~ the bodv, B~~b~~~o~b~~J~"IIie .. lnK; empire. They are built in one'style,

QU'._"""I'U in heaven, h",vmrP ellcal~ed so as by

16v~eBt, and see as the stars w-nH.· .. <·

r headf!. Fo~ the

I the lowest shall be

eS~.-.J.I.1 W. .Beeclt/!r.

I "Bcre comrade,AakeY tblll Bible, and; read or only one. IF only one is iude. but the life and mind....!their vital Bears not its part: whIch resembles a mi~ture of the

onc'e more)<f me; - d t f th th ,. . d' II I d t 'h Its winter bas no sprln,. G h' d C . b' A dlmnesscr.tlips upon my eyel, I can but pen en 0 e 0 era ID Its conscIous all IDte ectua eu owmen II-mIg 1 ot IC an orin! lan, aud are ~rOll' I f"mtl ,toe; .... existence and immortality, tell us be preser_d blameless to the coming l.crd, let Tby love, men ted by beautiful pagodas. E~ch BY w, C, BRYANT.

Read 0 I~b~o~~lnll S~vlour, ~nd bow he whicb it is, aud we will mark the of the Lord. Frsg~ z.oili:~~~tb wind tlO1l'; synagugue is capable of hotdiugover I ha~e liked Dr, Wattll' Psalmll Tb .thl of aiony and wo, to lead UHP to other two .. mor~al," and leave them In your next, it will be well to define Call fortb lIB bloom, two thousand worshipers, and gener· and! ever since the tiO)e when, / God. out of this controversy. Tbe body the term spirit, Pleallc tell what you Wake Its perfume, ally consists of a large hall, with an 8carcely~three years old, I was made "WIJlllotb.d .... old, In distant yon bave'proved is mortal. Which mean, when you say....that man i. A.And bid ITtsh8plc.sIlOW! arched roof, all of atal'ned "lass t . h h' b k' h d, III t lid "hen y vclee .. ,0 repea ,WIt 18 00 ID my an My w:~~:~d motber .... ato"bes (or me-, her is immortal, the 80ul or spIrit 7 composed of matter and spirit j and Makes eartb reJoice, whicb presents a beautiful alPpear snd witt) ~uch gesturell as were pre-

only boy; We speak of tbe 0811eou8, tbe mus- theu Pl'int out the terms iu the SCI ip' Lo~dt ~:i'~~b::~e~~nd SlDK, auce. The roof is supported by pi!. scribed to me, tbe psalm beginuing Give her thllllible-tell bor tbat I fougbt cular, the venous, and the nervous which correspond to your defi· To bear Its part, lars of variegated marble, ornament, w~h thj word- "

• long snd well j - II b I . If I' k h A. d Jib I f I d ". Tell he. a soldier needs not Ii!teve SYHtems, as a , e onglOg to maD j nition. you t lin t e texts yon n 0 0 t 0 pra se 0 opr ni! - e by fine porcelain cornioeil. Tbe oot that Uel!. ,trut no one imagines that eitb€r (,f have quoted, prove that the spirit of -J, s. B, Jlonie/l. whole arit is a"beautiful structure in "Co, Le eound his prai.e abroad, .lWd bYDlllS of glo17 Bing.'f-

"Tbls rIng upon my finzer-my slCar placed these systems, ~eparated from the man has a conscious existence after itself, and is approacbed by nine I It tbere; others, can perform its fUllctionll, the body IS dead, (which I ntterly A GREAT arTY OF JEWS IN om.!. steps of the whitest marble, On The critics, in general, have shown

I soo bor no-, my darling, so Kay, so proud, A . dl . d .. 'I h I h I k h J' \'ut st' I d .. to D W tt ' d so fair; '" 1I are nnlte y reqUIre f and the lal to see,) please quote t e texts to t a8 been ong nown, t at ews opeulllg tbe doors and drawing the Ii III e lavor r. a I ey()-Give baok hel' keepsake-tell ber ne'er principle of life beSIdes, to consti, .bow that the,. cannot cea~e. to live. existed in China. From tbe time curtain, the whole building is fiooded tio.nal poetry. Dr. J oholon pr()­'1'0 t~':ll:o~~ola: f~eWbQSe defence be~ bro, tute one Iivinl\, active_ leing. T~is is to be a Bible discussion., It when the Jesuits pursued tbeir mis- by the light which issu/)s furth. In ~dnm~Ct:dlbita~nDart.ili{Vcatt~~Y,,~hb~~ghdohnee

ther's h.lLd lies low, As plOof that man IS composed of will not do to a~Bume the very POllltS , , ' every available spot iuside the t "" .... "Now bend you Jowor-the.o-unclasp tbls matter and spirit, you qnote Matt. 10 be proved. It will not do to give l~louary etrlJrts III the celestIal laud, candles are placed, wbich are kept better than anybody else, what

.lender Kold en chain j 10: 28-" And fear uot tbem whICh to terms a meaning that is not sus- It has been no secret tbat there, as burning continually, but'still are not LJody ha~ done well!' 80utlley, Open tbelookettenderly-let n,uude touoh kill thJ LJody, hut are uot able to kill tained by Scripture. It will n ,t do in Iudia and remoter countries still, seen. The effect, as may be imagill whom I xpected something dIfferent,

l rorane ; . b t - f D W HoI It before my dimming eyes, let me see the soul j but latber fear him which to say tllat soul or spirit means some, small blinds of J&ws were found ed, is beautiful. In each house of ID t a eagre mem01r 0 r. attB Tba~~~~a'~~lfoh robs ~'en deatb of balf lis is able to deslroy both soul and body tbillg d;stinct hfrom our korganized maintaining their peculiar national wor~ili~ are three 'saphorim,' which -meagte, yet interesting, 80 far as

agonyaOlLpaln. in hell." This tpxt does not mention beings, of whic we CAn ta e no cog"' are wfltten on pure white vellum. relates to his theological opinions, spirit of man " and other texts nizance by our sense~, and ollr minds characteristics, and engaged in in- 'rbese are handled wI'th the greatest seem principally to h"ve en-

Alas I alas! now do I know what 'lis to dIe ~ -to part" make a8 much dlstl.ctlOn between cannot grasp, and then assume that dustrial PllreQjts. It was not known, care, and ollly by the priest himself. gaged outhey'~ ~ttention-aJludes o God! why Is this burden laid upon my tbe BOllI aud spirit as this does be- It ill immortal, not because tb,. J;lJble however, and could hardly have been \Vomen are not allowed to enter the to John on's oplOlon,- yet takes no

bursting beart! I d b d (1 'rb 5 b b 't' t f h pains tb controvert it. H" indeed, Why does she Imtle to mock me WIth tween son an 0 y. eps.: BllyS BO, nt ecauae I IB OU 0 t e imagined, that they existed, in such synagogues, except on holidays aud ... ty's brlKbt farewell' 23 j Heb. 4: 12 J The Ilist text re' reacb of our comprehensiou or con· numbers.s recent dl'scoverl'es have days of festtvity. In the aggregate questioqs Johnson's deciaiqn agalDlst"I


Alas I dear In.nd, woy ran I ferred to says, .. Dividing 1\8under of ceptiou. Plealle fi. nd the proof that u their rulcs are in strict accordance' devotiomal poetry in ., but doetb 1111 things well. oJ h h d Th f II ' . k soul aud spirit." Wben this is done, man is composed of somethmg that sown t ey o. I,e 0 owmg Ill' with our religion, and are sensible ilJ -ta os no pams to show, as he might

, .. GIve back tbls preclOua d I. I. h ' ., '-I' h d' h I eas'l h' d th t W tt 'b k _ that In my beart according to your owu tbeory, the is not matter, an tuen prove uy t e tcrestll1g narratIve IS POco IS e III t emse ves. The military leader who I y live one, a a s 00 ~be lived till IIfe's last pulses beat, 80ul is dead, unless the.soul too is Bible, that nlthough that something Ihe London J~h Chronicle, The b~d been taken prisoner, together contained a great many very

~h.~~~;Afe;l~~\he8 no" are spirit j and in that case there woulJ haB somebow come into existence, curioDs accoant WQS related to the WIth tbe priests, spared no pains to things: I duties done at last- - be two living conscious spirits, or that it is impossible iu any way for make themselves uuderstood, explain- I ma~utain, for my part, that Dr, he power of deatb 18 OTerQCllle-its two men. ThIS is what your argu- it to go out of existence. It is too by 11 Jewisb omcer in the 109 every thing which they thought Watts ~8B done admirably well what

\ n .... I. p .... t.. ment for" duality" would lead to; ntuch to 8ssume that God has crcat- Brltlsh,navy: would prove interesting. be nndllrtook to do, and the th •• "_ .....

. Nolwn

trh~II •••• omftoll~~~u. y, let me 8ee bow fatr, but since it leaJs to Ruch all absur- ed lometbiug eutirely dislinct from " At the breaking out of the "The party s about six hours I wanted any other tblln the nl.' .... "rA • B d k' I d bl h b ... , . , d th l - ~ h mUh wlI.ich I read find ire ulo, and 8weepln~ woodland, and rUjI' Ity, ml\ Ing man not ou y a OU e. tell yaIr ..... DDlVer" .... .an . ~n asset· Ii"b. ........ _ith.DM ....... he l"C2!'i .. ~ .h~QjJ~~~I}IJJl).lll!':·I4E!JU~e-"~ 1 om. =1 fn the tt ....... -

ged mountain helgbt; but trIple eutity, ~t mu~t be reje~ted that he cannot, destruy It, not b~, commission 81 lieutenant, aud wen~ witb present., tional ersel! have takeu on Let 8ft~ ~:~eFt!\0~;round tbe arch of tbe as fallacious, I eonfe88 tbere IS a cau.e. he bas nld 80, but because It to the seat of 'War, and served under what to them were curiosities. The hearts f men in all condition! of .And he~r tbe r\~er'8 glad farewell, as It go •• plaus1bility in it, when considering is immateri~\ an~ cann,ot rot. He Commander Hollins. Our friend was officer has still in his p08session sev' life, and, I tbink, all varietiel' of reo

Ilnlllng by, . tbis text (Matt. 10: 28) alnne', but tba. t put, tblOgS ,Ill .m,otlOn, whether a~lIigned the command ofa small ves' er:,l cabinets, not over four feet I .., I Iigions l belief. No compilation of Tbro' tb. wild mountatn gorges tho hgi.t ot if it proves that the soul cau exisl thlllg6, "I~lble or In .. lslb e, can ?aU8e sel carrying three guns, for the pur· sq are, which contain over three bymns for tbe public worsbip of alIy Str.~;,,:~r~~::~bl\loes o'.rtbespotwhere without the body, it alsl' is proved that motion to cease. I walt for pOIill of penetrating tbe riveQl and h' .dred drawers aod secret places. denomination is eyer made without

the YOUDIl80ldier lay; that the soul is mortal. We are uot prooC: R. F, COTrRELL. strssms of the interior, and prevent- Tbe most interestiug curiosity whIch Tht .hout. of Vlotory I"ooe and fell; along to fear Anyone that cannot kill it. ing any bostile aseemblages He be .received was a Prayer,book writ· borrO-wing largely from Dr. Watts.


air ot even, . I' G d ' . , Ch Id ' II h' h h He has !been in his grave for conaid-And angels Joined the 8vmp'aonv , al tbey but we should certam y lear o. j A OHINESE ORUOITIXION. seldom ad.-anoed furlber tban five or ten III a alC, on Te urn, W lC e , ~ t d t tI B 'I' h .r erably \Uore than a centory, yet have ' I

bore hlm up to heaven. aud here is the clearest intimatIOn, The folluwing sccount of a recent six miles from tbe principal rendez. presen e 0 Ie rl IS ~useum. h' In d bit f ftlh I -L"WMRlDOB,IIl. not ouly that he is able, but that he vous,' but on one occasion, tired of Several little articles y,et rem~in in IS pSJl. ms an ymns 08 none 0 .L ere,wlllap oUllqua".bOlIA'

crUCI'fiYI'on I'n Chl'na I'nterepling be- b' . h- h tlie iavmr which they had when they to com6 'up -hAn "'e .......... " Lilli" For Ihe sab ... lb Reoor •• r. will kill or utterly" destroy both soul ~ , cruising about in the same place so III posseSSIOn, w IC are T ... n"...... .... a .... 1Ir'~'; ~"'D DESTINY OF MAN. and body in helL" If 1.0 II kill tbe cause of its resemblance to those often and meeting no oppositioD, he lreasured by him. wel"J' ?J:t adopted, by reli~iou8_ &iI' things before ThaDkll',. "

l1A.LUIUI ~ body" is to be understood hterally, mentioned .in Scripture, is by Mr. proceeded ten miles up the river, and "Thull a commuuity of Israelites sembh I for pulillc worshIp, and I gather Dp ·0tr.1, liverl, ligb~.o. E N V H

. t . O' t I Ch' b d believ.e~ ar,e ev~u now, gereraUy S"e w •• pickl·n. round "'01. 11': ... 11, ;

LD. , • ULL: then .the killiDg" of the soul, in the James Jones, or AlDOY, who witness- still found no bindrance, He sailed eXls s 10 rlen a Illa never ear 1'!oI '!'''".,~ f b Ii .. f speakl g, III greater esteem than ner'. bal1l. "

D~ftr Brother,--It is with no de- same 8entence, i~ also to be under, ud tile execntl'on on the "8th of On, until he hud advanced about thirty 0 e ore, yet conslstmg 0 over QDe 'th t d' tb t h 0", , '" ~ 'Ir f I k th ., ever, ntltwl s an 109 a Hue poets II Oome hete Bettf:;,n lire to strive for the mastery, that I slood hterally To say tbat 'God is miles into tbe interior of the country, ml IOn 0 sou 8, spea IDg e ongl- as Doddridie, (lowper, Charles Wes- G.rd'iner,.tId p'lck_ b,.lrIt'ItlllI

able' to kill tbe soul, but will not, is tober: passing several cities and villages, nal sacred I!mgue, keeping their 'rl

I 'th th d' c"ssl'on I d . d t Barbauld and neber, have writ- of goOd/ .olid m"a" an"

en er WI you upon e 18 U to say that our Saviour nsed a false The victim was a well-known thief. bnt seeiDg no fortification! ., and not aws, an possessmg ocumen s .... _II

r h· t t t' f th h' d h h' h d th I h' t' th d devoti(1nal verses of very great her. ShEll"loobd up

o t e Impor an ques Ion 0 e nl}' m.otive to encourage his disciples, Oil his trial before IS J'u ge, 8 reo being molested in any way, he was w IC recor e r 18 ory onsao s " h' . f" ment Slllce M tIme. ishment i could Dot ture aud deltiny of man, as reTealed which ill blaspbemous, Whicb will fused to criminate himself, althouQ:h abont to retrace his 8teps, wben, 0 years 3g0. Tue secret Qf this popularity liel, or underst .. nd wh .. t ill the Holy Scriptures j but with a you do, dear brother, give up tbe repeatedly scourged until llis back looking, he thougbt tbl\.t there -------- as it seems to me, in. the uuion of she lifted 111/ her h .. lld., liucel'e 'delire and prayer to God, idea that this text proves the 80ul to was raW'. If a female w!tness ~llilB appeared something in the distance HEROISM IN :rm:: HOUSEHOLD. strong feeling with grea~ p~etic .. 'l'b .. uk tbe, Lord (OI-,.,ltIIr";WI"i.

.. be a hving being separate from th~ in giving SlItisfactory eVIdence .11~ a resembling a fod6ca.tiou. He de- Common life is a true and perfect merit. In whit be wrote there are th'l- 01 ... •• TllanL

tbat trut,. may be crowued the vic- bod v, or .dmit that God can and will court of J'ustice, she is beaten With ~ termined to ascertain the "ature of sphere for heroism. Tbere are in the a ". ~ d b I b b fi d

of occasional trausgressionB againlt "'-rdl'o," tor, .. n t at 1100 s may e ene te kill and utterlv destroy the 80uls of leatber Btrap aerosil the mouth. His, the place, and headed the ship tg it. life of every family thing!!" that are d . b' 'fi' f UlO " Ii goo taste, as III Ii verSI catIon 0 Tliia a. "f:j~~i~:~$~ .. tbe result. the wicked? wife, desirous of sparing her us- When he approached he was sur- magnificent and worthy of poetry Solomon's Soug. There are slovenly could hOt'e a.. .. icL

It 'wa. well, perhaps, for you, in The word rendered" 80ul" in this band, refused to give evidence, but prised by seeing multitudes of Chinese and history, and that WIll be chaunt· lines, and ~veB stauzas, bot tbere is doctrlne ot BeClODa 1'0ur first "rticle, to lay down your text, is forty times rendered "life .fter two or three applicatious of junk1l and other small boats approach· ed iu the other Iife_ There are things alwaYII great fenor and profonnd , in tbe New Testllmpnt. Iu verlle 39 the strap, her courage 'gave way. iug tbe vessel. The deck was than in the experieuce of every bousehold earnestness. No poet b8B ever IlS' It ill related of plogr .. mme, and speak briefly 10 your of the-liame cbapter, Bnd speaking of She confessed his guilt, at tbe same cleared 'or IIction in CBse of a fight. t),at are essentially heroic, connected berore 'I'ba!o~wl'''J .. t '" • l' pressed religious emotions witb b • __ .. leTer .. 1 nropositions. But as the tbe same subiect, namely, the glViDl!: time admitting that two bundred dol- .As the ellemy approached nearer to witb the conduct of parents tow an! H Yllar .. e , ....... ... ,~ greater energy. e faints ~d lan- , 1 quQatioD relate.-ht. To man's na. up our lives for the truth, it is reno lars of the money so derived was tbe ship, tbey let fly a cloud of wellp- their childrell, and of the children guisbes for the divine presence j he bid t tb 'ure j .nd, 2d. To bis destiny-;-I pro. dered hfe, "He that findeth his life hidden in the sea near the beach, ons and stones which however, did toward tbeir, parents, and of children deplores the waywardnes'l. of the hu- f1' m~ fObn t

e :~~I: (soul) sballiosc it j and he that los. Officers were sent to searcb, and no injury, Tbe' Jieute~ant, thinking toward eac!l other. They are not h hI' h d" oc .. 0 r.n

poso that we attend to it in order, ethl bIB lifll (soul,) for my aske, /lhall fiudil)g the dollars in the place indi- to scatter them, had one of his guns famons, they are not wide-spbeled j man eart.; e exn ts 10 t, ': IVilIe root of the hili croHintr land settle the queMtiun re~t'cting find it." John Ill: 25-" He that caled, tbe prisoner was sentenced to loaded with grape-sbot lind ponred it but, if you mea.ure heroism by the favor:~: lio~:sed w~{ht~~a~:;~~t m:~ .. fl," laid .be, tlIe nature of man first. Then. we hateth his \lfe (soul) in this world, decspitation, deemed by the Chinese into them where tbe cr'owd appealed moral quality, by thll motive, yuu wor,ks ~f the divine band; he give me ,?D~-of aball be prepsred to underlltand those shall keep it unto life eternal." The tbe most severe of punisbmentll, bc- I thickest, It must have done con sid· will find cradle-side heroism, alld bed- dwells wita delight on the vision of T!!.alnklgdl·~gb .. -III1:""'" teatl which llpeak of hi' destiny. idea, and the only rational one, that cause they imagine that if a man erable execution, for now tbey raised side heroism, beroisms of distres. a better life beyond tbe grave j and a"", y.. u,"'" ,\:.:w~~;:~~:~'l::!.:

