Page 1: ABOUT US - Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking



BLUE PLANET BEVERAGES PRIVATE LIMITED is a South Delhi based company working towards excellence in the Manufacture of Beverages space, and believes in pursuing business through innovation and technology. Our team comes with several years of industry experience, and comprise of a highly motivated set of specialists & industry experts. Our goal is to be a leader in the industry by providing enhanced products, services, relationship and profitability. The company is led by Tejinder Khurana who has spent 13 years with Pepsi, Coca-Cola at senior leadership positions, and got exposure in various national and international markets. The products have been designed/formulated with the help of German expertise. Our vision is to provide quality products & services that exceed the expectations of our esteemed customers. We firmly believe that our customers are the reason for our existence, and greatly respect the trust that they place in us. We believe in growing through creativity and innovation. We integrate honesty, integrity and business ethics into all aspects of our business functioning. Our mission is to build long term relationships with our customers. We strive towards delighting our customers at every opportunity through exceptional customer service.

Page 2: ABOUT US - Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking


Our Products :

Mojito Masala This is truly an innovation. A remarkable medley, a unique polemic pastiche of lemon, mint & 4 Indian masalas!!! Indubitably a zingy, punchiness & a pizzazz presentation. Zestee Mojito Masala, truthfully & accurately an Indian twist! The aroma, the color and the flavor you would swoon over it! Ingredients: Clear Lemon Juice Concentrate, Mint & Indian Masalas. Also has sugar, water. For more details, check the back of the bottle label. It will be exciting to know details.

Mango Zestee Mango signifies self-indulgence and decadence. It is a medley of Alphonso and totapuri mangoes. It is being ecstatically enjoyed by the consumers. Don’t you want to part take in the euphoria? Ingredients: Contains Alphonso and Totapuri pulp. Also has sugar, water. For more details, check the back of the bottle label. It will be exciting to know details.

Litchi Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking & mouth watering fruit drink which we christened as Zester Litchi. Ingredients: Litchi pulp. Also has sugar, water. The flavors come from Germany. For more details, check the back of the bottle label. It will be exciting to know details.

Apple Just uncap the Zestee Apple drink & savor the pleasant moments of life as we have not packed Apple but we have packed bliss into your life! Zestee Apple will make you indulge, follow your will and passion to achieve..! Ingredients: Apple Juice Concentrate. Also has sugar, water. For more details, check the back of the bottle label. It will be exciting to know details.

Page 3: ABOUT US - Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking


Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Values


To refresh & rejuvenate the people, inspiring them through our brands and actions thereby creating value and making a difference.

To provide healthy beverage solutions through premium & quality products, delighting and meeting everyday needs, in an increased consumer awareness space.

Speed: In all areas of business. Trust: Be real & Accountable. Collaboration & Influencing: The

power of team and courageous


Passion: Committed in heart and


Quality: Demonstrate in each sphere.

Page 4: ABOUT US - Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking


Our Inspiration

When you wanted to get ahead

But what happens when a drink is a celebration of people’s power. Power to shape the world. Passion to get ahead in life! It stands out tall .Monumental, huh?! A drink that reflects on contemporary society and the world around us. We work in a globally influenced, culturally diverse, and technologically advancing world. With dyed-in-the-wool approach, embarking on a journey of making a drink we are proud of…we reached the apogee of all labor. Like divine matter in Hebrew poetics, our inspiration was on the backdrop of celebrating people’s power& passion (to get ahead), riding high on systems and processes. Thus, in a flagon was embalmed a diverse and eclectic contemporary beverage as a whole, distinguished by the very lack of a uniform, organizing principle, ideology, or ‘ism.

