Page 1: About Opportunity Stages and Owners Know Who has the Ball 1

About OpportunityStages and OwnersKnow Who has the Ball


Page 2: About Opportunity Stages and Owners Know Who has the Ball 1

Overview of MDU Sales Stages


Order Stage Owner SLA (days) Main Owner Action(s)

1 Site Survey Dealer 90 Upload Site Survey

2 BOM Design Field Ops 3 Upload BOM & system design

3 Property Valuation Sales Ops 5 Classify property

4 Sales & Marketing Plan Required* Dealer 90 Upload Sales & Marketing Plan

5 Sales & Marketing Plan Review* Sales 3 Approve Sales & Marketing Plan

6 ROE & Property Registration Dealer 90 Negotiate ROE

7 ROE Review Legal Legal 9 Review ROE

8 Build Out Dealer 90 Build out property

9 Inspection Request Field Ops 5Determine if inspection is needed; 45 day SLA if inspection is needed

10 Inspection Complete Dealer 30 Launch property & create PID

11 Closed/Won

*This stage only applicable to DTH properties that have been classified as Red

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Site Survey

1. Dealer will verify the lead and gather more details about the property

2. Dealer schedules and performs a Site Survey3. Dealer changes the sales stage to:

BOM Design review

Required fields: Estimated Property Launch Date, Site Survey Completion DateSLA: 90 days


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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Site Survey

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BOM Design Review

1. Field Ops reviews Site Survey information2. If design is rejected, reasons will be provided

and Field Ops will move the sales stage back to Site Survey

3. If design is accepted, Field Ops will move the sales stage to Property Valuation

SLA: 3 days


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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BOM Design Review Update

• Due to feedback from our valued partners, we have determined to adjust the opportunity sales stage process. The BOM Design Review sales stage will be required after “Property Valuation.” The systemic change is slated for a Q3 2014 release.

• Until the change has been made systemically, BOM Design Review paperwork requirements will be required at the Inspection Request stage instead of BOM Design Review.


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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BOM Design

Rejected BOM Design

Approved BOM Design

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Property Valuation

1. Sales Ops reviews property and classifies as Green, Yellow or Red

2. Sales Ops moves the sales stage to the next stepa. DTH & Red = Sales & Marketing Plan Requiredb. Not DTH & Red = ROE & Property Registration

SLA: 5 days


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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Property Valuation

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Sales & Marketing Plan Required

1. Dealer completes provided Sales & Marketing Plan form

2. Dealer uploads Sales & Marketing Plan to SFDC

3. Dealer moves sales stage to: Sales & Marketing Plan Review

SLA: 14 days


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Edit Mode

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Attaching a File

Attach File

Uploading Documents

Required Field

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Sales & Marketing Plan Review

1. The MDU Sales Team will review Sales & Marketing Plan

2. If approved, stage is moved to ROE & Property Registration

3. If rejected, the stage is moved back to: Sales & Marketing Plan Requireda. Rejected sales plans will show a reject reason

4. Dealer may close the opportunity or resubmit a Sales & Marketing Plan

SLA: 5 days


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Approved Sales & Marketing Plan Rejected Sales & Marketing Plan

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ROE & Property Registration

1. Dealer negotiates ROE with property. 2. At this stage, dealer may submit a draft

ROE to Legal for pre-approval3. Once final ROE has been executed,

dealer uploads ROE to SFDC and changes Sales Stage to ROE Review Legal

SLA: 90 daysFields Required: ROE expected close date, Counter-sign date, ROE term (years)


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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ROE & Property Registration

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ROE Review Legal

1. Legal team reviews ROE for required content

2. Accepted, executed ROEs are noted and the sales stage is moved to Build Out

3. Rejected or draft ROEs are noted and the sales stage is moved to ROE & Property Registration

4. Legal team will upload review sheet for both approved and rejected ROEs

SLA: 9 days


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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ROE Review Legal

Pre-Approved ROERejected ROE

Approved ROE

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Build Out

1. Once ROE is approved, dealer may begin system build out.

2. Dealer collects required paperwork, including Rep & Warranty and BOM documents.

3. Dealer uploads Rep & Warranty form, BOM. Dealer must check the “Rep & Warranty doc” box.

4. Dealer moves sales stage to Inspection Request.

SLA: 90 days


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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Build Out Required Documents

Site Survey (optional) Materials

Technical SpecificationsRep & Warranty

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Build Out

Rep & Warranty Uploaded

Attach Rep & Warranty Document & BOM Design

Rep & Warranty not Uploaded

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Inspection Request

1. Field Ops reviews Rep & Warranty and BOM.

2. If inspection is required, SLA changes to 45 days

3. Once the Inspection has been approved or waived, Field Ops will move the sales stage to Inspection Complete

SLA: 5 days to determine if inspection is required


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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Inspection Request

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Inspection Complete

1. Once the inspection is complete, dealer has green light to create the property and request a PID

2. Dealer completes additional paperwork required for property launch (including bulk BMU creation, etc.).

3. Once property has been created, dealer moves sales stage to Closed/Won.

SLA: 30 daysRequired fields: PID Number


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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Inspection Complete

Edit Mode

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1. Property is fully launched2. Opportunity is closed


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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1. Used for Opportunities that are rejected2. Reasons may include

1. BOM does not make sense2. Can’t close the deal

3. Opportunity will automatically change to Closed/Lost if the sales stage has not been moved to ROE Review Legal within the 365 day SLA


Site Survey

BOM Design

Property Valuation

Sales & Marketing Plan Required

Sales & Marketing Plan Review

ROE & Property Registration

ROE Review Legal

Build Out

Inspection Request

Inspection Complete


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