, When we Ihall bave ... cert.ined clm be drawu trom these texts, ill leavell this world mIDns any of his a yell They attempted to climb up aod poverty, whicb are as eminent all these moods of mind find (0.11 es- °thn 'fI~_~·t .. rd . . thill: 'Our being, oqr soul, our life, is members, he appears in the sBtme the lIidell, bot were met 00 every side as any beroism that there ever was -, h' M f b' e """" l1li "track 00'"''

wbeiher man I' mortal or Immorhl in the hand of God ., and though men condition in the next. The culprit, by#tbe sailors, Now the fight beD'au on tbe battle-field, or in the '-VI'Uv"'-1 pressIOn In IS verse. any 0 18 d ad It i h I

,., - hymn, seem t'l have beeR dashed be. • in hi" nature, we s al be prep"red kill tbe body, tbollgh they tl\ke our therefore, prayed to be crucified in- in real earnest. With aU their gUD8 chamber. Yes, aud (en thousand IU the excitement of the moment, a. Yt to decide whether the> everlasting life" in tbi. world," tbey ca~not .ut' stead of being beheaded" employed, it was as much as the times more so, because they- are BC- if the feeling which had taken POI' °fo

nlli.hment wbich ia to be Ihe por. terly destroy UR! for, God Will gIve The Cf<!1811 was of the LatID form, Brltiehers could do to keep the na· companied with lells excitements and se£sion of him. could not b~ Ilatisfi.ed '~ .... dil"iJlt.c .. ~·~~:(::;~5~=~~;,:;·t:~~i ~ , he 'ok d '11 b ' I t. us life ever~alltlDg 10 tbe ~orld to the foot being ~ns.erted in ~ stout tiTes from gaining a footiug on board less prospects of lIyml'atby and reo without expre~sing itself in poetic !tto"" 'b . on 0 . t w~ e, WI e liver as come, But If we compr~mlse. tru~h plank, and the crtUlIDal,.standlng on of tbe vessel. The Chinese fought moueration, F,,.-. IU too dull Dlght, forms. His version! of the Reh .... 1 Ilr IDg miller,. In the preaence 'of the and duty to 8a1'e our hvell ID thl8 a board, had naIls dnven thruugb desperately j their leader-a tall, rna- alone-oh, alone I at the IODgest pSBIIDIl are as remarkable roJ:, thia ---~.,..;,:,,"".....,"':'.' Lord, or everlastiug de8~ructioD from world, we .ball lORe our wbole life his feet, hiB hands stretched and jeetic look lUg man, wielding a long, strikiug of the clock, alone i at the oompositions which be c.lted bi8 presence' whether eternal dam. aud being in the world to oome. nailed to the crossbeam, Bis legs straightewurd-by hispleaenceseem- shortest strake, aloue j at its double hymns. He seems to have first fiUed

t. 'd t" d vou cite Il Cor. (: 16. There is fastened to tbe cr0ll8 With an irou ed to inspIre them WIth increased stroke, alone; at thr~ and four in hI'! ml'nd wl'th the I'mage"' of .L._ an·

n. Ion or con emna Ion III a Ilon em." h h ' d '" ch' d h' b d . h d' .'" """ , ' , ' i, no proof t at t e "lDwar man IS aID, aD tS arma olin wit cor 8, bravery SeeIDg tblS, au attcmpt tbe morning, alone j witb a aICk babe, cient bard; and, or.tching iOllpir.tion nation to eternal lortu!e, Without a the 80ul ot IIpirit. It is figurative and on the cord round his waist was wss made to capture blm, He had and 110 olle to succor, sits the child from him, fiong his thougbtA upon possibility of tbe'1leath of th, sinoer, lauguage, and donbtlesil iefe':.s to the inserted a piece of wood, on which effected a footing ou board Cor him- of fortune, cultured, exqoisite in the page ill a form lIoited to tbe more or .. condemnalidn 10 eternal de"th new man that ill p\Jt un at coover· was '1I'ritt~n his Dame and offense; II. self lind a few followers-more were taste, aud sensitive in e1'ery moral mild and II'rfect dispeneation of withont the hope Ilf a ... lInrrection' lIion-Cbrilt dwelling in our hear~~ similar piecll on his right arlll con· swarming np. A IIhot through the feeJini", •• an angel At last, tha Christianity, I

, faith-" the hope of glory." Tbl8 ained his sentence, namely, to re- bottom of his canoe cut off his re' longed-for .ooud, now hated, of the Some of Dr. Watta' devotional a~d h.ence 18 proper!y co~t.u~t~d 'not wane, but itl renewed day main on the croM day and night untIl treat j there was no hope tor them footsteps of him for whom she waits, verses show tbat he pOlIse.BCd imag-wllh life, al yon bne IIhow%\ 'It I. In • See Col. S': 9, 10. Epb, (: be died; anotber on hIll left arm bad but ligbting till more came to their comes to her esr i and Bome miser .. · ination ia a higb degree. Wh .. t" th. Scripture.. I 3: 16 17, Col. 1 : 27, the nsme of the judge, with hie titles relief. After a brief struggle, tbe ble, dissipated cresture ,wake. the beautiful pictnre, for eXllmple, III set

A. you lead out in tbi. d~cu ... iou, Yon quote' John 3: 6, .nd lay, and office.. Tbe criminal was nail- capture of tbe chief is effected, and uight i and he comes, rnde, and red, before us in the hymn beginning I "00 re eJed .. in \be nbg.tive' .. That which if! born of .pirit, in re- ed to tbe cr08s·inside the Yamun, in all the belligerents cease lighting. and round, stumbling into the room j

g .. r • I generation ii nClt fteab, bot apirit." the preserrce of tbe magisirate, and The britisb t'Cssel tben attempted to and she, with every feeling harrow, "ll'her~ is a land of pure delight" but I .han not, lor,tbls rU8on, feel Does thi. pron thal tIeeh ooly, and then carried by fout coolies to one of make ita way ont of the ri"er' bnt ed, with every tallte offended, witb In thig hymn, which ie too famlli.r bound to deDI e.erJ tbiDlftieh YOIl not i1eab and .pirit. is the" man that the\ priocipal thoroughfares leading tbe nati"es, &8 lIuon al they pere:,l"ed ber wbole nAture outraged, revok.: alt reader. to b~Ur.J1l1criMd btJljIl, ".ert. On tbe coQ,trAll, I! sban 6'8' born 01 woman 7" "lid that be haa from the city, whe~e Ill! .as I~ft d~r- this, raieed luch a ,ell all W&8 ne1'er Yet, it WAS tM fil'llt love, it W&ll tbe '1I'e hat'e tbe «reeD field! of mnDbl1al T .. o'odl .. teem it a privilege to agree !with YOIl no spirit till it ill born ~t conversion T i~g tbe da~, bllt removed at. Dig?, In- ~eard. before, and the chi~f, estend- only lo .. e, it was the husband of ber life with tbl!ir IlIl.itbering.i1~l'1I'f_1

r Tf If I ad~'t b ~ it militates al/:AlOlIt your pro- SIde the prlllOn for fe.r of hl8 rrlend, 109 hiS hand, addressed hIS csptor. youth, it was her8 i and she twns to I,ing in perpetualU,bt J tile a8 at ... OJ CD: ree"1 I ,l eu, thM man I1y ntJtur« is com. attempting to rescoe him, aud agaiD in a language wbich did flot resemble rorlet Mr re1'oltiog and ber shrink- ri1'er of death, di .. idinr it frW tbat the, bud, 111110,\&1, an tba~ the ~f 1II4tt6r ~ndl apirit:' More:- carried forth a~ daylight in charge of th~ Cbineee in auy reBpect, The iug, to meet him, to quiet hi,n,-to present atate·of beillir i ad tile bodieR of the lI .. intl will beCome im- if tleab oDI, i\ oorn ,at one t'1l'O IIOldien. '. teoant ~!I' .. tounded at recognizing leAd him to his disgrACed bed, to put tiQlorool crowd of '*011.1, on ... mor~,L a' the re.urrectiJj~ ,01 tbe and .pirit onl,at uother, wb~t He 11'''' crUCified at noon on Wed- tbe falll.lhar teoe of t~e Hebre,! I'~ him to aleep, to knfl6lwhile he Bnorea!'r bau~ shi"ering and Jlbud4en., too .... ." Jaat, ADd I ,ban Mt ,,~ak8 to tbat i. born II again '" Thl' De,aday! IIIId llr; Jone, c?nversed guage, Thanb ~ bIll pareuts.11I h18 in his drunkl!,n IIlumber, alld, amid the tbOllght of P"'inl tbroap ....... '.11.1)

tb th "Ii' h h b'" • cannot belp you prove that tbe •• th hIm at fin III the evenIDg, He youth he-bad recel .. ed a gov.l Hebrew tears, and prsyere, anil heart break· tbole cold watertl. lteme.ber,1i~ 1 . :·a==~i=i Pro."1 at at Ie III 110, P J II- man that mnllt be bom a,ain ill two' of pain in tbe dleBt aud edocation, and was ,ble to carry on ing. and .. ngnillh, li~e aoo,ber angel ont:c:, 011 • line SQllda, e".,.tar: ia 1 ~W. eal prop,!!rties i. cap .. bl~ o~ phy.ic~1 I do not nb too lead off to On 'rbllrlldal be slept f~r a conve~lation i~ the HeLtew. of God to him, to implore mercy for tile latler p'art 6f April, ClOOlUaI .ou' ... 11 eorru~IClD. 1 ,110 1Id1ll1t, tIIa, tbere .,.y unllece~.lIry i.bu,' I c.t!pt:utlDg lbe .w1OO hour~ wblln the crOM wu !ail! pege l'lth tlte chler, who &old 111m him. And not her 0 .. 11 .. o~r ~nows tlle harbor of U"'&IIa. in a ....... "'_.Idt~.;,toi .... ,,, ...

. will be derreea in lawe re ... rda aad birth, but will down witbin the jail comi>ou~. .;w ~ wouTd give him up he .ould pro- it j uot ,her owu fa~her k~oJV. It ; nO' moyin, uneMily oa .... ~ .' .. poniahmeDUI eorl'ftll'!'ndig to the tbe benefit of tbe reAder, .ns Wall all?wed to loppl, him. Wltb mille that the! .ould not be molest· C?mpaD!on,kllowl!t. Wltb her own oe: the Qulf StreanI, _~ici d d d" , 'hi. .lileb 115 born of tbe fteah i8 ftellh lood or drlllk, .nd dqriug the day ed, bllt permItted .. free egretll, and life .he II hldmg hIB deformft,. ru.b .,aiDIII; tbe reefI ~ --ee. pne ID t~ body: ' or •• ml, ...... Unal bodJ.n bat .hen' there W&l quite" fair in 1font oC the alllO, if he dl!8ired, he would 8bow do yDfJ tell me there i. heroism COllI' of c.., I bat --t ••

dlllllillr air.. of l~t ., P.toPC1efl AmU are born fro:n the dMll c~ people,beinc .,tr.cted (rom .. blm the cit" The 0'" UllIpted tbU oa bsttJe.&eld., or in conncil- to 1II111erti1 bl:-a,.ItOII, ,.. :=~Ci=il .ro;... lroa .. OOIltrOftl"'o!'~ dI" If quickeDed b, die S,iri,J' aad u.. I ... \:JDW ""D.'. the pwpofiUoD. ad ~.,..iId by cMmbel'l r ,lnll IOCietl '- fuU lIIOBi'ioa of ... let.... .A...,

• •

Page 2: a.bith etordtr,Vol+20+(1864)/… · SOC'BLL. I from your fonrth proposition the word 5, Rom. 8: 11, 1. Cor, 15: H-5(. vinegar shonld be administere

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I 8eem to be an nnfavorable brother labored in word and 'doctrine, among foes. I wish they rest1ellll nightl, or tortoring pains, dellCe to c~u6rm' the ~ep~rtII tn eXiI-t BROUX BAn: BILfA.-: The Tivertou aul~le,ct to withstand or endure the holding evening meetings S!)d visit could; for !ben, I am sore, will distorb him longer j no more tetl~ relatn'e to the massacre. But (R. I.) :aabK. _1d6h failed lome hie ' tlltl~el~ce of malaria, It seeml to ing from house to house. . The result are now beiDg allowed to feel them- burning fever and moaning cry of he bltDaelf feared that tbjl fact ... ~ d h I tel • I ""'a" .. and harrass me at every point was a general awakening, not ouly , . .' • 'Iated were trne. When the govern- a oZtln year. alo, II a y paId a

weak by former sickness. I among the members of the chur~h, selve. forgotteu, would be agalD angUIsh; allIS over; he rests, "from ment dues know tbe facta from offi- dividend of 80 per cent. to hill bold-....... 4!.~ .. ,.D. 'Utter. EdI1:or. it illunfortnnate for tbe millsion bnt the impenitent began to InqUIre brou~ht, by tbe power of lettefll from eartb'B sorrows free." mill Batrrces, and they'lnbstantiat£ erll, Since tbill{lICt_e SftllOGn~

, some mal) of firmer health had I what they should do to be saved.' loved ones at home, within the cparm- But 10 I as she muaes, the voice of the reports, retribution will be Burely we bJlVIl receitl!d ".livoooUar bill o~ ,~ OOWsPOBDENOE. taken..-the field. Nor should 1 Many presented themselves as sub ed circle of home inflnence, aud God speaks gently to her stricken given. [Gr:at :&pplanse.] B?t. hO~ that babk brii 'rear' it will iftooio

.l"" Lo;', • f h 'f th B d h Id r I 't f . I prayer and began to d fi - h fi fl' t h' h I h' that retrIbutIOn should be admlDlster- 'I'.vve ., tmo;..lIIeetlD, 0 tel e oar s ou lee some Jec s 0 speOla, save ~Om t e ear u rU\~ 0 w IC Bon t e words whICh were uttered d t' t'll to be ttl d worthl~11 becaDie the bank !pa, BOUd or the Se\oenth-day Baptiat Mis- in the case. After call on tbe name of the Lord, and th f .. h - h d . d h h d . " e , was a qoes I'ln 8 I se e.' ~ e

second time, so danger- gladden our hearts by tellin~ I wha~ eyare now ast rus lUg, nn ee - ami t e t un "rIngs of SlDal, II Thou Would it be right to take the life of notice that all billa rq~ be present-.160a1'J saciety,rlleld 9n the lath sick, I did not know but I the Lord had done for their souls. ed, and, ae they fancy, uncared for shalt have no other gods before me;" prisoners int"Wasbington, in Fort ca 'before a cert'airr'date to entitl Apri" IIitter."wert! read from most resigo, and, in caBe I could This bad a teudency to deepen the by those w~o promised before God!o while his. Spirit eonvincel her, that ~elaware, or, else!iIeft!,.in retalia· them'to a dividen'i!. There I. abotbe~

. tho ,ml8llionariel employed by .tbe recov~r, leave the field, religious i:tterest among the members, watch over them and counselthem m her love for her departed one had. tlOn for acts III 1W~l(lh t~ey bad not Rh de Island B k~ WMh' ~i..t . ana' lIucb action upon them a view not only to prolong my and bold out such encollragement to the way of life. I . h I Id "d I Sh h d 1J shared? Would It be rIght to lake 0 To an IngtoD ~o-' life. but to give place to a BUe- the in'1uiring. as ~ould m~e ~bem WIS COJl, grown mto I 0 atry. e a su er- the prisoners captured, say at Vicks- Couuty Dank, at Carolina Mille-in .... ,taken "I the Cllll81 to who might stand a better resolute and Intelligent ChrIlltlans. withoot- giving offense, ask some ed it to come bet,veen her so1l1 and burg, and ,shoot them for acta of process oh::loslng up by the Racei,. requite. We have not before UII the to endnre the proceE.s of ae- These meetings continued about three brothers and sisters of the First and God. She recognized the chastise- which they were not guilty, an<\ which er Wingate Bayea of l'rovideDee 'minutes of tbe Recording Secretary, here. Two considerlltious, weeks, anu seveu related their Chris- Second Chlllches of A" whether thpy ment of a loving Father, and humbly it wil! probabl~ be foun~ w.e~e the who haa give~ noti~~'tb~t bills muar and are' tber"fore una~le to give the have caused mc to hesitate. tian e",oexience and requested immer- have hidden their covenant and if said "Tby will be done" and prayed orderlDg of. onllY a few IndiVIduals, b t d b £ th 30 h

. d -I b '11' I have, at intervals, l,een re- s;nn and membership. The next Sab-. k d 'h' C1' • ' h h'. b or pOSSIbly of only one man. The e presen e e ore e, t 'ot pr~ingl ID etal, ut WI gIve d b " th th b h asse~bled at Dea ~()ldler8 are not rec oDe as aVlOb for strength t at s e mIg t never President reit""ated that the govern- ;\pril, witIJ _th~ owner'1 name eh, b b t f th 'th th id from the ague, an egun to ua , e c urc . _. I II I t 7 . fii 'd I' ....

t e ID I aDce 0 em, WI e a I have hoped that I might not Crandall's near a beautiful lake, and 'lIplI'ltna as we as tempora wau s agalD sn er any I 0 to usurp In part ment wouIn not fail (oyil'it retriun- dorsed on the back, to i~ure I dj,j. of the correllpondence, and bur mem- attacked. Again, I have seven pe:sons, embracing heads of 'Sanitary fairs' do not, and cannot. the homage due to Him wbo all tioll when the facts ~re clearly dend. 011, of what wal done. that the disease will some- ilies, young men and young wo snpply wLat we everyone need J things made. proven.-