Debate Competition

Seriously, your first inter-school debate could not get any more stressful or insane. That white crumpled paper in your hand, sweat in the palms, the backstage intense preparation with your school teacher, the doubts that arise as you might forget your lines in the middle of the debate….despite the anxiety, the will takes over to get ahead & stirs you up! You tell yourself that you couldn’t afford to bury the head in the sand like a fleet of ostriches. Getting spun up to the point of a nervous breakdown is not a viable alternative, either. So, you use all the cosmic coping tips for channeling that inner fire constructively as you count down. Your name finally is announced and you walk confidently to the podium. Nonetheless, as the

zodiac's warrior, you overcome all edginess and move on, as if you are heading to a boxing class with a printout of the maths teacher’s face, who kneeled you down often. Affix it to the bag and jab-jab-uppercut! You flex your verbal might and spout off one-liners that wind up with hashtags next to them. Confident & compelling logical view points, articulated well… You seal the victory!

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky

Drinks galore… launches happen at the snap of a finger. One can make any drink and trust us, it is very easy. There are many models virtuous or otherwise…

Page 5: ABOUT US - Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking


Board Exams

First Job Interview

The Big Presentation

You go through the grind and the process – the exams finally Overcome June, the rumors’ dispersion makes you a nervous wreck – a fender-bender! You immediately check the website, but nothing appears. You divert yourself and play a game or two on the mobile. Then a friend of yours calls and when you pick up the phone, a chill goes down the spine: "Bhai, results lag gaye" (Results are out). You call everyone in the house, open the browser, an uneasy calm in the room is deafening as you put your roll number and date of birth with trembling fingers on the results website and press enter. There is an inherent desire to get ahead… and make a difference! Will I or will I not be…? Boom the page loads up and your name pops up with 99% PCM score!!!

Random tips given by your well wishes for the interview.

Take a few deep breaths before the interview. Shoulders back, it will make you more confident. If you need to think about your answer tell the interviewer that so that they don't wonder why there is a silence. Your aim is to convey a confident image of yourself despite the underlying nerves. Look at areas to improve such as content of your answers, being concise and looking smart. Most companies hire a diverse range of candidates, but it may be worth doing some serious research on their website to get a feel for their business, culture and the types of people who would fit in well there. Preparation and rehearsal is the best way to manage potential nerves.

A constant alarm in the mind…. feeling anxious, trepidation, fear and a sort of blighted & impaired thoughts that arise. Will I be able to score high or measure up in such a vital phase of life? The comparisons drawn… will I really be able to get ahead?! You put all your strategy into execution, take all the advice from parents in terms of do’s and don’ts’s, work hard with determination.

"The dichotomy tears your core – the key interview tip which can go either ways!" Avoid weaknesses that are actually positives disguised as a weakness OR agree with the panel's comments about discussing weaknesses at interview: By showing awareness of your weaknesses and giving details of steps you take to get round them, you'll also be showing off other appealing qualities such as the ability to take the initiative or the fact that you've experienced positive personal growth as a result of your actions. In other words, displaying an insight into your own nature can actually be a factor that might distinguish you from other applicants. Firstly all the practices and tips. Just because there is an inherent, all-consuming and fiery yearning to advance…into the future& make a mark!!!

Page 6: ABOUT US - Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking


First Promotion

Public speaking is a bigger fear than death. That means, if you are going to a funeral you are better off in the casket than doing the eulogy. Becoming a competent, rather than just confident, speaker requires a lot of practice. Advise like 10-20-30 Rule – This rule states that a PowerPoint slide should have no more than 10 slides, last no longer than 20 minutes and have no text less than 30 point font…it doesn’t matter whether your idea will revolutionize the world, you need to spell out the important nuggets in a few minutes, a couple slides and a several words a slide.

After all the hard work put and the results delivered, you are expecting a promotion. The over-arching expectation for promotion is demonstration of impact. The mid-year appraisal went off well. You sustained the results in the second half. The full year appraisal time came. You articulated the hits and misses and the achievements, including the ‘above and beyond’ work. Hence, this elevation is very important as you fully deserve it. Your full year appraisal goes very well with your manager. Lo and behold! You are promoted!