I I'~ TSI OalNA lneSION, cling to people with considera- men, fGII~wed the exa~ple ?f our more than food or clotbes-sympa . Whatever passes, as a cloud, betweeu REV. CALVIN F AIRBAIIKS, who waa , ! "" tenacity after tbey leave th~ Lord. A.ter the admInIstratIon of th Ch' t' I d c 1 and The eye of faith and things unseen WELL ~O.. implicated, with Delia IWebllt\lr, in

~ .t~, letter trom Bro. Carpenter, or locality where it is CGn· this lovely ordinance, the church all: y, rIS Ian ove a~ oU~Be , . Causing that brighter w"rld to di~ppe •• , A few wuks .Bmce, two young, entioing slavee from ]i(entockv , 8ev-da·"'d Dec. o't.b, lS-S, waa read. As and go where it does 110t se:nbled at the usual place of meet- encouragement to vIrtue and godh- Or see.m lees lovely, and. its hopes le~dear, 11 d t ffi f th 'of

.., •• U Th t Id d I th h t e r men Clio e a my 0 ce, one 0 em eral ye~rB lIioce and wbo b .... • d ari~e The ablest Physi. ing and the candidates were formal-' ness Salan is being allowed to a I." our.wor , ont 1 O •• 00:'; ,I W a '11 Th I 'd" D ", _ erve hs reported himself nearly ready to " . I' A1teetlOn'. Impress, or devollon's aIr." very I, e ot ler sal, octor, twelve of a sentence of Sf tee d . I have employed has expressed Iy received, by layIng on of hands gather a great harvest here; who· f' d' 'k' '11 f, n yeare eta~ for ~bia cnuntry, an It was opinion that I can not long en- and pr.ayer. Eeveral others present., shall hinder him 7" " Ah I is this indeed lrne 1" sighed my rlen IS SIC --WI you care or in the Frankfort penitentiary WII8 "

th~a,ht tbe subject8 treated in his tbe disease. If I knew, there- ed theIr letters from other chnrches, r a gentle maiden as she clo~ed the him 1" I replied that I would, and pardoued by Lieut. Gov. jlClibt let.~r could be di8poaed of more what course would be fuost like- and received the right hand of fel- I book wben she re~d the words; II then, ; h~ ~aid "all right," and left. ~he wMle performing executjve dUlle. readily and aatiafactorily when he to shorteu it: I shonld feel it my lowship. This WPS a season to ns of OHRlSTIAli ;FAMILY NURTUl!.E. sad soul, cease thy complaints against SICk \Dan then made the followmg duriJlg Gov. Bramlett's abtieDce from Ihall meeUbe Board, their consider- to pursue it. Not that I would solicitude and rejoicing-anxious for NUMBER THREE. 'stat ent ~'T d I I d \.' "

willing to sacrifice my life if tbe welfa'e of others'still inquiring, the hand-dealings of thy Maker, ,1101_' .em : wo. ays ~go, an - the State. ~r. Fairbank ..... wen ation WII deferred until then. The snccess of the mission reqnires and rejoicing with. those who were Let it be remetnbe!~d, tbaC chilo though he has, cast down tby idol, ed In New York CIty, sick.' I g~ve known among our people in A}legany followin, are the cloeing pafagrapbs Bnt there are, no dOllbt, abler bappy.n he Lord. Eld. Bn,dick m' n- dren are not only sensItIve to every and turned to dnst the I arm of flesh! the ollly-dollar I had in the world for Connty, New York. \ of tbe letter: than. I am, who might becom" ifeated his determination to enter a'll- impression, but equally sharp-sight· 11t is well for thou hadst given to an pills. I knew no l)Oe. I bad just I '

II I ada a few words conceruiug imated here without any serious other field of labor. and we expressed ed in discerning the true character of thl 'b' t the h f th come from England to get work, I ELD. GEO. E. TOMLINSON~\ of De. deltrill1eD t to their health', while I, if to him our gratitude, and our obliga- H h dear y 0 aec omage 0 v u t h" . d d d"

the 8tate of the mission and its prop- words and actions. ence tee· h t D f h' d . ht- have lain out of doors these two L~Uy er, as receIve aQ ac epte 8 h might be of some service tions to, tLIl Board, and prayed our . ear. ays 0 appmess, an DIg s , , . 11 ' erty. On tbe last Sabbat of Oct I see no reason to think heavenly Father to prosper him in portment of parents ID the presence of rest, blessings nnnumbered, hav~ nights. I crawled ~y way nnaUlmous ca to \)e~me p,astor of ber, tbree elder. and tWit deacons Kansas is, in general, unfavora- his future laL"rs. Some two weeks of children becomes a matter of no d th I·ti d d 'th t to thoee of my own trade ,I am a the Seventh-day Baptist Church at re lolemnl" ordained the dis crowne y I e, an passe WI ou . I Y , d' \ we Ji - - to health. Some have expre3s dafter, fonr others asked for immer· little moment. . f 't d plumber I asked the boss to take Adams, N. ,an expt;<lts to COD). COOftle,. conICclating prayer, right. .. h r "I h ' d ~ . h . h one expressIOn 0 gratt u e, one.' ., . b hand of fell~w!lIbip, and charge, all oplDlOn, t at a .avorau e c ~nge 81On, an a p ace Wit us In t e (a) Their treatment of each other. h k fii' t H' h ~ k' dl me into IJis house and wheu I should mence hIS labors t ere 9~ t\./j lecond bv tbe paator. I Si!lce that time, the on the field might be the chnrch of Christ, where they could Children ~y not n.aderstand, in de- t an -DberlDg, UO h Imd wd 0 d In. y get well, I would' pay bim, He said Sabbath tn May. W,,: undel.tand . .tbo/ree eldefll a:" j • one of the deacon8 to relieve me. As- it is enjoy with us the ordmances of the gave tern. n ee e au ulllm- h th h h' DaR ter ""

~ shaped, Manhattan is much more Lord's house. Thus our numbers tail, all tuat belongs to the marriage proved were the bright hours as they 1 must go to the hospital. I could t Ilt !l c u~c. ID uy . have, in tllrD, beld forth the word of ~:~f::l~1:~t~h~an~I:Fremont. Ii, for these were greatly inereased and encour- relation', hut they will instinctively d It' h . t f I not help weepim ,. I was a strauger hopes of obtamlDg the servIces 01 : trntb in,the chlipel, on four succe~ passe • un ess spen ID t e sOCle yo",· , II· ... Sab"'athl,'quite to the satisfac- severally, or either aged. understand the general truth, that th I' d B t h k - d F th iu a strange land sick and no money Eld. Charles M. LeWIS as pastor.

.... '., , I should deem it best to II Our meetiDgs were crowded, and h t t h" h Id Y ove one, u 0, ID a er. • -" ' tiou of tlte other members of the headquarters thither, shall I we felt that we must bave a house t e trea men w ICu parents s ou. thou hast pllt fort~ thy hand in love I left the shop, trnd my friend follow- THE METR9p.oLlTAN FAIR at ,New cburch, and to the interest of the approval of the Board 7, If for worship where we conld have eHend to each other should be um- and mercy, to save me. Help me to ed me, and said, I Go with me, and I York closed on Saturday evening last, coogugation. Chau Cheug Lan baa to mend in strength, I in more room. .A Society meeting was forrnly gentle and kind . • Disregard I bow meekly to the rod "nd let thy will take you where you shall' be . k .1011 been cbosen as pastor, and installed S II d T ~ , U having realized the snm Ol , J-as-Iucb. He Beems better adapted to visit Manhattan soon. eve' ca E, he bouse, partially erec Jd, of e~ch other's feelings or_desires, command be graven on my heart- cared for, and when you are well, you 000 'l'b It f th armt aword to that ''''8\ than any other from there have had by a vute been soli!. On consul- unkind words ungentle acts ullgratc- Th h It h th d b can work and pay me! Sir, be gavo t: e reGlu I °so '2e91 MclClel1

rv us two Sabbatbs, tation the purchaser Bro. J. W, • ' . ' OU B a ave no 0 er go s e- h' .. \1 I h " VO lUg was, ran. " en thou,h lome of the others can say there is some interest there Ayar;, consented to ~ reconsidera- ful return. e~lDced by them toward fore me! " E. J. 1I. me t 's money; It IS a ave. \ 14, 509 S~ott 16S. The naval sword as ,",11 a8 he: I thought it better \luestion of the Sabbath, ana tion of the matter, which resulted in each other, Will be sure to be )loted I He handed me a ~fty ?ollar green-I w~s v~ted to Commodore Rowan-to try, to put them on their feet, and anxious to ha~e me come and a resolut;o!l to complete the bouse. by their children, and re- winced in A SPEEOH BY THE PRESIDENT. back. He was qUIte I!lck for a few Ad . 1Ft b . t L' h gid thelll a chance to rise, thaB to . f A b . . . b II h mna arragu elDg \lex .. Ig· treat them alwaY8 as infants, especi. it ?ncou rage !llIlnt: The lD ant S:', SCrIptlun was CIrculate? and tbeir treatment of each other, if not, One evening last waek, President weeks, ut soon became we enollg - t ' ally as the exercise of tbeir own gifts 1U Nebraskl IS also very J. U. and Wm. P. West appo,nted a of the parents themselves Homes L- I tt 1 d th . f th to leave and go to work. A day cr es.

a~dolls for me to get able to come Bn;lding (Jommittee. Materials, mo·, ,. . - . IDCO 11. a eDt e e openmg 0 e, b h G the lfalden rd will t.end to develop aud strengthen them again. They write that treiJ: ney, and work, were voluntered, and In whICh IS often heard the V01C~ of Maryl and State Fair for the bene6t two ago, I met them toget er on t e REEN, mu erer, them, and eatablish them in all the for worsbip and their Sab. the building was raised, and set on scoldipg and general fault·60d\Ug, of the Sanitary and Christian Com. sidewalk, each carrying a kit of pleaded guilty, and thua laves, for Christian grace8. '_ . faithfully ma.intained b.locks., the sleepers hewed and put where peevish complainings and fret- 'ml'ssl'ons, held at Baltl'more, } fter plumber's tools. himself and the public,' the excite·

II In regard to tbe mis8IOn proper- Th I h h 1 f d d f H P B MDt ft' I I ...-. lDterestlDg. e sOCIety as ID, s IDg es manll actore ,an a ruo tings are familiar will rarely be G B dfi d b d d I' d th . . cRDrcK, ." men 0 a rIa, ty although am expectlDg .. lrectlOu d h . 1ft ' 0 dr.' b" ove:nor ra or a e Ivere e ,

f ' th Bo d yet 1108 the t-Ime enlarge by t e arrIva 0 new pu on. r ers were sent or tim er homes of successfnl n1..-I'stl·an nur- . dd M L' I . 15 Laight-St .• N. Y. THE LAny's BOOK ror Ma"-~re8h, rom, e ar soon, since I was there." to complete the inside; but failing .., \.II» openlUg a ress, r. IUCO n, ID re- .' " of 'our, leaving the field is sO near, I to get help to enclose, and lumber to ture. If one parent frets about mud- aponse 'to loud and repeated calls, radiant, and wortby its ancient fame,

! bave thonglit it might be hazar~ous letter from M~B. Babcook, ?ated fini~h the house, it was deferred unta dy boots, and the other about muddy, took the siand, and made a speech .THE PASsovER.-The fe~st of the -has been recei,ed at tbe 1Jmce, , to ~eglect a first-rate opportunity .to 20th, contalDs the followmg: sprlDg. coffee' if one sco~ds because tbe' h' h _ t d r II. Passover, one of the most Important, •

renttbe premises we occupy, whIch M' h b h Id B -' W IC IS repor e as lQ OWS. . II . b d t'l't RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENOE d ~ dIS' M B b kIt .. eetlDgs ave een e at roo "wood is cut too long" Bnd the other. I espECla y Wit regar 0 I S sam ary • WII presente a ew aya ago. h lD~e d r. ~h coc as wrt~te lOUr Sims' !Ond Dell.. Maxs(.n Crandall's It'} b th II eat i i ied too long .11 The PreSIdent referred to t~e g-rea,t regnlations, of all the Jewish holi- An agitiltion has been going on baTe therefore rented th~8e premises as a anp er severe a. ac 0 Sabbaths, and evenings at different ecanse em.. sr. . ' I chang:e that had taken place m Balb- da s commenced on Fourth da for a year or two pa!lt in Scotland, to all Engli8h military surgeon, for and fever, attended WIth con· places in the society. Our meetings and such complalDmgs and cnmllla- more III the last three years. Truly, y: _ .y~ resuitin from an eudeavor to'unite two year8, with a prospect of longer of tJ:e lungs, Though tl:-e have been well sustained, and attend- tions are commcn, it :will be unna~,lf- he said, the world moves. At the Apnl 20tb, whICh cor:esp?nds With I toe twogPresbyterian Dodiel known Itime, at a rent of aboot '600 per appear t? ~e bro~en for the ed with some interest. Many drop al if the'children are not peevish and commencement ~f the v;:ar, the sol- the 14th day C!f the JeWIsh ~onth as the F~ee Cbnrch of Scotland and

Iyear. Tbe chapel in the city, with h .aI?d h;, Ii ImprovlDg SlOW~Yi in t,~ worship with us who are not of complaining. Neither scolding nor diers of the ,umon could not pas'i Nisan. The festival was instituted to I' the. Un~ted Presbyterian Church:-80me other oot rooms, are left in .p YSIClan ee s uo a.ssurance tans; but we are pleased to see tbem ... throingh BaltImore unmolested, and commemorate the d~liverance of the The propt,sed union is .. faPure, botb \cbargeofthenew pastor j the rooms IS likely suonto reahzepermanent enjoy such religim'~ festivals Sev- frettmg,ID the ordmary seuae of the now we have this large assemblage. if 1 f hId f r .. 11'111 ji d.d's' 'n .. G .. _t. .... ",,, ..... 1 IUl...bAfnre' in the from the diee .... ", ;f i.G-M~·;n. "tln>t-btt~ ....l.ctl rv. ,,"0 ~ ~ lor ........... eoJOp<>,.tihiJ>..witk Clb.u..tiA • Ie blOugl.~ t<>getln<r lu do cEhlldren 0 Israe romft e an, 01 pa\.r lesb atgdr~elDg 1;'1 al ...! .. ~. m-lI,," jhands of the teacher lih, liusDana 01 1:(e ttnnks tbat on account of b d' tl' . bb h d W ,. l'li d 'f . h h' d 'd fi th' gypt. A pecnllarlty 0 tbe festlva p me, u Isagreetng orr ,"...,"'~ J'l<l- ,. I Anna' at $100 a year. I hope to brokeu condition' of his health, preac e 1D lelr nel~ or 00 s. . e ty, eIther ID beart or I e, an I tn- t em onor an provi e or e'r is the eating of matzeUh or nuleaven- of State aid. The Free Church was '\b

Jreceiv~' your instrnctionll in regard was an nnfavorable ~ubje~t to en- r~~:~~:u~r :e~ti::I~~e~~i:onwh~~~ dulged in will serve to cultivate the Alin~~n~~dt:~:ee b~~~~ ;~~f~::a!~~ ed bread, After returning from the i~ favorlof accepting government a&--, I to the W-ission books before leaving. the proces8 ~f ~c~hmatlon he~e, all enjoy a spiritual as well ~ a sac. baser and destroy tbe nobler ele- had wrought the change, and to the fI;rnagogue O? the .first aM le<:on~ sls~ance. the other branch oppOllcd I We still expect to go by way of Cal- though he mtgh, .lIve ~hrough It, ramen tal festival. The. pastor has ments of 1/f-r natures. noble women who aided them. When, mg~ts of ~hlB holiday, tbe:e IS. a to It. '.

- iCornia. and start in a few wee~s." , Itre agalDs.t It. He ad- faithfully attended 1101; the meetings (b,) Tretitment of inauimate ob-' this war began; scarcely one individ- fa.~I1y servICe called the Stdar, 10' The Suuday-8~hoo! cblldren, of . ' , bIOI to leave Kansas. We of the church preach d tb d.. I nal su posed it would have lasted' whICh all the members of the house- Scotland~ Nova ScotIa, and Austra· " KIB8ION TO T~E J'JlEE.JHEN. therefore, reluctantly determin- "t d th . k' d I eh de ~ worb , Jects and a,mmals. The mother who t'll PAil th ht 't Id h hold join in reciting' the adventures lia have raised '16 000 with which

h II h . h VISI e e SIC ,an a ore .or t e . I lId h . d h ! now. oug I wou ave f h I I' . E h' b ' .. b l'l Letters we,e read from Eld. J. P. we s a av~ t? glV? np t. e iut~rests o~ the church. Doriug the VIO ent y c oses a oor t e ;WID as euded in some way, in a much shorter 0 t e srae I.tes III gypt,- t e~r s!l a bflga~ti~e has be~Ir !II t to se~ve Huntin" the substance of which has ,?ur home IS !D. Wlsconsl~, last qnarter. he preached twenty- blown open, as thoogh the door were time. Very few at that time'thought, sequent 'ilelJv~rance, and SlDglI:g as a mlss~onary shIp .:n the P~Clfi~ alftady .ap~ared in tbe REc.oRnER. that wIll be our ultlma,te destl- three sermons, four outside of our so- at fault, must nO.t complain. if, in a the inst:tution uf slavery wouM be hymns of praise. to God for ,HIS Oceau, It IS called.the Doly.SprlDg, I In rft~' w, of bill sDgge8tion, that " b~t the doctor. thlDks Mr. clety, and four funeral SCI mOils. fit of childish passion, her little I very much affected hy it ; but these bon~teous prote~tlOn. The fe3tlval Two others, pr~vlOnsl~ bDllt, b~ve

~ , Bii,bc()ck Will be more I}kely to get .. We are stal embarrased from the . . 'expectations were not realized, and contlDues for eIght days .• On tM been fo!, 80m~ tlme_plymlr frOID. lsI-we' BDot'enter North Caroliua be· of the agne ~y to New necessity of meeting for worship in daughter b:eaks ~he. hea~ of her Ch.l- here we are-(Iaughter)-antl slave- first, s ecoud, ~ventb, and eIghth, all and t~ IBlan"- 1Il.the great eea, fr~lght, rore ttie~middle of Airil, we had be' than to. WlsCOnslO. ~o we private houses. Many excuse them. no. doll WIth a stICk, because It ry has been somewhat affected. ~ecular p,nrsUlts are abandooed-t~~ ed With a preClons~~argo ~f Bibles, ter,not ICnd any oue into that mala- spendlDg the summer 10 the selves from attending on tbisaccollnt, would not sit up" when told to. (Great laughter.) 8(} true is it. my IDtermedmte.daY8 are, however, d, tracts ~?d te~cher8. "Thelr"namell r,·~';;'";Qn before cold we ,ather in of Alfred, N. Y. yve want benevolently giving their room to The .father who beats his horse for friends, that" man proposes and God voted to bUBlOess. ~re tbe MornlDg St~r and Evon· "-, .- away as soon as be IS able to th . t t d Th b 'I'" .. d'" Th Id h t' d IDg Star." ~ II" d I . • f th h . 'f 'bl b 0 ers more In eres e. e UI "lUg not stepplDg \Uto the shafts of the IS poses. e wor , e con lUoe , II i .n a so In vIew 0 e eIi'dlll~e t e Journey j I POSSI e, e- committeo found a cash outlay of . . bad long been in WBIlt of a correct THE ~ANlT.ARy FA'R in New York The French Court every SundllY stlong prqbability, that that region he has another attack: Four $200 necessary to complete the house carrtag~ a~ tb~ first tnal, must not definition of tbe word freedom. proves rather a bard draft ou tbe li~tens to tbe preaching of onei9f the will b9 milch lIiirred liP and diflicult bas ~eeu ~he long~st IDterval after appropriating ",hat was sub. complam If hIS ten-yea~s.old. son Whilst all professed to advocate lib- ladies prominently engaged in it. BIshops of Fra!lce. Til~ prelateilo'lf to operate in during 1be preBent Bum- between CbIlIs SlDce November, and scribed. Our church and soc' Jty beat hil\younger brother, 10 a like fit erty, there was in tLe minds of many M K' kl dl 11 k 1'1' in attendance 18 the BIshop of Roo mer camnaign ; it was concluded to that I?nly once.." have not- this amount at command of passion, for not obeyiug his com-I a very opposite view of what liberty rB. '~ an, a we DOwn I erary chelle,lone of the youngest ~e.mbe~8

r THE MINIIESOTA I:r881ON. and the committC'e in view of ou; d All th f I' h was With one man liberty implied lady, died a couple of weeks ago, of the Jo'rench hierarcby, who 18 silld defer for a few montbs~nding a mill' . ' man R. ese are very 00 IS . f' d If d' . d d b f r t b h' hI t d b"' th E-

Eld. A. B. Burdick, who was ap- necessIty, appealed to some faitbful and b,.urtful to the parent aside frum to work .ohf hImself anI dOf ha.s hIe rom ~seare ID uce . y a Igue a to_e dlgt ybecsdeetl!le d toJbfilletb mePxet, lIionary there. Meanwhile, the com- ~tew~ards of our .Lo!d·s treasury, ask- , ' . _ , pleased :'I'lt the pr~ceel SOlS a-, the FaIr j and on FrIday last, Mrs. ror, an o. es ~ne, en mittee' to obtain 8tibacriptious for poiuted by the J30ard to solicit funds mg an appropriatIon, pledging ollr the effect upon the ChIld, whIch alone I bor. With others, liberty meant to David Dudley Field died in conse- great archblJ!hoprlc whl h may be-tbat'nii8sion ,was adVised'to have the to aid iu bnildiug meeting·houses in gratitude, and as much 0.1' more in is enough to forever exclude them I do as you plea'Jcd with other men f' . lb' come vacant.

ed Minnesota, made his report.- It seems aiding the needy, when we possess from every Christian home. apd their labor. One of these two ~uen~ \l ehxceFs~lve Ma orFI~ldconnec- It was remarked by-a clergyman mq~~ 1IJ;l.bacri& for the object col- the means and opportunity. . ..., conflicting ideas w"uld have to give tlOn With t e aIr. rs. Ie was a I'n Hartfiord. Conn., at the MethOdist . 'ad d 'd' to th t u r that. it was at first proposed to raise T t t f th th b ' I

leo-. aD P,!l In e reas ry 0 foor hUDdred dollars to assist the "The future prospects of our rea meu 0 0 . ers 1D elr a - way to the other. He thonght, fi"im person of grea~ force and energy of Copference held there recen~ly, that the Society, eo II to deftay expenses church'are truly encouraging, in view sence, and of the chIldren them$elvEls, some occurrences which ha~\ only character all well as of a most ao-: dor~ng the past year be offiCIated in alreadt iDc1Urrea, and be prepared chulch atWasioja in buildiug, Sub- of tbe followiDg facts: I reserve for another paper_ lately taken place in Maryland, that tive and unwearied 'ben,evolence. two cburcbes in New BaYen county, for proinpt actio~when the proper sequenily a letter was received from "1st, We~avea large a?d valuable GLEANER. ,her. people w_ere a~out to determine The vwers of her mi~d were quite io on~ of which ther~ wu-llot Idem·

.'> -. Trenton, Minnesota, 8sking for two tract of terrItory, exclUSIvely ours • which of these views of freedom . p d d .• d (;cratIc member, and m the ~ther not tl!De.~r~vea. huudred dollal's to enable our people adjoining government land. that ou; of .. should control her destiny. I above !he_ com~on or er, an JOlDe a rllJlublican. /

'\'Ill' gAllUS IIIS8ION. brethreu can get UDder the Home- NO OTHER GODS BEFORE :ME. The President then passed on to to her lD8lgh~ mto the 'Charactet of Tbe receipts for the pallt yeal' oC , '~.1 fI Eld T E there to finish a house; and it ":~s stead Law by makiug homes on it. Slowly tbe shadows of night gath-: refer to a m~tter which he 8ai~ ne others, enabled her to execnte a thou- 43 leading religions sQcieties whicn J.Jetter~ were re",,!, [om ... though~ advisable to make the sub- "2d. We have members whose mor- ered over the silent earth and rested lsopposed was Just nowdeeplyagltat- sand generous purpose8 which oth- heM their anniversarieB in tendon,

Babcock, oar mi .. ioJl~ry at Empori~, scription lar~e enough for both ob· 801 worth receives the praise and like a pall upon the hear; of a young' ing tqe minds of the people all over ers wonld have despair~d of effect- were 951,0921., or over four aDd threeo ~aD'aIj 'living lOt,De account of hiS jects. Eld. Burdiok had visited the challenges the re.epeet of outsiders, hI' I the country.. He allnded to the oc- , , quarter millinftl of doUarl. Nearly: conUtiliiia lllue.ja, and notifying tbe churches in Rbode Island and (Jon- who deal or assoCIate with them. :other, w ose t!o~ was'l bo:ed :.It: corrence whICh wFs repo,r~ld to have IU?" • ;' one-half of tbill amount :was for tbe Bk,~,or ~i. co~cln.ion, that it will necticut, and those at Plain6eld and II 3d'h~'e are iu possession ?f tal- eavV

d sorrowh· h edlm y her ead 1:~e1!- pla?S .at °t~ PII ow, on th~ THE SABBATP,SCHOOL PAUIt will en. support of foreign milllio~, _... bl I h' th t f ents w Ich, If plOperly cultivated, reste upon cr an, as S e gaze 'I ISSISSIPPI rlver- e mass~cre 0 I' h h Over t40Q bave been C9Dkibutet1

be ... vllla e .01' 1m, on a apcoun., New Marke., N. J., aud in New;Y erk will ornament the church and bless indifferently through the open win- several hnndred colored soldler~ by ter upon a new vo nme Wit t e n~m- in Constantinople, pri~ipally bJ' na-to, lellye tho 6~ld, at least for the City. About 8i~hundred dollllrs had the world. .. dow u on the beautiful landsca e' the rebels. M.any supposed that t~e ber for ~t "ppears to give tive Tnrb, to alBi8t .'be AlIlllrJl!ln P~MDt;· T~ Board pa~d Ii resolu- been subscribed through him, and it " 4th. We are nDlted In our efforts d p t befi h The ch P I Gove~nment dId not IDtend to ~o Its general satIsfactIOn, and we hope the Bible Society iu di.trilJlItflir CGpletJ

tion espretll1'e or theIr sympathy was understood that the brethren at to promote each other's welfare aud sprea .. ou ore er, _ al,"ms ~duty 1D regard to .the protectJo~ of present subscriptions will all con- of the- Scripturee "monl' \he rteed. • h' fti· the callse of our de:l.r"Redeemer of tWlhght lend new lovehness to, these colored soldIers. He deslrec! . ' d h 'd hI d"I' men wi~b Bro. Babc?ck ID IS eu ermg8, Shiloh N. J. were doing something . b h h d t' 11 't th ~ 11 h re mistak tmue an t at consl eTa e a '" hon ' , , ' ~

'''1 ~. t' r. t' 'th h' I " II 5th. As oor numbers have nearly the sceue; ot s e ee s no Itsllpe 'j 0 say, a a .811C we . en. '11 b' d t tb I' t W ht Tbe Edinhurn Wilnes, 'he 0 aD -!lI'ilt,ell;,la Il,ac Ion WI III cone U· for the object. The Committee was donbled dnring the last three monthe, is not soothed by its holy influence. I Wedbeu the quesltdl?n of emplol Y1tUtg ctohl- tWlk e ma e 0 I e 18


~doduleg f of the Free Chn;eb in. Scoiland,. icb ew..,in ,t,be matter. The following instrncted to complete the busincss, d I b d ' h b d f ,or men aB so lers was e., 0 e 0 now as ear y as e ml 0 . d ill 1 \)" ''oll-""'I b ~......... '11 I' th d we tare t~nJlcouragt e . to a orr' an ex· No glad smIle, as eame rom her, Government, it rested very mucll June -ho'w maDY w'lll be wanted, It adtt.atoln~ ... s,!cf tbee el ,~~t1lf 11 h e~illtere . .... ..-.. WI exp aID e case, An and the Treasurer was ordered to pec .as I g~ea e.r IUc:ea~~ ro~ con- lovely face sIDce she heard those I with himsei.C whetber he should,' . e I rTiUIP.o ~ a"" ug.... , I.!ve ",00' reader8 .an ideha of what open a mecting·houae account, credo versIOn and ImmIgratIOn. fearfnl words, " He is dead." Long make soldiers of tbem or not, IS.' abont hme, therefore, forf our has titen dl.contlnued. til, ploneerl lI(1metlmell ave to en- itiug it with all receipts for that ob- • k h d' tb b I He pondered tbe malter carefully frlend8 to look afier the matter. Yale College hall reeeived or hili " , wee s ave passe smce ey ore 1 ' . d' h • ....'" ,-"' .. L-~f 'II' d II dure. ,. ject, and from them re~itting four A SOLDIER'S LETTER. h d I' h I h'ld t th and when be tecame convinced,that NotWlthstan IDg t e great morea'Je """n prom""", ...,. 'a ml Ibn 0 al1l ,IV"""er date of Feb. 22d,' Bro. Bab- hundred dollars fior the chur,'h ~t A" . b h d h e~ ar 109,. er on y t I , 0 . e it was his doty to employ them, be io the cost of paper and-llrintin'g, we' wjthi~. rew I,IlODth., and Gov. Buck-

DU - ~ mmlsterlOg rot er seu s as t e qUIet churcli.yard, and placed hl~.i did not hesitate .to do so. ~e stoo~ do not propose to increase tbe' price ingham. haB recently Iwelled tbe fund Waaioja, and two hUlJdred dollars following extract from a soldier's beneath the cold damp sod; and stIlI I before the AmerIcan people respoulIl- f b . t' h' h '11 t! by a gilt Of' ti5,000. fi th t t T t I I ,- th ht 11 . , . 'bl b r 0 su scnp IOn, w IC WJ COD ID~e f d' I ' I h il~,U~allll".llaa. to be able to addre8.' or a a ren ou. I' etter. t iugges... oug s we those fearful words are rlDglOg ID Lie for !h~ act-respousl e e~ore as below' • A yo~~g J~:well 0 a II! ncu B •

~~h~,o~:OI~pr~~e:;vented me . In this connection, we extract from worthy of serious consideration, and her ears and echoing in her heart. the ChrIstI au world .. Responslhle " ed and. wealt1!1 family, baa JDit been 1 t L B d . h .. ' - - for it he ehould stan-d ID the eye of "n~l. ""P'<", Twenty-FIve Co.l!. feaelf'ed ,,,ioL\ annch CleNlDOby, Into as qOl- a letter to the oar from EJd, J. C. onght to lead to IlctlOU on t e part Kmd ffleuds have clustered around th h' t' Responsl'ble ~or I't be FJve OO)lTeslo one oddre .. , ODe DoJl". the "~''''_1' ~Ob cb.t L........ 1'.ly , had begun It i8 b • h dd d .. e 18 orlan. !.! Deve. C9JIIeslo one add ...... Two Dollars. _ ... 10 ur • _Ii _ •

. ' • West pastor of t e church at Tren- of such as are a resse : her, wmly tryIng to a8su~e .he an-I stood before God and he did not \A!gernumllOn<,1OODea<\dreos,FIlIeoIiCel!ts1*'eopy. T .... ,_L ~'" me-be ... ' ........ ~ted I bave wrItten anytbing , ,-" . . . ' .. On all pacbgeB or eleven cop_.u4,poa;."" ..., .,..urou _ _-" presled me sorely tOD, M''1l\esota : "I often wish-O, so often-for gUl8h of tbe sool j hut no human lid shrink from the deCillion he bad 'l\"!11 b. r>repllid at Ibe 011\00 or r.;bUC&1l0D. • with Protestant mi .. iou in Ohilla

"-;=lJ~~~;l~~~I~: of January. At .. As this chllrch has been the ob- the reviving, spirit·aWakening infln- hath power to make it less. .. He ill made, for be believed it das ri~bt. ad=~D:~:::b~r:U'l::R, ;:~:~J.! .. J.""ld be now nnmber about 1,60p. " j, , ,agaili brouAAt yery ject of y~ur attention, aud tbe field ence of conferent5e with God's pea- dead," and abe heara no more the! But whken theld~{lvernmfetu~e eete,TIIlDe~ " FOurteen Pres~terian' Journal.

bel·O· ato-nded 'oL of yoor -ell-'I'rected labo 't ma " • d f I' I Ii d h to ma e 80 lera 0 8 wor U ELD J·s SU~ERB~LL r Le .. - h be ..... _ .. -'thl'o a '-e- -al'll .. '.. Whu " -u r8, I Y pIe No one who has not· for him- JOYous sonn 0 Itt e ee~, an tel he thought it ~I~ jUllt tha~ ... - ~ .,0 on,ar.... ave en .... ..,.."1 , I'" ,,-

l§~t~;~!~~;'rr~e~f,~UCObf the iutet·rest YdoU to kno~ ouTr pre~~nt sit- seW tried an~h a life, can even i~g- silvery tones of hill musical prattle_I r:: :;,onld have tbe same protection ville, N. Y_, IIIIet with lin accidut, at.the Will' 081, two~~ th,.1I0" :~!J._ re- ua Ion an prollpec.... 0 ghe you . ."",' N / . cl ped I_ bOte Idle (A I ) SOIOO two weeks ago frem the &1It. eXIIS;. , '." ,~k

lonr·weeks credible and definite information I ine how the would-be Chrlstl_taol- 0 more are tIDy arms al 1 a8 tue W.I so r pp anse.. ,e . B B B rio the ,..lJJklo". -e me onr:rtanitv t~ will'take extracts from mv Q!larte:ly. dler looks forward to the time wben around her' neck, aDd' warm kisBeIl And he hellltated not to deemre. tbat ofwhlCbl we are pleased to learn, he M;d r::..~o ·s ~ .. ten""';. 0' tile

~"j" .. ;. ...... iti., •• a-· r iI b h ". h '. . , the go'rernment would 'so protect • 'dl . I' I.":. an __ • .. - \1 • - .. to enali e m. to re- Report to t e c urch, whlc was /Ie shall again enter the prayet and frOin 'rolY lIps Imprmted on her, h t th t t r't 18 rapl y recovenng. t aeemll t_. Fi,.~ PoiDlI JIo.. or, "'~I&,q III labor.' to lOme -extent. I ~op~d lat ~.bbath. On myarri- conference meetiug; cannot know ctee~,' No more, jn tbe holy hush or' ~h~ne:er ~ uc~:. ~u:h:n~= be was driving on o~. of t"".treetl Nil" Yprk. ctied, at, that~71\lob

t"o Sabbatht, and fll'tluc.tidall, I~ waII(h my dpleallurfje .• tho tbe regret he feels for opportunitiel evenl~g, ar~ dimpled hands reverent- cUe sbould be made oot"retribution of Utica in whicb a railroad m.ek lallt ... ~t, !.:~ 1i'e •• rI11J11!~ I~!~ "u 1108 our ear uro er an yoor ah ' ~ . - " 11 I h' h 'b I 'd h b I f h' .... t '.r 'OIIr"," ... ., ...

n •• ' .. ~.n_ be .. fnl mi.ionary, Eld. A. B. Burdick. to witD81s for Cbri,8t among those in ~y cl~ped, Iond .clllld~b tollea.b~'~ ~ou}d 10 ~w. ~lt!Jerto beett as een &1 , ~ en a 'II' ee 0 II w'hJi* ii..;fUact ... ~,to ""~~. _~"T<_ 11m i .. He' welcomed me as a servaot ~nd sympathy. with hl8 own heart, 110 mg a prayer, lU wblcb she PIOB m dl!ticult to. Iseertlln wltb that cer, bog~ (l~ught ~n. Inch. a wa, .al tb laM of,~ .' .,fo,." • .,. ,who

;~E=~~~::h:~O~W;~:~ I p&8lot or thfa church. We- deVIsed recklessly thrown away Neitber aaking tbe great Father to watch t~lnt~ whi~t should ~overn: de«!'- cap81ZC It, bfll18IDg hIm, COJIalder!", caule IIHerlilf~. ~,l, a plan. ,to I!TOmot~ tbe IIpirit.oal inter· can he'know bow great a~d timely a o.ver her darling, while hOBhed in the :b~n .. ifa~ r:: F:t Plli:~o~~ th: .. :.\ bly,. and IUliol lria ll~ .abouJder. ' '~ ~c,.,"~~l:t!t

no .. fJI~ r:K tbls people, and "btle I was. d iI br f 1 She k - o:r, H' datt-'<fa -th hilJll bat •• ~ i!ii ib'.'1to~' I i;liiWill. lIMIt K8t&i1r'iI8&tledahdlookiug afrertbo comfonandJo~.~eabortle~tercoul I entelD "0 .eep. nowl tbey~erehkel1tofinda cl~areUi! ... _~ ..... r_.w~. ~I •. ,,~., ~ ...... tf.· tIl'I .. ,..!