Slow down, make eye contact, summarize your idea in 15 words, don’t read, breathe in, come early etc. Just before the presentation, you are nervous rearranging the slide flow to see if the flow and the story is compelling enough… will the budgets/ask be cleared… will the challenges be understood and appreciated….constructing that one last minute elusive slide as advised by your colleague or missed an information which was expected to be there, while thinking whether you will be able to carry off the presentation on your own. But hey, when the time comes and the seniors start to trickle in and the conference room fills in, an unassuming, unpretentious behavior transforms into a feeling of grit and fortitude… ready to face and conquer the world. It turns out to be the best presentation!

Page 7: ABOUT US - Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking



Yonks’ Ago

Many moons back, the pesticide hullabaloo, shook the core of the liquid refreshment commerce. The bloke waged at two iconic MNC giants [beverage!], at different times, further up the leadership ladder…also a keen follower of consumer insights, trends–eventually grew into a reasonable prognosticator. The one gap analysis &surfaced up in the days of yore, like the crest of a wave –back then moms wanted a good healthy drink for their scions, which eluded them. The bloke kept the fissure at the back of the mind which kind of foretell the future! The future has become NOW. The power and creative potential that lie concealed in the NOW is obscured by the psychological time. During a hiking expedition by this passionate bloke, in a remote, inaccessible place, with pals around, at a godly hour, the yearning to unravel, unlock, unwrap and unseal this obscure – manifested! Thus, Zestee took wings! It is an epicurean note to all the connoisseur mommies, aficionado dads & the non-partisan, independent & impartial youth who can slurp & glug concoctions and chug-a-lug fantasies like Zestee Mojito Masala, Litchi, Apple & Mango….more to follow suit in hush-hush recipes! All of this & more, because we were inspired to salute your passion…to get ahead! "It’s about reaching for the stars" What is life? If you don’t make it large, it’s not worth it. The moon hangs shining in the sky along with the stars. It’s tempting to reach there.. Hence, we sent explorers and robotic emissaries, to all the planets of the solar system. Reaching the stars is not that much harder now, huh? But hey, this is a tête-à-tête about living your potential on grounded earth. And people who demonstrate Jazba- Sabse Aage Jaane Ka, really & surely get ahead! Imagine when you did not share the physics notes with friends…you stretched, burnt the midnight oil so much so that your aggregate PCM was 99%. You reached the stars! Weren’t you confused as to what stream to take after XIIth? You got through in AIIMS and IIT both. The commotion in mind was good enough to outshine in both worlds. You excelled! At a ripe age, you launched the new business being on the wrong side of 20s….you made it formidable and sustainable without much experience. You outstripped competition! The smartphone which you change every 6 months…has sustained business models of the mobile companies. You have complete grip on each feature still! Even after alighting from the aircraft, you rush at the immigration counter to be the first. You outdo fellow passengers, don’t you?! LoL Look around you…there is so much excellence at every step of life. The inherent desire to get ahead. Go on…keep rising higher and higher!

Page 8: ABOUT US - Only for our consumers, we set up a compendium – packaged this divine fruit into a bottle and made into a sweet, scrumptious, luscious, lip-smacking


Contact us at :

Corporate Address: Blue Planet Beverages Private Limited B-33A, First Floor, Adjacent Crowne Plaza Hotel, Okhla, Phase 2, New Delhi – 110020 Tel : +91-11-49040507

Why Zestee

When you were studying in school, you were told to develop those qualities which will help you win. Discipline, punctuality, concern for others, sense of belonging, kind etc. Your mom’s focus on your studies was like ‘Machli ki aankh’ for Arjun. She would push and prod…goad you & often say - no last minute studies, finish syllabus on time. And of course…respect the teachers. We were told that all these would help us reach for the stars. Same ‘gyan’was showered, when in college but now there were mellowed matured discussions as we were youth with a mind of own. The debate was same - how to excel. In various corporates/fields, life depended on appraisals which also would define the improvement areas, bring passion to work… to help reach the potential, to get ahead! Zestee signifies the same winning qualities to get ahead. That Jazba…yes jazba, sabse aage jaane ka! Zestee stands for high quality, has a rich refreshing & delectable taste – which will leave you hankering for more! So won’t you waver &think twice before picking up something else?

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