!'c1l:iIIt, _ lI!lIipOr~ iDtel'eltl of the charcb,-oo, bring to the faIntIng, atamng lOull, be ill 'MW' ., ret'-"thahO WCI1')', e gO'erDlIlent had DO d~ e1'l.· taped InJlll'1. ' ...... ,- • , "" ' ,


Page 3: a.bith etordtr,Vol+20+(1864)/… · SOC'BLL. I from your fonrth proposition the word 5, Rom. 8: 11, 1. Cor, 15: H-5(. vinegar shonld be administere


. I • • - ---,-~ ---

SABBA!],1~ BEGOBDEB, APRIL ~8, 1864. ,-' -;:::::::-:::-====-==-===~~~ ~ --


that date. On tile 6tb and 'ah therej XISC~JlOUS IUD. cli.ndise, now proyided by I." Iball A remarkable Drif~q o~ Lake 00- J08-h~-m:ke ~~ wrl:~' o~ Ute m.: by -wertdnl!lOlIliidera!ble IIkirmialietl with Tbe bero of Vicksburg ill to have be increa1led. by the adaition '01 was observed in the vI1l~e of which our ohwch" In Ute OI,"F ~ or oot ~.>''-. the enemy. On tbe 8th, the cnalry a monnment, cbilleled from tbe hest per cent. ~reto. . recently. The lake Beemed country can m&lDtaln and'lhorealMl their v"" .. ;··-~!i"" fonnd themaelves iu front of a heavy Italian marble, erected on the spot The National Bank Bin wall pallaed to approach within forty roda Qf the pre.lOt memberBhlp;" and lallle. ilIIiley"/m rebel force their advance came to a where th~ iuterview took place be- b.vTa vote of 73 to 63.. centre of the village, giving it the the 1IIMl of symbols, In lItultrltfng thOlltlrta, KOIIII KIN. • ' tween him and the rebel Gener:4 .. be House pa68e~ the bIll auti-or- appearance of a seaport town, the and teaclllng and enforcing trotb." ha~t, and IOfantry .w~ 8ent for. ~ Pemberton, before tbe snrrender ~if I~I!lg the coustructlOn of _ raIlroad C?nformation of the land assistiug in ~ II. u ...... , Bu .... ':y. brigade of tbe 3d DIVISIOn, 18th ArIDY tbe enemy's stronghold on the Ml '_I bridge 0:ve~ tLe falls of the Ohio, causing it to appear ~rfectly natu- WeatlJrl:y, B. I., .A.pril26tb, 1861..

Corps, went forward under General lissippi. Tbe conference was he c near LOUIsvIlle. . ral 1&--ventt1'1lBHlaV1{IJJI8Ti.UL CONFDB!IC* of me Ransom followed shortly by the re. under &.-large tree, whichdis8appe.1 I h A ~)~lh was reported settlllg Superintendent of Indian Affairs, me1lton the=:~~:'~n-:~~::::'; mainde; of the 3d and the whole of ~d 1R0nths ago, carried off by curi,. t N (J t' fjUse of Re£relf~:tlves as Wentworth, has telegraphed to the 'It o'olock P. H., with t.lle Doclge" Creek

. Several Governors of ,statel were lui le8810n at W uhington Jut wook( fllr tbe purpoae of ind~ciDg the Pres· Idont to call out oue 01' two hnndred thousand more men, to garrison forts, IIld allow al\ the veterans to co-oper­a(e In the adnnce '00 Richmond. The result is nqt ~et known. Mean­,bite, the Gove~l,Ior or New York has tendered to the War Department the USB of the militia of the State for (be defense of t~e forte aronnd New York city and a~ other points. Gov. Brough 11110 hal! iIBued an order call­Ipg the N~aonal Guard of Ohio into service for dne bundred days. They II'I~t be clothed, armed, eqnipped and paid by the U. S. GO'l'erolment, and retlort for dnty May 2d. The order "lillys tll&e"Old armiee"'n the field are lDarsha1iD~ for a decillive blow, and citizen spldiefil will sbare the glory of the crowning victories of the cam­paign by relieving oor veteran regi­!lents frpm pOlt and garrison, to al­low them to engage in the more ar,

h 'h D' .' 0 Iity-hunters The monument willI' Sa a IOna. tatn~ry a, se"!eral Indian Bureau from San Francisco, Chur~h, In LIttle Ge_. TJoeProgramm,

t e ",t 1~lslon. nr forces were placed where the tree s(ood. It is a tat, b~lIJg inVited to send thltLer i 9th of AprIl, that tho Indiana in tile or Ordtlr of EserolMl, WIn he lUI fol~WI' attacked With great vigor, beaten, pyramid, !Iys the lJincinnati Ga., statue~, III m:-rble ot" bronze, not ex· sonthern district of Canfornia are in lst.~nmg Sermon, by Efd.N. ~~;~~~:i~~~:~::i:~=:~;;~lM: and dri.en from t\$ field with a loss twenty feet high, sJN:mouuted wit'. a Thc?mg tW~11n !l1lml. r,. Cor e~?h of a stlte of inBu1"rection, owiog' to the 2d. at I. E6sent1al to S&ivatl';;' of four gn~., and a good many men fifteen-ioch globe • eelr most I ustrIO'" CIVlcor ml Ital)' drought. The Indian Bureau has T'J; ~:~ p_ll8lan.,mortallf"tnreT Lill or d d d I . The Boeton ''1 a'~ler sa s th t tL m n. " taken measures to furoillh the reqoll"- (Continued from laat ReILl!i~ for UU'Uler dis· & eu an wouu e. t lliJ stated .• ~o y." e A bt1~to euconrage emigration WI. ed rehef cU88toh) Pto! J .Allen. that the 19th Arm Cor I!I came u ~:}Iendld ~hlp InVinCible, DeN passed . .tb. llIiBal'~1nJplrat10n of the,,!totlptilrn. • y p . PlIO that port, IS Just the vessel that A bill for a uuifurm s stem f I The country on the head of the Prof. T. B. WillilLlDo. 10 season to cbeck the cnemy till alii ongbt to be selected for a decuy to b k ted dY 0 Minuesota Fiver where the Indianl 6th ~egenera~-What 10 It, and In what

t . Ir • ., • an ruptcy was repor an ordered '., .ense '" man au~cted by It· E1d. Btaphen ~~iH~~~ onr ra\Os were got Ou, except that destroy the British pirates. W \th a to be print d I two years ago committed their <lep. Burdick. of the cavalry. nat the next day I hell:vy armament ont of sight .on ber I The Hou:e -spent much time upon I :edations,. IS s~id,. by those who 6t~a ;~~~t ~~,::.~W ElX1~a:!t".!:~lr reo ~a:~OI!.l!iI9·lcor the scene changed. The rehels be-I maIO deck, she could be easily dl~·. the Internal Re,enue Rill, which was . re acquainted With Ih to be the finest 7Lb. EBeay-The Itlnd of 1{ental Tralnillg .' • . . gUl8cd, and when s(!uare alongsule not com leted Amendments incre I In the world Many Western fam· best ada, ced to the 1{\niluy, Prot. III. c, 109 bent on making tbe most of their of a pirate tliere would he no dlffi.· h P I ~ Illes are removing there to aval'l E'enyon. . ~ II l' b I . '. . mg t e tax on wholesa e and retail, he Stb. Th Scripture sense of't'be tal'lD life victory, ,0 owel It y II. genera at. culty In opeUlog upon her With liquor dealers c mmerCial brok It mselTes of the homestead act. and delIIh. (Continued from last ._on, lor

iug according to oue report 2000 h"llr destructIOn. and billiard tables' bOllders and con· I Chase is satisfied With hiS miSSIOn to Kenyon. ' I ' , Ch I" d '[ hI' th t't d to k Id d lOth. The Importance of the ~onol8e and

tack, and were beaten, tbeir loss be- such a broadside as would ensur"l passeuger ve;tJel~ bowling alJ~~~ Tbe New York papers say that Ifr. furu:~rEi~,:;~~~n~ev~I:. \:; W.iSh.l:Id. J.

prisoners, and 20 gUllS Three rebel . ar £s "arpenter an J) at ew tractors, 11 umJ1latlng Oll~. petroleum, a CI y, an ~p.go own 1'0- the beautiful. Eld. N. V. Hull. 1 t d k'lIed Th Riley, ahas John Roach, two of that aoda water and other beverages iron I commends sharp taxatIon, at not less ErHAN LA.xPHuil, Sec.

genera s are repor e I . ere large tflbe of honntv swindlers thut land numerous .other articilis ' wer~ than $500,000,000 per annnm. He ~:I:~';.~ had also been fightmg on the fiver, has infested New York and New adopted. ' I also says we shquld have" nothing the rebels having attacked our gon- England, were shot at Fort Wa~rel) I • , ,short of taxation to the amount of I !lats and been handsomely repnlsed. last Fr~day They bad enlisted ao 1 '1' l~; NAVY RE~I8TER .FOR IS(j4.-The one half our expenditures"

duous dulies of the field.

, The latest intelligence from Red man! times that th~y were able to, new :'il avy Register 1S ont. It n· In a school district in one of the River is qmte full 10 its details. It go mto the snbstltute brokerage talns the name~ of ncarly. 800 war I Massachusetts towns, there is but IIppears tbat very severe fightin themselves. vessels of all kmde, of which nearly I (Jne child within the age prescribed has been done with he~vy losses o~ Gen Totten, Chief of Engineers of ~f)0 ate tow-boats aud small craft I:y law for scholars of tbe common

AR1IY OJ" ;rHE POTOll AC both sides. 'The victOriOUs enemy the regular army, died at Washing- I ~r 80 Iron clads and \ rams are schoor. The committee, however,

_ FIIOll tbe army hO~pIW-tbe battle·field-tbe mansion otthel1c:b,BI1Hiiim ble abode of the poor_from the 01ll0e and the Bacred desk-ftom the meunt&ln to}l, dis­tant vaJleys &lid far·olf .slands of the-ooelll1-'

every nook and oorner of tbe mvll,zed world-IB pOUI"lDg In the e ... ldence of tile a .. tomshrng etreots 01 DIU.u's PL.lJIT"'~IP" ~"'­TEas, Thousands up on tbouBandB of letters

Tbe general. in the Army of the ultimately met an overwhelming re- ton last week. He enlisted ill the reglstcrcd. One of the notlco- bire a teacher, who makes her Icbool potomllc III e all actively reviewIDg pulse at Pleasant Hill but General' service nearly sixty·three years ago, able feat !Ires uf. the book IS the fact room and boardlDg place in tbe house

Banks deemed It prude~t to withdraw and was Chief EngUleer in Gen. that th? method, c?mmenced in a of the grand parents of the child theiT troops, "nil putting them in to Grand Ecore, where the army re- Scott'lf>army o.n the Niagara in the former Issue, of llammg small vessels II The printers of Atlanta, Ga, hav­CO!JdltlOll lur the approaching fight. mained at last accounts withont any last war, and In tbe siege of Vera I after ~~ flo~ers of the field, has 109" struck 17 for $1 87 per thousand Wltbia the week past there have vilry clear indications of another for. lJroz , reache . Its chmax, every floral cog· I ems, the foor JOJrnals published at been abundance of war rumors. Lee ward movement at present. It is re- Hartford, onc of the back t<twns in t omen mltbe whole category havmg I that place have been compe'led to 19 BlI1d to be ready for an advance i ilorted that General Steele is near Maine, without a lawyer, physician' cen ~se:t' Ihll~ lor two clas~~8 are I suspend pubheation As soon as the Longstreet is reported at 9range Shreveport with fifteen thousand o~ liquor agent within Its borders, na~e a hr a ~ es G a n~ I ea- I prmters qUitted work, ho.wever, the

like the following may be seen at our oftl.c~ ,~ ..... ,

men. If that be so, Gen. Banks may has not only filled all her quotas, but ~n t wCSh a1vle &t. e Oetftyhs ~rg, And- conscript officers Seized them and (JOUl t "House j Gen. Grant, it is _ move up the river again to co-oper- has a surplus for l!.Dother call. fie :111, I Oi" C. t . e I!onfl-Cla malcbed them off to camp aerted has gone down to the front· ate wI'th b' TI .. I • h Th c< Lo· ee , a very arge proportion 18 a oat A I . 1 f • , , . IDl. te w.,.\lr In tel' e ;:,t. UlS !Jounty \.Jourt last and of the shi s bUildiD n I -ali ate arflva rom abroad brln!>s Bnd there are even reports that parts rIver IS too low to ;aecure~'he effectll- I week gave a tract of 5UII acres of will bc finish~d .Juring g thee;r~s nt' us intelligence of the death in Pans, of our army have already moved. a 8upport. of tbel gtJ~b ~. J or tbe I highl~ Improved land, 12 miles from year. The list of officers is ~he on the 7th of April, of M. VattemOlre,

It is con6delltly asserted that tbe Ir~nsportatlon of supphe I the City, know:n . a~ t~e SUlzeer's largest ever recorded ill a N av a French gentleman ~ho for several FLORI!),li ~arm, t~ the MIS8ISSIPP~ Valley F\an-I Registe-. y years.l,as been pro.wment In the ht-

army in Virginia is at present more . I I ItarY Fair Tile farm IS valnetl at I ~- _ -- - erary world from hiS efforts to estab-Dumerou~ and in better condition From FlOrida, we pave news that between $30,000 and $40000. The I RE"AI" H C Th 'I hsh a sy&tem of interllational ex· 1 I. . hi' ' ~ .,8 OF ENRY LJ.Y.- e re- f . than it ever WaR before. The men our troops have ev,cuateij Palatka, City as a ready paid out of the mains of Henry Clay after 12 ye ' I change 0 books and copynghts 'IBve heen hardened by the fresh and carrying off all the .storesl in safety. tre.asnry $20,000 cash for the same interment were up~n the !leat:r~f The latest Paris fashion in ladies'

ob'ect . " . d . f t f rl ~Ithy life in winter ",uarters; they The steamer ~eneral Hunter, while d _ • • h!s wl~e, removed, and placed Side by ress IS, or ou 0 , oors, a garment

Redsbury, Wis., Sept. 16, 1863. .-1" .. ..... I have heen in the ArDl v

pltala for fou1186n month_peachl •• nearly dead, At Alton, m., they gave me a bottle of Piant,.tlon lIllters. • • • Tbree bottles restored my .pee<\h and oure4 m~ •

C. A.. FLA.1ITZ." 1 •

South War ...... , 0., July 28, 1863, ... • • One ,oung man, who had heeD

PICk and not out 0 the house for two yean With Sorofula alld Erysipelas, after 'PRying tbe dt>ctors over $150 without benefit, ba. been cured by ten bottles of your Btttefll.


The follo,rng ;11 from the Manaller of the Umon Hl'me School for the ChUdrell of "Vol· unteers

d 11 ' • '." a ~passenger tram on the LebanolJ mouument erected to his memo I tmg c ose, and cO\'ered Wlth bJ;"ilSS arc!S:terans used to war perfect in cominO" down the rivcr with a pur- On 'Ve(lnesda~ Dlght, April 20th, 81de With hers beneath the beautiful C?t velry TIke a maD s great coat, fit-

r1, nd ,!cco~ph8hed m all that tlOn of the prOVISions, was blown np I V:alley Railroad (Penn.,) had an ac· ory m th. Lexington (1emetery. buttous-buttons not only for use I ~::~~;i':!~:~ belong ~a soldIer. Yoreover, the by a rebel torpe!!o near Buckle's' cldent at the junction of the North te.y. The -wr~ath of immortclles bnt for ornament, some of them be- I. ~~1~~~r~~~!i~~~~~~~ .. soldiers e not only soldiers, they I Bluff, twelve miles above Jackson-' Leb~~on Ro~d~ in cf)nsequ~nce of the placed npon his coffin by Mrs. Ann S. 109 stuck on the shoulders. are also merican citizens i thE'y ville. The officers and crew escapeoll mahClo~s shlftmg of a SWitch The F\tel'hens, r.n the removal of the body .An 011 'Velsh lady of 37, wbo was appet,te and strength a~e d~voted the cOllntry, zealons l in the hoats locomotive was broken up, and the from Washington, was fOUllrl to be fast recovering fr'm a broken leg, and .hls now-weU. • •

ba"gage car and one passenger car but little faded, while e. gold ring, I was recently left £3,000 hy the de- RespectMly, )Iu. O. M. DEVOB." for the honor f the flag, ready to I KENTUCKY. were thrown off thc ttack. The en- bearing the iDltials J. W .. which rest- cease of a relative The news 80 ar-die that liberty d law may be prr.- The rebels find that they bave got gmeer, Thomas Gabriel, was badly ed near the wreath waif pcrfectly ft:cted ber nervous system that !!Ihe served for their c ·Idren. . t "h hi' scalded. No one else was injnred. brl <bt ' relapsed and died 10 less than 24

In 0 ra. er a ot pace 10 Kentncky.., h A soonting par sent out from A dis atch t th () (J The PreSident has approved tho • ours

Gen Tyler's head te t F . poe tnC1.una(t om· bill authorizing the Secretary of War I SUMMARY or :n::WS, A New York paper says that every f . th th q . r. rs, a alr- \ merc1QZ from lJatieHllburg, Ky , dated to take and hold possession, in beha!- The Mississippi Valley Sauitary fresh case of bonnets rece.l'ed from ax, eo er ~ay, I searcb of t~e the 19th April, says: Oapt. Patrick .of the United States, of all tbe Ian;. Fair will commence at St. Lonis on Paris sbows the shape to be growing guerrlll~s of Mosby, wh were raId. 'has arrived here with over 100 pris- and sbores of Rock lslan!!, IlIinoi~, May 11. A hnge building covering smaller and smaller-in fact, beauti IDg about Leesburg, captured twen- oners captored at th b ttl f on whiCh. to build an arsenal, ja", several acres is being erected, which fnlly less The expense, however, tyone of them ard two deaerters P . t'n d H If M e ~ es 0 compensation to be lIIade to private I will require 400,000 feet of lnmber grows larger and larger-. unlIke the from the Union arm . am.svI a onntaln,onthe land owners in its construction. No less than hat , t 6 h d f~' together wltb LICking River. Hodge'a rebel brig- The I'resident has approvel tlie 16,000 ladies and gentlemen form the A BOEfon merchlnt who failed wen y. I ve ell.. 0 ne beef cattle ade attac!ed 'Pol. Gillespie's force at act extendi., for two years from 90mmit~ee, vf whlcn Gen. Rosecrans twenty years ago, and suhsequently

1 NORm CAItOt.rI<A. Paintsville on TueSday bnt"wltite-I date tb& tiala;aithin .... idll tRegtatell <\IiJ Presldcnt. There- appean...ery was ahle to pay all his jiebts, ha, W'~ h ve ~ports of an attack by pulsed Gillespie pur:ned the re- f and Territories may accept the grant J. Phl"ospect of t~e complete snccess of recently also the interest on

Ih ebel ~I PI th N C treati~g rebels witb 800 men of the 1 of land donated for theE'JItablishment t e undertaklDg. those debts, which he was unable to , e f ~ ~on ymou, . 14th and 39tb Kentucky and sur- of colleges for tbe benefit of agricul- California is evidently destined to mfet when he settled the principal.

llg 109 III said to have commenced . d th th I'th' A '1 . tore and the mechanic arts. West bc a great wine-nrodncing region A. whole famill nawed Mc"ann . prise em on e" prl , m V· ... . I .. H' • ....

ther on Sunday afternoon, AprIl 1 '1. camp at Half Mountam, capturing Irltlma mc uded WithIn the I eJ:,. now ~rowing a d numbering vo persons, were The rebell, in force, attacked Fort '10 prisoners, 200 horses, .00 saddles, Ilml~s of thiS law. ~apldly Into a leading agrICultural burned to death at Tarport, Penn, Gray, which ill .bout a mile from the 300 stand of small-arms, and all Lieut. Flosher, who was killed at II Interest, dates only from the year on the 8th inst. Their house took t th R k R' Th their camp equipage Eighty-five Plymouth, N. C, was one of the IB54; but these te.n. years have pro- fire at two o'clock 'in the morning,

". • • I owe much to you, for I ver'ly believe the Plantation Bitters have saved my Ilfe. REV. W. H. W,AOOOND.

MadrId, N. Y."

... • • Thou Wilt Rend me t1i'O bottll\8 more of tby Planta..ron Bitters. My wite nUl been grell-tly benefited by tbeIr use.

Thy friend, A .... CUBlIIN, Philadelphia."

... • • I have been a great su1ferer from DyspepSia, and bad t6 ahandon llreaoh· mg. • • • The Plantation Bitten have cured me.' Rev.J.S. CUBO.X,

Rochester, N. Y."

... • • I have given tlul Plan{lltlOn BIt­ters to hundredB of our digabled soldien ,nth the most altomshlng .trect

G. W. D.l..!!nuwII, Supermtendent Soldiers' Home, Crnclnnatl."

.. • • • The Plantation Blttors ban cure<l me f !rver complamt, of Whlch I WUl laid up prostrate and bad to abandon my bu· smess. H. B. KINGSLEY, Cleveland, 0." own, 011 e oano elver. ey rebels wers killed ~nd wOllnded. bravest and most efficient officers in d~ccd remarkable ~esults, for her and they were unable to cscape.

planted I a heavy battery on Polk's \ Onr loss was ane killed nnd "our the navy. He bad been a terror tn, wmc growcrs send mto the market A f d' J I

. d h U l' '" 11 t h ck h d ew ays SInCC, one ~mes "... The PlantatIOn Bitter. haye s an , abollt alf a mile diiltantt wonnded. Col Clay is one of the the rebels in the North Carolina w8-1 exce en 0 s, . campagne an Rush, of Bath, Mc., wail so fnght- cured me Of a d"ran~ement of tbe Kidneys

and kept np a continuons fire. The I rebel prisoners. ters, ever si?,.oe the time of the Born- ports, and the quahty of many of the ened by the sudden discharge of a and urmary orgalls that has dlme.sed me for . rebels advanced slowly forward up I Eighty wounded rebels came into side expedition. rthedataonfdtbwhEite owines alr~at~y rivals gun, that he was taken with bleeding" Y8&1'1. It acts like a "barm. "

.flour and !it(I":j~;u~;-l~;ti perfine 1(_ N. Y., 7 8 10 for sbllDoillll and extras. 6 JIO for .1 •• ,,,, ..

I Th P

• e ijr pean vane les t th I d d' d' b t C.C. Moon, 254 Broadw8:Y, N. Y. to witMn a ilhort distance of the fort, Kentncky on Tuesday, April 19th, e re~l~ent has approved the . • a e ungs, an Ie In a ou twen-wlJen they made a charge. They, through Pound Gap, but were imme. act anthoflzmg the peo1?le .of Ne- Eleven negroes, belongmg to a ty minutes. The PllLntation Bitton malte the weak were received with a galling fire, I dlately driven out by a d~tachmeut braska to form a ConstitutIOn and b~nk,:up~ Rehel, .Iately sold at the A car buffer is in use on the Great strong, tbe lanllUid bnllrant, and are e"·,l ~'';In which caused tbem to ran back. of the (5th Kentucky mounted infan- State Goveruml'nt. It is therefore a Cm:yt Court of LI\.~coln County, Mo, Western Railway, whicb, placed on hausted nature'. great restorer. They are ~.~~g~~~~[!~~~~il~l~i~m~ Ii I reah ed the foil A composed of the celebrated Call1ay. Bark, Again and again they rallied to the try. General Hebro.n reports East- aw. nd z OWIDg : wom~n the rails, will b, ing up a heavily Wintergreen, •• , Rootl, lIerbs, &c., charge, and endeavored to take the ern Kentucky free from tebels. E. C. Ingersoll, prominent as a ~4 t~~2chlldrenid$12}-oj tw~ ~1 Yls, loaded traiu going at the rate of aU preserved m perfectly pure St. <Jrolx

~:~aed~~eyb~er~O r::ul~:dP~i:b f!:fu~ Ca~~~~y '1:::t::::f~~~, c~~pt::y Jr~~ ~wtb~r ;:c!:~f!~' c!~~hd:;~ f~~03~~~ , a ~:~rried3~~:~:' 11'1 ~:la~~ld~I$06155; ~fneen}!et~~~~h~:t ~~j~~~nt~ :E::~r~~ Rum B. T -1860.-". l.u'<;:'~·(JIOTer l~~ll~~:;t::~~ 61augbter. They retired, with their BarksvliJe in pnrsuit of a guerrilla Lovejoy's vacant seat. ana erid ",l~~rs o. ,i' V~ ~Ir it On April 19th, 1775, (the day of Person. of @eientary habits troubled with artillery atill keeping np a fire. Their band.,pf about 120 men The guerril- y~ r~ 0 h' 'I' th'lr~esf '!. IC s tO~, the battle of Lexington,) the cherry weakne61, Jassitude,palpltationortoe heart, iron ram and four rebel gunboats las were driven into Macon connty OONGRESS, ? etr ! ~~ Ii In 0 proper y trees in the vicimty of Boston were laek ot appetltJ, distress aftel"' eating, torpid moved do"n the river the ob~truc- Teon., killing 8, capturing 10 pri. ~ IS osmg I s va ue in foll blossom j they have also been bver, constipation, &e., deserve to Buffer II lion .. 1titbin .is. lIIiles of the town oners and fifty horses _ Tn E . SEN ATE. 'l'he new steamer St. John proves in blossom on the 19th of AprIl twice tbey will not try them. to co-oper.te with the land force8:' . The House appropriation bill for to be as fast as she is magnificent. since the beginning of this century. They are recommended by the blgbelt ~~~~~~~~~~~I~I The rebel force wall fro. 10,000 to. THE FORT Pl':.LOW lU88.lClIE. the legislative, executive and judicial She has accomplished the paesage A niece of Daniel O'Connell, tbe ::!~~ ::t~~r:..~~::U:~~n:~I;:=~ed_.t~o~;.I.;::r,;::-:. 15,000.trong. Additional evidence confirmatory from New-!ork to Albany in 8 honrs Irish agitator, has been sent to the ad t I

I expenses of the GovernmEnt, was and .u _ mmntes. The Vandirblit, Ch' B'd II r are exes IDg y a~'eeab e, perJ"8CUy plire, Later repo_ts Bay. tbat a rebel ram of the ?orrible deeds of but?hery at considered and aaopted Among the hitherto cOIlSidered invincible, kept Icago. rI ewe .or vagrancy and and harmlen.

d h b h Fort Pillow comes to us dally The drunkenness. f!he hilS been an NorICE -.Any person pretendinl:

caDle own t e river a out tree • ' • . . amendments was one increasing the in her wake as far as Stony Point, habitue of that institution for several Plantation Bitter. ID bulk qr by the o'clock on Monday "\norning, April last p~ece of testlmo.ny IS that of an pay of the clerks and employees of when she was left behiljd. The St. years. a 8wmdler and Imposter. It is Il1th. She floated down with the eye·wltness, who writes as follows to the War Department some $500,000 I John ha~ a i~~g~ crow1 °l .Pb~sen- Rev Jaazaniab Crosby, of Charles- In our patent 10i cabin bottt.. qurrent, aod was not discovcred nntil the Springfield (Ill.) Si(Jte Journal: and another increasing the pa" of' gboerasr'd an unll 0 relg on town, N. H., has been .settled over botUes reDlled wltb Imitation .del;etelriotla J stnJf, for which several persons are alr<la,dlr. I clolle under the bows of the Miami. _ II Blue uniforms to tbe number of messengers and others to an amount the cbnrch in that town fifty-three In prl~on. See that every bottle has C nil FI b d

" d fort e t d h d' tb M. Dnbray, of Passay, France, was years, and is the oldest settle:! min-om .. a er us1M!r rna e ,orwar, Y w!e conn e . 8 ~ou mg e not exceeding 20 per cent. and not recently exhibiting a model of an lster in the State. private UUlted States Stamp over the cort.

sightelt and tired her b"ibf gon load~ dead b~d~e8 of the slalO ma~tyrs. In '900 equestrian statue of Napoleon I, in- unmutilated, and s,&"oa1ure on .teel plate ~. h II hi h h' all pOSitIOns they lay-many wEire over" per annum. d d" R The number of Physicians in the a,de lal;ol.

eel Wl.t 11 e ,w c strocl t e ram, lyini head downward 0 th b k t A bill was passed to incorporate ten e lor onen, wbich had oocu- United States is 54,543. The num-,ghl~ut .. tlM(1 reboonded, a:::Jd in8tantly killed him, the edge of the water, hav?ngantJe!n the' inhabitants of the District of co.. pied him a year, when the supports ber of Lawyers is 33,163 The num- habitual globe. P.]I". Duu & Co., i~~iji~~~;~~~ a piece of the shell pen~trating bis driven backward to tbe river, aud Inmbia; also, a bill tl} amend the broke and it fell, being dashed into ber of Clergymen, of all classes, 202 ~OjIdW&y:, :Ir .... Yorn

breallt The -m then attacked the then sbot or stabbed till they fell. Enrollment aot so as to raise the a thousand piece,. The model was an ad d d •. . 7 529 ... • Abo t th h d d bl k h d be It, d I t f th extremely fine one. The scnlptor gr es an enommatlone, IS 3, . ~uth6eld, and IIhe sank in Ove min- drl'venn l.nrtOOo thnen n~ver aancdS"raowneedn Pr~v('st'l~rashnal.Geemnoerllaml etno tSbaOt of &e calmly said that he should commencc Hon. Charles Sumner presented a ~ u • d I h petitIOn in Congr-ess, the other day, In Bloomfield TownshIp, near WeltOn) Iowa, oteR The Miami was somewhat in- After"~ the white men e][oopt thoBe Brigadier-Genera1. a new mo e t at very day. .April 9tb, 186', by Eld. C. ~ Burdick, Mr.

J'ured. The -am pUlled the gunl at on boara our boat were killed, the The bill to repeal all acts for the Dnrlng tloe pork season jast pass- signed by 4l,'l18 names-jnst " AUilTIN H. Tnay, of Co. J.,1lth Regillumt , d I I' bushel-praying for the ~bolition of Iowa Volnnteers, and HIiIeL. Emu Locho· PI,.mdDth wttbo-qt being dillcovered. few negroes left were orclered t6 rendition of persons to service or 10 e, I mois packed 1,213,390 hogs, of RO, of B1oom1leld. '" B .. be! position in the river below bury the dead in the t.renchel!-tbey bor, Wjll passed to a third re,d!ng. an average weigbt of one hundred slaver,.. At Milton, W18., April 7tb.186',1 by E1d. Z. ~~=~~~~

, J" were then made- to. dig a ditch for A bill was passed ior the rehef of and ninety pounds. If these were The first locomotive engine bas ar- Campbell. Kr.JOHN ll. MYBjls, of lndjanapo· 1'IyOi th, tbe rebels dC!nbtl~ hope themselves and were 'shot and pI ~masters who have been Tobbed placed in cars, ten tons ill each car, rbivedb in; Cefylon. d Idt WaR lan~th o.n.11 llin a::}l:O~~~:i~:: ~:I~rBev.s .

. topre ent the reinforcement of onr thrown intp it The following mom- hy the Con~ederate forces or guerril' each car measu.ring two rods,. it am 00 ra I, an rawn to e ral- AUBtIn,1lr.lB.ucC.CUlwALL&IIdlll .. JullY troope at tbat place. ing the Bh~ting of negroes was, re- laB. I wonld make a tram sevcnty-five miles way station by three elephants J. KENYON, all of Hopkinton.

• snmed ~nd many whl> had escaped A joint resolntion to llro";de for 10' g. Allowing twenty c~rs to each Three men were recently burnt to •

T~e papers of Ko~d&y morolDg the nitht before were now discover- the of offiCII! reports of the 10' Imot~ve, it would take SI,! hundred death on a raft on the -Su!quebaona ~~~~i.~~I;~1111 lay. Our North CarllllD.r. dlllpatches d .. t tb' f t S fth DreratIons of the armies of the Unit- locomotives to draw the tralD. river. There is a suspicion of drunk-

report tbat after fighting day &nd e an .. "1De elr a e. ome 0 e • S l~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ni bt PI h f S d 'n sabre gube. were frightfnl. Eyes ed tatell, was passed. , In 1860, minois raised one hon- enness in tbe case.

T g--~ at ti~oot ~!Jm 1!lt .aYf; tl were Ihot' out, head II laid open till The Honse bIll establishing a hI. dred and fifteen million bushels of A Paris Iphysician has been con- ~:r:~~; u"""ay rlnl ceAlMN an.l II ear- I f 'I't . t' . t' If h' I d . d FE ed tb 'he • it tti d the-brains oozed ant, and many were reau 0 mil ary JOs Ice, COOlIIS l''tI&corn. t IS were pace ID cars, emned to ayear'.s imprIsonmeatand

m :U b garrllol! itJ~ 008an shot through both l-qngll Most of of the Jndge Advocate General a"., three hundred bnshels in a car, it 50.0 francs fise for disclosing the dis- ~~?~~·~i~~~~iS~~m~~I[~~ d en Re' :en comr. h d ~ .. ilUrren- the woondli were in the howela and two Msistant Judge Advocates, Wtll6 wonld make a train of two lhonsand ease of a patient. :.~~~~5~~~t~~~ er In,orcemen_. ucsn aent d th h nd d d' t fi '1 from N be b" ld t lungl and some or ihtl men had from passe I ree u re an DIne y. ve JIll es Fllidinand HeJlmesberger,

th ; e"bem , D:L


Do goludP five ~ nine wonnds The legs' of T~ Army Appropriation bill was long i and allowing twenty-five cars man violinist, went mad in '·colllae"1 Wilfei"L'ilkei[.~[!~f. I .• _

e nvetfh' Wca~~h.W1e .. ~e. r I'JiOedl one man ~ere both cr'n-hed and one then taken up, and a numtJr of to a lo.comotive, it would tllke rour- ftak' h t b th b t h ~~5~i~:~~~ • .... mon. ... Ingwn II lev W ~'j d t . I d' .• te tb d th h d d d qoence 0 109 a 0 a j u all to b b t ked d be boy not yet firteen had bOth lega amen men s, Inc n lUg one glvmg en tID ,n rte un re an SlOoe recovered. " ave ee.n a tat , an "rn .00.' his back broke~ Scar@t,; any coJored troopl, after the r LBt of J !In· seventy looomotiyes to draw it. Fire persons werl ll~~~~~;~~~~~I;1 foa: etpectln!J an approaeh of a rebel had Ie .. than two a~d thfe\! l116fere uary next, the lame pay and . a\lor '. The gold fields of Nova Scotia by going over a

ceo . r wounds. There is no donbt lblt Ute a!:,~s, except boonty, as W~lte sol- scattered !llong the 80nthelllter~ N Y • ..DD ~vu. 1 mnrtlerers intended every one shoold diers, was adopted, an? the. bill was coaat of. that provinee, give promiae • ., recently.

QUite IItlrrtllg DeWS bas been re. die. Nearlyall the wonnded coold palled by a vote of thutY-S1I w,one. of a satlafactory yield. The aurifer-' • l1PEOUL IOTIOES. ceived from tbe Red River Expedio talk when first brooght on board! and BOUSE or BEPB .. SEN:rA.TIVES. OUII veins were discovered in the ~~]~E:~~3~~-tiOD. There i. ~n. ~onfuaion anU tJley all told the lame .,tory.' There The Honse voted to hold evening summer of Ig8~, ~bout twelve tlliles -- Tn IliI!TUH contradiction iD tbe 4i~atcb6s • bat were no contradiction. in thili: \i(ate- &elsions each day till th .. final ad- north ~ Tanbeegler Rarb0i' ~nd they Annual Heet\lig of th b -r' men,l, and every one lI!IIuied me he ' ,.. have .lDce n worke ... With vary· Eastern M1Ocllltion will be helA

e IU .t~Dce Of theDllip~&rS to be, IW&l unwounded when be gawtbilJl4 ~ourn.ent. ing 80000111: Ohur~b at New New i.reey, that 10,.. part of the Bed RiYer ex. lOll up a prisonpr• Ttl!} hospital w/M,l The Honae agreed, 62 to 48, tliat The Second seGUon of the iron. lIliaft mincing Oli Flfth·clay, Va:r 26th, ilt1lr<l'c,loet pedrdolJa~ Iqrce had advanced on fired and the sick and wonnded bura- the Government onrht to increue of ~ OhiQllgO Lake tunnel has been A'IIi' TbolUl R.: WIJUI!.IIIB -the 11th of Ap'U .. Car a. Pleaeant .1 without, mercy, and one lick mill datia Wid .tue.t Yeryllrgely. IIqlk, anlt a !led of 1I0lid blne ctay ~':'~I tb~I8l!l~dIlC~~ D;:;uroe; Hill, aboli I itty 'lnilee fro. ilbrev. b~agh' on th! "oat, who hldi MC4P" L ¥r. S' .... e!'1! ol'ered tile (?lIo~ing; h'f been rea~be:4, from ~bicli Uie ~lnt~' t! 11':: ~ ~1 :, on tb~8 ::.lIoe port a cl c.~~._ ~jWchD. hl ... ll that tli61nbell ;It,,~ Cor .IItl d~1 a@tthe pas- brf~of which tbe portIon of the of Ute r.JH.nt ~ u on ~:clQll~rI:lljtl"~l~~:~~~ .;, :~ ''',.111,. beyond NIIit~ 13 .... W Iiif .' alld deliberately III!t .ge of tbis relOlnlion, all lb. data tnnnel unaer the lake is to be built, ob;'raM: In thll cohr/Q; =i4, .. :,irtii.iii:i

, ' ~. Baub' Iaftd~ ., ~~ ij;!' I , I» imported goodJ, .aree, a,ad mer- wiUl)e made. ' - pJlVCh .. 6tollrdelloDilnltl~nln I!I • • ~ J"" ~ .. t;:i t-- r .. .."" l:,) ..~......,.. •

• ,

Page 4: a.bith etordtr,Vol+20+(1864)/… · SOC'BLL. I from your fonrth proposition the word 5, Rom. 8: 11, 1. Cor, 15: H-5(. vinegar shonld be administere

• •

sake of tbat beautiful ODDS m BIDS, \.lin,inlg',wb:icbconatltutes the m{!tllie.r"'J At th"e BrltlBh MInt, by yacent Ill'

~~~~_I:~~~~:alused for fancy ventlon, tbe weight of the pJancbet~. " '~'~i~~:;~:;va:~: facbt most out of which sovereIgns ate cOined, 18 ~f:~~ ~ the same

insltrllctiv'ee ID t lS vast now determmed by a welghmg rna· tl! to time ,may .,., om()~<l trade of the port of London, VIZ: chlOe moved by external power 10 e army ortbe Ulllted

','lI1!ealr:! whatever 18 brougnt over, In what TjJ.ese planchet8 or pIeces are pas8ed eo.6 FIeld omcere of regtmentll ever shape, from wbatever place, by one by oue through a apont Into a battalio~, Bhall be elected by the wntten

t fi d votes of tbe captams and Iientenants of the

,~:;;_~rl~~~~~~~:;!~~~~~~l=I~;;ll:i'~I~I~~~ver persons, It IS 8ure 0 n a scale, If exactly the weIght reqlllr· companl'" of th/l re!pecllve reglments The price may be beaten ed by law, they go off ID one dlren battalIons .",."-", the demand 18 languId, but Uon j If too hght, in another dlrec. Sec 1 Captains and bentell&ntl! of tile

never thlDk of lIaymg, "We tlon If too heaev, ID another No companlef! Bhall be the WI'llten • voles of the oMcers and

I Ol[)W,· ""01,," any" tonches the machlDe wblle at prtvailll.of ' ..... nl the vast commer work aud It never make!! a mistake Sec:WS and

ciallmportance tbe great Tbe ~Id fasblOn of we\ghlDg and ed omcers tbe AmerICan trade 18 m08tly WIthin the Ing With the neceSSIty of employlOg shall be

!D,t,~blli~ra,Bp of LIverpool, because the Mer I!Iklllful workmen to perform tbe ~~:he p .. rtmentB, care nearer to Amenca tban the operation IS now done away "ftb companies shall be adapted to the

t~e~~llr~'~i I ~:;~~~:~~:hl~e;cotton IS most Deeded' I l\ tam" of their cla.18 of reada n ' and becanee tbe chIef Wben a man dl,covels an ol·we Sec. 9 the pnrpose ofcllu, ..... , TheTermsOfS

t I Id to AUlerlca-soch as npon bls premises m these days, hl8 IDg tbe company sball be holden ~bs,cri:pti(l8 for tbe RI~o. ar IC es so fartune IS made WltDess these eacltcompany npon the second Ilonday per year, payable \,it metal!!, bard ware, eartbenware, etc, tI aId to farmer8 m Hay, annnally, one week's nollce, m Writing adnnce tbree are f~rlCated nearer to LIverpool prlees recen y p belllg gtvel\ on Bnch election by the clerk of montbs from tile of tbe year, wll tnan to London tn the trade With West"ro Penn8ylvama: the company 10 each member thereof E.cb be llable to an ouny cenls .' I t Lib t L n sales recently made are tbe officer Bhall be 8I\parately voted for, and the l:!ubscnbers" .. ,u",. to dlsconUnue tbelr pa .... ustra la, 00, Iverpoo eB 8 0 - f"rm ~or "'100,000', tbe Funk Farm perwn who receives a majority of the W1'ltl4n d d b the r I tlve op g " • pers, must uav .. "arrearages and notlfy lhe ;g;:~i~:!~l~~ffe~~:I~~~~ 00, alt measure yea P, - for $150000 , tbe Ktng farm for votes of the electors present at such meet- pubh8ber oC Wish Parments rece,ved ulatlOn of tbe two places.-Ohamber II $85000' the Noble & Delamater logs shall be deemed elected and tbe presld "111 be aClmOW"I"II:"" III tbe paper.o as to

more Journal well and terrttory fur $300,000 ,the ~~!~:;era~~!r.,th:'~~"m~ot:~~re~:'t:f which tbey re .. cb otber meu from tbe eflect!! or. ARMIES AND THEm :M:OVE1lEMTS, Egbert for $200 000 Tins property commanding officer of the regiment otbattal a oh"racter not iD!lon nary dllOrder~ They hear palll Ill' 18 all on 011 Creek, but the eXCIte- 110n to which sncb company IS attached. of the paper, Will be

&,Up, ,.,. I differently, can tolerate no 10werlDg There bave been va8t armies and ment IS not confined to the creek iiec. 10 Elections for tbe purpose of JIve cenlailer hoe for • ....0 11 pre- measures Ire left long prostrated by grand movements before these daliS I chooslDg the field otllceI'S of the several and three cent. per /lne .":":AAA Iii' tbere -~polit.en!!$l , ad d H d f f lh a one ments shall be holden by the captB1ll8 -. _"W aimple depres8mg mal les, all ac ere 18 a recor 0 some 0 em fbi ffi d IteutenanlB of the several compames Insertion Legal adver All Ai 10 JiPlI)' aDd, oUiAly quue m Bome IDstances "morbid Sennachenb, tbe Bible tells us,lost The numbtb 0 re e 0 b ceb an prls\Dg eacb regiment on tbe 1st Monday lIxed by law A. fair

•.. , 'b4i' tIlere Ietlllll to wbum IS reBected III every III a 8lOgle night 185,000 wen by the mf'n capture y us SIDce 1 e egm Jnw:, annnally Notice In wntmg, tor one to tbooo .. dnrtislDi ,., 1. ror ~'DW ql1~rre~ 'q dltectlOI1' BO that briskne8s of actIon destroymg angel nmg of the war, IS one week, of sucb election, shan be gtven by the Ii DOD. I. )folll11e11r fAlld lIa ame beco_ :rrltablhty and qUiet 8e' The cIty of Thebes had one bun fit major glner~~s, ~!~~U:liob~a~:p~~!l~edv~{:dt°!or, ~~d\~ eO'!'.IZJ~nni~atiol~~,.'o~~e!'..~, and remittances h.v. eacb ,,,_ir apartm,ntB, their car· clualon moroeene .. ' aThey dlshke dred gll.les, and COt Id'send out at brlga ler generu. 8, perBon wbo receives B majority of tbe wntten u"<~"p. to Gao B UTUR, W •• ri .... , ibe~ II'YU.., lfielf iOOOlDeI, themselves and feel that Ute! must each gate 10,000 6gbtmg men and lIeutenant c()lnllels, 244 m votes of the electoI'S present at sucb meetmg, ...... , ftfeIid .. tbeir plifllUI~ad_ be dl8hked and If they attempt to be 2000 charIOts, in all 1,000,000 men 2497 captams, 5811 heutemnants, !ball be deemed eleeted and the pres,dmg ltiiMI &Ia8 lbIeam vows of marriage 'Into shame at alld 2 000 charIOts 16563 nOll comml~8lOned 0 eers, officer shall forthwltb notify blm of his _lee \0 _0, ,Imply, thai they ~re ~o fall agam mto Th~ army of 'i'rerab, KIng ofEthi 121,156 privates, aud 5,800 citizens ~I~~':enn~~~k:/::~~ :~~~o~nt~:!"m::~g~f trQ' eacb oLber wltb urballlt)' ID '" Soclal opla con81sted of 1 000000 men and I have no faith In cats, they are tbe brigade to wh,ch the regtment IS a\.tacb thOle few .itoado", where tbe path 300 ~banot8 of wa~ , a cold blooded race, they are the ed of lire lDa~ ~nl1 bnng tbem Sesostrl8, Kmg of Egypt, led politICians amoog domestIc BDlmals, Sec 11 At all meetmgs for tbe election to .L_ ~ 60 000 h 1 'tl h te of officers, some person otber than one l(8"""r. (I THE POBr or LOIIDOlf agamst hl8 enemIes 0, men, t e:J care hew 0 18 m&!! r, or then 10cnwbenh of the several omcee to be

We are tGrr:J' that Iuch an idea WOlllDEiS r ' 2' 000 cavalry and 27 scythe armed wbat are the overturmogs, 80 tbelr tilled, sball be cbosen to preside .~~ IIjoQld Ji4I galnlug !ootbold The cnelom.hooee port of London charlols, U91 years before Cbrlst pICking8 are secure, and what are See 12 RetnrD!! of all officers elected iD:.\l!I~. h _IA roo~ In li- extends from London Bridge to Ihe Hamilcar went from Carthage, an:) their mldUlght caucuses but prim· made to commandefll of regiments or batml Doble Ylew 01 bfe-u utter North> Foreland, on tbe Kent coast, lauded near Palermo He bad a fleet ary meetmg8 ? hOllS, shall be reported by snch commanders

11 ... • to Ibe brigadier generals, or per-OM In com .. dArlt,. 1I.w. ..... apd the Naze, on the ieeex coast ,In' of 2,000 shIps and 3000 amall 'lie.· \Vm Wilhs bas been sentenced to maud of tbe bngade, who .ball forthwnh WO.all are catled (0 do lD cludin,k not only the Thames, bllt the sels and a land tbrce of 300000 men be hanged for murder In Ulster coun- carHy tbe Bame to the adJlltant general ., retatioD where they act.. WIde estuary below the river At 'tbe battle 10 wblch he was de- ty, New Yurk A yonng ladY'Prom. Sec 13 Tbe commandlllg officer of eacb It ia a mean and low OOIltriYBnce on Thl. ml",bt" port has grown ap feated, 150 000 were slam Ised to marry him if be would drmk company shall, nnder h,a warrant, apPOint a

b ' h II h d • ~, clerk of tbe company, who .ball keep R re both ",dea, by w I,C , l e gran ~radullon, There were no docks ID NIDUI the ASSYrian kmg, about no more He llroke hiS promise to cord of the proceedlnge at all bUSiness meet ;work.' ltom""baild;Ilg, .11 tQe noble LOlldoo ootll tbls century, whIch has 2 200 ye~ra before Cbrlst, led aga\n8t abslam, she m3rned anot~r, he lUgB of the company and Bh.1I certify all Pmal Uld heroIc tod. o( home.edae,," wItnessed the expeodlture of twelye the Blactlans bl8 army, conSIsting of kIlled her, Bnd IS now to be hanged COpies of tbe same

" ... • h th Sec 14. The board of aldermen of the tiOD-tu" """Iloatiqn w ete e par- millIons sterhng m the constroctlon 1,700000 fuot, 200,000 horse, and the 13th of May several CIties, and the town counCil of the late -. 1D0re tbao they teacb- of docks on eltner SIde of the Tnames 16000 cbarlOts armed WIth 8c~the8 In W IlhmantlC, Cono, a few severnl to ",no, shall prOVIde for the compan ~H lilt (let 11. nse tbe u:prea.lve SIX tbonaalld sblps 'now enter tbese SemiramIs employed 2,000,000 meu ago, a boy of ten years was bandh_ng leB of the BCtlve mIlItia orgamzed nnder thiS W .. 'a" } ",l .. ,-_:,> kId th " t II h h B b I .. act and the act to which tbls aclis III addl £ .... - I IPm a .... __ .. doc. annoa Iy, an e cry II! " I m' bUlldlOg t e mIg ty a y on ~ loaded guo, and "portlvely pOInted t

..,. • fa b t .. r L fill I .• lion, wllhlD the 11Iwls of their respec Ive I& i •• cllno". CI, t a In they come I" Al the dOCKS are • She touk 100000 prlsoner8 at the 0 It at a. Itttle girl of three years, WIth towns and Cilles, a8 many slllta~~~le~~~~~~~l

' QOun'riea sy.tem of mar ed thooih Bome do not pay well dU8, and 8ank 1,000 boats whom he was at pla.y He sn'pped or pla"es of de {'OBit for the arml!

ia tbe role, tbere 18 uo Tbere are sblPped off DOW' yearly A sbort lime after tbe takmg of the I<'ck, dlscftargmg the ~un, aod and eqillpage furmBhed to said ~ .... , to Our Eng\lsh from tbe port of Londou aloDe com- Babylon, tbe forces of CyrU8 conSIst Instantly kllhng tbe httle gIrl Ibe State, IIoI! in tbe oplDlOn of Bald boud

1·- 1 ( th I h aldermen or town connCllls necesBary Dlany po I.., .ngna· 'modlues to tbe valqe 0 Irty ml- ed of 60~ 000 foot, 120,000 orse, A rnmseller at Franklto, N H, SeC 15 They sball annnallYlD the month .cf:~:!Il';ll:~l~pe, i& woold be imposBlble hona 8.terhng, beSide thOle {rotu oth- and 2,000 chariots armed With was VISited not loog smce by two of December, tran"mlt to the otllee of the

::~~~,fkib tr.nel.te tbe .entlment er pdrts of tbe UDlted KIDgdom ; aud scythes h general, a certIficR!!!, verified we began thIS e ... y, that tbere II Imported a stIlliargel quan An army of CambysclI, 50,000 hundred ladl68 10 proceSSIOn, W 0 oalb or affirmation of at least two

a .m.'.'"~tl* 1.110& alw&. hl,homfJ tlty of colonIal produce The sblps 8trong, was buned up 10 the desert pohtely mformed blm that be runst respective bodies, shOWing tbe number b shut up sbop Bnd leave town or he II( armOries lD tbelr re""eel'Ve towns or uue t ... &0 ten et t e whIch actnally '--long to the port of sandlt of A"rlca. by a south WlDd ' -r ~" ", "" ,.. I, would be aSsIsted to do both He Cltles, tbe names of each company occapy ".l!IWt~i~ •. Oale'l Ulto &".rellCb, London are not less than 3,000 ID When Xerxo;8 Irrlved at Tbermo- dIdn't walt for the assistance mg the same, tbe amonot paid for the rent

Anrl~.xPn III number, averagmg about 300 tons pyllll, hIiI land and sea forcelramount.- thereof, amI statlllg that they conSider snch Ule wOid •• Tbe elch, or noo,OOO toni of commerCial ed to 2,6U,610, exclUSIve of ser- A few year~ ago, to ~Ilttle an e8 armory neeessary for the nse of such coln

• " t te 1ft b land In Mouut pany, and that the rent charged thereof 18 relatl~~, .hlpping to all-a IItapendous quau vante, enDuchs, women, sutlers, etc, a ,a. parce 0 1m er lair an.d reasonable.. ·~:~:~.:II~iiall:'B are mattere of ar· tlty to enter IDd depart trom ODe III all numbenng some 5,283,22Q.. Holly, Vt. was appr&lsed at tbe val- Sec 16 The quartermaster general Bhall I DO\ or .oye, exclade .. 1101I'Ie rIver It IS a quarter of the So say Herodotos, Plutarch and Iso- ue of one bundred dollars The same annually e_amme all certlfiCllotes so returned

Bow does .lIfe run tot~l am900t for tile whole klDgdom crale!! ' land has recently been sold for thIrty to h~ olllce ID!!tltnte any Itlqnlrles he deems ~~~!!1:~:~1~ The glrlIBlec.n. FIve h~dred of t.belle lue steamers, Tbe army of Artaxerxes before the three bnndred and seventy five dol ~h~';'!'~~t:!:~tre~,:e~o:~~:~::~=~; coa.ellt or boardIng Ind one-half of all the mercaDtlle battle of Cuuaxa amounted to about lars one handred dollars for one company He

:::::f:' told tbat ber fa,ther ~a •• team uavy of lllogland belongs to 1,200,000, Wbat a strBnie, desperate notIOn sha.1l wltbln ten days after such examinatIon a II1I."'ID4 for ber. No obJeC· Aftd I. r.arrl"'ared In the port of Lon- Ten thousand horse andtl00,OOO It IS of meo, wh .. n they have erred, tile 10 the oIIIce of the anditor bIe cerlilicaLe

- ~.. ...... h tb t statmg the .nms allowed the nalDe of the part II contemplated or don .No leu tban sa,eoo sblps en foot fell 00 tbe battlefield of lesus tbat thIngs are at t e worst, a cOlDpanl.JQurhllle .. each 111\11 ltallowe.!. 'pro'fiidell for i 1I00e pnerall, occur •• ter the port of Loudon yearly-more Wheo Jerosalem was taken by nothmt; cau be doue to rescue them r and the town or cily to which 1t belongs, and .... ', ..... child II oal1 too happy to ob- than 80 per day I Some of these Tltoa, 1,100,000 perIshed 10 vanoos whereas Judas IscarlOt mlgbt bave shall thereupon notify tbe board of aldermen

tbat any person to "ii 'h;~;a~:li;;~~ ,I. responsible for t. tbe plOper, or makes

has never BU[,8c:rlOi uralilrolu It stopped His

take tbe paper IB8ent butto

not wlshlt

L OCAL )'011. 'fR&


Adams-D. kJ D Potter A ed-Cbarlle. D Lan,worthy Alfred Cent~r-M J Green N, V Hull Brooklleld-RlChard Stlliman Berhn-T BYJfn Whitford Ceres-Wm Maxson DeRuyter- arton G 8tIllman Persia-Dei dB C BurdIck Genesee-E R Crandall Independe~"'-Tobn P L,,-.rmore I eopardsvU le-Asa M W,lt NIle-EzekIel R Clarke PortVille-Albert B Crand"U Poland-AbelStlllman Petersburi-lI"mU too CIa rk' RlChbur~b-Jobn B Cottrell 8tate DrIdg~oseph West 8tephentoW1!'-Tosbua B Maxson S .. okett sH'Irbor-ElIasFrmk Scott-Byroh L Barber South Brookltield_Herman A Hull Verona-.&Jber t Baboock WelltGenesse-EltltLa I llaxaoD WJ\tlon-D P W11liams WestEdmeston-Ep/lralm Hlnoa

ClOII"\tCT~CUT Hystlc Brldj;e-B R Grllwold W.t.-rford-+OJI vel" KaDOD


",. The above comprll.a "II th. F.lra II which the Grover'" Baker lIaoh\De "er, n hiblted !thts year


CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JER BEY -From foot of Courtland It ,~y •

Conn~otlnl at Hampton JuncUQn with 11,1, ware, Lackawanoa Bnd -We.teU Railroad and .. t E"ston with Lehl&b Valle,. Railroad and Its ConlleCtions formlllg a direclllne 10 PITTt;BURG AND THE WE8T _!thou lotianll of cars GREAT MIDDLE ROUTt TO THE ""'0'01

W,NTBB ARRJ.lCa8llIN,,'-commeooln, 1~, 1864 Leave New York a8 folio".

HarrisburgExpresSll16 A II, for Reading Pottsville, Harrlobura: Ohunk, WlIIlam8port,&c

lIa\l Tr .. ln at 810 ... II ,Cor Easton, rattl 'Gap Scranton, Great Bend, PHilton Bin, hamton, Wilkesbarre, "'0

12)l Tbrongh Traln,fQr Easto,ll,/lIento'll1l Halloh Cbunk, W11llamspurt, Reijilni, Poll. Tille ,Harrisburg, &c. 7.

3 to P )l for Easton, Deth",helll, .... lIeD town and Mauuh Chunk

~.!o P J[ for t!OJwe"viU •. 6,(0 P II for 80llllel~vllle

1 00 p ~:i~~if~~~~i~~~~~~::~~;

the IIhl"" mike many vo ... ages, bot there waYIl done somethlDg better than hang or town counCIl of t;be snm allowed whlcbh r- J snm shall be upon the "arrant of t e

are 30,000 arrivalll wltb 30,000 car- The army of Tamerlaue IS saId to himself - Governor to snch board of aldermen or town "" BRSlCT THE CAB ~:g T 0 goeB Tbe nnel. average iOO tons bave amoanted to 1,600,000, and tbat Durmg tbe publicatIOn of marrIage conncil New Jl&rkel-Jacob R TIt.worth ~ each, IIVlllg us an aggregate o~ 6, of hIS antagoDlst, BaJllzet, 1,'00,000 baDs In TrlDlty Cburcb, Islington, Sec 17 The commanding oMcer of each ~~I~:el~.Jr::~ 6 t,~~~e Every Church, Sabbatb Schl>ollnd PriuM

lst HopklDt\ll1-To .hna Clarke Rookn1le-Ii.lbb ena)( Cottrell

000 000 t b th d s In the company orthe mIlItia, organ1zed nnder the Marlboro-J () Bowen Family may ban • ,OnS teo er ay, a woman aro e prOVISions of thIS aet, Bhall, at stated Inter A (} 00 D 0 B Q AN,

• .mar~l&Je i we Th~ coastmg trade of London 18 SHOEIliG HOBSES, gallery and Bald In a loud vOice," I vals, atJeast fonr tlmes In each year ord~r PZNNSTLV ANI,I. at a verI" moderate 008t .. ,. 'Iri~ Ule cl~ Intllll~ej of A~n. mOllt wonderf.1 Of ihe 30,000 yes- W Jone's a vetermary surgeoo of forbid tbat marriage" It proved to hIS company to assemble at their armory, or Dunda.lf-il B Kenyon t85 .100 tno t135 tl65 t260and upward • • I;..,a--Oll rare ID our JIIlo., Tbey I8la J'ost named, 18,000 bnng car' London, gIve' B the ~ollowlog 81mple be tne Wife of Iba gentleman who other convement place, for the pnrpose of be- Cr .&lna:v11e-wBenj Stelle according to number of atops and atyle 01 .~ • ..;.';'I-'_~"· ...... "an .. Utey are Ii b B t b t and .' b f b 109 drilled and IDstrllcted 10 tbe manual aebron-Oeo 8Ullm,,1I. oase aN DO ....... UWI_' .. ""...... goell rom ot er n 18 por s, roles for shoeIng holses Some of was am ItlOU8 0 anot er armS and 10 tbe !!Cbool of the company, and VIaGUlIA _ They are elegant a.plecee of ',m.ila" prI).ided for bl .".II,el)~w whIch 9000 of tbeee go blck empty, mostly th~ blOts appear to us to be vHry use The new tw}ocent piece looks hke every member of E11cb company who shaH Lost Creek-Wm Kennedy occupymg Idlle Ipace, arB nolilable 10 gel (lIIl make i& pouib1. Ibte.clHo go hl~ or ~ coal porte FIve mIllion ton8 of ful and apphed In the case of gold, a wreath of wheat, surround. neglect orrefnse to appear as JR thiS section New Mllton-'-J F Randolph of o,der 1 and every OM \8 tnafTantedror~N

.. wal Way', le8lDg '1ery little CUll are burned annualfy m the m"" no:ses whose hoofs we have examm Ing" 2 cents" and around wblch are prOVided shall be fined one dollar, to be en OUIO 1I8~h~ CABINET ORGANS. Introduced aboul A.- II .... of.ber. The BOD or d .... hter tropoilli, and about 12,000 cargoes ed would have been of tbe greatest the words" U ulted States of Amerl- for~~ ~~ P~'i:~~~::,~~~~n ~~~!r t~~ e~~ Jackson Cal1ter-Jaeob H Babcoelt a year since, aDd mabnfaolured elol_llv.17

,;~~~~.~i:. due time mall. It. appear· or coal are bronght lato the Thametl reilef Clio," form one SIde The shield of company shall order ont bill company on Albion-T H w~·:::·~OShllA Clarke ~!s~~:~c~le~:J'I:ih~~j~:;t()f~\~~:1 nu~~~e; 111 .ent oat. to annnally--one eyery hour, and a " 1st After bavmg taken off tbe LIberty, aod tbe words," God our some da, III the month of lIay, annually to BerUn-Datus E Lewis Instruments 8upplylni R long ,,~pt

to boardlDg hand.ome Borplus oyer The 'pread old shoe, shorten the toe, and remov- Trust," make np the converse SIde be appomted by the brtgadier general com D .. kola-OllCar Babcock tbey bave beon receIved "lIh the 1¥8.~ maturIty POf r I f L d ha bad ~ mandmg tbe brigade, at an honr not later Edgel'ton-J .. m .. C Ro,ere faTor the muslcalprofol8lon anel tbe ~u.-

• 0 ral ·"Y8 rom on on 8 all the 1008e parts of the boof Do A man 10 LeWIston, Me, got hIS than nine o'clock A M for lDspeclion and Mllton-Toaeph Goodrich very wldely lntroduG to repeat tbe verI httle effect \0 dlmtD18hIDg trade not cut the 80le or pare the frog, ex· hfe lDaured for "'2,000, and Immedl dnll and 'ball keep bls company nnder UtlCa-ZurleJ Campbell ~f~11r~ii~~i;:~~~*~~~i~:tf~h~em~~I' lUll rapid!, by other modes of conveyance Tbe I h ti I d it Ol'dei-s at least unltl fonr o'clock, PM, and West )lllto~-Tames PIerce t~~ecr::: I:

canal boatll e&rry more tban before cept w len t e uot las receIve an ately went mto a dec.lne Tbe cam longer Ifhe It DeC ... ary, and be Bh .. ll W .. lwortb-Howell W Randolph and IInlll.,

raIlways were Coustrocted, aud the IIlJury from a Dall or otherWISE', wben pany bls pohcy at a discount ~n~spe~c~t'~~f.~~f]~a~tM~tak~e~a~ne~xac~t~ac~co~ll~nfrtt~~~:~:~~::~r%""1 numbe~ of earri""'es and horses em It most be cut .out of four dollars, and be went of the of bls note • ,. h lad Let tbe shoe be of and IS '10" J.

plo.yed iD Great Britain, t e use thlckneBG

, or rat Iter tb eq ro 1 and report l~~~~l~~g~i~~~~~ ~~~I.~~:~~~!r;~~~ whIch rallw~ys were deslgDed to 80 heel C now cnJoymg e tbe same to ofticer to be by Welton-Charle. A Burdlok L_ b' 'b objectIOn Insur"oce him the geueral J[INN&SOTA pe- .. de, lagreater two!!. e,ore. ese d k f ~ • a,. ,," shonl be ept as ar I I I b d r Sec nles! the Governor shall other Fr •• born-~a'I"'d P Curti • . 1=~~i~~~;:: rad.ay. 'Iltrere rpade h a8 pOSSIble from the heels N They wkbo esa e cot 1D0g Ira ~ 0 WU!e prescnbe ihe time place and manner Trenton-Tdel C Weit

Bllt "'0 grandeur of t e ew or 18 Immense ver a uUD --ambling the troops for the purpose declar WaaioJ&-H/!nry B Lewt. ~ 3d For the hIDd feet there IS no d I ~ aro III trl4e of LondoD IItrlkeB the n dred firms are engage ID It, emp oy ed In thiS act, eacb oomma&der of a brigade ILU1UI I The more organ lite ell"raMfr of natIon atlil more forclbl:r. All objection to caulklDs, tough they 109 caplt.1 to the amount of teDS of Bhall, annually, hy a general order to be pro- Thomas E Babcock tone. Indeed, ttlsa .. ert,d II1tb oOlllld.nce comerll af the eartb Ileem to be are of doubtful benefit Horaes of mrlhonB, aud an army of opera· mulgated thrQnghout hi. brigade, de!jlgnate CT ~'::'(,:/! ~:t'!~tciu-:I~;e:li'\I':.~dlr:~I;.~olt~~

b travel better Without them The h d t some dOYID tbe month of September or Octo- THE AMERICAN SABBATH TRJ, IS attained In tbese_oi1l~ brougbt to a focos in t e nver nIDd shoell Ire made thIcker at the t1ves nlDety t OU8BI1 8 rong. ~, and some COllvenlent place for each regl 800 En' publlsb.8tbe fofiowlDlI: rr",,:t, 2 H baillre..\!y 1IJIII'W1'0"er and ~oJulllfOl

are ..!*.i'I~iIlgl1Jramell'; 111,000 sbips now enter toes tbao at the quarters, the nails Two neg'ro 80ldlers, wounded at ment, battalIon, or undetached company, to ~~I~~B'l.":d!OI~J!~~, :lljtB Depo.tltory, We tone1n proportlt!JI'*"ltll cost. atid It&t,. "Iillre thel'e vearly. bnnging nearly 12,000 can be put closer to tbe beel' Fort Plllow~ were burled by the re assempUble for theparp0ed!!eofbe1Og linstrnCle<i, No 3 B1tbeemplOyJllebtocavelry!!mPlp'ra,Dld

.hl t 01. II b b tb 0 k d b dlllQl Iled Bind Illiprov III m .. rtl. exercls" bellutlfullnvenllOn, 118 ClPac t)' ,or e. rown 0- carroes of.. t at t e ear can pro- WIthout caos\Ug lDconveDlence hels, but afterwards wor e t em· Sec. 20 It sball be the doty of ollm 10 made vaBt1l1reatertban bRa ner be tJ ~~~Ielll~ o~ Dlat- !lnee of y11u\l aod beaoty Ever, Jln Side 8'IIP" should be aVOIded, selve8 out of theIr gl""ves adler geueral to be present at each re~~~~HcI~;~~~:;'?!!.:~ fore been att .. lne In luob IDI!rumeotl 'l'btl

~ II d·" h" I Ib h' b brigade, Invention 18 e.peOlaJly valuabl" beCi." 1D 0 fortI miQuwa d'rlDg ... e yelr a 8 JP they destroy the hoof, the Bame IS The New Jer8ey schools made aand~ll\Vl~~ th;O~~,n andl~nstru(}t {t in v&nce 01 the , 6~ PP scarcelr. any prlU)tlc~h' n.oeeeut to '.Mdft the B"II' p-' Grav"Bend brmg,nll IItores h b I I bt b I f CUSbi n for the b t d No 3-Autborily the ChI<Die of the Day It av"l .. bl.. Any ordinary per OJ1llet 0(111 "--.- ." '1 the case w en t e nal II are too c ose elg arre .. 0 pill 0 8 'tarr evolntlons, and to enable 1m so 0 0, 8 bb b 2 ., ~ There "'re ~ ., lIe In m"ny of the a at , 8 pp m-".~ " In an bour or two I • .fom 8Qme COlOnIa C 1m ,- ,. together The feet sboold never he Metropohtan FaIr, but only five bar be shall, by general order, arrange tbe time No '-The 8a.b~ .. t.b aDd Lord's DRY, a HI.. "~ii .Ita rapldlly Obl.cullon, '~i:;~ or lueh CMe8 1II0ch more than LondoD'~ QWn ra8ped, a8 It destroys the enamel of rels 01 the prettle8t were accepted for aseembling of the dilferent regtments so tory of theu- Observance In the ChrIstian adapting It t6 the performane. oi' a "eol"

t1ult·ltbe,v wtll proportIon For IIIBtatl.Ce, &eYen tbe boofl, reDder8 them brIttle, aud A. contract to farDleh the nayy ""i:r21°E!~~/~~-comllussioned olIIcer N~~~'ibdh~~~nc .... eat, 4pp. Vlti{l~r!;:::!re:o:\~r:~Y8 to •• louIOC eight. 01' aU the cofl'ee brought to all caoses Bandcrack, Mid consequently wilb ten thonsand poonds of fre8b who .hall neglect or refn .. to make any reo No 6-Twollty Reasons tor keeplna: boly,ln order I Part. of the Uuded Klilgdom ; Beven I b f b b ddt 12 9 Ind tnrn reqlllTed ot him under th .. act, or wbo eaoh week, the Seventb day, alld nDt the 6 It "Ill rellllllllin tune tan U ••• al 0111

~~::'I nlOthB of all tbe lite IItock ; one half am5ehnes8E • f t I ee a8 een awdar e a, sball neglect to keep a cOlIlplete roll of tbe firM day, 'pp 'P~;~~~~:I as a Plano forte 18

'-1 of the tatia.c::co, wool, frOlt, t xpanelOn 18 a a a error 10 cents per poun company to whlcb be belongs If,t l8b\s dnty No 7-ThirIY 8jX:J~Ia.~ln~~~~~:~c~~~ Dllllllllallli "lOB I nllllJ1y one half whIch ball led to many abnses m .. B natural" IS called the key-note 80 to do, shall have ~IS warrant revoked, and !~e m;~lfl~~'! III

ham, barreled shoelDg-. 1I0cb as parmg oft' tbe IIOle to good breedmg shall be tined a Bum not exceeding ten dol. Go .... 1 and a

eggs and lard; and (tog, raspmg oW the hoof, etc Artl6C\al hmbs are now made of l&c 22 Every non-commlSSloned oMcer N~oi~lrg!~"bb"th Controv.rsy, th,Trne IPIOlll, aDd ne The elastICIty o( tbe f'lot, , which 18, val caDI zed Imha. rubber or prln.te wbo.l!hall neglect or refnoe to ap- IS8ue' pp

I •• tblD 6fteeIHJ,I;&eeiltb. of all the however, very hmlted, eXIS[8 only ID pear at any company or regimental tralnlng N~O~lti'Io~e/',o;:;;th Comman¥,ent, ,.1:,1:,. i~~~~~~~~~~i~~~ tea. LoDd(,ln C\lb"~~ jIJBt u moch tbe part of tbe boor ptlnclpa1\y roand as ~Ovided lD aeclions 18 and 10 of lhis act, NO 10-The 8"bbath Embraoed and Oo.en of all n,,'. a .. ~L:; ...... nt.. aft i' the cotn. On the> lower part of the LA. WS OF RHODE ISLAND. or perform ally other parade ed' eecotrt dor ed, 16 pp (In English, Frenoh and Ger. ~(Iqt'" ." ....... r"'" ,... _u. t:"} Oeld dnty when legally feqlllr eo 0 0, )

, tbe rea~ in\o the pt'OYlDcea t~ 1 18 n.. Passed 01 Ih~ Januar1 8os&Ioo>, J.. D ISM. shall be Oned not less tban two nor more than N :;n&rr Liberty lilDdanger.d b,. abroad. AN Aut III addition to an act entItled" An five dolllll'S , 16 pP

act to regulate the llll,tl,," -Sec. 23. For all fin ... nCUITed nnder tile term "&I>bath;" 8 PI' It II troly Is .... Ied by the a-raLAaOlllbI7" folio... provlS'ous Qf'the two aectWll1! Dext pJ1lCE!d'1 l:!abbalh, i4 PI'.

commooltle. Section 1 The GOYerDor Is hert.-by an\hor lng, the immanding oMoor of

moue- re­

d .. " or ,UMI·aJ'erllgtl. capacity ·.n,'.. hom

IZed to organIZe, nnder Buch regulatIOns as pant, sbal Ithin /ife days artelrre:~~q~::I:rr1 may prescribe, 80 many of the enrolled bas been I cnrred, notify tbe d

I mi1~ti.a, Independently or the IlharLered com tbe amounl of the line to Whi!Ceh~~~;~:i~~ as may YQlnntarily eoliAt 10 the ser hi_If liahle, and If mcb the State as a part of Ihe active faU'to exc\lSe hllDself t6 the

I millliia thereol not to exceed the number of the commandlDg oMcer 1I'11hinh '~¥[~~~~ three thonsand men snch nolle; IS given, then t e ;; Sec 2. Whenever!lixty enrolled persons, omcer Bhalll8Slle hIS warrant

the chartered companjeA, Into the hands of t:b~e:,~re~~~~;~1~;;r themaelves together for the or mlhtary duty, the GOJernor

to Iajne a general erderj anth tn organize UlcDi8elves

a nNlle aDd I

lI11all be Goternor

them into • reg! lli~IlBted for lOC~pnr·

that if I!I\I.d com

1l0nvebientlI IlitD:-ISG~:;~~ may orprrlze them IIld baiallonl not to aeetd escb Said regimentl and

be _gued to mcb brigade m&yorder.

regiment, bat~ or 00. _Olll. ill \II, TlrlOIlI armI qt til,

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